Red and white, elegant and wild, lonely and rebellious, when they appeared, they suddenly lost their color around the palace mountain, as if the brilliance of heaven and earth were concentrated on these two people.

"What a match Ginger glass hook lip said a word, pan golden eyes, with the joy of happy for mu light song.

Huang Fu Huan stood behind her and whispered, "I'm a good match with the queen."

With this sentence, the smile on Jiang Li's face suddenly converged, and the breath suddenly became repellent.

Feeling the change of her breath, huangfuhuan sighed helplessly and could only shut up.

However, his eyes are still full of fighting spirit. It seems that the more resistant Jiang Li is, the greater the challenge is, the more he can arouse his desire to win.

With the approaching of moqingge, the people present are full of astonishment in their eyes.

Men's moqingge has made them feel amazing. Unexpectedly, after she changed back to women's clothes, she not only did not make people feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, it was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off.

She is not only beautiful in appearance, but also incomparable in temperament.

Let see her people, want to get, but dare not play, can only look at the momentum from afar.

Just feel the day is not long Moyang, look some dazed to see Xiangmu light song. It was the first time he had seen her dress. It is so beautiful, more beautiful than he imagined countless times.

He was not at her side when such a big thing happened, which upset him and made him regret.

Now, she led other people out, even if they were very well matched, even if this man was the strongest in Linchuan, he still didn't want his own little Baron, so he made a lifetime.

When mu Qingge comes to the front of the team, the amazing people have consciously lowered their eyes and dare not look directly.

After all, there is a greater God standing beside her!

Si Mo Leng sou's eye light sweeps to, what evil idea in their heart, the idea is disorderly, the love is lost.

Mu Qingge lets go of Si Mo's hand and walks to Jiang Li and others.

Come to her, mu Qingge said with a smile: "is it OK?"

Jiang Li nodded, "I took your blessing and ate many pills from the medicine tower."

Mu light song a smile, eyes light fell on Zhao Nanxing and Feng in the flying body.

The two said that the loss was great. This makes mu Qingge feel sorry. But when I see them today, I don't see any blame from them.

Zhao Nanxing said to Mu Qingge: "don't worry about us, that little injury has already been cured. It's a good thing that my accomplishments have been advanced. "

Mu light song eyes flash a surprise, a closer look, Zhao Nanxing's breath has indeed entered the blue level.

"Congratulations, senior brother Zhao." Mu light song jaw first smile way.

After exchanging greetings with the three people, mu Qingge's sight falls on the seven dragon teeth guards. Seeing Moyang, she is also somewhat surprised.

She went to them and stopped in front of Mo Yang.

Mo Yang body a Lin, immediately kneel on one knee, salute way: "belong to come down late, please small Lord surrender crime!"

Mu Qingge looked at him, "get up."

Mo Yang rose up in accordance with his words, tightly pursed his lips, and looked at her in a straight posture like a sword.

"How was the training going?" Mu Qingge asked.

"Everything went according to Sir Alex's plan. There was no accident." Mo Yang replied.

"Good." Mu Qingge nodded and turned to the royal family and the three families. Originally, the quota of the blue family was divided up by them. At the moment, the three families and the royal family stood together.

"Emperor yuan, Lord Shen, master Jing, master Hua." Mu Qingge meets one by one.

"Baron mu."

These big men, when they see the moqingge again, have quietly made the distinction of superiority and inferiority.

In fact, she and these people have nothing to talk about, and they will not enter the ancient ruins. After a simple greeting, she looked at Shen Bicheng, huaqinxin, Jingtian and huangfuhuan.

In the trial space, when she was surrounded by three forces, they all helped her.

Whether it has played a practical role or not, at least this intention, she accepted.

Shen Bicheng and huangfuhuan are OK. Thanks for the meeting before, and what should be said has also been said. Only Huaqin heart and Jingtian are left, which is the first time after that.

Goodbye mu Qingge, looking at her dress, Huaqin heart full of resentment, biting lips, look aggrieved.

What can she do when she becomes a woman?

Even if she doesn't mind that she is a woman, can she use her heart to rob a woman from his majesty?

Alas, all unwillingness, all suffering, can only be turned into a sigh, swallowed by themselves.

The mood of seeing each other in Jingtian is the most complicated.

