"Miss yaotao is putting the little Lord down on us? It's too much to take us seriously. Tonight, I want you to accompany me! Madam, I'll give you a thousand taels The disdainful voice sounded from a compartment on the second floor. The source seemed to be the diagonal opposite of Shao pangzi's room.

"Hey, I'm so angry! How dare this boy come out? " When Shao Pang heard this voice, he was not happy at once!

Mu light Song Mou Guang turns to him, ask: "how, have Festival?"

Shao Pang muttered for a long time, but he didn't let out a fart.

Mu Qingge frowned, and he immediately said: "this boy doesn't know where he came from. Last time you left, you just entered Luodu. As soon as he arrived in Luodu, he was so arrogant that he was trying to compare the two dandies of Luodu. I certainly won't do it! I have communicated with him several times... "

"Lost?" Mu light song see his awkward appearance, calm said.

"Ah? Ah. " Shao Pang's head drooped like a ball of gas.

This kind of Shao fat man, two little ladies have never seen, can't help but see Xiangmu light song, more and more love.

"Have you investigated his background?" Mu Qingge asked.

Shao fat man faltered: "check is checked, it seems to be the son of a businessman in Pengcheng. There is nothing in the family except money. A few months ago, my elder sister married to dashima's house in Luodu, so she moved her family to Luodu, intending to take root in Luodu. First, I bought almost half of the shops on the other side of North Street. With money and the signboard of big Sima, this boy really has the capital to be a dandy. If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't want to oppress people with his family background, would he have the life of jumping around? " Finish saying, he is not convinced of the cold hum.

"What's your competition? How did you lose? " Mu Qingge asked and answered.

Shao Pang rubbed his hands with embarrassment: "are they just dandies? It's better than show, face, beauty, wine, and who can play better. Boss, don't tell me, this boy can't do anything else. The dandy is really a clean man. Relying on the money in my family, I was unable to get off the stage several times. Well, who let the fat man's family not open a bank

"He doesn't know who you are?" Mu Qingge's eyebrows rose.

Shao pangzi raised his head this time and said with pride, "I know." But then he let out his anger: "but they said that it was the real material, not who was better with the young Lord."

He turned his mouth and complained to Mu Qingge: "I think that this boy is from a small place, and has not personally experienced the boss's power! I'm used to it. "

Mu light song, laugh but not speak.

From this new dandy of Luodu, she really heard a trace of disdain for her.

"Fat man, ask for the price." Mu light song suddenly said.

"Ah?" Shao Pang looks at her in surprise.

Mu Qingge glanced at him and said with a smile: "what? Don't you want to go home with the beauty? "

Shao chubby chuckled vaguely and said, "I was still interested in it before, but now I just want to have a good drink with the boss and talk about the past

Mu light song a smile, Yang Yang chin: "go to bid."

At this time, because the price of 1000 Liang was called out, the quiet scene began to hum.

They are all talking about who is so afraid of death and dare to rob a woman with the young Lord!

On the stage, Yao Tao's face turned white. It seemed that the present situation was beyond her expectation. She had thought that if she moved out of the name of the little Baron, no one would dare to bid.

But unexpectedly, some people were not afraid of the reputation of the young Lord and called out a high price of 1000 Liang.

"One A thousand taels? " The procuress showed a finger and stuttered in shock.

At the beginning, there was a high price of 1000 Liang, and the procuress was very excited. However, the dead girl actually moved out of the little Baron, she was wondering whether she had the life to enjoy the money.

"What? Not enough? Then add another thousand taels The arrogant voice came out again.

This time, he simply doubled.

The fall of his voice made Yao Tao's face paler.

"What? A little Baron scares you like this? He doesn't know where he is now, let alone whether he is dead or alive. Today the Lord has put his woman to sleep. What can he do for me? " No one dared to bid, and the voice became more and more proud.


This is the first one who dares to say so in LoDo.

Many people cast mournful eyes at him.

"I'll give you three thousand taels." Suddenly, an excited and shrill voice called out a price.

Hiss? Who is this?

People looked up one after another, only to see Shao's plump figure rolling out like a ball and standing in front of the railing.

"It turns out to be Mr. Shao!"

"It's Mr. Shao!"

"What does a woman have to do with his friendship with the young Lord?"

