Chapter 479 True Love Blooms In The Midst Of Crisis

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
"I told Dad and Mom to go back home. I don't need a bunch of babysitters. I'm not some three-year old, you know?" Rachel said and took over Jack's coat. "How is everything going on with the police?"


Since the company scandal, this word had become Jack's pet phrase.

There was a time when Rachel would genuinely believe him. Now, she was not so sure—in fact, it almost always meant the opposite.

"Jack, tell me the truth," she insisted.

Rachel stared at Jack with such seriousness that he had no choice but to tell her what really transpired at the police station. He gently added, "Rachel, I just don't want you to worry about me. That's all, really."

"But, you and I are a couple. We should be together through thick and thin, shouldn't we?" Rachel said with a pout. "Don't make me look like a fool. How can I call myself your wife if I know nothing about this matter? I don't want our marriage to be over just because of some silly disaster."

Her calm tone added meaningfulness to her words.

Jack couldn't help but hug Rachel tightly. He was overwhelmed with emotions that tears streamed down his face. He felt loved. "I feel so lucky to have you by my side, Rachel," he whispered.

They hugged for some time. Rachel silently hoped that things turned out well. The gravity of her husband's predicament dawned on her and it dampened her mood.

It also didn't help that the baby in her belly had been growing rapidly these past few days. Her body had grown mor

as she finished speaking, Michael's voice came from behind her. "We're here as well."

Three well-dressed men marched neatly in a row. Marcus, the one in the middle, reached for the microphone and stated in a deep voice, "We have been friends with Jack for so many years. We know him best. From now on, we reserve the right to pursue legal action against anyone who spreads malicious rumor about our friend."

"You bet we will!" said Michael.

Jack, who had always been introverted, inadvertently burst into tears when he saw how fiercely his friends faced the reporters' questions.

He realized that it was worth it to have his friends and beloved around him in times of difficulty.

He tightly held Rachel's hand while he tapped the arms of his friends. He said sincerely, "Guys, thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me. You just have to return the favor in the future."

Everyone burst into laughter. It seemed to Jack that the intensity in the room turned down a notch or two because of Michael's joke.

No matter how difficult and sharp-tongued the questions that came after were, the atmosphere became less tense and chaotic. Jack could only thank the love and support of his wife and friends for his new-found confidence, if nothing else.

Having sparred with the reporters for about half an hour, Michael rubbed his tummy and glanced at Jack. "I rushed to come over that I forgot to take my lunch. Now, I'm starving to death. Will you treat me to some good food, later?"