In the black stone tablet, the whirlpool is like a door, which opens the door and exposes the black mystery.

However, mu Qingge has no way to take it.

As soon as she gets close, she will be hurt by the black unknown substance, and her spiritual power will be swallowed up.

"What to do?"

Mu Qingge stares at the stone tablet and frowns gently.

Now that she has found what Si Mo wants, she will try to take it out anyway.

"I can't touch the media?" Murmuring to himself.

All of a sudden, her heart a cruel, way: "simply all income space in!"

It was an adventurous way, because she didn't know what would happen if she put the Mystery into space. But she did.

Mu Qingge thought about it and released yuan yuan.

"What can I do for you, my mother?" As soon as Yuan Yuan Yuan appeared, he gave mu Qingge Lei a second.

Although this pink dress is quite suitable for the appearance of Yuanyuan's Pink Dudu, but Would it be too much?

Mu light Song mouth light draw a bit, to him way: "you go outside, let Moyang they a few people retreat some."

"Make sure to finish the task!" Yuan Yuan's leg made a standing at attention and disappeared in front of Mu Qingge.

Soon, Yuan Yuan Yuan returned and said to Mu Qingge, "my mother's boss, they have quit."

Mu Qingge nodded and took back yuan yuan.

He also communicated with Meng Meng, "why did we lose contact just now?"

"The ability to enter another main space is the ability of silver to enter." Meng Meng quickly gave the answer.

Without much entanglement on this issue, mu Qingge tells Meng Meng that she wants to throw big things into the space, and then she starts to take away large and small stones crazily.

In Chuangong sea, those stones disappear one by one, and they are all collected by mu Qingge.

In the space, Meng Meng looked up at the stones falling from the sky. She was shocked! "Master silver is too cruel! It's like wild geese leaving their hair! no It's going to be a hairless goose! " Adorable adorable make complaints about make complaints about


Thousands of stones are collected by mu Qingge.

There are only white sand and traces of big stones on the sea.

"Then next, you're left!" Finish the outside, Mu light song turned the eye light to the black stone tablet.

Mu light song thought, will be the waist of the palace bell off, throw into the space.

The black stone tablet lost the palace bell, and was shocked. A violent breath that was so powerful that it destroyed the heaven and the earth came from the stone tablet.

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrink, open the space channel, ready to take away the stone tablet.

However, not waiting for her action, from the space came Gong Ling boss Mo breath, let the black stone tablet automatically jump into the space of Mu light song.

This self trapping picture makes mu Qingge quickly close the entrance of the space.


Suddenly, mu Qingge felt a violent vibration in his own space.

Meng Meng's voice of panic came, "Lord silver, what have you brought in?"

Mu light song blinked an eye, thought in the heart, is there something wrong with space?

But before she could figure it out, she felt that the ground began to shake violently, like an earthquake.

A series of ferocious cracks appeared in her eyes, cutting the ground under her feet.


"The breath is gone!" Ancient ruins outside, Si Mo hand holding palace bell, eyebrows light Cu.

He closed his eyes and calculated in his heart. His eyes suddenly opened and burst into light. In an instant, he disappeared in place.

In the ruins of ancient times, the whole ground was shaking. Mu Qingge rushed out and thought, "is it that I took that thing away that caused such a big reaction?"

At the moment, of course, she has no answer.

As soon as mu Qingge came out, he saw several people in Moyang waiting anxiously.

Seeing her unimpeded, they were relieved and quickly surrounded.

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

The Dragon teeth guard was in the middle. Mu Qingge gently nodded his jaw head and told them to leave here first

They rushed to the entrance of the maze, but when they arrived, they found that the place where the ground cracked and the buildings collapsed was not only Chuangong sea, but also seemed to involve the whole ancient ruins.

"How could this happen? I just took a few stone tablets! " Mu Qingge was shocked.

Cough, Baron mu, how many pieces did you take away? Thousands of dollars!

"Go out first." Mu Qingge pursed his lips and took the lead to jump into the maze.

It's better for them to go back the same way and leave the ancient ruins.Yes, there are others!

Can they escape safely?

Eight people in the maze, run wild, just learned the star start step on the absolute use! This kind of step, does not need to consume the spiritual strength, relies on the physical strength and the step, is simply the escape artifact!

