"What is this?"

Mu light song looking at the tray in front of him, put a few brands, don't understand to see to Si mo.

Si Mo casually said: "Huangfu Haotian sent it, saying that it's for you to determine the remaining few, to enter the qualification of ancient ruins."

“……” Mu light song suddenly feel speechless.

This feeling of backing up to the God is really unique.

When will the ranking of Linchuan society be decided by her hereditary young Baron from a third class country?

Mu Qingge flipped through the signs in the tray, with the names of six countries written on it. They are the six countries participating in the Linchuan meeting.

Three third class countries, three second class countries.

"Wait a minute." Mu light song eyes in a bright, picked up the sign written Qin, in the Si Mo eyes shake, strange look way: "this can be written wrong?"

The eye of the eye of a Mo Po has looked at the sign.

In addition to the state of Qin, there is a slightly smaller character, which says "second-class state.".

What makes mu Qingge feel strange is the typesetting.

Si Mo corner of mouth crossed a trace of smile, drooping eyes to Mu light song way: "you take Rong country that piece to have a look."

With doubts, mu Qingge took the sign with Rong in her hand. When her eyes swept the contents of the sign, her eyes shrank and raised her eyebrows.

Her eyes, back and forth in the hands of the two signs. All of a sudden, he laughed, "in a short period of one month, the state of Qin became a second-class country, and the Rong state became a third-class country. If the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is really so generous, why not give the seat of the first-class Empire to the state of Qin? "

"Xiaoge'er wants the state of Qin to become a first-class country?" Si Mo suddenly looked at her, with a serious eye color.

Mu Qingge blinked and said with a smile, "I'm joking. You can't do this!"

See Si Mo serious appearance, she is really afraid that he does not agree with a word, seriously, the state of Qin was lifted into a first-class country.

"Why?" Si Mo asked her with a smile.

Mu Qingge curled his mouth and glanced at him: "with the foundation of Qin state, if you want to become a first-class country, even if you support it, it will become the target of public criticism. For me, the state of Qin is just my hometown. It doesn't matter whether it is a third class country or a first class country. What I want has always been the stability of Mojia. Besides, I'm not the emperor of Qin. Can I worry about the rank of Qin? "

Si Mo looks at her seriously, that pair of deep Po se eyes, with the brilliance of the stars.

In his eyes, there is doting, there is heartache, and there are some emotions that he can't understand.

"What's the matter?" He looked a little uneasy, mu Qingge could not help touching his cheek.

Si Mo's eye light slightly astringent, long arm one exhibition, then will Mu light song to take into own bosom. He whispered to her, "I laugh at your insincerity."

Mu Qingge looks stunned.

"It doesn't matter what you say about Qin now, but if anyone dares to offend Qin, I think you are the first to rush up." Si Mo slender good-looking fingers, lightly touched the tip of her nose.

Mu light Song mouth corner a draw, mumble a way: "have so obvious?" With that, her expression also became a little trance.

She was thinking of Simao's words in her mind.

Indeed, the state of Qin was safe and stable, so she did what she wanted and wanted to do. Once the state of Qin is threatened and the Mu family is threatened, she will become the first to rush out and resist everything.

Mu light song at the moment of the appearance, let Si Mo Mou in the pan up heartache.

He hugged muqingge more tightly and said in a very slow and light way: "you always act as if you don't care, as if you really care only about your family. Actually, you care a lot. Whatever you recognize as friends, you will put them into your own wings and play the role of protector. It's not only the state of Qin, even the state of Li and the state of Yu. As long as they ask for you, you will be desperate for Feng Yufei and Zhao Nanxing. "

"Am I as great as you say?" Mu Qingge looks strange.

Si Mo shook his head and said with a smile, "it's not great, it's my little song that places too much emphasis on friendship."

Mu Qingge raised a pair of clear eyes and looked at him. In the eyes of the eye wave flow, Gu pan Shenghui, is a kind of amorous feelings which is very difficult to see in moqingge.

Coagulate Si Mo, Mu light Song mouth corner slowly raised.

She stretched out her hand and pinched the perfect tip of Simao's nose, grinning and saying, "it's my man, understand me!"

Mu light song action, let Si Mo body a Zheng, Po color of the eyes gradually deepen color, a touch of dense in the deep eye bottom echo.


