You can fly in the air without consuming spiritual power. Mu Qingge looks at the flying beast at the foot, smashes it to smash the mouth, in the heart rises endless envy.

"Ha ha ha, why do you envy me? As the medicine tower elder, you should have been entitled to apply for a flying beast as your mount. " Summer did not see her face envious appearance, can't help joking way.

Mu Qingge turned his eyes to him and blinked: "is there such a good thing?" The old Dean didn't tell her!

Her reaction, instead let summer no surprise asked: "how? When you took the elder's token, the abbot didn't tell you? "

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, and the smile was not clear.

In summer, there was no awkward fake cough, and turned away.

Take back the eyes light, Mu light song in the heart grinding teeth. Calculate, when you go to the medicine tower general hospital, you must get your flying beast!

No! One is not enough! At least two, three to make up for her inner trauma.

Mu Qingge looks at the foot of the Wanli River and mountain again. The wind blowing by her side blows her clothes and hair.

Although purple realm can use her own spiritual power to soar in the sky after all, but it is too much spiritual power to do that. She would not do it unless it was necessary.

"Why did the general hospital suddenly remove Hua Cangshu from the post of President?" Mu Qingge asked.

After the summer came, they just talked in a hurry. She said goodbye to her family and boarded his flying animal. There was no time to ask for some details.

Summer did not look at her, raised eyebrows and asked, "you don't know?"

Mu light Song mouth faint a draw, smile way: "Xia elder said laughing, if I know the inside story, still need to ask you?"

The summer has no God color embarrassed for a while, the meaning has pointed the way: "your branch is really out of a lot of talents!"

Such a sentence is not a word, but let Mu light song listen to understand.

"Zhu Ling asked," is it related to her

Summer did not nod, "you leave early, the things behind really don't know. After you left, Zhu Ling took part in the assessment of staying in the general hospital. Her talent is not bad. She has excellent understanding and is a hardworking child. Therefore, the examination was passed without accident, and many elders vied to accept her as an apprentice. "

Mu light song while listening, while nodding.

Zhu Ling is not a mediocre person indeed, such a result is reasonable.

"But, you know? She refused such a great thing Summer did not see Xiangmu light song, look in a bit more serious.


Mu light song a Leng, such a thing, she did not think.

Xia Xia Wu did not see any clue from mu Qingge's expression. She then said, "the reason for her refusal is very unique. She said that she would not like to become a teacher again because her last master let her down." He stopped for a moment and then said, "never, only the disciples let the master down. How could the master disappoint his disciples? Her speech aroused the interest of many elders. Later, in front of the president, she told how Hua Cangshu was in the medicine Tower Branch yard. She told us how she had been forced to eat the puppet Dan

Hearing this, mu Qingge seems to understand.

She said that it was impossible for the general hospital to pull the position of Chinese Atractylodes for no reason. It turned out that Zhu Ling worked in secret.

"It is impossible for the General Council to remove a president from office because of one-sided remarks." Mu light song road.

Summer did not nod: "it is. Therefore, we have to investigate first. After all that Zhu Ling said has been confirmed, this recall order on us will take effect. "

"It's investigation?" Mu light Song mouth a smoke, the expression in a bit more cold and disdain.

This expression, she did not deliberately conceal, summer without nature also noticed.

He said keenly, "what? Did he offend you? "

Mu Qingge sneered at him and said mercilessly, "is elder Xia really old? So bad in memory? You can be on the spot for the trial of drug delivery quota. "

Summer without a few laughs, it seems a little awkward.

Looking back on the competition at that time, the smell of gunpowder was so heavy that he was not stupid. Naturally, he could see the discord between moqingge and Chinese Atractylodes.

"I thought you were just having an affair with his apprentice."

Mu Qingge sneered: "how much storm can a disciple make without master's secret sign?"

Summer no eyes a light, immediately came to: "how did he embarrass you? Carefully speaking, maybe we can finish the task ahead of time. "

Mu Qingge looks at him and suddenly feels that his face is full of gossip.

Of course, there is no need for her to be polite to Chinese Atractylodes.

So she told her what she had done to her. Even, the existence of the giant Jiao, she did not conceal the summer.

"What! The giant dragon in the purple realm? How did you guys survive? " There is no surprise in summer.Mu Qingge took a look at him and raised his hand. The purple spiritual power was burning in her hands.

