The sun is setting, the vine is withering and the crow is fainting.

At sunset, there are no people on the official road.

From afar came a slow sound of horse's hooves, and gradually came a group of people and horses from the end of the official road. Finally, there was a carriage full of various items.

Mu Qingge rode in the front and looked up at the magnificent city wall in the setting sun. He could not help saying, "Luodu, I'm back!"

This trip went to Shengyuan Empire, Rong state, ancient Wu state, Li state and Qin state. In the meantime, he has already crossed the late autumn and winter and directly entered the early spring of Luodu.

"For more than four months, I don't know how your grandfather is and whether he can take care of himself." Mu Lianrong rode to Mu Qingge and sighed the same way.

Mu Qingge turned her eyes and grinned: "grandfather knows you brought a husband home, he must be very happy."

"Bad girl, she's joking with my aunt." Mu Lianrong said with a smile. But the look is not as shy as it was at first.

More than a month ago, they returned from the ancient state of Qin.

When they arrived in Li state, the soldiers divided into two routes. Moyang summoned a team of Longya guards to send Shang zisu back to the medicine Tower Branch of Yu state. Calculate the time, Mei Zizhong and Zhao Nanxing should also return from the general hospital to the branch.

It was originally intended to bring the purple perilla back to the state of Qin, because Lou Chuanbai was also in the state of Qin. Just don't want to, when he left the ancient Wu state, the news came from the state of Qin that Lou Chuanbai knew that Mei Zizhong had returned home, so he left Mu Fu and returned to yaota branch.

In this way, there was no need for Shang zisu to bypass the state of Qin and return directly from Li to Yu.

And they continued to move towards the state of Qin.

Along the way, not in a hurry, but also calm. After walking for nearly a month, I finally came to the city of Luodu.

Gradually close, from the city gate closed time, has been closer and closer, the people who live outside the city have accelerated the pace, quickly out of the city. At last, the sound of drum beating in the evening spread to the sky, and the heavy city gate closed slowly. Behind the gate, the soldiers who guarded the city pushed the gate to close it.

Just before the city gate was closed, someone suddenly called out, "wait, we're going into the city."

The people inside stopped, but the door didn't open. Instead, someone yelled, "the time for entering the city is over. Come back tomorrow!"

After that, the gate continued to close.

The man who called the door frowned slightly, and then called out again: "the little Lord of Mu's house will go back to the house and open the door quickly!"

"My lord?"

"Come back, little Lord?"

Behind the door came an excited voice.

The door, which was about to be closed, was finally opened. A leader came out of the crack and looked at the person calling the door.

Come on, riding a horse

The captain squinted carefully and his eyes suddenly widened!

It's not a fan horse, it's a horse of spirit beast Yan ma. It's the mount of little Lord Long Ya's personal guard!

This discovery, the captain immediately yelled to his back, "quick, open the gate, welcome the young sir back to the capital!"

With that, the gate behind him opened slowly. And he quickly came to the people, respectfully said: "dare to ask your honor, where is the little Lord?"

The Dragon tooth Wei cold and stern way: "the young Lord is in the back, will arrive immediately."

"Yes, yes..." The captain didn't dare to ask.

At this time, all the soldiers in the city had been opened. The captain summoned a man to command, the latter quickly ran to the wall.

After a while, the general of the garrison took the rest of the people and ran down the wall quickly.


When mu Qingge came to the city wall, he saw a group of four or five hundred people kneeling on both sides of the gate. The man in general's uniform stood in the middle.

As soon as she appeared, the general of the garrison immediately recognized her and saluted him with his fists and hands: "the last general, Li Yi, and his subordinates are here to welcome the young Lord back to the capital --!"

After that, the sergeants on the left and right sides all cried out in unison: "welcome back to the capital!"

"Welcome back to the capital!"

"Welcome back to the capital!"

The neat shouts, the same excited expression and the extraordinary ostentation made Xue Qiao gape. He approached mu Qingge and whispered, "Qingge, you can compare with the emperor in this aspect."

Mu light song a smile, did not say much.

She said to the garrison general Li Yi: "General Li, you are welcome."

The most simple greeting, almost happy Li's old face smile out of a flower. Finish this sentence, mu Qingge rode black Yan to the city.

Until her figure has almost walked out of the city gate, just secluded way: "soldiers guard the city hard, each reward hundred liang of silver."

