"Little brother, I'll treat you to sweets. This is pity's favorite sugar. " The recognition of moqingge makes the crescent like eyes more curved. She stretched out her hand, holding a piece of sugar in her hand and handed it to Mu Qingge.

Did you invite her to sugar again?

Mu Qingge's mouth is more raised. She remembered that when she saw you in Taolin, the little princess invited herself to eat sugar, but she ignored her.

It also seems that after that, the little princess realized her refusal, so she did not ask her to eat sugar again.

It turns out that inviting her to have sugar is the way the little princess likes a person.

Mu Qingge slowly raised his hand and opened his palm to pick up the candy. It was a kind of sharing of his favorite things.

Waiting for the figure in the uneasy, after seeing mu Qingge stretch out his hand, showing a happy smile. She put the sugar in her hand carefully in the palm of muqingge.

White candy. It's cold to start with.

Mu Qingge's misty color faded away like the tide, and there was no Qin's figure in front of him. But in the palm of her hand, there was a melting snowflake.

Is it an illusion?

Mu Qingge takes back his hand and looks down at the snowflake which has melted into a drop of water.

Clench and let the snow soak between your fingers. She looked at Qin Yilian's tombstone and whispered, "Lianlian, I'm going. I'll see you later. "

Then she stood up and the snowflakes fell.

Dragon tooth Wei also immediately stands, the snowflakes on the body are shaken to the ground, such as the snow white of the ground.

"Go." Mu Qingge turns around and says to Longya Wei.

With Longya Wei, she left here and finished the mourning for Qin Yilian.

After she left, the snow gradually stopped. In the clear sky, transparent as a mirror, everything on the ground is reflected in it.

Creak! Creak!

On the snow, a string of footprints, a tall and slender figure appears in front of Qin Yilian's grave.

She squatted down slowly, raised her hand and stroked the words on the tombstone. There was a trace of complex and sad emotion on her cold and gorgeous facial features.

"Pity, I never knew you admired him." She said.

Her eyes fell on the word "wife" on the tombstone, her mouth pursed a bitter smile, and used an envious language way: "I suddenly envy you." Envy you can love so pure, love so brave.

"Perhaps, only like you, can you get his stop." She took back her hand and rose slowly. Congealed by thin snow covered tombs, cold eyes flash a trace of pain: "and I, and how to do?"


Qin Huanggong, Qin Jinchen after dealing with some government affairs, returned to his temporary bedroom.

As soon as I entered, I saw an unexpected figure.

She was thin, and standing in the shadow, as if it were smoke, would dissipate at any time. A plain clothes, no decoration of ink hair, and her cold and gorgeous facial features do not match, but added a bit of style.

"Changle?" Qin Jinchen went over and called out the man's name.

Qin Yiyao slowly turned her eyes, and her cold eyes fell on Qin Jinchen: "brother, today I went to see pity."

Qin Jinchen's pace slows down, to Qin Yiyao's words, gently jaw head, for a time do not know how to answer.

Qin Yiyao looked at him and looked at him for a long time before he said, "I didn't expect it would be you in the end. But you can give up the throne so easily. "

In Qin Jinchen's indifferent and alienated eyes, there was no waves.

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