For the first time, mu Qingge regretted building such a big ship.

Originally, the purpose of building a large ship is to make it stable and withstand the harsh weather at sea, as well as other emergencies. What's more, if they don't have a spacious space to wander on the bitter sea for so long, they will have psychological problems.

However, how to cross the sea demon living area has become a big problem.

Mu Qingge frowned, thinking hard about countermeasures.

Ships can't be invisible, and sirens are not blind. Then there are only two ways to choose, either to obtain the approval of the sea demon, go through the sea demon's area, or go to war and fight all the way!

However, no matter which road, it is not easy!

What about the detour?

As soon as the idea came out, it was filmed by mu Qingge. They have no nautical chart at all, relying on the treasure given by Simao to guide navigation.

That thing is not intelligent enough to seek good fortune and avoid evil. It is certainly impossible to list the routes around the sea demon area for mu Qingge to choose.

Thinking about it, mu Qingge sighed in his heart and said silently, "it seems that there is only one choice for two!"


The battle on the sea demon battlefield, more and more intense.

For that siren named Talisa, thousands of sirens here really don't even want their lives.

Of course, as the contender, the two sea demon commanders fought hard. Their accomplishments, experience and strength are all equal. For a while, no one can win over anyone, but they can only stand in a deadlock.

"Stop it! Stop it

In the sea demon leg broken arm floating in the sea, the distance suddenly heard an angry female voice.

The sound, however, sounds a bit wonderful.

Mu Qingge and Bai Bi look back.

Distant sea water, spread a wave of spray, is a sea demon rushed over quickly.

And at the moment of her voice, the fierce battle came to an end.

The living sea demons, including the two leaders of the purple peak, looked at the female sea demon.

The spray dispersed, revealing the appearance of a female sea demon.

Sleeping trough!

Mu light song's eyes suddenly shrunk, the expression seems to have been scared by ten thousand points!

The sea monster in front of me is really Unique!

Her figure, completely human, only in the legs and arms outside, floating some thin membrane. And that face On her flat face, her eyes were round and slightly convex, her nose collapsed, and the corners of her mouth cracked to the edge of her cheek. The jagged fangs inside are frightening.

"Talisa, why are you here?"

Seeing the appearance of the female sea demon, the two sea demon commanders who had fought each other to death immediately restrained their whole body's flame and landed on the bottom of the sea to meet the female sea demon together.

As soon as the name of Talisa came out, moqingge couldn't help but give a sharp puff.

's white beet also whispered to Tucao. "How many women make complaints about the sea monster? Growing up like this is the first beauty of the sea demon race? It's more beautiful than her to pick someone from the Dragon teeth guards to dress up as a woman! "

White words, let Mu light song heart speechless.

However, a little fantasy of dragon teeth guards changing into women's clothes, although some of them can't bear to look directly, it is more aesthetic than the first beauty of the sea demon clan.

"If I don't come, you'll be killed here!" The first beauty of the sea demon clan, Talisa looks at the two male sea monsters angrily.

She was so cruel that she was scolded.

It seems that this Talisa should not be as simple as "a good name outside".

Mu Qingge thought in my heart.

Originally, this time they should be able to leave.

Because the arrival of Talisa seems to have declared the end of the battle.

But, before the scuffle, it was easy for them to sneak here. Now I want to leave, but I have to go through the eyes of the sea demons.

"What to do?" Bai Bi looks at Xiangmu light song.

Mu Qingge said, "wait a moment. They always leave. " Her meaning is very clear, since can't fight, will leave. At that time, they returned to the ship to consider how to cross the sea.

"Fukang, I have told you that I don't like you and I won't marry you. Why do you have to find the trouble of the festival and the funeral? " Talisa's eyes glared at one of the male sea monsters.

The male sea demon, who had been yelling before, said, "Whoever Talisa marries, he will kill." My brother!

It seems that he started the fight.

