Mu Qingge's reprimand not only calmed down the white and silver dust, but also let the Dragon teeth guard to restrain their emotions and become dignified in their eyes.

In their opinion, mu Qingge's words are not only addressed to the two spirit beasts who can transform their forms, but also to them. Their little barons have always wanted to be united and indestructible.

"Let's go." Mu Qingge said a word.

Let's go, dragon guards.

"Moyang, please keep it." Mu Qingge suddenly opens his mouth and stops Moyang who is ready to leave.

Mu light song eye light swept silver dust and white, to them way: "you also scattered."

Bai Dan and Yinchen looked at each other and walked to one side.

Yuan Yuan didn't ask for it. After all, no matter how big the deck is outside, no matter how big the boat is, it can't be compared with Mengmeng space. In the space, he has Yuanyuan, the playmate. The two children can only run at will.

Outside, you can only see the dark green ocean.

Mo Yang goes to Mu Qingge, and mu Qingge turns to the side of the boat.

Moyang immediately followed, followed by moqingge to the deck side.

Holding the railing on the deck, MuQing singer looked at the ocean in the distance and said to Mo Yang, "on that day, when I was in the trial space, when I was in trouble, the Dragon teeth guard actually condensed into power. Do you know that?"

Mention that day's dangerous situation, Moyang that pair of quiet eyes a cold.

Even if the revenge has been avenged, but he is still because he can not accompany mu Qingge, did not personally kill those people, and is still in the heart.

"I heard about it." Mo Yang pursed his lips.

"What do you hear?" Mu Qingge asked.

Mo Yang was silent for a moment, and then replied: "what I heard is not detailed. I only know about the determination of the three hundred dragon teeth guards who were present on that day to protect the young Lord, and condensed them into power with their ideas. When confronted with the enemy, they played a role of mutual defense. "

Mu Qingge lightly points the jaw head, "good. As soon as the momentum of that day coagulated, the attacks that fell on the Longya guards were divided into 300 shares, which were shared by 300 people, greatly reducing the risk and danger. "

Mu light song words, let Mo Yang Mou son shrink.

He seemed to have guessed what muqingge was going to say to him.

"You know what I want to tell you?" Mu Qingge turns around and looks at him.

Mo Yang raised his eyes and looked at Xiangmu's light song and pursed his lips.

"I hope you can make good use of it. If used properly, this will be your dragon tooth guard's biggest card. " Mu Qingge's words are clear.

Mo Yang's eyes flashed, and his eyes were full of firmness.

Mu Qingge turned to face the bitter sea and said, "it's not enough to just divide the enemy's attack power. What I hope is to develop it into a joint attack skill. 500 purple realm, a joint attack skill, you can kill a strong person in the period of agility. This is the task I gave you. "

Finish saying, Mu light song turns eyes to look at Mo Yang, deep voice asks a way: "have confidence?"

The joint attack of 500 purple realms can kill the strong one in one move!

This sentence makes Mo Yang's chest beat like a drum.

He seems to be able to imagine that if Mu Qingge's expectation becomes a reality, then the strength of longyawei will be doubled several times!

"I must live up to the expectations of the young Lord!" Mo Yang responded forcefully.

Mu Qingge slowly shook his head, "this is not something you can do alone. The first difficulty you need to overcome is how to make the minds of 500 people unify and understand each other. "

Silent for a while, Mu light song frown way: "this period of time, I deduced some in the heart, I tell you, you can be used as a reference."

"Yes Moyang coagulates Shinto.

Mu Qingge sorted out his thoughts and said to Mo Yang: "if we want to unify the ideas of longyawei, we need to cultivate further tacit understanding. There has never been a joint attack of 500 people. Therefore, we can only explore and create by ourselves. "

Self created joint attack skills!

Mo Yang's eyes shrunk.

He looked at Xiangmu Qingsong in shock, and seemed to be a little unsure.

It's very difficult to create your own combat skills, let alone joint attack skills?

However, mu Qingge said to himself, "this point, don't worry too much. What you need to do now is to cultivate the tacit understanding of the Longya guards. First, they should train the team of five for joint attack tactics. From the training, slowly grope. Secondly, we should let everyone seize the time to accumulate spiritual power. No one can be lazy. The stones brought from the trial space contain spiritual power, which can be absorbed in practice and can achieve twice the result with half the effort. In addition, I will put the stones from the ancient ruins in the bottom cabin for your daily practice. All the Dragon teeth guards who have accepted a kind of skill will come to me to demonstrate. Finally, the star start step must also insist on the training, cannot slack off

Mu light song words, let Mo Yang's thoughts clear up.

