The state of Qin, Luodu.

In the lonely palace, only the lantern flickers to dispel the chill of the night.

There was no maid or servant in the palace. The night wind through the wall, blowing the landing veil, for the palace by adding a bit of desolation.

In the palace, the palace lantern is the most gathering place. The orange candlelight overlaps with each other, setting off the warmth of the room, and enveloping the yellow shirt man sitting on the cushion in the palace.

Men's facial features are beautiful, white and transparent, giving people a sense of being broken at any time.

His long hair was simply tied at random with a headband and hung behind him. On the closed eyes, long and curly eyelashes form a row of shadows under the eyelids.

He sat in silence, like a statue.

If he had not breathed, I would have thought that he had already emerged.

The night wind through the veil, lifted up his hair, blowing his clothes, let him have a kind of "I want to go back to the wind" desolation.

As if, he should belong to loneliness, this does not belong to the prosperous world.

All of a sudden, the pouring wind suddenly strengthened, blowing the hem of his robe scattered on the ground. A dark shadow came down from the sky and fell beside him, kneeling on one knee.

The sudden wind seems to affect the man's fragile breath, causing him to clench his fist and cough fiercely on his lips.

The man in black was startled. He looked up at him and said to himself, "my subordinates should die!"

Calmed the agitation in the body, Qin Jinchen waved her hand, and said gently: "it has nothing to do with you."

Even so, people in black are still full of self blame and worry.

"Master, let's take you out!" The man in black pleaded again. This was the first time he could not remember how many times he explained to the master that he had taken him away from the land of right and wrong, but every time he was resolutely refused by the master.

This cold palace is constantly eroding the weak body of the master. If it goes on like this, how can it survive?

Qin Jinchen just shook his head and refused.

"Master!" The anxious way of the man in black.

"I can't go." Qin Jinchen refused. As if a touch of pain flashed in his frozen eyes, he sighed: "after all, it was I who took him. If I leave at this point, it will only make the situation more chaotic. " He can no longer let his family take risks, let alone because of his own disappearance, aggravating the development of things.

Today's Qin Jinyang is not the Qin Jinyang he is familiar with. He became arrogant, arrogant, crazy, and no one could guarantee what he would do in his fury.

Qin Jinchen slowly closed his eyes and prevented the outflow of heartache in his eyes.

"But your body..." The man in black asked.

Qin Jinchen was calm as usual, but asked faintly, "did you bring the pill?"

The man in black immediately took out a bottle of pills from his arms and offered them with both hands.

Qin Jinchen's pale and transparent fingers picked up the medicine bottle from his hand and clenched it firmly in his palm. "With these pills, I can wait until he comes back and personally make amends to him."

After silence for a while, Qin Jinchen asked again, "how much time is left?"

The man in black raised his eyes and replied, "tomorrow is the deadline. A high platform has been set up at the gate of the imperial city and heavily guarded. Another group of people went out from the palace to look for Princess yonghuan's mausoleum. "

"How dare he do that?! Cough... " Qin Jinchen's eyes refract the fierce color, which leads to the internal Qi and blood surging.

"Master, don't be angry! My subordinates have sent people to protect Princess yonghuan's mausoleum, and will never let anyone disturb her. " The man in black helped Qin Jinchen's tottering body and explained quickly.

Qin Jinchen breathed a few times with a big mouth and then stabilized the discomfort in his body.

The man in black took a pill from the bottle and fed it to him. He used his internal force to catalyze. When he saw his pale and transparent cheek recover a trace of ruddy, he was relieved.

Qin Jinchen eased her breath and said to the black clothes: "tell the ancient master that you must protect the cloud Princess and pity. I don't have to worry about it."

The man in black resisted the worry in his heart and nodded.

Qin Jinchen covered her chest, turned to look at the man in black and asked, "what's the situation there?"

The man in black replied, "in the prison, we have already deployed people. If anything happens, they will save my husband and miss Mu first. At the gate of the Imperial City, we also put people in. If the young Lord can't get back in time, our people will try their best to rescue him and miss mu. Don't worry, master

Qin Jinchen closed her eyes and nodded. "I've done him once, and I can't let his family get hurt again. You remember, if the matter is irreparable, you will take Princess Yun away from the state of Qin after rescuing them. The purpose of this operation is to save people. You are not the opponents of the three. You must not confront the enemy head-on. You must make a quick decision. "

"Master, what about you?" People in black are worried.