Of course, it's also great for assassins!

Mu Qingge ran around in the maze with Long Ya Wei, according to his memory. However, the vibration of the ground caused some walls of the maze to collapse and the lines were destroyed. They could not go back according to the original road, but could only follow the road and run with their feelings.

Suddenly, I ran into a group of people.

Mu light song suddenly stops, the other side also stops.


"Ginger glass!"

Suddenly meet, let two people have some surprise.

Unfortunately, this is not the time to reminisce. They just look at each other, and the teams on both sides converge and run in another direction.

"What's the matter? Why did the ancient ruins collapse suddenly Jiang Li asked as he ran.

Mu Qingge pressed her lips and did not answer.

In fact, she was guilty.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Jiang Li looked at her with a pair of golden eyes and guessed, "you can't move something?"

Mu Qingge is going to humorously answer her, right answer.

However, before the words were spoken, the sky broke into a loud noise, and the whole earth began to vibrate more violently, and large pieces of ruins began to collapse.

If they don't escape, they will be buried here alive.

"The ruins collapsed, and everyone quickly came out through this mouth!" At this time, the sky suddenly sounded the voice of Si mo.

Mu Qingge was the first to react. She looked up at the sky. Sure enough, she saw the broken piece of the sky, forming a huge whirlpool, as if there were black holes inside.

Without much thought, mu Qingge said to Jiang Li, "go!" Then, with a leap, she jumped up from the ground and ran towards the whirlpool.

Her figure is especially obvious in the sky.

The bright red clothes, like a flame, shot into the whirlpool, so that the distribution of people everywhere can see.

Moyang with dragon teeth guard, together with the pursuit of Mu light song.

Jiang Li also bit his teeth and rushed to the whirlpool in the sky with the people of the ancient witch kingdom.

Then, the people in the ruins, one after another, jumped into the whirlpool. Who did not expect, finally entered the ancient ruins, the exploration just started, so embarrassed to escape.

The accident came so suddenly that people could hardly prevent it.

Muqingge, the first to jump into the whirlpool, fell from the air in an instant.

Before he could stabilize her figure, he put a big hand around her waist and pulled her into a warm arms.

Familiar exotic fragrance, familiar white clothes, let Mu light song look relaxed, homeopathy lying in the arms of men.

Si Mo embraces the Mu light song, protects her carefully in the bosom, falls slowly.

The lonely cliff dog suffered 10000 points of damage because of the uninhabited appearance.

Si Mo eyes only mu light song, after catching Mu light song, then regardless of the person who comes out behind. Gu Ya didn't intend to manage it, but when he thought that the exit was opened by the master in a hurry, he would collapse if there was any accident. The people inside would be devoured by countless space cracks. He still felt compassion.

Of course, the main reason is that there are many people who have a good relationship with moqingge.

If they die here, mu Qingge puts the blame on him. Who does he want to cry for?

All kinds of grievances of the lonely cliff, had to admit their lives in the exit, catch those out of control of the body, take them to a safe place.

Closely followed by the Mu light song comes out, is the Dragon tooth Wei which Mo Yang takes. Then, Jiang Li and those female officials and bodyguards of the ancient witch Kingdom

On this side, the black hole is constantly spitting people. On the other side, mu Qingge has been taken to a slightly distant place by Si mo.

Two people just stop, Si Mo a pair of eyes, in Mu light song body constantly look at.

Aware of the worry in his eyes, mu Qingge said with a smile: "I'm ok."

Hear her open mouth promise, and oneself really did not discover what wound on her body, Si Mo just relaxed tone.

Just about to say a few words to her, mu Qingge's face changed and said in a hurry: "take your things away quickly, or my space will be destroyed by it!"

Finish saying, Mu light song raises a hand to wave, a palace bell takes a black stone tablet to appear abruptly.

As soon as the black stone tablet appeared, the eyes of Si Mo Po color shrank.

At the moment, a strange scene also appeared. After the appearance of the black stone tablet, he actually gave up the entanglement of Mu light song palace bell and directly smashed it to Si mo.

Mu Qingge is startled and is about to make a move. However, Simao reaches out and grabs the mysterious thing that she can't get close to directly from the black stone tablet.

