Mu Qingge kicked open the door of the car and bent down to go out.

After she came out, she found that it was dark. And the two sides who are facing each other, because of her appearance, have cast their eyes on her.

After leaving, mu Qingge has changed her clothes and put on her own red robe.

She stood outside the carriage door, in the moonlight, beautiful facial features, male and female. The face was cold and cold, giving a chill of dignity.

A pair of clear eyes, with a cool color slowly swept the enemy in front.

The number of people is about 100. Judging from their clothes, they are not from the same force. They should be a temporary team. Such a team, no matter how high the individual cultivation is, is just a group of mobs in the eyes of moqingge!

"Moyang." There is a sense of ice debris in the sound of moqingge.

Mo Yang body a Lin, immediately walked to the front of the car.

Mu light song eyes light cold way: "for a group of mobs, actually waste the time on the road? How did you become a captain? "

Mo Yang suddenly raised a murderous spirit, turned to look at the opposite person, eyes pan cold: "master has orders, block the road, kill no amnesty!"

As soon as his voice fell, twenty Longya guards, who had already been unable to wait, rushed to the front immediately.

Twenty men, like twenty hungry wolves for a long time, killed the enemy recklessly.

The team of hundreds of people was stunned by the sudden bloody pictures!

They didn't expect that when they were still negotiating, why did they suddenly fight?

Many of them didn't even want to fight for it. They just came out to stand for the pills promised by the other party. But I don't want to lose my life because of greed.

Long Ya Wei's cruel means and bloody pictures make Zhu Ling's cheek pale. She walked to Mu Qingge, looked up at the door of the carriage, hands behind her, indifferent to the killing of the young man in red, with a little strange fear in her eyes.

"Brother mu, they..."

Mu Qingge interrupted Zhu Ling's words: "elder martial sister Zhu, since they choose to appear here, they are the enemy."

Zhu Ling swallow the rest of the words back, for mu light song, her heart is also recognized. Only, the first time to see such a bloody scene, she did not adapt.

Blood splashed all over the place and the broken limbs flew by.

Longya Wei's method of killing people is decisive and straightforward, and does not give people the chance to fight back. Not even considering whether they will be injured, that momentum, it is simply chilling. Even Youhe and Huayue's second maid, with a cold face, armed with weapons, guard around mu Qingge, and kill the enemy close to him without hesitation.

It seems that for them, such a scene is only life and death, never to think about what, the idea of repulsion.

Zhu Lingqiang endure the tumbling feeling in the stomach, can't help but to Mu Qingge closer.

She suddenly felt a little cold, but because of these exciting pictures, she felt surging!

Dragon teeth guard is too powerful, and everyone's accomplishments are not low.

Two thirds of the team of hundreds of people was destroyed in an instant. The remaining one-third of them ran away in a panic and had no intention to continue fighting.

Mo Yang wiped the bloodstain on his face, and the coldness in his eyes still did not subside. He raised his arm, shot the sleeve arrow in his hand, and directly shot at the back of a man who was running away.

The man had an arrow in his vest. Before he could make a whimper, he fell to the ground and lost his life.

"Kill! Not one of them Mo Yang's life is down.

The twenty dragon teeth guards quickly spread out and formed an arc. Each of them raised his arm and shot the sleeve arrow on his wrist.

In the dark, only the sleeve arrows with green and green awns broke through the sky, and each time one shot, one fell to the ground. After two rounds of firing, the escaped people almost died under the arrow.

Mo Yang said in a cold voice, "clean up the battlefield!"

Twenty dragon teeth guard trained each start, four of them instantly disappeared in place, to kill the fish. The rest of them quickly threw the body in one place, covering the fighting traces and blood with mud and grass.

Youhe and Huayue take out a package of powder from their bodies and sprinkle them evenly around. With the spread of the powder, the residual blood gas in the air also gradually disappeared.

Zhu Ling Wei has never been so well trained to stare at her.

She wriggles slightly stiff neck, looks at nearby Mu light song, in the eye has a trace of worship.

The man in front of him is simply an indescribable genius!

It's terrible to have such a team!

"Brother mu, what are we going to do next?" Zhu Ling asked.

Mu light song light way: "continue to drive."

Soon, the battlefield has been cleaned up.

Longya Wei took out the fire folder, lit the fire and threw it on the corpse heap.


The fire spread rapidly over the corpse heap, illuminating half the night sky.

