From north to south, the sea of Wu Wu Wu cut off the land and became the only barrier for the third-class countries to reach the holy Yuan Empire. However, some people think that the sea of Wuwei is a natural barrier to protect the third class countries. Otherwise, with the strength of the first-class Kingdom Shengyuan Empire, it would have swallowed up the territory of the third-class countries.

From the Mucheng sea area of the state of Qin, it is the nearest sea route to the yaota general hospital. Because the drug tower general hospital is located at the other end of the sea of Wuwei, every time the medicine is transported back, it starts from Mucheng.

A month's time, floating in the sea, in addition to the first few days fresh, the rest of the time, we all bored.

Mu light song is shut in his room, day and night non-stop practice.

On this day, as soon as she came out of the cabin, she heard the exclamations of joy from many people on the deck.

Following the sound, mu Qingge finds that all the disciples of the medicine tower are concentrated on the bow of the deck and keep looking at the distance.

"Brother mu."

Mu Qingge was suddenly called out, she turned her eyes and saw Zhao Nanxing coming to her. "Senior brother Zhao."

Zhao Nanxing said with a smile, "are you out of the customs?"

Mu Qingge nodded. "What are they doing?" he asked the medicine tower disciples gathered together

Zhao Nanxing's smile on his face was also a bit of joy: "see the outline of the land, we are very happy."

"So it's coming?" Mu light song eyes in a bright, the mood is also followed by pleasure.

Zhao Nanxing nodded, "maybe."

"I didn't expect that the road was so smooth that we arrived at the holy Yuan Empire almost peacefully." Mu Qingge sighs the way. If she had known that it was so simple, she would have gone straight to the road. Why should she fight for the qualification of medicine delivery?

"No However, after hearing her words, Zhao Nanxing shook his head and denied it.

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, curiously looks at him.

Zhao Nanxing explained with a smile: "the reason why we have a smooth journey is not only because it is made by heaven, but also because it is the ship of the medicine tower."

"Is there a difference?" Mu Qingge's eyebrows are raised higher.

Zhao Nanxing went to the front of the deck, and the sea breeze blew his light green robe to the sound of hunting. Mu Qingge follows him and waits for his explanation.

"Every year, there are very few ships from third-class countries to the holy Yuan Empire. Every ship must be registered and approved before it can enter the sea. This is the requirement of the holy Yuan Empire for third class ships. Moreover, there are many isolated islands on the sea of Wu Wu, and some forces will occupy the island. If the ordinary ships do not wait to enter the territory of the holy Yuan Empire, they may even be captured on the isolated islands with their boats and people. " Zhao Nanxing explained to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge understood in her heart.

To put it bluntly, there are only restrictions on ships to third-class countries in the holy Yuan Empire, and unqualified ships cannot enter the territory of the Empire. Moreover, there are pirates on the sea, robbing passing ships.


"Why did the Empire allow these forces to survive on the island?" Mu Qingge asks questions in his heart.

Zhao Nanxing looked at her strangely: "these islands are isolated from the land, and those people are willing to degenerate and exile here. Why is it indulgence? What's more, those forces are also insightful. They never offend the ships of the holy Yuan Empire, just like the ships of the medicine tower. Those who are provoked are the ships of the third class countries. If they are robbed, they can only think that they are unlucky. No emperor will spend their national strength to attack them

Zhao Nanxing's remarks shocked mu Qingge.

This backward thought of national boundaries was almost forgotten in her mind. She is used to the standards of national boundaries in her previous life. In her opinion, as long as it belongs to the territory of a country, the sea, land and air are inviolable.

However, for the people here, these islands seem to be a no matter what area, not controlled by the state.

With such a concept, it is no wonder that some people will leave the land and live on isolated islands.

It is estimated that most of the people, after committing crimes, are unable to survive on land and seek overseas entry into the island forces.

Mu Qingge shakes his head silently and laughs, seeing Zhao Nanxing in the clouds and mist does not understand its meaning.

