There is no shadow and no temperature in the fire. The location of the fire can only be judged by the subtle contour and the changes of spiritual power around it.

Mu Qingge holds up the Linglong gun, and the purple spiritual power spurts out from the tip of the gun, hitting the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation.


It's like thunder. It's dull.

The empty inflammation of the eight wasteland with open teeth and claws changed the action of rushing to Yuan Yuan Yuan, and fired a flame of nothingness towards mu Qingge.

The transparent flame from the front burns the spiritual power in the air. Mu Qingge witnessed his own purple spiritual power and disappeared in front of his eyes.

As soon as her eyes opened, she quickly retreated and waved her gun. The majestic purple spiritual power rushed out like no money and turned into a purple mist and shrouded in the sky over the eight barren mountains.

"I see it!" Mu Qingge looks at the purple mist, eyes in a bright, burst out of surprise.

Just now, her spiritual power was burned by the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation, which made her suddenly have an idea and use her spiritual power to catch the trace of the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation.

Although, this method is a waste of spiritual power, it will make the spiritual power crazy consumption. But it is better to know the changes of the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation, so as not to be attacked by surprise.

Moreover, in this way, it can completely infuriate the eight wasteland void inflammation, and let it temporarily give up its attack on Yuan Yuan Yuan and change to attack mu Qingge.

The purple aura into the fog, is constantly burned by the eight wasteland emptiness fire, Mu light song and constantly supplement.

He escaped from the fire of eight wasteland emptiness and successfully attracted its attention.

There's a constant roar, a murmur of nothingness. Those nothingness flames that cross with mu Qingge fall on the ground, and suddenly another piece of land burns and disappears

Mu Qingge made a bait attack in front of him, while yuan yuan was waiting for an opportunity to sneak in.

Even if they didn't discuss in advance, they also cooperated with each other and turned the situation around, fighting with the eight barren and empty flames that exposed themselves.

Purple spiritual power, exquisite silver spear and White Bone Demon flame seem to travel blindly in the air. However, they all have only one target, that is, the eight wasteland void inflammation.

In the distance, the tribal people, far away from the baduanling mountains, gathered because of the visions in the air.

"Look, how does that purple cloud cover the eight barren mountains?"

"Is there any baby born?" There are bold guesses.

"It's also possible that the peerless masters are competing there." Others pour cold water.

"What a terror! Look at those purple clouds. They disappear and appear again. It's really strange

"Did we offend the gods and make them angry?" The speaker is a little older. As soon as he finished, he fell on his knees trembling, folded his hands, closed his eyes and began to pray.

With his drive, the tribal men and women, old and young, also followed the kneeling, devout prayer. Pray for the gods they believe in to calm down and keep their tribe safe.

Woo Hoo!

The bugles of the tribesmen passing messages to each other sounded.

Among the tribes closest to baduanling, they sent their own warriors to pass on the changes of baduanling and send them to the large tribes attached to them.

Soon, less than half a day, the news was sent back to the battery family.

Fu Tianlong strode into the old clan's house and said in a hurry: "old clan, there's something wrong with the eight barren mountains. Maybe Mu GE has found the eight wasteland emptiness and started fighting with it. Is there any way you can beat it? I'm going to help Mu Ge. "

The old man tried to open his heavy eyelids and sighed: "if I had a way, I would not stay. It's his choice. Don't worry about it. "

"No, he's my friend and I brought him. I can't watch him go wrong." Fu Tianlong's stubborn way.

The old man slowly closed his eyes with drooping eyelids and said in a voice of qi deficiency: "you can't go Everyone's trajectory is different. Don't interfere. What's more, what can you do if you rush over now... "

"Clan old man!" The weak heart of the dragon, let the old one jump in the past.

As soon as he approached, the old man's body fell back.

Fu Tianlong quickly reached for his hand and looked at the dark face of Xiangzu's old man, as if he had been full of dead breath.

"Old clan! Old folks Fu Tianlong shouts nervously.

