"Why can they get here by car while we have to walk?"

"Because you come from a humble third class country!"

Feng Yufei's voice had not yet dissipated, and Qiu Pei had not yet had time to speak, when he heard a domineering and arrogant voice coming from the first carriage.

Along with it, there are other people's jeering laughter!

Mu light song's eye color is cold, Feng Yufei and Zhao Nanxing's eyes are also stained with a thin layer of anger.

The jeers grew louder and louder.

And Mu light song and other people's facial expression also more ugly.

This is the imperial palace of the holy Yuan Empire. Which one of the second-class countries dares to be so arrogant? Mu Qingge really wants to see it.

"What a noise! It's just abusing the Queen's ears to laugh so bad All of a sudden, a haughty female voice came to an abrupt end to those jeers.

Hearing this voice, mu Qingge's coldness between the eyebrows was dispelled. Even his eyes were stained with a thin smile.

At this time, from the four carriages, all came down one after another.

The first three cars came down, all of them were men. Each of them was very noble and domineering. Even the bodyguards behind the car are not like ordinary people.

In the last car, there was only one person jumping off, and his face was covered with a golden veil, showing only a pair of seductive pupils with golden hues.

She is graceful, tall, and full of exotic amorous feelings in her movements, which attracts other people to look at her frequently.

The three men from the first car strode towards her.

This scene, let Mu light song's eyes slightly squint, the foot moved.

Just as she was about to walk by, Jiang Li over there cast a look at her without leaving a trace, so that she could "be calm and not be impatient.". Think about, Mu light song stopped to mention the step.

But the eyes are still staring at that side, others seem to be attracted by the charm of the queen of the ancient witch kingdom.

However, Zhao Nanxing knew that she was a woman, naturally would not have any other thoughts on women.

So he approached mu Qingge and asked in a very low voice, "do you know the queen of the ancient witch kingdom?"

Mu light Song mouth faint Yang Yang, light way: "elder martial brother also know who she is?"

Zhao Nanxing pulled at the corner of his mouth. "It's not hard to guess. If you can appear with the people of the second class country, you are such a different woman. In addition to the queen of the ancient witch Kingdom, who can it be?"

Mu Qingge's smile is obvious, but still no explanation.

It's not that she deliberately affectation, but the process of her acquaintance with Jiang Li is quite Well Different and responsible, this is not a good place to tell.

At this time, the three people who were arrogant about Mu Qingge and others had already come to Jiang Li. The first one looked at Jiang Li and said, "empress Jiang, what do you mean?"

This person seems to know that the ancient witch Kingdom has a special identity. Although he is not enthusiastic in language and attitude, he is not as rude as mu Qingge.

Jiang Li looked at him sarcastically, and said with a somewhat unattainable way: "is this empress's words not obvious enough? Or are you all so deaf and blind? "

"You Standing on the right side of the leader, a little younger man, hearing Jiang Li's words, his face immediately became angry. It seems that as long as there is a disagreement, we have to start.

Or he also felt the anger coming from the right. The people headed by Rong state raised their hands to block his rash action.

"It turned out to be from the state of Rong." Mu light song in the heart of the silent way.

She vaguely felt that this information was deliberately disclosed to her by Jiang Li. At least let her know which country offended her.

But she didn't expect that these arrogant and domineering guys actually came from Rong state.

It seems that the fate between her and Rong is not shallow!

"It turns out that the people of Rong state are so arrogant." Zhao Nanxing whispered in Mu Qingge's ear. When he heard the word "Rong Guo", he had a sudden realization on his face.

Feng Yufei's expression was more dignified. She approached mu Qingge quietly and whispered to her side: "I heard my father say that in the second-class countries, Rongguo was particularly arrogant because of the refining and casting tower and the beast sect. In a second-class junior high school, it's always the one at the front. "

Mu light song eyebrow tip lightly Yang, in the heart already roughly understood.

