"King Xie Xian." Shao Pang stood up immediately.

That speed, as he said, was a fat, flexible man.

The maids also got up one after another, just a little less casual and more restrained.

After all, in front of them is a real prince.

The first time we met, we didn't dare to be too frivolous. If we offended the prince, we would be worthless if we were killed.

After a simple salute, there was silence all around.

In the atmosphere, there seems to be a little more embarrassment.

Fortunately, moqinggeben did not want to contact with the Royal people. Even if he was just an unpopular prince. Even if he impressed her, so did he.

With a smile, mu Qingge opened his mouth again: "in this way, we will not disturb the king." After that, it means goodbye.

Moqingge to go, the happiest is Shao Pang, and the group of girls.

The atmosphere around the octagonal pavilion is really weird. It makes people dare not come out of the atmosphere.

"You Are you going? " But do not want, that quiet beautiful man, but suddenly said so.

The excited Shao fat man has not yet climbed up the corner of his mouth with a stiff smile, and he howls in his heart: don't! In good times, he didn't want to spend his time with a prince who was like a wooden man.

Mu Qingge, who was about to turn around, leaned slightly, turned his eyes to the octagonal pavilion and nodded: "Qingge came uninvited. Naturally, it's not good to continue to disturb the king. Besides... "

With her eyes shining, she fell on a group of beauties behind her and said with an understanding smile, "if you continue to stay, I'm afraid the beautiful people will not be used to it. After all, their royal highness is distinguished, and they are afraid of unintentional offense. "

Her great truth has attracted the appreciation of the beautiful people.

That one such as silk in the eyes with gratitude, as if all want to make a promise.

"The young Lord is indeed a man of pity." Qin Jinchen droops her eyes, but the meaning is hard to distinguish.

"Thank you, your highness. All beauties are delicate flowers and soft water. We men should have taken good care of them. " Mu light song pick lip road. But I don't know how many hearts she's attracted by her words.

"In that case, leave." Qin Jinchen plucked the string at will, and the sound was humming, as if to see off the guests.

Mu light song eyes fall on the shaking string, a smile, turn around with the public to leave.

A group of people, like the wind, disappeared in front of Qin Jinchen.

Watching the figure fade away in the peach blossom forest, Qin Jinchen pressed the fingertip of the string as pale as paper. It was a long time before he let go. The string left several deep marks on his fingertips.

Calm face, suddenly become lost. He Ning Mu light song appeared, and left the land, whispered: "you still don't remember me after all."


In the peach blossom forest, a few circles.

After feeling far away from the octagonal pavilion, Shao Pang approached mu Qingge and said cautiously, "boss, how do I feel that the king is so angry?"

Finish saying, still very figuratively rubbed oneself fat arm.

What a hell?! What the hell is that.

Mu light song heart stomach Fei a sentence.

On the surface, but white one eye way: "how do I know. If you are curious, go back and ask him

"No!" Shao Pang shudders and refuses to think about it.

Mu light song pick lips to smile, also no longer tease him.

"Sir Shao, where shall we go One Maggie came up and asked softly.

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