Linchuan records? Shengyuan Zhi? Tiandu

in the central part of Linchuan, there is a vast country, whose territory is endless and stretches for thousands of miles. In the center of the country, there is a capital called Tiandu.

The city of heaven is as big as the territory of a small country.

The city has six gates, one in the South and one in the north and two in the East and West. Each straight post road connects all parts of the country.

The city is planned in a rectangular way, vertical and horizontal, progressive, prosperous and prosperous

"Tiandu." The solemn city wall with a height of 100 Zhang and the plaque outlined with gold powder aroused the interest of Mu Qingge.

She raised her chin, set the plaque, and her eyes swept through the city gate.

The city wall is about 100 Zhang high, tall and straight, solemn and heavy. Just the wall, people feel that they want to bow down and submit to the throne.

On the wall, buildings, bridges and corridors are connected, flags are fluttering, and soldiers' gold armor is majestic and unflinching toward the distance.

The city gate is also made of solid ebony and reinforced with copper juice. On the facade, there are colorful colors. On a closer look, they are all inlaid with various high-level animal cores. This process alone cannot be measured by money.

The wealth of the holy Yuan Empire was revealed in front of the public.

Zhao Nanxing rode to Mu Qingge, and there was some helplessness in his laughter: "high level animal nucleus, in the third-class countries, belongs to the price of no market, rare treasure. In front of the capital of the holy Yuan Empire, it can only be used as decoration on the city gate. This comparison is really hurtful

His voice fell, Feng Yufei also rode to the other side of muqingge. After a glance, he saw Xiangmu Qingge and said: "third class countries have always been in these second-class countries. In the eyes of first-class countries, they are like beggars. I'm afraid it will not be easy to enter Tiandu this time."

Two people's words, in the Mu light song ear transit a circle. The corners of her mouth fluttered, her eyes fell from the plaque and looked at them: "it's all right. We don't want to cause trouble, and we're not afraid of it."

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei both nodded seriously.

"Come on, let's go first and see what the largest city in Linchuan looks like." At the command of Mu Qingge, the Three Kingdoms team, following closely, slowly stepped over the Baiyu bridge on the moat and approached the gate.

The state of Qin, Li and Yu were the representatives of the third class.

This is muqingge's decision and the most appropriate one.

The commanders of the three kingdoms are mu Qingge, Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei. From this point of view, at least, the problem of internal disunity has been fundamentally solved.

Don't worry, you are busy in front of you, and there are people who will stab you in the back.

As for Tu state and Ba state, the former is mu Qingge, who has no affection for them, and she is not familiar with the generals in Tu state. The latter is due to their institutional problems. The relations among the various ethnic groups in Pakistan are very complicated. If they come here, I am afraid they will also involve some minor issues.

Therefore, Li and Yu are the best.

According to the requirements, each country should not send more than 2000 representatives. The total number of people in the three countries is about 6000. The line of six thousand people outside Tiandu city is also a scenic spot. It brings about a stream of people who keep looking curiously or stop to discuss.

"Stop!" Under the gate of the city, there was a sharp drink.

A sharp sword with cold light blocked mu Qingge's way.

Mu light song eyes light fell on the sword, eyes in the light of a flash, there is a few can not be checked voice way: "spirit." The weapons used by a city gate pawn are all spiritual weapons. How rich is the holy Yuan Empire?

"Who dares to lead the army into Tiandu The man who stopped mu Qingge, dressed in gold armor, seemed to be the general in charge of guarding the city.

He had a cold look and a touch of pride in his voice.

His look of finding fault makes mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhao Nanxing clapped his horse and took the initiative to say, "general, we are representatives of the third-class countries entering Tiandu to participate in Linchuan meeting. Please let us enter the city."

He came with a peace of mind, but the garrison general obviously did not think so.

Zhao's arrogance became more and more scornful. He raised his chin and looked up at him from a third-class country

He chewed the word "third class country" in a strange way. All of a sudden, the crowd around him and other soldiers and soldiers who guarded the city burst into laughter.

Laughter is not a smile over your lips.

They have no scruples to laugh at the envoys from the third class countries. The laughter gathered in the front line made the army of the third class country blush with laughter.