"You, you, you..." Summer did not point to the spiritual power in her hand and was shocked.

The disciples of the medicine tower have always attached great importance to alchemists and paid little attention to their own accomplishments. In the general hospital, there are more than many elders who can reach the blue state like Jingtian.

That's because his accomplishments were piled up with many miraculous medicines.

And moqingge?

She comes from the third-class national boundaries, and the resources she can possess are not comparable to those of the first-class countries. Moreover, she is so excellent in alchemy.

But I don't want to, in the personal spiritual cultivation, she is also surprising!

Summer is not suddenly a little depressed.

Like the Deacon elder of the medicine tower general hospital, his spiritual cultivation is no higher than the blue realm. How old is this kid? You're not even 20, are you? But it has reached the purple realm.

Mu Qingge ignored his shock, but explained: "when I met Ju Jiao, I was still a little short of purple."

"What about the giant Jiao?" Summer has no sudden reaction, busy asked.

The giant Jiao is full of treasures. You can't miss it!

Mu light song light way: "ran."

"Run Run away Summer did not feel that his chin almost did not fall down, purple boundary giant Jiao was hit by a few small fart children run away? Who believes that?

"Believe it or not, that's the answer." Mu light song light floated to another sentence.

Summer did not see Xiangmu light song, see her do not want to say more, then the witty shut mouth.

At this moment, he has no advantage in front of moqingge.

Compare status? Everyone is the elder of the medicine tower.

Than alchemy? Hehe, they are all spirit level Dan masters, but muqingge has a perfect state, how to compare?

What is it? He's a blue field

In the infinite exclamation, the summer did not quickly put the posture.

Flying animals are very fast. Starting from the state of Qin, they fly by day and rest at night. In less than ten days, they have entered the territory of the state of Yu.

At this rate, in less than two days, they will be able to reach the drug Tower Branch.


The sun, slowly falling.

The clouds in the sky were dyed red as if they were plated with gold.

Lost the sun's light, the huge shadow falls, shrouded in Mu Qingge and summer Wu.

In summer, the flying animal's neck was not photographed. When the flying animal received the order, it turned its wings, turned its direction, and slowly landed toward a dense forest on the ground.

In order to avoid the panic of the people caused by flying animals, they have spent the night in places where no one can go.

The flying beast landed safely. Not far from it, there was an abandoned cave.

Summer Wu He mu Qingge jumps off the back of the flying animal, and the flying animal flies up again to look for food.

Two people went to the entrance of the cave. In summer, they did not look at the small cave. They said to Mu Qingge, "it's dry here. Let's rest here tonight."

Mu light song nodded, indicating that there was no opinion.

In the summer, he took out the powder of expelling insects and animals and spread it around the cave.

Mu Qingge picked up some firewood and set up a bonfire in the cave.

The fire soon rose, illuminating the whole cave and bringing warmth.

Two people sit on the ground, summer from the bag of heaven and earth to take out food and water, two people will eat up in silence.

Mu Qingge is not a talkative person, and he is not too familiar with summer, so he seldom takes the initiative to speak. Nothing in summer is nothing but chattering. After eating and drinking, I close my eyes and meditate.

It seems that he wants to work harder to catch up with the young people in front of him.

Suddenly, there was a small sound of footsteps outside. Listen to the voice, there are still many people coming.

"There's a cave here. There seems to be fire."

The other party, apparently found them.

Summer did not open their eyes, looking at the cave, and looking at the light song. The latter is indifferent and can't see what he is thinking.

At this time, the figure outside the cave swayed, as if the people outside had already come in.

"Boss, there's a fire in there. There must be someone!"

However, people outside the cave did not come in immediately, but began to talk about diplomacy in the cave.

"Nonsense! If there is a light, there are people. "

"Then we..." The words are not finished, but anyone can hear the bad intentions.

Summer did not see to Mu light song again, Mu light song still did not have any reaction, as if never heard the words outside the cave.

Later, there was no word coming.

Because, the people outside the cave, already armed with weapons, rushed in ferociously and aimed their weapons at the two people sitting by the campfire in the cave.

"Oh! It's an old man, and a pretty boy

Only seven people came in. See the summer without and Mu light song, immediately proud to relax.At this time, summer Wu finally saw the appearance of these people.

He frowned.