"Let's get down to business." Mu Qingge interrupts Simao's words, jumps out of his arms, and walks again to the tray with six brands.

The fragrance in the arms passed away, Si Mo helplessly looked at his empty hands.

His little song has become naughty!

Convergence by Mu light song provocative mood, Si Mo came over, stood behind her, quietly watching her fiddle with the six brands in front of her."I must go in." Mu Qingge said to himself, then turned the sign of the state of Qin and threw it aside.

Whether it is in terms of individuals or Linchuan will be the result of the competition, Qin was qualified, it is not to blame.

"There are three qualifications left..." Mu Qingge frowned.

Her original intention was to bring Li and Yu into the country. However, the state of Yu and the state of Li lost too much in the space of trial, and then entered the ancient ruins. I am afraid that the danger is even greater than the trial space. Can they retreat completely?

She brought them, but she didn't want to carry a bunch of bodies back!

After thinking about it, mu Qingge slowly shook his head, and his eyes moved to the state of Di, Yu and Rong.

Di Guo, her impression is quite good.

Even when she was in danger, they did not lend a helping hand, but their attitude was also aboveboard.

Mu light song eyes flash, will take out the brand of Di country.

Half of the four qualifications have gone.

The remaining two will be created in two countries.

Mu Qingge's eyes move back and forth in the remaining four countries, always uncertain.

Entering the ancient ruins, there are both dangers and opportunities.

Otherwise, it will not lead to the active participation of the entire Linchuan regime.

What we are thinking about now is just gains and losses.

To get an opportunity, you have to take risks. You can't have both fish and bear's paws. You can't have it at the same time!

What she hesitated about was whether Li and Yu could withstand the risk. What's more, she didn't really want to waste opportunities.

"If xiaoge'er hesitates, it's better to change it. Yu and Li shared the same quota, while Yu and Rong shared the same quota. In this way, everyone has the opportunity to enter the ancient ruins, and all of us have equal opportunities. " Si Mo suddenly said.

"Is that ok?" Mu Qingge blinked his eyes.

Si Mo nodded, "rules are dead, people are alive. This change has nothing to do with the interests of others. As long as the merged countries are willing, what can others say? "

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and thought for a moment. He put down the sign in his hand and sat opposite Simao. He adjusted a comfortable posture and asked, "what's in the ancient ruins?"

"Little song wants to know?" Si Mo looks at her with a smile in his eyes.

As if, only in front of her, Si Mo's smile will not be stingy.

Mu Qingge said seriously, "I don't think you are a warm-hearted person. Since you are not defeated here, why do you still want to stay here? What is your purpose? My intuition is that your purpose has something to do with ancient relics! "

"Xiaoge'er is so smart." Si Mo praises a way. The pride between the eyebrows is very eye-catching.

Mu Qingge whitened his eyes, bent his fingers to knock on the armrest of the chair, and corrected: "I am not for your praise."

Si Mo eyebrow tail with pleasure, looking at Mu light song, as if to appreciate the most beloved baby. "Xiaoge'er has a good analysis. I came to Linchuan with a purpose. I want something, and it's in the ruins of ancient times. "

"What? Now that you know where it is, why don't you get it yourself? " Mu Qingge frowns and sends out several questions. But, just finish saying, her eyes light a Lin, immediately respond to come over, "you can't enter, also can't take?"

Si Mo smiles and nods.

The look in his eyes was like, "my little singer is the smartest."

Si Mo's answer, let Mu light song eyebrow Yu dye a layer of dignified. What is it that Simao stayed in Linchuan for many years in order to get it?

What's more, it's something he can't get, and it needs to be done by others?

All of a sudden, Mu light song eyes in a bright, some previously thought of things, all of a sudden pass.

She looked at Simao and said, "so, you control the Empire of Shengyuan, just to select the right person for each Linchuan meeting, enter the ancient ruins, help you find that thing, and bring it out to you?"

Si Mo nods to admit again.

Silence for a while, Si Mo to Mu light song way: "ancient relics, is the legacy of the last era. It's an abandoned dojo. Because of the space-time cracks, it is confined in the Linchuan boundary, and every once in a while, it will appear. Whenever it appears, the prohibition will be loose and can enter it. However, for those who enter, it will choose on its own. As long as the cultivation exceeds Linchuan's critical point, it cannot enter. "

After a pause, he specially explained, "even if the state is suppressed to the critical point, it will not work."