It's just that he doesn't quite understand one thing. "Why do you want to demonstrate, sir?"

Mu Qingge gently raised the corner of his lips and said to him: "since we want to create our own joint attack skills, then we should absorb more of the strengths of various martial arts skills to have a clue."Mo Yang nods.

Mu Qingge finally said: "we don't know when we can get out of the sea of misery. Although this period of time is boring, it can't be wasted. This is the time for all of us to improve our strength. Let me calm down and practice. "

"Yes! My Lord The voice of Mo Yang was loud.


There is no limit to the sea of suffering.

From the coastal waters of the ancient Wu Kingdom, mu Qingge and others have been drifting in the bitter sea for a month. To the eye, it seems to be the invariable sea water.

The only thing that makes people feel that time is not static is those icebergs floating on the sea.

Sailing is boring.

After the initial freshness, there is only hope for the land.

However, in this unmanned ship, people are very busy.

The way of cultivation of Baihe and Yinchen was different from that of human beings. After that day, they took up the task of looking out and paying attention to the movement of the sea around them. The alternation of the two avoided the friction of meeting.

The two of them liberated Longya Wei completely.

In the daytime, they practiced against the stones in the bottom storehouse. When they were tired, they got up and practiced the star walking. After mastering a skill, he would demonstrate it in front of Mu Qingge. At night, he would practice with a spirit stone, and never waste any time.

According to Mu Qingge's words, Moyang divided the five hundred dragon teeth guards into 100 teams and began to train each other's tacit understanding and joint attack.

And moqingge?

She spent a lot of time practicing, the rest of the time reading and deduction, tired to refining pills to solve the lack.

Long Ya Wei's hard work, she's even harder.

She not only had to read the skills hidden in the stones, but also read the martial arts skills in her own space. This period of time, she is like a sponge, constantly absorbing, re absorbing!

Three months later

Mu Qingge has been in the bitter sea for more than four months.

Over the past four months, everyone has been growing and growing stronger every day.

At the end of the practice, mu Qingge slowly opened his eyes.

These days, she has felt that the spiritual power in her body has been compressed to the extreme, and her cultivation has shown signs of breakthrough.

She settled her mind and set her eyes on a pile of drawings in front of her.

Those drawings are her achievements over the past three months.

The circle on it represents the standing position, and the lines represent the path of the spiritual power.

This is her period of time, absorbing a variety of martial arts, self-made joint attack skills.

It is based on the five element array of the previous life, supplemented by the theory of prohibition.

However, this is a theory after all. Whether it can succeed or not still needs to be tested by Longya Wei.

The movements on the drawing are carefully deduced in one side. Mu Qingge called Moyang to his room.

"My Lord." Moyang road.

Mu Qingge asked, "how about these days of training?"

"It's going well. All training has been carried out according to Sir Alex's plan, and the monthly assessment has basically reached the standard. The tacit understanding training among small teams has also achieved initial results. " Moyang report.

Mu light song listen to nod.

She handed the drawing to Mo Yang.

Mo Yang drooped his eyes and watched carefully. He was intelligent and resourceful. After carefully reading the contents of the drawings, he was shocked to see Xiangmu Qingge, "if these can be successful, I can guarantee that the fighting power of Longya Wei will be increased by three to four times."

Mu Qingge is very calm, she said, "this is only a preliminary attempt, not the final mature martial arts. You take it down and teach them to walk first. But... "

Mu Qingge pauses for a moment and says hesitantly: "if you want to strike together, you must let other people's spiritual power enter your body, weaken yourself into a point, and communicate with each other. If you can't, it's easy to cause a backlash. This is a risk and a test. You should make it clear to them and trust your comrades in arms! "

Mo Yang nodded earnestly, "I know!"

"Go ahead and come back to me if you have any questions." Mu Qingge makes Mo Yang retreat.

After that, she entered the space and began to refine alchemy.

Alchemy, alchemy! In order to promote as soon as possible, refining into God level pills, and finally refining Saint level pills!

