In this room, the walls around are painted with colorful murals. Those colors have not become obsolete because of the age, and there is no mottling or peeling phenomenon.

"What do these paintings mean, sir?" Mo Yang asked.

He was also struck by the scenes depicted in the murals.

This is the scene of war, it seems that there are different races, in a massive war!

Some of them are ferocious, some are crafty, some are noble and holy, but their hands are stained with blood and their bones are piled up. The world has been pierced by their war

"Heaven and earth fall!"

When mu Qingge saw these shocking murals, the word jumped into her mind.

She felt that she was watching a real century war.

The end result of this battle seems to lead to the destruction of the universe.

The fireballs falling from the broken sky are like the meteorites of the interstellar, and the strange races seem to exist only in the long-standing myths.

The scene of the mural is very grand, but to Mu Qingge's feeling, it seems that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

She has a feeling that the real war is far more tragic and shocking than the mural.

In front of this mural, let alone dragon tooth Wei, even mu Qingge also felt a sense of insignificance. As if, she stood in front of the painting, facing the people in the words, she was like a mole ant.

The one look in the picture is enough to make her fragmented and reincarnated, and even has no chance to resist.

After a while, muqingge and Moyang and other dragon teeth guards, their foreheads were covered with cold sweat.

Just as she was about to sink into the abyss, the palace bell on her waist made a very slight "jingling" sound, bringing her spiritual consciousness back.

Mu Qingge blinked and thought of the feeling that his spiritual consciousness was almost inhaled into the mural just now. He not only felt a little chilly on his back, but also felt palpitation.

She looked at Moyang and others. Seeing that they were still deeply involved, she immediately bounced several spiritual powers to hit their eyebrows and wake them up.

"What happened?"

The Longya guards were stunned and woke up, but their faces were in a daze.

At the same time, they watched Xiangmu light song, and for the first time, fear appeared in their resolute eyes.

"These murals are weird. Don't be too focused." Moqingge can only remind. In fact, she was a little confused. I don't know why I fell into the mural, so I can only remind you, but I can't explain it.

Mo Yang nods with the six dragon teeth guards.

He said: "I was just looking at the murals, but suddenly I felt like I was involved in the war in this picture."

"Me too."

"Me too."

"Me too."


Several other people also expressed their opinions in succession.

That means they all felt the same.

Mu light song slightly pursed lips, drooping eyes thinking. Her fingertips intentionally or unintentionally across the waist of the palace bell, but always can not think of the answer.

Perhaps, the content of these murals is real. What the painter left behind is a strong consciousness, which will affect the viewer. Or maybe, on this mural, they are forbidden by the illusion, so that they will be caught unconsciously.

However, whatever the reason, the mural is not harmless. It is better to stay away from it.

"Look around, don't waste time, don't move anything here. If there's nothing good, we'll go to the next room. " Muqingge makes a decision.

Words fall, a few people then separate, search the room carefully. They dare not look at the murals any more.

Mu Qingge went to the three stone pillars.

Three stone pillars, arranged in triangular form. Mu Qingge stands in the middle of the seat, and the distance between each stone pillar, just the same. The stone pillars are very simple and in line with the architectural style here. In the middle of the stone pillars, there is a "window" with palms, which is sealed by translucent material, and there is something vaguely showing the outline inside.

In front of a few rooms, those things were randomly discarded on the ground, or on the shelf.

Here, however, is well preserved.

Mu Qingge thought about it and said in his heart, "it seems that the things in these three pillars are not simple."

However, those translucent material blocks, but let her see not really, what is inside.

"How to open it?" Mu Qingge frowns and thinks.

At this time, Mo Yang walked behind her, and his sight also swept the three stone pillars. Then he looked at Xiangmu Qingge and asked, "Sir, do you want to break these stone pillars?"

Mu Qingge glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, as if to say, "I haven't seen you for a few days, and my courage is growing."

This place is so strange, maybe there are countless mechanism traps hidden in it. This boy even proposed to smash the stone pillar directly? Even mu Qingge wants to give him a sentence "brave enough!" Evaluation.wait!

All of a sudden, Mu light song eyes flash, seize the heart of a flash and thoughts.

She looked at the pillar again and thought.