Fortunately, they are all the best soldiers from the Three Kingdoms. Even if they are humiliated at the gate, they still stand tall and straight, and do not look askance. However, the hands holding their own weapons are tightly clenched. The veins on the back of the hands are exposed and the joints are white.

"This is the quality of Tiandu goalkeeper?" A voice with a cold sneer, not urgent, not slow.

But unexpectedly, the laughter of those who burst out laughing suddenly stopped.

Around, all of a sudden become quiet down, everyone's eyes are tacit agreement to see the voice of the people."Be bold! You dare to slander general Ben Jinjia's face was gloomy, pointing to the sword of muqingge in his hand, he approached again.

His action, led to other city guards, all the weapons in their hands aimed at mu Qingge and others.

"Slander?" Mu Qingge's clear eyes swept lightly from the sword in his hand. His tone was still so light, but with a sneer: "it's just a watchdog. Is it worth my Lord's slander?"

"You Jinjia general glared, a green light flashed from the sword, and suddenly stabbed mu Qingge. "Looking for death!"

Suddenly, Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei, who are closest to Mu Qingge in the ranks of the third-class countries, are startled to open their eyes, but have no intention to make a move.

The imperial people around looked at the general in surprise. That look, it seems that the next second, will see this raving generation, blood spatter on the spot, from Yan immediately fell.

Or, you die. Or, it's a pitiful apology!

The common people of the Empire think so, and the general Jinjia is so dreamy.

When he stabbed out this sword, the corner of his mouth and eyes were filled with cold. It seems that mu Qingge is no different from a dog in his eyes.

Oh, the only difference is that the dog is very handsome. If you can sell it to the shepherd's house, I'm afraid you can make a lot of money!

In a flash, all living beings are in a state.

The sword tip with cold light has come to Mu Qingge's eyes.

However, she did not need to flash, in other people's eyes, as if scared silly.


A clear sound like a bell rings outside the gate of the city.

Then, the crowd saw the gold armour general, who had just pulled out his sword, flew backward behind him. He went straight through the gate and fell again on the street inside the gate. He raised a cloud of dust and spat out a mouthful of blood.


What happened?!

The people in the capital opened their eyes wide and their expressions were very unified. They were shocked and full of disbelief.

They froze in place, staring at the embarrassed figure of general Jinjia lying on the ground and lost their reaction.

They didn't see what was going on. They saw the general fly out, and it looked like he was seriously injured.

At this time, someone noticed the moqingge.

She is still sitting on the horse. The beautiful facial features, exquisite and incomparable, radiate dazzling brilliance.

Under the Yan horse she rode, a sharp sword fell to the ground quietly.

Seeing this, the people of the Empire took a breath again.

The general guarding the city was not only defeated, but also his sword was broken?!

But how did all this happen?

The people could not see clearly, and the soldiers outside the city gate were also shocked. They also did not see clearly what happened, they saw their heads flying out, lying on the ground constantly vomiting blood, I am afraid that more than half of their lives have gone.

But their leader wants to teach the person, actually intact rides on the Yan horse, as if has not moved.

Zhao Nanxing sighed and shook his head. He said in the volume that only three people could hear: "I really can't stop you from dying. Dare you attack our little Baron? It's like hanging a birthday boy! "

His expression seems to sympathize with the experience of general Jinjia, but his tone is plainly schadenfreude!

Feng Yufei's eyes glanced at Mu Qingsong and said, "it's said that there should have been officials of Shengyuan Empire waiting here to receive us. But no one has been seen. "

"Mu light song sneers at a smile," but are hiding in the dark to watch the drama After that, her legs lightly clip horse belly, black Yan just raised its noble hooves, scornfully swept around a group of people who looked silly, and walked slowly into the city gate.

One man, one horse, in front of the soldiers guarding the city, slowly entered the city.

Those soldiers holding weapons, staring at mu Qingge, but dare not easily hand, can only watch her through the thick wall, the long door, into the Tiandu.

The sound of black Yan's horse's hooves is very loud at this time. It seems that you can hear it from afar, just like the hoof on the heart.

"Poof Cough... " General Jinjia climbed the spacious street, standing around the street, full of onlookers. They gaped at the scene, and did not know what happened outside the city gate.

