"That's what happened." Si Mo after listening, the tone is still relaxed.

Suddenly, mu Qingge reacted to him and asked, "do you have any way?"

Si Mo laughs: "small Song son really can't swallow strange fire, but it is not can't accept." He offered another way.

"Take it Mu light song eyes in a bright, suddenly came to the spirit.

"Let's have breakfast first and talk as we eat." Si Mo stretched out his hand to scrape the tip of her nose, but was cleverly avoided by her.

Don't mention eating, a mention, mu Qingge really feel a little hungry. Immediately nodded: "good."

With that, he planned to go out and look for food.

However, just mention a step, was Si Mo stopped, asked: "where are you going?"

"Isn't it eating?" Mu Qingge looks at him inexplicably.

Si Mo helpless smile, big hand to the square table in the room a wave. Suddenly, a table full of delicious food appeared on the empty square table.

I wipe!

Mu Qingge's eyes are wide, and he can't help but pounce on the square table. What he can smell from his nose is the smell of porridge and vegetables, as well as steaming steamed stuffed buns and crystal clear shrimp dumplings.

After swallowing her saliva, mu Qingge tried to resist the impulse of reaching out. She looked back at the man with a smile in her mouth behind her and asked, "can these things be eaten?"

"Of course." Si Mo nods to answer.

Mu light song frown, some hesitation: "but this is your spiritual power to change it, it should not be real food."

Si Mo went over, took mu Qingge's hand, led her to a chair and sat down. He also sat beside her, picked up chopsticks and put a shrimp dumpling for her and put it in the bowl. Then he said, "I just photographed them with my magic power. They are all real."

This explanation, let Mu light song put down the worry in the heart.

"Then I'm not polite." Mu Qingge smile eyes such as crescent, immediately start to open to eat.

Si Mo congeals her to eat phase, the corner of the mouth is full of doting in the smile. He ate very little, and more often, he helped mu Qingge to cook.

After she ate a little full, Simao fulfilled the promise just now and said, "how much does xiaoge'er know about strange fire?"

Mu light song a Leng, raise eyes to see to him. Mouth, there is a half of the soup bag not swallow, hold up half of the cheek bulging. Si Mo's inquiry, let her think carefully, in the process, also convenient for her to eliminate the steamed stuffed bun in the mouth.

The first thing I knew about abnormal fire was that it was Meng Meng.

Because she told herself that using strange fire can activate her blood. So, at first, she looked for strange fire with this purpose. Mengmeng's interpretation of the fire at that time was that it was a special flame that gathered the aura of heaven and earth. It was spiritual and had attributes. It was hard to find and powerful.

Then, in the Vientiane building, she got a detailed explanation of the strange fire, and learned a lot of information in her relationship with Han Caicai. Only then did she know that the different fires were classified into three or six grades, and their spiritual consciousness already had certain wisdom. The higher the wisdom, the higher the level. Different fire through the fight, but also eat each other to strengthen their own body.

The rest, she doesn't know.

Swallowing steamed stuffed buns, mu Qingge said briefly: "different fire has ranking, thinking, and fighting with each other."

"It seems that Xiao Ge'er has a superficial understanding of strange fire." Si Mo said in the heart.

After he filled a bowl of congee for muqingge, Simao said: "xiaoge'er doesn't have to feel sorry for the inflamed clouds. The different fires in Linchuan basically belong to the most garbage type."

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