"Light Light song The sudden voice, with a trace of uncertainty, but more is a surprise.

Mu Qingge looked up, and saw a familiar figure, excited more than the crowd, toward their own trot.

Mu Qingge's mouth rose slightly, but before she could carry her steps, a cold voice came in.


As soon as the voice came out, Xue Qiong, who was standing beside mu Qingge and had been smiling, looked at his family members with warning in her eyes.

Hearing this, Mu Lianrong stood in the same place, unable to advance or retreat, which was somewhat embarrassing.

Mu light song eyes light lift, saw standing in the crowd that open mouth person.

The women were about fifty years old. Dignified atmosphere, with the grace of a large family. However, the expression between her eyebrows was a little harsh. Not only that, the two words she had just uttered out of her mouth were full of strong contempt and disgust.

Mu light song's eyes, from her body a touch that points, fell on his aunt again.

"Lianrong, run slowly and be careful." At this time, Xue Qiao's voice interposed. He stepped out of the crowd quickly, holding Mu Lianrong's trembling hand and blocking the lady's aggressive sight with his back.

Xue Qiao's silent comfort moved Mu Lianrong's eyes. But, turn the eyes and Mu light song in the eye, but let Mu light song read too many complex emotions.

There are thoughts, joys and sorrows.


Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly. She turned her eyes and looked at Xue Qiong. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Xue Xiang, what's the meaning of this? I was invited to visit my aunt and uncle. Why do you have to stand like this now

A flash of embarrassment flashed across Xue Qiong's face. He was about to explain, but the old woman took the lead. "Since Mu Lianrong has married into our Xue family and become the daughter-in-law of the Xue family, we should abide by the rules of the Xue family. The elders are still there, but they don't know the etiquette. They just don't know the rules. "

There was an irresistible sternness in the old woman's voice.

She has no accomplishments at all. But the whole body momentum, but very sharp, powerful. It seems that he has been in power for many years.

After her words fell, Mu Lianrong's face turned pale and her eyes drooped. I didn't know where to look.

She was so tolerant that Xue Qiao's heart ached and showed his anger.

Also let Mu light song frown.

When did her aunt, the eldest lady of the Mu family of the state of Qin, and the high spirited General of the state of Qin, become a submissive daughter-in-law?

"Mother!" Xueqiao couldn't help speaking.

"Shut up Mrs. Xue's eye knife swung in and interrupted Xue Qiao's words.

"Husband..." Mu Lianrong tightly grasped Xue Qiao's sleeve and shook his head at him. She told him not to contradict his parents for his own sake, but also did not want to make a big fuss about it.

But I want to be a very short one!

If I didn't bump into it, I would bully her aunt in front of her now, when she is unable to decorate?

What about the oath Xue Qiao made when he was going to marry his aunt? How to return to the family and become a quail with no temper?

Mu Qingge's eyes are cold, and she gives Xue Qiong a smile of unknown meaning, "Xue Xiang, this is..." Her eyes moved to Mrs. Xue.

Xue Qiao's words, actually let her guess the identity of the old woman.

However, she did know why.

Xue Qiong pulled at the corners of her mouth and said with a low eyebrow, "it's my mother. The mother of the Xue family today. "

"It was Mrs. Xue." Mu Qingge's smile is a little more banter. "In Xue's family, before the master opened his mouth, the mistress would be the first to win over others, and also let me have a long experience."

The old woman of the Xue family said that her aunt had no rules, so she beat her face with the rules!

Don't you have a lot of rules in the Xue family?

Then how can you, a hostess who only manages the inner courtyard, begin to train people in front of the guests before the master of the house has opened his mouth?

Xue Qiong's face changed, and an expression of "something is going to happen" suddenly appeared.

Sure enough, as soon as mu Qingge's voice fell, Mrs. Xue's voice suddenly changed, "you said I have no rules? I don't know how to salute the elders. Hum, did the Mu family of the state of Qin teach such an uneducated younger generation? "

"Shut up!" Xue Qiao and Xue Qiong's father finally spoke.

What he stopped, of course, was his wife.

"Master, you yell at me? Am I wrong? " Mrs. Xue's dissatisfaction.

In her understanding, no matter how powerful mu Qingge was spread outside, she was a guest at Xue's house. The guest, must have the guest appearance.

Moreover, she is mu Lianrong's younger generation, and Mu Lianrong is her daughter-in-law. Mu Qingge should respect her and the whole Xue family.