Hundreds of people outside the city were overjoyed by the bounty from heaven.

They knelt down again and said to the back of muqingge: "thank you for your kindness."Xue Qiao felt the admiration of the soldiers of the state of Qin to Mu Qingge. He could not help shaking his head and said to his wife, "I'm afraid your family's prestige is more powerful than that of the royal family."

This sentence does not mean to kill the heart, but states the facts.

Therefore, Mu Lianrong was also proud to say, "because we have a little Baron in our family!"

In Luodu, most of the shops have already closed down, and people have come home to cook and rest. There are few people on the street. A group of people, then toward the Mu Fu.

When they came back this time, they didn't tell Mu Xiong in advance, in order to give him a surprise.

The gifts on the bus were all kinds of things that Xue Qiao purchased from the ancient Wu state to the Qin state to please his father-in-law. After all, he married his daughter without his permission. If you don't bow your head and admit your mistake, I'm afraid it will be hard to live in the future!

After mu Qingge and his party left the gate of the city, Li Lin quickly woke up and realized: "hurry up, send someone to the palace to report to your majesty, that is, the little Lord is back today!"

With that, Li's expression became complicated.

Since the day when the little Lord left, the emperor has given orders to all the generals guarding the city gate. If you see the young Lord coming back, you should report to the palace immediately.

The feelings between the monarch and his subjects are not ordinary.


"Here it is." Mu Qingge once again saw several plaques outside the gate of Mu mansion.

It seems that every time I come back to see it, I feel different.

People dismounted one after another. The house guarding the gate would recognize several people and immediately became happy.

They want to report to their husband, but they are stopped by mu Qingge.

Then, a group of people quietly entered the Mu Fu.

Mu Fu, Mu Xiong's yard. In early spring, the courtyard is surrounded by green shade and full of all kinds of flowers and plants. It is already dusk, but mu Xiong has not returned to his room to rest. He is still standing in the courtyard, pruning the flowers and plants in his hands with relish.

Youhe and Huayue accompany him behind. Seeing his infatuated appearance, they can't help but smile at each other.

Hua Yue turns back to her room and takes her single clothes.

Young lotus came forward and said, "my husband, it's getting late. Let's have a rest, but we'll be ready for dinner. "

Mu Xiong didn't look back, waved his hand and said, "what's urgent? Anyway, it's my old man eating alone. It doesn't matter if I'm early or late." After that, he sighed with emotion: "what's good for eating alone?"

Hua Yue comes out with a single dress, but comes out of the door.

When she saw the man's eyes, her soft eyes burst into ecstasy. She opened her mouth to breathe, but was stopped by mu Qingge.

Mu light song steps lightly to the flower moon body, from her hand to take the single clothes.

Hua Yue was so excited that her tears whirled in her eyes.

Mu Qingge saw the situation, patted her cheek, comforted for a while, then walked toward Mu Xiong.

In front of him, Youhe is still carefully persuading, "my husband, the maids and maids are left to take care of you. If you don't eat on time and wait for the Lord to come back, the maids will have to report it truthfully."

Mu Xiong "hem" a, bet airway: "that wench heart really have me this old man, come back to accompany me to have a meal!"

Suddenly, he felt clothes on behind him.

There is also a familiar voice: "good, today I will accompany grandfather to eat."

Mu Xiong was stunned.

Youhe saw the visitor and said in surprise, "sir!"

Mu light song smile jaw head, to her still have hastily come to the Flower Moon way: "this period of time you have worked hard."

Tears in their eyes.

Mu Xiong's body is a little stiff to turn around, and finally see the face that yearns for day and night. His voice trembled, but he said with a strong voice: "hum, do you know you're back?"

Mu Qingge smiles: "I know."

"How long will you be back this time?" Mu Xiong hard voice way.

Mu light song thought seriously: "at least to accompany my grandfather, I feel bored, I will go."

"Sweet words!" Mu Xiong laughs and scolds.

After that, he said with mixed feelings: "OK, just come back. Just come back. " He looked at mu Qingge carefully, as if to see whether she was thin, tired and wronged outside.

Mu Qingge let him look at him with a smile in his mouth.

After a long time, mu Xiongcai put down his heart and said, "it's OK. It seems that he has not been wronged."

"Grandfather, don't you worry about me? I've always been the only one who has suffered in front of me. Why have I ever suffered Mu light song smile way.