If we say that the things buried in the stone pillars do not want to be known and not obvious to be obtained, why should they be left with translucent windows to attract people?

Wouldn't it be better to seal it directly or hide it in an inconspicuous place?

Now that people can see it, they will certainly find a way to get the contents out of it by human inertia. If this is a hint, it means that there must be a way to open the stone pillar!

Mu Qingge walked around the stone pillar for several times and observed it carefully.

When she went to the fifth lap, the rest of the dragon's teeth guards also surrounded.

Has been walking 15 circles, Mu light song just suddenly stopped, spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, look at the Moyang several people command, "break them."

"Yes, sir."

For mu Qingge's decision, Longya Wei is 100% obedient.

Even now, when muqingge makes them commit suicide, they won't have a moment's hesitation. What's more, how many pillars are smashed now?

Moyang didn't start, but the other six people started.

Every two dragon teeth guards, around a stone pillar, beat with their own weapons.

Their action is not rude, first to find some relatively thin and brittle nodes of the stone column, and then knock down. Knock a few times, there will be cracks on the stone pillar, but there is nothing unusual in the room.

After making sure that there would be no chain reaction, they broke open the three pillars.

The stone pillars were broken open, and the things hidden in them finally revealed their true features.

These are three different types of weapons.

They are a fork, a pair of Yue, and a hammer.

"Why do I feel familiar with these three weapons?" A dragon tooth guard looked at the three weapons and was suddenly surprised.

In fact, not only he, but other people, including mu Qingge, also have a familiar feeling about these three weapons.

Suddenly, Mo Yang's eyes widened and he called out, "I know where I've seen it!" He said, turning to the murals on the wall.

Mu Qingge and others also turn their eyes. Sure enough, in the murals on the wall, there are three powerful characters mainly depicted. The weapons in their hands are just the three kinds in front of them.

"Is this the weapon left over from the war depicted in this painting?" Some people speculate.

If it is true, then the origin and age of these three weapons can be traced back to the time when none of the records exist!

However, mu Qingge rejected it. "No way. At most, it's a copy of the weapon in the person's hand."

This kind of portrait is specially drawn here, and weapons are left behind. If it was just a few nobody, who would have worked so hard? If not, how could their weapons be so easily obtained?

Out of all possibilities, this is the only one left.

The three weapons in front of us are imitations!

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed, and he went to the three weapons. He raised his hand and stroked his eyes slowly.

After a while, she opened her eyes, and her clear eyes burst out with pure light. "The best treasure!"

The best treasure!

This word, let Moyang a few people also eye shine.

You should know that although there are excellent treasures in Linchuan, the number is not large.

Mu Qingge's mouth slightly curved, a big hand waved, three weapons disappeared in front of everyone.

"Let's go. I hope there will be artifact in the next room." Mu Qingge is in a good mood and walks forward.

When they entered the eighth room, Moyang and others could not help but take a breath. Sigh for the general prophecy of the God.

The eighth room, only one pedestal.

On the base, the word "artifact" was engraved.

However, on the base, it was empty.

Where's the artifact?!

Mu light song eyes light shrink, fast step to the base!

The base is very big. Mu Qingge goes to the front and looks up.

There is nothing on it, let alone artifact, even the breath of artifact is not left!

"Have you been beaten by others?" Mu Qingge was so angry that he hammered his fist in his palm.

Then she thought of what Shen Bicheng said before she entered the gate of death. He said that every door to the place, are random, there is no law to speak of.

Perhaps, this room has been before the people came, naturally also took away the artifact put here.

This result, let Mu light song to almost vomit blood!

But what is the way to get angry again? It is impossible for her to go to the person who first found the artifact.

A sad look at the empty base, mu Qingge do not want to continue to stay in this room, swing sleeves to the next room.

Walking into the ninth room, mu Qingge was stunned.

What appeared in front of her was a maze!

"Sir, this..." Mo Yang was also shocked by the scene in front of him, surprised by the way.Mu Qingge did not speak, but narrowed his eyes and thought about the purpose of the maze.

When they enter the ruins, they will be separated. When they enter through different doors, they will naturally experience different levels. The departure palace seems to be the end of the checkpoint. What does it mean?