In order to achieve this goal, mu Qingge has temporarily put aside the weapon refining technique.

The pills refined by mu Qingge are distributed to Longya guards every month, and the rest are stored in their own space for emergencies.

Days, in the continuous passage.

On this day, on the deck of the giant ship, it was especially lively.

Mu Qingge sits on the second floor deck, overlooking the Dragon teeth guard on the first deck.

Five hundred dragon teeth guards, divided into 100 teams, each practicing the fighting skills of muqingge on the drawings, does not appear crowded on the deck.

Mo Yang stands behind mu Qingge, watching silently.

Young lotus and Flower Moon, this period of time is also very diligent, constantly in the cultivation. These days, they break through soon, they did not come to Mu Qingge to serve.In the watchtower on the mast, Bai Lin sat on the edge of the observation tower, his feet touching each other. Keep your back on the mast and cross your hands in front of your chest.

Today, it was her turn to look out.

However, at the moment, her sight did not fall on the vast sea, but looked at the deck under her.

Longya Wei's interest aroused her strong interest.

"In the process of cultivation, can you feel what is not smooth?" Mu Qingge asked.

Mo Yang replied truthfully: "at the beginning, everyone was a little uncomfortable. Occasionally, the aura will be reversed, and then it will be OK. Some places are not connected smoothly enough, so we all thought about and modified some of them

Moyang's answer makes mu Qingge happy.

Her dragon teeth guard is not a group of stupid men who can't use their brains!

All of a sudden, the Dragon teeth guards on the deck roared. A hundred bright red beams of light came from them and fell towards the sea.

Boom boom boom boom!

There was a huge roar on the sea.

Like a tsunami, those red beams fell on the sea surface of the bitter sea, sweeping forward thousands of feet of the area, lifting the water a hundred feet high. The sea water falls, as if under a dark green rain.

Mu Qingge suddenly stood up from his chair and looked out at the sea stirred by the Dragon teeth guard.

In the eyes of Mo Yang, there is a bright and exciting look.

The white tiger on the lookout tower was also shocked to put down his feet and stood in the lookout tower, looking at the sea area and the Dragon teeth guards who stayed on the deck.

"It's done!" There is a sense of relief in the sound of muqingge.

She was so excited that she didn't show it.

Now, only five people strike together, can be so shocking. If 500 people hit at the same time Mu light song took a deep breath, in the clear eyes, flashing moving brilliance.

At this time, white eyes to Mu light song cast to examine the line of sight.

It seems that she is thinking about how moqingge does all this!

She had never heard of it.

It took a long time for the sea to calm down again.

Five hundred dragon teeth guards are still in the doldrums.

Until mu Qingge said to them, "we succeeded." They just wake up like a big dream and shout with excitement.

Five hundred men of iron and blood are excited like children at the moment.

They hugged and yelled at each other to vent their excitement and excitement.

This is a very strong appeal, spread out, infected mu Qingge and Moyang standing on the second deck, and also infected Bai Bo standing on the lookout tower.

After they were excited, mu Qingge said calmly: "this is only a preliminary success, which proves that our theory is possible. There is still a long way to go before real success. Therefore, neither you nor I can be complacent. We still need to continue to work hard, pay more sweat and pay more hardships! "


The deafening sound came from the deck.

That kind of momentum, let white face appear a trace of dull.

All of a sudden, at this moment, she seemed to feel like she wanted to fit into the group.

Nine Jue swallow day python, only one survived through the ages.

She is unique, unique in the world. Therefore, she is arrogant, she is lonely, she disdains to be with anyone, and will not want to integrate into any era.

Muqingge is the only exception.

Because, she is relying on the blood of Mu Qingge to hatch and get rebirth.

They are directly linked by blood, so she is close to moqingge and likes her taste. It's the smell of blood, the smell of hatching her.

Originally thought, Mu light song this only accident, already enough. However, in such a relationship, she seems to begin to understand what mu Qingge has been saying about "comrades in arms" and "partners".

At this moment, Bai Bi clearly realized that if he had to choose moqingge from her group of people underground. Even if her ability is stronger, moqingge will not hesitate to choose longyawei.

This choice is not because mu Qingge thinks she is unimportant, but because she and Long Ya Wei already have deep feelings.