With this explanation, mu Qingge understood why he couldn't get in.

It's just What does the last era mean? Is Daochang a place where a religious sect preaches?

These strange words make mu Qingge confused. It seems that Simao said to her, is a long period of sealed history, a magnificent era, is in front of her unveiling the veil.

"Although the Taoist temple is abandoned, some of its contents are extremely precious treasures for people in Linchuan. The thousand thunder decisions I gave you come from there Si Mo Dao."What! Does qianlei come from ancient relics Mu Qingge was shocked.

Si Mo said with a light smile: "every time I come out from the ancient ruins, all the things that people bring out will pass my inspection. If I'm interested in something, I'll stay. "

"NIMA! Do you still have to pay taxes? It's just the landlord class! " Mu light Song mouth corner a draw, in the heart abdominal Fei.

But in her heart clear, Si Mo does not do so because greedy for those things, just want to see what he needs, whether it is brought out again.

The result is obvious, certainly not!

Otherwise, Si Mo will not stay here all the time.

Just a thousand thunder from the ancient ruins of the information, let mu Qingge feel that the ancient ruins is a treasure! I'm looking forward to it.

"Greedy devil, do you want to bring everything out of it? There are rules. Each person who enters can only bring out three. " See Mu light song's expression, Si Mo knows what idea she is making.

"How could there be such an abominable rule!" Mu Qingge's painful way.

Seeing countless treasures gallop past in front of their own eyes, isn't this killing her?

She that indignant appearance, let Si Mo bear handsome. Only to remind, "if you have a space container that ancient relics can't detect, you can hide it from the sky."



Mu light song eyes shine!

Space container! She has!

There are cute little gods in, should not be a problem?

Just when the smile of moqingge just crawled out, she was stiff and puffed twice. "She knew that she could not hide her space from Simao."

"Xiaoge'er, don't you forget the origin of the wordless token, or did I tell you?" Si Mo joked.

Mu Qingge looks up and sighs silently.

She accepted her life, in front of Si Mo, she did not exist any secret to speak of.

"What do you want, why don't you just say it? If I say it directly, I think whoever it is will bring it out for you. " Mu Qingge finds the topic again.

Si Mo's smile slightly convergence, there is a trace of haze between the eyebrows. "It's not that I don't say it, but that I don't know what it looks like."

"Ah? You don't know? " Mu Qingge was shocked again.

Si Mo pink cherry color lips light sip, with a trace of temptation, let Mu light song's eyes appear a trance, seems to think of the taste of the lip.

Fortunately, Si Mo did not notice, and Mu light song of this silk trance come quickly, go also fast.

"It used to be the property of my family, but it was left carelessly a long time ago. And then they came to the ashram. Its breath has always been in that ashram, which can't be wrong. " Si Mo Dao.

Mu light song more doubt, "since it's your own thing, why don't you know what it looks like?"

Simao Junmei's face crossed a trace of helpless bitter smile, "because it has been lost for too long, the family's record of it has been blurred. The only thing for sure is its breath and its real existence. It's very important to me, so I have to get it. "

"There is no specific description, only an empty breath. How can we find it? " Mu Qingge frowned.

"Didn't huangfuhuan and Shen Bicheng want me to take them as apprentices? Xiaoge'er can tell me that whoever brings it out is my apprentice. " Si Mo suddenly said.

However, this sentence has caused mu Qingge's displeasure.

She sneered at the corners of her mouth, with a trace of irony in her clear eyes, "does your majesty despise me?"

Si Mo helplessly shook his head, "Xiao Ge Er, don't be angry, I just don't want this matter to trouble you."

Mu Qingge frowns and looks cold. She stood up and went to Si Mo and said to him with arrogance: "what my man wants is naturally taken back by me. I'll kill anyone who wants to move! If you want someone else to bring it back to you, please feel free. "

Si Mo is stunned.

He looked at Xiangmu light song, her overbearing manifesto, which shocked him.

But I don't know why, he loves moqingge so much!

"Well, my things will be taken back by Xiao Ge'er." Si Mo showed a dazzling smile.

The smile on this beautiful face can really make the heaven and earth pale. The scenery of the whole world is not as good as the amorous feelings between his eyebrows.