What's more, she just stopped Mu Lianrong's behavior. She felt that she had done nothing wrong.Since Mu Lianrong is the daughter-in-law of the Xue family, she has to let her family go. If you want to reminisce about the past, you have to leave the scene, and then ask her to go to see mu Qingge.

This is the rule!

Heritage of rich families!

"Back off, do you have a woman's voice here?" Master Xue reproached Mrs. Xue.

Mrs. Xue has been in charge of the affairs of the inner courtyard of the mansion. She does not understand the general situation of the world, so it is justifiable. However, as the patriarch of the Xue family, he could not help but understand!

Muqingge is famous in the third class countries. This Linchuan meeting is also famous all over the world.

Even her proudest son, Xue Qiong, was full of praise for mu Qingge. The most important thing is that mu Qingge is very powerful, even if it has a group of powerful Pro guards who are strong enough to sweep over any second-class country. But the relationship between her and his majesty is not to be despised!

If the relationship between her and his majesty is true, then let alone the Xue family, or the whole Linchuan, no one dares to provoke!

This time, Xue Qiong invited mu Qingge to Xue's family in the name of visiting relatives in order to bring the two families closer to each other. It must not be spoiled by his rigid wife.

"Master, you..." Mrs. Xue looked at Mr. Xue in shock.

But master Xue frowned and said in a sharp voice, "don't retreat!"

Mrs. Xue was not angry in her heart, but she had to retreat because of her husband's gang.

The aggressive Mrs. Xue disappeared in the huge crowd of Xue family.

But mu Qingge just sneers at master Xue.

How could she not know what the old man had in mind? Otherwise, they won't agree to come with Xue Qiong.

After stopping the intensification of the contradiction, Mr. Xue picked up his gentle smile and said to Mu Qingge: "the Baron Mu has come from afar, and he must be tired. It's better to have a little rest first, and then we'll pick up the wind for the young sir

Then, without giving mu Qingge a chance to open his mouth, he looked at Xue Qiao and his wife and said with a smile, "old seven, you and your daughter-in-law will take Lord Mu to Tingtao Pavilion and have a rest."

Xue Qiao looked at his father for a moment, but he still nodded.

Although Xue Qiao's cultivation talent is good, he is really a pimple in human relations.

He didn't understand the purpose of master Xue's arrangement. He just received muqingge as instructed.

Mu Qingge's mouth with a faint smile, also did not refuse the Xue family's arrangement, but follow Xue Qiao and Mu Lianrong with kindness.

As soon as she left, master Xue's smile slowly converged, and she looked at Xue Qiong with one eye. In some words, he could communicate with his eyes.

A good welcome ceremony was destroyed by his wife. The other children of the Xue family, who originally wanted to introduce each other, are now reduced to background walls.

"Well, let's go. When you go back to the hospital, all of you will be restrained. Do you really think we can't cover the sky with our hands? " Master Xue gave a lesson and left. Xue Qiong catches up quickly.

As soon as he left, a group of inexplicable young Xue family members left.

They were called in to see big people.

However, before the big names were introduced, they ended up in a hurry. It can be said that their only impression of muqingge is that this is a rare and unique woman.

Her beauty, even if the first beauty recognized by Yu state, the fiancee of her eldest brother Xue fan, Princess Yu, has become pale and vulgar.


Mu Qingge was brought to Tingtao Pavilion by Xue Qiao, which is the residence for the Xue family to receive distinguished guests.

Before the arrival of muqingge, all the furnishings, bedding, tea sets, incense, etc. were all changed and replaced with new ones. What's more, it's moqingge's favorite, or habitual appearance.

Xue family people, can know mu Qingge's preference, naturally from Mu Lianrong there to explore.

When you enter Tingtao Pavilion, you are left with your own family.

Mo Yang and others, after saluting Mu Lianrong, automatically withdrew.

Muqingge has not been seen for a long time, but it still appears in women's clothes, which makes Mu Lianrong surprised and strange. She wanted to know what was going on, but she was shocked by mu Qingge's chilly appearance.

"Xue Qiao, is that how you take care of my aunt?" Mu Qingge directly accused Xue Qiao.

Xue Qiao was stunned and blushed. He did not look at mu Qingge, but pursed his lips.

It seems that he feels weak, but he has no choice.