How to describe it? It is said that the appearance comes from the heart. What kind of mind you have, what kind of appearance you will have. In front of them, they were ordinary in appearance, but they were full of flesh and blood, and their eyebrows were full of cruel and greedy colors. Looking at the past, they were not good people.

What's more, although the weapons in their hands are polished clean. But still can not hide a strong smell of blood, it is estimated that killed a lot of people.

After only a glance, summer came to a conclusion.

These unexpected intruders are not good people!

"Three green levels, two medium levels, one high level and one peak." Mu light song suddenly spoke, but to the summer did not say.

Summer without some unknown, so look at her, but on her pair of clear eyes.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand the meaning of muqingge.

He gave a wry smile, patted his robe, stood up and sighed, "I'll come. How can I trouble you to do it? "

"What did the old man say? Hurry to take out all the valuable things on your body. Maybe you will be spared a dog's life if you are in a good mood Among them, the man at the top of the green world is the arrogant way.

Summer Wu is a medicine tower elder. Where are people not respectful?

Where would anyone dare to talk to him like that?

There was some hesitation at first. Was it too much for him to kill before he said it? His eyes were cold immediately. His figure flashed and disappeared in his place.

Just listen to a scream ring, a few drops of blood on the mud in front of Mu light song, let her eyes flash.

Then, the summer appeared in place, as if never left the general.

However, the seven intruders were killed and fell to the ground at the moment. Although the death was not ferocious, it was definitely not better.

Mu Qingge coagulates a few drops of blood in front of him, slowly shakes his head, and says in a tone of disgust: "as an elder of medicine tower, killing people is not so beautiful. Why do you need blood if you can solve it with a little poison? "

Summer did not by her mouth a puff, black face sat back in place.

He just sat down, but mu Qingge stood up and walked to the people.

Summer looks at her without doubt, suddenly looks a change, shouts: "Hello! I can't tell whether these people are dead or alive

At this time, mu Qingge has gone to several people and squatted down and stretched out his hand.

Hearing the words of summer Wu with a bit of irritability, he stopped his movements in his hands and drooped his eyes to explain: "these people are bandits. However, there is no one around here. They will not appear here for no reason."

After that, she continued to stretch out her hand and carefully examine the things carried by these people.

Summer did not listen to her this explanation, Leng for a moment, then understand. Also slowly stood up, looking at the movement of Mu light song.

After a while, MuQing singer stood up with a piece of paper.

When you spread out the paper in your hand, the handwriting on it will be revealed.

Mu light song quickly read the content of the paper, eyes light slightly changed a few times.

"What's on it?" Summer no curious probe asked.

Mu Qingge hands the paper to him.

Summer did not take over, will be above the content of a look, eyes suddenly shrink, shocked way: "they these people to Sangzhi city assembly do?"

If he remembers correctly, Sangzhi city is near the drug Tower Branch hospital!

Mu Qingge also walked back to the fire, sat down with his elbows on his knees and stretched out his palms over the fire. "The city of Sangzhi is close to the border, further to the mountains of Ba state, and a step back is the hundred Li mountains of Yu state. There, has always been a three regardless of the area, but also gathered a lot of bandits. Of course, in fact, these people are all casual practitioners. Their accomplishments are not low in the third grade middle schools, and their methods are cruel and merciless. The order to summon all these people from afar can only explain one thing... "

Said, her eyes light a cold, deep voice way: "Sangzhi city accident, or say, and drug Tower Branch hospital related!"

"Why?" No frown in summer.

Mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked at him in a calm tone: "in that place, except for the medicine Tower Branch, I really can't think of any kind of interests that can cause such a movement."

"In that case, we'll rush to see what's going on!" There is no light song in summer.

Mu Qingge nodded slowly and did not oppose his proposal.


Sangzhi City, medicine Tower Branch hospital.

At this time, the medicine tower seems to be shrouded by a kind of repressive atmosphere, without the fairy spirit of the past.

In the branch yard, we can't see any disciples on the road. They are lifeless and empty.

However, in fact, hundreds of disciples here, including the Dan master and the tower guard elders, were all living in a hall and could not get out.

No, it's not that you can't get out, but you can't!

Lou Chuanbai sat in the crowd with his eyes closed and knees crossed. The people around him were Mei Zizhong, who had returned from the general hospital, and Shang zisu, who had returned from Li state and mu Qingge.Because Zhao Nanxing wanted to go back to the palace, he returned to the capital city first when he arrived at the state of Yu, but he was not in the branch yard.

