Dazzling light, suddenly fell on the body, Feng Yu Guidu wrapped in it.

He heard a lot of noise when the closed carriage made of dark iron was opened.

"Come out! Come out

The rough and savage voice sounded outside the car, accompanied by the sound of iron bars hitting the car.

Feng Yugui crawled out of the car slowly, and her eyes began to adapt to the outside light.

However, before his sight became clear, he felt a huge object rushing towards him. Feng Yugui subconsciously rolled to the side and raised her hand to fight back.

However, when the hand, he suddenly remembered that his spiritual power had been sealed.

Fierce palm wind from the cheek, Feng Yugui in a panic to avoid, but still in the face left a few hot bloodstains. The smell of blood spread from the wound on his cheek, and the tingling feeling made his sight more clear and his mind gradually returned

"Kill him! Kill him

"Tear him up! Tear him up

"Come on! What are you doing? Are you scared to death? "

Feng Yugui stood up and looked around. Ring layer by layer stands, countless crazy and ferocious faces, they are shouting, scolding, yelling, venting their inner feelings.

And the foot, is a layer of coarse sand, even if you wear shoes, you can also feel the feeling of stem foot.

In his ear came the low roar of wild animals and the smell of wild animals.

He suddenly looked at the past, only to see an adult leopard, is covetously looking at him. Under the feet of the claws constantly gouging sand, dust smoke, bared mouth, exposed bleeding red gums, sharp hard teeth!

Feng Yugui's eyes suddenly shrunk, "this is the arena!"

"Roar!" Leopard can not be patient to leave Feng Yugui too much time to think, again to him.

Feng Yu Gui's eyes flashed a trace of cruelty, and her heart was even more angry!

When will he be humiliated by an animal?

Feng Yu Guiyi blows his fist and hits the leopard's claw. He successfully changes the direction of his attack. But at the same time, the back of his hand is also scratched by the leopard's claw, leaving several deep bloodstains. The blood drips down the sand along his fingers.

The attack repeatedly failed, coupled with the stimulation of blood, the leopard more and more crazy to attack Feng Yugui. Feng Yugui, who lost his spiritual power, could only fight back by his own reaction and physical strength.

One man and one leopard in the round arena, the fight is difficult to distinguish up and down.

The fierce fight between man and beast set off an upsurge in the audience. The sound is like a heat wave, one after another, a sound over one.

However, in the VIP area of the grandstand, it seems to be isolated. It is totally different from the noise outside.

Inside, it's comfortable, quiet, and you can enjoy everything.

The walls are decorated with the heads of countless wild animals, and the whole room is rough and wild.

On the side of the viewing platform, there is a huge and comfortable chair, which is paved with cushions made of high-quality silk. Sitting on it is like sitting in the clouds.

At this time, a person was lying on the side of the chair. Elbows on the soft pillow, lazy posture against the back of the chair. A red dress, like a flame from the chair down.

Her red lips, slightly raised, clear eyes with a hint of banter, enjoy the fighting in the arena.

"Roar!" The leopard in the arena, let out a sad cry, landing heavily, dying.

Feng Yugui had a hard time at this time. His robe was torn into pieces of cloth, and there were many bloody wounds on his skin. His forehead was also smashed, and the bloodstains that flowed down dyed his half face red.

He breathed heavily and his eyes were dark and stingy.

The cheers burst out from the stands, which made his heart cold!

He is a noble prince, but now he is reduced to fighting with wild animals to please these ignorant pariah?!

"Who is it! Who is it! Feng Yufei is not you Feng Yugui suddenly raised his head and yelled. His voice was not small, but it did not attract anyone's attention.

"Come out! Who set me up? Get out of here Feng Yugui looks for suspicious people, but still can't find the answer.

Suddenly, the three iron gates under the arena were opened, which immediately aroused Feng Yugui's vigilance.

The sound of hooves came from behind the black iron gate.

After a while, the three hair angry bullfight rushed out from behind the iron gate and directly attacked Feng Yugui.

The sharp fighting horn on the head of the bullfight is aimed at Feng Yugui, which makes Feng Yugui's eyes shrink. A fear rises in his heart.

The three bullfighting bulls approached each other quickly from different directions. Almost in the blink of an eye, they came to Feng Yugui.

Feng Yugui grabs the horn of the ox that rushes up in front of her with both hands, and resists it to death, so as not to let it get close to him. Due to excessive force, many wounds burst out blood.