"Yes! In those days, the young Lord and Shao were the dandies of our Luo. It's not enough to hurt feelings for a woman. ""Yes, that's right. It seems that only Mr. Shao dares to bid in addition to the one who doesn't know how to live or die. Let's hide and watch the play. "

After a lot of discussion, Shao Pang tried to carry his hands behind him. He held his head high and looked like a dandy!

"Shao, you are against me!" In the opposite compartment, there was an angry voice immediately.

In fact, the compartment on the second floor of zuihonglou is not like the old lady said, which can let yaotao on the stage see the people sitting inside.

These compartments are deep for some concealment.

Therefore, unless the people inside take the initiative to stand in front of the railing, people outside can not see the situation inside at all. It's just like the old lady standing on the stage now. It seems that she can only see a shadow behind Shao Pang.

Seeing Shao fat man standing out, the procuress was relieved.

After all, the relationship between Shao pangzi and mu Qingge is well known in Luodu. See Shao fat man stand out to bid, the procuress feel his money flies back again, life is also secure.

Suddenly, she immediately said with a smile: "Shao Gongzi Renyi, bid 3000, can there be a higher price?"

When people heard this, they all sneered. Who doesn't know if there is still a higher price, that is, whether the previous 250 will be increased.

"Zhou Wuwei, tonight is the auction for the first night of young peach. If you can bid, I can't bid? What's against you? Besides, I'm against you. Why? " Shao Pang snorted coldly.

Mu Qingge is supporting him. He has to get back to the court today!

"You! Okay, you play with me? I'll see how much money you have to play with me Zhou Wuwei gritted his teeth in anger and came out of the cubicle to the railing.

Facing the stage below, he held up the folding fan with fashionable clothes and yelled, "I'll add another thousand!" After saying that, still not convinced to stare at Shao fat man.

"Oh, that's four thousand taels." The crowd laughed.

"It's estimated that this auction will break the previous record!"

"Isn't that obvious? It's been refreshed for a long time, OK? I remember that the beauty like Jin Niang was only 1200 liang when she was bidding on her first night. "

"Shao Pang, you call again?" Zhou Wuwei grinned grimly.

Shao pangzi glared back at him and said with disdain: "five thousand taels!"


"Five thousand taels! This price is enough to buy a farm in the suburb of Luodu! To buy a woman? What a dandy! Luxury

"Well, we can't envy it!"

Five thousand taels!

The procuress held her heart and felt that her heart was about to jump out of her heart.

Yao Tao is staggering, almost standing unsteadily. She was in a trance, and the confusion in her heart could not be sorted out. Now, she has only one thought left, that is, "what to do? What should I do? She's very chaste tonight. What about her Xu Lang? "

The procuress exclaimed excitedly and tremblingly, "five thousand taels, do you still have..."

"Eight thousand taels from Laozi!" The procuress has not finished speaking, is directly interrupted by Zhou Wuwei's voice.

With a total of 3000 taels, what else can the onlookers say, in addition to scolding the "black sheep" in their hearts?

The procuress was so excited that she almost fainted.

And the young peach? Then need to be close to the small maid to help to stand reluctantly. She regretted it, she regretted it, and she shouldn't have talked about it. If she didn't pull out the little Baron, she would sell herself so plainly and lightly, and nothing would happen.

But now, instead of escaping her fate, she offended the young Lord.

If the Baron came back and heard what happened today, how would he think of her and how would he retaliate against her?

Yaotao didn't dare to think about it. She could only let her tears fall from her eyes and wet her veil, revealing her delicate facial features.

Young peach's appearance is that kind of elegant in showing charm, soft in with smart.

At the moment, the appearance of silent tears adds a little pity.

Zhou Wuwei, who was fighting with Shao Pang, felt a commotion when he saw this scene.

At this time, Shao fatty called out again: "I give ten thousand Liang!"

This sentence is like a basin of cold water pouring down from Zhou Wuwei's head. He put his hands on the railing and called to Shao Pang: "Shao Yueze, you use ten thousand Liang to block me for a woman!"

Shao Pang looked at him contemptuously, and Wang said: "what is my name? Aren't you rich? Keep going up

Zhou Wuwei suddenly relaxed and gave a cold smile: "yes, I have plenty of money. But do I doubt you have money? "

Shao Pang, however, was not irritated by him. He said, "you don't have to worry about it."

In a word, Zhou Wuwei's face suddenly became gloomy.

He had never been so disgraced when he came to lodu! Even if he fought with the fat man several times, he won! Now, how could he give up?

