In the scornful tone and teasing expression, mu Qingge just smiles, but he can't see the way of joy and anger: "I'm enough to deal with such a thing as you. By the way, I've got a present for you for the first time

Then she raised her hand and waved her fingertips. The Dragon tooth Wei immediately carried a sack and threw it at the foot of black Yan.

Inside the sack, came a sound of eating pain.

A soldier of the state of Qin opened the sack with a spear, and his round body rolled out immediately.

As soon as the man appeared, there was a commotion and shock from Tu kingdom.

Even he Lian Zhan's eyes shrunk and his face became gloomy.

"It's called a meeting gift, which a group of barbarians can't understand. Helian battle, how about this gift? " Mu Qingge chuckles.

With that, she looked down at the king of Tu, who had not yet returned to the gods. She said with a smile like a flower: "emperor Tu, who is the man opposite?"

Tu's emperor subconsciously looked at the other side. He was shocked by the familiar troops and people. He immediately called out, "war son, help me!"

"Your majesty! Your majesty has been taken away by them

"Indeed, your majesty! Isn't your Majesty in the court? "

"My God! With your Majesty in their hands, how can we fight? "

The spirit of Tu's million army has been shaken. Their own emperors are in the hands of each other. How can we fight this battle?

The battle of Helian was full of evil light, but he did not hear the emperor's shouts.

He just stares at mu Qingge and asks fiercely, "do you dare to threaten me?"

Mu Qingge sneered and joked: "you can't help but think highly of yourself. I'm just asking the emperor Tu to see a good play. "

"Moyang, take good care of the emperor Tu, don't let him be scared." Mu light song hook lips smile.

With a wave of his hand, the army of the state of Qin rushed up without warning.

The five hundred dragon teeth guards were the first to bear the brunt. Like tigers and hungry wolves, they rushed into the Tu State Army, and there were dead bodies everywhere. The strong fighting power and the tacit understanding of Yan Ma made the army of Tu state disorganized.

Inspired by the Dragon tooth guards, the other Qin troops are as powerful as a rainbow. Each of them inspires the fierceness of their origins. When they drop their swords, they are more decisive and ruthless than before.

On the other hand, Tu's army just saw that his emperor was arrested. When he didn't respond, he saw that the Qin army rushed over and killed people.

The army of Tu state, which was so sad, could only resist passively. In my heart, I curse the army of Qin for disobeying the rules!

Chaos! It's a mess!

The generals of Tu state kept commanding the enemy, but under the sudden attack of the Qin army, all the previously discussed strategies were in vain.

What's more, his own emperor is still in the hands of the other side, momentum was suppressed by the Qin army.

In the chaos, he LianZhan looks at mu Qingge with a smile on his face and rushes to her with his weapon.

Mu Qingge picked his lips with a smile, and said to the emperor of Tu: "emperor Tu, take good care of it. If you dare to use force against Qin again, he will be your end! "

After saying that, Heiyan rises up and sends out a burst of black smoke, which rushes out like lightning to meet Helian battle

He LianZhan's body, the blue light is big, already had the tendency to turn blue.

But mu light song burst out blue light, gradually purple. The two men were full of momentum, and the battle suddenly turned into a war without suspense.

Tu state emperor looked at this scene, the shock in his eyes could not be waved away.

Mu Xiong's grandson is not a well-known waste?

This sentence, constantly in his mind, his whole person as petrified in general.

"Blue peak! How can it be! " He LianZhan's eyes almost protruded and looked at Xiangmu Qingsong in disbelief.

But mu Qingge just gave him a smile, the silver light on his right hand, Linglong gun was held in her hand, and didn't stab Helian Zhan without any hesitation.

All of a sudden, all kinds of seizing the shadow sealed all the retreating ways of Helian battle, so that he could not avoid it.

The shrill scream came from the mouth of Helian battle. His flesh was suddenly sliced into thousands of pieces, falling like rain. The skeleton with blood thread also fell from the horse's back and broke the ground.

"No Tu Guo emperor witnessed all this. He LianZhan's tragic death without resistance filled his eyes with deep fear.

His round body began to shake violently and his legs were muddy.

He looked at Xiangmu light song and repeated: "devil! You are a devil

After seeing the tragic death of Helian battle, Tu's army was also on the verge of fleeing. In front of them, murmuring in the bloody battle robe, just like the devil, burst into death's smile in front of them.

"Kill, not one." Mu Qingge's smile is like poppy.

However, the Qin army was greatly encouraged and pursued the Tu army. The millions of troops of Tu state were already vulnerable to a single blow and were killed in the sunset wasteland.

Everywhere splashing blood and remnant body, mu Qingge's mouth is full of smile, and her eyes are cold without waves.Linglong gun has turned into a fingertip. She rubbed her wrists and looked down at the emperor Tu, who had already been scared to death. With a mischievous look in her smile, she said, "emperor Tu, my Lord is in the royal court, and even the whole Tu state has prepared a great gift for you. When you return home, you should appreciate it and remember the kindness of Sir ben to you , the fastest update of the webnovel!