Shao pangzi naturally looks at Xiangmu Qingge and seems to be waiting for her to make a decision.

Mu Qingge overlooks the peach blossom forest and says casually: "just find a slightly open place, spread a piece of clean cloth, and sit down on the ground."

This is the right way to open an outing!

Unfortunately, if you're ready, you can get some barbecue or something.

Mu Qingge has some regrets in her heart. In her previous life, she seldom had such leisure and elegance. She only had two barbecue experiences. After the completion of the two major tasks, she enlarged her vacation and went with her comrades in arms.

That kind of wanton and unrestrained feeling, let people miss very much.

But, in this world, if she didn't need to cover up her dandy identity, I'm afraid that she would only spend all her time on her own strength, instead of spending time on sightseeing.

With the direction of muqingge, a group of people will not rush in the forest.

Find the right place purposefully.

After a while, the sharp eyed Shao Pang found a good place.

Peach blossom forest around the next, more than a round space. It's about ten feet round. Green grass, scattered stone scattered, the most rare is that in the side of the grassland, there are gurgling streams flowing through.

The sound of water crossing the pebbles makes a cheerful and crisp sound, echoing with the singing and laughing of the beauties, just like a fairyland on earth, a beautiful fox in a green hill.

The cloth and silk will be brought flat on the grass, and food boxes and wine utensils will be placed on the above, have opened.

In the twinkling of an eye, food, wine, beautiful beauty, set off by the peach blossom forest, just like the picture of mountain elves playing in the forest.

Mu Qingge reclined on the cloth, unrestrained and wanton, holding the wine cup in his hand, with a slight drunkenness, looking at the beauty frolicking in the stream.

Such as lotus root jade arm, water jade foot, beautiful eyes look forward to

The cool and clear stream water is splashed by beauties, and the crystal clear water in the air is shining golden in the sun. The stream has wet the hair of the beauties, and the hair sticks to the cheek and neck.

Light and thin clothes and skirts have become a bit messy because of fighting. The places that have been soaked by water are closely attached to the delicate skin.

This beautiful picture makes Shao Pang's mouth water.

Mu light song's mockery glanced at him and said with a laugh: "it's really not drunk that everyone is drunk." After that, her arm was lifted smartly, and the amber liquid in the cup tilted down, drawing an arc in the air, and accurately fell into her slightly opened mouth.

This elegant style makes Shao Pang's eyes full of endless admiration and admiration.

After swallowing the wine in his mouth, mu Qingge picked another grape, so he didn't want to peel the skin, so he threw it into the mouth. Chewing, she said to Shao Pang: "if you want to go and have fun with them, go. You don't have to be here with me. "

Shao chubby chuckled and said, "it's my pleasure to be with the boss. However, if you and I do not take good care of the beauty, it is against the way of a gentleman, too guilty. So, since you don't want to be with beauty, you have to be replaced by younger brother. "

As soon as the words fell, an empty wine glass hit Shao Pang's tummy and let him "ouch.".

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "you are lecherous. You should take less cover from Sir Ben. Go away

Shao chubby rubbed his stomach and said with a laugh, "I'm going to go with the beauty. If the boss moves any heart, don't hold back, come here quickly

With that, he got up nimbly and rushed to the stream surrounded by the beauty with cheers.


There was a loud noise, which made the beautiful people exclaim innumerable. And there's a huge splash. , the fastest update of the webnovel!