Seeing mu Qingge's angry appearance, Mu Lianrong quickly explained, "Qingge is not what you think. Xueqiao has always been very good to me, because I don't want him to misunderstand with his parents for my sake. "

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "how did my crisp and valiant aunt marry people and become a virtuous little daughter-in-law?"

Mu Lianrong's body is stunned, and her hands unconsciously cover her slightly arched abdomen.

Mu light song cold eyes also fell on her abdomen, heart sigh."You're right. I didn't protect Lian Rong and our children, and she was wronged. Don't worry. After a while, I'll take Lianrong away and go back to the state of Qin, and let her take care of her fetus. " Xue Qiao held on for a long time, holding out such a sentence.

Mu Qingge's eyes were angry with his words.

This man, actually thought for a long time, came up with a way to escape?

Take your aunt back to Mu's home?

It sounds good. For his wife and children, he abandoned his family. Go to my wife's mother's life!

However, if you think about it carefully, you can't convince your parents. The family really accepts his wife and has to escape. Is it difficult for him to keep away from the Xue family all his life? As the daughter-in-law of the Xue family, mu Qingge will not be able to enter the Xue family all her life? Once you get to the Xue family, you have to endure cold words and make things difficult and harsh?

At this moment, mu Qingge really doubts that her aunt married such a man, is she wrong!

"Xue Qiao, I tell you, if you can't make your family accept my aunt sincerely, then I will take my aunt back, and I will never be your daughter-in-law of Xue family again!" Mu light song angry way.

"You can't do that!" Xue Qiao was shocked to see Xiangmu Qingge.

"Why not? Since you can't protect my aunt well, you can only make her aggrieved. You are not worthy to be her husband! " Mu light song squints in the eyes, the cold light is fierce.

"I can!" Xue Qiao roared.

This is the first time he yelled in front of muqingge.

All along, although mu Qingge is a little generation, he admires her from the heart.

Even in yesterday, the news that mu Qingge was a woman came faintly. In addition to being shocked, he was deeply admired.

Because, he can imagine, a woman, can walk to today's state and status, is extremely difficult.

However, if Mu Qingge wants to take his wife away, he has to fight hard with mu Qingge!

"Xueqiao!" Cried Mu Lianrong.

Both of them are close relatives of her, but now they are at war, which makes her feel a little tired. She said to Xue Qiao, "Qingge has just come and needs a rest. It's inconvenient for you to stay here. Go back first. I'll come back later. "

"I don't want it. You think I'm in the way. I'll wait for you outside the hospital." Xue Qiao grabs Mu Lianrong's hand nervously, playing a rogue like a child.

Mu Lianrong took out his hand with a smile. Naturally, she knew what Xue Qiao was nervous about, so she assured him, "I am your wife, all my life. This will not change and I will not leave you."

Get assurance, Xue qiaocai reluctantly leave, before leaving, still not at ease to see Mu light song one eye.

After seeing Xue Qiao leave, Mu Lianrong turns her eyes and looks at Xiangmu Qingge. Seeing her cold face, she smiles and takes her hand and says, "what's the matter? Still angry? Come on, take it easy. What's the big deal that makes us like this? Sit down and talk to your aunt. What's the matter with you now? You don't know. I'm in the courtyard of Xue's family. I don't know much from the outside world. "

Alone with Mu Lianrong, mu Qingge's face softens.

Instead of explaining her own affairs, she said to Mu Lianrong, "Auntie, are you aggrieved in the Xue family? Don't try to hide it from me, you know. If I want to know, I will find a way to know. "

Mu Lianrong smiles and shakes her head, pulls mu Qingge to the chair and explains to her, "Qingge, my aunt knows you care about me. However, the situation of the Xue family is complex. Many things are not so simple on the surface, mother That is, Xue Qiao's mother is not deliberately aimed at me. "

"I just want to know if my aunt is doing well. If not, we can go home." Mu Qingge said frankly.

Mu Lianrong nods with a smile, which is full of delicate happiness. "I'm fine."

"In fact, I had already discussed with Xue Qiao before I knew you would come. I can't get used to the Xue family. In fact, he doesn't want to stay here. After a while, we will return to the state of Qin. In order to let me be familiar with the comfort of the environment to raise the fetus, production. When the baby is born, your grandfather can enjoy his family. If the child is older, we will take him to travel around Linchuan. " Mu Lianrong explained to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge frowned slightly and asked, "will Xue family agree?"

"Xue family..." Mu Lianrong hesitated and then said with a smile, "Xue Qiao will solve it."