He did not expect, has been pressing his head, let him from disdain, to unwilling, and then to jealousy, finally turned into a look up to the person, is actually a gorgeous woman.

After knowing the true identity of muqingge, he often wondered whether he would follow the original track if he knew that muqingge was a woman at the beginning?Will he adore muqingge and pursue such a woman recklessly?

However, everything is just a fantasy, the past will not be repeated.

"Thank you for your help. If I have a chance, I will give it back. " Mu light song, compared with other life is a lot less.

But it also shows the attitude. She acknowledged that both of them had come forward at the time.

Huaqin stamped her foot and said in a coquettish voice, "who cares for your kindness?" Then he turned to his mother.

Huaqin heart attitude, let Mu light Song mouth pull pull, also did not say much.

She looked at Jingtian. After the latter was silent, she also said, "I didn't help anything. Instead, I escaped. Don't worry about the baron. "

"At that time, I wanted to go, but I couldn't. Jing is willing to stand up, which I have written down. " Mu Qingge finished, then turned to the Qin team.

She did not return to Si Mo, because from this moment on, she represented the state of Qin.

In each team, eight people can enter the ancient ruins. What mu Qingge brings in, of course, is her dragon tooth guard.

Jiang Li is also with her ancient witch state female officials, as well as bodyguards.

Other countries, too, have their own elites.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei are four people in one country.

Similarly, the state of Yu and the state of Rong had four people each.

Mu Qingge did not exclude Rong state from the outside, but gave them the opportunity to enter, let them be grateful. The resentment that the country has been relegated to third class has also subsided.

"Let's go." People together, Si Mo raised his hand a wave, a person high black hole appeared in front of everyone.

The solitary cliff took the lead in jumping into it, and the rest followed.

Mu Qingge is not in a hurry, just waiting for others to go first.

Jiang Li came over, with a bad smile on her face, and whispered to her, "during this period of time, have you had a good time in the palace?"

Mu light song eyes flash, look at her, suddenly squint up, counterattack: "you this period of time is also very moist?"

"What?" Jiang Li didn't respond.

Until mu Qingge dropped his eyes on Huangfu Huan, Jiang Li's face changed and said to her, "don't talk nonsense. I'm not interested in him at all."

"I think he's good." Mu Qingge is a curious way.

Jiang Li disdained: "there are many good people in the world. Do I have to accept it? No feeling means no feeling, which is an indisputable fact! "

Mu Qingge took a puff at the corner of his mouth. He knew that Jiang Li's view of love was indeed different from that of most people in this era, so he did not strongly persuade him.

When people are almost gone, Si Mo's eyes look over.

Mu light song false cough a, urge Jiang Li way: "go."

Jiang Li vaguely looked at her, "find a chance to tell me, where are you progressing."

Mu Qingge sneered, "you are not afraid of death, you can ask him personally."

Jiang Li's expression was stagnant, and immediately he said, "Mu Qingge, do you treat me like this? Do you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge? "

Mu Qingge said innocently, "how did I cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

"That's how you want me to die!" Jiang Li grinds his teeth.

Mu Qingge laughed, "if you don't ask, you won't die. If you don't want to die, you won't die. "

After that, she laughed and took people to the black hole.

Jiang Li was so angry that he stamped his feet behind him and roared, "you are the logic of bandits!"

"What's the matter?" Mu light song goes to Si Mo in front of, Si Mo picks eyebrow to ask a way.

"Nothing. I met a babe." Mu Qingge smile, and his eyes meet for a moment, then lift legs into the black hole.

After she leaves, Si Mo just frowns, murmurs in a low voice, "eight old women?" Then, he Po SE's eyes swept to the angry ginger glass.

Being swept by Si Mo, Jiang Li suddenly felt a cool back.

She restrained her emotions and quickly jumped into the black hole with the people of the ancient witch kingdom.

People who want to go to the ancient ruins have entered the black hole. The Yuan emperor, three family owners, and the bodyguards who brought the people from the foot of the palace mountain were all kneeling on one knee to send him away.

Si Mo looked at them indifferently and said indifferently: "from now on, the people of Mu's family will let the whole Linchuan be buried with me in case of any accident! You can do it yourself. "

With that, he also entered the black hole. The black hole disappears.

