The destruction of her spirit, together with a tragic defeat, made tu know that her admiration for Qingge was not a joke.

As for the abduction of the emperor Tu, he naturally wanted to destroy the morale of Tu's army before the war. By the way, the emperor could see clearly that today's state of Qin was not something he wanted to provoke.

"My Lord! You are back

Two adjuncts met by mu Qingge came to greet them with a team of soldiers.

Mu Qingge lightly nodded his jaw and said to them directly: "take me to meet Vice General Xiong, and prepare to beat the drum. We don't have time to spend our time in the sunset wasteland with Tu's barbarians. "

The two deputies were stunned and did not ask more questions. They just nodded and acted separately.

Soon, the sound of war drums came from the Qin army, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers assembled, all dressed up and killed.

After hearing the drums of the state of Qin, their commander-in-chief, he LianZhan, also told the troops to prepare for the battle. Qin's soldiers on the horse looked at him coldly.

Will the state of Qin fight a decisive battle?

This is just his intention. He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

When the soldiers of the state of Qin cleaned up the sunset wasteland, he drove straight into the country to enjoy the wine and beauty of Qin!

"Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

The sound of Tu's horn and bugle sounded in the sunset wasteland, fighting with the drums of the Qin State in secret.

The armies of the two sides, densely packed, finally stood opposite each other.

Among the million troops of Tu state, the battle of Helian was at the front.

In front of him, the shield army of Tu state stood a heavy shield high by a man and formed a square array, forming a solid defense.

The weapons of Tu state are not like the unification of Qin, but they are all very sharp killing weapons. This seems to have something to do with their belligerence. What they pay attention to is not the unity of weapons, but the effect of killing people.

In the eyes of the Qin army, the soldiers of the state of Tu were just like barbarians who had not yet been civilized. In their eyes, they only had killing and ferocity.

Mu Qingge rode Heiyan in the Qin army, which gave way to the road, slowly forward.

She was dressed in a flaming red robe, wrapped in silver armor, and her beautiful facial features were exposed. Her ink hair swayed with the wind, and her back was straight and straight like a sword.

When she appeared, there was a roar from the Qin army, as if ushering in their army God.

He LianZhan's eyes narrowed, and his eyes fell on mu Qingge's beautiful and delicate face. His facial features, which were ambiguous and heroic, made him obsessed with his eyes and burst out a strong desire for possession.

Such a person, whether male or female, should be taken back to the account by him and sing under him!

And those Yanma Qin army has Yan horse as Mount! All this belongs to him, right!

Helian Zhan's ambition and greed were exposed without any cover up.

Mu Qingge clearly felt the naked * * in his eyes and scorned to sneer in his heart.

"Who are you?" He LianZhan asked mu Qingge.

Mu light song look crazy, drooping eyes way: "Mu Xiong's grandson, Mu light song."


He LianZhan was puzzled by the name.

He was immediately whispered in his ear. He then showed a sudden realization of the expression, scornful way: "so you are the famous waste dandy of Qin State! Ha ha ha... "

Crazy laughter reverberated on the battlefield.

"There is no one in the state of Qin. He sent you to fight with me! I think you'd better surrender. Maybe I'll spare your life and let you serve me from now on. " He Lian Zhan was full of sarcasm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!