The old man raised his hand and fell on Fu Tianlong's arm. He patted him twice and said to him with his last strength: "it's time to wait for this moment. Tianlong boy, you are the young clan leader of the battery family and the hope of the battery family in the future. Remember not to be rash, not to let Sex. "

With that, the old man's hand fell and his vitality was cut off.

"Clan old --!" Fu Tianlong yelled.


"Cough..." Mu Qingge fell to the ground of baduanling, her cheeks were pale and her forehead was covered with cold sweat. She clubbed the exquisite gun in one hand, took out a medicine bottle in the other hand, pulled out the cap of the bottle, and poured all the pills into her mouth.

The pill melts in the mouth and instantly fills her meridians and bones, which makes her exhausted spiritual power recover.All of a sudden, the purple mist surged in front of her, tearing a sharp mark in front of her.

Mu light song eyes flash, the body to the side of a turn, quickly avoid.

Then, the place where she had just stood quickly turned into nothingness.

"It's dangerous!" Mu Qingge looks at the void with lingering fear.

In the purple fog again, the fire of the eight wasteland emptiness inflamed towards her, touched her body, and the whole person burned up and turned into nothingness.

This is just a flash. When the "moqingge"'s hair is burned out, another moqingge appears on the other side and looks at the burned "self" with a cold face.

It seems that he has been cheated, and the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation roars again.

At this time, a light appeared in the night.

In the distance, the sun has slowly climbed out, and dawn has arrived.

One day and one night's battle exhausted all the energy of Mu Qingge, but the battle was not over.

Seeing that the purple spiritual power was about to be burned out, mu Qingge waved again to replenish the spiritual power in his body. Suddenly, there was a layer of purple fog on the eight barren mountains.

All of a sudden, Yuan Yuan appeared beside mu Qingge, and his lovely face was full of worry: "my mother, please go back to the space and have a rest, Yuan Yuan can do it!"

Mu Qingge gritted his teeth and shook his head, looked at him and said, "we have spent so long with it, how can we give up at this time? Yuan yuan, seize the opportunity and prepare to devour it

Yuan Yuan nodded.

All of a sudden, the fire of the eight wasteland nihilism rushed at them like a crazy beast. Yuan Yuan opened his mouth, and the White Bone Demon flame erupted from his mouth, burning with the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation.

Mu Qingge took the opportunity to wave his spiritual power again and wrapped it in the empty flame of the eight wasteland.

Yuan Yuan seized the opportunity to rush to the eight wasteland emptiness, and his body suddenly became blurred. Fuzzy and dim, like a chaos in general.

He rushed to the emptiness of the eight wasteland, two kinds of fire entangled together.

The spiritual power released by muqingge is consumed crazily.

At this time, an eight wasteland emptiness fire suddenly shoots at her, that speed is extremely fast, let Mu light song have no time to avoid, had to raise hand to block.

This block, a tearing heart and lung pain, immediately spread from her arm.

The pain is hard to describe. Pain Mu light song can not grasp the exquisite gun, crystal clear gun bang, fell on the ground. And she fell from mid air, kneeling on one knee.

"Hiss!" Mu light song hurt the facial features twisted, but clenched the teeth did not make a sound.

With her uninjured hand, she grasped the burned arm and looked up with cold eyes at the eight wasteland void inflammation in the air fighting Yuan Yuan Dynasty.

She knows, this is the eight wasteland empty inflammation intentional!

He attacked her deliberately and wounded her, which distracted yuan yuan.

Therefore, she absolutely can't say a word, harm Yuan Yuan success or failure!

"Master silver, go back to space! Or your hands will be useless In my mind, I heard Meng Meng's anxious voice.

Mu Qingge looks down at her arm. Where she was hit, she has already begun to burn, her flesh and blood are blooming, revealing her bones. However, because of her special constitution, she is constantly repairing it.

