Entering the official road of Luodu, a group of men and horses are walking quietly.

The Yan horse under them makes the animals around them panic and stay away.

There is only one voice left in the line of more than 500 people.

Before them, the leader was a girl in red. She was dressed in a man's robe, soft armor, and a gold hollow exquisite palace bell hung on the waist cover.

On the index finger of the right hand, wearing a silver exquisite fingertip, the fingertip is sharp and sharp, with piercing cold air.

On the left ear, purple earrings, in the sun, exude the color of enchantment.

Her facial features are beautiful and her temperament is incomparable.

One glance makes people unforgettable, and another glance makes people feel the gap between them.

She seems to be the moon and sun far away. Can only look up, but not touch!

She casually rides on the beautiful Yan Ma Wang, one red and one black, which complement each other. She seems to have some tiredness from the officialdom in front of her.

Eyelids droop, long and warped eyelashes slightly flutter.

All of a sudden, she suddenly opened her eyes, and the pure light came out of her clear eyes.

She took the reins of black Yan and ran to the forest beside her, leaving only a command that could not be resisted, "wait for me in the front post house!"

What she said was the last post house to enter lodu.

When you get to the post house, you are only a hundred miles away from Luodu.

With Yan horse's foot distance, also only half an hour, can arrive Luo Du.

"Yes, sir!" Long Ya Wei's response is that mu Qingge, which has been gone for a long time, has not been heard at all.

Of course, she doesn't need to hear.

As long as Longya Wei does what she says.

Black Yan's speed is very fast, soon with the moqingge disappeared in the forest edge, toward the deep.

Along the way, the birds and beasts that were startled by black Yan fled in a hurry and did not dare to approach. After a while, there will be countless birds flying in the forest class.

"Is it far enough?" Riding on the body of black Yan, pulling the reins tightly, Mu light song is in the heart way.

"Further away." The sound of milk, in the Mu light song's mind response.

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and ordered black Yan to go deeper.

The forest beside the official road is just some ordinary forest, not too many precipitous places. Finally, he came to a waterfall and stopped.

Mu Qingge turns over and dismounts his horse and orders Heiyan to leave far away.

After that, he stood on the lawn beside the waterfall. With a wave of his hand, two white lights appeared and fell on the ground, turning into one person and one fox.

That person, enchanting and beautiful, with a kind of lonely noble spirit. Black hair, white clothes, cold and gorgeous. The most obvious is her sharp chin, and thin water snake waist.

However, you are surprised to see her long legs

"Have you ever seen a man with a long tail?" Bai Bi's voice of milk and air murmured to murmur at the murmur.

Mu light Song mouth pull.

Feelings, white into human form, is not back to the idea of space.

There is no more entanglement white tail problem, moqingge eyes light moved to her arms of silver fox.

She frowned, and she could feel a very strong, but very unstable force coming from the silver dust.

Bai Bi put the silver dust on the grass, pulled the moqingge back, almost stood at the edge of the grass, looking at the silver dust from a distance.

Suddenly, the clear sky, quickly accumulated thick clouds, cloud haze low, gray black contains Tianwei.


The clouds began to roll and thunder came from within.

After a while, there are blue and purple light, began to swim in the dark clouds, will fall at any time.

Mu Qingge looked at the dark cloud with some worry, it locked the seat where the silver dust was.

At the moment, Yinchen's eyes closed, as if he were asleep, and did not know the danger above his head.

"If you want to change shape, do you have to experience thunder robbery?" Asked mu Qingge.

"Bai's natural reply:" his blood is full of inspiration, and it's more troublesome to transform the natural shape. For the first time, being baptized by Tianlei is also very good for him. "

"But..." Mu light song frown, "can silver dust bear?" She remembers Bai Xuan once said that if she can't bear it, it will be gone.

"It's up to him." Bai Lin shrugged his shoulders.

White answer, let Mu light song speechless.

Silver dust to accept the baptism of the sky thunder, just as the Yuan Dynasty to swallow other fire to grow, is a must. And it's hard for outsiders to help.


Bai's hesitation caused the attention of Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge immediately asked, "but what?"

Bai Bi looked at her and looked at her carefully for a long time. When the thunder in the sky rang again, he said, "there is a contract between Qingge and him. If he can't bear it, you can share some for him.""How to share it?" Mu Qingge is a great joy.

She had been practicing in the thunder pool and had the ability of thunder. She was not afraid of the thunder and lightning power in the sky.