Mu Qingge some understand, why Si Mo suggested that she follow the drug tower ship into the holy Yuan Empire. This is indeed the most time-saving way. If she finds her own boat, gets permission to enter the holy Yuan Empire, and then crosses the sea and entangles with some pirates, she does not know how long it will take to enter the land of the holy Yuan Empire!

As they spoke, they had already stood on the side of the boat, and the vague outline of the continent was reflected in their eyes. In any case, after a month's wandering on the sea, it is indeed a pleasure to see land.

"By the way, where are elder martial brothers Mei?" Mu Qingge asked.

"They are still closed, especially Zhu Ling. Maybe it is because they decided to stay in the general hospital. She said that she should seize the time to improve her alchemy, so as to increase some opportunities for staying." Zhao Nanxing explained.

Mu Qingge nodded and asked, "when are you going back?"

Zhao Nanxing didn't pay attention to the word "you" in her words. After carefully calculating the time, Zhao Nanxing said, "I will stay in the general hospital for about a month, which is the communication between the general hospital and its branches. After that, we will return. The general courtyard of medicine tower is far away from Shengyuan empire. We can't go either. We have to stay in the general courtyard. "After he finished, he recalled the question of muqingge just now, and found that it was not right. He said, "wait, you said you? Are you not going to come back? "

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "I have some things to do by myself. I won't go back with you."

"But if you don't come back with us, how can you come back then?" Zhao Nanxing frowned.

Mu Qingge purses his lips.

Indeed, it was a difficult task. She could not wait until the drug delivery ship of the medicine tower came next time, and then she would go back with her. However, all roads lead to Rome, and the fastest way is not the only one.

So, she laughed: "don't worry, the road is under your feet, do you still worry that I can't go home?"

Zhao Nanxing helplessly said with a smile: "yes, if even you are baffled, it should not be. When are you going back to the drug tower? "

Mu Qingge counted the time in his heart and didn't answer immediately.

Seeing her thinking, Zhao Nanxing reminded her, "although you are a spirit level Dan master now, don't forget that you have not yet accepted the tower examination, and you are still a disciple of the medicine tower."

Mu Qingge nodded his head and said, "I will go to the branch hospital naturally, and I will accept the assessment of leaving the tower by the way. However, when I finish my work and go back, I will go back to the state of Qin first, and then to the state of Yu. "

Zhao Nanxing frowned and said to her, "in this way, the time is not sure." Then, his brow relaxed and he laughed again: "but don't worry, we are waiting for you in the branch. When you come back, we'll take part in the tower test together, and then we'll travel around the world together! "

"Do you really prefer not to be a prince but to be a Ranger?" Mu light song joked.

Zhao Nanxing's hands were behind him, smiling a little bit natural and unrestrained: "what's the meaning of being a prince? Where can those soft pillows compare with freedom? "

Two people are talking and laughing, two people come in front of them, salute them respectively.

"My Lord."

"The fourth prince."

Both looked at their men at the same time.

Mu Qingge looks at the man in the military uniform of the state of Qin. This is the man of Qin Jinchen. He is responsible for the escort of the medicine ship, which is also a gesture of the state of Qin to the medicine tower general hospital.

"What's the matter?" Mu Qingge asked.

Gao Jin said: "the front is about to reach Shengyuan empire. According to the regulations, his subordinates are not allowed to enter the medicine tower general hospital. They come to ask the young Lord for instructions on where to stay."

"Can't go to the drug tower general hospital?" Mu Qingge frowned, which she had never heard.

At this time, Zhao Nanxing has already explained to Mu Qingge: "people and disciples who are not medicine tower can not enter the medicine tower. This is the rule of medicine tower. Isn't our branch hospital the same. When the time comes, commander Gao will be stationed with the people of our country, and it will be convenient to take care of anything. "

Mu light song has not yet nodded, and then someone came over.