That thing, in the Mu light song in front of a flash, disappeared.It should be collected by Si mo.

The black stone tablet, instantly turned to dead gray, broke into ashes in front of them, and was blown away by the wind.

Mu light song gaped at this scene, and see to Si mo.

Si Mo spreads out his hand, the palace bell of Mu light song falls on his palm.

Then, Si Mo raised another hand, in the palace bell on a wipe, attached to the above black material, disappeared. Gong Ling regained her golden appearance.

In Mu light song's gaze, Si Mo droops his eyes, ties the palace bell again on the waist cover of the Mu light song, gently brushes over from above.

"Is it right?" Mu light song looks at him way.

Si Mo lightly points the jaw head.

He raised her eyes and looked at Xiangmu Qingsong with deep eyes, and said sincerely, "xiaoge'er, thank you."

This seems to be the first time Si Mo said thanks to her.

Mu light song lips a bend, showing a brilliant smile. She picked pick pick eyebrow tip, patted Si Mo's chest, gently raised the chin and said: "don't thank me, it's a betrothal gift."

Si Mo's expression is stagnant, looking at Mu light song's crooked smile, a trace of helplessness flashed in the eyes, but also connived at the way, "good, the bride price of xiaoge'er, I'll take it."

"Mu Qingge laughed," accepted my betrothal gift, you will be my person from now on! "

"Yes, sir." Si Mo dotes on the way.

All of a sudden, mu Qingge smiles and lowers his voice to Si Mo: "the ancient ruins suddenly collapse, can't be because I took this thing?" She remembered that it was after she took away the black stone tablet that the change took place.

However, Si Mo is smiling at her and shaking his head.

When she was puzzled, he said, "it has nothing to do with you. Someone else has taken a treasure. The existence of this Taoist temple is to let the treasure find a new owner. Obviously, it found it. Then there is no need for the existence of this Taoist field which should have been annihilated in time. "

Mu light song's eyes suddenly shrunk, surprised: "treasure! Who is so lucky? "

The person who gets the treasure is not himself, and mu Qingge doesn't feel too disappointed. Because, only she knows what she got in the ruins.

While they were talking, people who had entered the ancient ruins had already run out through the black hole.

Si Mo returns with Mu light song, and his sight falls directly on Shen Bicheng.

Shen Bicheng was seen by him, his eyes did not dodge.

"Xiaoge'er said," do you want to learn from me? " Si Mo's sudden way.

Mu Qingge looks at him in surprise. It seems that he is surprised that he has put forward this matter at this time.

Before she put forward this matter, Si Mo's attitude is ambiguous.

Now, his attitude has become positive. Is it because Shen Bicheng is the one who gets the treasure?

Mu light song eyes in a flash of luster, guess the key.

Si Mo's words, let Shen Bicheng body a shock, the bottom of the eyes flash a trace of excitement. Huang Fu Huan was also nervous, and even his breathing became a little bit short of breath.

Although, in his Majesty's words, he was not mentioned.

However, he believed in muqingge and believed that his majesty had already known his intention.

Shen Bicheng suddenly knelt down on one knee and said to Si Mo, "please accept me as a disciple of the holy king."

Si Mo indifferent way: "follow me, to experience far from your imagination. What's more, they have to cut off the connection with their families, bear boundless loneliness, and even have no chance to repent. "

Shen Bicheng raised his head and looked at him. His eyes were full of stubbornness and gave his own answer, "please accept me as a disciple of the holy king!"

His Majesty the king, who has never received apprentices, suddenly wants to take apprentices!

The news shocked others.

Shen Bicheng's good fortune, let them envy, in the heart even faintly hoped, if oneself also can be looked after by the holy King's majesty!

However, they understand the gap between themselves and Shen Bicheng.

The first talent of the holy Yuan Empire is not blown out!

"You should know what made me want to take in. Even so, would you like to? " Si Mo tone is still with lofty dignity, and alienation.

Shen knew, "I pursed my lips. Please accept me as a disciple

Si Mo's line of sight, moves away from him, fell on Huang Fu Huan's body. "Be my apprentice, you can never betray me, even if I let you die, you can only die. Think clearly, three days later, go to the palace to find me. "

Said, Si Mo with Mu light song disappeared in front of everyone.

As soon as they left, they left a group of people in the same place, not knowing why.