"Ah Yu Feng was constantly retreating.And the right and left direction of the bullfight has also arrived, aiming at Feng Yugui's waist and abdomen to bump up.

Feng Yugui's eyes suddenly widened. He quickly released his hand and tried to avoid the impact from the left and right. However, he was still slow. His back waist and abdomen were severely hit, and a mouthful of blood was ejected, and the whole person was hit in the air.

The power of the bullfight was so powerful that he drew a long arc in the air.

Feng Yugui was in agony. When he was thrown into the air, his blood stained eyes inadvertently saw a touch of amazing red in the VIP stand, as well as those joking and cold eyes!

His pupil suddenly enlarged, the red shadow at the bottom of his eyes could not be dispersed for a long time.


His back fell heavily on the ground, loading Feng Yu's internal organs to move, and spit out a mouthful of blood again.

"Muqingge, it's you!"

Feng Yugui clenched the sand tightly in her hand, and her hatred was just like substance.

Three bullfighting came again. Feng didn't think much about it when she came back. She could only stand up with her broken body and dodge everywhere.

His embarrassment and miserable, attracted a burst of boos on the stands.

These taunts, jeers, insults, which came into his ears, made him hate the light song even more!

He's going to live!

Live to find muqingge revenge!

Perhaps it was hatred that made Feng Yugui burst out with amazing power. He actually broke a horn with brute force when facing the attack of a bullfight and became his own weapon.

After a fierce battle, Feng Yugui rifled the three bullfighting bulls, but his right leg was also broken, and his internal organs had already been broken.

Feng Yugui felt more and more weak and lay flat on the sand, praying for the end of everything.

In the VIP room, the person in charge of the arena came very humbly to Mu Qingge's back and asked carefully, "Sir, do you want to continue?"

According to his experience, the man underground may not last long.

Mu Qingge's smile shows the danger of evil spirit. She coagulates the Phoenix in the field and says faintly: "give him some bad medicine, and then Continue. "

"Yes." The person in charge of the arena withdrew without any objection and arranged everything according to the words of muqingge.

"Is it over? It's over... " Lying on the sand, Feng Yugui's fatigue and pain had already made him unable to support him. He wanted to break the seal of spiritual power on his body, but he didn't know why. No matter how he rushed, he couldn't open it.

Now, the only thing he can hope for is that mu Qingge doesn't want him to die so soon, and will leave him time to survive, so that he can have a chance to escape!

Only live, can revenge!

Feng Yugui lies with the corpse of the beast with crazy eyes all around. At this moment, he really felt that he was just a poor animal for people to enjoy.

All of a sudden, he heard human footsteps.

Feng Yu was excited in his heart. He felt that he was saved. He didn't have to change his life for a while!

Finally, he saw two people approaching him.

Both of them looked indifferent, as if they were used to such things.

As soon as they arrived, they took out some powder which was not good enough to be used on his dog, sprinkled it on himself, and then rudely set bones for him.

He can't bear the bad smell of the powder. He knew they were healing for him.

"Help me! I am the prince of Li. If you help me out, I will surely repay you well and give you the honor you want Feng Yugui lowered her voice quickly to the two people.

He tried to bribe the two men to help him escape.

However, these two people did not seem to hear him talking, still in an orderly manner to deal with his wounds.

When the wound was treated, he immediately retreated.

"Wait!" Feng Yugui wants to stop them.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

A sense of depravity came to her heart, and Feng Yugui suffered from poor quality powder and was exerting its effect on her body.

Suddenly, the iron gate in the arena was opened again.

This time, only one fan was opened, but it was a wolf who had been hungry for three days!

The giant wolf was almost as tall as Feng Yugui. When he saw Feng Yugui, he was hungry for three days. He immediately drooled and his eyes were green.

Fear suddenly fell on Feng Yu Gui's head, and his muscles almost immediately entered a tense state.

The wound on the body has just been alleviated, will you fight again?

Reality, forcing Feng Yugui to support the ground, slowly stood up, carefully looking at the giant wolf pacing toward him.

In his other hand, he still had a broken horn.

Limping, he drags the leg which cannot move easily, wants to pull the distance with the giant wolf.It's a torture, spiritual, physical. Let him all the time in the edge of life and death, has been playing with his reason

"Mu Qingge is so cruel!" Feng Yu returns to the way of hate voice in the heart.

However, he did not want to die, so he had to fight passively.