It's the leader in charge of protecting medicine in Li state. Met in Mucheng, he once introduced himself as Tian Heng.

Tian Heng walked to Mu Qingge and saluted: "Tian Heng has met the young Lord."

"What's wrong with Tian Tongling?" Mu Qingge jaw first.

Tian Heng said to Mu Qingge: "before we set out, Tainu told my subordinates to listen to the young Lord's dispatch when they met him in Mucheng. Simply, nothing happened all the way, so there was no trouble for the young sir. At the moment, my subordinates come here to ask about the stationing after the holy Yuan Empire. "

Mu Qingge's mouth a smoke, did not expect Feng Yufei is really said to do, really let Li state with her horse.

Zhao Nanxing blinked his eyes, looked at Tian Heng, and looked at Xiangmu Qingge. His eyes were a little more curious.

Mu Qingge thought about it and said, "well, then the people of our three kingdoms will gather together and take care of each other."

After Tian Heng leaves, mu Qingge stops Gao Jin and asks him to come to him alone later. Gao Jin and Zhao Nanxing's people leave together.

Mu Qingge and Zhao Nanxing see the three of them gathered together, it seems that they are discussing the issue of residence.

Mu Qingge looked at the three people's discussion and asked, "they all say that the visitors are guests. After all, we come from afar. Don't we arrange where to live and where to live?"

Zhao Nanxing knew that she was talking about the nursing teams sent by various countries, so she had no choice but to explain: "who let us be a third-class country? Alchemists are proud of themselves. In addition, we are third-class countries. Although they are in the holy Yuan Empire, they are independent of the Empire. There is a big gap between them. Where will they care about us? In the past, the armies of various countries came here to live in the city near the medicine tower, waiting for their disciples to return, and then escorted back to China. "

Mu Qingge sneered: "this kind of self serving errand, actually let the countries enjoy it."

"Who let us all have citizens to study in the drug tower branch? What's more, the elixir of the medicine tower is also a factor that makes countries have to be polite and respectful. " Zhao Nanxing confided to Mu Qingge: "this is also the original reason why I went to the medicine tower to study. It is to make it convenient for the royal family of Yu kingdom to have danyao, so don't be wronged."

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "it seems that you, the prince, are not so indifferent to state affairs."Zhao Nanxing curled his lips, smiling but not speaking.

After mu Qingge returned to the cabin, he called Moyang to the room and asked him to take out the map of Linchuan and spread it on the table.

Mu light song Mu light with the map and down, to Rong, to see the south end of the endless swamp. She dropped her finger on the endless swamp, and then moved slowly to the west of Rong kingdom.

"You sea." Mu Qingge whispered out the name.

Mo Yang's eyes drooped. After hearing mu Qingge's words, he raised his eyes, looked at her, and said in a deep voice: "the secluded sea has divided Rong state and ancient Wu state. It is said that in the deep sea, there are ghosts who haunt the sea, and no one can pass through. Anyone who wants to pass through the sea will be eroded by the ghost and fall into the deep sea and become a solitary soul. "

"Master silver, said the stinking fox. There is magic in the deep sea. It can break." In the consciousness of moqingge, a cute voice suddenly comes.

This sentence, let her eyes in a bright, light smile up: "you can cross the sea."

Mo Yang heard this, puzzled to look at her, but did not ask.

Mu Qingge said to Mo Yang: "my aunt happened to travel in the ancient Wu Kingdom. She entered the ancient Wu state from the secluded sea, then entered the Li state from the ancient Wu state, and returned to the Qin state. This is the way back. When you get to the holy Yuan Empire, you don't have to stay there. You can go to Youhai directly. When we get to the neighborhood, we'll find out what's going on, and then we'll build a boat and wait for me. "

"The young sir wants to act alone?" Mo Yang asked. His eyes were full of worry.