The only thing I understand is Shen Bicheng and huangfuhuan.

Huangfuhuan in particular, although Simao didn't mention his name from the beginning to the end, he clearly knew that the last sentence was not only said to Shen Bicheng, but also to him.


Mu Qingge only felt a streamer in front of her. When she landed, she had been taken to the palace by Simao.Mu Qingge looked at him and asked, "you will not accept them as disciples because of what I said?"

"What does xiaoge'er think?" Si Mo looks at her with a smile.

Mu light song cunning smile, "I see, you know that the person who took the treasure is Shen Bicheng, so I accepted him as a disciple. However, you also explained from the beginning that you accepted him with a purpose. Since he is willing, it means that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to get hurt. No one can blame anyone. "

"My little song is smart." Si Mo eyebrow eye slightly curved road.

Mu Qingge curled her lips, discontented: "don't always treat me as a child."

After complaining, she said, "but what are you doing for huangfuhuan? Don't think I didn't see it. Your last words were to both of them

"It's said that my little singer is clever and can't hide anything from you." Si Mo will Mu light song into his arms, this feeling, let him love.

Playing with moqingge's hair, he explained in a low voice in her ear, "huangfuhuan's cultivation talent is not as good as Shen Bicheng, but his head is good. He may not be a strong general who can open up new territory, but he is a rare military master. Huang Fu Huan's brain, with Shen Bicheng's talent, they will have a good job. "

Mu Qingge was stunned and pointed to him and said, "which one of you is the apprentice? It is clear that he is taking over his subordinates! "

Si Mo smile, did not deny, also did not admit.

The smile on mu Qingge's face slowly converges.

Even if she and Si Mo have confirmed the relationship, he is still very mysterious in his heart.

Where did it come from? Who's in the family? What's on your back?

She didn't even know.

However, mu Qingge doesn't want to ask. She felt that if one day, Si Mo thought it was the time to tell her, even if she did not ask, Si Mo would take the initiative to tell her.

For example, she was very curious about the black mysterious object that was taken out of the ancient ruins.

Even now, she didn't see what it looked like.

Si Mo took away like this, without any explanation. She didn't want to ask.

Not to say, it can only show that this is not what she should know now.

"I'm a little curious about what Shen Bicheng took?" Mu light song pick eyebrows to see Si mo.

Si Mo a Leng, staring at her, seriously looked at a while, suddenly hugged her, let her close to his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.

Mu Qingge leans on him obediently, without resistance.

Heartbeat, into the ear, and her heartbeat, combined into one.

In all words.

For a long time, Simao just released his arm and said with a smile to Mu Qingge: "there is always a chance to know."

Mu light song smile, also did not continue to entangle.

Si Mo is afraid that he will ask him, what is that thing. However, he did not ask, but asked about Shen Bicheng.

The silence just now is a natural tacit understanding between them.

She didn't ask, he didn't say.

Not to hide, but not yet.

As long as he doesn't, she doesn't. Even if he took that thing and killed all the people in the world, what?

And Si Mo's answer is a pun.

That is to say, the answer to the question before mu Qingge also gives the promise. He would tell her sooner or later what that strange and violent thing was.

"Yes! Do you know what magic is? " Mu Qingge suddenly thought of his own scriptures and asked.

"Magic strategy!" Si Mo has always been calm and calm eyes, a faint shrink. Although the action is small, it is still captured by mu Qingge.

Under the gaze of Mu light song, Si Mo nods slowly, "of course I know. In the age of the coexistence of gods and demons, the most powerful cultivation method in the Protoss. According to legend, the protoss who practices it will be the most powerful God, and will have the best chance to break the void and enter a higher interface. However, a long time ago, in a great war, the magic had disappeared. "

The most powerful cultivation skill!

Mu Qingge is filled with emotion. There is a volume of the most powerful cultivation skill here!

"Higher interface, where is the end of the interface?" The way of murmuring.

Even Simao can't answer this question. "No one knows. It's like climbing a mountain. You always think that the mountain under your feet has reached the extreme. But when you go to the top of the mountain, you can find that there are higher mountains nearby. Even if one day, standing on the highest peak, there is still a distance from the sky. "

"How many masterpieces are there?" Mu Qingge asked.