Why is it that the garrison general, who is always majestic and symbolizes the image of the Empire, would be beaten to lie on the street like a dead dog.

The most important thing is Who? Who is so talented? It's a slap in the face of the Empire if you dare to attack the garrison general!

In their shock, they finally saw a man riding slowly.

Under the adverse light, they look down on the appearance of people on the horse, but can feel a strong momentum quickly spread out, let people's hearts tremble.

Vaguely, they saw that the newcomer was young and dressed in red. Enchanting and dazzling, its brilliance, as if covered by the sun in the sky.He gives people a feeling of frivolity and defiance, which makes people dare not despise him.

When she slowly out of the backlight, her face can finally be seen.

And see the person, have in the heart pour to take a cold breath. No matter who she is, her appearance is too amazing, too beautiful to be seen directly.

Such a face like the disaster of a city, appeared in the face of a frivolous youth, it is simply wonderful, make the world gloomy!

At the time when the people of the Empire were stunned by mu Qingge's appearance and fell in love with it, she had gone to the golden general and looked at him from a commanding position.

Lying on the ground, his bones looked like a broken gold armour general, only felt a shadow on his head, covering him.

Holding up his head, he saw mu Qingge's indifferent face in the shadow.

An unprecedented fear came to his heart, and he cried out in horror: "you You dare to hurt the imperial soldiers in the street! You... "

"I'm just here today. Don't make me kill." His words are interrupted by mu Qingge's indifference.

This inexplicable remark seemed not to him.

General Jinjia was stunned, and his whole body was in great pain, which made him groan in pain.

At this time, mu Qingge is riding black Yan, from his side, as if his existence, is not worth her.

This kind of disregard makes general Jinjia stiff, just like falling into an ice cellar.

"Oh! I'm just a little late. How could this happen? "

In muqingge did not go out a few steps, a man dressed in the official uniform of the holy Yuan Empire, with his entourage, suddenly appeared. That oily face, full of hypocritical smile.

He took people and went directly to Mu Qingge. Without looking at the golden general on the ground like a dead dog, he arched his hands with a smile and said, "this must be the Lord mu of the third class national boundaries, right?"

Mu light song eyes light light from his body swept past, pursed lips do not speak.

Just at this glance, the official was shivering and his smile became stiff.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei looked at each other, and the former said, "go."

Feng Yufei nodded, raised his hand and waved. The army of 6000 people behind him followed the two men and entered the city gate directly.

The soldiers guarding the city, no matter how high their accomplishments were, the cold eyes of 6000 people made them dare not move. They could only stand in the same place with their bodies stiff, and the weapons in their hands had been collected in silence for a long time.

They gathered 6000 people and were shocked in their hearts. They asked the same question in their hearts: "are these really soldiers from poor places in third-class countries?"

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei, with the people of the third class, came to Mu Qingge.

This scene, let the officials who came to meet quietly wiped some cold sweat on their foreheads.

The momentum of these people is too strong, which is not consistent with his previous imagination!

"It is said that it is a fat job to pick up people from third class countries. Every time this kind of thing happens, there will always be a lot of oil and water into the account. How this time, clearly by the horse, but still so a pair of invincible appearance? Moreover, these people seem to be different from those who came from third class countries before. " The officials who came to meet him were filled with resentment.

"Who are you?" Murong's cold voice falls from the top of the head.

It fell in the ears of the official, but it was like thunder.

Almost subconsciously, he reported his origin: "the lower official is the fourth grade servant of the imperial Ministry of rites, Qiu Pei. I am ordered to come here to pick up the envoys of the third class countries and go to the post house to have a rest. "

After that, he reacted and was shocked.

How can I cooperate with you?

"Qiu Pei?" Mu Qingge repeated his name. But before he reappeared his smile, he added coldly, "you are late."

A common narration, in Qiu's ears, seemed to be accountability.

Originally, as an official of the holy Yuan Empire, he could not pay attention to the mood of Mu Qingge. However, inexplicably, he seemed to see the powerful men in the holy Yuan Empire. He made up his smile and kept confessing: "the lower official is late. I hope you can make atonement for your sins."

