He raised the corner of his lips, but there was no temperature in his smile: "you probably think that I am the person who has the deepest plan."

"No Qin Yiyao slowly shook his head: "if you really like this piece of land, today will not make concessions."

"Why don't you think that I push the seven emperor brothers up to take charge of everything behind the scenes?" Qin Jinchen no wave of eyes fell on her body, the palace breath seems to be a little cold.

Qin Yiyao grinned bitterly and looked down: "yes or no, it has nothing to do with me. I come to see you today just to ask you one thing. "

Qin Jinchen's eyes flashed, pursed her lips.

Qin Yiyao looked at him and said, "take my name out of the royal family, and there will be no Qin Yiyao in the imperial palace."

Qin Jinchen eyes light slightly shrink, guess her intention. "Are you going to leave? Never come back? "

Qin Yiyao said with a lonely smile, "why come back? Here, what else is worth my nostalgia? "

"Where are you going? What about muqingge? Are you going to never see him again Qin Jinchen asked.

Qin Yiyao's eyelashes trembled. She turned away from Qin Jinchen's gaze: "where to? I haven't thought about it yet. Linchuan is so big, there will always be a place I like. And he Now, how do I face him? "

"Do you hate him?" Qin Jinchen step forward, do not want to miss any expression on her face.

Qin Yiyao's body trembled and bit his lips. His eyes were complex and said, "hate? How can I hate it? Hate him, can I kill him? Or kill him, and I will no longer hate him? "

"If you can't forget him, why don't you stay. If he can snatch you back for your happiness, it proves that he has you in his heart... "

"If I stay, can I get along with him as if nothing happened and nothing happened?" Qin Yiyao interrupts Qin Jinchen.

Stay, she's in pain.

In love and hate between the constant wandering. She knew that she could never go to muqingge for revenge, but she could not stay with him as if nothing had happened.

Leaving is the best choice.

Whether it's to yourself or to him.

Qin Jinchen watched Qin Yiyao leave, and his cold back made him speechless.

He has never been a meddler, but as long as he meets people and things related to moqingge, he becomes unlike himself.

Frowning, he turned away.

There are still many details to be dealt with in the new king's accession to the throne. Up to now, he didn't quite understand how he got on the boat of muqingge and cleaned up the mess for her.


Tu state is the most remote country in the northwest of Linchuan.

Here, the wind and sand all over the sky, the grassland stretches. When there is no wind and sand weather, you can see the beautiful scenery of cattle and sheep everywhere. But if you meet the wind and sand, you will have a feeling of falling into hell.

The climate here, extremely cold and extremely hot, experiences two extremes every day.

Tu state, in the eyes of other countries, has always been a synonym for barbarism and vice.

The people here are keen on fighting and plundering. For them, the etiquette is more like nonsense.

The capital of Tu state is called Wangting.

The night was deep, and the palace was still full of excitement. The men of Tu Kingdom enjoy the entertainment of drinking every night. Women also like to sit around and show off their male style.

Moreover, if you like me, men and women in Tu state can also find a place to vent their strong energy.

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