Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "what stage is huoyun Yangyan engulfed by Han Caicai?"

"Between maturity and aging." Si Mo replied: "originally, huoyun Yangyan should not be so weak, but because of the serious injury, you took advantage of the fire to hurt the root and accelerated aging."

"So miserable?" The words of muqingge have the meaning of schadenfreude.

"What happens if the fire grows old?" Mu Qingge asked again. She would like to know Han Caicai's painstaking efforts to swallow a frail fire that is about to weaken. What kind of expression will he have when he learns the truth.

"When you grow old, you die. And then somewhere you start to conceive again and again Si Mo light way.

"The relationship between it and its former owner..." Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes and asked. She tapped her fingertips on the table.

"Release." Si Mo gave the answer.

This answer, let Mu light song half squint in the eyes, the luster flash, suddenly smile, to Si Mo way: "since you mainly said the Hunyuan tianjiyan thing, is it difficult to hope that I take it?"

"Xiaoge'er is really smart." Si Mo Zan road.

Mu light song white his one eye, arrogant Jiao's way: "this Lord originally is intelligent surpasses others."

To her narcissism, Si Mo expresses very agree. "Well, his little song should have been like this! Wanton and live, natural and unrestrained. What's more, she's telling the truth! "

"Today's Hunyuan tianjiyan is just in the nascent state. If xiaoge'er can protect it, let it really recognize you. You will be a big help in the future. " Si Mo serious way.

However, mu Qingge frowned and looked at him suspiciously: "you said, if Hunyuan tianjiyan can't break through, it's rubbish?"

Si Mo nods: "I said so. But once it breaks through, it is invincible. Note that this invincible is not just Linchuan. "

Mu light song eyes in a shrink, her heart has a kind of feeling. Today Si Mo may tell her about the world outside Linchuan!

"It is really very difficult to rely on Hunyuan tianjiyan's own cultivation and breakthrough. However, its special attribute, but let it have a shortcut In the depths of simopa's eyes, the luster flashed.

Mu light song lips a sip, breathing a little short of waiting for Si Mo next words.

"Between different fires, swallowing each other can accelerate the breakthrough. However, this must be the same property of the abnormal fire can be carried out. However, the same property of the fire, it is difficult to meet, even if it did, it is not necessarily swallowed up, more is to make both sides hurt. But Hunyuan tianjiyan, because of its special subordinates, can devour all kinds of properties of fire. The more properties it devours, the more powerful it is, and it can have the ability to swallow the fire. Generally, phagocytosis can only be done once or twice. But Hunyuan tianjiyan can be infinite times, you say, is it fierce? "

"Great!" Mu light song full of shock, was so said by Si Mo, she felt that Hunyuan tianjiyan where is what rubbish, is clearly a piece of treasure!

However, Simao shocked her more than that. He appreciated mu Qingge's shocked smile, and then said: "it is now born. As long as you can get its approval, you can accept it and enter into a contractual relationship with it. Once the relationship is formed, its ability can be shared with you, and you can help it catch the fire and let it devour. Every time it's swallowed, you'll be good. "


Mu light song suddenly clenches a fist to smash to the table top, let Si Mo's words stop abruptly.

Si Mo looked at her, just feel that there are two flames burning in her eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!