Mu Qingge nodded: "this time, it's not easy to move too much. It's convenient for me to go by myself. You can wait for me by the quiet sea. As soon as I arrived, I left Rongguo immediately. However, this time, whether or not, will take a long time. It's very rare to enter the second-class countries this time. You can go and explore the way. Neither you nor the qianliejun can stay in the territory of the third-class country all the time. This time, you should draw up a plan for me and find a reliable way for you and the thousand martyrs to enter the territory of second-class countries for training at any time. "

"Yes." Mo Yang nodded to accept his orders.

"In three months, or half a year, I will surely go to Youhai to make peace with you. So during this time, you are free to arrange your training. " Mu light song is another way.

Three months, half a year

Mo Yang wrote down the appointed time in his heart and nodded heavily.

Knock and knock -

outside the door came a knock on the door. Mu Qingge gently brushed his sleeve, and Moyang went forward to collect the map.

"In." Mu light song light road.

High into push the door and enter, to Mu Qingge boxing salute: "little Lord."

Mu Qingge nodded and said to him, "I want you to come. There are some things to tell you. When I get to the holy Yuan Empire, I will travel there for a while and will not go back with you. If you need help, you can go to the fourth Prince of Yu

"Don't you come back with us?" High into the road of surprise.

He did not forget that his Majesty's other order was to let him protect the safety of young Lord mu. Although he felt that he did not need his protection with his skill, it was also an imperial order and he could not violate it!

"Yes. I'm not going back. You don't have to worry about going back to your life. Qin Jinchen can't blame you. " Mu Qingge said the hesitation in his heart.

Gao Jin only got the way: "my subordinates obey me."

After Gao Jin leaves, Mo Yang also exits the room of Mu Qingge.

"Master silver, master silver, come in quickly!" At this time, Meng Meng's voice sounded again.

Mu Qingge thought about it, closed his eyes, and let the spiritual consciousness enter the space.

"What's the matter?" As soon as mu Qingge appeared, he saw Meng Meng and silver dust.

"You haven't come to see us for a long time, and you're not curious about the changes in space?" she said

Mu Qingge looked at Meng Meng in surprise and suddenly said, "Meng Meng, I found you have grown up!" Although the appearance has not changed, but the volume has become larger. It used to be a little girl with a little thumb.

"Lord silver hates it!" Meng Meng suddenly became coy.

Mu Qingge looks at silver dust.

Silver dust way: "she came out of that eggshell and became like this."

Mu Qingge touched his chin, turned around Meng Meng and asked, "when did she come out of the egg?"

"Just now." Silver dust answers.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed and guessed, "is it not because of my promotion that you also benefit from growing up?"

Meng Meng rushes to Mu Qingge and embraces her arm. Her small face rubs on her arm: "master silver, people miss you so much!"

Nuo Nuo voice, unchanged, so that Mu light song mood with pleasure.

Meng Meng is tired of being crooked for a long time before telling mu Qingge that her guess is right. Because of her promotion, the space part of the seal was released, and Mengmeng was the spirit of space, so she also grew up and changed.

Mu Qingge looked at her for a long time, then said: "in other words, your size represents the size of space? As space continues to unseal, will you get bigger and bigger? ""Well Meng Meng nodded heavily.

Muqingge's mind is filled with the image of a super giant baby, Vajra Barbie

"I hate it. I don't remember anyone else." Meng Meng is suddenly coquettish.

Mu Qingge blinked, waved off the brain tonic screen, a flip, three bottles of pills appear in the palm. She threw it to Meng Meng and told him, "save some food."

Seeing the silver dust smash it, she threw three bottles to silver dust, and said with a smile, "I never care about one another, you are all the same."

"Thank you, master." Yinchen put away her pills and ran to one side immediately.

Different from Mengmeng, Yinchen takes pills for cultivation. Mengmeng is just a snack.

"Lord silver, have you seen the unsettled palaces?" Meng Meng asked.

Mu light song nodded: "roughly looked at some, but did not take a close look." Indeed, when she suddenly promoted, she just looked around and rushed to Luodu to save people. After saving the people, he rushed to Li state, and then came back from Li state. Without a few days' rest, he set out for Mucheng, and then got on the boat and arrived at the Shengyuan empire.