Qin Jinchen did not mention himself in his plan.

"Me?" Qin Jinchen's mouth floating up a faint smile of unknown meaning, and then disappeared in an instant. "Don't worry about me, you just do what I say."The man in black wanted to say something more, but Qin Jinchen interrupted: "well, you are not safe here for a long time. Go back quickly."

The man in black had no choice but to leave.

In the palace, a silence was restored.

Qin Jinchen sat in the same place, watching the flickering flame in the palace lamp, murmured: "I will help you to the throne, bring this catastrophe, then I will end all this, will you pull down that supreme seat!"

He has decided in his heart that after tomorrow's event, he will die with Qin Jinyang!

Qin Jinchen sat on the cushion, already exhausted, but did not let him go to the bed not far away to rest.

Outside, there was the sound of a watchman, less than three hours before dawn.

All of a sudden, his majesty called out

Qin Jinchen's eyes flashed and closed slowly. But the body did not move, did not intend to get up to meet the driver.

Some of Qin Jin's robes have faded away.

Behind him stood the majestic army of the forest.

However, when he came to the outside of the hall, Qin Jinyang raised his hand and stopped the army from following him. He lifted up the veil and walked in alone.

As soon as he went in, he was covered by the light of the palace lantern, setting off his bright yellow, which symbolized the emperor. The gold dragon embroidered on his robe is even more powerful, ferocious and lifelike.

At the beginning, the young emperor, who was respectful and modest to muqingge, had promised that there would be Mujia for one day in the state of Qin. Now, there is more pride in his brow.

As if, the world has been in his control!

As soon as Qin Jinyang came in, he saw his brother's thin and thin back, which was shrouded in a broad robe, and seemed more and more weak.

He paced and approached slowly.

Around Qin Jinchen, came to his opposite, and sat opposite him.

The light of the palace lantern, falling on his face, added a bit of toughness to him.

Qin Jinchen slowly opened his eyes and looked at him calmly. I don't know why, he saw some of his father's shadow on his clear face.

The same, so ambitious, the same Faithless and faithless!

The most unforgivable thing for him is that this man was pushed up by himself. Mu Qingge's words are still in my ears. She said, the emperor who can do it, but if there is a problem, she only look for him!

Because she trusted him, not the emperor!

But what about him? After all, this trust has been betrayed.

Qin Jinchen slowly closed his eyes and seemed unwilling to see the stranger in front of him.

"Brother Huang, why are you suffering?" Qin Jinyang suddenly opened his mouth. His eyes drooped, eyelashes blocked the mood in his eyes, and slowly said: "we are a family after all, and Mojia Relying on his high achievements, he not only ran roughshod in the Middle Kingdom, but also interfered in the affairs of the royal family, causing palace changes and injuring Royal descendants. The decline of our royal family had to give in to its influence. Now, we have grown-ups who are in charge of us. At this time, if we don't kill the Musketeers, when will we wait? Why are you so stubborn? Yang'er is still young and needs the help of his brother. Isn't it hard for yang'er to be so stubborn? "

Qin Jinyang's words let Qin Jinchen open his eyes again.

His eyes, which seemed to be able to see through everything, were staring at Qin Jinyang. The bottom of his eyes reflected the way Qin Jinyang was confused by power at the moment. "Don't forget, you can't be the emperor without the disorderly officials and thieves in your mouth."

However, this sentence angered Qin Jinyang. He stood up abruptly and brushed his sleeve at Qin Jinchen: "I am the son of the royal family, but also the son of my father. Even if my father is still alive, I have a share of the throne."

Qin Jinchen slowly raised her eyes and looked at him.

The strangeness in his eyes seemed like he didn't know the man at all.

"Damn it, Murong, Murong, even more damned Qin Jinyang's face is ferocious. "He is clearly no more than a few years older than me. Why should I be humble in front of him and look at him everywhere? I am the emperor of Qin, he is the minister! The state of Qin belongs to our Qin family! They're not admirers! Isn't he doing what he wants only by virtue of his high cultivation? Now, I have a person with higher cultivation than her. Why should I continue to be afraid of him? Now, he should kneel down and beg for mercy! I want to recover his insult to me

"You are jealous of him." Qin Jinchen's peaceful way.