This question, let Si Mo Mou light flash, answer: "it is said that there are three parts. The upper part is the art of body refining, the middle part is the art of refining spirit, and the lower part is the law of the Tao, the origin of the art. "

Mu Qingge has a faint expression.

Si Mo looks at her, continue to say: "get a part of the person, already very fierce, get three part person, never had."

"Have you ever had three parts?" Mu light song in the heart of the silent way.However, although she got one, she couldn't understand the Protoss.

"Xiaoge'er, although I don't believe in life, there are some things that I can't get rid of. It's yours. It's yours. It's not yours, and you can't ask for it. " Si Mo suddenly to Mu light song way.

This sentence, let Mu light song haze mood, immediately remove the clouds to see the blue sky.

Her clear eyes streamer turn, look to Si Mo, "I know."

Leaving Simao, mu Qingge plans to return to the post house in Tiandu city. Having been away for such a long time, she has to go to see how the rest of the people are doing. She has to prepare for the return journey.

Si Mo once said that he stayed in Linchuan in order to find that thing.

Now, when things are available, he is afraid to leave Linchuan.

However, she did not intend to ask, nor to say goodbye.

The difference is what she can't adapt to.

Anyway, they all have their own things to do. When they can meet, they can meet. When they want to leave, they can leave. When one day, she has the right to enter his world, side by side with him, perhaps there will be no such small parting.

Mu light song's heart, Si Mo understands.

So he didn't say goodbye.

Their palace bell is the best connection between them. No matter where you are, you can feel the other person's existence.

Before mu Qingge leaves, ask him if he can deliver spiritual power through Gongling.

His answer is No.

This exception is entirely due to the special nature of the thing that led to this result.

Seeing Mu light song leave, Si Mo said in a very light voice: "Xiao Ge Er, have you got the magic plan? Fate, still love to tease people! But... " His eyes suddenly sharp, the tone is firm way: "I never believe in life!"


Back to the post house, Moyang and others have been brought back by the lonely cliff.

As for how they were brought back, they did not say, nor did she ask.

Mu Qingge went to Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei directly.

"How is it, how is the harvest?" Mu Qingge's question to the point.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei look at each other and smile bitterly.

"We almost haven't started our treasure hunting tour yet. We were brought out as soon as we finished our quests." Zhao Nanxing shows his hands.

Feng Yufei also nodded.

There seems to be no gain in Tiandu this time.

Mu Qingge smiles and waves his hand. A pile of skills and weapons fall in front of them.

Some of these are from ancient relics, and some of them are from her own space. "Divide the two of you. It's up to you in Li and Yu."

"This..." Zhao Nanxing looks at her in shock.

Feng Yu Fei shook her head and said, "we can't take it."

Zhao Nanxing also nodded: "yes! These are the things you got. We can't take them. "

"It doesn't matter. Of course I keep my own." Muqingge doesn't allow them to refuse.

She wanted to take out two of the three copies and give them to them. Although they are imitations, they are also the best treasures. In Linchuan, they are rare.

However, the three top-quality treasures, one is a fork, one is a double axe, one is a hammer.

How to see, all with Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei temperament does not match.

So she gave up. Be ready to take time to tidy up your space and see if there are more suitable weapons for them.

Or, when she has time to practice her own weapon refining skills, she will make two high-quality weapons for them.

"And mine?" He has already regarded the post house of the third class country as his own, and suddenly comes out.

She glanced at the pile of things on the table, and her sight fell on mu Qingge.

Mu light song seems to have expected that she would come, and said with a smile: "it's already ready." With that, a xumijie was thrown into Jiang Li's hands.

Jiang Li took over xumijie, and his spirit was swept away. He was shocked.

What's inside is really Incomparably rich!

She said, "I won't be polite to you."

Mu Qingge hit her and said, "it's like you've been polite to me."

After the trial space war, it was the first time for several people to sit together and chat.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Li said to Mu Qingge: "since the business here is over, I'm going to take people back to the ancient witch Kingdom these two days. When you will come to the ancient witch Kingdom, I will treat you well. "

"How can I leave soon?" Phoenix in the fly some do not give up the way.

This period of time get along, she still really like Jiang Li, the empress of the ancient witch kingdom.