"Don't be complacent." Mu Xiong points her nose, doting blame.

"I see." Mu Qingge obeys.

"When I come back, I will have an appetite to eat. Let's go and eat with my grandfather. " Mu Xiong throws the scissors in his hand and laughs.Then he told the young lotus moon, "the two girls go to inform the chef that today the little Lord will go home and let him serve some more good dishes. We should have a good drink


Young lotus and Huayue are happy to respond.

"It's not enough to ask the chef to make more dishes, just one or two dishes," Mu added

"Ge'er, you've got a big appetite for going out?" Mu Xiong was surprised.

Youhe and Huayue are also curious.

But they were even more worried about whether they were not around to serve them, which made the young Lord ill dressed and had enough to eat, so that when they came back, they would have a big appetite.

Mu Qingge didn't know what they thought in their hearts, but said to Mu Xiong with a smile: "grandfather, I'm not the only one to come back this time."

Say, look at the door.

Mu Xiong also raised his eyes and looked. After a while, another man came out of the door.

"Miss Chang!"

"Miss Chang!"

Young lotus and Flower Moon bend over and shout.

Mu Lianrong gently nods her head to them, and then comes to her father.

When Mu Xiong saw his daughter coming back, his eyes were filled with joy. He grabbed his daughter's hands and said, "how did you two meet each other? Since we are back together, we will not send a letter in advance. Hum. "

Mu Lianrong said with a smile: "father, don't be angry, we don't want to give you a surprise?"

"Surprise? I think you two are trying to laugh at me Mu Xiong hummed.

Mu Lianrong and mu Qingge look at each other and smile, and the family is happy.

Even though they have lost a lot, they are still beautiful now.

"How about it? What interesting things did you encounter during your first trip, and could you adapt to it? " Mu Xiong asked with concern.

Mu Lianrong is different from mu Qingge. How can the latter say that she has been dressed up as a man since childhood and raised in front of a man. She is the overlord of Luodu at a young age. It's not once or twice to leave the state of Qin. With his own skills, Mu Xiong is not particularly worried. On the contrary, it was Mu Lianrong who grew up around her since childhood and never left the state of Qin. The first time I went out to travel, my father didn't worry. It was a fake.

Mu Lianrong said with a smile: "I'm fine. The outside world is very big. I really met a lot of interesting people and things."

"Where did you two meet?" Mu Xiong's suspicious way.

In the information he knew, the granddaughter and daughter did not go in the same direction at all.

"In the ancient witch kingdom." Mu Lianrong replied.

Mu Qingge suddenly began to laugh, looked outside the gate and said to Mu Lianrong, "Auntie, how long do you want someone to wait outside? If you're embarrassed to say it, I'll help you

"Light song!" Mu Lianrong's eyes flickered and her expression became embarrassed.

Mu Xiong saw the clue and asked, "Oh? Who's out there? "

When he drank, Mu Lianrong and mu Qingge didn't feel anything, but Xue Qiao outside the door couldn't stand. He had to walk out of the shadow and stand outside the door and salute Mu Xiong respectfully: "my son-in-law Xue Qiao, meet your father-in-law!"

His words made people in the hospital react differently.

Mu Xiong is like lightning, and Mu Lianrong is shy. Youhe and Huayue are shocked and can cover their lips with their hands. They only admire Qingge and smile.

"You, you, you What do you say Mu Xiong pointed to him, his voice trembling.

Xue Qiao can only bear the heart uneasy, hard scalp again: "son in law Xue Qiao, see your father-in-law!"

This time, Mu Xiong heard clearly. He turned his stiff neck, looked at Mu Lianrong, glared at him and asked, "are you going out this time and marrying yourself out?"

"Dad Mu Lianrong was ashamed and angry, and stamped her foot with coquettish anger.

What was the father saying? It's like how much I hate marriage.

Father's anger, she can't have, can only burn this fire on Xue Qiao's head.

"Cough." Mu Xiong at the moment just ignore her, just to Xue Qiao board up face, put up the frame of father-in-law. "Who do you say you are? How did I get to know my daughter? Who else in your family? What do you do for a living now... "

Crackling, Mu Xiong asked a lot of questions.

Xue Qiao listened to the cold sweat, but did not dare to perfunctory, respectfully write down all, and a careful answer.