Qin Jinyang seemed to have been trampled on his tail and said, "nonsense! I am the king of a country. I am the son of God. How can I envy him

"Wrong." Qin Jinchen slowly shook his head and drooped his eyes: "you are jealous of him and afraid of him. Envy him that he is not much older than you, but can have such a popular will and be able to do so. The name of Mujia's little Lord is well known in the world. Even Tu Guo, the enemy of generations, is afraid and respectful of him. You envy him that he is young, but he can turn his hands over clouds and rain, and that he can sneer at the power that countless people are eager for and give freely. You are also afraid of him, afraid that one day you can not control the jealousy in your heart, let him know, end up with your other brothers. Even more afraid that one day he is not satisfied with you, the emperor, and will pull you down and replace you with a new one. "Qin Jinchen's words, let Qin Jinyang's face gradually pale.

In front of Qin Jinchen, his most obscure and frightened mind seemed to be exposed at a glance.

He is still as powerful as ever.

Qin Jinyang's fierce eyes show a flurry.

Qin Jinchen continued: "in fact, the most wrong thing I did is that I should not recommend you to inherit the throne. I thought I knew something about your temperament and thought you could govern the state of Qin. But I can't imagine that people's hearts will eventually change because of different seats. Your heart has been eroded by power, and your eyes have been blinded by jealousy

Qin Jinyang sneered and his facial features were still ferocious: "brother, how could you be wrong? In my opinion, this is the most right thing you have done in your life. Indeed, only I can rule the state of Qin well and even unify the whole region of the third class country! " His arms spread out, as if under his sleeve robe, is the great river and mountain of the third class country.

"You're delusional." Qin Jinchen broke his dream without hesitation.

"You are wrong!" Qin Jinyang took back his hand and looked down at him with a crazy look in his eyes: "as long as there are adults happy and they help me, I can do it!"

The flame in Qin Jinyang's eyes burned. Since he saw the powerful purple emperor worshipped by the royal family, his ambition was ignited and he was out of control ever since!

The strong purple realm, the legendary invincible existence, are easily cleaned up by the music Lord, what else can be difficult to get him in this world?

As long as we get rid of this thorn in the Mu family! Remove the stumbling block of muqingge!

Qin Jinyang's eyes twinkled with a cruel and cold look.

Qin Jinchen's black and white eyes, there is a touch of sympathy, a voice to remind: "the other side is so powerful, and you can control it? I'm afraid at the end of the day, you're just making a wedding dress. It's sad that a generation of emperors have been reduced to pieces in other people's hands. "

"I don't care! If I can rule the country, what's the harm of playing chess? " In Qin Jinyang's eyes, the flame was burning fiercer.

He looked at Qin Jinchen and said coldly, "brother, I think you have helped me to ascend the throne. I just want to persuade you. Do you think I really hate to kill you? "

Qin Jinchen lips show a shallow arc, a pair of fearless appearance, let Qin Jinyang hate teeth itching: "I will give you this last time, if you are still obsessed with not understanding, tomorrow I will you and Mojia thief, together tied to the scaffold!"

With that, he swept his sleeve and left.

The open palace door was closed again.

Outside the hall, the torches were heavy and the footsteps were blaring, and the figures of the royal guards were reflected on the doors and windows. For a moment, the palace where Qin Jinchen was under house arrest had been heavily guarded by the imperial forest army, so tight that even a bird could not fly in.

Qin Jinchen looked at the reflection on the window lattice, drooping her eyes and not speaking.

Self mockery in the heart, I'm afraid he also did a wrong thing, that is, too much power was handed over to Qin Jinyang too early. These forces, I am afraid, are also a capital to boost his ambition.

With a heavy sigh, Qin Jinchen covered her chest and coughed fiercely.

After coughing, he looked pale and transparent. He quietly took out the medicine bottle, poured out a pill of pills, swallowed it, the whole talent spirit some.


Qin Jinyang angrily returned to his bedroom. As soon as he entered, he was furious with the maids and servants in the palace and threw them all out.

When there was no one else, he finally took off his disguise.

That clear and meaningful face, haze ferocious, hate and jealousy interweave in his eyes, burning anger in his chest, let him have a desire to kill!