Even he was surprised by this humility, not to mention the attendants who followed him and the people who were watching.

The eyes of the common people in the Empire are really hot.

Moqingge also does not want to stay in the street, do other people's eyes to watch.

Then he said to Qiu Pei, "lead the way."

Simple two words, as if become an irresistible order.

Qiu Pei quickly turned to lead the way, leading the mighty 6000 people to the third-class post house. He didn't even look at the golden General lying on the ground.

If you beat the garrison general of the Empire, you can leave without punishment or even blame.

The news spread quickly in Tiandu.

Along with the spread of nature, there are also beating Mu light songs.And Qiu Pei called him "Lord mu xiaojue", which was also recorded by the people and spread together.

"It is said that one of the people from the third class countries who came to attend the Linchuan meeting this time is a little baron. He is very handsome. I'm afraid that the first beauty of Tiandu can't be compared with him. The most important thing is that he seems to be very powerful. He beat the garrison general to vomit blood and was not held accountable. "

"Tut Tut, such talents have appeared in third-class countries?"

"Good! I've seen it with my own eyes. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me! "

"If you can beat the garrison general to vomit blood and lose half his life, it seems that this young Lord Mu has extraordinary strength!"

"What is this? The garrison general is just a garrison general. Do you want him to compare with those talents in Tiandu? As for alchemy, we have the eldest son of Jing family. On cultivation, the three shaos of the Shen family heard that Xiuwei had entered the purple realm not long ago. On beauty again Let alone Tiandu's first beauty, Miss Fei Yue of the blue family is the flower family's charming flowers with different styles. I'm afraid he can't match her. " Some people are not satisfied with the way.

However, his words were sneered at by others.

"Why don't you compare him to his majesty? A disciple from a third-class country is not good enough. "

"Yes, it's hard to compare him with the genius of our city."

"However, just after arriving in Tiandu, the Marquis mu of these three countries was talked about by the public, and he had some skills."


In the streets and alleys of Tiandu, teahouses and restaurants, moqingge has become the top topic of hot topic search list. The contents of all the discussions are similar, that is, they are full of interest and curiosity about muqingge, and then they take out those young talents of Tiandu to belittle her.

This kind of contradictory psychology has been spreading in the hearts of the people in Tiandu, and it has even become more and more intense.

At the time when all this happened, muqingge had already come to the post house for the third class countries in the holy Yuan Empire.

The post house is located in the northwest corner of Tiandu, not far from the palace, but not near.

It covers a wide area, the palace is undulating and the environment is quiet. It is more than enough to accommodate 6000 people.

"Baron mu, this is where the third class countries live. If there is any need, please do not hesitate to explain. As soon as you arrive today, please have a rest. There will be a reception banquet in the palace in the evening. Then the lower officials will come to pick you up. " After Qiu Pei finished speaking to Mu Qingge, he withdrew from the post house.

This clean and tidy appearance is seriously inconsistent with his past behavior.

Until he got out of the post house, his men were surprised and said, "my Lord, why are you in front of the envoys of the third class countries today So polite? "

Qiu Pei walked out of the post house, and his back was straight and straight.

The words of his subordinates made him brush his sleeves angrily. He turned his head and looked at the post house behind him reluctantly. Then he said, "although the Viscount Mu came from a third-class country, he gave me a feeling that he could not be provoked. My intuition has always been accurate, so before you know the details, you'd better not act rashly. "

Qiu Pei's words surprised his subordinates.

He followed him for many years, and he could say that he knew how he became a servant from a small official in the Ministry of rites. The biggest reason for this is his extraordinary sensitivity. It seems that he is born with the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil. He can feel who is good for him, who can't offend him, and what will be harmful to him.

Therefore, Qiu Pei's words shocked him. He couldn't figure out what a group of people from third class countries were, even if they were dignified in third class countries and came to the Empire? It is worth paying so much attention to.

He didn't doubt Qiu Pei's intuition, but said with some regret: "I thought that this time I came to fat sheep, but I didn't expect that it was a group of ancestors."

Qiu Pei glared at him and warned in a low voice, "is money important or life important?"

When he yelled, he shrunk his neck and stopped talking.