Each answer in the mind of a few circles, sure there is no problem, just dare to Mu Xiong said.

After that, Mu Xiong wants to ask again.

Mu Qingge said in time: "grandfather, it's late. Let's eat first. If you have something to say, you can eat and say the same thing. After all, visitors are guests. "

Mu Xiong a Leng, stare at her one eye, can only say: "good, eat first."

On the way, mu Qingge accompanies Mu Xiong to walk in front, and Mu Lianrong and Xue Qiao walk in the back.

Seeing the melancholy on Mu Xiong's face, mu Qingge whispered: "what's your grandfather doing? Are you not happy that your aunt is married

Mu Xiong's face became stiff and said in a stuffy voice, "how can I be unhappy if your aunt can find a good man? It's just too sudden. I don't know what kind of character Xue is. ""Didn't grandfather believe in aunt's eyes?" Mu Qingge said with a smile: "just think about it, my aunt is married, and soon I can add a grandson to you. How good is that?"

As soon as he heard the word "grandson", Mu Xiong's eyes suddenly brightened. When he looked at Xue Qiao, he was also pleased with his eyes.

However, when he looked at Xiangmu light song, he could not wait for his face to converge and clean up. He snorted bitterly: "here you are, I don't think I can look forward to it. Fortunately, there is your aunt. No, I'll talk to the boy named Xue later, and say that Lianrong's future children, both men and women, must have a surname of Mu! "


"You said you came from the second-class state of Yu?" Mu Xiong confirmed again.

The dinner was very happy. After three rounds of wine, muxiong slowly accepted the sudden appearance of his son-in-law. But he still has his own worries.

Xueqiao nodded.

Mu Xiong frowned and said, "will your family agree with your marriage?" As he said this, he looked at Mu Lianrong with some worries in his eyes.

It was not that he felt that his daughter was not worthy of Xueqiao, but that there was a gap between the third and second class countries.

In addition, the daughter's age is a little older, Xue Qiao's talent and appearance in the state of Yu must not worry about getting a wife. Can the Xue family accept a daughter-in-law like her own?

Mu Xiong's words make Mu Lianrong droop his eyes and put down his chopsticks.

Seeing this, Xue Qiao quickly grabbed her little hand and assured Mu Xiong, "my parents are very open-minded and will love Lianrong. Besides, it's my own marriage. It's up to me to decide who is the most suitable to be my wife. Father in law, this time I'm here to get your permission. After a while, I'll take Lianrong to Yuguo Xue's family and tell them all in person to their elders. Don't worry, I will never wronged Lian Rong, let alone fail her

Qiao Murong's words restored Xue Lianrong's confidence.

Mu Xiong also nodded slightly at ease: "OK, I believe you. But I said that in this, if you dare to disappoint Lianrong, let her suffer injustice. I don't care what kind of first-class or second-class country you are, and no matter how powerful the Xue family is in the state of Yu, my Mujia army's iron cavalry will step down the Xue family and seek justice for my daughter! "

Xue Qiao looked stunned and took a breath to guarantee: "father-in-law, don't worry, there won't be that day!"

"Good! Drink Mu Xiong holds up the wine bowl.

Xue Qiao also immediately picked up the wine bowl in front of him, and after touching Mu Xiong lightly, he drank and entered.

After that, several people began to discuss the details of Mu Lianrong's marriage in the state of Qin.

According to Mu Lianrong's mind, she is not willing to marry far away. Because he could not rest assured of his father, he was also afraid of Xue's family and did not want to be bound.

Fortunately, she understood her mind. He promised that they would go to the state of Yu only to inform them of their marriage. After that, he stayed in mu'an and stayed with them.

See their three people talk about the topic of their own can't get in the mouth, Mu light song also quietly back out.


Luodu under the night, to a layer of hazy.

Located in the center of the Imperial City, high tower, Qin Jinchen stands alone, overlooking the direction of Mu Fu. Behind him stood the ancient master who followed him all the way, as well as the head of the imperial court.

The dragon's robe on his body adds a little bit of royal majesty to him. Fade away a bit of isolated cold.

However, he didn't feel happy.

As if, at the foot of the great river and mountain, only his responsibility, not his request.

In the evening, he received a report from the city gate.

He came back -

when he heard the news, Qin Jinchen suddenly felt that his life had changed and he had expectations. But he didn't know how to meet him.

Summoned as emperor?

Or as a friend?