"Good! You compare money with me? I'll give you fifteen thousand taels Zhou Wuwei gritted his teeth."My God! Is this man crazy? Spend 15000 taels of sleep in flower street? It's only one night! "

"I'm afraid it's not a woman's business anymore. It's a fight."

"You can see it all? Let's take a gamble to see if it's the old dandy of Luodu or the new dandy's plan to win? "

"What? Don't you dare to add it? " Zhou Wuwei snorted at Shao Pang.

That look in the eyes, but wish to let Shao fat man's blood.

Shao Pang, however, glanced at him with the light from the corner of his eye and said calmly, "I'll give you twenty thousand taels."

"Twenty thousand taels! My God The procuress has been frightened, or surprise too much, a buttock falls to sit on the ground.

Yao Tao is already numb, just like a puppet standing in place.

The antics of the procuress make many people laugh.

However, these laughter fell into Zhou Wuwei's ears and became a mockery of him.

Zhou Wuwei asked Shao Pang ferociously, "Shao, are you going to fight with me tonight?"

Shao fat man grinned, smiling that spring bright, smile so bad to beat. "Don't worry, I don't have any money. I'm sure I can't beat you. If you're higher than that, I'm sure I won't follow. "

Eh? That's it?

Everyone is looking up, but suddenly heard Shao Pang's words, immediately feel a bit disappointed, some do not understand. If you don't want to fight to the end, why come out?

Is it just to make Zhou spend more money?

Dandy's world, they really don't understand!

"Are you serious?" Zhou Wuwei's eyes narrowed and he didn't believe it.

Shao Pang raised his short neck and snorted, "of course! I never break my promise

"Good! I believe you Zhou Wuwei sweeps Shao Pang with his cold eyes. It seems that Shao Pang had deliberately let him pay more money in his heart. He took a hard look at Shao Pang. Zhou Wuwei looked at the dance stage. He looked at Yao Tao with salivation. He pulled his neck straight and cried, "I'll give you 21 thousand taels."

There was a tremor in his voice.

Others thought it was exciting. But in fact, he knew that even if his family had no money, he would lose a layer of skin when he got home.

Of course, this account, he naturally counted on Shao Pang.

"Twenty one thousand taels!" The procuress was overjoyed. She sat on the ground with her fingers on her hands, but she did not count out the concept of 21002.

At the moment, she looked at Yao Tao's eyes, just like seeing a money tree. She was very happy!

She was too lazy to get up from the ground, holding her handkerchief in her hand, shaking: "Mr. Zhou offered 21, 000 taels. Is there anything higher? If not, we will return to Mr. Zhou tonight. "

Twenty one thousand taels, the fool will continue to increase the price!

Watching the way that the masses despised.

This young peach is not a beautiful beauty. What's the price? Now the status has been raised to this unprecedented height, but because the two dandies are fighting each other.

When the procuress finished, she looked at Shao Pang with expectation in her eyes. She seemed to hope that he would continue to increase the price and earn more.

However, Shao Pang seemed to have no sense of it, and his lines did not move.

Looking at him like that, he seems to want to follow the promise of Zhou Wuwei and really stop bidding.

The procuress is a little disappointed. I really wish these two wronged heads to continue to cry.

"What nonsense? I don't believe it. Who else dares to bid! Who dares to touch my father's misfortune! " Madam Zhou, the greedy appearance of Wu Lian is very anxious.

"Ah The procuress got up from the ground with her skirt.

However, before she stood still, she heard a calm voice floating from the second floor: "I come out one or two."



In the lobby, in the compartment on the second floor, many people spray tea and wine.

It seemed to have been a terrible shock.

In a daze, the procuress immediately straightened up and stood up. She looked around with her waist crossed and called out, "who? Who's making trouble here? "

Zhou Wuwei's cold voice also came: "who dares to trouble you? You don't want to live, do you? "

"It's me." It is the light of two words.

However, this time, whether it is the procuress or Zhou Wuwei, or the onlookers who eat melons all hear clearly, the voice is from Shao Pang's compartment.

"Fat Shao, what the hell are you doing?" Zhou Wuwei frowned on the gloomy road.

However, the procuress and other people guessed a possibility. They kept silent and stood up slowly. The procuress's face is even more pale.

A dark figure emerged slowly from the dark place behind Shao Pang.

When her bright red robe appeared, the whole drunk red chamber was so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling.