Mu Qingge did not speak.

She didn't want to say that aunt and Xue Qiao had been too idealistic about it.

From the meeting just now, she can feel that the Mrs. Xue is a very strong person. In the past, Xue family could let Xue Qiao travel outside because the birds were tired and would always return to their nests. No matter where Xue Qiao goes, Xue family is his root. But now, he not only married in private, but also went back to his mother's home with his daughter-in-law. This is undoubtedly in the face of the Xue family.

A family like Xue's always takes their face more seriously than anything. How can they succeed easily?

The only way to solve this problem is to let Xue family accept aunt's daughter-in-law sincerely, so that she can live a comfortable life both in Xue's house and in her mother's house.……

There was no one else in Xue's house. Mrs. Xue was dissatisfied and said to Mr. Xue: "master, why did you do that before? I didn't do anything wrong. Don't say she is a third class woman. Even if the princess marries the Xue family in the future, she still has to abide by the rules of the Xue family! "

Mrs. Xue's attitude depressed Mr. Xue.

He said with a cold face: "I always tell you to learn to be flexible. What time is today? The seventh daughter-in-law and Lord Mu have not seen each other for a long time. Why do you keep each other down? "

"Isn't it a junior relative? According to the rules, she should have asked me to see her at the door and asked for my instructions. It also depends on whether I, the housewife, will let her aunts and nephews meet. " Mrs. Xue didn't think so.

In her concept, everything according to the rules, she stood still, no one can do anything about her!

"Can Lord Mu be the same as the ordinary younger relatives?" Master Xue patted the table hard, and his voice rose sharply.

Mrs. Xue was startled and asked, "you yell at me!"

Master Xue snorted coldly and said, "what ignorant women and children! It's all mixed up with you

"What do you mean, sir?" The aggrieved way of Mrs. Xue.

She admitted that she had been married to the Xue family for so many years. She worked hard, worked hard, and kept the family. She never broke any rules. Even the emperor of Yu said that she was a model of women.

Today, for the sake of an outsider, she usually respects her husband, but she is so angry!

"What do I mean? I mean, don't offend him! I'll give you some restraint on the rules you used to teach your daughter-in-law. Don't use it on the seventh daughter-in-law. " Mr. Xue warned aloud.

"By what!" Mrs. Xue's eyes suddenly widened. Her voice is sharp way: "old seven that daughter-in-law, I look at originally not satisfied. Now, is also to see in the old seven's bitter entreaty, as well as her stomach child's share reluctantly agreed. Now, she is just a younger generation of my family. You greet me with great fanfare, and here you warn me and tolerate everywhere. What's the reason? Is it difficult? In the future, as a mother-in-law, I still have to see whether my daughter-in-law looks good? "

"What do you know?" Seeing that his wife was as stubborn as a cow, master Xue also stood up.

At present, he told his wife some things about muqingge, including her sensitive identity in Linchuan. Originally, he thought that his wife would understand his pains after knowing this.

But don't want to, when he finished, Mrs. Xue showed disdain: "hum, what was I at that time? Was it not a mean person who bewitched his majesty with beauty?"

She ignored the description of the military value of muqingge in the mouth of her master. She had seen mu Qingge, and she didn't feel that such a thin woman could have such a strong force.

Therefore, she believes that moqingge has such a status because it has confused his majesty.

"Shut up! Who gives you the courage to admire the young Lord so much? I tell you, if this sentence is spread out, we Xue's family will be destroyed! " Master Xue's face suddenly changed and he wanted to slap him.

Mrs. Xue's expression also changed. She stared at her husband's face. She had never seen her husband's face look so frightened when she saw that he was not faking, or even married to the Xue family for so many years.

"Is that true, sir?" Mrs. Xue asked.

What she asked was not whether mu Qingge was fierce or not, but the last sentence of master Xue. If Mu Qingge was offended, the whole Xue family would be destroyed.

This is something she can't bear!

Master Xue knew his wife and knew that she was not a villain, but she was too rigid and strict with rules.

With a sigh, master Xue's voice softened and said, "in a word, I asked Joan Er to invite Lord mu, just to fight for a fortune for our Xue family. In the future, you should treat the seventh daughter-in-law well. As long as this relationship is well managed, we Xue family will have a layer of security. "

Mrs. Xue nodded.

In my heart, I just keep wandering a word. That is, if you offend mu Qingge, the Xue family will die!