Even mu Qingge thought that he was immune to Si Mo's appearance. He was also dazzled at the moment and indulged in his smile.

Mu Qingge blinked and forced himself to recover his mind. He said to Simao, "since the breath can be determined, can we rely on the breath to find that thing?"

"The method is desirable." Si Mo nods.

"But..." Mu Qingge frowned and said, "is the smell of that thing only you can feel?"

"Not bad." Si Mo nods again.

"That's hard to do." Moqingge looks dignified.She frowned and pondered for a while, raised her head and said to Si Mo: "can there be any way, or baby, to let me go in and lock the position of breath distribution? Or is there something that is opposite in nature to that thing, that can make it react when you get close to it? "

Her theory is based on previous knowledge of locators and the law of magnetic field.

Just like in the modern battlefield of the past, deminers can search with the aid of instruments. As soon as the instrument approaches the mine, a warning is issued.

Mu light song words, let Si Mo fall into meditation.

After a while, he stood up and said to Mu Qingge, "I need to think about it. Xiao Ge'er remembers that three days later, it's time to go to the ancient ruins. "

Say, Si Mo then left Mu light song's room.

Mu Qingge didn't ask much.

See Si Mo's appearance, I'm afraid because of her words, and was inspired, thought of a solution.

However, as soon as Simao went out, mu Qingge heard a sound, which made her goose bumps fall all over the ground --

"Daddy, Yuanyuan wants sugar! Dad, Dad Dad All in all... "

Mu light song eye corner a draw, push the door but come out, see Si Mo by Yuan Yuan block in the door. What about Yuan Yuan? Meaty fingers, still calculating.

All of a sudden, Yuan Yuan happily raised his small face carved with Pink Jade and pointed at Si Mo Bi's finger, "a total of 11 dadas! Ah, now we've ordered two more, thirteen in all, for sugar Finish saying, he a pair of small hands, spread out in front of Si Mo big God.

Mu Qingge's eyes darkened. "This boy is going to be killed by Si Mo, let's kill him, or die!"

Where did this guy with no bottom line come from?

In order to eat lotus seeds, how could you be so disrespectful? So shameless?

Yuan Yuan's whine voice, even called several "father" word, coax Si Mo's heart is in full bloom. While waving, a handful of fire lotus seeds fell into Yuan Yuan's hand.

That red fire lovely appearance, see Yuan Yuan straight pharyngeal saliva, eyes shine.

Just when he was ready to eat, Simao held down his hand and laughed very much like the old fox's way: "there are at least 30 grains here, good yuan yuan. Remember that you still owe dad 17 tones."

With that, he left in a smart way.

Yuan Yuan blinked his big eyes, jumped up immediately and called out: "stingy!" Whining, he thought that the extra reward would come out, but he didn't expect that this would be the end!

How gorgeous!

"Can you not lose my man?" Mu Qingge grabbed Yuan Yuan's ear and lifted him up. He hated the way that iron was not made of steel.

Since a few days ago, in the trial space, Yuan Yuan was seduced by Simao with fire lotus seeds, and he became out of control.

There is no need for Si Mo to move again. If the boy is greedy, he will rush up to hold his thigh and call his father.

Mu Qingge suddenly found that Yuan Yuan did not return to the real purpose of this period of time to apply for space!

Yuan Yuan was shaken by mu Qingge.

Finally broke free, he also covered his ears with a face of grievance and said: "the so-called mother must have its son, Yuanyuan, this is to carry forward the ability of the mother's boss!"

"You son of a bitch Mu Qingge was furious.

Yuan Yuan took the opportunity to turn into a transparent flame and disappeared in front of Mu Qingge.

This cunning skill is really superior to the blue in appearance!

Left Mu light song a person, standing in situ, in the heart of sullen, do not know how to vent.

Also, is the fire lotus seed on Si Mo body endless? Isn't fire lotus seed a natural material and treasure? Is it precious? Why did he come here and become a sugar pill to cajole children?

Mu Qingge suddenly sad found that he had raised a group of people who were open-minded.

Mengmeng and Yuanyuan are a pair of snacks, while Baibi is a big eater! The only normal is silver dust!

By the way! Silver dust!

Suddenly remembered that silver dust had passed the life and death robbery, how did not have any reaction, mu Qingge turned around and entered his own space.