"Tear him up!"

"Bite him!"

"Kill it!"

In the arena, the fierce fighting started again, which excited the audience in the stands. Some of them stood up and kept throwing things into the arena.

Those things, just the skin that they eat, and some even take off their own stinky socks and throw them down.

A sock just fell across Feng Yugui's cheek and landed at his feet.

The disgusting stench almost smothered him.

He looked at the grandstand with murderous eyes, but was insulted by the people on the stand.

"What are you looking at? But a slave on the same stage with the animals

"I'll kill you again!"

"Bah! What do you think you are

"Kill him! Bite his eyes and see how he can stare

Feng Yugui wanted to kill all the people here, but he was powerless. He avoided the attack of the giant wolf, but the wolf was not so easy to deal with. Every time he let it escape easily, he left a lot of new wounds to Feng Yugui.

Feng Yugui was almost on the verge of collapse. He cried out angrily, "Mu Qingge --"! If you dare to treat me like this, you are not afraid to cause war between the two countries! "

The scene, suddenly quiet down.

His voice echoed above the arena.

When his voice dissipated, there was only silence.

An instant later, a scornful laugh came from above.

Then came the sarcastic voice: "where do you think you are and who sent you? Do you think you're the prince? You're just a lost dog! This is the state of Qin. I'll tell you everything. "

"My Lord! Little Lord! Little Lord -- "

Those who are regarded as vulgar thugs by Feng Yugui, but after the murmuring of the song falls, they give out the fanatical cheers.

It seems that whatever is said from the mouth of moqingge is right in the center of their eyes!

That kind of fanaticism, let Feng Yugui envy, jealousy, also feel afraid!

"Shut up." Mu light song light two words, the arena back to calm.

No one saw her figure, but just hearing her voice was enough to make all the people in the state of Qin willing to obey her orders, even if it was going through fire and water.

"Why! Why are you doing this to me? And with such cruel means? " Feng Yugui asked with hatred.

Laughter came again, but this time it was full of irony.

After laughing, the voice of Mu Qingge came: "Feng Yugui, the thickness of your face is really amazing! Why should I do this to you? Don't you forget that you are always asking me for trouble and trying to frame me. Now, I'm just fighting back. Do you feel so wronged? "

What! How dare this man frame up the young Lord many times!

The crowd on the stand suddenly disobeyed, immediately someone yelled: "kill him! Dare to bully our little Lord, when we are dead in the state of Qin? "

"Yes! Kill him! Kill him

"Kill him!"

"You..." Feng Yugui was blocked by mu Qingge's words, and he was almost drowned by the sound of shouting to kill him.

"But I didn't get it. On the contrary, it was my bad luck all the time." Feng Yugui argued for herself.

Mu light song sneers, the noise around stops. "Is your logic funny? You can't frame me. You can only say that I'm smarter than you, but you can't think you didn't do it. When you do it, I'll take it. Now, it's up to me to do it, and you can take it. If you don't want to continue to play in accordance with my game, you can commit suicide and die. It's just Feng Yu Gui, can you kill yourself? "

The last sentence of muqingge, like a magic spell, has been echoing in Feng Yugui's mind.

Suicide, you can get rid of it?

Feng Yugui wants to point the horn of the ox in his hand to his heart, but he can't do it.

At this time, under the arena, all the iron gates were opened, and from those dark holes, a wolf came out.

In a short period of time, the arena was full of more than 30 wolves.

They surround the Phoenix in the center and keep approaching.

A giant wolf, he is difficult to deal with. Now there are more than 30, Feng Yugui breathes a tight, a burst of despair suddenly hit my heart.

"Ah, don't come here! Don't come here! " Feng Yugui staggers her body, constantly waving the horn of the ox in her hand, trying to stop the wolf from approaching.But it's just useless work.

The horn on his hand is not worth mentioning when compared with his delicious meal.

Giant wolves slowly approaching, Feng Yu to escape, there is no escape.

"Don't come here!" Feng Yugui is surrounded by giant wolves. He points the sharp part of the ox horn at his neck. It seems that those wolves will end their lives if they go one step further.

"Feng Yugui, can you kill yourself?"

Mu light song words, suddenly appeared in Feng Yu Gui's mind, let him grip the ox horn of the hand to relax.

The horn of the ox slipped from his hand and fell into the sand.

The fall of the horn made Feng Yu's fear even worse. He rushed out to pick up the horn, but before he could get it again, the huge wolves rushed at him and submerged him.