At the same time, the four men who had gone out to hunt for the fish had returned with a man in their hands.When they returned to the carriage, they threw the man in their hands on the ground and reported to Mu Qingge: "young Lord, when my subordinates removed the roots, they saw this man and said that he was a disciple of the medicine tower."

"The man in the medicine tower?" Zhu Ling was surprised to see the man lying on the ground and burying his head deeply.

Mu light song eyes light slowly moved to his body, the fire light will her face reflected cloudy and clear, dark difficult to light. "Medicine tower?" Mu light Song mouth hook up a funny smile, suddenly said: "Diao yuan, did not expect that you actually came in person."

"This is Diao yuan!" Zhu Ling points to that person, surprised way.

Mu Qingge's eyes moved away from him and looked at the fire where the corpse was burned. There was something cold in his smile: "it's a bit of skill to summon hundreds of people to stop my way so quickly. However, since you are here this time, don't go back. "

The shock in Zhu Ling's heart has slowly calmed down.

However, hear Mu light song words in the killing intention, or let her open eyes, look at her.

"Diao yuan is a disciple of Chinese Atractylodes. Can you kill him?"

"Ha ha..." Lying on the ground, suddenly issued a bleak laughter, laughter full of irony.

This voice, Zhu Ling is very familiar with, not Diaoyuan who will be?

Her willow eyebrow stands upside down, the eye light contains evil spirit way: "Diao yuan! It's you

Diao yuan slowly raised his head, and the light of the eyes of Yin zhe was particularly bitter under the moonlight and fire light. His own cultivation level is not low, but he can't fight against the Dragon tooth guards who have a lot of fighting experience.

Before he had time to react, he was trapped in the acupoint. He could not run the spirit power, so he could only be caught.

He stood up from the ground without any sign of worry. He reached out and dusted the soil on his clothes. He looked at Zhu Ling and mu Qingge. His eyes were full of fierce color. Arrogantly asked: "is it me? Do you dare to kill me? "

Zhu Ling was embarrassed because of his words.

Mu light song but a cold smile, eyes full of irony: "kill you why difficult?"

Diao yuan looked at Xiangmu Qingge's eyes full of hatred, showing a malicious smile: "it's not difficult to kill me. The difficult thing is that you kill me, how to explain to my master!"

"It's just killing you. Why explain it to him?" Mu light song clear eyes full of disdain. She light way: "Diao yuan, you can't help but also look up to oneself."

"You! I know, but who am I looking for! If I die! You think you can get rid of it? " Diao Yuan said in a sharp voice.

Mu Qingge shook his head slowly, as if laughing at his childishness and ignorance. "What do I need to explain to an old man who committed murder? If I kill you, he'll know and dare to speak up? At the most, just like now, find some mobs to kill me. Do you think I'm afraid? "

Diao yuan's eyes narrowed.

It seems that at this time, he felt that mu Qingge's words were not intended to frighten him, but that she really intended to kill him!

Diao yuan's eyes light left and right to see, 20 kill God tightly surrounded himself, his body power can not work, there is no escape. Although he was narrow-minded and envious, he was very jealous of his life.

Knowing that mu Qingge had the heart to kill him, he saw that he had no hope of escaping. He immediately turned pale and knelt down on the ground and said to Mu Qingge, "don't kill me! Everything was forced by the old man of Chinese Atractylodes, and I couldn't help it. It's the old man, I'm just following orders

In order to survive, Diao yuan betrayed his master without hesitation.

Mu Qingge's cold face is full of sarcasm. Zhu Ling looked at him with contempt and contempt in his eyes. "How can I bow to the same school as you?"

Diao yuan glared at Zhu Ling, but quickly withdrew his eyes.

He begged mu Qingge: "as long as you don't kill me, you can do anything you want me to do! I can help you with alchemy. If you want Chinese Atractylodes to die, I can also help you! "

The smile on mu Qingge's face became more and more playful. She looked down at Diao yuan, who knelt in front of her, and said in a cold voice: "a defeated general, I will be rare about your alchemy? I want Chinese Atractylodes to die, and I don't need your help. "

Diao yuan's eyes flashed fierce, knowing that mu Qingge didn't want to let him go.

Simply, he no longer begged, suddenly stood up and took out a transparent bottle from his arms. In the bottle, there is a green liquid flow.

He held up the bottle and said in a sharp voice to Mu Qingge: "if you don't let me go, we will die together today!"

Mu Qingge glanced at the bottle in his hand, without any nervous reaction.

Diao yuan squeezed the bottle more tightly. His dark eyes were staring at mu Qingge and said, "I recognize the planting! As long as you let me go today, I can promise that I will never provoke you again. "

"I only believe in the promise of the dead." The tone of Mu light song is incomparably indifferent.