"Even if Simao didn't come in personally, he would know something about the ancient ruins from the people who came in before. If you want to find something, you have to search all the ruins. " Mu light song thought silently.

At the bottom of her eyes, all of a sudden, she looked at the entrance of the maze? Just walk out of the maze and you can reach another part of the site? "

This idea makes mu Qingge feel very likely.

She stroked the bell on her waist and made up her mind. "Go in."

With that, she lifted her feet and walked into the entrance of the maze. Mo Yang and others followed closely.

In the maze, there is no direction, no clue to find.

Mu Qingge is not in a hurry, but randomly walks in the maze, silently remembering the route passed by in my heart. After walking for about half a day, mu Qingge and others saw an exit. She hesitated and walked out of the exit.

Once out of the labyrinth, people's eyes will suddenly open.

They appeared on a huge square. The edge of the square is connected by steps, above which is a grand hall.

Standing on the square, they saw a flower in front of them. It seemed that they had gone through the unknown era thousands of years ago. They saw that tens of thousands of people were here to seek and discuss Taoism.

Those who are constantly shuttling around, are just illusory to them.

Each of them is graceful in white and has a good temperament.

All of a sudden, a gust of wind blows, and these illusions drift with the wind, leaving only lifeless, decadent old squares and palaces.

"Here, I am afraid, is the main building of the ancient ruins." Mu light song suddenly said.

The doors and levels that I passed before, including the things inside, seem to be just an entrance test.

Only those who have passed the test, passed through the maze and entered here, can be regarded as predestined ones, who can learn and practice here.

Simao said that this ancient relic is an abandoned ashram.

The Taoist temple is a place for preaching and learning. Naturally, there will be no killing trap. Of course, the cultivation of the original people is certainly different from that of today's people.

Therefore, if people with low accomplishments enter here, it will certainly be a life and death crisis for them.

However, it is not too difficult for those who practice moqingge.

"Go in and have a look." Mu Qingge said a word, and then went to the palace.

Mo Yang and others, following behind, pay attention to the movement around.

The hall, already dilapidated, has nothing to stay in.

The only thing that impresses mu Qingge is that the word "source" is hanging in the middle of the page.

Why "source" and what does "source" represent? Why is it suspended here, just like the morality of this ashram?

Mu Qingge left the hall with doubts and went to the back.

However, out of the hall, mu Qingge's eyes shrunk.

In front of her is another maze!

However, this time, under a dead tree outside the maze, there was a white jade chessboard, on which the pieces were scattered and seemed to have been specially arranged.

The chessboard will not be put here for no reason.

Mu Qingge goes directly to the chessboard.

However, she is a chess blind. After thinking about it, she called Moyang.

How to say, Mo Yang also read in the college, chess should not be difficult for him.

Mo Yang watched for a while and thought hard.

Even sweat was choked out, but did not come up with a solution. He looked at Xiangmu light song and said, "Sir, this seems to be a remnant, which can't be solved by subordinates."

Mo Yang's answer makes mu Qingge frown.

Naturally, she is not blaming Mo Yang for not solving the chess game, but thinking, if not, what else can be done to solve the mystery of the chess game.

Mu Qingge goes to the chess game, and her eyes shine on the chessboard.

She doesn't know whether it's a remnant or not, let alone how to crack it.

However, after watching for a while, her eyes suddenly brightened and her mouth rose.

"Let's go." Mu Qingge turns away from the chess game and walks towards the maze. Her steps are confident and easy.

Mo Yang several people a Leng, some doubts, but still followed up.

"Sir, you broke the chess game?" After entering the maze, Moyang saw mu Qingge skillfully walking through the maze, and asked curiously.

"No Mu Qingge answered calmly.


Mo Yang body a stiff, surprised to see her.

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "I don't know how to play chess. Naturally, I can't break through any vestiges. In fact, I don't think of it as a chess game at all. I just regard those black and white pieces as the dead and alive paths in the mazeBeing touched by mu Qingge, Moyang suddenly realized.

He lost his voice and said, "it's not a remnant at all, but a map of the maze!"

Mu Qingge smiles and nods. "I can't play chess, so I won't be confused. When you know chess, the first time you see it, you want to solve it. Instead, you are surrounded by it, ignoring its most intuitive appearance. It seems that the people who set up this chess game are trying to test people's ability to turn to thinking. "

What is the ability to turn to thinking, Mo Baobao does not understand.