Talisa with the words of maintenance, let the festival mourn proud straight waist, show off to look at Fukang.

This action made Fukang angry and wanted to end the festival funeral on the spot.

However, before the festival mourning's proud expression recovered, Talisa looked to him and said in disappointment: "festival mourning, you let me down too much. You can't even beat Fukang. It seems that you are not as good as him. I'm sorry, our wedding is going to be cancelled. I can't marry you"Why! Talisa, it's this bastard who's picking on the fault. I didn't do anything wrong! " The festival mourner exclaimed in shock.

Fukang on the other side, however, laughed triumphantly.

It seems that he can't hold the beauty back, and the festival also lost the opportunity, which is his victory.

Faced with the question of the festival funeral, Talisa replied naturally, "I thought you were the most brave, but I didn't think you were even inferior to Fukang. One thing, Fukang is quite right. As the first beauty of the sea demon family, I shoulder the responsibility of inheriting the descendants of the sea demon family. So my husband must be the bravest siren, so that our children will inherit my beauty and his bravery. "

Mu Qingge is listening to the three avalanches in the rock crevice!

At a certain moment, she really thought that there was something wrong with her aesthetics.

There is no problem with Talisa's words, but with her extremely vulgar face, it is the biggest problem!

"No! Talisa, I can beat Fukang. I just didn't do my best just now Festival mourning is still striving for.

Unfortunately, Talisa didn't seem to want to hear it any more.

She raised her hand and interrupted what she wanted to recover from the festival. "That's enough! My words will not change. After I go back, I will ask my father to return the marriage letter, and we will write off everything between us

"Talisa, you can't do that! If you don't marry me, do you want to marry Fukang? " Festival funeral flustered said, cast to the side of Fukang schadenfreude in the eyes, full of ferocious killing.

"Even if Talisa wants to marry me, what can you do? You are no longer Talisa's fiance! Who else is in charge of talissa's choice? " Fukang grinned grimly and looked at Fukang fearlessly.


"Enough! I will not marry either of you With a roar, talissa stopped their useless argument.

Fukang and the festival mourning were stunned at the same time, shouting in one voice: "who do you want to marry?"

Talisa stares round that pair of bulging eyes, disdainful way: "have nothing to do with you!"

"No! If you don't say it, I won't agree to retire! " Festival funeral road.

Fukang also followed: "who is it! I'll go and kill him

Two opponents, who were still fighting to death, are now on the United Front. With the same hatred, she threw her hostility on Talisa's new fiance!

"We are the best of the sea demon youth. If you don't marry us, will you want to marry those old men?" Festival mourner said with his fangs.

Fukang agreed with this and nodded: "Talisa, you can choose between us, but you can't marry those old men!"

"Who I want to marry, that's my wish, no matter your business!" Talisa grunted.

"No way!"

"No way!"

Fukang shares the same voice with the festival mourning.

The two people's aggressive, let Talisa angry. She glared at them and exclaimed, "what qualifications do you have for me? If you do this again, you two will never see me again. "

Good dog blood!

Mu Qingge sighs in my heart!

How could she have imagined that she had come to explore the strength of the sea demon, but it turned out to be such a jealous dog blood triangle love!


It's not a love triangle.

That Talisa doesn't like Fukang or funerals at all.

Perhaps, her status in the sea demon clan, can let her have such capricious.

However, muqingge is also a little strange.

According to the law, these two male sea monsters are not good friends. When Talisa refused, they even begged for each other and didn't tie people back directly?

Talisa's cruel words suppressed Fukang and the festival funeral.

They did not speak any more, but their eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

Hold for a long time, the festival mourning just forced to endure the discomfort in the heart of the mouth. "Talisa, if you want to cancel your engagement and marry someone else, you have to let me know who it is? Who won me, won your heart. "

Talisa was silent, her face tense.

"I guess, there is no one at all. This Talisa is just deliberately doing this, arousing two male sirens to fight for her


Mu Qingge was surprised, "she came to stop them fighting?"