Seeing that his wife's mood eased down, master Xue said, "you're ready for the reception dinner tonight. And by the way, tell those children at home not to provoke moqingge. Respect the seventh daughter-in-law. "

Mrs. Xue's eyes showed a sense of melancholy and asked, "master, don't we have the rules of the Xue family?"

Master Xue was stunned and said with a bitter smile, "madam, don't you understand? In Linchuan, who has a big fist is the rule. "

Maybe he didn't see through it before.

However, when the news came that the blue family, the beast sect and the refining and casting tower were destroyed, he saw through it.

Against his Majesty the king, against people of the same rank as muqingge, and obey the rules In the end, only the whole Xue family was sacrificed.

What's more, there is no hatred between them. Instead, there is a relationship between them by marriage.It's a very worthwhile thing for Xue's family to prosper again with the concession that doesn't hurt Daya! It will not damage the reputation of the Xue family!


At night, the reception banquet set by Xue family for mu Qingge also started.

All the people of the Xue family, who were able to attend the banquet, were severely warned by master Xue in advance. The day has made mu Qingge unhappy. There must be no more stubble to arouse mu Qingge's anger.

Most of the children of the Xue family are scholars with common accomplishments, but they are arrogant.

After being warned by the owner of the house, he not only failed to restrain himself, but also became extremely competitive.

One by one, they want to look for opportunities in the party and compete with muqingge. Let's have a look. What kind of ability does this lady from a third class country have to give the Xue family so much face!

There is a rumor about Mu Qingge. Xue's disciples, who only know how to read and want to become officials, know very little about it. Even if there are people who know something about it, they will only think that the rumors are exaggerating.

Think of their family seven little, Xue Qiao.

At this age, the cultivation of blue realm is already an excellent talent. How old is the Baron mu? Or younger generation, can really become purple, but also won the first young master of Tiandu?

What's more, the LAN family and the beast clan, the refining and casting tower, were really destroyed because of her alone?

The disciples of the Xue family preferred to believe that the destruction of these forces was the victim of the power struggle. Mu Qingge, but good luck just hit, for those who have won the struggle to block the bad name just.

Indeed, no one who really knows MuQing singer's section will believe those rumors. She really made them!

Therefore, it is doomed that this group of arrogant Xue's children will be tragic.

"Third brother, how can she say that she is the niece of the seventh uncle, let's not do so well?" In the banquet hall, a group of younger generation of Xue's family gathered around an older man's whispering way.

The people who are called the third brother are the younger generation of Xue family, that is, the nephew of Xue Qiao and Xue Qiong. The Xue family is very prosperous, and the whole family is very large.

Xue Qiao's generation alone has many brothers, which is not collateral.

To the nephew generation, at the moment there are 89 people gathered together, and all of them are of the same age as muqingge. It's too small to count.

"What's the matter? We're friends through literature, and it's not harmful to our elders." The third brother of Xue family doesn't care.

It's ridiculous that my grandfather let them be proud of Xue's family and respect a girl about their age! To respect can, take out the ability, they will serve!

Several people carefully designed, discussed how to get back the face of Xue family at the banquet, give mu Qingge a try.

Of course, they did not forget the unique face they saw in the day, which they could not forget.

They are so competitive, in fact, there is not a hidden, want to conquer Mu light song mind. I want to see the eyes of worship from that gorgeous face.

"I admire the arrival of the young Lord!"

The singing and biography of the servants made the young men of the Xue family stop talking.

After a secret exchange of eyes, they dispersed and sat back in their seats, waiting for the time to come.

As soon as they sat down, several young men with unstable temperament looked forward to the door. The impatient appearance made the third brother of Xue shake his head in his heart.

Although, he is also looking forward to seeing that haunting face again, the children of the Xue family must have the appearance of the children of the Xue family, and they must not be despised!

These brothers are still too tender!

Before people arrive, a sound of orderly footsteps comes from far to near.

The sound of the footsteps was loud and powerful, and the wind came from every step. The ground of Xue's house trembled faintly.

As if, there are thousands of troops coming towards this side.

Master Xue and Mrs. Xue, who were sitting on the throne, looked at the door with a change of expression. The eldest parents of the family had already got up, and the rest of them stood up and looked out of the door.

Those Xue's children who secretly want to challenge mu Qingge also stand up.

In the banquet hall, more than 50 members of the Xue family stood up one by one with different expressions.