"Is empress Jiang going to speak for the untouchables from third class countries?" Rong state head of the people, eyes full of disgust and indifference swept Mu light song their one eye.

This is the night, the light is not enough, even if there is a palace lamp lighting, but also because of the dispersion of light sources, resulting in shadow overlap.

Mu Qingge, where they stand, happens to be the place where the shadow covers the most. Therefore, he only sees a few figures standing there, which is extremely thin and deceiving.

As a result, his disdain became more and more intense, and he snorted coldly.

"Third class? Untouchables? " This question is not from Jiang Li, but from mu Qingge.Her voice successfully attracted the three people of Rong state, and even the representatives of Di state and Yu state who stood by to watch the opera also looked at her.

Jiang Li picked the tip of his eyebrows, with a funny smile in his eyes.

She wanted to help mu Qingge solve some problems. After all, this is the imperial palace of the holy Yuan Empire. People from third-class countries, standing here, have no room to speak. It's just unexpected that the people of Rong state didn't understand the interest, and mu Qingge couldn't help it.

With a leisurely pace, muqingge slowly walked out of the shadow, and the luster of the palace lamps around her fell on her, dispelling those shadows and setting her off.

The elegant robe is like blood. It has a tall and upright posture. It is incomparably beautiful and has an indistinguishable appearance. Like a pearl in the night, it suddenly lights up the bottom of everyone's heart, as if she is the only light source here.

She was stunned for a moment by the stillness of her face. She was stunned by her appearance.

Among them, only Jiang Li, who has known her for a long time, can still keep a clear mind in his eyes.

"There are people in the world who look so evil!" On behalf of Di Guo, a compliment came out. He did not explain that there is a kind of noble spirit in muqingge, which is sharp and noble.

In front of her, as if they were the nobles of the second-class countries, they were the pariah, but she was a high-ranking existence!

However, he did not say, but it does not mean that people can not feel.

This feeling, is so obvious, obviously to the hearts of people raised a sense of shame.

This feeling made the faces of the three Rong people look ugly.

It's the first time they've ever seen anyone who has beaten them to the point where they can't fight back with their own temperament and appearance.

Mu light song cold eyes, fell on the Rong three people.

The power of a glance, but let them fall into the ice cellar, a chill rises from the back.

Things suddenly evolved to this step. Qiu Pei, who woke up suddenly, and the official who was responsible for bringing the second-class state and the ancient witch state into the palace, his vest was wet.

No matter who it is, if they fight here, the first to lose their heads is the two of them!

Almost without consulting, Qiu and he immediately moved forward to the leaders of muqingge and Rongguo, blocking their sight.

"Baron mu, this is not a place for high spirits. In any case, you should be calm. There is a long way to go. " Qiu Pei's advice is very skillful.

He did not belittle the song of admiration, nor did he depict the invincible picture of the country. Just tell mu Qingge, where this is, what kind of gratitude and resentment can have a long time to come.

Mu Qingge looked at him and was more interested in him.

Qiu Pei was swept away by her, stunned.

Naturally, he had no intention of doing anything but to warn the people of Rongguo.

Besides, even if she really wanted to kill people here, I'm afraid no one would give her the chance.

Just as Qiu Pei's words fell, a very powerful pressure suddenly fell from the sky while Rong was still persuading him. Like a mountain, no one escaped under it.

"Oh Zhao Nanxing only had the highest level of cultivation in the green realm. Under the pressure of warning, his blood was surging, and a mouthful of blood flowed out of his throat.

Fortunately, he didn't want to lose face in front of the second-class countries. He gritted his teeth and swallowed the blood.

This sudden pressure, soon let all people have a layer of cold sweat on the forehead. Even if it is mu Qingge, also in shouldering this pressure, neck out of a layer of cold sweat.

"How strong! At least better than her. " A light calculation in the heart of the song.

It turns out that if she confronts a bully head-on, I'm afraid she can't catch him.