Bai Yan looked at her with pity and seemed to be asking, "you are still not a woman! You can't even see this trick? "

Mu Qingge was regarded as awkward by her, but she did not know what was wrong with her words.

However, Bai Bi had no choice but to explain, "I bet that Talisa must have been hiding around watching the opera. I just came out when I was almost there, and then I tried to provoke the two men

"What is the advantage of her doing so?" Mu Qingge frowned.

"Vanity," she said! Isn't that all women? The more men for her regardless of life and death, fight, the more can reflect her value, let her more boastful capital. The more you refuse, the more you will not let go"So in the end, she will marry one of them?" Mu Qingge is a thoughtful way.

White black affirmative nod.

However, mu Qingge frowned: "I don't care who she married and who married her. All I care about now is how to get out of this area and move on. "

"You can try to kidnap this Talisa. Because of her importance to the sea demon tribe, maybe they will throw a mouse and let us go. After leaving the siren area, just let her go. "

Mu light Song mouth a smoke, meaning unknown smile: "really a good idea."

White eyes a bright, it seems that because of the praise of Mu light song and happy.

Then, let her return to the bottom of the song. "It may also arouse the anger of the whole sea demon clan and chase us all the way to the middle ancient world." That picture, should be very beautiful.

The smile on Bai's face was stiff, and his eyes were full of complaints.

It seemed that she was only to blame, knowing that this method would not work, and deliberately saying that it was a good idea, he ridiculed her.

Mu Qingge gave her a silent laugh and ignored her complaining eyes.

"Talisa, don't forget that you are now the best age to have children, and if you continue to procrastinate, you will miss the opportunity." Fukang suddenly reminded.

This sentence changed Talisa's face and said in a deep voice, "that's my own business, too."

"Talisa, you don't have another object at all, do you?" Fukang's sudden way.

As soon as this word comes out, the festival mourns for a moment.

Talisa's body is also stiff.

It's like the result of a lie being punctured.

Her expression made the festival mourner react immediately and yelled at her, "Talisa, what's going on? Since you have no other choice, why do you want to cancel our engagement? "

"Don't you see that? She doesn't love you at all. She just finds an excuse to break the engagement with you. " Fukang laughed wildly.

"It's impossible!" Festival mourning denied.

He looked at Talisa, and his sincere eyes seemed to express his love for her in silence, trying to remind them of the past between them.

Talisa's silence, let the festival mourning eyes gradually be replaced by disappointment.

Fukang was even more proud, "Talisa, you don't want to marry another festival or funeral, but you finally find out that you love me!"

The festival mourning glared at Fukang.

Talisa looked at Fukang with cold face and sneered: "Fukang, your arrogance makes me hate! If I had to choose, I would rather marry a festival funeral than you. But you're right. I don't love anyone. So, no one wants to marry. However, you also said a fact, I can not miss the best childbearing period. So, if you must let me choose one of you who is married, it's a real duel! Don't sacrifice my sea demon warrior. You two will fight alone. I'll marry whoever survives! "

Talisa said, a trace of malice flashed through her eyes.

"What a cruel woman!" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly.

Naturally, she recognized the venom in Talisa's words. She clearly wanted the two men to kill each other and to bet on themselves. The winner will get her.

Talisa's words, so that Fukang and festival mourning eyes are fierce up, looking at each other's eyes full of vigilance.

They slowly opened the distance between each other, as if ready for war.

Talisa sneers and retreats for a distance, but she happens to approach mu Qingge and Bai Bi's seat.

Mu Qingge and Bai Lin look at each other silently.

It seems that more intense fighting has begun.

Mu Qingge has to admire Talisa in her heart. She is a cruel woman with a lot of heart.

What I said just now not only provoked the life and death struggle between Fukang and the festival funeral, but also won the favor of other sea demon men.

"Let's go." Talisa showed a very ugly smile in the eyes of moqingge and Baiji.