At this time, Xue Qiong, who went to invite mu Qingge to the banquet, walked into the banquet hall with an ugly face. Seeing the different faces of all the family members, she hurried to her father and whispered a few words in his ear.

Then, master Xue's face suddenly changed. He immediately stepped down from his position and stood in the banquet hall.

Just as he arrived in the middle of the banquet hall, the sound of footsteps outside the door suddenly stopped.

A flaming red boot crossed the threshold and stepped in.

All the people, including Mr. Xue, were on the foot.

With the red boots up, they saw a cool look, hands behind the Mu light song. Her beautiful face, as if covered with a layer of frost, chilling.Before that several Xue family disciples who wanted to give her a strong hand had not yet come out, they were subdued by her fierce momentum, and a sense of timidity came from the bottom of their hearts.

Xue family three elder brothers, originally full of self-confidence, was swept by mu Qingge's clear eyes at the moment, immediately disintegrated, unconsciously dwarfed.

Moyang, accompanied by Mu Lianrong, followed by mu Qingge.

After them, on the open space outside the banquet hall, five hundred dragon teeth guards stood in a neat and orderly manner, without squinting.

Just now, it was like thunder, and like the sound of thousands of troops, it was they who sent you.

Master Xue didn't know what had happened. His face changed. He had to ask, "Lord mu, why is this?"

Xue Qiong told him that when mu Qingge brought the Dragon teeth guards, who had made the troops of all countries smell and change color, he had a kind of bad feeling in his heart.

At the moment, seeing mu Qingge with his own eyes, the bad feeling of master Xue is even stronger!

"Master Xue, I'm here today. You must know the purpose." Mu Qingge opened his mouth in full view of the public. As soon as he opened his mouth, the voice with ice dregs made people shudder and trembled. The atmosphere did not dare to come out.

She looked indifferent, her eyes swept through the Xue family, and took special care of her wife. "I love my family. I've always been respected by people, but I'm still a foot away. If a man deceives me, he will pay it back ten times! Mu's daughter, although married to the Xue family, but still Mu's daughter. If you don't accept my aunt, I will take her away today, and I will break up with you Xue family. Of course... " Mu light Song mouth light Yang a bit, disdainful way: "as for Xue Qiao is to leave or stay, I don't care. If he wants to follow my aunt, he will think that my family has a son. But if you accept my aunt, if there is another rumor that she has a bad life in the future, whether it's true or not, my Mujia army's iron cavalry will surely level down the Xue family in the state of Yu! "


In the banquet hall, there were bursts of air pumping.

The Xue family, young and old, men and women, all stare at mu Qingge.

Standing on the ground of Xue's family, she is the first person in the world to step down!

Mu Qingge glanced at the shocked expression of Xue's family and continued: "and, by the way, remind me. Today's state of Qin is also a second-class country, which is equal to the state of Yu. The status of Mu family in Qin state was stronger than that of Xue family. My aunt is not a high-ranking woman, but a dowager. "

When Mu Lianrong married Xue Qiao, she was married down, not high up?!

This sentence, severely hit Xue family a face!

Mu Lianrong stands behind mu Qingge, feeling the protection of her powerful wings, her eyes moist and reddish.

They adore the little song of the family, grow up!

At this moment, it is mu Qingge's intention to do it. It is to make her feel better in the Xue family in the future, not to be bullied and despised. He didn't bring Xueqiao, but he didn't want him to be embarrassed. And she, as the eldest daughter of the Mu family, must show her own posture, so that the people of the Xue family can see clearly what the real Mu Lianrong is like.

Calm mood, Mu Lianrong stand upright, temperament tenacious, with Mu family's rebellious, unyielding breath. It is no longer a submissive and submissive daughter-in-law of the Xue family.

"Baron mu, you younger generation, who gives you the power to make a speech here?" Mrs. Xue couldn't help but speak again.

This time, master Xue didn't stop him. His gloomy face proved that he was very angry with mu Qingge.

Mu light song raised eyes, eyes sarcastically swept from Xue Qiong, the latter face revealed embarrassment. Then, looking at Mrs. Xue, she raised her chin and drew out a crazy smile. "What I said as the owner of my family, does my wife think it is qualified?"


Is she the owner of the family?

A woman? You are so young that you are the head of a family? Moreover, this family is not a little unknown family!

The people of Xue family are shocked!

Including Xue Qiong, he did not expect that Mu Xiong had passed on the position of master to Mu Qingge.