Around them were hundreds of people.

They were all silent, as if they were imprisoned here.

Suddenly, the door of the hall was opened, and Hua Cangshu came in with his disciples. He had already lost the appearance of immortality before, and his expression was full of ambition and greed.

He swept a circle of people full of people in the hall and sneered: "how about it? Have you thought about it? As long as I promise to be loyal only to me from now on, I will give him an antidote and take him away. If you want to continue to be stubborn, no wonder I don't read the old love! "

Many of the disciples were angry, but they were stopped by their masters.

Wei Qi, Wei Guanguan brothers and sisters, as well as Shuiling, Fu Tianlong and others, are also in the crowd at the moment. They want to resist, but they are powerless. They can only stare at Chinese Atractylodes with eyes.

After a while, there was no response.

With a sneer, Hua Cangshu went to several pagoda elders and asked, "Why are you suffering? We are all sent together to suffer in this branch court, but those who want wind and rain in the general court. Since they have abandoned us, why should we continue to serve the general hospital? Why don't you follow me and get rid of the shackles from now on. With the strength of several of us, what will be the scenery in the third class national boundaries? How many masters will come to play? It's better to be a master than a dog

Guardian elders, don't care about him.

When he spoke, they all put aside their faces in silence.

He seemed to disdain to talk to him.

Chinese Atractylodes face a heavy, eyes light in a bit more yin sting and cruel intention.

"I don't know how to flatter you!" Hua Cangshu snorted coldly and turned to leave.

He went to the Dan teachers who were close to him on weekdays and asked what they meant. However, these people usually follow his lead, but now they have become tough and ignore his "invitation".

Finally, he went to Lou Chuanbai and met his old opponent. His expression was a bit more ferocious.

He sneered at Lou Chuanbai: "Lou Chuanbai, how about it? Do you win or I win now? "

Lou Chuanbai raised his eyes and looked at him again, seemingly disdaining to talk to him.

Hua Cangshu's face was ferocious and heavy. He yelled to Lou Chuanbai, "aren't you better than me? How can I just sit here and let me fish? You have the ability to detoxify all the people here

Lou Chuanbai still didn't say a word.

Chinese Atractylodes hiss disdain way: "you also just so!"

After that, he turned to leave the hall. When he was about to close the door, he said in a cold voice: "you still have the last day. Do you want to submit to me or bury with the medicine tower branch? Think about it."

As he left, the door of the hall was tightly closed.

"Master..." As soon as Hua Cangshu left, Shang zisu looked anxiously at Lou Chuanbai.

Mei Zizhong also looked at him.

Originally, they were worried that their master would be subjected to the conspiracy of Chinese Cangshu. When they left, they asked her to go to the Mu Fu of the state of Qin. But they did not want to, because they returned home, master also returned from the Mu house to the branch, and finally did not escape the plot of Chinese Cangshu.

Lou Chuanbai sighed a long time and sobbed around him.

These cries come from many young disciples.

Mei Zizhong pursed his lips and said, "Chinese Atractylodes must have been premeditated for a long time, otherwise it would not be so."

Lou Chuanbai nodded and looked at his two beloved disciples. His eyes were full of regret: "I'm old, it doesn't matter. Just the two of you... "

"Master, don't worry about us." Mei Zizhong said in a deep voice.

Shang zisu also nodded: "master, don't worry too much. Younger martial brother Mu will come to save us. "

When it comes to Mu Qingge, Mei Zizhong has a complicated look in her eyes. From his heart, he didn't want moqingge to take risks. He said: "younger martial brother Mu is far away in the state of Qin. It's hard to save near fire by far water.". Younger martial brother Zhao is in the state of Yu. If he detects something wrong, he will surely come to rescue him. "

Hearing his disciple's comfort, Lou Chuanbai nodded.

He frowned and said, "there are many disciples with background in the medicine tower. If Chinese Atractylodes really want to kill all, it is impossible. What on earth does he want to do? He is so bold and reckless that he is not afraid that the general hospital will send someone to investigate him? "

Lou Chuanbai couldn't see through the plan of Chinese Atractylodes, especially Mei Zizhong and Shang zisu.

