If Wei Linlang is a insidious and cunning person, I'm afraid he can't cultivate such a pair of children.

"Mu Ge." Mu Qingge's brief self introduction seems to confirm what she said before.

Aware that mu Qingge didn't want to reveal his identity, Wei Qi and Wei Guanguan did not insist, but again put forward the previous request, hoping to leave with mu Qingge.

"Since you are the young masters and ladies of the Lord's house. Why go in and out of this sunset forest without the escort of servants Colleagues, mu Qingge put forward their own doubts.

Wei Qi and Wei Guanguan looked at each other, and the latter helplessly said, "it's not no, it's gone."

It turned out that the two men were originally with the slaves and guards into the sunset forest, but did not want to guard Guanguan inadvertently poke into the red dethroned rat's nest. However, the two brothers and sisters have a common problem, that is, they are afraid of this rodent. So at that time, he was scared to flee everywhere. In the panic, he ran away with the people he brought.

"It's all right now. Don't you have to look for a companion?" He asked, stretching out his head.

Wei Qi shook his head: "this sunset forest is so big. Look for it. When do you want to find it? Before we entered the forest, we agreed that if we were separated, we would meet at pheasant city. Anyway, the level of the spirit beast in the sunset forest is not high, and it is hard to hurt us

His explanation makes Youhe and Huayue start to smoke.

He shook his head constantly in his heart.

It seems that the people in the guard house are not only very nervous, but also very rare in the nerves of servants and guards.

These two, even if the realm is not bad, but the actual combat experience? What's more, even if the spirit beast is not enough to fear. However, in the sunset forest, in addition to the spirit of animals, there are countless adventurers.

Human beings are often the most terrible existence!

There is no doubt in Mu Qingge that Youhe and Huayue can't think of. From the two people's escape speed, she can peep at one or two.

Compared with those accompanying guards, if they dare to do so, they just know that their little master is gifted at speed. What's more, as the city Lord's children, how can they protect their lives?

These two people are careless and nervous, but they don't mean they are naive idiots.

"You just said that the purpose of entering sunset forest this time is for a kind of medicine only available in sunset forest?" Mu light song suddenly said.

Wei Qi nodded.

This topic, let Wei Guanguan Mingyan small face, lonely down.

"The only medicine in the sunset forest is sunset sunflower. It can nourish meridians and delay aging. It's not a life-saving medicine, it can only be regarded as auxiliary medicine. It's not uncommon in outside pharmacies. " Mu light song road.

"Mu Ge, do you know medicine?" Wei Guanguan blinked in surprise.

Wei Qi is also shocked to see her, the meaning in her eyes is the same as that of her sister.

Mu light song jaw first: "a little understanding of fur."

The reason why she said the characteristics of sunflower was to ask her brother and sister that this kind of medicine can be bought everywhere. Why should she go into the sunset forest to find it?

They were not stupid either, and they recognized the meaning of her words.

After his brother's suggestion, Wei Guanguan said: "what we need is fresh sunset sunflower. What we bought in the drugstore has dried up. There was an exploration team that had been working with us for a long time. They provided all the fresh sunflower in the mansion. But this time, I don't know what happened. It's been a long time since the agreed date of the transaction, but they have not been seen. We came here in person when the inventory in the mansion was going to bottom again. "

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