A cold wind from the presence of people, the neck, let them a cold spine, lift the heart.

The emperor exchanged eyes with the three family owners and quickly analyzed his Majesty's will.

In an instant, the Shen family leader took the lead in patting the soil on his clothes and stood up. "I'd better send someone to check how many people there are in the Mu family."

The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty also stood up and said, "in addition to the little Lord mu, there is a muxiong and a mu Lianrong. If you add her husband, Xue Qiao of the Xue family in the state of Yu, they are four. "The head of the flower family swept his eyes around them and said, "the king's majesty means As long as the four of them are OK, or can anyone who has something to do with the Mu family

Her words made several people silent.

In the end, the king said, "in a word, there must be no accident in the Mu family. Otherwise, it's us. "


At the other end of the black hole is an endless desert.

As soon as you come out, you can feel the dry air flow and the hot high temperature.

The bad environment makes everyone a little uncomfortable.

However, there is a lonely cliff standing there, no one dare to complain.

The black servant of his majesty is not easy to provoke!

After a while, Si Mo also appeared.

He came directly to Mu Qingge, who also asked, "why so long?"

Si Mo laughs: "explained them a few words."

When two people talk, everyone automatically avoids. Who dares to eavesdrop? Long life?

"Tell me what?" Mu Qingge asked in doubt. Inexplicably, she felt that Si Mo's words had something to do with her.

Si Mo also did not hide from her, said to her: "I told them, if from now on, Mu family has something to do, I will use the whole Linchuan funeral."

"Do you really say that?" Mu Qingge was shocked.

Si Mo nods.

Si Mo's practice, let her surprise, but also moved.

Smart as she, how can not realize the purpose of Simao?

The day when she left Linchuan was not far away, but she could not take her grandfather and aunt with her. She wants to go her own way. She can't force her grandfather and aunt to accompany her.

Therefore, the family she cares about most will stay in Linchuan.

This is her biggest fetter and worry.

Si Mo's practice is undoubtedly to give her a maximum protection. So that she can be free from worries all the way forward, do not worry about the comfort of her family.

She believed, had Si Mo this sentence to leave here. Even if later, there will be outside people to find trouble with the Mojia, Linchuan's major forces, will not sit idly by.

Of course, she will also try to improve Mu Jiajun's ability and grandfather's ability before she leaves.

The most reliable ability is always!

"Thank you." Mu light song to Si Mo light voice. Thank him for all he considered for himself, thank him for his silent pay.

Whether it's the reverse curse before, or the threat of speaking now. Is for her, if not her, Si Mo is still that high above, does not care about everything God.

It was her who let him be contaminated with the worldly trifles.

Si Mo raised his hand, slender and good-looking fingers, raised the long hair scattered in front of Mu light song, and said with a smile, "if you really want to thank me, why don't you marry me earlier?"

Mu Qingge was stunned and grinned. She patted Si Mo's chest and promised him, "don't worry, sooner or later I'll carry a big sedan chair and marry you with ten li red makeup!"

Then she laughed and walked towards the crowd.

Si Mo stupefied, seems to be thinking about the mistake in Mu light song.

But then, at the bottom of his eyes, a strong smile appeared and said in his heart, "OK, I'll wait for xiaoge'er to marry me."

"What is this place?" Mu Qingge goes to Jiang Li and asks.

Jiang Li gave her a look and answered, "wandering soul desert."

"Wandering soul desert? The far north border of Linchuan Mu light song surprised way.

They just drill a small black hole, and they appear thousands of miles away!

Simao brought them here, can we say that the ancient ruins are in the wandering soul desert? However -

mu Qingge quickly swept around, and the land that entered the eye was a piece of barren yellow sand, and there were no buildings, let alone relics.

Mu Qingge is not the only one who has doubts.

However, there are lonely cliff and Si Mo in, they dare not too much discussion.

This is, the solitary cliff came to the crowd: "rest in place." After that, he turned around cool and left.

"Rest in place?" Jiang Li looked around the desert, so dry place, let her very unhappy. She poked mu Qingge's arm and whispered, "Hey, go and ask your God, when are we going to wait here?"

Mu light Song mouth a smoke, "since you have to wait, there must be a reason, you should not be impatient."

"You are not married, how can you elbow out?" Jiang Li was angry with him.

Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "who said I would marry? Sir Ben is going to marry

Jiang Li was stagnant and looked at her with big eyes. At last, he couldn't say a word. He could only give her a thumb.


Since it is the place to rest, we will sit in twos and threes.

With mu Qingge sitting together, naturally is Jiang Li, Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei. Huangfuhuan wants to come over, but is killed by Jiang Li's eyes and stares back.There is a great God pressed the array, no one dare not speak nonsense, so they all choose to practice silently and wait patiently.

For a long time, mu Qingge slowly opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Nanxing, Feng Yufei and Jiang Li: "ancient relics, each person can only bring three things, you don't have to ask too much. We don't have to compete with others. We should focus on our own safety. "

Her words made them confused.

However, mu Qingge did not explain. She could not tell them that she was going to use the space to ransack the ancient ruins.

With this cheating artifact, her friends don't have to fight with others because of one or two treasures. When she comes out, she will pick out some of the treasures and give them to them.

"I see." Although do not understand the intention of moqingge, but Feng Yufei still gives full trust.

Don't ask more questions, just carry out.

After thinking about it, mu Qingge added, "after going in, we may not be together, and we don't have to look for it deliberately. Just seize the time to experience. If you are in danger, don't be wary. Just exit to the safe area and wait to be sent out. "

Several people nodded.

Jiang Li couldn't wait to say, "I'm really looking forward to the treasures in the ancient ruins."

"We can stay in ancient ruins for half a month. In short, we should be careful." Mu Qingge asks again and again.

Her attitude, let Jiang Li three people have some doubts.

Zhao Nanxing gently said: "light song, what are you worried about?"

Jiang Li said bluntly: "how did you become a mother-in-law?"

Even Feng Yufei cast a puzzled and worried look to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge smiles, no explanation. Because she didn't know how to explain. Since she knew that the people in front of her had died once, she didn't want them to have an accident in front of her.

It's hard to explain the feeling of being lost and recovered.

Wandering soul desert, another place in legend to leave Linchuan. It is said that as long as you get out of the desert, you can enter the Middle Paleozoic.

However, this is not mu Qingge's consideration of leaving the road.

The place she chose to leave was the bitter sea close to the ancient witch kingdom.

Because, in the existing records, there are only two successful cases of leaving the desert to enter the Middle Paleozoic. However, there are seven successful cases of leaving the bitter sea and successfully entering the middle ancient world.

Such a proportion, let her not hesitate to choose to leave from the bitter sea.

Of course, she can also choose to let Simao treat her into the middle ancient world, but in that way, she will lack the experience of leaving this section of road, and shorten the time for her to accumulate spiritual power.

What's more, relying on Si Mo is not what she wants to be strong.

Si Mo has her own things to do, and she also needs to rely on her own step by step to become strong!

In the desert of wandering souls, people wait in silence.

Soon, a day and a night passed quietly.

When the sun rises slowly from the horizon the next day, and the sun shines golden on the desert, some gray architectural outlines emerge in the distance.

It seems to be able to move in general, the position is uncertain.

"All ready!" Cried the solitary cliff.

All of them finished their practice and stood up.

They also saw the uncertain outlines of the buildings, and their eyes were filled with wonder.

These buildings, as if all of a sudden, are uncertain, floating hard to capture.

"Is this an ancient relic?" Mu light song murmured a word.

All of a sudden, a strong suction, they absorbed, as if falling into the eye of the wind.

Mu light song subconsciously looks at Si Mo, is facing the boss Mo's eyes. He gave her a faint smile, she also with a jaw head.

Suddenly, people's sight was blocked, as if they were wrapped in yellow sand and rolled up and thrown into the air.

Mu Qingge heard the exclamation in his ears and felt the weightlessness of his body.

In front of my eyes, I suddenly lost consciousness as soon as it was dark.

When she regained consciousness again, she only felt that she was in an open and cool place, completely different from the hot and dry in the desert of wandering souls.

Muqingge jumped up from the ground and looked around.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa, Pa Pa Pa, Pa Pa Pa, Pa Pa, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA. The darkness was driven away by the sudden light source, and gradually appeared in front of her.

"What is this place?" After mu Qingge, Jiang Li's voice rang out.

She looked back and saw that all the 64 people who had come in were there.