"Are you really determined to kill me?" Diao yuan's eyes narrowed, and a fierce light appeared between his eyes. "Do you know what blood sucking is?"

"Eat blood!" Zhu Ling's eyes suddenly widened.

She looked at Xiangmu Qingge and briefly explained to her: "it is said that Chinese Atractylodes fortunei got a bottle of poison by accident, and once it left the contents, it would volatilize. After the volatilization of the gas, stained with a milliliter of gas, the whole body's blood will be sucked dry and become a corpse. " With that, she looked at Diao yuan, her eyes fell on the transparent bottle in his hand, coagulated the half bottle of green liquid, and lost her voice: "is this blood phagocytosis?"Diao yuan sneered, "it's really the same family! The old man's baby knows so well

This sentence, is undoubtedly acquiesce Zhu Ling's conjecture.

Zhu Ling's face changed, looking at Xiangmu light song.

The meaning in her eyes is clear. If Diao yuan is angered and he destroys the bottle, then none of them can escape, and they will instantly become a corpse without blood.

However, even if you know the power of blood phagocytosis, mu Qingge is still calm and indifferent.

Zhu Ling looked at Diao yuan and said, "Hua Cangshu has given you such a heavy treasure?"

Diao Yuan said sarcastically, "that old man? What kind of treasure can only hide itself, how can it be willing to take it out? This bottle of blood sucking, of course, I stole it from him

Suddenly, mu Qingge smiles and says to him: "so, Chinese Atractylodes has no such blood phagocytosis?"

Diao yuan didn't understand the meaning of her words, but replied naturally: "good!"

"Good!" Mu Qingge burst into laughter.

However, the next second she disappeared in place, when she appeared, she had come to Diao yuan.

Diao yuan's eyes suddenly shrink, subconsciously backward, at the same time, he is also ready to pinch and burst the bottle containing blood.

However, his action is far from comparable to Mu Qingge.

Before he tried hard, the bottle in his hand was taken away by mu Qingge. Then, mu Qingge pinched his cheek and forced him to open his mouth.

After he opened his mouth, mu Qingge put the bottle mouth directly into Diao yuan's mouth. The green liquid tilted down, rushed out of the bottle cap and flowed into Diao yuan's body.

After the bottle bottomed out, mu Qingge released his hand and flashed back to the carriage door.

Clap hands, Mu light song light way: "cause of death, too much nonsense." If Diao yuan doesn't have so much nonsense, he uses blood phagocytosis without any preparation. I'm afraid they are doomed. However, he was reluctant to die. He only wanted to use blood phagocytosis to deter them and let him leave. Finally, he had to eat the evil consequences himself.

"Ah Diao yuan put his hands around his neck, his eyes protruded, and his expression was ferocious and painful.

His body was dry and dry. The body becomes dry and gray, and finally falls to the ground and turns into a pile of dust.

This is just a matter in the blink of an eye, but Diao yuan's expression fully explains what kind of pain he experienced in the blink of an eye.

Maybe, for them, it's just a flash.

But for Diao yuan, I'm afraid it took the longest time.

Zhu Ling coagulates the powder that belongs to Diao yuan and walks slowly.

Suddenly, a green smoke rose from the powder and hit her.

Zhu Ling was scared to retreat. Mu Qingge stepped forward with the trend and sprayed the green smoke out of his palm. When the smoke falls on the ground weeds, the weeds wither and decline in an instant and turn into dust on the ground.

"It's terrible!" Zhu Ling has a lingering fear.

Mu Qingge looked at the eroded ground with a look, turned to get on the carriage, and ordered the people: "continue to drive."

Finish saying, she enters carriage, Zhu Ling thinks to also follow in.

After Zhu Ling enters the carriage, he sees mu Qingge sitting cross legged inside, keeping his eyes closed. She was on the other side of the cushion, trying to ask something, but did not know how to say it.

"What does elder martial sister Zhu want to ask?" Suddenly he began to sing.

Zhu Ling was stunned and said to Mu Qingge, "just now you asked Diao yuan if there is still blood phagocytosis in Chinese Atractylodes Rhizoma..."

"Just to prevent him from jumping over the wall." Mu light song slowly opened his eyes, eyes clear incomparable.

Zhu Ling understood her words carefully.

If Chinese Atractylodes still has blood phagocytosis, then in the future, we should prevent him from releasing blood phagocytosis when he is holding the heart of the same fate.