She went straight to the silver dust and saw a fox curled up in a ball with her eyes closed. Between the eyebrows that a touch of seductive red, as brilliant as flame.

"Why are you still in a coma?" Mu Qingge frowned.

"Light song ~!" All of a sudden, the sound of milk came.

Mu light song turns a look, saw beautiful snake white to swim toward oneself come over.

Let Bai Lin change her name, but also cost her a lot of God. Finally, she was changed from "mother" to "light song." Otherwise, she can't bear to call her mother a beautiful snake whose figure is even hotter than her.

"You're full, don't you want to sleep? How did you get here? " Mu Qingge does not understand the way.

Bai Ruo, if boneless, climbs on muqingge's body, hands on her shoulder, head also pillow her shoulder, snake tail intimately entangles Mu light song, lazy way: "people were going to sleep, but suddenly smell your breath, I will come."If it is a man, white enough to arouse any man's desire. However, mu Qingge only felt no happiness. She pushed to push white, helpless way: "can be reserved."

However, Bai Gu's voice, which was quite different from his appearance, said with disdain: "reserve is your human thing, I don't want it. I like to pester you because I like you. "

"But I am a man, not a tree!" Mu light song grinding teeth road.

See Mu light song is really not used to, white just aggrieved to loosen the snake tail, and Mu light song to maintain a point of distance.

"How about Meng Meng?" Coming in for so long, I didn't see Meng Meng, which makes mu Qingge a little strange.

Bai Bi fiddled with his long hair and said lazily, "since Yuan Yuan went out, he didn't know what he was doing."

When it comes to Yuan Yuan, who is cool and unrestrained outside, his eyes are bright with white purple and gold. He is coquettish to Mu Qingge with the voice of milk. "Light song ~, people also want to go out. It's so boring here!"

"No, you'd better stay here." Mu Qingge feels rejected.

Once the king of stomach goes out, what if he eats it carelessly for half a day? What did she take to compensate emperor yuan?

"When are you going to lock them up?" The way of Bai Bu Yi.

Mu Qingge has a headache and looks at silver dust. Worried asked: "you are both spirit animals, do you know what he is now?"

White saw silver dust one eye, proud of the sharp chin, "this kind of low blood how to compare with me?"

This sentence makes mu Qingge's face sink.

She looks to the eye light of white ray some cold, let the latter can't help but a Leng.

"Bai Lin, there is a sentence I must let you remember. No matter how your blood is, since you have come to me, it is the same to me. If it comes to emotion, silver dust follows me first than you, and has fought countless battles with me to live and die together. I feel far more for him than you do. We are family members, friends and even more comrades in arms. And you, if you had been following me, would have been. Therefore, I do not want you and silver dust between the high and low distinction. Do you understand? " Mu Qingge is serious.

In the white purple gold vertical pupil, some are shocked.

It seems that mu Qingge would say such a thing. She was silent for a while, and then suddenly she laughed jokingly. The voice of milk and milk, a trace of danger, "what if I say no?"

"Then please leave." Mu Qingge's way without hesitation.

This sentence, let white the vertical pupil in the condensation of a clear killing.

Mu Qingge said fearlessly: "I am a group here. Any group, is the individual adaptation, not the whole group to adapt to the individual. If you can accept this kind of relationship mode, I welcome you to stay. If I can't accept it, I won't be forced to go my own way from now on. "

Mu light song Jue decision words, let white eyes in the killing of a trace of cracks.

For a long time, the killing intention in her pupils just dissipated, showing a smile. "Light song, you are really different. Well, I see. "

Bai Bi finished saying that, the snake tail swam over, entangled the pillar, leaned on the beam of the house, yawned and said to Mu Qingsong, "this little fox, give it to me. Don't worry about your business. I promise he won't make any mistakes

The change of Bai's attitude makes mu Qingge a little surprised.

She didn't doubt Bai's words, because as a white man, she disdained to lie.

However, she was still worried about the current situation of silver dust. He asked again, "do you know what happened to him?"

Bai Lin said in a lazy voice: "a blood like him has experienced the transformation from blood, meridians, even bones, skin and talent, which needs a process. In the end, when his transformation is completed, he will have to go through thunder robbery before he can truly become a god beast and become an adult. "

"Thunder robbery?" Mu Qingge was surprised.