Yao Tao is in a trance and raises her eyes and looks at the enchanting red on the second floor.When her appearance appeared in people's eyes, the people present seemed to be greatly shocked. The procuress's face was even whiter, and she screamed, "my God!" Fall to the ground.

"It's the Baron!"

"It's really the little Baron!"

"The little Baron is back!"

People are back in succession, the old lady's scream wake up.

Then, the people in the red chamber, whether they were civilians or nobles, men and women, old and young, knelt on the ground and cried in unison: "welcome back to the little Lord! Good luck, sir

My Lord!

Yao Tao's eyes suddenly open wide, in front of a black, directly fainted in the past.

Mu Qingge's clear eyes lightly swept the people on the spot. He took a look at Zhou Wuwei's gloomy and pale face, and finally put his eyes on the old lady: "one or two tattoos of silver, a contract to sell one's body."

Where does the procuress dare to disobey Mu light song's order, the whole body trembles to call a person: "quickly, quickly goes to take the young peach's body contract."

Then, with a flattering smile, she flattered: "how dare I accept the money of the young Lord? She will be taken care of by the young Lord

Zhou Wuwei was so angry that he bought the man for 21000 taels, and was given away for nothing?

What he was even more angry was the attitude of the people present to muqingge.

Even when he entered Luodu, he knew that the little Lord of Mu's house could never be provoked, but he was still unconvinced. At the bottom of my heart, there is a desire to compete with him.

But what is it now?

He tried his best to fight for the people, he opened his mouth, others would send it. Isn't that humiliating?

What else?

Clearly even for mu light song shoes are not enough!

At the moment, he finally understood why Shao Pang's abnormal arrogance turned out to be the backer.

"No need. When she wakes up and sends her away from zuihonglou, where she wants to go, let her go." Mu Qingge's words fall down and take Shao pang to leave.

She has been waiting for a long time, the people present have not come back to God.

Leaving the drunken red chamber, Shao pangzi said excitedly to Mu Qingsong: "boss, it's too angry! That little Niang PI takes you as a shield, and it will be spread all over the world tomorrow. The beauty who was coaxed to the first night of Wanliang will be sent away by the young Lord with one or two cheap silver. She just wants to serve you? Pooh! Even the qualification of foot washing water is not enough! It's a great shame for us to drive her out of the drunken red chamber without looking at her! And Zhou Wuwei, who spent so much time trying to get, was thrown away by you. In the future, even if he got the little Niang PI, he would only be ridiculed and picked up the old shoes you don't want! Ha ha ha ha It's really relaxing tonight. I'd better stay with the boss! "

Mu Qingge glanced at him lightly and said with a smile: "go, find a place to drink!"

"To order!" Shao Pang's way of dogleg.


It was the next morning when the young peach woke up.

When she didn't understand what happened, she was driven out of the drunken Red Mansion by the pimp's face, and left her contract to sell herself.

Yao Tao was so dizzy by the surprise that she didn't know how she got out of the bitter sea.

However, when she took the deed to the street, she was criticized and talked about.

"Look, this is the first night of last night's auction. She was waiting for the price to sell, saying that she wanted to leave her innocence to the young Lord. She also used this as a gimmick to fry her worth to more than 20000 Liang. But I didn't want to. The little Baron was there at that time, and he didn't care about her. Only one or two No, the old lady didn't have the courage to accept the money from the young Lord, so she handed over the deed of sale with both hands. "

"I've heard about it. It's said that the old lady flattered the little Baron and offered to send her to Mu's house. But the little Lord did not look and said that when she woke up and sent her away, where would love go. It's a nuisance

"Bah, how dare you think of the young Lord with the appearance of Xiao Sao's hooves? Have you been beaten in the face now? What kind of character is the young sir? How many noble girls of aristocratic families want to jump on them. She is a brothel girl, but she still wants to climb the branch and become a phoenix? "

All kinds of disdain, insulting language, drill into young peach ear.

She desperately wants to explain, it's not like this! She did take advantage of the Baron's reputation for self-protection, but it was not as filthy as they thought.

She took back her contract of sale with her innocent body, which should have been happy. However, along the way, she felt dirty!

All of a sudden, she seemed to understand that what she was suffering today was the punishment given to her by the young Lord! Punishment for abusing his reputation!

She has calculated the little Lord, and she must be able to bear the cost of this calculation!

She could no longer bear the world's direction and run wild in the street.