This result, does not let mu Qingge feel depressed, on the contrary, more inspired her inner fighting spirit!

She is now the peak of purple realm. The person who can suppress her to such an extent that she has no ability to resist is probably the so-called smart strong person in Mengmeng's mouth.

Mu light song eyes flashed a cluster of bright light, did not feel afraid of this!

Pressure comes and goes quickly.

It's just a moment, but in this moment, the people who are shrouded in authority have the feeling of passing time like a year.

After the removal of coercion, both the people of the third class and the second-class countries all turned pale, their inner clothes were moist, and their palms were sweating.

This is a warning. Anyone who is not stupid can see it clearly.

Qiu Pei and the official in charge of leading the people of the second-class countries into the palace also secretly relieved after being oppressed.

They did not talk about what happened just now, but reminded them that the time for the Palace Banquet was coming. They urged their leaders to enter the palace as soon as possible, so as not to delay the time.

With the warning just now, even if the people of Rong state felt uncomfortable, they would still be afraid of it. They would rush into the palace gate with a cold hum.

Muqingge didn't intend to fight with the people of the second class countries. Anyway, it doesn't matter who goes first and who goes later.After the Rong people left, the people of DI and Yu also followed in one after another. However, they passed by mu Qingge several people before, all specially looked at her.

The meaning in the eyes is different.

When people from the state of Yu walked by mu Qingge, she suddenly found that one of them looked familiar to her. However, it was just a hurry, and before she thought it through, the man walked into the palace.

People from the second-class countries all went into the palace gate, and the people from the third-class countries and the ancient witch kingdom were left outside.

Jiang Li took the initiative to go to Mu Qingge, hit her shoulder with his shoulder, and said, "don't you go yet?"

She this pair of familiar appearance, let Feng Yu Fei open eyes. Not only she, but also Zhao Nanxing, who had already known one or two, was also stimulated by her behavior.

He has known mu Qingge for such a long time, and he has never seen anyone in front of her who can be so casual Er Nature

"It seems that the queen of the ancient witch kingdom had a lot of personal relations with Qingge!" Zhao Nanxing said in his heart.

Mu Qingge turned her eyes and nodded.

Then, the two people walk side by side, stepping into the palace gate together. The followers of the ancient witch Kingdom naturally joined the crowd of the third-class countries.

Mu Qingge and Jiang Li walked in front of him, as if he had something to say. Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei also consciously follow behind, without interrupting.

After the palace gate, the corridor is still connected.

According to Qiu Pei's words, this is the last palace gate. After passing through the corridor, you can really enter the palace. The banquet hall, however, still needs to bypass the imperial garden and walk for some time before arriving.

"The people of Rong state are always so arrogant and despotic. You don't have to pay attention to it. They dare to be so arrogant, but also because the refining and casting tower and the beast clan are in the territory of Rong state. In Linchuan, apart from the Shengyuan Empire, none of them would accept it. " Jiang Li sings to Mu Qing.

Mu light Song mouth light Yang, to her words, and not to say no.

Jiang Li's golden eyes suddenly turned, and a touch of cunning rose in his eyes. She is close to Mu light song, the outsider looks, appears incomparably intimate, just like the general couple.

In her ear, a warm air was blowing in her ear and whispered: "if they knew that the branch yard of the refining and casting tower had been directly destroyed by you, I don't know how they would feel."

"Are you going to snitch Mu Qingge looks at her playfully.

Jiang Li stood up straight and said in his eyes, "am I such a villain? You look at me like that! Hum ~! "

Mu Qingge chuckles. Of course, she knows that Jiang Li's words are just jokes.

"But I don't need to tell. The people of their headquarters had already sent people to the ancient witch kingdom to investigate the branch of refining and casting tower. Even I came here to explore. I guess they should have guessed in their hearts that it's your so-called. They just don't know your identity all the time, so they don't know where to find you. At the palace banquet tonight, the people who made the tower and the people from the beast sect were all there. What are you going to do? " Jiang Li reminds way.