Everyone got up from the ground, slowly gathered together, and carefully looked around everything.

Here, it seems to be a huge cave and a square.

Underground, paved is a kind of stone slab, dull luster, but very smooth, such as ink color. Those shining stones are suspended in the sky like stars.The sixty-four of them were standing here, looking very small. You can imagine how big the square is.

"There seems to be a door over there." Zhao Nanxing looks at a big gate in front of him and sings to Mu light.

The huge gate, which is not covered, can be seen from the cracks that there are architectural traces inside.

"Is this the entrance to the ancient ruins?" Mu Qingge guessed.

At this time, someone impatient way: "since already arrived at the door, still waiting for what?" He said, and rushed to the gate.

However, when he had just taken a few steps, there was a clear "click" in the space.

The sound, echoing in the space, adds a bit more strange.

"Be careful Huang Fu Huan called cautiously.

That impulsive person, also dare not have rash move again.

All of them carefully looked around.

All of a sudden, a "rustling" sound came, echoing in the ears of the people. It sounds like quicksand.

"What's the sound?" Jiang Li asked in a low voice next to Mu Qingge.

As soon as her voice fell, they saw countless Golden Sands gushing from the cracks in the stone slabs on the ground. It's like there's life on the floor.

This strange scene surprised everyone and took out their weapons one after another.

All those who can come in are elites of various forces. Their accomplishments and weapons are also excellent. However, the scene in front of them is so strange that they feel confused for a moment.

Huangfu Huan looked at Xiangmu Qingge and asked, "what's the situation? Did your majesty ever tell you a thing or two? "

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at Xiangmu Qingsong in unison.

Mu Qingge's mouth suddenly feels like a family member of the examiner. They are so sure that Si Mo will give her a question?

Unfortunately, they are doomed to be disappointed, this place Si Mo and future, so it is impossible to give her any advice.

"No Muqingge's short answer.

Instead of looking at the disappointment in most people's eyes, she just focused on the gushing, growing golden sands.

"We can't stay here. We'll rush to the gate first." Jingtian frowned and yelled, and rushed to the gate with his family.

He moved, and some others were led to rush to the gate.

The people of the Shen family want to follow the past, but they are stopped by Shen Bicheng.

At the same time, his eyes look at mu Qingge.

They had just rushed out a few steps, and the golden sand that had been paved on the ground suddenly lifted up and hit them like sea waves.

Naturally, this kind of attack that can't be prevented also hit them and beat those who want to run to the gate.

"These things seem to be conscious." Jiang Li's eyes shrunk and his voice sank.

"Be careful." Mu light song eyes light coagulation, remind way.

Jingtian and others were photographed and howled.

But he soon got up and became more cautious.

The golden sand, rapidly changing, gradually, a tall human figure appeared in front of everyone.

"What the hell is this! Is it a big change? " Zhao Nanxing cried out.

Those who are melted into golden sand are lifelike, with clear facial features and closed eyes. He was dressed in gold armor and held a sharp spear in his hand.

They seem to be soldiers who have been fighting for a long time, and they are also like guardians here!

There are gold soldiers constantly appearing, quickly filling all the space, and surrounding 64 of them in the center. Those golden soldiers, like thousands of horses, are going to trap them to death.

All of a sudden, the eyes of these soldiers opened, and the spear in their hands stabbed at them!

"Ready to fight!" Mu Qingge shouts.

This was an order to her dragon tooth guard, but it also became the order of more than 60 people.

At the beginning of the scuffle, 64 men fought fiercely with the soldiers turned into golden sand.

Soon, they found that these soldiers were not worth a lot of fighting and were easily defeated. However, once defeated, they will regenerate again, as if endless.

"It's no way to fight like this. It will exhaust our spiritual power." Jiang Li, with his back to Mu Qingge, resists the attack of soldiers and says to her at the same time.

Mu light song clear eyes deep, a quiet.

She also defeated the soldiers and said to Jiang Li, "I think this is more like a test of entering the ancient ruins."

"The problem is how to get through." Jiang Li asked.

Mu Qingge observed silently for a while, and said in a deep voice, "if you want to pass, I'm afraid it can only be faster than that!"

She said, eyes color a Lin, suddenly jump up, will be the spirit of the hands, non-stop swing. And she herself, too, went along.