One is burning, one is repairing

Mu Qingge clearly felt that if it was not for his special constitution, I'm afraid it would have turned into nothingness at this time.

After experiencing the horror of the eight wasteland emptiness, she was determined to get it.

"I'm gone. What about Yuan Yuan?" Mu Qingge asked, holding back the pain.

"He has already begun to swallow, and no one can get involved in the next thing. Only by himself Meng Meng's fast way.

Look up again, mu Qingge finally a bite teeth, flash into the space.

One into the space, mu Qingge to stagger a few steps, almost fell.

Meng Meng and silver dust appeared around her in an instant, crying out with worry: "Lord silver."


Mu Qingge grits her teeth and nods, coagulates her arm and looks at Meng Meng.

Meng Meng quickly said: "the eight wasteland void inflammation is like the maggot of tarsal bone, once it is contaminated, it is very difficult to get rid of it. Now I can only use the timing ability in the space to fix the main silver first and stop the spread of the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation. All must wait for Yuan Yuan that boy to come back, only his swallowing power, can swallow up the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation. "

"Is that the only way?" Mu Qingge asked calmly.

Meng Meng shook her head: "No. But it is for the master now. "

Meng Meng's words, mu Qingge understood. All in all, it's because I'm too weak.

Mu light song clear eyes light a dark, asked her: "what is the timing ability."

"Timing capability, also known as spatial stillness. Because this space has been refined, as a spirit, I can control the time inside a little bit. As the master silver knows, the time in the space passes a little faster. It takes a few days in the space, and only one day outside. " Meng Meng explained.

Mu Qingge nodded, indicating that he understood. She crossed her knees and said to Meng Meng, "come on."Meng Meng nods, a light golden force rippling out of her body and rapidly spreads to the space. All the places touched by this force remained as they were, still and motionless.

Including Mu light song and silver dust.

When everything in the space is still, the only thing that can move is Meng Meng, who is an artifact.

In addition to space, the battle between the eight wasteland and the Yuan Dynasty is inseparable.

Being dragged by mu Qingge for such a long time, the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation has also consumed a lot. In addition, it has not recovered from the old disease. At the moment, facing the crazy Yuan Yuan Yuan, it has gradually begun to eat.

"Are you crazy! It's a shame that the strange fire, which is so high above, thinks that human beings are the main body. " The angry voice of the eight wasteland emptiness fire came.

Yuan Yuan soft glutinous voice roars: "want you to manage! I'd love to! "


Boom boom boom boom!

The sound of violent impact came from baduanling.

This fight between different fires lasted for three days and three nights.

"Good! If you want me to die, I will drag you to die together The eight wasteland emptiness inflamed, erupted the biggest strength. In an instant, a powerful force spread from the baduanling mountains, covering the whole baduanling mountains.

"Ah The eight wasteland emptiness inflamed force, detonated the old disease, was swallowed by Yuan Yuan Yuan, issued a shrill cry. "You attack..."


The eight wasteland emptiness inflames, seems to want to pull yuan yuan to die together.

The whole eight barren mountains were burned into nothingness.

The original mountain has become a void black hole, which suddenly appears in the mountains of Pakistan

The flame of the White Bone Demon suddenly rises and quickly envelops the two different kinds of fire in the fight, forming a huge ice hockey ball. It fell from the sky and fell into the void black hole.

As soon as the ice hockey is smashed in, the void black hole seems to be flattened, and no trace can be found.

From this day on, there was no more baduanling in Pakistan. Baduanling suddenly disappeared in the mountains of Pakistan.

Half a month later, when Fu Tianlong came to the foot of baduanling again, he saw a flat land without any shadow of baduanling.

"This What's going on What about baduanling? " Fu Tianlong looks at the flat land in front of him in shock. He looks for it everywhere, but he doesn't get any.

Baduanling is gone!

Fu Tianlong yelled: "Mu Ge --"! Mu Ge --! "

The sound reverberated among the mountains for a long time, but no one responded.