Mu Qingge, however, did not change her face and said, "what should I do? The matter between me and Lianzhu tower and wanuzong belongs to the gratitude and resentment of the lake. When it's time to solve it, it will. In short, the soldiers will block the water and cover the land. "

Jiang Li blinked. Seeing that she didn't have a trace of tension, she said helplessly: "you are really calm. In this case, I would like to send you another message. The person who came to the casting Tower this time is their Dean. The old man is said to have reached the peak of purple realm. The people who came to the beast clan were their little patriarch, Tai Shigao, and the great elder, heimu. You don't have to worry about the blue area. However, the elder Blackwood is also a master at the top of purple realm. "

Jiang Li didn't know that mu Qingge had already had a fight with Blackwood, and carefully introduced the situation of heimu and others.

And Mu light song to hear Tai Shigao unexpectedly also came, eyebrow tip faintly pick.

A person who should have died in her hands came back from the dead. Whatever the reason, she had to take it back.

“…… Anyway, be careful tonight. " After that, Mu Li's intelligence is rare.

At this time, they have passed the corridor and entered the royal garden.

The forest garden is deep and winding, and the people of the second-class countries have disappeared at the turning point in front of them. However, the imperial palaces of the holy Yuan Empire can be seen everywhere, as well as palace maids, holding palace lanterns to illuminate people entering the palace.

"Don't worry. It's just a palace banquet tonight. They can't do anything." Mu Qingge comforts Jiang Li.

Listening to Jiang Li's carding, she found that her enemies were quite a lot. Worst of all, we're all together tonight!

Jiang Li nodded, "I got the news that the person who presided over the banquet tonight is huangfuhuan, Prince of Shengyuan empire. The emperor of Shengyuan empire will also appear, but not necessarily until the end. It is said that the reason why huangfuhuan can stand out from many princes is that his name is given by his majesty. Therefore, the emperor of the Shengyuan Empire felt that the prince was quite favored by his majesty, so he gave him the position of Prince. "

"Is it?" Suddenly, I heard the news about the man. An absent-minded answer.Fortunately, Jiang Li didn't notice the mistake of muqingge, but went on: "Alas ~! Your majesty! I don't know if I can see his Majesty in the holy Yuan Empire this time! "

With that, there was a yearning look in her eyes.

Mu Qingge turned her eyes and pretended to be casual: "won't your majesty appear at the palace banquet tonight?"

Jiang Li immediately relieved her doubts. "You! Can you have some common sense? His majesty is the honorific title of the whole Linchuan. In fact, we all know that he is the real king of Linchuan. How can a man like him attend the palace banquet tonight? However, maybe after the banquet, the emperor will arrange us to go to the place where he lives. If we are lucky and lucky enough, we may meet his majesty. If we can get another point, we will benefit a lot

It turns out that Is that so?

Mu light song after listening to Jiang Li's words, know that Si Mo will not appear tonight, the heart of a faint loss, but also groundless relief.

Her heart has been entangled in the mood, in this moment has been thoroughly cleared.

She only heard Jiang Li saying that Simao would not appear. She did not hear about other pilgrimages. Otherwise, I will definitely ask for more information about this man.

"Yes! Has that goose of the Xue family of the state of Yu married into your Mu family Suddenly, Jiang Li seemed to think of something and asked.

For the word "marriage" used by Jiang Li, mu Qingge gently tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Well, aunt Qin is married in China."

Jiang Li a pair of I knew the appearance, then to Mu light song way: "do you know this time Yu country comes three people, has one person is who?"

Mu Qingge looks at her and wants to say that she doesn't know, but she thinks of Jiang Li's words before and the face that she is familiar with just now.

All of a sudden, she came to know the man. "Is the Xue family here?"