Now it is a relief to know that Chinese Atractylodes has no such treasure.

Zhu Ling pursed her lips and asked, "is it OK to kill Diao yuan?"

Mu Qingge smiles and says to her, "even if Hua Cangshu knows that we killed Diao yuan, what? His hand could not reach the state of Qin. Besides, we have master Lou Chuanbai. "

Zhu Ling nodded silently.

In the medicine tower, there are Mei Zizhong, Zhao Nanxing and Shang zisu, together with master Lou, which will not make things worse. Now Diao yuan is dead, the crisis on her body has also reduced a bit, can't help but feel relaxed.

"Younger martial brother mu, don't disturb you to continue to practice. I'd better go outside." Zhu Ling smiles at mu Qingge and exits the carriage.

After seeing off Zhu Ling, mu Qingge returns to the space again.

This time, no one bothers. In half a month, she madly refined 500 grenade guns in space. As long as you add the beast's core, you can launch energy conversion attacks.

At this time, the motorcade had entered the territory of Li state, but they did not stop. Instead, they took a short cut and went straight through the sunset wasteland to the state of Qin.

On the way, news came from lodu.It is said that the little emperor of Luodu has issued an imperial edict to let mu Qingge appear as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad for Mu Fu.

This move caused a great outcry among the three countries in the region.

However, no country has changed.

Tu state, the nearest state of Qin, has long been beaten by mu Qingge. As long as there is no news of Mu Qingge's death, they dare not act rashly. Li state, however, is now deeply involved in the struggle for the throne and has no leisure workers to take care of the affairs of other countries. There was no enmity between the state of Yu and the state of Ba, and between the state of Qin, and there was no need to intervene.

Therefore, at the moment, the outside of the state of Qin is still calm. However, within the state of Qin, however, there were four ups and downs, and all kinds of secret surges were constantly revealed.

Originally, Qin Jinyang, a young emperor, was opposed to the succession. But because of Qin Jinchen, the Regent's iron handed means, he had to surrender.

Now, the little emperor has taken his own course and put the Regent under house arrest with a false accusation. He has put the heroes of the state of Qin into a prison. He has brought black and white to the world and arrested the little Baron of Mufu. This has aroused national indignation. The voice of support for the Mufu and the voice of criticism against the little emperor are approaching the royal city of Luodu.

Those who were forced to submit took the opportunity to jump out and accuse the little emperor of killing meritorious officials, inaction, perversion, etc

These news, because mu Qingge closed in the carriage, did not reach her ears.

The speed of the state of Qinyang has been accelerating, but things have become grim.

After another half a month, mu Qingge's carriage door has not been opened.

And they have entered the heart of the sunset wasteland, closer and closer to the state of Qin.


In the space, Meng Meng looked at the pale face and lost a lot of moqingge.

Beside her, there was a white fox with golden hair.

"The Lord silver is dead!" Meng Meng, angry and distressed.

Silver dust a pair of blood eyes looked at cross knee closed Mu light song, seems to have some understanding of the way: "the master is eager to save people, must seize all time to strengthen their own side."

Mengmeng and Yinchen look at the things piled up in front of Mu Qingge's body. It's hard to imagine. In just half a month, she made pills and armor for 500 people.

Meng Meng said to Yinchen, "although our Lord silver is very stingy, she loves her subordinates very much. She worked day and night refining soft armor with jujiao's skin and scales, and weapons with jujiao's bones. She also refined so many pills that can help people improve their realm without any side effects, so that her subordinates can survive when facing the enemy. "

Silver dust agreed with the nod. In the past half a month, it has witnessed mu Qingge's efforts, and how can it not understand her mind?

Suddenly, it turns away.

Meng Meng quickly stopped it: "Stinky fox, where are you going?"

Silver dust stopped, slightly turned his head and said, "I'm going to practice." If you don't improve your cultivation ability, how can you fight with her?

It does not want to, one day when they encounter a strong enemy, its owner will spend as much effort as now in order to save his life.

Silver dust finished and left the room.

Meng Meng continued to stay, frowned, worried at the mu Qingge immersed in the cultivation, and said to herself, "did stupid master silver prepare anything for herself?"

Suddenly, her eyes in a bright, proud smile: "I go to find what treasure, is now the main silver can use!" With that, she disappeared.

As they left, the room became quiet again.

After a while, the breath of muqingge, which was practicing, was suddenly on one side, and the facial features were twisted together in pain.

The change of moqingge's breath, the sprouting of a space spirit, and the silver dust who had a master servant contract with her felt it at the first time.