Fu Tianlong waited for seven days and seven nights in the place where baduanling used to be, but he didn't wait for muqingge or find any clues. He had no choice but to return to his family.

However, because mu Qingge's whereabouts are unknown, he did not return to the state of Yu, but began to investigate the whereabouts of Mu Qingge in Ba state.

He hoped that mu Qingge had left baduanling for a long time and was safe. Instead of disappearing with baduanling, if so, he would feel guilty.

Because it was he who told mu Qingge of the existence of the eight wasteland nihilism, and he also brought her here.

Three months later

Among the mountains and mountains of Ba state, a peerless young man in a seductive red robe walks carelessly. Beside her, there was also a five or six-year-old red doll. She was very cute, carved with powder and jade, and full of flesh. The facial features were as delicate as carved, without any defects. His appearance, if you look carefully, actually has 56 points similar to that man, two people seem to be a pair of brothers.

"My mother Ouch Yuan yuan raised his hand to cover his head and looked at Xiangmu light song with a bitter face.

Mu Qingge cast a glance at him and said in a cold voice, "I've told you many times. Call me boss. Take back the word "mother."

Yuan Yuan's aggrieved mouth and nodded in submission.

"Mother Boss, where are we going Yuan Yuan was forced to change his mouth in the ferocious smile of muqingge and asked weakly.

Mu light song way: "go to battery clan to say hello first, then return to Qin state."

This trip to Pakistan has reached a certain stage.

Yuan Yuan successfully devoured the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation, from an infant to a child. After Yuan Yuan came out, Mengmeng brought her into the space and sucked it away.

After the injury, mu Qingge felt the promotion barrier, and simply broke through the bottleneck in the space. From the middle stage of purple state to the later stage of purple state, it was not far from the peak.

After returning to the state of Qin, she plans to close down in space and make use of the difference between space and time to break through the purple realm.

In this way, she left Linchuan to enter the time of the middle ancient world.

From Meng Meng's mouth, she knows that three months have passed since the time outside. When she came out, she was surprised to find that baduanling was gone. Once again, I felt that the eight wasteland void inflammation was very serious.

Of course, her family yuan yuan can swallow the eight wasteland void inflammation, can only say more powerful! It is worthy of No. 1!Mu Qingge's expression flashed a trace of satisfaction.

As if, like those parents whose children were praised, complacent.

According to the road to the time, moqingge came to the range of battery family.

However, before she entered the city of battery family, Fu Tianlong, who had heard the wind, appeared in front of her.

"Mu Ge, is it really you? Am I blind? " Fu Tianlong is shocked and looks at the Mu light song in front of him, and rubs his eyes vigorously.

Then, the line of sight falls in Mu Qingge's side, only enough yuan yuan of her thigh position.

"This This is... " Fu Tianlong blinked his eyes, carefully looked at the two people's looks, suddenly realized: "he is your brother, right? But why is your brother here? "

Mu Qingge is a little surprised that Fu Tianlong is still in the battery family. She smiles. She doesn't explain the origin of yuan yuan. She just says, "I come here to say goodbye to the clan elder and thank him for his help before."

She didn't explain where she had been during this period. Fu Tianlong had been with her for a while and knew her temperament, so she didn't break the casserole and ask the truth.

Anyway, now people come back, it's OK!

Hearing mu Qingge mention the clan elder, Fu Tianlong's look immediately darkens, and says to Mu Qingge, "the clan old man has ascended to heaven."

Mu light song eyes slightly shrink, this answer let her some surprise. However, the thought of the last time I saw that the old clan really had the appearance of nearly Shou yuan, I was relieved.

She said regretfully: "it's a pity that I didn't catch up with the old one."

The family always lives long, not suffers. She has not been able to refine the elixir that can borrow life against the heaven, and she is powerless to such an end.

After staying in the battery family for one night, mu Qingge left the battery family with Fu Tianlong the next day.