After a while, he hesitated to open his mouth: "this little Lord Mu beat the garrison general at the gate of the city. Do you want to report this matter?"

Qiu Pei raised his chin and said, "of course, we have to report it. Do you think you can hide such a big noise? Now, I'm afraid, it's already been spread all over the world. "

"So how do we report it?" Asked the subordinate, turning his eyes.

Qiu Pei stares at him and sneers: "I know very well what idea you want in your heart. I said, don't act rashly until you know the details. It's good to report this matter truthfully. There's no need to add fuel to it. "

"Yes, yes..." Qiu Pei's subordinates nodded and bowed.

When he came to the carriage, he bowed down and helped him into it.

The carriage moved slowly and gradually left the post house.

After they left, Zhao Nanxing walked into the main hall of the post house and said to the mu Qingge in the hall, "Qingge, they are gone."

Mu Qingge turned around with a negative hand and nodded his head. He said to Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei, "our third-class countries are nothing in the eyes of the second-class and the first-class people who think highly of themselves. Today's city gate business is just an appetizer. I'm afraid the palace banquet tonight is wonderful. All of you go back to have a good rest and cheer up in the evening. Don't lose the face of our third class country. "Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei nodded heavily.

Zhao Nanxing sneered and sneered: "this area is the most humble and mixed place in the capital of heaven. If the post houses of the third class countries are arranged here, we can see that the attitude of the Empire of the holy yuan to the third class countries is extremely ignored. "

"Third class countries are barren land for them. In their eyes, even if we have the highest status, we are just obscene people. What's so strange about the arrangement of the post house here? " Phoenix flying in the light of the road.

"Then they can't be bullied." Zhao Nanxing raised his eyebrows.

After that, he looked at Xiangmu Qingsong.

He thought he knew muqingge, and knew that with her temperament, he would never have wronged himself. Today, the whole third-class border is headed by her and respected by her.

Therefore, no matter for her own sake or for the third class country, she will not be bullied.

As in the city gate, she could choose to settle the problem, but she took such a tough way to enter the city.

She is telling the people in Tiandu, telling the holy Yuan Empire that the third-class countries can no longer be deceived at will!

Even, the emperors of various countries had not planned to give them the treasures, money, and moqingge that they had prepared in the Shengyuan empire.

What do you think I should do

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei exchanged their eyes, and the latter said, "naturally, we are waiting for you to give us a boundary. Tell us, where is the bottom line? "

If you know the bottom line, you won't be passive. Also won't really make a mess that can't be cleaned up, add trouble to Mu Qingge.

However, mu Qingge laughed: "there is no bottom line. We represent third-class countries, so we should have the integrity of third-class countries. Those who hurt our integrity will call me back. I'll take care of what's wrong

"Carry them together, don't carry everything on your own." Zhao Nanxing disagrees with the way.

He has already known the identity of Mu Qingge's daughter, and his admiration for her has increased rather than decreased. However, his heart will be more or less pitiful, can not bear to let her a woman stand in front of everything, and he, as a man, is the elder martial brother of Qingge, can only hide behind her and accept her protection.

This kind of thing, he absolutely can't do, take for granted, dignified.

"I see." Mu Qingge did not argue about anything.

After a little discussion about the Linchuan meeting, the three returned to their rooms to rest.

The decoration and arrangement in the post house can not be called gorgeous, but it is also simple and generous. Mu Qingge never pays attention to the furnishings. If you live outside for a while, as long as the place is clean and tidy.

Therefore, she will not be angry because of the post house.

In fact, the feeling of this trip to the holy Yuan Empire is no stranger to her. In her previous life, she had led teams to participate in special forces competitions around the world.

In the eyes of soldiers from countries more developed than China, they are also looked down upon as "thin" soldiers who are only up to their shoulders or ears.

However, with her excellent and amazing achievements, she proved again and again the strength of her comrades in arms in front of these foreign soldiers.

She will not forget that in the eyes of those soldiers, the disdain that they showed at the beginning turned to surprise and finally to admiration.

Therefore, the people of the holy Yuan Empire despised people from third-class countries, which was nothing to her.