Jiang Li's eyes bent like a crescent's nod. "It's Xue Qiao's second brother. Now he is the Minister of literature in the court of the state of Yu. He's a very powerful official. He can be said to be above ten thousand people."

"Wen Xiang." The silent way in Murong's mouth. In the imperial system of the state of Yu, the prime minister was divided into civil and military affairs. She knows that.

Just did not expect that Xue Qiao's second brother was young, but has climbed to such a high position.

"I don't know about my aunt and Xue Qiao. Did the Xue family know? How did they react? Xue Qiao took his aunt all the way to visit the mountains and rivers. I wonder if he has returned to Xue's home now? " Mu Qingge suddenly felt like an old woman and worried about her aunt Mu Lianrong.

With this in mind, she couldn't help shaking her head and smiling bitterly.

Her worried appearance fell into Jiang Li's eyes. She had already personally experienced mu Qingge's worries, and she couldn't help rolling her eyes. She added: "Xue Qiong was promoted to Wen Xiang before she left for the holy Yuan Empire. In addition to the influence of Xue family on the royal family of Yu, it also had a lot to do with his personal excellence. His accomplishments were at the peak of Qingjing, but the Xue family did not attach much importance to the value of force except Xue Qiao. The main focus is on the strategy in mind and the way of governing the country. Xue Qiong is the leader of the younger generation of Xue family. She has been known as a child prodigy since childhood. When he was seven years old, he could recite ten thousand volumes of scriptures, talk about state affairs with the old master Xue, and often put forward refreshing theories and policies. At the age of 12, he became an official in the imperial court. He started his paperwork and went up step by step. He became a literary minister before he was ten years old. This is the result of deliberate suppression. Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have been in this position a few years ago. "

"How do you know so much?" Mu Qingge looks at Jiang Li in surprise.

However, Jiang Li got a white eye and complained: "it's not for you?" She is telling the truth. She has never been interested in these family secrets. If it had not been known that mu Qingge was in a third-class country and it was inconvenient to inquire about the second-class country, she would not have cared about the news of the Xue family if she had not known that mu Qingge was in a third-class country and it was not convenient to inquire about the second-class country.

Even the events of Lianzhu tower and wanuzong were all because she knew that mu Qingge had a grudge against them. How could she pay attention to the trend of these forces?

Mu Qingge smiles at Jiang Li and says, "thank you very much."

These two words, dispelled the resentment in Jiang Li's eyes and said with a smile: "it's almost the same."

Two people have the appearance of talking and laughing, fall behind Zhao Nanxing's eyes, but are frightened.

Because he was not sure whether the queen of the ancient witch kingdom knew her true identity as "Mu Shidi". If you don't know, will such hospitality turn into resentment?

If this is the case, the third-class countries in the holy Yuan Empire will be even more startled.

He wanted to ask each other, but the timing was not right.

At this time, Feng Yufei said: "it seems that the young Lord's fortune is not shallow. Even the empress of the ancient witch Kingdom has a special love for him

Feng Yufei doesn't know the true identity of Mu Qingge, so in her opinion, the relationship between mu Qingge and Jiang Li is just like a lover who shares her true feelings.

However, this sentence, but Zhao Nanxing scared not light, look at two people in front of ugly face.Finally, through the Royal Garden, and a long way to go, people came to a magnificent palace outside parking.

Not only are they here, but people from second-class countries are here.

Qiu Pei turned and said to Mu Qingge: "the dinner is about to start. Please listen to the propaganda here."

Mu Qingge stops talking with Jiang Li and looks up.

Within sight is a palace built on a high platform. There are more than 90 steps. White jade paved, there are carefully carved jade railings on the flag flying. The palace is located among the flowers and the scenery is pleasant. Even at night, it can also make people feel the fragrance floating, exciting.

Glazed gold tiles, noble gas, just like the celestial palace.

At this time, from the high hall, faintly floated music like sounds of nature, mildly sad, but also atmosphere solemn.