Fu Tianlong stayed to find mu Qingge. Now that people come back, he naturally wants to return to Yu state to accompany Shuiling.

After leaving the state of Ba, mu Qingge left Fu Tianlong and returned to the state of Qin by himself. She used her spiritual power to drive her way every day and night. When her spiritual power was exhausted, she was led by silver dust.

Finally, after a month, he returned to the state of Qin.

When he returned to the state of Qin, mu Qingge knew that Xue Qiao had left with Mu Lianrong. He said that while traveling, he was returning to the Xue family of Yu state. Mu Xiong was the only one left in Mu's house.

Accompanied by Mu Xiong for a few days, mu Qingge announced the closure.

She went to the Mujia army's barracks outside Luodu city and went to the valley where the Dragon tooth guards were trained at that time. She went into the space and practiced peacefully.

In Mu Qingge's life in the past few years, it seems that there are very few such practices.

She is always very busy, not only to take care of herself, but also to take care of others.

Now, Longya Wei has become a new climate, can train independently, and solve the common affairs on her body. She was finally able to devote herself to practice.

According to Meng Meng, she rearranges the time in the space. Four months in the space are equivalent to one month in the outside world. Mu Qingge is very satisfied with this ability.

However, Meng Meng also said that in order not to make the difference between the space and the outside world too big and change too fast, this method should not be too long. After the completion of Mu light song training, it is better to recover one to one time.

In this regard, muqingge naturally will not have any objection.

Arranged everything, moqingge began to practice.

This practice is three months in the outside world and one year in space.

During this period of time, no matter what happened outside, it had nothing to do with mu Qingge and could not disturb her.

On this day, moqingge meditated in the space. The whole person immersed in the thunder pool, those purple and blue lights, like countless small snakes, twined around her body and absorbed by her skin.

All of a sudden, a whirlwind was whirling over her head, and a powerful whirlpool was generated on her head. The aura in the space seemed to be attracted by her, and all of them were sucked into the whirlpool and poured into her head.

Mu Qingge the whole person seems to become purple, from her skin emitting a deep purple light, covering the whole minefield.

The water in the thunder pool becomes boiling, and the power of thunder and lightning becomes violent.

More thunder and lightning power was inhaled into her body. In her deep consciousness, the blue and purple light spots belonging to thunder power were more and more large.

Above the thunder pool, the thunder continued, shaking the whole space.

Yuan Yuan heard the sound and saw the appearance of Mu light song. He was surprised and said, "my mother's boss, is this going to be promoted?"

If it's better for Ziyin to make a big breakthrough in the quiet space, he should nod his head in silence. What's more, I didn't expect that leilingen, the main silver, had evolved, becoming more pure and powerful! "

"What are you talking about? What's raylingen Yuan Yuan looks at Meng Meng in surprise.

"Nothing." Meng Meng's eyes were flustered and dodged. She put on an angry look and said to Yuan Yuan fiercely, "you little broken child, why do you ask so many questions?"

Yuan Yuan was suddenly roared by Meng Meng. He immediately put his hands back on his hips, raised two thick eyebrows and roared back with his delicate facial features: "what qualifications do you have to say about me? Aren't you a child, too? I can grow up when I swallow it. What about you? Humph, it will always look like a little bit of a kid"You Meng Meng Qi deep pink hand pointing to Yuan Yuan. She looked at mu Qingge and immediately said with pride, "I will grow up when the main silver breaks through this time. You have to wait until you find the fire Ha ha Baby wish you'll never find it! Hum ~! "

Put down the cruel words, Mengmeng angry turn away.

Yuan Yuan's face sank, and he was so angry that he chased out: "Stinky girl, what do you say! You have the seed to say it again

"I said I wish you would never find the fire! It will always look like this little broken child Meng Meng's voice is far away.

"Say it again, I'll hit you!" Yuan Yuan's impatient voice gradually drifted away.