If the state of mind is straightened out, reason will not be affected by emotion, and wrong judgment and decision will not be made!

This time, her purpose is to enter the quota of ancient sites. That's her goal. Everything else is just a cloud.

Among the 2000 people in the state of Qin, there were 300 dragon teeth guards and 700 strong troops. The rest of us, too, train everywhere. The remaining 1000 were selected by Qin Jinchen from the army of the state of Qin.

Back to his room, mu Qingge is lying on the bed in his clothes, his mind is a little confused.

It was unexpected for her to return to the holy Yuan Empire so soon.

However, the holy Yuan Empire is one of her goals, so it will not be too abrupt.

"Will he show up at the palace dinner tonight?" Suddenly, mu Qingge said to himself. In the tone, there is a kind of eagerness.

In my mind, a figure appeared.

As if, this person's existence, let her to tonight's Palace Banquet a little more expectation, but also rose a little bit upset.

That kind of want to see, but do not want to see the psychology, troubled her, unable to rest.

This time, she came to him.

And she also had the answer in her heart and wanted to tell him personally!


As soon as the night falls, the Chinese lights in the sky are on, just like the day.

In the teahouse and tavern, the guests are full and lively, which is not like the appearance of night.

Mu Qingge three people, sitting in the carriage brought by Qiu Pei, walk slowly on the main street of Tiandu. After the carriage, they brought ten personal guards. The rest of them stayed in the post house.Qiu Pei's carriage led the way ahead and did not sit with them.

Feng Yufei lifted a corner of the curtain and enjoyed the sky and night. The lights were reflected in her eyes, which made them colorful.

After watching for a while, she lowered the curtain to block the colorful noise outside the car.

"I can't imagine that it's night, more lively than the day." Feng Yufei looks at Xiangmu and sings.

Mu light song light smile, "after all, Linchuan is the largest city on the mainland, always to be different."

Zhao Nanxing also followed: "the sky is not like the capital of our country. At night, there will be a curfew. There's no curfew on the day, and these night markets can last until dawn before they close. "

Feng Yu Fei nodded: "maybe only the power of Shengyuan empire will be so." Its strong, doomed it does not have to worry about any unruly people, will secretly make trouble. I am confident that I can solve all problems.

Mu Qingge burst into laughter.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei looked at her and asked curiously, "what are you laughing at?"

Mu Qingge played the dust that didn't exist on the corner of his clothes and kept smiling: "I suddenly feel that it's better for us to live in this area, and we can enjoy the real amorous feelings of Tiandu."

After more than half an hour, the carriage stopped.

"Is it here?" Feng Yu Fei finished, then raised a corner of the curtain and looked out.

After a while, she took back her sight, turned to Mu Qingge and Zhao Nanxing and said, "I thought I had arrived. I didn't expect to go to the gate of the inner city."

As soon as her voice dropped, the carriage set off again.

It seems that the inspection is over.

It wobbled and stopped again.

Zhao Nanxing opened the curtain with a smile and said, "this time it should be here."

Sure enough, as soon as he put down the curtain, the voice of Qiu Pei came in from outside the carriage.

"Lord mu, your highness, your highness, your highness, we are outside the palace. According to the laws and regulations of the palace, those who enter the palace are not allowed to carry weapons. If the three are armed, please hand them in first. When you leave, they will return them to you. At the same time, please tell your men to hand over their weapons. "

Mu Qingge's eyebrow tip faintly picks, the thumb finger belly rubbed the finger cover on the index finger. After thinking about it, she took it off and threw it directly into the space.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yu Fei didn't have weapons on them, so they didn't have to hand in anything.

After mu Qingge nodded slightly, Zhao Nanxing said to Qiu Pei: "I know."

After receiving a positive reply, Qiu turned and left.

When entering the palace gate, the guard of the palace raised the curtain of the door, looked at the three people in the carriage with the examination eye light, and then put down the curtain.

Then, the three men heard the sound of weapons touching outside the car.

It seems that the men they brought were handed in their weapons after they had been released according to their orders.

After that, the bodyguard guarding the palace gate made way for the road, opened the gate and let them in.

Connected with the palace gate is a long corridor, which can be seen through the window gap. On both sides of the corridor, there are majestic palace guards.