Mu Qingge didn't explain it in detail, but said: "if people who see a chess game are always thinking about how to break the game, then they can't see the route above all their lives, and it's very difficult to get out of the maze. If you look at the same thing from a different angle or a different way of thinking, maybe you can get the answer. "

Long Ya Wei's people listened vaguely, although some words in the young Lord's mouth made them feel strange and incomprehensible.

But, also understood a truth.

In the future, if the road is blocked, try another way. Maybe, it will be OK!

With the guidance of the chess game, mu Qingge, with the Dragon teeth guard, easily walked out of the maze and appeared in a place like a training ground.

This makes mu Qingge a little disappointed.

She's not here for sightseeing. She's looking for treasure. Can you let her go to some valuable places? For example, what kind of warehouse! Darkroom! Treasure house! Martial arts school! Places like that?

A training ground, what kind of baby can you have?

After a quick stroll around, mu Qingge was disappointed.

And the Gong bell hanging around her waist did not respond. That can only show that the thing that Si Mo wants is not here.

Think about is also, Si Mo all feel very important thing, who will put it in the training ground?

However, she did not leave in a hurry.

With her previous chess experience, she searched for clues at the entrance to the new maze.

However, there is nothing here except a stone tablet engraved with a formula for practicing Dharma.

Looking for a circle, mu Qingge put his eyes on the stone tablet.

"Heaven goes by the way of Tao, which transforms the human beings. The Dharma of all Tao comes from the source, and when it comes to its origin, all things are derived. Trace back to the essence of the source, and cultivate thousands of ways to return to one Two in one's life, three in two, three in four, and five in six. "

Silently reading the Dharma on the stone tablet, mu Qingge frowns more tightly.

When these words came into her mind, there was always a sense of right rather than right.

As if, she understood, as if nothing.

After staring at it for a long time, all she had left in her mind were those one, two, two, three, four, four, moving around in her mind.

All of a sudden, the daze in her eyes dissipated and burst into a light.

She took a deep look at the stone tablet and turned into the maze.

"Two in one's life, three in two, three in four, and five in six." Mu light song in the mouth of chanting words, the feet of the pace, also become a bit strange, as if it is a kind of mysterious pace.

Moyang and others also follow mu Qingge to settle down. Gradually, mu Qingge goes faster and faster, and only the residual shadow remains in the place she passes.

Whenever Mo Yang and others think they are going to catch up, the result is just a shadow.

In pursuit, the labyrinth Road, leaving only a channeling mu Qingge and Mo Yang and other remnants.

Finally, mu Qingge stepped out of the maze exit. She stood in the same place, her eyes bright and bright: "star start step!"

This labyrinth, actually need to use a special pace to walk out.

The pithy formula of this step is hidden in the stone tablet. Not only that, it is also a very exquisite body shape skill!

Mu Qingge has a premonition, which is called "xingshibu" body method to the extreme, even Simao can not catch her figure!

"Xingshibu" is not her name. It came to mind automatically when she stepped out of the maze exit after she became more and more proficient.

Moyang they have come, stop behind her.

Similarly, their faces were full of shock.

"Moyang, did you remember your steps just now?" Mu Qingge asked.

Mo Yang jaw head. There was a faint excitement in his eyes.

Mu Qingge turned to them and said, "remember, this is called xingshibu. After you go back, you are responsible for imparting it to all dragon teeth guards. Everyone must learn it and take it as an assessment item."

The pithy formula of xingshibu is not difficult, and the only way to practice it to the extreme is to be constantly proficient.

This body shape method is much higher than those outside.

Mu Qingge decisively took it as a compulsory course for Longya health, and it was permanently included in the assessment project.

"Yes! My Lord Mo Yang said in a deep voice.

When you get the star start step, you feel refreshed when you are Moqing Gordon.

She looked up and said, "come on, let's see where this is and what kind of adventure it can bring us."Eight people walked along the road for a while, into a white sand land.

The white sand is very delicate and has a wide range.

On the white sand, there are countless stones, large and small, all dark and plain.

However, at the entrance, there is a stone tablet with the words "Chuan Gong Hai!"