Qin Jinchen droops her eyes and smiles bitterly. Are they two friends? He's not even sure.

Most of all, he was afraid to see himself.

On the desk of his imperial study, there were many memorials imploring Him to choose his imperial concubine, but he ignored them. For what, only his heart knows.

Because whenever he saw the demands in these memorials, his mind would come up with the appearance of moqingge.

"I can't do anything to insult him!" Qin Jinchen holds the hand of the railing and tightens it.

His body is much better than before, and he can even begin to practice. Although he has missed the best training period, he is still working hard.

For what, he seems to know, and seems not to know.

Qin Jinchen has always been a self-control self-discipline to the limit of the people, in the realization of their own moqingge should have some feelings, he has begun to maintain the distance between them.

He did not want or want to destroy the fragile relationship between them because of his greed.

The night wind raised the corner of Qin Jinchen's Dragon Robe.The chief steward stepped forward and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the wind is blowing."

Qin Jinchen nodded his head and said softly, "go back to the palace."


In the night of Luodu, the most lively place is the streets. All other businesses are closed. Only here has the door opened.

The most popular shop in Luodu is zuihonglou.

At night, people of all colors began to gather here, and it was as lively as day.

All the girls, who were dressed up in all their splendor, were leaning against the door, throwing handkerchiefs and winking at the passing men.

Of course, these are just the most common girls in the shop.

Those talented and beautiful girls are hidden in the boudoir for sale.

Tonight, zuihonglou is very busy. It's still early, and it's full of people.

For nothing else, it's just because the most popular lady Huakui in the red chamber in recent months is going to auction her first night. Naturally, those self styled young men come to bid.

"Yo! Here comes Mr. Shao! Girls, young master Shao is here, but he will not come out to wait on him! "

When a big meatball rolled in from the gate, the procuress was still flattered. The strong smell of fragrant powder on her body made people uncomfortable, but Shao Pang enjoyed it very much.

After a while, two exquisite and beautiful girls came to Shao Pang's side, nestling in his arms and flirting with him.

After a while, Shao Pang raised his head and said to the procuress, "on the first night of yaotao girl, I'm sure you'll have to make good arrangements for me, madam."

The dandy look on his face has become more and more profound these days.

The procuress twisted her waist and said, "Oh, master Shao, you are right. If you can photograph the first night of young peach, will I not make good arrangements? But you also know that we are very proud of our young heart, and we finally agreed to hand in the first night. I can't control what kind of guest she wants to choose. "

"Tut, so tonight is not as simple as the high price one?" Shao Pang holds his teeth together.

The procuress makes a smile and makes an effort to wink at the two women who serve Shao Pang: "it all depends on Yao Tao's mind. Mr. Shao, please take your seat. I have prepared the best seat for you. I will make sure that yaotao can see you at a glance

Shao fat man's small eyes of mung bean suddenly narrowed into a line, took out a piece of silver and threw it into the procuress's hand: "can handle affairs, reward you!"

The procuress immediately smiles, bows and bows to Shao Pang, and sends him into the drunken red chamber. Turn around and start to greet other guests.

Drunk in the red chamber, has already arranged very happy.

For such a meat shop, every girl on the brand's first night is as happy as getting married.

Therefore, in the lobby, everywhere hung with red silk flowers, red candle gold tent.

The platform used to sing and dance in the lobby is full of flowers. The scattered seats around are full of guests and the girls who accompany them. Some people can't bear it. They have already put their arms around the maid and go to the bedroom in the backyard.

The elegant seats on the second floor are divided into small single rooms. The platform can be seen from the front, while the left and right behind are blocked by screens, so they can't see each other.

Shao pangzi was led by two little ladies to the most central single room on the second floor.

Inside, there is a comfortable reclining chair, beside which there is a round table, which has already been filled with wine and fruits. Further away, there are two armchairs for the young lady to sit down and play.

On the side facing the lobby, there were thick curtains to block the light. The only function is that when the guests can't stand it and want to go to Wushan with the women they serve, they will leave it as a cover for shame.

As soon as Shao Pang came in, he leaned toward the reclining chair.

The reclining chair under him gave out a groan of pain.

He put his legs together, two little ladies, immediately understand. A man went to the front and knelt on the carpet, knocking his legs and pinching his feet. Another person, will be full of wine glass, handed to Shao fat man's mouth.