The silver dust who is practicing suddenly opens his blood eyes, and comes towards the direction of moqingge for a moment.

Meng Meng, who is choosing a baby for mu Qingge, grabs a mirror and disappears in the same place. When she reappears, she almost runs into the silver dust.

"What's the matter?" Meng Meng asked in a hurry.

Silver dust said in a deep voice: "master seems to be breaking through!"

Meng Meng suddenly widened her eyes and said excitedly, "the main silver is going to break through!"

Silver dust nodded: "it should be right. I feel the breath in her body is surging, trying to break through the bottleneck

"Let's protect the Dharma!" Meng Meng is in a hurry.

Silver dust did not refuse.

"Oh Suddenly, Meng Meng exclaimed.

Silver dust was frightened and roared: "what are you shouting about?"

In order not to be hurt by the hard work of silver refining

Silver dust rushed into the room, Meng Meng also immediately chased up.

Soon, Meng Meng moved the refined weapons, armor and all kinds of pills to the far room. Suddenly, Meng Meng runs back and looks for it for a while. She finds out the grain of liuzhuandu Erdan refined before mu Qingge."What is this?" Silver dust asks curiously.

Meng Meng white it one eye, disdain way: "you do not even know pills?"

Silver dust to her bared teeth: "I certainly know this is the pill, I am asking this pill is for what use!"

Meng Meng said: "this is a six turn Erdan, a spirit level pill. I will give the Lord silver. "

"Why? The master was not hurt. " Silver dust does not understand the way.

Meng Meng said: "stupid! What a stupid fox! The main silver spirit tired, suddenly promoted, and is to break into the purple realm, there will certainly be heart demons. This six turn to Erdan is a special treatment of heart demons, which is the preparation of the main silver for promotion. Now she's suddenly promoted and forgot to take it. Of course I'll help her

"What are you doing with all that nonsense? Feed Dan quickly. " Silver dust lost a word, rushed to Mu light song side, endure her violent uncontrollable force sweeping, with the front paw to open the mouth of Mu light song.

Meng Meng holds the pill and aims at mu Qingge's open mouth. With a hard throw, the six turn Du Erdan instantly enters the mouth of Mu Qingge.

"Done!" I'm proud of it.

"Let's go!" Silver dust rushed to take the cute belly bag in his mouth and ran out with her.

They have just rushed out of the room, from the Mu light song on the body of a strong air wave, the furnishings of the room to smash.

If Mengmeng didn't remove the things she refined before, I'm afraid she would have wasted all her efforts.

All this, muqingge do not know. She just felt that she was just breathing and repairing the energy she had lost before. But all of a sudden, the spiritual power was out of control, and it was pounding in the eight meridians of the extraordinary meridians, and it was constantly increasing.

At that moment, she almost didn't break her meridians by her increasing spiritual power.

Fortunately, her meridians were tempered by the thunder pool, and they were very tough, so they were able to carry them down.

When she felt her spiritual power gradually turned purple, she knew that she had begun to advance. It made her laugh and cry, totally unprepared.

Fortunately, when she tried to control the ravages of spiritual power, a stream of clear water flowed out of her mouth, which made her brain wake up a lot. Also calm down again, ready to break through the bottleneck, advance to purple!

"Every promotion is the best time to refine your body!" Suddenly, Mu light song sounded Si Mo once said.

She tried to open her eyes and use her only available psychic power to teleport herself to the minefield behind the room.

Entering the minefield, the electric light was swirling around her body.

The spiritual power in her body surges like a tide, constantly impacting her flesh and blood skeleton. Outside, the lightning power in the thunder pool takes the opportunity to drill into her body and temper every inch of her flesh and blood, every inch of skeleton.

The power of thunder pool seems to resonate with the thunder power in her body, which makes her eyes turn purple blue, and her eyes turn into storm clusters of thunder and lightning.

There's a hair on top of her hair.

On her skin, covered with purple and blue power grid, she kept swimming under her skin.


Muqingge's spiritual power, like a wild beast, makes a crazy roar, which makes her mouth overflow with blood. Fortunately, because of the power of liuzhuandu Erdan, her Mingtai has always been in a clear state, and has not been disturbed by the heart demons.

The dark blue spiritual power burst out from the body of muqingge and shrouded in the whole thunderstorm pool. As violent as a tornado, in the spirit power, there are also filaments of electric arc, like countless small snake.

Muqingge is like sitting in the center of the storm, bearing the raging power with the body.

