"What about that? Will Mu Ge be ok! Why don't we send a message to daddy and let him pick us up By this analysis, weiguanguan also felt the seriousness of it.

"I'm afraid they won't give us the chance. And don't forget, Mu Ge took over the escort mission of the Vientiane building. They asked to meet in Yuzhi town ten days later. Yuzhi town is the only way to Huandu from pheasant city. It takes five days to get there from here. It will take at least 20 days for Dad to come and meet people. " Wei Qi's frustrated way.

"Yes! Didn't you say that we would start from pheasant City three days later? Why is the time suddenly changed? " Wei Guanguan asked.

The two brothers and sisters discussed fiercely, and suddenly found that mu Qingge didn't move. They turned their eyes and saw that her face was slightly coagulated.

Wei Guanguan walked to the side of Mu light song and said softly, "don't be afraid of Mu Song, there are us!"

"Yes! If anyone dares to give you an idea, just step on me Wei Qi also made a hasty statement.

Mu light song raised eyes to look at them, strange way: "what do you join in the excitement?"


Brother and sister a cavity of blood, immediately by mu Qingge a basin of cold water poured down.

Take back sight, Mu light song light way: "wait for me to leave, you go, we arrive Huan all meeting."

"No! How can you leave us alone Wei Guanguan immediately opposed.

"Well, Guanguan stayed. I'll go with you. " Wei Qi road.

"Death Wei Qi, what do you say?" Wei Guanguan shouts to Wei Qi.

Wei Qi held out his hand: "we must leave one of us to report to my father, right? You're a sister again, so there's no reason to take risks. What's more, it's my lifelong wish to be able to fight back with Mu Ge and live and die together. Don't rob me

"Death Wei Qi, I tell you, Mu Ge is not a broken sleeve and won't like you. Just give up! Stay, you stay! " Wei Guanguan kicked past.

Wei Qi dodged nimbly and explained: "I'm not a broken sleeve either. I love moose, whether she's male or female! "

"Death Wei Qi, I will not kill you!" Wei Guanguan was angry and rushed towards Wei Qi.

Looking at these two and two shortage of goods, Mu light song for a while speechless.

She had already felt some ill intentioned glances, but the brother and sister were still so nervous.

If she doesn't come out of the Vientiane building, will she be able to avoid people's eyes? It's just a temporary illusion. If you want to check in and out of the person, you can easily lock her.

What's more, they had a conflict with Master Zhu, who must have been very impressed with them. As long as we investigate carefully, this paper can't cover the fire at all.

You can't hide anything for her.

As for the friend mentioned by Dan Chenzi Mu Qingge sneers in her heart. Believe in him! For now, at least, they are not friends!

The fact that she fell into this situation has a lot to do with the promotion of Vientiane tower.

Vientiane building Wait!

Mu light song strides forward, clear eyes deep, cold awn suddenly appears.

She did not regard Vientiane as the enemy. What's more, it's a sense of match. Even, she can be sure that the guy who made her a hole in the dark would appear in Yuzhi town.

Therefore, in any case, she would arrive at Yuzhi town at the appointed time and meet the man in person.

Three people walk toward Wei Fu BIE yuan, it seems that they didn't notice several tails hanging behind them.

After entering the Wei Fu BIE yuan, those tails scattered separately.

Wei Linlang's power is not here. For the forces of pheasant City, it is just a dragon crossing the river. What's more, Wei Linlang himself is not here, but just a few hairy kids.

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