The empress, who is not pretentious and doesn't think highly of herself, is really a stream of Royal dignitaries!

Jiang Li sighed: "no way, the country can't be without a king for a day. I've been away from the ancient witch kingdom for a long time. If I don't go back, I'm afraid the ancestors of our country will come to Tiandu to arrest people. "Said, she looked at Xiangmu light song, "sometimes, I really envy that you can live as you please."

"You can, as long as you can put down the ancient witch kingdom." Mu Qingge joked.

Jiang Li said: "the ancient witch kingdom is the responsibility brought by blood, unless I can find a better blood, and then abdicate the throne, so I will be free!"

"This It's hard. " Mu light song smile way.

Jiang Li nodded dejectedly, "it's really not easy."

However, she immediately picked up her spirits and said to Mu Qingge, "however, I will try my best! Maybe I'll come to you sometime! "

"Welcome." Mu light song jaw first smile way.

"Light song, when are we going? You Do you want to stay in Tiandu for a while Zhao Nanxing asked carefully. Now the relationship between muqingge and his majesty is well known.

When you're on me, are you willing to leave?

Zhao Nanxing has made a good plan to fly back with Fengyu.

But do not want to, Mu light song way: "we also decide to go together in three days."

"You go too?"

"You go too!"

"Will you come with us?"

Three voices of surprise came at the same time.

Mu Qingge looked at six shocked eyes, a face inexplicable way: "why don't I go?"

"Cough, can you go?" Zhao Nanxing muttered.

Mu light song eyebrows raised, squinting eyes, the tone of dangerous asked: "why can't I go?"

Zhao Nanxing shrunk his neck and closed his mouth.

"Ah! by the way. Don't you meet the young master of Vientiane building? He was really nervous about you when we came out that day Jiang Li covered his lips and said with a smile.

Her expression was clearly schadenfreude.

When it comes to Han Caicai, muqingge has no embarrassment. It's a natural nod, "thank you again when you have a chance." Since Han Caicai did not take the initiative to come to her, it shows that he did not take this matter seriously. Why should she run to thank her?

Mu Qingge words, let Jiang Li feel infinite sympathy for Han Caicai!

Several people were talking. Suddenly, a servant of the post house came to report that it was Lord Xue of the state of Yu who asked to see Lord mu.

Xue Qiong comes to find himself?

This news, let mu Qingge suddenly think of his aunt.

She met Xue Qiong.

And Xue Qiong, also brought her a big happy event.

"What are you talking about? Is aunt happy Mu Qingge stood up in shock.

Xue Qiong grinned. "I just received the news from the family. Xue Qiao and his wife returned to the Xue family of Yu state more than half a month ago. At that time, there was already joy. Now it's estimated that the child has been more than three months. "

"I'm happy! Tell the old man about it At the moment, mu Qingge facial expression, I am afraid is the performance of the most.

Even Zhao Nanxing and Jiang Li, who are familiar with her, are surprised.

It turns out that mu Qingge has such a time.

Mu Qingge was so excited that she walked around the room with her smile blooming from time to time. Let her face of unique natural fragrance, become a beautiful scenery in the room.

After her mood gradually stabilized, Xue Qiong said, "Baron mu, what's next? My father meant that if you are free, please go to the Xue family of Yu. You can also stop by and visit your aunt. "

Mu Qingge raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

It seems that Xue Qiong has reported to the family about her being here, so the Xue family will send out an invitation.

Go, definitely!

As the aunt's mother's family, she will certainly go to support the scene for her aunt.

"OK, I'll go to the Xue family of Yu state!" Mu Qingge gives her own answer.

Hearing her words, Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei can only look at each other and smile bitterly.

Agreed to go back together?

Can you play well?

However, they also understand muqingge's decision.

The blood of the Mu family is very thin. The child in the aunt's stomach represents new hope, so mu Qingge will naturally attach importance to it.

After that, she talked with him about some details.

Mu Qingge agreed with him that he would leave Tiandu and go to Yu state three days later.

The state of Yu is not far away from the kingdom of Shengyuan. It's the same thing to go back to the state of Qin after visiting my aunt. It's just like taking a detour and going back later.


Three days later, mu Qingge, with five hundred dragon teeth guards, left Tiandu with Xue Qiong without disturbing anyone.