At the moment, if can help silver dust, she naturally happy.

Mu light song's reaction, let Bai Gu jealous way: "this fox, in light song heart so important?"

She is an ancient sacred animal, nine Jue swallow day python. Now I wake up and have a master. Anyway, she likes moqingge, and she also likes the taste on her body.

Ke Su, why does Mao need a fox to share the master with her?

She could smell the coquettish smell of fox, even if it was far away!

"You are all the same. In my heart, you still have yuan yuan. Meng Meng is my family and my comrades in arms. " Mu Qingge replied.

However, this sentence even more let white not taste up. Murmured: "I haven't fought with Qingge yet."

Mu light Song mouth corner a smoke, "want to fight, in the future more is the opportunity. Don't worry about it any more. Tell me how to help Yinchen

White white eye way: "don't be so troublesome, light song is here to watch, that fox is going to die, you can use the power of the contract, the strength of lightning on his body on the line. But you must not force it. "

"Don't worry. I'm fine." Mu Qingge points the way.


Suddenly, a burst of thunder exploded, as if the sky had been shaken down in general.

Bai Lin and mu Qingge looked up at the dark clouds in the sky at the same time.

White eyes in the emergence of a trace of dignified, to Mu light song way: "to start."

As soon as her voice fell, a flash of lightning from the thick cloud fell from the gap in the dark cloud, directly aimed at the silver dust.


Lightning fell on the silver dust body, originally sleepy he suddenly opened his blood red eyes, issued a piercing call.

Mu Qingge's face changed, and he wanted to go and have a look.

However, as soon as she moved, she was caught by Bai's wrist and shook her head.

Mu light song in the eyes flash a glimmer of hesitation, but white to her way: "don't panic in the past, that fox can cope with."

Just when her voice rang out, the voice of silver dust also rang in Mu light song's mind. "Master, don't come here."

Silver dust's voice, does not sound weak feeling, this lets Mu light song slightly at ease.

She took back her steps and looked at the silver dust.

Silver dust raised his head and roared, and his body suddenly became larger. His original small body suddenly became the size of a mountain. Nine white fox tails, like long snakes, swaying in the wind.

Silver dust blood red eyes, looking at the lightning in the sky, bared teeth, issued the sound of war readiness.


Another flash of lightning fell, and nine tails of silver dust met at the same time.

The lightning, falling on the nine tails, one is divided into nine, the strength is weakened, along the fox tail, into the silver dust body.

Lightning light, in the silver dust hair body constantly swimming.

He let out a plaintive cry and resisted the blow!

Click! Click!

Even two thunder and lightning fall together, mu Qingge's eyes suddenly stare.

Silver dust kicks his hind legs and takes the initiative to meet him. His body is protected by nine tails. Two thunder and lightning fell on the silver dust one after another. He cried out and fell from the air.

Nine tail, a fox tail, disappeared.


"Silver dust!" Mu Qingge clenched his teeth and called out. With tension in her eyes, she did not dare to leave the silver dust.

Click! Click! Click!

In the dark clouds, the brewing power of thunder and lightning is full again. The falling of three thunder and lightning "Shua Shua" did not give silver dust a moment's breath.

Silver dust mouth has spilled blood, but still bite teeth to meet the robbery thunder.

In an instant, the five tails behind him disappear in the eyes of Mu Qingge and Bai Bi. With the one in front, at the moment, only three are rocking behind him.

"There are still several robberies!" Mu Qingge asks Bai Lin.

White also frown way: "had passed seven, should still have two."

"Two!" Mu light song pursed tight lip, she is not sure whether silver dust can still catch.

Just when she was ready to help silver dust through the power of the contract. But Yinchen said to her, "master, don't do it, I can catch it!"

Silver dust words, let Mu light song hesitated.

In this gap, in the gap between the clouds, the last two robbers fell together.

Silver dust issued a sharp voice, once again resisted the thunder.

After two robberies thunder, silver dust left behind only a fox tail, the hair on the body has become brown.

"Is it over?" Mu Qingge is relieved.

However, Bai Bi looked at the dark clouds in the sky, but frowned.

Nine thunder robberies have passed. It's said that the cloud of robbery should have dispersed. However, why still gather and not disperse.Suddenly, a breath stronger than the previous nine thunders appeared in the clouds. Her eyes suddenly shrunk, camouflaged as adult eyes, and instantly turned into purple and gold vertical pupil belonging to jiujue Tuntian python, making her originally cold and gorgeous facial features more charming.