"They look down on me! Do you think that I will depend on you to secure the throne? " Qin Jinyang's hand severely smashes to the table top, the numbness that hand uploads, cannot compare with the hatred in his heart at the moment.

The night wind danced wildly, blowing out the palace lantern, making the whole palace into darkness.

The shadow behind Qin Jinyang, like an ugly and ferocious devil, is roaring with open teeth and claws.

"Why is it so dark?" Suddenly, a proud voice came from behind.

Qin Jinyang was stunned, his ferocious momentum disappeared, and his facial features returned to calm, showing a modest and polite smile. He turned and looked at the man who had stepped directly into the palace and saluted respectfully, "Lord le."

The visitor nodded haughtily.

Behind him, those palace maids who had been driven out by Qin Jinyang did not need to be told to enter with a flame and light the palace lantern which was blown out by the night wind.

The brightness of the palace lamp dispels the darkness and brightens the appearance of people in the future.

His appearance is a middle-aged man about 30 years old. He is ordinary in appearance but not outstanding. Even, it can be described as mediocre and ugly. However, his brows are extremely arrogant, the arrogance in his eyes, as if the people in front of him are like ants. He is the leader of the three people who came down to the palace of Qin!

"Well." Lotte didn't even look at Qin Jinyang's respect, but walked to the palace and sat down under the Dragon chair. Ignoring the unnatural look on Qin Jinyang's face, he directly asked: "do you have any news from the little scum of the Mu family?"Qin Jinyang cautiously said: "at present, there is not. But please rest assured that mu Qingge is very concerned about his relatives. Now, his grandfather and aunt are in our hands. Sooner or later, he will appear

"He's not afraid to die, is he?" A frown of hesitation.

"No!" Qin Jinyang firmly said: "Mu Qingge is arrogant in nature, arrogant in nature, arrogant in character, and arrogant in the eyes. He will never show up because of his timidity."

Happy day nodded, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and there was a lustrous light in his eyes: "the little girls of Mojia..."

Qin Jinyang immediately realized: "Mu Lianrong has a strong character. If you offer her to le at this time, I'm afraid she will force her to die. After capturing mu Qingge tomorrow, I will send her to Lord Le's room and listen to his orders. "

Happy day frowned discontentedly.

I don't seem to think that a woman will affect the overall situation. However, he thought that he went to the prison a few days ago and tried to force Mu Lianrong to submit to him. He felt that it was OK to wait another night.

He is a woman with this hobby and strong temperament, just like a wild horse who doesn't acclimatize. The stronger he is, the more he likes it!

Thinking of Mu Lianrong's strong appearance, happy day's heart began to itch again. He stood up and said to Qin Jinyang, "take time to prepare. After dawn, no matter whether the little scum named Mu appears or not, I will ask the little ladies of the Mu family to serve in my room."

"Yes." Qin Jinyang bowed his head.

After seeing Lotte away, Qin Jinyang took up his respectful look. He looked down upon today's inferiority as a way to grow up tomorrow.


It's getting light.

On this day, the inner city of lodu was separated from the outer city by the city gate, and all people could enter and leave at will.

Therefore, at daybreak, countless people swarmed into the inner city and into the scope of the Imperial City, surrounding the high scaffold outside the imperial city.

Tens of thousands of royal forest troops surrounded the scaffold several layers to prevent the common people from breaking in.

On the high wall, there were also tens of thousands of city guards guarding the gate of the imperial city so tightly that even a needle could not be inserted.

Outside the tower on the gate, the Golden Dragon canopy stands against the wind. Under the canopy, a dragon chair is placed.

There are two chairs on the left and right sides of the Dragon chair.

Royal master, the garrison tower up and down, inside and outside, to ensure the safety of the tower.

Such a large situation, so that the people who arrived early are timid and whispering. In my heart, I still don't want to believe that the God of war of Qin State will be bound to the scaffold.

The pride in their hearts, the young hero in their hearts, the little Lord of Mufu, are really the thieves who want to plan for the country? They don't want to believe it!

With the passage of time, more and more people gathered.

Luodune is full of people, as if the whole Luodu people, officials and dignitaries gathered under the Imperial City, waiting for an unprecedented trial!

On the tower, an internal servant came forward and said in a loud voice, "Your Majesty, please kneel down!"

With his words, both the Imperial Army and the people all knelt down on their knees, lowered their heads and cried out in unison: "long live my emperor!"