Countless palace maids come in and go out, as if they are making final preparations.

After a while, the bell hung outside the palace was rung by the Chamberlain.

A total of three bells, startled birds in the forest, reverberated throughout the palace.

When the bell rings, mu Qingge sees Qiu Pei straightening his back and straightens out his clothes with a serious expression.

After a while, someone came out and stood outside the palace, shouting: "it's said that envoys from the second-class countries, Rong state, Yu state and di state, present themselves to you!"

This voice is mixed with spiritual power, so the sound is clear and ear shaking, just like shouting in the ear.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, and he said in his heart: "a servant is just a servant, and he has the strength of the first stage of the green world." After entering the Imperial Palace, she occasionally paid attention to the strength of the palace guards while talking with Jiang Li. She found that even the most common bodyguards were accomplishments above the initial level of green realm.

What does that mean?

The first level of green environment, in the third-class countries, has been regarded as a rare master.

However, in the first-class kingdom of the holy Yuan Empire, but only enough to become the most common court bodyguard.

And just now in the third palace gate, there was only a moment of pressure

After entering the imperial palace for a while, muqingge clearly felt the gap between the first-class countries and the third-class countries.

This gap is not only based on individuals, but also on national strength.

"How do you feel? Do you feel that the gap between the third and first-class countries is no longer blurred and becomes clear. But when it is clear, it makes people feel that it is an insurmountable gap that can not be crossed? " Jiang Li whispered.

She seemed to feel mu Qingge's mood at the moment and said what she was thinking about in her heart.

Mu Qingge did not deny, but corrected: "the gap does exist, but it is not invincible!"

Ginger glass eyebrow tip a pick, the eyes playfully looked at her, the golden eyes twinkled with dazzling light.

"You really make me feel more and more interesting. I really want to know what gives you so much confidence to be able to stand upright and not be knocked down after knowing the gap between them!" Jiang Li Road.

Mu Qingge turns her eyes and looks at her. The curved arc of the mouth is more and more obvious. "If it were you, would you be knocked down?"

Ginger glass a Leng, gold eyes reflect the Mu light song smile appearance. The corners of her mouth rose slightly under her veil, and there was no answer.

But in fact, she knew that even if she didn't say it, muqingge knew the answer!

She won't!

Perhaps, it is because there are some things between the two people, are particularly similar, so there will be that kind of feeling like the same at first sight.

There is no need to test, no time to prove, and no need to experience something unforgettable together. But can inexplicably trust each other, mutual heart.

Jiang Li was silent for a while and said with a smile: "birds of a feather flock together. The ancients did not deceive me!"

This is a yes but not a word, others may not understand, but mu light song but understand.

She nodded and agreed, "it's true."

While they were talking, representatives of Rong, Yu and Di, with their attendants, followed their officials up the white jade steps and headed for the towering Palace at the top.

Because of Xue Qiong's existence, mu Qingge paid more attention to Yu's troops.

She found that Xue Qiong and Xue Qiao did look like each other, but Xue Qiong's facial features were more delicate, and Xue Qiao's facial features were more resolute.

People from second class countries finally entered the palace.

After a while, the inner servant of xuanren yelled again: "it's said that empress Jiang of the ancient witch kingdom will be present to you!"

"It's me." Jiang Li takes a look at mu Qingge.

Mu light song nods, Yang Yang chin way: "go."

"I'll help you look ahead first." Jiang Li blinked his eyes, showing some mischievous.

After that, after saying goodbye to moqingge, she restrained her casual manner and showed her majesty. She took the people from the ancient witch Kingdom and climbed the steps.

The effect of this very different person is to let the people standing under the steps who don't know the truth cast their eyes on the Mu light song.It's also a man's skill to turn the queen of the ancient witch kingdom into a docile kitten!

When Jiang Li was halfway there, Zhao Nanxing walked closer to Mu Qingge and said in a soft voice, "Qingge, do you know that you are..."