Mu Qingge's experience in the trial space, although she did not see, but came out, she still heard a lot. The loyalty of these 500 people to muqingge is worth cherishing.

A training, shocked everyone.

Also quietly changing everyone.

Such a change is unexpected in muqingge. But this is a good phenomenon.

In the fifth month of the bitter sea, the monotonous color in front of them made people forget what the land looked like. There is still no coastline in sight, but there are less ice floes and more islands.

Those islands, far from the boat of Mu Qingge, can only see a vague outline.

On this day, it was Yinchen's turn to come to the observation tower.In his eyes, it was a calm sea.

It seems that everything is no different from the past.

All of a sudden, on the calm sea, a column of water burst into the sky.

The violent vibration made the huge ship stop automatically and did not continue to get close to the dangerous sea area.

Silver dust's bloody eyes narrowed slightly, and immediately rang the bell on the mast. This is used by the police. It's been five months since entering the bitter sea. It has never been heard.

As soon as the bell rings, mu Qingge opens his eyes.

In the clear eyes, it seems that the essence of the eye light is emitted.

In the cabin, a white shadow flew out and landed directly on the watchtower on the mast. The white light dispersed, and the figure of Baiji appeared.

"What happened?" White to silver dust asked.

Silver dust looked at her, frowned, but still truthfully replied: "there seems to be something wrong in the front." His words just fell, from the front of the sea burst out of a water column, rushed out of the sea.

At the moment, they are far away from the sea, but the water column still makes them feel a little dangerous.

White eyes color into purple gold, said to silver dust: "I go to see." Then she turned into a white light and rushed to the sea ahead.

Bai's initiative made silver dust a little uncomfortable.

In his impression, Bai Bi will not take the initiative to take charge of these things, unless it is mu Qingge's request, she will do it.

It's so active today. Is this greedy snake turning?

When silver dust was surprised, mu Qingge also went to the observation platform. On the deck, he walked out of the Dragon tooth guard.

"What happened?" Mu Qingge stood on the observation platform and asked Yinchen.

Before the silver dust spoke, several water columns burst out in the sea area over there. Some things were blown out from the bottom of the sea, thrown into the sky, and then fell heavily into the sea.

The sound of the explosion made the Longya guards on guard, surrounded by the deck edge, overlooking the situation over there.

Obvious battle sound, let Mu light song slightly frown.

At this time, the white light returns and falls into the lookout tower and becomes a human.

See white, Mu light song and before silver dust, are surprised for a while. It seems that he did not expect that Bai would take the initiative to investigate.

"It's the siren at war." A word of white, surprised to Mu light song and silver dust.

"Sea monster?" Mu Qingge repeated an uncertain sentence.

It is said that there are sea monsters living in the bitter sea, but no one has ever seen them. As time goes by, people gradually think that everything is just a fabrication, or maybe the sea demon has been extinct.

But unexpectedly, in the fifth month into the bitter sea, they actually ran into this mysterious race.

What's more, it's a scene of their fighting inside!

Bai Bi said "fighting" instead of "fighting". Mu Qingge asked a question: "how many are there?"

Bai Yan frowned, hesitated for a moment, then said: "a lot."

A lot!

So much that Bai can't use a general quantifier to describe it? What's the concept!

Mu light song eyes in a dignified color.

Bai added: "it seems that two groups of people are fighting for something, and then the battle is triggered. They played very hard. I'm afraid it will be over for a while and a half

"They fight at the bottom of the sea?" Mu light song surprised way.

After all, there was no sign of fighting on the sea.

Bai Bi nodded, "sea monsters can live on the shore or in the sea. Generally speaking, the limited number of islands on the sea surface are used by them to live, and the bottom of the sea becomes their battlefield. "

"Are you going to kill yourself among the sea monsters?" Silver dust hesitated.

"Why not? In any ethnic group, there are fights. This is the common drawback of the social race. If one's heart is not equal, there will be differences. "

Mu Qingge was silent for a moment and licked his lips: "since it's a personal grudge, we don't want to stir it up. Just stop here and keep a close watch on what's going on there. When they're finished, we'll leave. "

She was not arrogant enough to ignore the two sides of the war, so she drove the boat across.

If one is not careful, she will become the target of both sides to open fire together!

White and silver dust nodded.