The whole Luodu army and the people are in the same voice, and the voice is resounding the world.

Qin Jinyang bathed in this atmosphere, feel that he is the only king of the whole world!

He walked up and down on the tower, overlooking the countless subjects crawling on the ground, and his ambition was evaporated once again.

When he came to his dragon chair, he said in a loud voice, "flat body --!"

"Thank you, long!" Kneeling people, one after another.

At this time, the Chamberlain shrieked: "please welcome the three musicians --!"

Qin Jinyang, who just sat down, stood up. With his action, the people under the city wall spontaneously silent down, want to see who the so-called music Lord is.

After a while, there were three men in the wall.

From their emperor's expression, they guessed that the three people were the so-called Yue adults.

But who is the music Lord?

The people's hearts were full of doubts and discussions.

At this time, the three people have come to Qin Jinyang. Qin Jinyang gave them a fist hugging ceremony, and the three of them sat down arrogantly on his left and right seats.

After the three sat down, Qin Jinyang returned to his dragon chair and sat down.

Beside Qin Jinyang, there is still an empty chair.

Happy day scornfully glanced at, sneered at, then no longer to see.

"Qin Jinchen, Regent of Xuan Dynasty --!" The Chamberlain yelled again.

This time, there was another whispering discussion among the people. In the hearts of the people, Qin Jinchen, the Regent, is much more gold than the Emperor Qin Jinyang.

Wearing a goose yellow robe, thin and thin Qin Jinchen, with a pale skin and a feeling of being broken, was "escorted" to the city wall by a team of royal guards.

When he appeared in the sight of the common people, many of them secretly grasped the weapon handle hidden in their sleeves.Qin Jinchen was taken to Qin Jinyang and stopped. The latter said triumphantly, "brother Huang, today's good play is very important to me. How can you not let your brother witness such an important moment? "

Qin Jinchen's eyes, which seem to be able to see through people's hearts, stare at Qin Jinyang's face, making his smile become a little awkward.

When Qin Jinyang's expression from stiff to ferocious, Qin Jinchen suddenly moved his eyes from his face and swept lightly from Lotte.

Finally, he looked at the empty seat and said in a weak voice, "that chair is for me, isn't it?"

Qin Jinyang subconsciously nodded.

Qin Jinchen walked to the chair and sat down leisurely in the cold gaze of Letian's three people.

That bearing, on the contrary, compared with Qin Jinyang sitting on the Dragon chair, is more like the son of the Tian family, Royal pride.

Qin Jinyang's eyes flashed a look of resentment. He gouged out his eyes and took back his eyes.

"Is it nearly time?" Happy and impatient way.

Qin Jinyang a Leng, show humility smile reply: "is almost."

"Then bring the man up yet?" Happy day side of a rough appearance of the big man directly roared.

Another looks feminine, the stature thin man, also reveals the contempt arrogant eye light.

The three men obviously did not take Qin Jinyang, the king of the country, in their eyes. For them, Qin Jinyang was no different from those mole ants at the bottom of the city.

Qin Jinchen, who saw all this clearly, sneered in his heart. He is laughing. Qin Jinyang is nothing but a chess piece in the hands of others. He is also complacent and wants to dominate the world.

"Yes, bring them up here." Qin Jinyang said with a smile.

After raising his eyes, his face changed, showing some Imperial Majesty. He led the leader of the imperial army who was waiting beside him: "bring up muxiong, Mu Lianrong, and Shao family members."

Qin Jinchen eyes light flash, slowly drooping eyes.

Shao family, Shao Pang The young man who followed mu Qingge all day long and called him "boss". Unexpectedly, in this case, people are in danger, but he resolutely stood on the side of the Mu family, thus implicating the whole family.

Qin Jinchen lip corner smile, some desolate, also do not know is for whom.

"I don't know if Mu Qingge knows that his friends and family are involved." Qin Jinchen thought of it in his heart.

At this time, the rugged man said, "don't you mean to dig the grave of the little wife and bring the body here? Why not? "

This sentence, let Qin Jinchen put in the sleeve of the hand, suddenly clenched, lips tight into a line.

He was cold and cold, but he couldn't hurt the three crazy people nearby.