Mu Qingge nodded: "she knows."

Hearing this answer, Zhao Nanxing pinched a sweat and finally threw it out, the big stone fell to the ground in his heart.

Mu Qingge, however, did not know how to turn his eyes to him and asked, "what is brother Zhao worried about?"

Zhao Nanxing took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said, "are you worried that you will become a peach blossom robber if you have too many peach blossoms?"

"It's said that Qin, Li and Yu, the third-class States, have an audience!"

The voice of the Chamberlain came again.

"It's us at last." Feng Yu straightened out her chest and vomited out her turbid air.

She had a slightly dignified look as if she were about to face a war.

Mu Qingge looked at her and said with a smile, "relax. We're going to a dinner party, not a duel. "

Her words, let Feng Yufei show a helpless but amorous smile. "No way. After entering the holy Yuan Empire, I always feel trapped and dangerous everywhere."

She is too female and has an unshirkable responsibility on her shoulders. It is this responsibility that makes her feel more pressure. It was good when I was in Li state. After all, it was my own territory. However, when she arrived at the holy Yuan Empire, she felt that she could not do it. If Mu Qingge didn't sit here to reassure her, I'm afraid she didn't know whether she could withstand the pressure from the Empire.

"Don't worry, I'm everything." Mu Qingge came to her and patted her on the shoulder to give a guarantee.

Everything has me

Four words, let the Phoenix in the flying heart a loose, seriously looking at the Mu light song, nodded.

"Let's go. The young barons, ladies and princes of our third-class countries are going to meet the dignitaries of the largest country in Linchuan! " Zhao Nanxing smiles at the two girls and takes the lead in the front.

He did not want to grab the limelight of Qingge, but consciously thought that at this time, as a man, he must use action to reassure others.

Feng Yufei smiles at mu Qingge and keeps up with Zhao Nanxing.

Mu Qingge also shook his sleeve and followed him.

When climbing the steps, Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei have tacit agreement to retreat behind her, headed by her.

‘…… Ninety nine steps. " When climbing the steps, the murmur song is silently counted in my heart. When she got to the last step and stood on the platform, it was 99 steps.

In the imperial palace of the Shengyuan Empire, the construction of palaces is exquisite.

After all the people had stood on the platform, the servant of xuanren went to the front of muqingge. He looked at them with eyes as light as water, and a faint disdainful cold hum came out from the tip of his nose. "Let's go."

After that, he threw the floating dust in his hands, just like driving flies, leading the way in front of him.

His attitude, let Zhao Nanxing frown, low voice way: "this waiter is very rude!"

Mu Qingge did not care about the way: "the dog on you after two sentences, if you really roar back, and the dog and what is the difference? To ignore is the best contempt for him. "

Zhao Nanxing's brow relaxed and his mouth raised a smile. He opened the folding fan in his hand and gently fan it for several times. The noble childe's romantic and elegant spirit overflowed everywhere.

Under the leadership of the internal servants, mu Qingge and others stepped into the palace gate.

The bright light comes in an instant, and the palace is just like day, shining brightly.

At this time, she found that the palace was actually divided into two floors.

On the outermost floor, there are all the officials of the holy Yuan Empire. In the middle, a red carpet stretches straight, connecting the palace gate and two steps.

And above the second floor, sitting is the real noble!

The difference between the second floor and the first floor is three feet. It can only be seen that the people sitting on the first floor are indistinct.

Mu Qingge people appeared at the gate, immediately felt the attention ceremony.

The eyes of all the officials of the holy Yuan Empire fell on them one after another.

With curiosity, with a look, but also with contempt and disdain.

However, when they see the appearance of moqingge, they can't help but be surprised.

It seems that they did not expect that people from poor places in third-class countries could be so beautiful and have outstanding temperament.

Coincidentally, the first floor was quiet.

The silence from this floor also attracted the attention of some people on the second floor.

They can't help but drift to the entrance to the second floor, looking forward to the people who will appear soon.