The soldiers, unable to withstand her attack, broke up and regrouped.However, after their reorganization, muqingge has already rushed to the platform in front of the gate.

Once on the platform, the soldiers composed of yellow sand seemed to be greatly insulted and gave out a dull roar. Hundreds of soldiers integrated into one, turned into a ferocious and terrifying beast, with a big mouth of blood, and rushed to muqingge.

Mu light song's eyes shrink, a flash body, directly through the gap of the giant door to drill in.

When she disappeared behind the door, the fierce beast seemed to have lost its target. With a roar, it turned into a piece of golden sand, fell down, and became hundreds of soldiers again, attacking the rest of the people.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Li's eyes brightened and he exclaimed, "this plan is feasible!" After that, she also learned the method of moqingge and went to the gate.

When she moved, those female officials of the ancient witch Kingdom followed.

Moyang also with dragon teeth guard, toward the gate rushed up.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei are the same as Shen Bicheng and huangfuhuan. Sixty four people, one by one, learn the method of moqingge, open the road by spiritual power, rush to the gate at the fastest speed, and enter through the gap.

Thousands of soldiers, angered by their behavior, gathered into a huge beast, and the beast's long arm was pounding at the gate.

When the long arm fell, the last one also flashed into the crack of the gate.

Long arms fall on the gate, but fall into golden sand.

Huge fierce beast, unwilling to roar, broke into sand and disappeared along the cracks in the floor.

This is really a faster process!

The people who enter the gate are always in fear.

Especially the last person who came in, at that time, the giant arm of the fierce beast was only a moment away from him. At that moment, he really felt the thread of life and death.

The people who came in were all a little calm and subconscious. They were searching for the most advanced moqingge with their eyes.

She was very conspicuous in red.

Now, standing in front of you with your back.

In front of her seat, is a palace, the palace is empty, but strangely has eight doors.

Eight doors, each engraved with eight characters.

They are "life and death, life and death, life and death, life and death"!

"The door of life and death alternates. Is this for us to choose?" Zhao Nanxing stood beside mu Qingge and whispered.

Huang Fu Huan also stood up and looked at the eight gates and frowned: "I have heard from my ancestors that these eight gates represent different opportunities and dangers. How to choose depends on luck. Everything in it seems to be random and not fixed. "

"The ancestors of the Shen family have said that there is no big difference between living and dying." Shen Bicheng said, with the Shen family directly into one of the dead door.

As soon as they entered, the words on the dead door lit up.

Jing Tiandao, "eight gates, representing eight qualifications. It seems that the madman Shen has chosen for us. " He looked at the flower family's Huaqin heart. Both of them were quite helpless. They could only follow Shen Bicheng into the door.

When they all entered, the dead door suddenly closed, preventing others from entering.

"In that case, I will choose to die." Mu light song empty play robe, negative hand to another dead door. Mo Yang and others, naturally followed.

As soon as mu Qingge goes, Jiang Li also takes her people into a dead door.

The rest, there is only one dead door, four living doors.

Eight people on the other side of the medicine tower don't know mu Qingge, so they don't pay much attention to it. At the moment, they laughed, and the leader of the team said to the rest of the people, "our medicine tower refining is to survive. Let's choose the students." After that, he took people into a family.

The rest are three living and one dead.

The royal family of Shengyuan Empire represented by huangfuhuan has not yet entered. Di state did not enter, Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei did not enter, Yu and Rong did not enter.

Zhao Nanxing looked at Feng Yufei, and they made eye contact. Zhao Nanxing said with a smile: "we are a small country of third class, which is the best way to live." With that, he went to a student.

The rest, di chose the dead door. Huangfuhuan and the troops of Yu state and Rong state entered into the same family.

Behind the door is a narrow passage.

Dark and damp.

Moyang with three people, walk in front, the remaining four people in the back cushion, mu Qingge firmly protected in the middle.

The passage is very deep. I don't know where to go.

Walking for a long time, we can only hear each other's footsteps.

Suddenly, Mu light song stops, slightly frowns.

"There's the sound of shackles." She said.

The sound of shackles?