She grabs mu Qingge's wrist and slides backward, pulling the distance away from the silver dust.

"What's the matter?" Mu Qingge looks at her in surprise.

However, Bai Bi bit his teeth and said in a voice of hatred: "what's the origin of this damned fox? It's actually provoking blood to rob thunder!"

"What kind of blood rob thunder?" Mu Qingge asked in a hurry.

From Bai's dignified expression, she smelled great danger!

Before he had time to explain, he yelled at the silver dust: "little fox, don't be careless, there is a robbery thunder! Don't carry it. If you die, we will be sad! "

Her words, let silver dust neck hair all stand up, blood eyes sharp stare at that gather but not scattered cloud.

Mu Qingge looks at Bai Lin.

Bai Bi said to her, "Qingge, are you sure you want to help him?"

Mu Qingge nodded without hesitation.

"Good. After a while, you can use the contract between you to help him share the power of thunder and lightning, but don't be forced to risk your own life The fast way of white.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly.

From Bai's tone, she recognized the unusual of the robbery thunder.

Dare not be careless, she also began to prepare.

"Master silver, when you want to ride out the thunder, open up the space, and I can introduce the lightning force you can't bear into the thunder pool of space." Meng Meng's words, like a long drought meeting the dew, let mu Qingge's worry in mind to ease a lot.

She nodded in secret, ready for everything.

Connect the contract and open up the space.

When muqingge is ready for everything, the dark clouds in the sky, which are almost falling to the ground, finally appear a very bright red lightning.

As soon as the thunder and lightning came out, it would destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

As if, no living creature can escape the baptism of this robbery thunder.

"What the hell is this robbing thunder?" Mu light song coagulates that road rob thunder, shocked way.

Blood red rob thunder, she is the first time to see!


Thick blood red rob thunder, split black clouds fall.

Aiming at silver dust's eyebrows.

In this strong breath, the hair of silver dust's whole body is upside down, and in the blood eyes, the color of lightning is approaching.


Blood red thunder and lightning covered the body of silver dust.

The huge force of thunder and lightning spread around, evaporating the water of the waterfall and burning the turf.

Silver dust pain voice, from the thunder and lightning.

Mu Qingge didn't dare to delay. He quickly put the lightning power of silver dust on himself


Rob thunder's power, enters Mu light song's body, lets her spit out a mouthful of blood directly.

The power of thunder and lightning is more powerful than what she has experienced before!

But fortunately, her body has been transformed, and often practice in the thunder pool. After a moment of maladjustment, she has withstood the powerful power of thunder and lightning.

Mu Qingge's clear eyes are dyed red by thunder and lightning.

On the skin, the blood vessels burst, and the bloodstains exuded quickly dyed the skin red.

"Light song, you spend too much time!" Seeing this scene, Bai's voice, which was not in conformity with his appearance, cried out anxiously.

Mu Qingge did not respond.

But the lightning power of silver dust body, and degree over some.

However, she did not carry the dead, but introduced the power of thunder and lightning into the space, and sprouted into the thunder pool.

The power of blood red thunder and lightning swam on mu Qingge, washing her bones and veins, and even transforming her original lightning power.

Her energy core, which belongs to the thunder power, is wrapped by a thread of blood red lightning power, replacing the original blue and purple.

All this, Mu light song did not notice, she just concentrated with silver dust together to resist the test from the sky!

After a long time, the power of thunder and lightning gradually dissipated.

Mu light song seems to be as soft as emptiness, and is held in the arms of white.

"Light song, are you ok?" In the white purple golden pupil, is full of worry.

Mu light song weakly shook his head, at the moment, although she felt the whole body sour and tired, but there was no big obstacle. What's more, her transformed cells are constantly repairing and regenerating, restoring her body functions.

She was not worried about her health, but about silver dust. "How about silver dust?"

Bai Yan looked at the silver dust, and a group of blood red residual thunder and lightning power wrapped him up. It was not true. However, the dark clouds had cleared away and the sky was clear again.

Take back the eyes, white to Mu light song way: "he is OK, should be in the form."

Hearing that silver dust is OK, mu Qingge can finally rest assured and show a smile.Bai Bi complained: "let you not too hard."

"I'm fine." Mu light Song said, the body has recovered strength.

With the improvement of the entity, she felt that her recovery speed after injury was faster and faster.