Bai Bi pointed his chin and explained to Mu Qingge: "however, your space is independent and can't lead to thunder robbery. So after his transformation, you should find a place for him to cross over."

"I see." Mu light song deep voice.

Looking at silver dust again, mu Qingge raised his head and said to Bai: "please."

"Are you so polite to me?" White enchanting smile, but the voice is out of tune.

Mu Qingge smiles and turns away.

She's going to see Meng Meng and see what this guy is doing mysteriously.

There is a connection between moqingge and Mengmeng, so you can easily find her.

Before I got close, I saw this little guy carrying her back and twisting his butt. I didn't know what he was doing.

"Meng Meng." Murmurong cried.

The sudden voice made Meng Meng startled.

She quickly put away the things in her hands, put her hands behind her back, and turned to look at Xiangmu Qingsong.

Her abnormal action makes mu Qingge suspicious. Staring at her hands behind her, she asked, "what do you have in your hands?"

"Nothing!" Meng Meng's whole body was tight, and immediately said.This makes mu Qingge more suspicious.

She strode over and directly reached for Meng Meng, "take it out."

Meng Meng bit her lip and lowered her head, but there was no movement on her hand.

"Meng Meng." The tone of moqingge is a little harsh.

Feeling that mu Qingge is angry, Mengmeng slowly takes out the things hidden behind her.

Seeing what Meng Meng was holding, mu Qingge said in surprise, "what is this?"

Meng Meng raised her head, big black eyes, and flashed at her, "master silver, did you forget that after you were promoted to a flexible stage, the space will be unsealed again."

Mu Qingge blinked, she really forgot!

And forget it all!

Er, it's really not her fault. There are so many things happened during this period that she will forget this event!

"What was unsealed?" Mu Qingge immediately came to her interest.

"Well, this time, a number of weapons of treasure level, some palaces, and higher-level martial arts skills were released. But... " Meng Meng suddenly stops talking.

"But what?" Mu Qingge is excited when she hears it, but Mengmeng stops suddenly and asks her to ask questions immediately.

"There is a room for storing materials for refining utensils. I don't know why it's empty. Only this one is left." Meng Meng hands the black, like burnt carbon, to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song eyebrows wrinkled up, eyes light tightly locked in that section of the arm long coke.

"I've been studying what this thing is ever since I found it, but I haven't found out." Meng Meng and Dao.

Something you can't even see?

Mu Qingge reached for the black coke and thought, "is it some kind of refining material?"

All of a sudden, when her hand touched the black coke, a sharp pain appeared in her mind. The pain suddenly came, without any warning. Mu Qingge didn't bear it. She called out and let the black coke fall to the ground.

Leaving the black coke, the tingling feeling in Mu Qingge's mind also disappeared.

Meng Meng nervously asked, "what's wrong with you, Lord silver?"

Mu Qingge's eyes were puzzled and swept to the black coke, then looked at Meng Meng and asked, "when you hold it, don't you feel any difference?"

Meng Meng shakes her head blankly.

This makes mu Qingge feel strange.

She bent down and picked up the black coke from the ground.

However, when she came into contact with the black coke again, she felt the tingling again. This time, she had psychological preparation. Instead of releasing her hand, she squeezed the black coke.

All of a sudden, some confused and incomprehensible information penetrated into her mind. With the introduction of the information, the tingling feeling in her mind was more serious, almost bursting her head.

After a while, mu Qingge was sweating and pale.

Meng Meng called out nervously, "master silver!"

Mu light singer a song, let go of the black coke, tingling again gradually disappeared. It's just, the information

"What on earth is it?" Murmuring to himself.

"Lord silver, are you ok?" Meng Meng is concerned about the way.

Mu Qingge adjusted his breath and shook his head. It's weird, she said, "it's cute first, and then it's cute."

Meng Meng nodded and put away the black coke.

Mu Qingge left the space, but still thinking about the problem of black coke.

Why is it that only when she contacts can she have different feelings? If it is said that Mengmeng has no reaction because it is an instrument, will other people react?

Maybe, when you have time, you should find someone to try.

Put aside the matter of black coke temporarily, moqingge converges the mind and enters the state of cultivation.

The space was unsealed, and what she got was known from Meng Meng, so she didn't worry to see it. She will leave for the ancient ruins in three days. What she has to do now is to continue to practice to ensure that this trip is safe.