"That is, to transmit merit, there must be something else." Murmured a murmur.

Walking into the white sand, she touched a stone.

When her hand fell, the dim stone flickered and fell silent again.

Nothing felt, mu Qingge shook his head and changed a stone.

Mo Yang and others, also learn from her appearance, East touch, West touch.

"Ah Suddenly, a cry, let Mu light song and others look back.

They looked back and saw that the hand of a dragon tooth guard touched on a stone tablet, and the stone tablet which was originally dim and dull actually gave off a glittering light.

"Sir, something seems to be coming into my mind." That dragon tooth Wei rose red face, struggling to admire light song way.

Mu light Song Mou Guang Yi Lin, asked: "what is it?"

Long Ya Wei bit his teeth and squeezed out three words, "it's Kung Fu!"

Mu light song heart a joy, busy way: "feel convergence mind, this is your chance."

When the Dragon tooth Wei heard mu Qingge's words, he quickly put up his resistance, sat down across his knees, closed his eyes, and accepted the great stone's work.

Seeing that his breath subsided, mu Qingge looked at Mo Yang and others and said with a smile: "it seems that people do not learn kung fu here, but they pick people up. Go and find out if you have the most suitable skill for you. "

Moyang a few people are also very happy, after answering, they began to touch the stones.

Mu Qingge takes a look. There are at least thousands of stones placed here. Are they all skills?

"In this ancient Taoist temple, the method of inheriting martial arts is really strange." Mu light song heart road, continue to go forward.

She was not in a hurry to touch the stone, looking for her own skill. Because she had already thought that when she left, she would put all these stones into her own space and create a "transmission sea" in the space.

Ha ha ha ha!

This idea, let Mu light song can not help but laugh in the heart.

It's a waste to leave these stones here. It's better to let her take them away. It can also strengthen her dragon's teeth guard and make it convenient for others!

Mu Qingge is walking slowly in the sea of transmitting merits.

After her, Moyang and they have found the stone with their own feelings.

Walk for a while, Mu light song waist palace bell suddenly rings.

"Well?" Mu light song can not stop a meal, looking down at the palace bell on his waist. "Gong Ling responded? Is the thing that Si Mo wants is nearby? "

Mu light song eyes light a flash, picked up the palace bell and gently shook.

In another place, Si Mo's hand holds the palace bell, the palace bell suddenly rings. There was a smile on his pretty cheek.

Fingertip caresses palace bell, palace bell in his hand, gradually light up.

In the ruins of ancient times, mu Qingge is surprised to see the bright and dark Gong Ling in his hand, knowing that this is the hint given to her by Simao.

Seeing the bright and dark Gong Ling, mu Qingge is more sure that Si Mo wants something here!

She went on a few more steps, and the bell was still flashing.

After thinking about it, she stepped back a few steps and cheated some more. Gong Ling was gloomy.

Back and forth several times, mu Qingge heart clear palace bell changes, a smile, with Gong Ling to the front.

The more forward you go, the more obvious the change of Gongling, which indicates that the closer mu Qingge is from that thing.

She stopped at about a piece of transparent Bixiang.

There seems to be no way ahead.

However, the Gong bell in her waist is still flashing.

"Is it in this jade jade?" Mu Qingge was shocked by her own ideas.

She has always been a risk taker.

Now that we have such a guess, we have to verify it.

Mu Qingge raised his hand and put it lightly on the jade.

All of a sudden, the calm jade Bi is full of colorful luster. A force of attraction comes from the jade Bi, and suddenly inhales her, so fast that she has no time to react.

Mu Qingge's eyes are black, and immediately a bright.

When she saw the scene in front of her eyes, she found that she had entered a place like a cave.

Here, there are only two stone tablets of similar size.

The stone tablet is also dim.

Come here, the palace bell light more and more bright, no longer flickering.

"Right here?" Mu light song surprised way.

She looked at the two steles, and thought of the stones outside, and muttered, "is this something that Simao wants is some kind of strong skill?"

Mu Qingge frowned and pondered: "being put here alone must be different from the skill outside. Anyway, take a look first. "Mu Qingge raised her feet to the left stone tablet, approached, she raised her hand and dropped it on the stone tablet.