The seven dragon guards, such as Mo Yang, were shocked and thought to themselves, "are there any living things in this ancient ruins? If so, how many years has the living creature lived? "

Take a moment and think again. "If there is a sound of shackles, it means that the other party is locked. Go and have a look. Be careful. "Mo Yang and others nodded secretly, raised their vigilance and continued to walk toward the inside.

The more you go, the clearer the sound of the shackles, accompanied by a smell of fishy smell.

"It's not like the smell is left behind. Is there any living things?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed.

After walking for a while, the sound of the shackles seemed to ring in the ears, and their eyes turned along the passage, and suddenly became clear.

Just, cheerful is cheerful, can see things in front of them, but let them eight eyes are suddenly a shrink.


The fierce roar of the beast is squeezed out of the throat.

A monster with three heads was chained to the floor. It drips the saliva, corrodes the floor unceasingly, Mu light song they smell the fishy smell, is from this.

The monster, with the body of a lion, has three heads: tiger head, wolf head and leopard head.

The shackles lock its three heads.

It seems to smell the smell of strangers, three heads, slowly lifted up, red eyes such as the size of an adult fist, with greedy eyes, looking at mu Qingge and others.

Mu light song eyes light a sink, order: "kill it!"

Mo Yang and other dragon teeth guards, with the order of Mu Qingge, Mou Guang suddenly Li, directly rushed to the monster.

The three monsters are controlled by shackles, which makes the close combat of dragon teeth guards get the maximum display.

Mu Qingge did not move, just stood in the same place, watching the fight between the monster and the Dragon teeth guards.

The delicious food in my eyes dares to attack myself. The three headed monster was angry. It roared and stood up to fight with the Dragon tooth guards.

After it stood up, muqingge was surprised to find that the human remains were lying under its body.

The skeletons piled together were obviously not of one person.

It seems that someone broke into it before and was eaten by this monster!

"Roar! Roar Attacked by seven dragon teeth guards of purple realm, the three monsters are furious.

What's more, the attack of the Dragon tooth guards is particularly tricky. The angle and position of the stabbing are the restricted places after the three monsters are locked by shackles.

Such fierce eyesight is not only related to Mu Qingge's usual training, but also related to their constant combat training.

After a while, the three headed monsters were dying.

Mu light song light said the sound, "quick war, quick decision."

Mo Yang eyes a congealed, in the hands of the blade, directly cut off the middle of the head. The other two Longya guards also cooperated with each other and cut to the left and right heads. The remaining four people, the weapons in their hands, directly and severely inserted into the monster's heart, throat, abdomen and other key positions, to determine one hit to death.

"Oh Three headed monster. It's a headless monster.

Fell to the ground heavily.

"Remove its body." Mu light song road.

Mo Yang and their efforts to move the monster body to one side, revealing the entrance behind it, blocked by the body.

Mu light Song mouth gently the same, stride in. Mo Yang and others followed closely.

As soon as you enter this room, mu Qingge's eyes are bright!

Although these glittering treasures are floating clouds and muck, there are several big stomach kings in the family. The food expenses are also very large!

In the face of mountains of gold, silver and jade, mu Qingge's mouth is wide open. "Mengmeng, ready to receive the goods!"

She gave an order, waving, all the gold, silver and jade objects were put into the space by her.

In an instant, the room filled with gold, silver and jade was empty. Mu Qingge satisfied to the second room, and to this, Moyang they have already seen strange.

The second room is actually some dried herbs.

No matter what, take and receive!

The third room, all kinds of books that I don't know what to write, seems to have a long history.

Take it! Go back and sort it out.

The fourth room is covered with all kinds of soft armor. The material is unknown, but it is light, airy, soft and warm.

Mu Qingge's eyes brightened up.

Take it! Take it all away!

Room five This is an orchard. There are some fresh fruits hanging on it. They all have pure spiritual power!

Take it! How can we not accept it?

Room six, take it!

The seventh room, collect!

"Master silver, can you sort it out a little bit? Don't throw all the junk into the space! " Finally, Meng Meng couldn't help but protest.

"Cough, I'll pay attention." Mu Qingge smiles awkwardly.

Go to the eighth room. It's big, but there's nothing. In the space, there are three pillars. In the middle of the pillars, there seems to be something.

Mu Qingge walks to the pillar, but after a few steps, she is attracted by the murals painted on the wall , the fastest update of the webnovel!