Qin Yiyao did not know why she looked at her and thought that she was worried about the relationship between him and the prince, so he shook his head and refused: "no, I'll be with you today. What's more, it's better to have a woman nearby. "

"Idiot!" Mu light song heart secretly scolded a sentence.

At this time, she can not over stimulate Qin Jinxiu. If not, this guy will be crazy today.

Qin Yiyao doesn't want to leave. Mu Qingge can only force Qin Jinxiu to deal with the censer as soon as possible.

Eyes light a turn, Mu light song says to himself: "eh? I wish I could hear the footsteps. Is it not the queen who brought people here? "

Qin Jinxiu heart a tight, Mu light song words although harsh, but already let him calm down.

In front of him, his father and Emperor are looking at him, and the king of Rui is looking at him. He must not let people take control of him. After enduring the anger in her heart, Qin Jinxiu finally let Bai Xiyue stand up.

"Take good care of this prince, otherwise Hum. " Proud to leave this sentence, Qin Jinxiu left the side hall, afraid to be caught a step later.

Qin Jinxiu a walk, Qin Yiyao ran to Bai Xiyue side, pull down a piece of brocade cloth, wrapped her body.

Mu Qingge went directly to the censer, and with a cold hum, he knocked it down on the ground and trampled out the burning spices.

After finishing all this, mu Qingge said to Qin Yiyao: "try to help her deal with it." Having said that, he left the side hall and stood on the outside steps to wait.

Before long, the queen led a large group of people to come.

Seeing mu Qingge standing outside the side hall from a distance, he asked, "Baron mu, how are you standing here? I heard that Miss Bai was lost, and I was sent to look for it everywhere. "

Mu Qingge sneers in her heart. I'm afraid that this woman is hearing the news that her son and Bai Xiyue are missing together, so she runs to it in a hurry.

And those who follow, afraid is also refuse, just let them reluctantly follow.

"Tell the empress that Xiyue has been found. It turned out that she fell down accidentally. At the moment, Princess Changle is taking her to use the side hall in the palace to deal with the injury and the dirt on her clothes Mu light song calm way, can not hear the slightest falsehood.

Her reply made the Queen's tense heart loose. With a faint smile, he nodded and said, "it's good to find it. Since there is Changle to accompany, then the palace will not go in. If you need anything, just tell the maid. "

"Thank you, empress." Mu light song droops the eye way.

After that, the empress took a look at the closed side hall behind mu Qingge, and then she left with people.

Until the queen and others disappeared in sight, the door behind mu Qingge slowly opened.

Qin Yiyao came out and said to Mu Qingge, "the white girl seems to have hurt her ribs and can't move at will. I'll send for the carriage, and we'll leave. "

Mu Qingge nodded her jaw and agreed to her arrangement.

Seeing that mu Qingge agreed, Qin Yiyao went down to arrange everything. The iceberg princess, it seems, is gradually showing a virtuous side.

After a while, Princess Changle's carriage slowly drove into the side hall.

Qin Yiyao said to Mu Qingge in some embarrassment: "after all, Miss Bai is to be married. I'm afraid it's inconvenient for my bodyguard to touch her. The maids are afraid of the injury and the rib displacement

Mu Qingge looked at her and asked, "what do you want?"

Qin Yiyao bit her lip and drooped her eyes and said, "you grew up with her since childhood. Why don't you carry her to the carriage?"

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "you are kind-hearted."

Qin Yiyao was white and silent. From the heart, she does not want moqingge and Bai Xiyue have intimate contact. However, Bai Xiyue's appearance makes her have compassion.

Her silence, let Mu light song heart sigh. He reached out and patted her cheek twice: "it's good to have a kind heart, but we should also divide objects. Have you heard the story of the farmer and the snake

Qin Yiyao shook his head in a trance.

Mu Qingge curled his lips and said, "I'll tell you another day." After that, he entered the side hall.

However, in fact, Qin Yiyao did not pay attention to what mu Qingge said, but was shaken by his sudden intimacy.

When she recovered, mu Qingge had come out with Bai Xiyue and got on the carriage directly.

Watching the two men get into the carriage, Qin Yiyao's heart rises a sour.

Just when she was disappointed, the enchanting red color of muqingge came out of the carriage and called to her, "don't come up yet, what are you waiting for?"

Qin Yiyao's frozen heart, in the Mu light song under the gaze of a trace of sweet.

For the first time, with a smile like spring breeze on her face, she got into the carriage.

The carriage drove slowly out of the royal hunting ground.

I'm afraid that Bai Xiyue, who asked to come, could never have imagined that he would return to Mu Fu in such a miserable way.

The dignitaries didn't know each other, but they were almost given by the princeAt the thought of the danger in the side hall just now, Bai Xiyue's tears fell again.

I hurt my ribs and I have to lie on my back. Otherwise, not small heart to, may cause the viscera to be injured seriously.

Therefore, more than half of the space in the carriage was given to the lying Bai Xiyue.

Fortunately, she has the strength of the middle level of the Yellow realm, such an injury can still hold, as long as careful care, there will be no big obstacle. It reassured her a little.

I thought I was finished this time, but I didn't want to. Finally, mu Qingge saved myself.

This punk, it seems, is not so useless.

Bai Xiyue lies on the carriage, remembering the scene of Mu Qingge talking in front of such a terrible Prince and saving herself in a few words. Somehow, she is a little excited.

In the body, because of the injury and ignored abnormal restlessness, at this moment, as if began to attack again.

Gradually, Bai Xiyue's pale cheek became pink and hot.

Just because she was lying on her back, the two people sitting on the other side didn't notice.

"Light song..." Bai Xiyue occupies half the space of the carriage, and Qin Yiyao can only squeeze with mu Qingge on the other side.

Hear some trembling voice from behind, Mu light song Turn eyes to turn head.

On the other hand, Qin Yiyao's eyes are as beautiful as water.

"What's the matter with you?" Mu Qingge frowned.

"I Somehow, I feel so hot and soft. " Qin Yiyao's way is as fine as a mosquito's singing. And the cold as frost in the voice with a trace of flattery.

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