Look at the bloodstain on the body, Mu light song to Bai He way: "I go to change clothes first." With that, she disappeared in front of the white, into the space.

But soon, Mu light song appeared again in front of Bai, who had a new look, the blood has been washed clean.

"Is the silver dust changing?" Mu Qingge looks at the silver dust road wrapped by the power of red lightning.

At the moment, the silver dust has shrunk some volume, is wrapped by the red thunder and lightning power, as if wrapped in a layer of bloody flesh film on the body.

The meat film, still slowly creeping, as if there was life.

"White hair nods," before long, you can see that Fox becomes the appearance of human

Mu light song, laugh but not speak.

She didn't tell Bai He, but she knew that silver dust had become a human being. In the first encounter, silver dust made that want her life in the fantasy, she saw.

Careful recollection, she and silver dust actually have known each other for so long!

How time flies!

When mu Qingge's thoughts drifted far away, the red film wrapped in the silver dust suddenly broke and disappeared into starlight.

A curled up in a group of snow-white body, appears in front of Mu Qingge and Bai Bi.

Mu Qingge blinked, and before he could see clearly, he was blocked by a hand.

It belongs to the white hand, slender and soft. She blocked her own line of sight, Mu light song a thought, understood.

"Stinky fox, put on your clothes quickly!"

Sure enough

Mu Qingge grins silently.

White cold and sharp voice, but with the sound of milk, really not much persuasive ah!

Mu Qingge looks at the sky, a little puzzled. How can such a pure and soft voice come from such a domineering elder sister like Bai Bi?

In the Mu light song line of sight is blocked place, the white face coldly stares at that man who stands up slowly from the ground.

The man has a long silver hair, floating out of the dust.

The body is tall and in perfect proportion. Muscle lines are clear and smooth, showing a deadly sexy.

The facial features are more charming, but resolute and cold. The blood eyes in the fox's eyes are enough to make any woman willing to sink into it.

The fox clan is originally a unique group. As long as their clansmen succeed in transformation, their appearance is outstanding and reverses all living beings.

Not to mention, silver dust or snow fox king! The king of fox!

Bai Yan's words didn't make silver dust feel embarrassed. He looked over coldly, and the streamer in his blood eyes turned. "If you are greedy for snakes, don't look at them if you are not polite. Do you understand?"

"Poof!" Mu Qingge couldn't help laughing.

Snake? Isn't silver dust really coming through? The nickname of Bai zhe reminds her of a classic game name in her previous life.

Think about that game, and then think about Bai's appetite.

Well, it's damned appropriate!

The laughter of Mu light song eliminates the atmosphere of fierce fighting in the invisible.

Silver dust looked at Xiangmu light song, her eyes, was blocked by white, blocking each other's line of sight.

White eye light, in the silver dust body sweep to sweep, cold voice sneer: "Stinky fox, you do not understand what is called shame."

It's not good to be naked.

However, silver dust is still cool, did not pay attention to white.

"Well, Bai is right. It's easy to catch cold if you don't wear clothes. Silver dust, I will send you back to space to change clothes. You can make do with those clothes. When I get to LoDo, I'll ask the tailor to make them for you Mu light song road.

Mu light song's command, silver dust naturally will not resist.

A flash of white light, he disappeared in front of his eyes.

Make sure that the fox's coquettish smell is no longer there, and Bai Xuan puts down his hand.

However, she frowned and said strangely, "strange! How does he know I can eat when he just wakes up

"Well, maybe when silver dust was in a coma, he still had his mind, so he heard what we said." Mu Qingge explained for Yinchen.

Bai Xuan didn't study it deeply, but after reacting, he said, "what did he call me? Snake? That stinky fox that stinks all over

Mu light Song Shan Shan a smile, made up a sentence, "you call him stinky fox, he calls you greedy snake, quite fair."

"Light song!" Bai Gu looks at her bitterly.

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "well, it is estimated that silver dust has already been dressed. Let's go back to space."

"I don't want it. I didn't come out easily." The way Bai refused.

Mu Qingge picked his lips and said with a smile, "I'm going home to visit my relatives. I'll explain it many times with you. When I finish these trivial things and leave Linchuan, I will let you out as long as you like. "Bai thought for a while and thought that mu Qingge's words were reasonable.

When I think about it, if I go out now, I will accompany mu Qingge to meet all kinds of people and watch the intrigues of human beings. I'd better stay in the space and be comfortable.

