Mu Qingge's step finally stops, remembering the words of Youhe in his heart.

Tuocheng is one of the largest cities in Li. At the same time, it is also a must for them to travel. Because of this, Youhe, who is in charge of collecting intelligence, will know who the city master of Tuo city is and what his children are called.

If the two brothers were really the children of the Lord of Tuo City, how could they appear alone in the sunset forest? I don't even have a bodyguard around.

In the heart of doubt, prompted mu Qingge to change the plan. She wanted to see what the two men, who were suspected of being noble, were chasing her for.

When she stops, Wei Qi and Wei Guanguan finally catch up.

"Finally catch up." Wei Guanguan exclaimed.

It seems that the Tyrannosaurus Rex only shows its ferocity in front of her brother. In the face of Mu Qingge, the guy who told people to throw her out, she did not show any dissatisfaction.

She cautiously approached mu Qingge, looked at her face intoxicated and said in a weak voice: "don't be angry, beauty brother. I've taught you a hard lesson to death Wei Qi. Shall we go together

Mu Qingge raised her eyebrows because of her words and swept her eyes from the silent Wei Qi.

Sure enough, there was a round black mark on the left eye of the beautiful boy. The whole left eye was swollen and narrowed into a line. At the moment, is the grievance of the cover, seems to worry about others to see his embarrassment.

Feeling mu Qingge's sight sweeping, Wei Qi immediately straightened up and turned a little, hiding his left eye and showing a bright smile to Mu Qingge.

These two guys

Mu Qingge suddenly felt a little funny in her heart. In her contact, she seldom met such two thick line guys.

"Wei Qi, Wei Guanguan? Who is the Lord of Tuo city Mu Qingge suddenly asked.

Her directness surprised them. On the frolic expression, a trace of vigilance flashed quickly, but it soon returned to normal.

Wei Guanguan turned his eyes to Wei Qi and bit his lip.

At the critical moment, she seems to trust her brother more than contradict him.

Wei Qi also put aside his pompous appearance, came to Mu Qingge, looked at her and said seriously, "if I said that the Lord of Tuo city is our father, what would you do?"

That pair of bright eyes, no longer half amazing, but quiet, clear.

Mu light song hook lips smile, two people's sudden alert, did not let her have any dissatisfaction. Instead of answering Wei Qi's question, she said, "if you don't want to reveal your identity, you should use an alias."

The "kind reminder" made Wei Qi and Wei Guanguan both blush and smile awkwardly.

In their hearts, they knew that the boy, who was so beautiful that he could not argue with each other, was laughing at their guard.

Not really? Their own identity is their own said out, how good to blame others have another mind?

Realizing this truth, Wei Qi hugged mu Qingge and said, "I was rude just now. I'm Wei Qi. She's my sister, Wei Guanguan. Our father is Wei Linlang, the Lord of Tuo City, the second largest city in the state of Li. "

Wei Linlang is one of the three masters of Li state. At the age of 40, Tuo will rush to the top of the city. He is broad-minded, benevolent, filial, loyal and broad-minded.

In Mu Qingge's mind, the information about Wei Linlang immediately appears.

Although the message is short, it is not difficult to see that this person is very positive. Now, seeing his sons and daughters, mu Qingge feels that the rumors are true. , the fastest update of the webnovel!