Qin Jinyang explained: "someone has been sent to look for it. He's hiding his wife so hidden that it's hard to find it for a while and a half. "

"Hum, useless waste." The cold hum of discontent of the rough man. I don't know whether the "rubbish" in his words refers to the people sent out to look for Qin Yilian's mausoleum, or Qin Jinyang, the emperor.

Qin Jinyang's face changed, but he did not dare to retort.

The man with a soft face and a thin figure suddenly said, "third brother, how good can you expect them to be in such a wilderness? Just bear with it. " There is a clear tone of disdain.

"I didn't want to come because I knew the people here couldn't help fighting." The rough man snorted coldly.

Happy day said: "well, you two each one less say a word. It's backward, but it's not completely boring. " He narrowed his eyes and thought about the treatment of this period of time.

The three of them are not important figures in the music family, but they are also the people who need to depend on others to live on. Here, but can become a person, enjoy the glory, wealth, beauty, respect. This wonderful, let him really do not want to go back.

"Yes, second brother." The Yin soft man sheepishly said.

The rough man also stuffy voice should, no longer speak.

The sound of chains rings from the city's downstairs, hundreds of people wearing white prison clothes, hands and feet were bound with chains, slowly appeared. Muxiong and Mu Lianrong are at the forefront.

After them, there was a fat man with a round body like a ball.

As soon as he came out, he yelled, "Qin Jinyang, you stupid monarch! Overthrow black and white, kill loyal officials indiscriminately! Wait, my boss won't let you go! "

"Shut up!" The jailer next to him whipped him on the back.

The whip was full of barbs. When the whip went down, it immediately pierced the flesh and blood and took up the bloody shredded meat.

Shao's back hurts. But he was still proud to pick eyebrows: "how guilty? Don't you dare to let me continue? "

"More Ze, you say less." Shao Fu, who followed Shao pangzi, said a word and dropped his eyes.

Shao Pang turned and looked at his father. His father's old appearance overnight made him choke and put his heart down. This time, it was he who implicated the whole Shao family and his father.He can go through fire and water for the sake of moqingge, but it makes him feel guilty when his family is involved.

"You all right, little fat man?" Murianrong asked softly.

Shao Pang looks back and sees the caring eyes of Mu Xiong and Mu Lianrong.

Looking at their haggard appearance, Shao fatty bit his teeth and shook his head.

"Uncle mu, aunt Lian, don't worry. The boss will come to save us." Shao Pang comforted him.

Mu Xiong sighed: "I'd rather she didn't come." When his spiritual power was sealed by the man named Lotte, he knew that the other side was not easy to provoke.

Murianrong bit her lip and said to Mu Xiong, "Dad, light Geji people have a natural appearance, and they will be OK. As long as the light song is OK, the root of our Mu family will not be broken. "

Mu Xiong sighed and nodded, and looked at Shao Pang's father with guilt, "Shao brother, I've implicated you. It's my Mu family. I'm sorry for your Shao family. "

Shao Fu shook his head and said with a smile: "old general, death is lighter than Hongmao, but heavier than Mount Tai. Mu's family is so wronged that I Shao family can justify the name of Mu family with innocent body, and it's worth dying! "

Mu Xiong showed a bitter smile, for Shao father's words, his heart rose with infinite emotion.

Shao's father's smile slowly converged, and his voice was heavy: "old general, compared with those who hold injustice for the Mu family, but died suddenly for no reason, my Shao family today can follow the old general on the road, is extremely lucky."

Mu Xiong felt a pain and looked up and sighed.

Hundreds of people, slowly walking on the scaffold. They first stood in front of the city wall, but now they would not kneel down to the loyal monarch.

Among these people, it is the blood of the Mu family and the Shao family, as well as the domestic slaves. Regardless of the charges, anyone in these two mansions was arrested and taken to the scaffold.

Those who can't fit the scaffold stand around it one by one.

On the wall, there was silence.

Mufu Pro guards, who were demobilized in advance by muxiong, are also hiding in the crowd at the moment, waiting for an opportunity to move. However, the arrangement in front of them was far beyond their expectation. Besides, the three people who could not be dealt with by my husband were sitting here?

At the moment, they saw the humiliation of Mu Xiong and Mu Lianrong, and their hearts were filled with indignation.

Among the common people, the people who come here all know that the accusation of Mojia and the execution in public are all means to stimulate the emergence of Mu Qingge.