Along the way, she really forgot about the change of space. If Meng Meng didn't wake up suddenly today, she might not know when she would come in.

"There are so many things that curiosity fades away." Mu Qingge shakes his head and laughs bitterly.

At the beginning, she was thinking about how many sealed babies she could find after breakthrough.

Now that the treasure is available, she is less curious.

"Don't you go and see it now?" Meng Meng urged.

Mu Qingge nodded: "OK, go and see what there is."

With that, mu Qingge and Meng Meng disappeared in place. Instead of going to the medicine field, she went directly to the martial arts school. She has never advocated relying too much on weapons, and improving her own strength is the most important thing.

Therefore, she wants to find some martial arts skills for Longya guards, and of course, she can also find some for herself.

As for the spirit, treasure, artifact and so on, we are not in a hurry. The equipment she refined for Dragon tooth guard has reached the high level of spirit weapon, which is enough for them to use. After she has finished her work, she will exercise again and upgrade to the treasure level. When the time comes, everyone will choose a suitable treasure for them from the treasure house here. The force value will be very strong.

As for the artifact she promised her aunt, since Mengmeng can bring her the exquisite gun, it shows that there are more than one artifact here. After her aunt broke through the purple realm, she would pick out a artifact for her as a gift.

Mu Qingge enters the martial arts school and finds that there are light balls floating inside.

Meng Meng explains to her, "all these light balls are sky level martial arts skills!"

"What! They are all heavenly steps Muqingge is shocked!

Think at the beginning, Si Mo gave her a thousand thunder decision of day order, let her excited with what like. Now in front of her, it's all sky level martial arts!

Should it be so shocking! It's just that happiness comes too suddenly!

Mu Qingge suddenly looks up and laughs wildly.

"It's just heaven level martial arts. It's the worst existence. What's the main silver excited about?" Cute face of disdain.

Mu Qingge took a cold breath and poked his cheek: "what's the worst existence? Do you know that Tianjie's martial arts skills are valuable and have no market outside?"

"Whining, Lord silver bullies people!" Mengmeng ran away with her cheek in her hand and said unconvinced: "it's the way it is! When you enter a higher level, you will see more powerful martial arts. "

MuQing singer in action, asked: "what is more powerful martial arts?"

"I won't tell you!" Meng Meng spits out her tongue to Mu Qingge, makes a face, turns and slips out.

Meng Meng slips away, but leaves a huge question in Mu Qingge's heart.

That is, in the sky level martial arts, there are more powerful martial arts?

Looking at the front of a group of light, Mu light song seems to feel a lot of calm.

Taking a deep breath, she shuttles in the palace, looking for the right martial arts skills. After a while, she had more than a dozen martial arts skills in her arms. These martial arts are not too fancy, but can burst out amazing power, which is very suitable for Longya Wei cultivation.

It seems that she is eager to learn martial arts unless she has a strong desire to learn martial arts.

"Heaven and earth secret array?" Mu Qingge looks at the Tianjie martial arts skill in the hand, some curiosity.

After she quickly read the description of martial arts, her eyes were full of surprise, and immediately put the heaven and earth secret array in her pocket.

Strictly speaking, Qiankun secret array is not a martial art, but a secret method.

After this secret method is launched, it can instantly condense into an array and send people randomly to places hundreds of miles away. It's a life saving weapon!

Critical moment not only can save her life, but also can not reveal her space secret, it is really a good thing!

However, this kind of secret arts is very difficult to start. It needs to rely on blood essence as the guide and spiritual cultivation as the supplement to transmit itself. What's more, the place of transmission is very random, and no one knows what it will face after it passes.The most worrying thing is that every time you launch this secret skill, you will lose your spiritual cultivation for a period of time.

Therefore, this is a kind of side effects of great secret, easy to use.