When she wakes up, it is estimated that mu Qingge will leave Linchuan, and it will not be too late to come out at that time.

After thinking through it, Bai Bu did not insist on it any more, and went into the space with moqingge.

In the space, silver dust has changed clothes.

Meng Meng and Yuan Yuan stood in front of him, their hands holding their cheeks, their eyes showing an obsessed smile, and the corners of their mouths were still hung with crystal clear suspicious objects.

Mu light song a Leng, this scene, let her some surprise.

Standing in the space, a tall, thin and noble man with silver hair, dressed in red, has an indescribable charm and elegance. Especially that pair of red eyes, it makes people feel that they are two red gemstones.

Even though mu Qingge had seen the appearance of silver dust, at the moment, he was still amazed.

Perhaps it is because Yinchen is a divine animal. His charming and elegant beauty is more ethereal than Han Caicai of the same type.

"There's a tendency to catch up with Mr. Mo!" Mu Qingge is amazed in my heart.

But she suddenly came to her senses and corrected her wrong thoughts. "Well! No, the Simao of her family is the most invincible commander in the universe. No one can compare with him or surpass him! "

"Master." Silver dust to Mu light song respectful way.

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "before even, now you look like this, still call me master, I am not used to listening. Just like Bai, call me light song. "

Silver dust also did not insist, a little thought, nodded.

In any case, no matter how the title is changed, the relationship between him and muqingge's master and servant will not change.

Especially after so many experiences of living and dying together.

"Qingge, why do you want that smelly fox to learn from me?" The way of Bai Bu Yi.

Silver dust coldly attached her one eye, way: "greedy snake, you don't forget, you are the new man."

"Stinking fox! You want to die Bai Bi's pupil was up and his whole body was full of evil spirit.

Silver dust also does not show weakness, blood eyes are full of fierce light.

Today, his accomplishments are comparable to Mu Qingge, and he still has a lot of power to fight against jiujue Tuntian python, who has not yet fully awakened his memory and ability.

"Enough!" Murmurong sighs.

She found that these non-human beings gathered around her are really a pair of enemies.

Fortunately, they just had a fight and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Otherwise, her head would explode.

Moqingge a powerful, two small, two big, all quiet down.

After glancing at them, mu Qingge asked, "Bai Bo, what do you mean by blood thunder robbery?"

This problem, let silver dust also look at white.

After appreciating the silver dust with a white eye, he said to Mu Qingsong: "it's very difficult to see blood thunder robbery. Generally speaking, it's only when the spirit animals with the blood of ancient holy animals are baptized. But isn't this fox just a beast? How can there be the blood of ancient sacred animals

With that, she looked at the silver dust curiously.

Mu Qingge also looked at silver dust, as if to ask him if he knew what was going on.

However, Yinchen shook her head blankly, indicating that she did not know.

"It seems that this smelly fox doesn't know, but anyway, it has the blood of the ancient sacred beast, which shows that the smelly fox has great potential." White hair few can't check nod a way.

Silver dust face is dim black, cold hum way: "greedy snake, don't call me of a stinky fox."

Bai Gu's arrogant and coquettish hum, show disdain.

Silver dust was silent for a moment, suddenly said: "greedy snake, has anyone said that your voice sounds like a baby baby."

"Stinky fox, you're tired of living!" White hair most hate others say her voice, immediately turned into a white light, rushed to the silver dust.

Silver dust is not willing to be outdone, the figure of the virtual, and white into a group.

Mu Qingge shook his head and said to Meng Meng when he left, "you are the spirit. Don't let them destroy our territory!"

Then she disappeared.

"Yes! This is the home of cute baby and master silver! How can we allow these two villains to destroy them? " Meng Meng's mind moved, and the two lights were pulled apart. One was thrown to the southernmost end of the space, and the other was thrown to the northernmost end of the space.

After clapping her hands, Meng Meng said to Yuan Yuan with pride: "it's done! Let's go. Sister Meng will help you make some clothes for this boy! "

Yuan Yuan Zaba smacked his mouth, and the little meat touched his empty pocket. He sighed and missed: "I miss Dad."


Out of the space, mu Qingge rides on black Yan and goes to the post house to meet the Dragon teeth guards.

As soon as she saw the outline of the post house, she heard a familiar voice talking with Moyang."Moyang, you tell me, is the rumor outside true? Is my boss really a woman? "

"Young master Shao, the little Lord will be back soon. If you have any questions, go and ask her directly." Moyang road.