In the crowd, in the corner of the hall, Wei Guanguan said to Wei Qi: "what does the old dog named Hua want? If he kills us, Dad won't bypass him! "

Wei Qi took her sister's hand and squeezed it with force. She comforted her and said, "don't be afraid. I'm here."

Simple five words, including unlimited feelings.

Wei Guanguan heard a sour nose and couldn't help choking his mouth: "Stinky Wei Qi, who is afraid? I don't need your protection. Just take care of yourself

At this time, Fu Tianlong suddenly pursed his lips and said: "if there is a real one in case, I will cushion you and leave.""Tianlong you!" Shuiling looks at him in surprise. His eyes did not approve of his decision.

Seeing the brothers and sisters of Wei's family, Fu Tian Long said to Shuiling: "Shuiling, listen to me. As long as I stimulate the blood of the animal God in my body, the Chinese Cangshu can't hurt me. You just run as far away as you can. It's closer to Pakistan. As long as you return to Pakistan, you will be safe. At that time, the plot of Chinese Atractylodes will be made public again! "

Then he looked at the Wei brothers and sisters and said, "Li is too far away from here. Don't worry about going home. Go back to BA with Shuiling first, and then go back after everything is stable. However, I will get rid of the safety of the water spirit and give it to you. I will send her back to Pakistan safely in any case. "

"And you?" Shuiling asked anxiously.

Fu tianlongqiang pulled out a smile: "all said, I activate the blood of the beast God. When you leave safely, you will run away and will not die."

"And then?" Shuiling asked angrily.

"And then?" Fu Tianlong was stunned.

The water spirit forbade the tears in his eyes: "once the blood of the beast God passes, you will fall into a very weak situation, and you will not even have the ability to protect yourself. What if you are caught back? What if they torture you? "

"No!" Seeing the water spirit to cry, Fu Tianlong suddenly became in a hurry and didn't know how to deal with it.

Shuiling looked at him, biting his lips hard, big tears came out of his eyes.

"Let's not be so pessimistic. Maybe someone will come to save us." Wei Qi comforted.

Wei Guanguan, however, seemed to be infected by the sadness of the water spirit, curled up his body and held his legs in both hands: "but, who knows what happened in the branch hospital? Who will come to save us? "

"Perhaps no one will come, but one will come! I firmly believe that the MOOC will come Wei Qi eyes light firm way.

"Mu Ge?" Wei Guanguan raised his head, and the tears in his eyes flashed with expectation. He asked, "smelly Wei Qi, does Mu Ge really come?"

Wei Qi nodded affirmatively, reached out and rubbed his sister's hair. He said in a soft voice, "of course, we should have confidence in Mu Ge. When did he let us down?"

Wei Guanguan pursed his lips and nodded.


Chinese Atractylodes returned to his residence, puffed his sleeves and breathed his anger. He said in a voice of hatred: "it's a group of things that are not worthy of promotion."

At this time, a man came out of the room, dressed as a warrior, with a ferocious scar on his face, which looked very fierce and terrifying. His whole body sends out the breath is also very cold, as if from the corpse mountain blood sea.

"We don't have much time." As soon as the man appeared, he was indifferent to Chinese Atractylodes.

There was not much deference in his tone.

Hua Cangshu said with a black face: "I know. Tomorrow, tomorrow, if they are still stubborn, they will act according to the plan. " After that, he looked up at the man and asked, "how are you getting ready there?"

The man grinned, and the scar on his face became more ferocious: "people are almost gathered. When the time comes, they will rush into the branch yard of the medicine tower, burning, killing and looting. When the time comes, the medicine Tower Branch will disappear from the state of Yu, and you, the Dean, will die bravely. Everything will be looted and countless disciples and Dan masters will be buried among them. After that, you will remain anonymous and we will create a great cause together

In the eyes of Chinese Atractylodes, the joy of ambition realization seems to see his day of success.

He said with a ferocious smile: "it's a pity to let them die. Those corpses will be kept for me. I will do experiments with them. They will become our undead army in the future, and contribute to the development of our territory! And those with background... " With a sinister smile, he said, "it will also become a secret chess game in our hands and play a decisive role when necessary."

"Good! You have such ability, plus my ability, why worry about big things? At that time, the whole third-class country boundary will be our world! Even the second-class countries are no longer the words. " The man's arrogant way.

