
Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly widened, and his heart was filled with disgust: huoyun Yangyan ranked fifth on Han Caicai's list of strange fires, which was enough to kill her. Let's not say how powerful the front four are, but they are all called garbage in the mouth of Simao.

See villain so shocked appearance, Si Mo continues to finish the words behind. "But one of them is peculiar. It's called Hunyuan tianjiyan. "

"Hunyuan tianjiyan! The one at the top of the list? " Mu Qingge blurted out.

Si Mo one Leng, immediate reaction comes over, smile way: "you mean that the strange fire list that Vientiane building gets out?"

Mu light song subconsciously nods.

Si Mo laughs and shakes his head: "in fact, what rank does strange fire have? With different attributes and different fields, who can say clearly who is the most powerful? It's just a self righteous arrangement. "

Mu Qingge couldn't see his aloof appearance, and curled his lips: "you just said that Linchuan's fire is rubbish."

This word floats into Si Mo's ear, let his eyes sink, and his voice is also permeated with a dangerous breath: "Xiao Ge Er is singing injustice for the Vientiane tower?"

Suddenly the tense atmosphere makes mu Qingge inexplicable, she looks at Si Mo blankly, seems to understand why he is suddenly angry. What's more, she just can't stand Simao's virtue. What's the matter with Vientiane building?

Simao, who stares at mu Qingge, is defeated by her innocent expression. She sighs in her heart: "his little song is more dull than him. If she is angry again, she doesn't know why. It's really hard for her."

"You just said that Hunyuan tianjiyan is special. What's special about it? I only know that it seems to have no attributes. " Mu Qingge asked.

Si Mo nodded, Po se eyes deep some smile.

Looking at mu Qingge obediently like a disciple, waiting for his solution, he suddenly raised a sense of achievement. "Xiaoge'er, have you ever heard the saying that" no attribute is waste material? "

"No property is waste material?" Mu Qingge murmured in his mouth once and shook his head slowly.

Simao didn't go into it. He just explained to her in detail: "the characteristic of non attribute is that no matter what kind of attribute of martial arts and pills can be cultivated, but because of this, the cultivation is slow and it is difficult to make a big breakthrough. However, once broken through, it will be invincible in the same rank. "

"Invincible on the same level!" Mu Qingge's eyes lit up a flame.

She seems to understand why han Caicai ranked Hunyuan tianjiyan first.

"The master of the Vientiane building is actually from the fire clan. No wonder they know something about the fire. They have some knowledge to put Hunyuan tianjiyan in the first place of Linchuan's strange fire list. " Si Mo's casual way.

"Fire family? What fire clan Mu Qingge is keen to grasp this strange word.

Si Mo Mou light a flash, but did not answer positively, just way: "this will talk about later. Let's find out the problem of abnormal fire first. "

As soon as he said this, mu Qingge had to bear to listen to him.

After all, she was very interested in taking over the fire mentioned before.

"People's accomplishments can be divided into different levels, and the same is true of different fire. There will be only one of each kind in the same era. However, due to the different gestation time, there are birth, growth, maturity and aging. At the beginning of a strange fire, spiritual consciousness is not opened, just like human infants ignorant, but also the most easy to swallow and swallow. However, once swallowed or taken in, the growth of the strange fire is closely related to the master. The final strength of the fire depends on the master. " Si Mo looks at Mu light song's eye way.

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