The extremely tragic cry came from the wolves.

The broken arms and legs were abandoned and dropped, and became rations for the wolves.

Mu Qingge stood up blandly, turned and left the VIP room, no longer paying attention to the bloody arena behind him and the crazy shouting of the audience around him.

Out of this underground arena, mu Qingge looks up at the clear sky.

Looking back on her crossing, she had many enemies, but each one was sent to hell by her.

Today, send Phoenix back on the road.

She felt relaxed, as if all her debts had been recovered. It's just a favor to be paid back

She does not owe much, but it is the most difficult to repay, the most owed is Si mo.

Mu light song's eyes are slightly heavy, and the mind is heavy again.

And Si Mo between that kind of indistinct relationship, let her some uncontrollable, let her want to escape!


In the state of Qin, the new king succeeded to the throne.

Regent Qin Jinchen inherited Datong and became the new emperor of Qin. This is what the people want, and all officials are subject to it.

The state of Qin was settled down again.

After returning to the state of Qin, muqingge has always been in a state of cultivation.

Only occasionally called on Shao fat man, accompany Zhu Ling together to stroll in Luodu, also can be regarded as do the friendship of the host.

As soon as Shao Pang saw Zhu Ling, his two mung bean eyes were staring straight, and he completely ignored her as the boss. Around Zhu Ling all day.

Fortunately, Zhu Ling's character is also smooth, and does not show disgust and fatigue.

On the contrary, he had a good time chatting with Shao Pang.

So when the back, mu Qingge simply no longer accompany Zhu Ling out, let Shao Pang do it for him.

She vaguely felt that after entering the purple realm, her spiritual cultivation was hard to describe. It seems that there is no upper limit. Even if we have broken through the peak of purple realm, we still don't seem to touch the edge.

This feeling is still vague now, but mu Qingge believes that with her constant improvement of cultivation and getting closer to the peak of purple realm, this feeling will become more and more clear.

"Is this the so-called purple realm just the starting point? What is the realm above the purple realm After mu Qingge finished his training, he still sat cross legged on the cushion and thought hard.

Thinking hard, mu Qingge suddenly remembers the broken scriptures from his grandfather. He seems to have no clue.

Just take it out again and study it carefully.

Mu Qingge unfolds the broken Sutras of unknown materials, and there are many unreadable characters on the yellowing base.

"Where on earth is this writing?" Mu Qingge looks at the seven twisted eight characters in the Sutra and frowns and thinks. "The old man said that the remnant Scripture was brought by ancestors tens of thousands of years ago. Is it hard to say that these characters are prehistoric characters tens of thousands of years ago? "

This guess, immediately let Mu light song bitter face.

If so, what's going on? Where did she get a literary expert tens of thousands of years ago to translate the contents of these scriptures?

Mu Qingge is very sure that the content of the Scriptures is very important. Otherwise, their ancestors would not bring it out.

"Unfortunately, I can't understand it." Mu light song eyes light regretfully looking at the residual classics in the hand, can't help but sigh.

Suddenly, she thought of a man and said to herself, "he has lived for a long time, maybe he can understand it!" But then she shook her head and said, "well, since you have decided to get rid of the relationship, why do you owe him any more?"

Mu Qingge collects the Scriptures again.

In my mind, I have recorded the general appearance of the mysterious characters in the Scriptures.


Day by day, the day from the departure to Mucheng is getting closer and closer.

The day before departure, Zhu Ling went to see mu Qingge and took out all the nearly 1000 pills refined these days and filled the table.

Seeing mu Qingge surprised to see her, she explained: "these days, thanks to Mu Fu's care, these are my little heart. Younger martial brother mu, don't be busy refusing. It's not for you, but for Mu Fu. "

Mu light song laugh, nod to accept.

In fact, she also left many pills for Mu Fu and Mu Jiajun, but since it was Zhu Ling's good intention, she could not refuse."I'm going to Mucheng tomorrow. What else does elder martial sister Zhu need to prepare?" Mu Qingge asked.

Zhu Ling shakes his head: "I have nothing, and I have nothing to prepare."

Mu Qingge gently nodded his jaw and said to her, "Shao Pang knows we are going to leave. He specially holds a banquet tonight and wants to see us off."

Zhu Ling said with a smile, "he said to me before. It's hard for you to take care of this period of time."