But for mu Qingge, such a means is a guarantee, a card. Therefore, she did not hesitate to accept the secret array of heaven and earth.

Mu Qingge walked around the martial arts school and found that there was a layer of hazy obstacles from the inside, which prevented her from going further. Perhaps, what is hidden in it is the martial arts skills that Meng Meng said are more powerful than the heaven level martial arts.

When can I get in?

Mu Qingge frowned and turned to leave.

However, after a few steps, she suddenly found that some characters were engraved on the walls of the martial arts school, which made her very familiar.

Mu Qingge walks to the wall and observes the characters closely.

The more she looked at it, the brighter her eyes were. She cried out eagerly, "Meng Meng!"

Meng Meng instantly appeared in front of her, blinked her eyes and asked, "master silver, god horse thing?"

Mu Qingge pointed to the characters on the wall and asked, "what is this?"

"Oh, it's a long, long, long, long time ago." Meng Meng shook her head and said.

As expected, it is written!

Mu Qingge's heart a joy, busy asked: "can you recognize this text?"

Meng Meng nodded, "of course!"

Mu Qingge can't help but get closer to Meng Meng: "what's written on it?"

Meng Meng takes a look, and then reads out a large section of "Jili Gulu" syllables from her mouth, and frowns when she hears the murmuring song.

When Meng Meng finished, mu Qingge frowned and asked, "what do you mean?"

"It is..." Meng Meng repeated the pronunciation just now again.

Mu light song brain a draw, grinding teeth black face way: "you play me?"

"No way!" Meng Meng looks innocent.

Mu Qingge sneers, sending out a dangerous smell, close to Meng Meng: "I ask you what this means, you say a lot of words that I can't understand, are you kidding me?"

Meng Meng looks at her blankly.

"Translation! Do you understand? " Mu light song low roar way.

Meng Meng looks at the fierce moqingge on her face, and suddenly she starts to cry. Tears, like fountains, come out of the eyes.

Mu light Song mouth a draw, convergence ferocious expression, to her way: "shut up!"

However, Meng Meng cried more loudly.

Mu light song helpless, can only threaten: "if do not want to take pills, continue to cry."

In an instant, Meng Meng stops.

No tears, no more.

Seeing that she didn't cry, mu Qingge said patiently, "I want to know what it means, not how to read it."

Meng Meng is aggrieved. Xiaofei points to the wall and says, "Ke Su But they can only read and know the meaning, but they can't say it in the current language. "

So weird?

Mu Qingge frowned and asked curiously, "what is this text?"

"It is said that in ancient times, all the gods and Demons lived together on the same land. This is the writing of the Protoss. "

"Protoss writing?" Mu Qingge's doubts are deeper.

How could the ancestors of Mujia have the Scriptures written with the characters of the protoss? Besides, is there a God in this world?

What is God?

In the understanding of moqingge, ordinary human beings regard those powerful figures who have magical means, can bring back the dead and have a long life as immortals.

However, it was a description of her world in the previous life and the flow of immortals.

Longevity is the most basic standard as an immortal.

What about the gods of the world?

What is the concept?

The people here can cultivate aura, and they can achieve super long life through cultivation. So what can God do?

"Are there any gods and Demons now?" Mu Qingge asks Meng Meng.

"Of course! But not here. " Meng Meng answered positively.

Mu light Song Mou son shrinks, "what is God? What is magic

"This..." Meng Meng frowned and said in embarrassment: "the baby really doesn't know how to explain it. When the main silver is stronger, it will gradually know."

Mu Qingge pursed her lips, with doubts, she left the space.

In the space, there appeared the same words as her Sutra, which made her think that she could solve the secret of the Sutra, but she didn't want to. Instead, the secret did not solve, but brought her greater confusion.

"Are the Scriptures really from the protoss? So what's on it? " The way of murmuring to oneself.


Two days later, the ship began to dock.

Everything on the land became clearer.