Among the attention of the public, mu Qingge took his own steps, walked calmly on the red carpet, without showing a trace of embarrassment or timidity.

Her calmness seemed to infect the following crowd.

They all put down the tension in their hearts, followed the footsteps of moqingge and climbed the second step.

There was a sound of footsteps on the steps.No hurry, no delay, calm and calm.

Gradually, the second floor became quiet. Even the royal family of the holy Yuan Empire, who was just like sitting on a pyramid, stopped chatting with others and moved their eyes to the entrance of the second floor.

After a while, a stunning red dress appeared in the eyes of the public.

That touch of seductive red, in this magnificent palace, is still particularly dazzling, people can not ignore.

After seeing the visitors, the dignitaries sitting on the second floor seem to understand why the officials on the first floor suddenly become silent.

Just because of the people, it's amazing.

I can't bear to look away!

On the two steps, mu Qingge finally saw what was on the two steps.

Compared with the first floor, there are not many people on the second floor.

Facing them are the steps paved with three layers of gold foil, which are full of people. The first layer is the palace women's wives of all kinds and manners.

On the second floor, there were several men in boa gowns. It seems that they should be the princes of the holy Yuan Empire.

On the third floor, there was only one person sitting on the Dragon chair and looking down at them.

Muqingge, on the left and right, are guests. People on the right hand side do not pay much attention to Mu Qingge. What she looks at is the people on the left hand side. People from the second-class countries and the ancient witch Kingdom have almost filled the guests' seats, with only one empty seat at the end.

Needless to say, there are seats for third class countries.

From the farthest, most partial, the most insignificant corner.

Mu light song's eyes light swept the empty seat, the corner of the mouth raised a seemingly indifferent smile.

The division of status and grade is very obvious in this banquet. When they entered the palace, they were always reminded of their hierarchy. It seemed that they were constantly admonished to know how to behave and how to know their own seats!

In the seat on the left, in the second-class seats, people from Rong state cast scorn and ridicule at mu Qingge. Although the performance of the other two countries is not obvious, there is still a difference in the level in their eyes.

Among them, that Xue Qiong is to let Mu light song pay more attention to a little bit.

Because, from Xue Qiong cast eyes, she did not see the same eye light as others, only saw a little curiosity.

What are you curious about?

Mu Qingge turns to think about it. I'm afraid Xue Qiao's letter has arrived at the Xue family. They have already known that Xue's Wu Chi has married the eldest lady of the Mu family of the third-class state of Qin, so they are a little curious about her.

As for Jiang Li, naturally she cast a kind look of schadenfreude at her.

Mu Qingge took back his eyes, lowered his eyes, and saluted his majesty of the Shengyuan Empire: "Mu Qingge, the third-class state of Qin, meet his majesty, long live your majesty!"

"Li Guofeng, the third-class Kingdom, flies to meet his Majesty the emperor of Shengyuan empire. Long live your majesty!"

"Zhao Nanxing, the third-class state of Yu, meet with his Majesty the emperor of Shengyuan empire. Long live your majesty!"

Feng Yufei and Zhao Nanxing followed, followed by a visit.

"It's you

"You thief

Before the emperor of the holy Yuan Empire opened his mouth, he heard a voice of indignation and resentment from the seat on the right.

Mu Qingge looked up and saw the people on the right seat, with a faint pick on the eyebrows.

Hehe, black wood recognized her, she was not surprised. But I didn't expect that the scene of the festival with her in the medicine tower general hospital would also appear here. And judging from his seat, it seems that he has a high status.

Mu Qingge's eyes swept lightly --

she didn't know many people on the right seat. Unexpectedly, the old man who was the president of the drug tower general hospital also came. At this time, he was looking at him with a smile in his mouth.

Refining and casting tower, animal sect, Jingtian

This palace banquet, unexpectedly and mu Qingge have hatred entangled people together!

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