Shao Pang ran to the post house to wait for her!

This surprise, let mu Qingge mouth emerged from the heart of the smile.

She rode black Yan to the post house and saw the round body and said with a smile, "fat man."

Familiar with the address, let Shao Pang's body a Zheng, flexible turn, see Xiangmu light song.

When the surprise in his eyes was replaced by shock, he glared at mu Qingge and stammered: "boss You, you, you, you... "

Mu Qingge deliberately stiffened his face and asked, "how? I'm a woman, and you want to revolt? "

"I dare not!" Shao Pang's skin was tight, and he quickly expressed his loyalty. "Boss, no matter whether you are male or female, you will always be my boss in my fat Shao's heart!"

With that, he put on a serious and deep face, with a smile on his face. The dogleg ran over and got off the horse with Mu Qingsong.

"Please slow down, boss, be careful with your feet..." Shao Pang bowed. Although he was fat, he was extremely flexible.

As he said, he is a flexible fat man!

Where does mu Qingge need his help.

She leaped lightly and came down from black Yan. He looked at Shao Pang and said with a smile, "not bad, fat man. Now I have entered the blue realm

Shao Pang's embarrassed smile and scratched his head: "compared with the boss, I'm far worse."

He adapted to the gender of muqingge very quickly.

Maybe it's because, as he said, moqingge is his boss no matter whether he is male or female.

Identity does not change, and emotions do not change because of gender.

Shao pangzi follows mu Qingge into the post house and plans to go back to Luodu directly. However, when he meets Shao Pang, mu Qingge doesn't plan to rush back.

I haven't seen Shao Pang for a long time, but they have a lot to talk about.

Of course, the most talked about nature is the identity of muqingge.

After sitting down, Shao Pang couldn't help but look at him and said: "my boss is really beautiful. Compared with those girls who are drunk in Red Mansions, jadeite buildings and firework pavilions, they are just fairies!"

"Who do you compare me to?" Mu Qingge's dangerous eyes squint and smile at Shao Pang.

Shao fat man a stagnation, know that he said the wrong thing, busy picked up the teapot to Mu Qingge's cup of tea, "hey hey, boss drink tea!"

Mu Qingge picked up the tea cup and looked at Shao Pang. "It seems that you haven't been to those places lately?"

Being poked by mu Qingge, Shao pangzi is not embarrassed.

In any case, his broken things, muqingge are clear.

"By the way, boss. Why do you pretend to be a man if you don't want to be a good woman? I asked you to go to the corner with me Shao Pang finally showed a trace of embarrassment.

Mention those young frivolous things, Mu light song is also a smile.

In fact, it's not her original authority to dare those dandy things with Shao Pang. However, the friendship with Shao Pang was recognized by her.

For Shao pangzi's question, mu Qingge only uses one sentence to explain. "Fat man, what kind of muqingge is harmless to the royal family in the situation of Mojia at that time?"

Shao pangzi was stunned and carefully realized the words of muqingge.

Miss mu?

It will certainly be used and contested by the wolves and beasts who covet the military power of the family.

The gifted Mojia Baron?

I'm afraid that before I grow up, I don't know how many times I've been assassinated.

It seems that only a dandy and useless Mujia Baron can make those in power feel at ease.

Shao Pang sighed and cursed, "so what I hate most is those power struggles!"

In Shao's opinion, the gender of Mu Qingge was concealed from the bottom, which was undoubtedly the sacrifice that had to be made in the power struggle. A well behaved woman lives under the man's identity. The bitterness is hard to understand.

"Now, boss! It's all over. In the future, no one dares to bully you again, who dares not to grow an eye, pass the level of fat Lord first! " Shao Pang assured him by patting his chest.

Mu Qingge listens with a smile.

She felt Shao Pang's transformation. In the past, he tried not to drag himself down, but now, after his strength grows, he hopes to stand in front of her and block the open and hidden arrows for her.

Whether she needs it or not, she is moved by the heart of the fat man.

"Fat man, I will leave Linchuan soon. When I'm not at home, my grandfather asks you Mu Qingge said to Shao pangzi.