All of a sudden, the thunder liquid in the thunder pool is swept up by the spirit power storm and soars into the air, forming a ball to wrap mu Qingge and spiritual power in it.

The psychic storm turns faster and faster, and the dark blue gradually turns to purple.

Gradually, muqingge's spiritual power has become lavender. However, promotion has not stopped

Mu light song eyebrows gradually wrinkled, it seems that some can not bear successive promotion. But she couldn't stop it.

Suddenly, the color of Muri's soul power gradually deepens, and the purple color suddenly stops in the body.

"Ah The pain of Lingli Chong body makes mu Qingge cry out.

Her voice, like waves, spread continuously, shattering the fog around the space, gradually revealing the scenery and buildings in the fog.

Mengmeng and Yinchen, who were watching outside, looked up at the sky in a daze.

Looking at the wind and cloud surging in the sky and the color changing, he said: "the main silver is good to break through in the space. If it breaks through outside, it will not only make much noise."

As soon as she finished this sentence, the ground in space trembled.

"What happened?" Silver dust stabilized her body and asked Meng Meng.

"The main silver breakthrough, the space will naturally change! I I The baby is going to change too As soon as Meng Meng finished speaking, her body was wrapped by colorful light, forming a huge egg, which was suspended in the air.Silver dust dull looking at the front of the colorful egg, lenglengleng said: "Meng Meng, you are the original egg!"


When mu Qingge wakes up from confusion, he finds himself still in space. However, it seems that there are some different changes in space.

Mu Qingge walks out of the thunder pool and raises his palm. Suddenly, a deep purple spiritual power emerges from the palm. Staring at the spiritual power for a while, mu Qingge takes back the spiritual power and spits out a turbid breath: "mid purple state."

Although, this promotion is not in the plan, but is about to face a strong enemy, she suddenly entered the purple realm, and also leapt into the mid purple state, which is undoubtedly a huge guarantee for her.

Compared with the peak of the blue realm, it can be said that it has increased a lot of chances to win against the enemy with the accomplishments in the middle of purple realm.

Mu Qingge suddenly felt energetic and walked out.

When she went out, she found that the world in the space was different from before. Many scenes and buildings hidden in the white fog before now clearly appear in front of her, which shows that she can go to these places.

Mu Qingge was excited.

Suddenly, she found that not far in front of her, there was a colorful egg suspended in the air, and on the ground below the huge egg, a snow-white fox was coiled into a ball, eyes closed.

Mu Qingge blinked and murmured: "how about cute? What's the matter with this colorful egg

Naturally, no one can give her an answer.

Mu Qingge thought for a while and thought that Mengmeng was the spirit of space, and there should be no danger. He simply went to see the new places.

Mu Qingge naturally has no time to explore one by one.

She just walked around and saw that there were three unsealed buildings. Under the eaves, there are "martial arts school", "material storehouse" and "artifact storehouse".

Before going in, mu Qingge was shocked by the three plaques and took a cold breath.

That kind of feeling, it is just like winning a big prize. Overnight, from a poor man to a rich man.

Mu Qingge's heart is full of excitement, and he would like to rush in and have a good look at the baby inside. But, fortunately, she is still rational, knowing that there is not much time. She has been in the space for so long, maybe she has returned to the state of Qin.

After thinking about it, she put the space change in advance and returned to the house under the ancient tree.

On the way, she also passed a large field of medicine with no end. She finally knows where Mengmeng gets her endless herbs.

After returning to the sky and ancient trees, mu Qingge suddenly found that those green tile brick houses had turned into a rather elegant palace, which was in line with her aesthetic outlook.

Surprise is really heavy and heavy, moqingge suddenly has a dreamlike unreal feeling.

Suddenly, she felt a spiritual vibration around her.

She turned around and saw a burst of purple light on silver dust, reflecting its snow-white hair into purple.

In an instant, the purple light converged, and the silver dust was white again.

The silver dust, who finished the practice, slowly opened his eyes and exposed the pair of bloody pupils. When it saw muqingge standing in front of it, under the head, respectfully called out: "master."

"Silver dust, congratulations on your promotion." Mu Qingge has seen that silver dust has also broken through to the purple realm spirit beast.

One more step up, it will be transformed into a beast.

"It's all in the master's blessing." Silver dust road.

"Me?" Mu Qingge points to himself.

Yinchen nodded and explained to her: "the power of master's promotion is very strong. Because I have a contract with my master, a part of the undigested spiritual power will follow the contract into my body and let me advance."

It also did not expect to form a contract with moqingge, there will be such benefits.