Master Xue's face changed again and again. If Mu Qingge is the master of the Mu family, then he will have to relive the words just now!

The young men of the Xue family are pale at the moment.

In front of muqingge, it seems that they have lost the qualification to challenge before they make a move!

After taking a few deep breaths, master Xue looked at Mu Lianrong and asked in a faint trembling voice, "the seventh daughter-in-law, is the Lord Mu really the master of the Mu family?"

"Yes, long ago, my father has personally passed on the position of master of the Mu family to Qingge." Mu Lianrong shows a proud smile, which is different from the usual low-key in front of the Xue family.

At that moment, many Xue's family suddenly understood why their seventh son was attracted by Mu Lianrong, who was a few years older than him.

It turns out that a woman's calm and confident smile is so beautiful.

Originally, the blood of the Mu family is not worse than their Xue family!It has been confirmed that master Xue looks at Xiangmu Qingge and his mouth wriggles. He seems to want to say something, but he feels that his words are poor.

Surprise, shock, surprise, disbelief It seems that for a while, the Xue family's heart is mixed with five flavors, and is overwhelmed by mu Qingge's powerful momentum.

However, this is not enough!

Mu Qingge wants to give the Xue family a lifelong unforgettable memory, so that they can remember the sentence "Mu family is not easy to provoke" and put it in their blood and bones!

The smile on the corner of her mouth was strangely deepened.

Clear eyes, with a banter to look at the Xue family. "Master Xue and Mrs. Xue, thank you for your hospitality. As a guest, I don't want to express anything. I'll give my bodyguard a performance to help you


Xue Qiong's heart leaped, and suddenly he remembered the "performance" of Longya Wei in front of the Imperial Palace in tiandushi!

"Is it difficult? Mu Qingge intends to let Longya Wei kill people in the Xue family? A warning? " As soon as the idea came out, Xue Qiong felt nervous and her hands were covered with sweat.

"Give me a good performance." Moqingge mouth across a sneer.

"Yes, sir!"

The Dragon teeth guards cheered in order.

The sound almost lifted the roof of Xue's house.

However, before Xue's family could get their soul fixed from the roar, they saw a scene that they would never forget and be terrified.

Five hundred dragon teeth guard, five hundred purple aura, soared into the sky, instantly rendering a purple on the roof of Xue's family.

Purple realm!

Five hundred purple realm!

Master Xue held his breath in his chest and staggered.

Even Mrs. Xue, seeing so many purple realms standing in front of her, exclaimed, her body softened and fell into her seat.

Looking at Xue's face, his eyes are pale and his eyes are pale.

Xue Qiong is stupid!

He knew that the Dragon tooth Wei of muqingge was very strong, but he didn't expect to be so strong!

Five hundred purple realm! Even the royal family of the state of Yu couldn't get so many purple realms! What's more, mu Qingge is more powerful than her bodyguards. She is close to empress Jiang of the ancient witch kingdom. She also has the royal family of the holy Yuan Empire, three families, di state, Li state, Yu state and Tu state

Gradually, a network of relationships centered on muqingge appeared in front of Xue Qiong.

Not to mention the relationship between muqingge and his majesty!

The shocked and frightened expression of Xue's family is all included in the eye. Mu Qingge raised his hand, 500 purple aura, disappeared in an instant!

However, the shocking picture still lingers in the heart of Xue family's disciples.

In the banquet hall, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

The people of Xue family dare not make a sound when they look at Xiangmu Qingge and longyawei.

At this time, Mu light song but smile, raise a hand a wave.

In front of her, immediately appeared a dozen boxes full of gold, silver and jade, as well as several boxes of books.

When the Xue family had not yet returned to their senses, mu Qingge said, "if you come to visit the Xue family, you should prepare some meeting gifts. Please accept these things from master Xue. "

Master Xue looked up, looking at Xiangmu Qingge, and didn't seem to understand what she meant.

Mu Qingge looked at her with an unexplained smile, "master Xue, is my aunt going with me, or..."

Master Xue understood immediately. He took a deep breath and said firmly: "Lian Rong is the daughter-in-law of the seventh son of the Xue family. No one can change this. Naturally, he will stay. Master mu, don't worry. My family will never treat Lian Rong badly! "

After that, his eyes severely swept all the people in the banquet hall, and sternly warned: "listen to me. If from now on, anyone who has nothing to look for trouble and deliberately makes trouble for the seventh daughter-in-law, get out of the Xue family for me!"

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