"Elder martial sister Zhu, you are welcome. You are a guest when you come to Luodu. Shao Pang is also a landlord. It is proper to treat him warmly." Mu Qingge said with a smile.

They agreed that they would go to Shao Pang's dinner together in the evening, and then they went to be busy.

In Mu Fu, Mu Lianrong left a few days ago to travel. Mu Xiong is the only one left in the family. Mu Qingge is a little worried. When he comes to the old man's yard and sees that he has learned a lot about playing with flowers and plants recently, he doesn't come forward to disturb him. Instead, he waits patiently.

Until muxiong cleaned up the last pot of flowers in his hand, she took the handkerchief sent by the maid and handed it over.

"Coming?" Mu Xiong said with a smile.

Mu light song nodded and said to him, "it seems that grandfather is really self-cultivation."

Mu Xiong pointed to those flowers and plants with a smile and said, "you can't underestimate these flowers and plants. Playing with them is not as simple as dancing with guns and sticks."

"If only grandfather liked it." Mu Qingge follows his words. "Grandfather, I'm going to Mucheng tomorrow. You'll stay alone in Mufu..."

Mu Xiong waved to interrupt her: "go ahead, go ahead, don't worry about me. I won't have anything to do at home, and now the emperor of Qin is Qin Jinchen, and it won't happen again. "

Mu Qingge said with a grin: "this time I will not take Youhe and Huayue and leave them to take care of my grandfather for me."

"Well? If you don't take them with you, how can you do without a servant? " Mu Xiong opposes the way.

Mu Qingge explained: "I'm going to the Shengyuan Empire and going to work in the medicine tower general hospital. It's inconvenient for me to take too many people. What's more, if I can take care of myself, why bother? Not only do they stay, but I can't take all of them. In a word, it is estimated that it will take a long time for me to come back. My grandfather will take good care of himself. If there is anything that can be done, the enemy will be able to fight, but not the thousand strong army, as well as the Dragon teeth guard, including his own personal guards, can protect my grandfather well. I can also rest assured. "

Mu xiongzheng was about to refuse. He saw mu Qingge's cold face and said, "grandfather, don't forget that I am the master of the Mu family now. You can't violate my words."

"You girl, you put on airs in front of grandfather." Mu Xiong laughs and scolds and reaches out to fight.

Mu light song nimbly dodged, and said with a smile: "the position of the master of the house was given by my grandfather himself. Now I can't go back and take it back."

After that, she walked out of muxiong's yard.

"This girl." Mu Xiong shakes his head helplessly and smiles. However, the smile, full of gratification, and worry about Mu Qingge's trip.

The holy Yuan Empire is not comparable to the third class countries.

He was really worried about what would happen to his baby granddaughter.

Fortunately, he didn't know that the destination of muqingge was not the holy Yuan Empire, but the military country farther away. Otherwise, it is estimated to jump to follow!

In the evening, mu Qingge and Zhu Ling go out of the Mu house and go to the restaurant arranged by Shao Pang.

It has to be said that Shao Pang is particularly gifted in eating, drinking and playing.

He chose a place with beautiful environment and pleasant scenery. Most importantly, no one bothered him.

The food is also very delicious, which makes the lips and teeth fragrant and has a lasting aftertaste.

"Come on, boss. I'll give you a toast." Shao chubby raised his glass to Mu Qingge, and his face was full of heroic death.

Mu Qingge laughingly raised his glass and touched him lightly, then he drank it.

After drinking, she joked, "just drink a glass of wine. Do you need to treat death like death?"

Shao Pang sighed and said gloomily, "you have not been back for a long time. You have to go again. When the time comes, I will be left alone. Lonely

He pretended to be deep and lonely, which made Zhu Ling smile.

Seeing the beauty smile, Shao Pang immediately put away his deep expression and said to Zhu Ling, "sister Zhu, remember to come back to see me. There are many interesting and delicious things in Luodu. I haven't taken you there yet."

"Thank you for your kindness. If I have a chance in the future, I will certainly trouble him again." Zhu Ling Ying Ying smiles.

"No trouble, no trouble." Shao Pang's face is simple and honest.

However, in fact, mu Qingge knows that the fat man is not honest and honest at all, and he is also very scheming. It seems that he is looking at Zhu Ling. This feeling, it is estimated that it has not risen to the level of life and death inseparable, at most, it is a good feeling.

It's a pity that there is no development between him and Zhu Ling.