Mu Qingge jumped down from the observation tower and landed on the deck.

Moyang and others immediately surrounded.

"My Lord."

"My Lord."

Xiaohe and Huayue also gathered around, and their eyes were full of worries.

"Don't be afraid. There's me." Mu Qingge smiles and comforts them.

There is always a kind of soothing magic. Young lotus and Hua Yue heaved a sigh of relief, and their worries were swept away.

"Are you hungry? Shall we go and get ready to eat? " He said with a smile.

Mu light song jaw first, "good."After mu Qingge agrees, Youhe leaves the deck with Huayue.

After they left, muqingge said to Moyang: "let's continue to practice, pay attention to keep alert."

"Yes, sir." Moyang acted according to the orders of muqingge.

Mu Qingge looked at the battlefield at the bottom of the sea in the distance and turned back to the cabin.

Back in the cabin, mu Qingge looks out at the dark green sea area through the round window of the cabin. The bitter sea seems calm, but there are many crises.

Not to mention the freezing temperature of the sea, it is just from the direction of this line, I do not know how many people into the bitter sea, hoping to reach the middle ancient world will always be lost in this green ocean.

In addition, there are also legendary sea monsters

"I don't know how many people crossing the sea have died in the hands of sea monsters." Mu light song murmured a word.

Danger, always invisible, do not know when the kind of, more frightening, more silent harvest life!

Bai Bi pushes the door and enters, sees Mu light song to the window in a daze. She went over and sat beside her and asked, "light song, what are you thinking?"

Mu Qingge takes back her sight and looks at her, "I wonder how powerful these sea monsters are." Since there are sea monsters in the bitter sea, they may encounter them. I'm afraid there will be no friendly meeting.

Bai bi was Mu light song words, asked a Leng.

She frowned and said, "my memory hasn't fully recovered, but in my impression, I don't have much contact with the sea monster. To their strength... " She shook her head slowly, as if disappointed that she had not helped.

Mu Qingge didn't think about it. After thinking about it, he wanted to ask, "you just went to see it. Do you think if our people compete with those sea demons, how will they win?"

Bai Xuan thought carefully and shook his head to Mu Qingge and said, "I just looked at it roughly and didn't observe it carefully. However, the sea demon has a unique talent, whether in the sea or on the shore, they are walking on the ground. This advantage has already surpassed Longya Wei. "

Mu Qingge frowns and nods.

She knew that Bai Lin was telling the truth, and Longya Wei had no advantage in the battle in the sea.

"Light song, since you are curious, why don't we go and have a look?" Bai Lin suggested.

"Go and see?" Mu Qingge was stunned.

White hair nods a way, "I take you past, we quietly hide in one side. It doesn't disturb them, but it knows the details. "

Mu light song eyes a squint, white words in her mind.

She has never been a coward, let alone indecisive.

"Good!" Mu light song in the eye seam shot out a fine light, affirmed the proposal of white.

But she frowned and said, "I can't stay under the sea for long." She can dive, but at most she can only keep half a stick of incense. In such a short time, there is no use at all, and it is easy to expose.

"I have a way." Bai Lin smiles.

Since Bai Bi has a way, mu Qingge does not intend to continue to delay.

She called Moyang and said that she wanted to leave the ship, and then she left the ship with Bai.

The two men came to the sea and left the ship.

After one look at each other, Bai Lin grabs mu Qingge's hand and pulls her into the sea.

Once into the sea, the imagined sea water did not hit.

Mu Qingge saw Bai Bi open his mouth and spit out a huge transparent bubble. He wrapped the two of them in, blocking the invasion of the sea water, but he would not feel depressed.

This magic bubble, let Mu light song slightly shocked.

She wanted to poke, but she was afraid that if she poked, the bubble would burst.

"What is this?" Mu Qingge asks Bai Lin.

Bai ran Ao ran a smile, the voice of children said: "nine Jue swallow the sky python, nine kinds of unique skills. You already know about immortality and poison. And this is the third one, avoiding water. "

Mu Qingge closed his surprised lips and asked curiously, "what about the remaining six?"

However, at this time, Bai Xuan kept the mystery. "I'll tell you later."

Mu Qingge is a little disappointed.

"I've just been reborn, my memory has not been fully recovered, and those stunts have not yet fully recovered." Bai explained.