She wants to find her Xu Lang, only he can understand her, understand her, and then they both go to a new place and start afreshIn a teahouse facing the street, the window of the elegant room near the street is opened.

Young peach just ran through from below.

Shao Pang took back his head and looked at Xiangmu Qingge. He said, "boss, what do you mean by this play? Why do you give her back to her

Mu Qingge took a sip of hot tea, and the hot air curling from the mouth of the cup curled out in front of her.

Put down the cup, she light way: "she is not thinking of her lover?"? I'm helping her

Shao fat man's mouth a draw, white eye way: "such a row, I'm afraid that her never appeared lover will not accept her again."

"That's her business. Everyone has to pay the price for their choice, help her clean out of the drunk red chamber, I have been considered as the utmost benevolence. What will she do in the future Mu light song indifferent way.

Say she is indifferent or why she doesn't help people to the end.

She is not the Savior and has no obligation to save the world.

In the past life and this life, she has seen too many miserable lives, can you help for a while, can you help a lifetime?

Yaotao gets the contract of sale and leaves. If her lover really loves her, as long as they leave Luodu, they will be a group of enviable lovers and can live a happy life.

If that man doesn't love her as much as yaotao imagined, how will the final result be? It's hard to say. However, this is all young peach's own choice, isn't it?

Chose that man, chose to protect his innocence at all costs.

Then, have the courage to bear the consequences of choice.

Shao Pang didn't understand. Fortunately, he was not a warm-hearted person. Yao Tao is nothing in his heart. He will forget it when he turns around.

Compared with yaotao, he is more concerned about Zhou Wuwei, who became a laughing stock last night.

"Boss, the most talked about in Luodu this morning is Zhou Wuwei, in addition to yaotao. In these discussions, he became a fool. Maybe the grandson was so angry at home! I see how arrogant he will be in front of me in the future. " Shao Pang looks proud.

Before daybreak, he sent someone to the Zhou mansion to inquire about it. He knew that Zhou Wuwei did not know how many antique vases he had broken in his home. He was so happy to blossom.

It is said that he also sent a letter to his sister who married into the dasima family, hoping to ask the power of the dasima family to take the lead for him.

Shao Pang chuckled when he heard the news.

This stupid pig, don't understand these hierarchical relations of Luodu, dare to make trouble blindly?

Is it useful to find dashima? Even if it is to find the emperor there, the last bad luck will be him!

Shao Pang laughs a bit insidious, he lets that unfortunate child continue to work. Just let dandy see who the boss is!

Mu Qingge glanced at him and said: "is such a character worth your attention? It's better to practice more if you have this leisure. "

When it comes to cultivation, Shao Pang immediately loses his breath. But he still sneered and said, "I can't compare with the boss. After you left, I went out every day after my practice. Now I can only enter the green world. Oh, I'm holding the boss back

Although the words are disheartened, they can not hide their complacency in the tone.

Since taking the gene modification agent, Shao pangzi's talent has become better and better. Now he is the highest talent and highest cultivation of Shao family. Even if he can't compare with muqingge, he is still very proud.

Mu Qingge looks at him with a smile.

This is what Shao Pang Tzu is good at. Even though his cultivation can beat Zhou Wuwei for several blocks, he does not bully him with his spiritual cultivation. Since it is more than a dandy, we should be more serious than a dandy. Nothing else is useful.

If Shao Pang directly uses his spiritual power to cultivate himself, then how dare Zhou Wuwei dare to show his power in front of him?

When Shao fat man gets enough, mu Qingge throws two martial arts books from his arms to him.

Shao Pang picked up a look, mung bean small eyes immediately stare round, the mouth is not clear way: "every day Step Martial arts, martial arts, martial arts

Mu Qingge nodded and said to him, "take it back and practice well. However, you know the value of this thing. Don't take it out easily when you don't have the ability to protect yourself. "

Shao takes a deep breath and nods his head with dignified expression, and carefully hides the two Tian level martial arts skills into his arms.

He did not ask where mu Qingge came from, nor did he ask what mu Qingge experienced. Because he knows that if Mu Qingge wants to say it, he will. If she doesn't want to say it, naturally don't ask.

However, to Shao Pang's surprise, mu Qingge threw out a few bottles of pills.

"Take one bottle back to your father. It can wash away the body's symptoms and prolong your life. The rest, you keep it. Some of them are used after you are injured. Some are pills that can help you break through the situation. " Mu Qingge explained.