However, there is no market or prosperous town that people expect. All they saw were mountains and trees, with the exception of a dock for ships."I thought I could see the city of the holy Yuan Empire, but I didn't expect to see a wilderness." Some disciples are disappointed.

Look at the five people standing on the shore.

On the shore, some people have already stood.

Mu Qingge's sharp eyed recognition shows that one of them is the elder who went to the medicine Tower Branch hospital a few days ago. It seems that his name is xiawu.

At that time, the old Xia decided to win, and specially invited her to study in the general hospital, but she vaguely took the past. I didn't expect that he was the first person I met when I entered the holy Yuan Empire!

Beside him, there were still some young people with a look of disdain, who seemed to be the disciples of the general hospital.

The huge anchor fell slowly and sank to the bottom of the water.

Set up the boat board, no one came up in summer.

He ignored other people, directly found mu Qingge in the crowd and came to her.

"Here you are In the summer, there is no gentle song to mu.

Mu light song slightly jaw first: "summer long old good."

"It's good to be here. Just wait here." No smile in summer.

Then he went to talk to the medicine tower elder who escorted the medicine.

Zhao Nanxing said with a smile to Mu Qingge: "look, this treatment is not the same!"

Mu Qingge raises eyebrows at the tower: "if you like, how about giving it to you?"

"No Zhao Nanxing quickly approached Mei Zizhong and said with a smile, "look at the attitude of elder Xia towards you. I'm afraid that the news that you are a spirit level Dan master has been spread in the general hospital. I don't know how many talented and proud people are waiting to compete with you. "

Mei Zizhong was silent for a moment and worried about Mu Qingge: "what Zhao Shidi said is not impossible. You should be careful of Qingge."

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "it doesn't matter." She didn't intend to stay in the general hospital for a long time, so she almost found a chance to leave. Where are they going to compete with her?

In summer, no one arranged to carry the herbs. When they were about to move, Gao Jin and Tian Heng came to say goodbye to Mu Qingge.

Because, summer has not told them to leave.

And told them that there was a small town not far from here where they could live temporarily.

The guards of all countries left, and the Dragon tooth guards led by Moyang were among them. However, their paths were different. Mu Qingge gave him the order that he did not have to stay in the holy Yuan Empire for a long time, but went directly to the Rongguo Youhai.

After that, the rest of them were the elders and disciples of the medicine tower.

After counting the herbs, there were no two huge flying beasts in summer. One was responsible for transporting the medicinal materials, and the other was responsible for carrying the elder's disciples.

Seeing flying animals, mu Qingge is a little strange. Since there are so many flying animals in the general hospital, why not just take the air transport? Is it so troublesome to go by sea?

She said this confusion, immediately aroused the curiosity of several other people.

Finally, Mei Zizhong said faintly: "I have heard master say that the things that the general hospital gives to the branches can be carried by flying animals. However, what is transported from the branch hospital to the general hospital can only be done by manpower. "

"Why is that?" Zhu Ling asked.

Plum Zhong long and warped eyelashes trembled for a while, shaking his head: "I don't know."

Zhao Nanxing scornfully said with a smile: "perhaps just want to highlight the difference between the general hospital and the branch, deliberately toss us." With that, he raised his chin to the disciples of the general hospital and sneered, "look at others, even we haven't got a straight eye."

Mu Qingge's clear eyes swept lightly from the disciples of the General Academy and reminded them: "the Shengyuan empire is indeed a first-class Empire, rich in material and abundant in spirit. When you are young, you will be able to enter the middle level of green environment. "

"What! They... " Zhao Nanxing's eyes suddenly shrunk, some can't believe it.

In the third-class countries, at his age, he has been able to cultivate the green realm, which is already among the best among his peers. Of course, moqingge is not a monster.

However, I don't want to know that these disciples in the General Academy are all middle-level accomplishments of the green realm. Among the five of them, only muqingge could hold them down.

Then there must be more powerful people in the general hospital.