Mu Qingge means understanding.

After all, it didn't take long for the white tiger to emerge from the egg.

Transparent bubbles with them slowly forward, muqingge for the first time so relaxed in the seabed, is also the first time to see what the sea bottom of the bitter sea is like.

Gradually, the color of surprise emerged in the Mu light song clear eyes.

On the bottom of the bitter sea, there are forests, grasslands, rocks and lakes If it was not in the sea, everything here would be a replica of land.

The only difference is that the animals here are all kinds of fish and shellfish.

"Almost there!" The voice of Bai Lin reminds us.

Her voice pulls moqingge back from shock.All of a sudden, Bai Lin grabs her wrist and takes her to hide in the crevice of a rock. The transparent bubble also changes its shape with the size of the rock gap.

In the gap, just can accommodate two people, is not too crowded.

Through the cracks, they could see the ongoing battle under the sea.

"If there are only a few sirens, we can kill them and leave." White in Mu light song ear way. In a word, she exposed her killing nature.

However, mu Qingge is not a good man, so he will not criticize Bai Bi for killing innocent people.

She looked at the scuffle ahead and whispered to Bai: "unfortunately, there are at least thousands of sea monsters here."

Indeed, if there are only a small number of sirens, they can kill and leave without stopping to delay time. However, the number of sea monsters here, if you want to kill all of them

Not to mention whether she has this ability, if she does, she will be killed by the whole bitter sea area and the sea demon clan, which will increase the difficulty of her passing through the bitter sea, and may even die here.

It's not a good deal, anyway!

Therefore, muqingge will not provoke this group of sea monsters.

She watched silently, these sea monsters, fighting each other, with human habits, using weapons and spiritual power. There are also direct upper bite bites that retain the animal nature.

Most of the sea monsters are human, but in part, they retain the characteristics of marine life.

For example, some sirens have gills on their ears and shiny scales on their arms.

Some of them have ugly features, like beasts, with sharp teeth.

Some have webbed hands and feet.

Their only unity was that their skin was light green, their eyes were gray, and their lips were as red as blood.

In short, moqingge can only use one word to describe the appearance of the sea demon.

That's - ugly!

The battle of these sea monsters caused sea water turbulence, and water column burst out of the water from time to time.

The spiritual power they released affected the surrounding forests, rocks and destroyed many beautiful sceneries.

"How to judge the spirit level of sea demon?" After watching for a while, muqingge found that there was no color difference in the spirit power of sea monsters.

However, Bai Bi told her, "just like human beings."

"Like human beings?" Mu light song slightly surprised. She looked at the battlefield again, but still could not see the color of the spiritual power.

"The color of the sea demon's spiritual power will not appear on the sea floor, but on the land, you can see it. In the sea, if you want to know their cultivation level, you can only rely on spiritual perception. However, I would like to remind you that sirens are very sensitive to psionics, especially in the sea. If your psionic sense is not much better than them, you'd better not try it easily, or you will not be found out. " Bai explained.

Psychic strength?

Murmurong silently pursed his lips.

After being tested by the spirit sense tower of the branch hospital and the General Hospital of medicine tower, mu Qingge is still very confident of his spiritual consciousness strength.

She pursed her lips, slowly released her spiritual consciousness, and headed for the battlefield.

As soon as her spiritual consciousness was released, she understood the meaning of Bai's words. The sea water here seems to be able to capture her spiritual consciousness, which will ripple slightly with the spread of her spiritual consciousness.

Mu light song eyes light micro shrinking, more careful.

When her spirit came to the edge of the battlefield, the cultivation level of those sea monsters was fed back to her mind.

"Green, green, blue, purple..."

Thousands of sea monsters, the most green, but there are hundreds of people in purple!

Such strength!

Mu light song eyes suddenly shrink.

All of a sudden, she saw a high-level sea demon commander in purple realm. She seemed to notice something and was looking for it everywhere. She didn't dare to try again and quickly took back her spiritual consciousness.

The result of this trial made her a little frightened.

The sea monsters here are not the only ones in this area. However, only this part has such power. Even if we ignore the purple, there are still hundreds of purple.

If you look at the whole bitter sea area, I'm afraid that there will be no less sea monsters in the smart period!

Fortunately, the sea demon is far away from the mainland and has no heart to land. Otherwise, it will be a disaster for the human beings on the land.

