"Light song, I'm so hot." Qin Yiyao's voice is not as cold as before, but with a trace of charming.

Said, her body powerless to Mu light song leaning over, seems to be able to draw from her body the breath, can soothe her heart strange dry heat.

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly opened and caught Qin Yiyao's body. Before he could speak, he heard a voice from the other side and turned his head to look.

Lying on her back, Bai Xiyue, now regardless of her injury, curls up into a ball, and her cheek constantly rubs the brocade under her body. Half squint eyes, like drunk, are full of blurred color.

"Light song..." Qin Yiyao at this moment, where is the usual high and cold look, it is like a water snake, want to cling to Mu Qingge.

Those small hands with cool, even want to stretch into the skirt of moqingge. Scared mu Qingge quickly grabbed it and pulled her hand back.

If Mu Qingge has not been reflected before, what happened to the two girls.

By this time, then, she had fully understood!

Answer, let her whole person all bad: Qin Jinxiu, you little bitches smash! The medicine is really down to your sister!

"Good song, I feel bad." Qin Yiyao, who was all over her, spoke slowly in a seductive voice.

Mu Qingge's shoulders were tense and his face became very ugly.

Frown thinks for a while, she takes out a small porcelain vase from the space. It contains Qingxin powder which she refined before. Although it is not the antidote, it can at least control it a little.

Without much thought, mu Qingge poured half a bottle of powder into Qin Yiyao's mouth, while Bai Xiyue took the rest.

Maybe the effect of Qingxin powder can resist some drugs. At the moment, the two people who took Qingxin powder are no longer the same as before. Their breath becomes much calmer, but they are still very hot.

Qin Yiyao's whole body is paralyzed, leaning against mu Qingge, the whole person seems to fall into a kind of semi coma.

Bai Xiyue, lying on one side, was no better. She inhaled much more fragrance than Qin Yiyao. She was also injured and her resistance was weaker.

Looking at Bai Xiyue's white clothes dyed red by blood, mu Qingge frowns.

She originally wanted to find a doctor to treat Bai Xiyue after returning to the mansion. However, she moved under the control of the medicine just now, which seemed to aggravate the injury. I'm afraid that it will be delayed


In the heart of a scold, Mu light song pick car curtain, look at the shops on both sides of the street, clear eyes quickly looking for.

Soon, her eyes brightened. A sign of the hospital came into her eyes.

"Stop." She ordered quickly.

Perhaps because of Qin Yiyao's command, the guards and carriages of the princess's mansion stopped according to their words.

Outside the carriage, Qin Yiyao's maid immediately lifted the curtain and asked, "what's the matter, sir?"

Mu Qingge put Qin Yiyao carefully, and then said to the maid in the palace: "Miss Bai's injury should not be delayed any more. I'll take her to the hospital first. You can send someone to Mu's house and ask them to send a carriage."

"Yes." Without any objection, the maids went down to make arrangements.

Mu Qingge turns around, holds up Bai Xiyue lying in the car, gets out of the carriage, and orders no one to get close to the carriage before entering the hospital.

In the process of treating Bai Xiyue, the people sent to Mu Fu also came with the carriage and bodyguard of Mu Fu.

While waiting, mu Qingge asks the old doctor in the hospital to prescribe some tranquilizing Decoction to Bai Xiyue, which is used to inhibit the spring poison in her body.

Fortunately, what Qin Jinxiu used was not some kind of domineering spring poison, but a kind of medicinal powder used to boost people's happiness. The strength is not very strong, as long as the people who took the medicine, as long as they carried the most painful one, they would gradually subside, and there was no need to find a strong man as the antidote.

Although Bai Xiyue was poisoned more deeply, but because of the pain of injury and the medicine of clearing the heart and calming the mind, the spring poison was no more serious. When the horse drawn carriage and bodyguards came to the hospital, she had been cured and fell into a coma.

However, the poison in Qin Yiyao's body has not yet completely subsided, and the carriage sometimes gives out a whining sound as fine as a mosquito.

"My Lord." The bodyguards of Mu house saluted mu Qingge one after another.

Mu Qingge lightly nods the jaw head, in the crowd that Mu Fu comes to see Bai Xiyue servant girl green branch figure.

"Green branch."

Hearing the sound, the green branch came forward with a trace of anxiety in his eyes: "green branch has seen the young Lord. What's the matter with my girl

"She got a little hurt in the hunting ground, and it's all right now." Mu Qingge has a brush. In my heart, the maid of the princess's mansion is also smart. When she went to inform Mu Fu, she knew to call green branch, which saved her a lot of trouble.

"The girl is hurt!" The green branch suddenly panicked.

This reaction, let Mu light song displeased slightly frown.

Didn't she say it was all right? What's more, on the strength of her master's son Huang Jing, what is this injury?

Aware that mu Qingge's face changed slightly, Lvzhi quickly lowered her head and apologized: "sorry, sir, Lvzhi is just worried about the girl.""All right." Mu Qingge waved her hand and said, "your girl has hurt her ribs, so it's not suitable to move. After a while, you will accompany her back to the mansion for recuperation. If you need anything, you can go directly to the housekeeper. "

"Don't you go back to your house, sir?" Green branch is surprised to ask a way. The expression seemed to be saying, "my girls are all injured, or I went out with you to get hurt. How can you just leave her and play outside the house? "

"I need to report my whereabouts to you?" Mu light Song Mou color cold look at her.

That look, see green branch heart tremble, only feel a cold air attack. Busy shake head way: "it is green branch to cross."

With a sneer in his heart, mu Qingge turned to the bodyguard of Mu's house and ordered a few more words. Then he went out of the hospital and got into the carriage of Princess Changle outside the door.

After she got on the bus, the carriage moved slowly towards the princess's house.

Green branch stares at the shadow of the carriage leaving, and the dissatisfaction in his heart is written on his face.

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