Two people seem to see a beautiful day tomorrow, after meeting each other, they burst out laughing.

The haze of the rejection of Chinese Atractylodes seems to be swept away by the wonderful dream of weaving!

"Xia Changlao, let's go down first. Flying animals are so obvious. " In the eye, is already Sangzhi City, Mu light song has no way to summer.

Summer does not nod, orders the flying beast to land in hiding place.

Mu Qingge jumps down, turns her eyes to see the flying beast without summer, and suddenly meditates.

"What's the matter?" Summer did not go to Mu Qingge asked.

Eyes on, summer Mu light, please help him to fly


Sangzhi City, very quiet.

Even though it is already at night, this quiet seems to be different from the usual, showing a kind of strange.

Mu light song with the summer without to their own temporary residence courtyard and go, just, just to the door, she felt there was someone inside.

Who will be here?

Youhe and Huayue had already gone back with her, and the courtyard had been vacant, and few people knew about it.Mu light song thought carefully, suddenly a flash of eye light, went to kick the door and entered.

"Who are you?" In the courtyard, there was a sudden exclamation.

Along with it, there is a sword.

Mu Qingge avoided it easily and called out in a cold voice: "elder martial brother Zhao, this is my place."

"Stop it A quick voice came.

The sword tip of chaomu light song stops in front of her nose.

Then, mu Qingge saw Zhao Nanxing's figure rushed out of the house in the courtyard.

"Brother Mu!" See Mu light song, Zhao Nanxing tone more relaxed.

And when he saw summer Wu also standing beside mu Qingge, he was surprised: "the general hospital got the news so soon?"

Mu Qingge and Xia Xia Wu are at a loss. They look at each other and mu Qingge asks, "it is true that the elder Xia came because of the command of the general hospital, but we don't know what happened here."

"So it is!" Zhao Nanxing suddenly realized.

After the reaction, he hastened to the summer.

Summer no wave hand way: "don't care about these empty ceremony." After that, he looked at Xiangmu Qingge and seemed to ask, "don't they know that you are an elder?" He did not forget that Zhao Nanxing called mu Qingge just now.

Mu Qingge blinked.

She didn't care too much about it. At the beginning, it was said that the one who won the competition with the king tower was the one who won the competition. However, at the end of the competition, she met with the Dean directly, took the identity token, and left with Shang zisu. She didn't get together with Zhao Nanxing.

She never mind the question of address.

What's more, if they called her elder, she would be more uncomfortable.

Therefore, instead of answering Xia Xia Wu's question, she asked Zhao Nanxing, "Why are you here? What happened in the branch? "

Zhao Nanxing told mu Qingge everything he knew.

"After I returned to the state of Yu, I was separated from elder martial brother Mei because I had to go back to the palace to report my duties. After I finished, I went back to the medicine tower with the guard, but when I got to Sangzhi City, I found it was wrong. Sangzhi city's scattered repair all of a sudden more up, and are in the official archives of the bandits. I became suspicious. Instead of returning to the medicine tower, I stayed in the city to investigate. But I don't want to, these people actually gather more and more, in order not to arouse doubt, I think of you this hidden residence. I have just found out that their gathering here seems to have something to do with our branch yard! "

Is it really related to the branch?

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed.

"By the way, what about perilla? Why didn't you see her? " Zhao Nanxing suddenly remembered that mu Qingge and Shang zisu left together. Now that mu Qingge is back, Shang zisu should also come back.

Mu Qingge looked at him and said with a wry smile: "on the way back, elder martial sister Shang figured out that you should return home, so she went back to the branch hospital first. With master and elder martial brother Mei, I went back to the state of Qin."

"What! So the Perilla is in the branch now? " Zhao Nanxing was shocked.

Mu Qingge nodded.

"No! I'm going to the branch yard! " Zhao Nanxing is flustered.

Mu Qingge stopped him: "now the situation is not clear, you rush to the past, don't you expose your identity? We must find out who these people are assembled and what the purpose is! "

Zhao Nanxing calmed down, but frowned at mu Qingge's question: "these people seem to have just received a call order. They come here according to the time and place. The order promises that those who respond to the convener will get rich rewards when they succeed. I don't know what it is for and who called it. "

"Is that it?" Mu Qingge takes out a piece of paper from his arms and hands it to Zhao Nanxing.