It was quiet all around, only the sound of wheels rolling and the sound of horses' hooves could be heard.

This quiet, invisible to people a kind of psychological pressure, bring a kind of inexplicable panic.

When Feng Yufei silently counted to 500 times, they felt that the carriage stopped for a moment, and there was a sound of the Palace door opening.

After the carriage entered the second gate, the inexplicable pressure suddenly disappeared.

Feng Yufei quietly vomited his turbid breath and his palms were full of cold sweat.

She looked at mu Qingge, who closed her eyes and took a nap. Then she looked at Zhao Nanxing, who was a little pale. She asked, "are you ok?"

Zhao Nanxing pursed his lips and shook his head.

Of the three, he had the lowest cultivation and naturally felt the greatest pressure. If he had not been determined, he would have collapsed under the pressure just now.

Looking at Zhao Nanxing's face gradually recovered, Feng Yufei half joked with a wry smile: "it seems that this is a demoralizing power given to us by the royal family of the holy Yuan Empire."

Compared with this, the clown in the gate is not worth mentioning.

Outside the carriage, there was a breeze blowing, and a corner of the curtain was lifted.

The cool wind with the outside light, slip in, in that moment, light the car, make the car become bright and dark.

After listening to the carriage again, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, revealing the appearance of Qiu Pei.

"Lord mu, your highness, your highness, we have arrived. You can only walk on the back road. Please get off the bus Qiu Pei Road.

Mu Qingge slowly opened his eyes, and his clear eyes fell directly on Qiu Pei.

For no reason, Qiu Pei felt a chill in his heart, and the whole person seemed to be sober.

He did not show any unusual, respectfully back to one side, let the three get off.Mu Qingge and others get off in turn, down-to-earth, only to find that they are standing on a small square. Around the square, there are palace lanterns all over the place, which will shine brightly here.

Around the square, the guards also stood, with a cold and serious look.

"Three, this way, please." Qiu Pei went to the three men and said to them.

Mu Qingge's three men followed him to the third palace gate. Half of the 30 people they brought were left behind, which was reduced from 30 to 15.

The remaining 15 people will wait here for the banquet to end.

The 15 people who are brought in can serve them closely.

The third palace gate was slowly pushed open, revealing another corridor. Fortunately, this corridor is not too long. It looks like a hundred feet under visual inspection.

A group of people stepped into the corridor.

There were no guards on both sides, only high palace walls.

Mu Qingge noticed that on both sides of the palace wall, there are many holes.

"What's the use of these holes?" Feng Yufei also noticed the small holes all over the palace wall.

Zhao Nanxing explained: "it is said that there are interlayer in these walls, which are filled with kerosene. If an outsider breaks in, you can open the mechanism, and the fire oil will flow out. With only a rocket, this place will become a land of trapped animals and a sea of fire, and those who commit crimes in the future will be burned to death. "

When Feng Yufei heard this, she felt cold in her heart.

The layers of barriers in the imperial palace of the holy Yuan Empire opened her eyes.

Qiu Pei, who was at the front of the line, heard Zhao Nanxing's words, turned his eyes to him and said with a smile, "Your Highness is really experienced. You can see through the true meaning of this place at a glance."

Zhao Nanxing slightly jaw head, mouth with a warm smile.

Out of the corridor, they were welcomed by a small square.

However, the square is no longer empty. In addition to the palace lantern, there is a rest place.

However, the rest place is very simple, just like a temporary big tent.

"Let's wait here for a moment." Said Qiu, pointing to the tent.

Wait here?

Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and asked, "people from second class countries?"

Being punctured by mu Qingge, Qiu Pei was not embarrassed, but said with a smile: "the lower official is also ordered to act. Please don't blame the Baron mu."

As soon as he heard this, he heard the sound of a carriage.

Several people follow the reputation, see is four carriages, directly through the third palace gate, directly into here.

Feng Yufei frowned and asked Qiu Pei, "why can they enter in a carriage? And we need to walk here? "

"Because you are from a humble third class country!"

Before Qiu Pei answered, there was an imperious voice from the first carriage.

Along with it, there are many people's jeering laughter , the fastest update of the webnovel!