When huangfuhuan and they arrived after receiving the news, they only saw smoke and dust.

Xue Qiong is also a handy person. He first drove the way with flying beasts of the holy Yuan Empire. When he got to the border, he changed to a fast horse and chariot. More than 20 days later, mu Qingge has reached the city where the Xue family of Yu state is located.The city is very large and prosperous.

The scale is almost comparable to that of third-class capitals.

From the look on Xue Qiong's face, mu Qingge can guess that the reason why this city can develop into today's scale is all because the base camp of Xue family is here.

Xue Qiong, who returned from Tiandu, did not report to the emperor of Yu at the first time, but took her back to the Xue family. This alone shows the status of the Xue family in the state of Yu.

"Here we are. The mansion in front of us is the old house of the Xue family." Immediately, Xue Qiong points to a deep courtyard at the end of the street and introduces mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge rides on black Yan, with five hundred dragon teeth guards behind him.

The Yan horse under them has become a scenic spot, which makes the people on the street point and wonder.

In particular, when they saw the muqingge, which was incomparably beautiful and amazing, they were greatly shocked. They speculated in their hearts about the character of such an outstanding and amazing woman?

It's hard to come back with the second son of the Xue family

Of course, before these rumors spread, they were strangled in the stomach by the chilly eye knives of Longya guards.

Can these people arrange their barons at will?

Longyawei is no longer the longyawei used to be. Today, of the 500 people, almost half of them are in the purple realm. The rest of them are also rushing to the purple realm. The purpose is not to drag their little Baron's hind legs, to accompany them to fight in various places.

Their fierce eyes are not what these ordinary people can resist.

After a while, there were people who were pale, sweating profusely, and fell to the ground, causing a disturbance.

Seeing this, Xue Qiong shook her head and laughed bitterly. She could only secretly order the people under her to pacify her.

"Moyang, let them be restrained. We are guests after all. " Mu Qingge tells Mo Yang softly.

Mo Yang understood and made a gesture to the Dragon teeth guards.

All of a sudden, the Dragon teeth guard momentum, so that the surrounding temperature has increased a few points.

Follow Xue Qiong to the door of Xue mansion. The closed gate and two side doors are opened from inside at the same time. The servants and maids of Xue's house came out in a hurry and fell to their knees on both sides.

"Welcome the second master home!" he cried in unison

This battle, let Mu light song pick eyebrows.

Xue Qiong secretly looked at her, coughed softly, and said to the servants kneeling all over the ground: "this is muxiaojue."


The servants and maidservants were surprised, but mu Qingge's appearance made them dare not despise it. They cried out: "welcome to the Baron!"

Mu Qingge smiles and says to Xue Qiong, "Xue Fu is really a big family."

Xue Qiong awkwardly smiles and says to the servants and servants, "all get up."

After hearing the command, all the people got up one after another.

"Xiaojun, please turn over the song

Mu Qingge jumps down from black Yan's body with graceful and fluent movements and a bit of romantic mania. Even if she is wearing women's clothes, it also makes people feel very handsome and eye-catching.

Mu Qingge dismounts, and Longya Wei follows.

However, no one dares to move their horses.

All the servants of Xue's house are timid. You push me, I push you, and dare not move forward.

This scene made Xue Qiong feel very ashamed.

Mu light song noticed this scene, then drooped his eyes and ordered Mo Yang: "let a team of people lead the horse down."

Mo Yang nods to arrange.

Xue Qiong was relieved to see that Yan Ma was led away by Longya Wei.

Mu Qingge stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Lord mu, please come inside."

Mu Qingge gently nods his jaw head and climbs the steps with him. Moyang with a team of dragon teeth guards followed closely, the rest of the people, then stay in place, did not enter.

If these hundreds of them entered Xue's residence, I'm afraid they would misunderstand them for fighting.

Of course, they would not stand, Xue Qiong would send someone to entertain them.

He went up the steps and collapsed the house.

Mu Qingge can see that a large group of men and women are coming in their own direction.

Judging from their clothes, they don't look like ordinary people. It seems that they are the master of Xue's house!

"Light Light song Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out.

Mu Qingge looked up and saw a familiar person, excited to surpass the crowd and trot towards himself , the fastest update of the webnovel!