What Si Mo wants, she will take back for him!

Mu light song in the heart of the firm way.


Three days passed in a flash.

Si Mo's proposal, let Mu light song no longer trouble. Since everyone wants to go in, let's just go in together.

Only Simao knows where the ancient ruins are and how to get in.

Therefore, the starting place is at the foot of the Ligong mountain.

Before departure, Si Mo found Mu light song.

"This is..." Mu Qingge looks at Si Mo's hand with a gilded palace bell, very delicate and beautiful.

Si Mo tiny smile, for her tied in the waist seal.

The bell falls down and is covered by the red robe of muqingge, which is more exquisite. Mu Qingge fingertips gently brushed a palace bell, a slight ring ring.

The bell is clear and pleasant, and it doesn't make people feel noisy."Do you like it?" Si Mo asks a way.

Mu Qingge nodded, "like is like, but what does this mean?" Said, she ponders the way: "is difficult not to be the love keepsake?"

Who knows, Si Mo unexpectedly nods, "say right the same."

Mu Qingge was stunned and looked at him in disbelief, "have you disappeared for three days to study the love keepsake?"

smiling without a word as like as two peas, he just pulled his white gown and his waist was a uniform palace bell.

Mu light song eyes in a bright, seems to understand the meaning of Si mo.

"This pair of Gongling is unique in the world because I got the magic weapon and reformed it. They are one, so there will be a sense between them. I infuse you and my breath into it. In this way, when you enter the ruins, if you pass by the place where the thing is, I can sense it through the power of the palace bell, and I will give you the news when you are sure. " Si Mo explained.

"Is that ok?" Mu light song shocked to look at their own and Si Mo body palace bell.

"Not only that, we take this palace bell with us, even if we are far away, we can also sense each other." Said, Si Mo picked up the palace bell on his waist and gently shook it.

Mu light song waist on the palace bell, unexpectedly also along with the wave.

I'll go!

Mu light song eyes flash.

Her first reaction is not to move the romance of Si Mo, but to think that this little thing can be used as a transmitter!

As long as she and Si Mo confirm the password, and then no matter how far apart, they can be transmitted through this pair of palace bells.

For example, a shake means "I'm fine." Shake it twice, which means "stay still." Continuous shaking means "ambush ahead, leave quickly!" wait!

The more you think about it, the more you feel that the palace bell is of extraordinary use, and the brighter your eyes are.

"What are you thinking?" Si Mo sees her to be absent-minded, some displeasure asks a way.

Mu light Gordon when excited to tell his idea to Si Mo, "..." You say, is this a good baby? How is this thing made? I'll refine some later, and then I'll hang one for longyawei. In this way, we can realize instant message exchange! "

Mu light song's excitement, but let Si Mo black face. "Do you want to hang one for longyawei?" What about the good love token?


Mu Qingge is awakened by the tone of a man.

Then I realized that I seemed to have said something I shouldn't have said. She immediately changed her words. "It's just borrowing. Of course it won't be such a beautiful and beautiful Gong Ling. They're tough guys. Just make a sign and put it up. "

After all, she didn't give up on it.

Si Mo a embrace her, deep and mellow voice rings in her ear, "this method is good. However, I suggest that we can have a unique code language between us. For example, shake it to mean you miss me. Shake it twice, it means you miss me very much. Shake three times, it means you think I can't sleep. If you keep shaking, I hope I'll be there right away! "

Mu Qingge was black when she heard it. She asked: "with all my hair, I miss you? Not that you miss me! "

Finish saying, one punch mercilessly to somebody's nose tip.


At the foot of the Ligong mountain, a group of 64 people had already assembled and waited at the foot of the mountain.

They are waiting for his majesty to appear, and they are also waiting for muqingge.

Because after leaving the forbidden area of the Imperial Palace, muqingge did not appear in front of people. The appearance of her woman on that day has caught many people's eyes.

However, at that time, just after the war, mu Qingge was a little embarrassed, and because of Simao's powerful deterrent force, people did not dare to look at it carefully.

Therefore, many of them are looking forward to it today.

I want to take a serious look at how amazing the talented woman who can fascinate his majesty!

Waiting, the mountain road to leave the palace opens, and the lonely cliff appears first. After him, there are two elegant figures, one red and one white

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