Shao Pang holds his breath, pinches the bottle in his hand and nods heavily.

The word "thank you" is more hypocritical.……

Yao Tao stumbles to her sweetheart's home and pushes open the gate of the fence.

The sound outside caught the attention of the people in the room.

He came out and saw Yao Tao. He was surprised. His eyes were cold and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Xu Lang! I'm free. Take me away. Let's leave lodu, go anywhere and live a good life Seeing her sweetheart, yaotao ran to him with a face of deep feeling.

She said it directly, trying to make the other party happy.

However, she saw a trace of disgust in his eyes. Just as she was about to catch his clothes, he avoided without mercy.

Yao Tao is staggering at the foot, and the smile on her face is frozen.

She looked at her sweetheart with disbelief, forced out a smile and whispered in a soft voice: "Xu Lang, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable? Or hungry? I'll cook for you

She was about to walk to the kitchen.

However, she did not walk two steps, she was forced to pull, the feet of instability fell on the ground full of soil.

"Xu Lang!" Yaotao raises her head and looks at the familiar but strange man in front of her.

But he just stood on the spot indifferently and looked at her from a commanding position. His disgust in his eyes did not decrease, but increased: "did you recommend yourself to warm up the bed for the young sir? Now, the little Baron doesn't want you and you come back to me? I'm so mean in your eyes? I want the woman that others don't want? "

"No! That's not the truth! You misunderstood me Young peach flustered explanation.

She did not expect that the rumors were so terrible that even her sweetheart listened to the rumors outside.

"Not so much? Now it's all over lo. You think you are noble and want to devote yourself to the young Lord, but he sneers at you. Hum, since you love him, why do you come to me? You'd better go to Mu's house and ask him to take you in! "

Lover's merciless words, like a knife like a knife in the young peach heart pull a scar.

All the people out there can be misunderstood.

But I can't stand the misunderstanding of my beloved.

No, it's not a misunderstanding. He hated her, hated her, and even regarded her as a vain woman.

She worked hard for him, endured the punishment of the little Baron and kept her innocence, but he didn't believe her!

Young peach heart pain is difficult to add, tears flow out quietly. She stood up on the ground, looked at her sweetheart, and asked word by word, "don't you believe me?"

But this man, but just disgusted cold hum, brush sleeve, back her, seems to even look at her, is an insult.

Suddenly, Yao Tao felt that the sky was falling.

And the sky, as if also sympathized with her experience, dark clouds quickly piled up, thunder fell, torrential rain instantly fell down, severely hit her body.

After a while, she was drenched.

When it rained, her beloved man ran to the house, regardless of her, simply closed the door and let her stand in the rain.

All of a sudden, yaotao felt that he had nothing to say to him.

Staggering, yaotao left the man's home in the heavy rain and walked aimlessly, not knowing where his future was

As mu Qingge said, how Yao Tao has nothing to do with her.

She is now purple, with thousands of years of life, yaotao is just a passer-by in her long life. If it wasn't for her involvement, she wouldn't even look at it.

Coagulating the rain outside the window, moqingge leisurely drinking tea.

For a long time, she seldom looked at the rain and drank fragrant tea so easily.

When the rain stops, mu Qingge leaves the teahouse and goes to the Mu house.

Just as soon as she arrived, she saw a man standing on her knees outside the door of the house.

The person standing, she knew, was the great Sima of the dynasty.

The man on her knees, she also knew, was a fool, Zhou Wuwei, who had more money than Shao Pang last night.

Look at the posture of these two people, mu Qingge has already guessed their purpose.

Eyes flash, Mu light song do not want to do more entanglement with them, turn around from the back door into the Mu house.

And when she returned to her own Chi Yun yuan, the two people outside the door were finally invited into the Mu Mansion by Mu Xiong.

After a while, the invitation came from the front yard.

Mu Qingge changed into a more comfortable clothes, then leisurely left Chi Yun yuan, took two girls to the front yard.

As soon as he entered the front yard, Mu Xiong found her with sharp eyes and cried, "well, now the leader of Mu's house is my good grandson. Tell her what you want. "

Having said that, Mu Xiong put down the stall directly and left with his sleeve swinging.

As for Xue Qiao and Mu Lianrong, they were not seen at all.

Big Sima saw mu Qingge, quickly saluted respectfully, and let Zhou Wuwei kneel down in front of her.