"I see." Mu light song to understand the nod. Then he asked, "what about Meng Meng?"

Asked about Meng Meng, silver dust slowly turned the fox's head and looked at the colorful egg hanging around him.

Mu light Song mouth a draw, the finger moves to the giant egg, surprised way: "you won't tell me this huge egg is sprouting to change?"

"She said Because you are promoted, the space changes, so she will also have changes. And then it's the colored dome. " Silver dust road.

Ha ha

Mu Qingge felt that his smile must be stiff at this time.

Shaoqing, she coughed gently and said to Yinchen, "I guess Mengmeng won't come out for a while. I'll go out first and you'll stay here."

Silver dust points the fox's head.

Mu Qingge turns around and goes out of space.


When mu Qingge slowly opened her eyes in the carriage, she felt that the carriage was still running.

In the carriage, she was the only one. It seemed that people didn't want to disturb her practice, so they didn't come in.

Mu Qingge lifted the curtain on the carriage and saw the figure of Youhe riding a horse. "Young lotus." She gave a light call.Hearing the sound, Youhe turned his head and saw muqingge. His dusty face suddenly showed a smile: "young Lord, you are closed up!"

"Well." Mu Qingge nodded and asked, "where are you now? How long has it been? "

Youhe replied, "the young Lord ordered us to arrive at the state of Qin within a month and a half. We dare not delay. Now it's almost out of the sunset wasteland. It's ten days to a month and a half before it's out of the wilderness. "

Mu Qingge gently nodded her jaw and said to her, "you've worked hard these days. Everyone has a rest except the sunset wasteland. "

With that, she lowered the curtain.

Before the sun was called, the place where the army of Qianlie was gathered was set at the edge of the wasteland.

Count the time. They should have arrived.

The news of Mu Qingge's closing down makes the Dragon teeth guards who have been running around for days like fighting chicken blood in an instant, speeding up the speed of their journey.

After learning that mu Qingge had finished training, Zhu Ling returned to the carriage and said with a bitter smile: "I am so delicate and expensive. I am so exhausted for the first time."

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "it's hard for elder martial sister Zhu. Next, you'll have a good rest in the carriage."

Zhu Ling nodded and said, "even if you don't say so, I will have the cheek to ask for it. If I continue to ride, even if I'm riding a spirit beast Yan horse, my butt will rot away

After that, she seemed to feel that she should not have said such explicit words in front of a "man" in muqingge's face, showing a coy and shy look.

Mu light song to feel nothing, just said: "wait until the place, I will arrange elder martial sister Zhu properly."

Zhu Ling said: "you don't have to worry about me. When you arrive in the state of Qin, you will be busy with your affairs. I don't care. Are you worried that I can't take care of myself? "

Mu light song smile, no more words.

In the evening, mu Qingge and others finally walked out of the sunset wasteland.

Moyang led the team to the gathering place and sent two dragon teeth guards to investigate in advance.

After a while, they rushed to the camp with a group of dragon teeth guards and took them to the camp.

The hundred thousand thousand soldiers and the five hundred dragon guards, except the group that went to Vientiane building to ask for debts, have not arrived yet. All the others have gathered near the sunset wasteland.

Zhu Ling got out of the carriage and saw the barracks arranged in order.

All of them gathered at the gate of the well, and all the troops who came to train with each other.

When they saw muqingge, more than 100000 people all knelt down on one knee and cried out: "little Lord --"! Little Lord -- "

The mountain cry of 100000 people shocked Zhu Ling.

Her charming face is full of shock, and her tall and straight back is full of curiosity.

Although she is not a soldier, and she has never been in contact with soldiers, she can feel these people, from the bottom of her heart, she feels adoration for moqingge. Even if she is an outsider, she is shocked and eager to be one of them.

Zhu Ling follows mu Qingge and goes deep into the barracks.

As a woman, she entered the barracks, but she was not discriminated against. Those soldiers on the ground did not look at her more.

Such military discipline, let her surprise, more than once in the heart of their own charm did not feel confident.

Mu light song into the main account, Zhu Ling also followed in.

She did not sit down casually, but stood behind mu Qingge with Youhe and Huayue.

Mu Qingge sat on the throne, Qing Mou swept the general in the main tent and asked, "what is the situation of Luo now?"

The chief General of the qianliejun stepped forward, clasped his fists and said, "reply to the young Lord, the little emperor of loduri has issued an imperial edict. If the little Lord does not show up again within ten days, he will execute the old general and the elder lady outside the imperial city."