The dispute between the two did not affect mu Qingge. Seeing that they were far away, Yinchen stepped out and looked at mu Qingge from a distance and said, "master, this time your breakthrough is successful, it will also bring benefits to me. As long as I have passed through the disaster of life and death, I can become a real god beast, and I can draw up the human form. It's just This life and death disaster... "

Silver dust's eyes are dim.

In his memory inheritance, he told him how terrible it would be if he wanted to break through the life and death robbery of becoming a god beast.

If he fails, he will no longer exist.

Looking at Mu light song, silver dust climbed down silently and waited quietly.


The space suddenly vibrated, like an earthquake.

The sudden vibration interrupted Meng Meng and Yuan Yuan's fighting. Silver dust also stood up, looking cautious.

He looked at Xiangmu light song, and the whirlpool on her head turned faster and faster, and gradually disappeared into her body. When the whirlpool disappears, the strong spiritual power bursts out from the moqingge.

Meng Meng and silver dust also burst out with strength.

"Wow! You shine Yuan Yuan jumps back in surprise and points to Meng Meng.

Before Meng Meng could speak, she was wrapped in a huge cocoon.

Silver dust also climbed down again, seems to be digesting the cultivation improvement brought by the promotion of moqingge.

This time, Meng Meng didn't stay in the cocoon for long. When mu Qingge woke up and walked out of the minefield, she tore the cocoon and jumped out.

Mengmeng is still the cute one, but it has grown a lot higher than before.

Mengmeng stood in front of Yuan Yuan with his waist crossed. He raised his hand and patted his head. He said contemptuously, "Xiao Yuanyuan, don't call me sister."

Yuan Yuan black face, grinding teeth way: "hum, little girl is a little girl, grow tall, also can't be elder sister."

After that, he ran to Mu Qingge and said, "my mother's boss, why did Mengmeng, that smelly girl, and big brother Yinchen all changed, but Yuan Yuan didn't?"

This question, let Mu light Song mouth corner, do not know how to answer.

She doesn't want to be comforted by Yuan Meng.

And this is exactly her weakness.

"Cough. Well, I've been shut up for such a long time, so I'll go out first and solve your own problems. " Mu Qingge's way of putting off a child.

Just a step away, she reacts again, looks at Meng Meng and asks, "is there any change in space this time?" She remembers that space had changed since the last budding evolution.

But this time, Meng Meng shakes her head: "this is just a breakthrough in the small realm. In the future, it will be more and more difficult to unlock the seal of space." She pauses for a moment and sings to Mu Qingsong: "the main silver has reached the peak of purple realm, can you feel anything?"

Mu Qingge frowned, thought about it carefully, and then said: "after I entered the purple peak, I feel like there is an endless blank area behind me, which can improve myself." She seems to be able to really realize that purple is not the end of this sentence.

"That's a smart period!" Meng Meng explains.

"Smart period?" Mu Qingge was surprised to repeat Meng Meng's words.

Meng Meng nodded seriously and said to Mu Qingge, "Lord silver, you should listen to my next words carefully. Zijing is the limit of Linchuan, but it is the starting point of other places. After entering the purple realm, people in Linchuan can't be promoted. However, there is a description of the state called "Lingdong period". There will be no breakthrough in this realm. It can only be a process of accumulating spiritual power. The longer one accumulates, the stronger his strength will be. No matter how much you accumulate, in the eyes of outsiders, you are all purple. Unless, one day, you really leave Linchuan. As long as you leave Linchuan, you will be promoted directly in the smart period. The more pure and powerful the spiritual power you accumulate in the smart period, the faster and higher the breakthrough will be. Therefore, you can't relax. From now on, you should seize all the time to accumulate spiritual power

Mu Qingge is the first time to hear such a statement. After being shocked, she nodded, "I understand."

After leaving the space, mu Qingge's heart has not completely calmed down.

Meng Meng's words, as if in front of her opened a door, let her touch the world she had never touched. She had thought that entering the peak of purple realm, she had the conditions to leave.

But don't want to, this is not enough!