Zhao Nanxing took a look, eyes suddenly a bright, nodded: "yes! How could you have it? "

Mu light song understatement of the way: "summer elder killed a few bandits on the road, from their body to search."

She this remind, Zhao Nanxing just remembered, summer does not seem to have been left alone for a long time, busy turned to him to compensate is not.

"Since these people don't know, it doesn't make much sense for us to stay here. We'd better find a way to get into the branch yard to find out the situation inside."

This point, mu Qingge and Zhao Nanxing agree.

But Zhao Nanxing still frowned and said, "those people blocked the way to the medicine tower. I don't know whether it is to prevent the people inside from coming out or those outside from going in."

"This is easy to do. When the time comes, elder Mu will cover us up with his own cultivation, and then we can go in." There is no fun in summer.

With the cover of the purple realm master, it's easy to get in under the eyes of these people.

Summer without words, let Zhao Nanxing eyes in a bright, immediately nodded: "this is a good idea."

Mu Qingge thought about it and said to Zhao Nanxing, "elder martial brother Zhao, it's not difficult for us to go in, but the people outside can't ignore it. This is the state of Yu. It's inconvenient for me to act. I'd like to ask elder martial brother Zhao to write a letter and ask your army to come to suppress the bandits. "Zhao Nanxing immediately nodded his head, called the bodyguard around him, took out his keepsake, and asked him to do as mu Qingge said.

After the guard left, Zhao Nanxing said to Mu Qingge: "the general stationed nearest will come after seeing my keepsake. It will take at least two days for us to find a way to delay it for at least two days."

Mu Qingge nodded.

She looked up at the night and said, "let's have a rest for one night. At dawn, we'll go into the branch yard and have a look. The rest of your guards will stay here to support the army. "


The sky was dim and the sun was shining through the thick leaves, and the ground of the branch yard was covered with mottled light.

The main hall where the people were held was opened again.

The glare of the sun shining into them, dispelling the cold inside, shrouded in most people.

Chinese Atractylodes once again stood at the door of the hall, but today there is another person beside him. That face has the ferocious terror scar, the whole body fierce spirit entangles, makes people shudder.

Those pagoda guarding elders only looked at him and knew that he was not simple. He had seen countless blood in his hands. He was a murderer without blood. Otherwise, he would not be haunted by this cold and cruel spirit.

"How about it? How are you thinking about it? If you are willing to submit to me, go out to the door. If you don't want to Well, just stay here and see you on your way. " The cold way of Chinese Atractylodes.

It seems that in order to confirm the words of Chinese Cangshu, the cold and cruel man around him suddenly drew out a blood knife, which seemed to be twined with countless evil spirits, and the fierce ghosts were crying and roaring.

Blood knife a place, the hall seems to be shrouded in a gloomy terror.

All of a sudden, a disciple staggered out, looked up timidly at Hua Cangshu, cried and rushed out of the gate and fell in the sunshine outside.

"I don't want to die I don't want to die... " Outside, he cried out in fear.

With the first, there is the second.

One by one, the disciples ran out of the hall. After a while, there were forty or fifty people in the hall.

"Are the rest not afraid to die?" Chinese Atractylodes has a grim smile, and his face is very terrible.

The people around him also have violent and ferocious eye light inspection. Anyone who comes into contact with his eye light will tremble involuntarily and be scared around his neck.

Suddenly, a strange light flashed through his eyes, staring at the Shang zisu beside Lou Chuanbai.

The greedy eyes, like hungry wolves, see the same sheep.

This kind of eye light with strong aggression, Shang zisu keenly felt it.

Not only feel it, but also see it. Because, that fierce man with a ferocious scar on his face is coming towards her in a big stride.

"What are you going to do?" Mei Zizhong stood up and blocked in front of the Shang zisu.

However, the man gave him a cold eye, and his palm fell on Mei Zizhong's chest, beating his body away, and gushing blood from his mouth.


"Elder martial brother!"

Lou Chuanbai and Shang zisu cried out anxiously.

Shang zisu wanted to go past, but was grabbed by a man's wrist and pulled to his side.

"Let go, beast!" Lou Chuanbai was very anxious and rushed to the man.

But the man raised his leg, kicked and vomited blood.

Such mutation, let the hall become flustered.

The man, however, with a cruel smile, said to Hua Cangshu, who was watching the opera at the door: "this woman, I'll take it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!