"In what name?" Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly narrowed and asked in a sharp voice.

Zhu Ling worried to see the light song to mu, just now, she clearly felt the breath of her brother Mu was cold, biting!

Qianliejun general hate voice: "cover up the evil country thief, Mu light song."

Mu light Song Mou bottom cold awn a moment, suddenly backward a fall, lean back to the chair, sneer repeatedly: "good a disaster country thief, this charge is well pressed!"

Mo Yang was silent for a moment and stood up and said: "before, many people came out to fight against injustice for the Mu house, but whether they were sincere or fake, they were all found dead in the room. My subordinates guess that it was the foreign experts who did it. I guess they wanted to make an example to others, so that others would not dare to say more. "

Mu light song eyes in the cold mang Lianlian, the corner of the mouth with a smile does not contain any temperature. "What a good example."

"What about the palace?" Mu Qingge asked.

Mo Yang said: "the spy returned that the Regent was under house arrest. The little emperor went to see him once a day, as if to persuade him to unite with himself."

"Oh? How does Qin Jinchen answer? " Mu light song eyes light up to play.

"It is estimated that he did not agree, and the little emperor left several times in anger." Mo Yang replied.Mu Qingge sneers and sneers in his heart: "Qin Jinchen, how does it feel to be bitten by his own wolf cub?"

Then she asked, "where is Princess Yun?"

Mo Yang thought for a while and said, "it seems that it just limits the action."

After understanding the situation of Luodu, mu Qingge asked again, "why has the Dragon tooth Wei who went to the Vientiane building not come back yet?"

Mo Yang frowned, and he also had some doubts.

According to Li Guowei, they should have come back earlier than Longya.

At this time, someone outside suddenly reported that the group of dragon teeth guards had come back.

Mu Qingge lets them in, but they don't want to come back with Longya Wei, and there is an unexpected guest!


Mu Qingge looked at Han Caicai wrapped in colorful brocade robes. His clear eyes moved slowly from his pretty face to his open lapel. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I really didn't expect it. It's just asking for debt. He also asked Han Shaozhu to go there in person."

Han Caicai was so charming and gorgeous that she found an empty chair and sat down at random. She pointed to several boxes on the ground and said, "how can I not come by myself for such a valuable thing? If it is lost and you depend on me, will I lose even more? "

"Who is this? Look so Er Beautiful and touching. " Zhu Ling looks at Han Caicai and asks Youhe in a low voice.

"The little master of the Vientiane building," he answered softly

Zhu Ling was shocked. She didn't expect that the goblin like man in front of her eyes would be the young master of the Vientiane building. She did not expect that younger brother Mu would have a lot of friendship with the young master of Vientiane building.

"Thank you for your kindness. Now, the things have been delivered. Please come back, young master Han. " Mu Qingge immediately ordered the guests to leave.

She doesn't have the time and mood to deal with Han Caicai.

However, Han Caicai didn't mean to move. His Phoenix eyes narrowed into thin lines, and he said to Mu Qingge with a smile: "Mu Qingge, I know you are in trouble now, so I come here to help you."

"Would you be so kind?" Mu Qingge doesn't believe it at all.

Han Caicai suddenly said with a smile: "I'm not so kind to others. But for you I still have this kindness. "

"Han Caicai, what do you want to do?" Mu Qingge frowned.

Han Caicai laughs evil spirit matchless, languidly leans on the chair, "this time I don't want to play a trick, just to help you."

"No need." Mu Qingge refused directly.

If she wants to ask for help, is it more convenient to look for Si Mo directly? Why do you go to find Han Caicai? Why do you owe me human feelings. At this time, she didn't find out. If something happened, she would rather trouble the old monster in her mouth than ask for help.

"You can't refuse it." Han Caicai road.

Mu Qingge frowns again.

At this time, someone came to report in a hurry.

"Sir, there is news from Lotu. The little emperor ordered to advance the execution date of the old lord to five days later, and said And said

"What else?" Mu Qingge asked in a cold voice.

As soon as the visitor bit his teeth, he said in a deep voice: "he said that if the young Lord was as timid as a mouse and did not dare to come, he would dig the tomb of Princess yonghuan. Princess Yun wants to enter the palace and is stopped by our people. "

Mu Qingsong "rub" to stand up, the whole body fierce, like a bloodthirsty demon, so that Han Caicai's smile is slowly convergence.

Zhu Ling song seems to know that he is not shocked by his granddad's anger.

"He said, to dig the grave of pity?" Mu Qingge's voice was as cold as ice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!