All of a sudden, the stone tablet lit up and held the hand of muqingge tightly.

She was stunned and pulled hard, but her hand was still.

However, strangely, she didn't feel the transmission of the martial arts. The only feeling was that a breath came from the stone tablet, followed her hand, entered her body, and swam around her body, as if examining her body.

Suddenly, the Gong Ling on her waist shook.

The clear bell reverberates in the cave. The bell is very urgent, seems to be urging the light song.

Mu Qingge is surprised and looks down at the palace bell at his waist.

Suddenly, Gong Ling himself flew up, pulling mu Qingge to the direction of another stone tablet.

Mu Qingge is shocked, her body is pulled by the palace bell, but her hand is tightly absorbed by the stone tablet. The stone tablet on the right seems to have been summoned by the palace bell. The dark surface began to change. A black light gradually appeared, forming a vortex on the surface of the stone tablet.

As soon as the whirlpool appears, Gong Ling wants to pull Mu Qingge in the past more and more.

But now mu Qingge can't help it. Her hand is firmly attached to the stone tablet. If she wants to leave, I'm afraid she has to cut her hand by force!

In an instant, muqingge is like the center of tug of war, pulled back and forth by two stone tablets, almost tearing her body in two.

Outside the ancient ruins, Si Mo looks at the palace bell in his hand, trembling constantly and sending out dazzling light.

He frowned and worried.

His little song, no accident!

Si Mo clenched the palace bell, and his own spiritual power poured into it.

However, he did not know that the spiritual power he imported was absorbed by the black stone tablet through the palace bell.

Absorb the stone tablet of Si Mo Lingli, manic mood seems to have been eased. Those spiritual powers, as if they were its nutrients, let him greedily suck and temporarily stop the pulling of muqingge.

Mu Qingge breathes a sigh of relief, but before she reacts, she sucks the stone tablet in her hand, and sends out a greater suction, instantly inhaling her consciousness into the stone tablet.

Outside the stone tablet, mu Qingge's body is standing straight, keeping his hands on the stone tablet, and his eyes lose focus. And the palace bell around her waist is still hanging in the air, one side of the thread is tied with the waist cover of muqingge, and the other side is absorbed by the suction from the black stone tablet.

Fortunately, Simao's spiritual power poured in and controlled the outbreak of the black stone tablet.

Mu Qingge's consciousness enters into a void space, and forces her to come in, which makes her a little staggering.

After standing still, she looked around and saw nothing but nothingness.

"Is this the world in the stone tablet?" Mu Qingge's surprised self talk.

All of a sudden, she saw spots beginning to appear around her, just like the twinkling stars in the sky.

The stars were getting brighter and brighter. They seemed to be far away from her and close to her.

She is surrounded by starlight, as if she is in the era of the beginning of the universe.

Mu ran, there is a bright as the flame of starlight, rapidly growing, toward her flying.

Mu light song's eyes suddenly shrink, subconsciously want to retreat.

However, she wanted to move, but found that her consciousness could not move, as if controlled in general.

What's the situation!

Mu Qingge was shocked.

The flame that flew towards her instantly rushed to her face. The burning flame reflected her cheek, making her expression very clear in nothingness.

Fire, red her clear eyes.

She saw, she saw something in the middle of the flame.

Suddenly, she felt a pain in her brow, and a golden light ran out of her eyebrow.

Mu Qingge was shocked in her heart. She fixed her eyes and saw that the thing flying out was actually the broken Sutra handed down by her ancestors in the space!

"Meng Meng, what's going on?" Murmurong cried.

Why did the Scriptures come out of space without her permission?

After she got the broken Sutra, it kept absolutely quiet all the time. Even last time, she was going to die, and there was no reaction from this damned Sutra.

Now, is it excited enough to jump out of space?

Mu Qingsong calls for Meng Meng.

However, Meng Meng didn't react at all, just like being isolated to another space.

The burning flame, constantly falling flowers.

From the Mu light song space out of the volume of residual scriptures, in front of her pause for a moment, suddenly rushed into the flame.

Scared mu Qingge's face suddenly changed!

Mujia's ancestral things will not be destroyed in her generation, right? Grandfather will kill her when he knows it!