Not to mention, this time Zhu Ling to the drug tower general hospital, did not intend to come back. Even if she comes back, I'm afraid Shao pang can't get into her eyes.

However, these things mu Qingge did not say.She knows Shao Pang and is interested in Zhu Ling at the moment. However, he did not want to live or die. When Zhu Ling left, he would forget it for a long time. If a beautiful girl appears again, Shao Pang will forget Zhu Ling faster.

Three people drink and laugh, time passes quickly.

After a while, Shao was so drunk that he fell under the table and fell asleep with the wine jar in his arms.

Although Zhu Ling took to understand the wine pill, but her cheek was still dyed with intoxicating blush, by adding a bit charming. With a little bit of drunkenness in her eyes, she said to Mu Qingge, "I really don't have the capacity to drink. At the moment, I just feel dizzy."

"There is a elegant room in the back. I will help my elder martial sister to have a rest." Zhu Ling nodded and stood up powerless with her forehead.

Mu Qingge then supported her arm and took her to the bed of elegant room for a little rest.

After setting up Zhu Ling, mu Qingge goes back to the table and is considering how to deal with the meat balls on the ground when someone knocks on the door.

"In." Mu light song road.

When the door was opened, a man dressed as a royal guard stood outside and saluted respectfully: "Sir, your majesty is next door. I would like to ask you to go and talk about the past."

Qin Jinchen is next door?

Mu Qingge picked up his eyebrows and nodded: "well, you stay and send Shao Gongzi back to Shaofu first."

The army immediately said yes.

After mu Qingge left, he came to the next room and directly pushed the door in.

Inside the door, there was only one person standing by the window.

He is tall and thin. Wearing a goose yellow robe, when the night wind is over, the clothes turn gently.

This dress, just like the first time.

Mu Qingge goes in, looks at his back, does not speak.

After a while, or Qin Jinchen first opened his mouth: "tomorrow, you are going to leave."

"Well." Mu Qingge replied.

"This time, how long will it take?" Qin Jinchen's tone is calm, but there is a strong reluctance to give up.

"I don't know. Maybe half a year, maybe a year." Mu Qingge's true way.

It will take a month to leave for the holy Yuan Empire, even if the journey goes well. After that, she has to go to the swamp for a long time.

"Will you come back?" Qin Jinchen suddenly asked.

"Of course." Mu Qingge's affirmative answer.

Hearing this answer, Qin Jinchen seemed to be relieved: "good."

Two people, again silent.

The quiet atmosphere made the room a little embarrassed.

After a while, Qin Jinchen said, "Mojia Don't worry. "

This seems to be a guarantee to muqingge.

"Well." Mu light song just should a, then no sound.

Qin Jinchen finally turned around and looked at her. Her black and white eyes seemed to contain complicated emotions. After a long time, he said, "take care."

Mu Qingge nodded, "so do you."

Qin Jinchen nodded his head.

The atmosphere was silent again.

Mu Qingge finally couldn't help sighing, walked forward a few steps, came to Qin Jinchen and said, "Qin Jinchen, you don't always look like a dead man, OK? Now that you are in good health, you can cultivate yourself, and you are the king of a country. Can you live a little vigorous? "

Qingqing, Qin Jinchen light said: "good."

Mu Qingge is speechless.

She really didn't understand what Qin Jinchen was thinking.

Shaking her head, she said, "forget it, it seems that you can hardly change it. You can do whatever you like. If nothing else, I'll go back first. "


Another word. Mu light Song mouth corner a draw, turn to leave.

When the door was closed and there was only one person left in the room, Qin Jinchen said bitterly, "if you are not here, how can I be happy. Light song I don't know when to start, I should have some emotion for you What should I do? "


The next day, early in the morning, mu Qingge left Luodu with Zhu Ling.

Accompanying, there is a group of dragon teeth guards with Moyang. There is also a team of ship protection experts sent by Qin Jinchen, but before departure, Qin Jinchen said to them, all follow mu Qingge's command.

There are about seven hundred and eight people.

It took ten days for the team to arrive in Mucheng from Luodu. When they arrived, the team of yaota had not yet arrived, but the ship that was ready to leave for the General Hospital of yaota was moored at the wharf of Mucheng.

People have not yet arrived, mu Qingge and his party will temporarily live in the post house in Mucheng.

After waiting for a day, the team of medicine tower arrived at Mucheng.