The reason why no one in Shao's family died suddenly at home is also because Shao pangzi's friendship with mu Qingge makes Qin Jinyang feel that adding Shao's family will increase the possibility of moqingge's appearance.

At this time, he was excited. I wish mu Qingge appeared immediately and was killed by three music adults. In this way, there will be no Mojia in the state of Qin, and the royal family of Qin will be able to get out of the shadow of Mojia!

All he did was for the state of Qin and the emperor's chamber. Why can't the emperor understand?

Qin Jinhao turns his head and looks at Qin Jinchen, but he still looks calm and calm.

Qin Jinyang gave a look to the general of the imperial forest around him.

The latter's face flashed a trace of struggle, and finally in Qin Jinyang's gaze, he took a step forward and said to the common people downstairs: "the Mu family is self-supporting and does not pay attention to the emperor. If you want to disturb the court order, you should be punished! Now, muxiong and muliancheng have been captured, only mu Qingge is at large. My emperor has ordered that the title of muqingge be deprived and arrested throughout the country

"How could Mr. Mu do such a thing?"

"Yes, yes! If there had been no lord mu, the Qin state would have been occupied by the army of the state of Tu, and would there be peace now? "

"We don't believe it!"

"We don't believe it!"

"We don't believe it!"

"Take out the evidence, you can't wrong the good people! We can't insult the heroes in our hearts

"Yes! Show me the evidence! Show the evidence

"Evidence! Evidence


"Evidence! Evidence

The common people did not believe the Royal words at all. Instead, they stood by the side of the Mu family and expressed their support.

Mu Lianrong looked at all this, and finally looked at his father. Seeing that he was full of tears, he comforted him and said, "Dad, even if we die today, there are people who believe that our Mu family is innocent."

Mu Xiong nodded again and again, looking at the land he loved and the people who believed in him. His inner oppression was released.

On the tower, the reaction of the common people made Qin Jin's face blue with Yang.

Qin Jinchen, however, seemed to have expected this scene for a long time.

"Lord Le!" Qin Jinyang looks at lotian.

Happy day not anxious not impatient to look at the rough man, nodded to him. The latter immediately stood up, jumped into the air and grabbed at the people.

Suddenly, seven or eight people were ingested into the air, screaming and kicking their feet.

The rough man did not stop at this point, but suddenly squeezed it. The seven or eight people suddenly exploded and turned into a mass of blood and fell from the air. All the people on the ground dodged and hugged their heads.It all happened in a flash, too fast to react.

The rugged man fell back to the wall of the city, took a contemptuous look at the pale army of the imperial forest, and snorted to the common people: "evidence? This is the evidence. "

Ruthless means, let the people dare not speak.

Mu xiongmu looked at the bloodstain in the crowd and said to the people, "everybody, go back! Today, there are traitors who want to kill my Mu family. If you want to add sin, you should go back and stop wasting your life for my family. "

Among the people, there are many people. Some of them seem to want to leave because of Mu Xiong's words.

However, the surrounding imperial forest army blocked the way to stop the people from leaving.

This scene, let Mu Xiong father and daughter on the scaffold, as well as Shao family a cadre of people look angry!

Muxiong turned to look at the tower and called out, "what do you want from the life of my Mu family? Let them go

Many people did not want to leave, but now this kind of scene, but let them angrily shout: "let's go

Lotte looks at Qin Jinyang, and his meaning is very obvious.

Qin Jinyang looks pale.

He didn't dare to say what Lotte asked him to say. Once said, what he lost would be the whole lodu people's support.

However, he did not dare to resist Lotte's words.

After hesitating for a long time, forced by the colder and sharper eyes of Letian, Qin Jinyang slowly stood up and cried out to the sky with all his strength: "muqingge --, don't you take the world as the first? Why did Qin protect the people? Now, here are not only your blood and relatives, but also close friends, and countless Luodu people. If you don't show up, they will die because of you today

Qin Jinyang's words surprised the confused people. They couldn't believe that their emperor had said such a thing and wanted to blackmail his subjects with his own people!

Qin Jinchen looked at Qin Jinyang, his black and white fundus flashed a trace of heartache.

The words that dare not say are said, Qin Jinyang is not so nervous. His whole person was scorched by countless eyes, but he said more loudly: "the time has come, don't you come out of moqingge?"

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