Of course, mu Qingge's thinking of human beings at this time refers to the Linchuan realm, not the medieval world.

For the middle ages, she has no feelings at present.

In the heart of this guess, let Mu light song seems to understand some of the difficulties, the meaning of this sentence.

If those who leave Linchuan master, in the bitter sea area, encounter a powerful sea demon, I am afraid the result is hopeless.

After all, there is no mention in the existing historical materials and biographies that sea monsters have a good opinion of human beings.

All that is mentioned is how the sea monster repels and dislikes humans."It's really hard to get through the sea of hardships." Mu Qingge sighed in a low voice.

Different from the Western scriptures, there are no demons and ghosts waiting to eat the meat of Tang monks. There are only normal crises. However, this kind of crisis is placed above the sea of suffering and becomes extremely desperate.

Mu Qingge and Bai Lin hide in the gap between the rocks and look at the battlefield over there. The battle is becoming more and more fierce. Many sea monsters are chopped up and washed away by the sea water.

These sea monsters, it seems, will fight endlessly, and will never give up if they do not kill the other side.

In the center of the battlefield, there are two sea demon commanders fighting with each other. They both have strong hatred in their eyes, as if they were enemies of each other's father.

"You're a jerk! Talisa doesn't like you at all, but you still have to pester! She will be my bride very soon. You must die During the battle, a leader of purple territory called out.

Mu light song a Leng, these sea monsters actually can say human words!

"Well, half of the sirens' ancestors were human beings. It's not surprising that they will continue human writing. Animals, but there is no writing. " Bai Bi seemed to know the surprise in Mu Qingge's heart and explained.

At this time, another purple border commander, while fighting back, showed a sinister ugly smile, vicious way: "kill you, Talisa will cancel the wedding, I still have a chance."

"Kill me? Is it up to you? " The way that the former commander disdained. When he started, he was a little cruel.

The two fight more and more fierce, gradually separated from the crowd, suspended in the sea to fight. Every time they collide, the water will ripple and the sea will set off huge waves.

On the sea, the silver dust watched the movement of the sea, frowned by the undulating waves and the water column shooting into the sky.

At the bottom of the sea, two sea demon masters in purple realm made unremitting efforts to destroy a large area of forest. Even many nearby sea demons were affected and crushed by powerful spiritual power.

Their actions, regardless of the lives of their companions, can be imagined that the sea demon clan is violent.

"If you kill me, Talisa won't marry you. She will choose someone else. Are you capable of killing everyone? "

"I will kill anyone who dares to marry! In the end, Talisa can only be mine

Mu Qingge heard the corner of his mouth, and his stomach Fei: "make such a big battle, kill your life and death, is for a female sea demon named Talisa?"

The rivalry between the sea demons is more fierce than that of human beings!

What's more, those sea demon soldiers, who died of jealousy for their own commander, are still so brave and look at death as if they were returning home!

Tut Tut, mu Qingge means they can't understand their feelings!

"There are very few sirens, so every female siren is very popular among the sirens. This Talisa must be a rare beauty in the sea demon family, which will cause such a big fight. " White road.

Mu Qingge heard a clue from Bai's words.

It seems that the female sea demon, for the entire sea demon group, is also a kind of wealth. It is an irreplaceable wealth for the continuation of descendants and blood.

In this way, mu Qingge understands those sea demon soldiers who fight to death.

What they rob is not only women, but also rare resources, which can not be copied!

A woman may not be able to trigger a war on this scale. But if you put these labels on this woman, a war of this scale would be understandable.

Sure enough, not long after Baihua fell behind, they heard a sentence from the air, "Talisa is so beautiful, she is the most beautiful sea demon, only the most heroic sea demon can match her!"

"Well, I'm afraid they won't leave if they don't make a decision today." Mu light song slightly frown way.

Wait until they're done. When?

"What I'm more worried about is that they have chosen this area to fight. Does it mean that the island they live in is nearby? Besides, are there any other sea monsters on the island? " Bai Lin expressed his worry.

Mu Qingge's eyes shrunk and her lips began to purr.

If there are sea monsters living here, it can only show that they have entered the sea where the sea monsters live. It's impossible for such a big ship to completely avoid the sight of the siren! , the fastest update of the webnovel!