The medicine tower is still a place to concentrate on alchemy. It doesn't require much about personal spiritual cultivation. What about the people outside?

Mu light song words, let the four eyes are full of dignified color.

Especially Zhu Ling, her spiritual cultivation is nothing but Huang Jing. Moreover, she still wants to stay in the general hospital. It seems that if she can't improve her alchemy, she will hardly achieve her goal.

Mu light song see her worry, then comfort way: "that summer elder looks good, you can tell him that you want to stay, ask him to help."

Zhu Ling nodded anxiously.

All arranged properly, summer did not go to Mu Qingge side, said to her: "follow me."

Mu Qingge did not start, but looked at the four people around him.

Summer does not know, smile way: "you several I also have impression, come together." After that, he led the five men to the neck of the flying beast, and then called on the others to come up.Several disciples of the general hospital were standing on the edge, as if to prevent accidents. Some disciples fell from the air.

They applied for indifference and arrogance. They didn't care about the deliberate conversation of the students in the branch school. They made the students from the branch school more careful and dare not be presumptuous.

Mu Qingge looked at everything in the background of his eyes, and then looked at Zhu Ling, a worried face, and asked Xia Wu around him: "Mr. Xia, I want to ask, what conditions do branch students need to stay in the general hospital?"

Xia Xia mistakenly thought that she wanted to stay, so she said with a smile: "as your spirit level Dan master, you don't need any conditions. If you want to stay, you can stay."

His voice was not deliberately lowered, and the word "spirit level Dan Shi" was introduced into the ears of the disciples of the general hospital, and they almost agreed to look at her.

Mu Qingge didn't care about those who looked at her, but said with a smile: "it's not me." She pointed to Zhu Ling and said, "it's my elder martial sister."

Summer did not follow the direction she pointed to, saw Zhu Ling. In the heart is not mu light song some disappointment, but also is kind-hearted way: "I remember you are senior Dan teacher."

Zhu Ling nodded his head and said, "yes, elder."

Summer did not nod and ponder: "it is not difficult for senior Dan masters to stay, but they have to pass some examinations. For example, refining high-level pills to prove your identity as a senior Dan master. And test your talent. "

"Thank you very much Zhu Ling showed a smile and bent over to the summer.

Summer without words, to eliminate some of her worries. If only refining high-level pills and testing talent, she still has some confidence.

Summer no jaw first smile, no more to say.

Zhu Ling is not angry, but grateful to see Xiangmu light song.

If not mu Qingge personally asked, I am afraid that the summer elder will not patiently solve doubts.

"You are so gifted, why don't you stay in the general hospital?" All summer's advice is dead hearted.

Mu Qingge said: "alchemy is not my main purpose, so I have no idea to enter the general hospital for the time being." It is enough to have a general understanding of the situation of the general hospital this time. There is no need to waste time in the medicine tower.

With the inheritance of Danshen, she doesn't need any guidance from Dan masters.

"In that case Well, come to me whenever you want to come. " Although Xia Xia Wu felt sorry for mu Qingge's answer, she did not change her previous attitude.

This, let Mu light song to his impression bonus.

The flying beast flew for a period of time, crossed the high mountains on the ground, and finally landed slowly outside a valley.

From the flying beast, mu Qingge sees a group of people in the standard clothes of medicine tower disciples coming out of the valley. Among these people, there is one person in the first place, who is surrounded by the stars and the moon.

See that person, summer can't help but frown: "Jingtian? Why are you here? "

The one who is called Jingtian is the one who is defended by others. He has a slender figure and beautiful facial features. His willow eyebrows are soft and scholarly.

It gives people a sense of elegance.

However, his expression between the eyebrows is too arrogant, as if the sky and the earth are arrogant, destroying his beauty.

In the face of Xia Xia Wu's question, he didn't care at all. He just laughed and said with contempt: "I heard that the spirit level Dan master of the branch has arrived. Naturally, he will come to visit one or two." , the fastest update of the webnovel!