"Young Lord, this boy has just entered Luodu and doesn't understand the rules. Please don't blame me if you have a large number. I promise you, this boy will never make trouble again, let alone the young Lord With that, he forced Zhou Wuwei to kowtow to Mu Qingge three times.Young lotus and Flower Moon are curious.

Mu light song but light way: "it's just the same way of people's competition, it's not a big deal. Why does the grand Sima have to make a special trip? "

How do you compare with others in the same way?

Big Sima's mouth corner is ruthless, can only smile.

Zhou Wuwei saw with his own eyes that on weekdays his father would flatter him. The majestic dashima stood in front of muqingge, but he was as good as a watchdog. It seemed that he finally knew that the status of muqingge was unshakable.

He knelt on the ground like a frustrated ball, trying to cry without tears.

"However, he seems to have some grudges with Shao Pang. Well, you should let him go to Shaofu. " Mu Qingge sent them off with one word.

After sending them away, Youhe covered his lips and chuckled: "the young Lord is really bad. It's not enough to admit your mistake to you. You have to admit it to Mr. Shao. Do you want that man to kowtow to Mr. Shao again? "

Mu light song pick eyebrows: "that is the Shao house, and I have nothing to do with it." Said, she played the folds on her clothes, lazy way: "can let him kowtow a few more, is also Shao fat man's ability."


When mu Qingge came back to Luodu, it seemed that only at the beginning did she make trouble, which made the people of Luodu remember that she was such a dandy, and then fell silent.

But in the palace, has not called her into the palace's will, Mu light song has never taken the initiative to see Qin Jinchen.

However, even in this case, no one in the field dared to speculate whether there was a gap between the emperor and the Mujia young Lord. After all, mu Qingge's deeds before can be all in the past.

When he returned to Luodu in January, Mu Fu held a banquet to send Mu Lianrong to get married.

On this day, Luodu was very lively and numerous gifts were sent to Mu Fu. Even in the palace, also sent a long list of gifts, countless treasures like no money to add to the dowry of Mu Lianrong.

I'm afraid that Mu Xiong alone can't cause such a big stir.

But with the addition of a moochue song, how extravagant, how extravagant, are taken for granted.

For a time, people in the city were talking about the origin of Mu's uncle.

Later, I don't know where it came from. It was said that the uncle of the Mu family came from a second-class family. All of a sudden, all the discussions turned into blessings.

In their opinion, such an identity is enough to match Mu Lianrong, the princess of the state of Qin, who has no title.

The wedding banquet lasted three days and three nights.

These three days and three nights, Mu Xiong spent in the drunken.

Muqingge also drank a lot, but no one dared to drink her wine, so she could keep awake. But Shao Pang, as her good friend, was miserable.

Other people dare not irrigate her, but does not mean that they dare not pour Shao fat man.

So in the end, Shao Pang was also carried out of the Mu family.

Mu Lianrong's marriage was completed, and the Mu family was also a big event. Mu Qingge intended to stay at home for another period of time, so he set out for the drug Tower Branch hospital and completed the tower exit assessment.

There, there are several friends waiting for her to go back to complete the appointment.

Just did not expect, she has not set out, Mu Fu came to an uninvited guest.

"Elder Xia." Mu Qingge is surprised to see the summer from the sky.

Summer Wu Ying Ying smiles and says to her: "Mu Changlao, presumptuous to disturb ah!"

It was the first time that I heard mu Qingge called "Mu Chang Lao" in summer, which indicated that he was very uncomfortable. This title, sounds very awkward.

"Mr. Xia, please call me moqingge." Mu light song road.

Xia Xia Wu and his flying beast suddenly landed in Mu Fu, which made the house very surprised. After a little explanation, mu Qingge introduced Xia Xia Wu to Mu Xiong, Xue Qiao and Mu Lianrong before taking him to his place.

"Xia Changlao, why are you suddenly here? He also went straight to Mu Fu. " Mu Qingge doubts the way.

Summer no smile way: "know you are in Mu Fu, so I come to pick you up and go to the medicine Tower Branch hospital."

"Oh? What's the matter? " Mu light song eyes light flash, ask a way.

Summer does not nod, took out a scroll from the arms, handed to Mu light song.

Mu Qingge took over and opened it. After reading the above contents, her eyes shrank and looked up to Xia Xia without confirmation: "the general hospital is going to remove the post of president of huacangshu branch?"

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