Entering the Wei house, mu Qingge finds uncle Zhou directly. That doesn't make sense to Erque brother and sister. She can only find a person who understands.

He told uncle Zhou about the general process of the matter, and mu Qingge said his intention: "Uncle Zhou, this is because of me. There is no need to implicate the Wei family. Moreover, I have my own solution. It is inconvenient for them to stay with me. For their safety, please keep an eye on them. "

After hearing this, uncle Zhou also has a dignified face. He agreed with mu Qingge's words, but he also worried: "this is the power of the whole pheasant city. How can you get rid of it?" Then he thought it over and said, "you are the benefactor and friend of our young master and miss. I can't. I'll ask the city Lord to come out. "

Wei Linlang?

I'm afraid that after Wei Linlang is involved, things will become more and more noisy.

Mu Qingge shook his head and refused, and said firmly: "no, I can solve it."

Seeing that she insisted so much, uncle Zhou could not persuade her any more. It's just the way, leaving some guards to protect muqingge.

Mu Qingge also refused.

Guard, she only believes in the fighting power of her own dragon tooth guard.

Although the guards of the Wei family are also good at the yellow and green realms, they are not as good as the Dragon teeth guards.

Now she has only a group of dragon tooth guards, that is, more than 20 people. The number of people is small, but it is more mobile. In her previous life, she had only one person who could play those big forces around. Now that you have help around, can you still be afraid of the power of a pheasant city?

After saying goodbye to Uncle Zhou, mu Qingge returns to his temporary residence and immediately calls Moyang.

After a while, Moyang left the hospital.

At the same time, the rest of the Dragon teeth guard also quietly out of the house, scattered around the pheasant city.

It's not too late. Mu Qingge plans to leave tonight.

As for those who have ambitions for her, they can kill as many as they want. But

Mu light song will eye light on the map in front of the table.

The place where her fingertips fall is the position of Yu Zhi Zhen. It seems that she should prepare a rich meeting gift for the people she is about to meet!

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slowly, and the sharp cold awn flickered between the eyes.


At the same time, many forces in pheasant city have received intelligence.

The owner of the pills auctioned in the Vientiane building was a young, beautiful young man in red. Beside him were the young master and young lady of tuochengwei mansion.

For a time, countless big forces through various channels to explore the background of muqingge, but nothing.

People, of course, will not fall out of thin air.

Then, there is only one possibility of this. She is not from Li.

Since they are not Li people, what else can they worry about?

Wei Linlang? No matter how powerful, this is not his Tuo city. He won't fight against the whole pheasant city for one kid, will he?

Suddenly, the pheasant city is full of wind and cloud.

Almost every force that covets the nine life turning pill secretly sends people to closely monitor the movement of the Wei house. To be more precise, it should be to monitor the movement of muqingge.

When the news reached Zhu's house, he knew that the person who was against him was the poor man who had a dispute with him outside the Vientiane building. Zhu Li did not know how many ornaments he had broken.

"Call everyone back! I will never leave pheasant city for that boy Zhu Li's cruel way. In the eyes of Yin Zhe, there is a twinkling of vicious eyes.


Pheasant City, Ge family.

The wind and rain in pheasant city was introduced to ge family.

To sum up, mu Qingge is a benefactor of the Ge family. At the moment, when the benefactor is in trouble, how can the Ge family choose?

Sitting under the lamp, GE's brows frowned as if he were thinking about this serious problem.

After a while, the door of the room was pushed open, and major Ge came in with the help of his servants. "Father."

GE's master raised his head and said, "what are you doing here if you don't have a good rest?"

"I'll see my father." After Ge Shaozhu sat down, he said.

"What's good about being a father?" Master Ge avoids the eyes of young master Ge.

However, Ge Shao Zhu did not give his father a chance to avoid it: "isn't father going to help? That's the child's benefactor. "

Ge Shaozhu's face coagulated, and his eyes dropped to cover up: "since the man refused our thanks, naturally he didn't want to deal with our Ge family. If so, why should we go to the muddy water? "

"Father Ge Shaozhu frowned slightly.

But the Ge family master raised his hand and said, "as the master of the family, I have to consider it for the Ge family. The man's origin is unknown and his identity is unknown. It's time to pat your ass and leave, but what should we do with the Ge family? Our roots are in pheasant city. Should we bear the anger of the whole pheasant city for the sake of an outsider? I have decided not to interfere in this matter! "

Father's words, let Ge Shaozhu silence.

Although he was unwilling, he also knew that his father's consideration was not right.For a long time, he sighed and left his father's room with the help of his servants.

"This night, pheasant city is doomed to be not peaceful." Master Ge looked up at the stars and sighed in his heart!

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