Chapter 478 The Only Way

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
"You should eat more."

As soon as Jack finished his words, they heard the sharp squeal of braking tires across the yard. Rachel turned her head to see Tracy and Jonathan rushing in.

Jonathan's face was pale and drawn. "Something like this has happened, yet you did not tell us?"

Tears streamed down Tracy's cheeks as she choked out the words. "Jack, what's going on?"

Rachel and Jack looked at each other. They meant to hide the truth from Jack's parents so that they would not worry. However, the matter had become this serious that it was out of their hands.

Rachel laid down her chopsticks and slowly stood up with her hands supporting her waist. "Mom, Dad, please don't worry. Let's sit down and discuss it calmly, okay?"

"How can we be calm? Now, all of the shareholders are asking to have Jack dismissed and withdrawn from the board of directors. This is..." Tracy couldn't continue and was overcome with sobs.

With her eyes wide open, Rachel looked at Jack in disbelief. "Why in the world did you not say a word about such a thing?"

However, Jack was not looking at her when he replied, "I didn't tell you because it would only make you worry."

He turned to greet Jonathan and pulled Tracy to sit down on the sofa. He said in a low voice, "Dad, Mom, I will solve this matter. Don't worry."

"Solve it? How are you going to solve it?" Jonat

enny seemed to be clamming up.

Now, the only way to prove his innocence was to find Kailey.

Michael asked in an agitated voice, "Wait? How long should we wait?"

Jack, how did you know that Benny didn't want to tell the truth?"

Jack chuckled, "He knows the repercussions for everyone, especially for himself, once he tells the does. On the other hand, by not speaking, I'm still implicated in the crime, while he remains free."

He raised his head and looked at the stunned Michael. "If you were him, which would you choose?

"Of course, I would choose the latter," Michael all but blurted out without thinking. Scratching the back of his head, he flashed them an awkward smile and tried to change the subject. "By the way, what are you waiting for?"

Jack frowned and kept silent, but Henry suddenly understood what he meant. He placed a hand on Michael's shoulder and said, "Don't talk too much so that no one you're an idiot."

Marcus also interjected, "I'm also starting to doubt your intelligence. With how dumb you are, hasn't anyone in your company ever tried to take over your position?"

"My guess is he's totally unaware of the attempts," Marcus said. The two men were echoing each other, so Michael couldn't win against them.

Rachel thought it would take them a while to return, but Jack came back soon after. "Where are Dad and Mom?"