As long as he opens his mouth, he can drink it.

After a sip of wine from the beauty, I ate another grape from the beauty. Shao Pang is very comfortable, but he still remembers about yaotao. He opens his mouth and asks, "when will this young peach girl come out?"

The two girls complained that Shao Pang didn't know how to pity and cherish jade, but they still answered his question honestly.

"At the present time, it's about a quarter of an hour before sister yaotao will come out."

Shao Pang nodded and continued to enjoy the service of the beautiful people.

After a while, the elegant seats on the second floor were occupied by the gentry of various families. The scattered seats below were even more overcrowded. Many late comers, unable to find their seats, stood behind them.

It can be seen that Yao Tao's status in the heart of Luodu men.

Waiting, Shao fat man left and right in the compartment, then came the voice of people blushing.

Listen to the two little girls shy, look at Shao fat's eyes fog, full of love.But, Shao fat man actually disdains to hum a sentence: "beast."

These two words, immediately let two little ladies embarrassed.


In the lobby downstairs, the gongs sounded.

This shows that yaotao is coming out and the auction is about to start.

Shao pangzi's voice quieted down. It seems that the appearance of yaotao made them end the battle early.

The maids who are drunk in the red chamber light the candles in the hall more brightly. Brighten the stage.

"Sister yaotao is coming out." Said the little lady behind Shao Pang.

Shao Pang straightened his neck and looked at it. Sure enough, a graceful beauty came from behind the dance stage. The beauty covered her face with gauze, but it was hard to cover the amorous feelings between her eyebrows and eyes.

Her graceful figure alone is enough to make the men in the room boil.

She walked to the front of the stage, facing all the men who came to support her. Her body like willow made people want to help her.

"Yaotao is here to thank you for coming to join us. In order to thank you, yaotao plays a song and dances for everyone." After that, she went to the piano stand behind her.

Before the official auction, there is talent performance, which is a bonus.

Show their own value, will win a better price for themselves.

Therefore, all the people present fully understood and applauded.

After yaotao sits down, her hands are gently placed on the guqin, and the hanging veil falls slowly, covering her figure. People can only see her vague figure behind the strings, a beautiful piano music from her hand slowly flowing out.

In an instant, everyone was fascinated.

When Shao Pang was listening to him, he suddenly felt a kick.

He suddenly opened his eyes, but the anger in his eyes had not yet erupted, just because he could see the person in front of him, and he was hard to be surprised.

"Boss!" Shao Pang stood up nimbly, disregarding the surprise of the two little ladies, and looked at the smiling humanity: "boss, when did you come back? How do you know I'm here? "

Mu Qingge, with his hands back and his mouth light, said to Shao Pang, "where can you be at night except these places?"

"Hey, the boss knows me!" Shao Pang scratched his head and giggled.

Then, he busily let mu Qingge sit on the reclining chair, while he honestly moved the armchair and sat aside. He peeled the peel for muqingge, poured the wine, and robbed the work of two little ladies.

Two little ladies stood on one side, like quails. They couldn't hear a word of the songs played outside. They just looked at the Mu light song and said, "little Sir... "

Mu Qingge squinted at them and gave them a gentle "um" sound.

She came out of the Mu house and planned to get together with Shao Pang. Later, on the way, I heard that there was a flower Queen's first night of auction in the drunken Red Mansion. He guessed that Shao Pang was here, so he came.

"Boss, when did you come back?" Shao pangzi's mind at the moment is all on mu Qingge. Where can he care about Yao Tao's performance.

At the moment, Yao Tao's song is over, winning applause.

Mu Qingge took a drink from the glass and replied, "it's less than three hours to come back."

"Hey, the boss came to me as soon as he came back. I was flattered." Shao chuckled.

Mu Qingge held the wine glass, pointed to Yao Tao and squinted at him: "how? Have a crush on her? "

Shao pangzi remembered the purpose of his coming here. He took a look at Yao Tao and introduced mu Qingge with interest: "boss, you don't know. In the past few months, the young peach girl is very hot. It's her first night tonight. How can I not come here? "

Mu Qingge banter a smile, for Shao fat man's private life, she will not interfere too much.

In the stage, Yao Tao played a song and began the graceful dance again.

Mu Qingge and Shao pangzi are chatting with each other and enjoying themselves.

Finally, after the talent show of the hot field, people began to urge the auction to begin.