"Alas, the revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades need to work hard." With a sigh, mu Qingge left the valley.……

Mu Qingge has just returned to Mu Fu, and the people sitting in the hall of the mansion are stunned for a moment.

"Well, sir, you have come back. I'm very anxious to wait for you. " Holding the voice of the Yin soft voice came, and then, mu Qingge felt a pungent powdery air on the tip of his nose.

"Why are you in Mufu?" Mu light song does not adapt to the frown, to avoid this warm welcome, to the main hall.

"I have not been ordered by your majesty to wait for the young Lord to come back." The Chamberlain was coy for a while and looked at Xiangmu light song coyly.

Mu light song pulled the corners of his mouth, drooped his eyes and picked up the tea cup. After drinking, he said slowly: "Qin Jinchen has something to do with me?"

A trace of helplessness flashed across the waiter's face, which was covered with thick powder.

In the state of Qin, the only one who dared to call the emperor by his name was the little Lord of Mu's house!

He got close to Mu Qingge and did not get too close. He bowed and said, "isn't it! Your majesty has been waiting for the young Lord for several days. " With that, he turned his eyes, lowered his voice and said, "it seems that something has happened. Your majesty needs the young Lord to make a decision."

Big deal?

Mu Qingge picked up the eyebrows and played with the teacup in his hand.

The waiter nodded seriously and looked at her without blinking. The expression on his face is full of expectation.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth. After waiting for a long time, the waiter put down his tea cup and stood up: "let's go."

Qin Jinchen seldom bothers her because of the state of Qin. This time, she deliberately waited for her for so many days. It seems that something happened.

It's just Now the third class countries are peaceful. What will happen?

"Is it difficult? The story that I was wanted in the Rong state was spread to the state of Qin? Or was it that the identity of the people of Qin was revealed and Rong sent someone to be held accountable? " On the way to the palace, mu Qingge suddenly thought of this possibility, squinting his eyes, and a cold awn crossed his eyes.

To the outside of the Imperial City, mu Qingge did not need to report, no inspection, directly into the palace, all the way to the imperial study door.

At the door, stood Qin Jinchen's chief internal officer.

After seeing muqingge, he saluted quickly: "Sir, are you here? I'll open the door for you. " Say, then want to turn round to push open the door of imperial study tightly.

"Wait a minute." Mu Qingge suddenly opens his mouth and makes the chief executive stop his hand and turn to face her.

He looked at him, Mu light song just way: "do not need to pass a sound?"

The chief inspector of the grand interior laughed, and his expression became more and more respectful: "Your Majesty has given orders for a long time. No matter where or what the middle and small lords of the palace go, they don't need to inform or stop them."

Oh, what a privilege!

Mu Qingge sighed in his heart.

Nodding, the chief inspector turned and pushed the door open.

Mu Qingge walks into the imperial study, and the door behind him is closed.

Behind the desk in the imperial study, Qin Jinchen sat on the Dragon chair, carefully reading the memorial in his hand.

When he heard someone come in, he raised his eyes. The black and white eyes, which seemed to be able to penetrate the hearts of the people, appeared in front of Mu Qingge.

"Here you are, sit down first." Qin Jinchen's peaceful way.

Mu Qingge gently nodded his jaw head, did not disturb Qin Jinchen's office, went to one side of the seat and sat down.

In a short time, there are palace ladies to bring a variety of palace delicacies, as well as superior tea in front of her.

Palace snacks, tea, muqingge looked at, then began to taste.

She ate quietly, and Qin Jinchen quietly reviewed the memorial.

After looking up, Zhu Jinchen put down her pen.

Seeing the appearance of her eating, Qin Jinchen was stunned. She was very attentive and even obsessed.

Xu is aware of this look, mu Qingge chews food and looks up at him. Two people's line of sight bumps on the way, Qin Jinchen takes back the line of sight flusteredly, droops the eye light.

Mu Qingge swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "what can I do for you?"