Mu Qingge wants to stop it, but he can't do anything at all. He can only watch the volume of Scripture written with the protoss characters rush into the flame like a moth to a fire.When the Scriptures rush in, the flame becomes bigger and the burning things become more visible.

Mu light song Mu ran found that the burning inside seems to be a volume of Scripture. Those flames seem to come from the Scriptures!

Mojia's scriptures, after entering the fire, quickly burned up, and gradually merged with the volume of scriptures.

Mu Qingge gaping at this scene, a shock to her possibility, jump into her mind!

While she was still questioning the truth of this possibility, the two volumes of scriptures merged into one in the flame and slowly unfolded in front of the mu Qingge

A fire, suddenly to Mu light song, shot into her eyes, her clear eyes burning.

Stinging, Mu light song can not help but want to shout.

However, before she could make a sound, the pain disappeared. The two in one Scripture, in the burning flame, shows the content of the book to Mu Qingge.

I don't understand! Still can't understand the above text!

However, what mu Qingge can be sure of is that the original broken scriptures of Mu family have been supplemented!

"Is this burning Sutra really the missing part of the residual Sutra of the Mu family?" Mu Qingge was shocked to think of.

Just when she thought so, suddenly a powerful and dignified voice came into her mind, "the top of the magic plan!"

The top part of the magic plan?

What the hell is that?

Before mu Qingge had time to digest the news, she saw that the unseen Protoss characters in the Sutra seemed to have come back to life, separated from the Sutra and poured into her eyes which were burning with fire.

A huge amount of information rushed into her mind.

These things, it seems, are not what she can control now. In the deep sea of her consciousness, it turned into a ball of golden light and fell silent.

Flame, disappear in Mu Qingge's eyes.

The integrated scriptures have no handwriting for a long time, and have been transformed into nothingness.

Mu Qingge felt that she was strongly sucked out. When she came back to God, her consciousness had returned to her body and stood outside the stone tablet.

Mu Qingge's body slightly shakes for a while, but the hand that is absorbed by the stone tablet is suddenly released.

That suction is gone!

Mu Qingge looks at the stone tablet, the stone tablet has been dim.


A crisp sound, the stone tablet split a deep hole, almost broken the whole stone tablet.

"The stone tablet is abandoned!" Mu Qingge suddenly raised a feeling.

What happened just now made her confused for a moment. She just knew that the Mojia Sutra had been supplemented and was now in the sea of her consciousness. However, this sutra was only the upper part, and there was at least one of them, whose whereabouts were unknown.

By the way! The name of the Scriptures is called "Shence"!

First of all, mu Qingge looks at another stone tablet.

The whirlpool on the stone tablet is getting deeper and deeper. The Gong bell on her waist is still constantly exporting spiritual power and being absorbed by the stone tablet.

Suddenly, Mu light song a Zheng, she saw a dark object hidden in the deep whirlpool.

It seems to be the culprit of absorbing spiritual power!

"It must be something that Simao wants!" Mu light song heart a joy.

Without much thought, she reached out and grabbed at the mysterious object in the whirlpool.



Mu Qingge suddenly takes back her hand. She grabs the wrist of her right hand with her left hand and looks at her palm in shock.

The palm of her hand was cut by a kind of force, and there was still a black mist on the wound. She could feel that the fog contained very violent energy, which was eating away at her flesh and blood, making her wound unable to heal.

The wound is extremely hot, and the pain makes Mu light singer's palm tremble.

But what was more shocking to her was, what were those black substances?

Mu Qingge purses his lips, and his spiritual power rushes to the palm.

It took a lot of effort to get rid of those black substances, and the wound on the palm was healed.

Looking at the palm of the wound, gradually healed, the scar turned pink, light disappeared, as if never appeared. Mu light song clear eyes can not hide surprise.

Because, she felt, such a small wound, actually let her consume a lot of spiritual power.

Her body's self-healing ability comes from genetic modification agents, not psychic powers. So, this has never happened. Now, there is only one possibility, that is, when her wound is wrapped in black material, those things quietly devour her spiritual power.

"What is such an overbearing material? What is the origin of the thing that Si Mo wants? Does this thing really come from their race Mu light song murmurs, eyes light dignified look at the mysterious thing in the whirlpool. , the fastest update of the webnovel!