However, Yao Tao suddenly said, "although Yao Tao is a woman of dust, she also has admirers. I know that I am not worthy of him, but I only want to give him the innocent body, and then I will be satisfied

As soon as this is said, the wise will hear it.

Dare you, this young peach girl's first night is not for auction, but for her sweetheart? They are just a foil.

Suddenly, the crowd was furious.

When the procuress saw it, she was very anxious. She rushed to the stage and stopped Yao Tao from talking.

However, yaotao got rid of the pimp's pull, and said in a loud voice: "little Lord, I admire you for a long time, and I will wait for you with a clean body. If someone forces me, I'd rather die than pollute this body!"

As soon as Yao Tao's words came out, mu Qingge narrowed her eyes and sneered at her mouth.

All the people in the lobby, as well as the guests on the second floor, and the procuress all froze at the same time.Who did not expect, the person that Yao Tao likes is that of Mu Fu!

That young master can't be provoked. This young peach has labeled himself as a lord of Mufu. Who dares to force her? I'm not afraid of really making a big noise. When the master comes back, he will be cut alive?

On and off the court, it's quiet.

In young peach's drooping eyes, there is a trace of joy, as if because of his own purpose.

However, she did not know that the person she used as a shield was sitting in the elegant seat on the second floor.

"Boss, do you know her?" Shao Pang asks mu Qingge in surprise.

Mu light song smile is full of banter color, light way: "do not know."


Shao Pang understood immediately and gave mu Qingge a thumbs up: "boss, no one can stop your charm!"

The two little ladies standing on one side are misty water at one end, but they don't affect their eyes full of love.

Mu Qingge glanced at him and sneered: "are you really stupid or fake stupid?"

Shao Pang was stunned and didn't understand.

Mu Qingge sneered: "she is just taking me as a shield. She did not want to serve the guests, but she could not resist the pressure from the procuress, so she could only give in. Now, making such a scene in front of the public is to tell the whole Luodu people that she is my person. No matter whether I know it or not, as long as someone tries to force her, she will not give me face and will be retaliated by me. In this way, who dares to provoke her? Even the pimp doesn't dare to embarrass her

By mu Qingge's explanation, Shao pangzi also understood.

He slapped himself on the thigh and exclaimed, "how cunning! This girl is in such a bad mood

Mu Qingge looked at the two little ladies standing in the corner and asked, "she didn't want to do it before?"

Those two little ladies were busy kneeling on the ground. You and I said something about the things before the young peach.

It turns out that when Yao Tao was sold into zuihonglou, there was a childhood sweetheart. It's just that kid is not a big shot and can't protect her. In order to be chaste, yaotao studies hard and wants to support herself by art. She doesn't want to betray her sweetheart and sell her body.

But where is zuihonglou?

Where can you just let young peach not sell yourself?

After yaotao's reputation gradually rose, the procuress began to lobby her to sell herself. Has been rejected by Yao Tao, and finally the procuress has no way to force, threatened yaotao if not, let her never see her sweetheart again.

Yaotao can only compromise to have today.

But I don't want to. She made such a show in public.

If the procuress still continues to force her, it is to offend Mu Fu. What's more, if she said so, who would dare to rob Lord mu?

"Hum! How dare you use the boss! I must teach her a good lesson Shao Panzi rolled up his sleeves and stood up indignantly.

"Fat man." Mu Qingge stops Shao pangzi from coming forward.

Shao Pang turned to look at her, his eyes full of puzzles.

Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes and looked at the young peach on the dance stage downstairs. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Throughout the story, she seems to have only heard about the woman for the so-called love, and what about the man? Why didn't he try to score one and two?

"Yaotao, what are you talking about? Can you afford to provoke him The procuress whispered a warning.

When mu Qingge came in, she did not disturb anyone, so she did not know that mu Qingge was coming.

Yao Tao's face turned white, but she said: "Mom, I didn't talk nonsense. I really like the young Lord and will serve him all night with a clean body. "

Madame way: "everybody knows, little Lord is not in Luodu now!"

The young peach bit his lips.

She just knew that, she would dare to say so.

All of a sudden, a contemptuous voice came from the second floor: "miss yaotao, do you want to oppress us with the little Lord? It's too much to take us seriously. Tonight, I want you to accompany me! Madam, I'll give you a thousand taels , the fastest update of the webnovel!