Mention of business, Qin Jinchen's expression has returned to calm, he took a few letters from the desk, walked down, toward mu Qingge. "The Linchuan meeting is about to start. Every time it is held, three places from our third-class countries will go to the Shengyuan empire. This time is no exception. In the past, in order to compete for the three places in each session, the third-class middle schools will compete first, and then the winner will get the quota. "

Mu Qingge took over the letter handed over by Qin Jinchen and said casually, "since this is the case, how should I do now? Why should I come?"

Then she blinked and asked, "but what would Linchuan be?"

Qin Jinchen looked at her and lowered her eyes. Her long eyelashes blocked the mood in his eyes. He said, "look at the content of the letter first, and I'll explain it to you."

Mu Qingge looks at the letters in his hand according to his words. There are four letters in total. Strangely, of the five third-class countries, except Qin, these four came from four other countries.She was surprised and opened the letter.

After reading it quickly, mu Qingge's face appears a strange and playful expression.

Qin Jinchen looked at her, "Tu state, Li state, Yu state, and even Ba state all mentioned the Linchuan meeting. However, this time, they all seem to have agreed to give you three places to go to the holy Yuan Empire and let you decide which three countries should go to war on behalf of the third class countries. "

Mu Qingge handed the four letters back to Qin Jinchen and said, "so you called me here to determine the quota?"

Qin Jinchen nodded, "since they all said so, we don't need to be polite. After you confirm the quota, I will reply them as soon as possible. It has not been long since Linchuan Association

"After all, what is Linchuan meeting?" Mu Qingge asked.

Qin Jinchen was silent for a moment, then said: "the Linchuan meeting is a grand gathering held by all countries on the whole Linchuan continent. To explain to the outside world, it is the exchange between countries. But in fact, the real purpose is known only to those in power in various countries. In fact, the purpose of Linchuan meeting is to prepare for entering a piece of ancient relics. "

"What Mu light song eyes open, suddenly came to interest.

Ancient relics, that means baby. Baby, for her, is never missed!

Mu light song that pair of interest thick appearance, let Qin Jinchen mouth corner does not leave a trace of light lead. "There are a lot of relics from the Danchuan and ShangTao, and there are even some relics of the ancient prescriptions and weapons in Linchuan. Every time you open, there will be danger and great opportunity, so every time you enter the quota is very popular. However, only 80 people can enter the site each time, so these 80 places have become the object of contention among various countries and forces. "

"Eighty people..." Mu light song says silently.

Qin Jinchen then said: "of the 80 people, each of them is divided into ten, which means that only eight forces can enter. Among them, the holy Yuan Empire monopolized one of them. Because of its particularity, the ancient witch Kingdom also occupied one of them, so there were two. One of the remaining six belonged to the medicine pagoda, and the refining and casting pagoda and the beast sect were both in the Rong kingdom. In order to avoid the excessive expansion of the Rong state, the Shengyuan Empire announced at the first two Linchuan meetings that the two forces shared one. The remaining four will be contested by second-class and third-class countries. "

"For the four places, there are three second-class countries. Even if two third-class countries have eliminated two, there are still three left. In total, six countries are competing for four places. It sounds good, but it's an invisible fight. In the face of second-class countries, third-class countries have little chance of winning. " Mu Qingge sneers.

Qin Jinchen nodded and agreed: "yes. Therefore, in order to avoid asking for trouble, the third-class countries will choose once, and then the strongest representative of the third-class countries will go. It's good to keep one, or it would be a shame. "

Mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked at him, pondering: "now they have given this right to me. Outsiders look as if I have taken advantage of all the advantages and honor. Why do I think it is a burden to me?"

Qin Jinchen suddenly chuckled: "who let you admire the reputation of the little Lord, has spread all over the third class countries?"

"Well! In that case, I'll take the burden! " Mu Qingge's beautiful face, covered with a layer of dazzling luster, very moving. Anyway, she planned to go to Shengyuan empire! Isn't it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!