Shao Pang nodded his head with a feeling of loss and said: "the elder brother's cultivation has been so powerful. It's sooner or later to leave Linchuan. Fat man, I don't have much ambition. I can only stay in Linchuan all my life. However, it's also a fat man's blessing to let the boss entrust him to me! Boss, don't worry. I will help you to take good care of Qin state, Mujia and Laozi. After that, I will be my grandson! "Mu light song smile, smile convergence, she seriously said a sentence, "fat man, thank you."

"Hey, why are you so polite to me?" Shao pangzi tried to resist the sour feeling on the tip of his nose and grinned at mu Qingge.

They talked and laughed and did not mention leaving again.

All of a sudden, Shao Pang looked strange and said to Mu Qingsong: "boss, now the whole Luodu is spreading about you and his majesty. Is it true?"

"What do you say?" Mu light song eyebrows light pick. She knew that she and Si Mo's affair, will quickly spread all over Linchuan.

Shao Pang chuckled and cautiously said, "boss, you are the lady of the holy king."


"Nonsense!" Mu light song clapped up, eyes with a murderous way: "clearly he is my man! I've even given the bride price! "

Shao Pang looks at mu Qingge in a daze. After digesting her words slowly, Shao Pang holds out his thumb to Mu Qingge and says, "boss! You cow

Mu Qingge pulled the corners of his mouth and sat down with some embarrassment.

"Keke, it's almost a chat. Are you going back to lodu with me?" Mu Qingge covered up the embarrassment and said to Shao pangzi.

Shao nods of course.

He went out of the city in order to see muqingge earlier.

Knowing the news of Mu Qingge's return, he has been waiting in this post house for seven days.

Mu Qingge and Shao pangzi walk out of the post house and ride back to Luodu.

At sunset, they entered the city of lodu.

It should have been the cooking time of each family. There should not be so many people on the streets of Luodu. But at the moment, but the sea of people, stretching their necks, looking at Mu light song.

"Look! It's longyawei. It's Yanma. It's really the little Baron

"Is the young Lord really a woman, as rumored? Oh, my God! Am I blind in these eyes

"The master of Shao's family is here, too! Our little Baron is really the most beautiful woman

"How beautiful

"How beautiful! The young Lord was born with extraordinary beauty, but now he is even more beautiful when he is dressed as a woman! "

"Muxiaojue, the pride of Qin State!"

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

Mountain voice, one after another, such as the sea wave general, to Mu light song.

The inclusiveness of the people is great. In their hearts, muqingge is a god like existence. This distance has surpassed everything.

Whether she is a man or a woman, it will not change.

Luodu people's enthusiasm, along with the Mu light song all the way back to the long lost Mu Fu.

Looking at the familiar mansion and three familiar plaques, mu Qingge took a deep breath and said in his heart, "Mu Fu, I'm back!"

The feeling of going home makes moqingge very comfortable.

However, she immediately arrived strange.

According to the saying, she returned to Luodu, and the battle on the street was enough to let Mu Fu know. If it's normal, even if the old man can't come out to pick her up, the young lotus moon and the servants of the Mu family should all come out.

But now, the door is cold and clear, not a person.

What's the situation?

Mu Qingge is stunned for a moment and dismounts to go home.

Long Ya Wei follows Mo Yang to leave and returns to Mu Fu. They don't need to follow mu Qingge closely. Mu light song into the Mu house, found that the house is also very cold.

"What about people?" Mu Qingge is curious in my heart.

With a spiritual scan, she immediately felt a place, concentrated all the popularity of Mu Fu.

With a flash in her eyes, she rushed to the other side.

"Sir, you are back As soon as he approached, a servant of Mu's house saw mu Qingge. She was surprised by her in women's clothes. Only then did he react and blurt out.

As soon as he spoke, the crowd, full of people, immediately separated from each other, revealing the road in the middle.

The servants of Mufu looked at muqingge curiously, and their face did not change much, which made them accept the fact that muqingge was a woman.

Their little barons, Mufu's little barons, are women!

A beautiful, elegant and refined woman!

Mu Qingge's line of sight is not blocked, directly from the court, see the hall.

The young lotus and the moon are in it, and so is the old man.

But when she saw another person who was not supposed to be here, she cried out in shock, "Why are you here?"

In the hall, Simao, sitting on the main seat, Mu Xiong can only stand on one side with trepidation. When he hears the surprised voice of Mu Qingge, he shows a flawless smile and says to her, "of course, I come here to propose marriage to Mr. mu in person."


Mu Qingge felt his heart was hit hard!

She glared at her grandfather. Sure enough, the old man gave her a pitiful lookwww.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!