The escorts included not only the elders of the medicine tower, but also some experts in the imperial palace of the state of Yu and Li. The purpose is to ensure that the medicine ship can be safely delivered to the drug tower general hospital.

"Brother mu, sister Zhu, we finally meet again!"

A few people met, Zhao Nanxing with a warm and modest smile, toward mu Qingge and Zhu Ling came over.Mei Zizhong and Shang zisu followed him behind him, and even farther behind them were the disciples of the medicine tower who were curious to look around.

"Two elder martial brothers, elder martial sister, how are things recently?" To meet his classmates, mu Qingge is also very happy.

Zhu Ling immediately went to the side of the Shang zisu, affectionately took her arm and said to Mei Zizhong, "Hello, elder martial brother Mei."

Mei Zizhong still nodded lightly, then walked to Mu Qingge and asked with concern: "Mu Ge, I just know your name is mu Qingge. May I call you light song

In the face of this elder martial brother who knows his gender, mu Qingge always feels uncomfortable.

The corner of her mouth faintly drew, to Mei Zizhong: "the name is just a code name, random good."

Plum Zhongwen speech, light jaw head, happy smile.

Zhu Ling looked at meizizhong with a bit of nostalgia, and fell into the eyes of Shang zisu. The latter said, "it seems that you have not died."

Zhu Ling said with a smile: "I like mine, and it will not cause trouble to him, let alone blackmail him. Why should I give up? If you want me to give up, I'm afraid I'll meet another person who is better than elder martial brother Mei, can move me more, and is devoted to me. "

Looking at her smile over her lips, Shang zisu helplessly said, "it's so hard."

"So." Zhu Ling sighed: "in my life, I was planted in the hands of elder martial brother Mei."

Shang zisu pursed her lips and said nothing more.

After thinking about it, she released Zhu Ling, went to Mu Qingge and handed it to her.

In Mu Qingge's puzzled eyes, he explained: "this is the pills I refined during this period. We have an agreement that the pills I refined within three years belong to you."

Mu Qingge laughs.

She didn't expect Shang zisu to remember it.

Shaking her head, she raised her hand to stop the bag. "Wait for elder martial sister Shang to collect the pills for three years, and then give them to me once again."

Shang zisu drooped her eyes, bit her lip and said, "my heaven and earth bag can't hold so much."

Mu light song dumb, had to nod: "OK, I will give you Teng."

Here, several people talked about the old. Zhao Nanxing then took the initiative to say to the drug Tower Branch hospital today's situation. Among the students who sent medicine this time, none of the disciples of Hua Cangshu were selected because of the "stir up" action led by mu Qingge. Under Lou Chuanbai's "hindrance", none of the elders who protect medicine have a good personal relationship with Chinese Atractylodes. So this trip should be safe.

After listening to Mu Qingge, he nodded: "not bad. In addition, we have an army. Even if some elders want to cause trouble, there is nothing to worry about. "

"How about Chinese Atractylodes?" Mu Qingge asked again.

Zhao Nanxing frowned: "I still live in a shallow place, I don't know what he is thinking. I have already told the master what you said. He said he would consider it. "

"Good. I will tell you to go down. If master wants to go to Mu's house, he will send someone to meet him. " Mu Qingge points the way.

No matter what Chinese Atractylodes wants to do now, it seems that it can only temporarily ignore.

When they went to the drug tower general hospital, they couldn't reach it. If they wanted to protect people, they could arrange them properly. Wei's brother and sister, Fu Tianlong and Shuiling four people, their respective backgrounds are not weak, naturally can protect themselves.

Moreover, there is no intersection with Chinese Atractylodes, and there is no need to worry about anything.

Lou Chuanbai is different. He is an old enemy with Chinese Atractylodes. If there is any change in Chinese Atractylodes, the most dangerous one is Lou Chuanbai.


The assembled team rested for two days in Mucheng.

On the third day of arriving in Mucheng, people began to prepare for boarding.

Standing on the dock and looking up at the ship, the huge ship is ten feet high, one hundred feet long and twelve feet wider. People standing on it are like standing on an island in the sea.

The four story cabin is enough for everyone to live in.

The warehouse at the bottom of the ship was filled with various herbs, fresh water, food and various supplies.

After everything is ready, the huge building boat slowly leaves the wharf of Mucheng and goes to the sea of no illusions

Standing at the bow of the boat, mu Qingge stood up against the wind, looking at the boundless sea water and saying in his heart, "Hunyuan tianjiyan, I'm here!"

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