However, a group of male sea monsters were fascinated and obsessed.

In Talisa's smile of "enchanting all living beings", Jie Shou raised her strange weapon and rushed to Fukang.

Fukang was still trapped in Talisa's smile, and suddenly felt a sense of killing. He quickly raised his weapons to resist the attack.

Weapons collide, a strong momentum spread.

That invisible air wave, infinite expansion, on the sea, suddenly a circle of water spray.

The sound of fighting, spread to the sea, so that the people on the huge ship, can not meditate.

Moyang stood on the deck, overlooking the sea area, worried about the safety of the muqingge.

Then they haven't come back yet. He doesn't know what's going on at the bottom of the sea!

The silver dust stands in the observation platform, the line of sight is more open. He said faintly: "the scale of the battle has been reduced, but it is still continuing."

Mo Yang pursed his lips and thought, "does it mean that the battle is over if the scope of the battle is narrowed?"At this time, Fukang and the festival funeral have reached a group in the sea floor area.

In order to perform in front of Talisa, the two people no longer keep it, and the speed is as fast as two entangled lightning. The resistance in the sea had no effect on them.

They fought without regard to other people present.

Force the other sirens to retreat. Under the sea forest, the rocks are constantly cut down and broken by them.

This piece of sea water, they are muddy, dark surge more intense.

Everything on the bottom of the sea is constantly being destroyed.

Those broken stones and trees scattered, crashing into the sea monsters watching the war.

The only area that has not been affected is the area where Talisa is standing.

At this moment, mu Qingge is glad that Talisa is standing in front of the stone where they are hiding.

Otherwise, according to their fighting posture, it will not be far from their exposure.

In the sea demon's place, suddenly appears two human, its consequence is imaginable. I'm afraid that before they have a chance to explain, they will be attacked violently.

If it's on land, muqingge doesn't care at all.

But this is in the sea.

She thinks she doesn't have the ability to fight at the bottom of the sea!

"Can you move faster? I'm hungry already All of a sudden, another word came from Talisa, which intensified the fighting.

Fukang and the festival mourning did not seem to care about the indifference in Talisa's words.

The woman doesn't care who lives or dies. It seems that they are not more important than a meal in her heart!

But even if they knew it, they launched a more fierce attack in accordance with the woman's wishes.

Fukang and the festival mourning two people's strength is not equal, fight for a while and a half will be difficult to determine the top and bottom, what's more, Talisa's request is that only one person can live!

Therefore, their more intense fighting, except for the more destructive force, has not changed the current situation.


The bottom of the sea, constantly destroyed.

However, the sound can not be transmitted much in the sea, and the rest of the sound wrapped in power can only rush to the sea.

Under the sea, it's a fierce battle on the vision. On the sea, there is a fierce battle on hearing.

All of a sudden, the two figures in the fierce collision separated rapidly.

Fukang flashed in front of Talisa.

His mouth has some blood stains, a pair of cold fierce eyes, tightly staring at the festival funeral. Festival mourning also has some damage, eyes are also staring at Fukang, eyes burning fire.

"Die!" The eyes of the festival mourning suddenly glare round, with all one's strength, wielding weapons and attacking Fukang.

The powerful force rushes out from the weapons of the festival and points to Fukang's chest.

The blow was too fierce and too fast, which seemed to be beyond the scope of Fukang.

There was a flash of panic in his eyes, and he subconsciously flashed to one side, trying to avoid it.

However, when he let go, he exposed Talisa not far behind him.

The attack evaded by Fukang did not disappear, but went directly to Talisa.

This scene is beyond Talisa's expectation.

She was stunned and her eyes widened.

The festival mourning was also startled. He hissed and cracked his lungs and said, "Talisa, get away from me!"

He's a voice, which makes Fukang reflect what he has done. Also let Talisa, subconsciously listen to the voice of the festival mourning, jumped to the side, to avoid the attack.

She was so fierce that she was hit by the sea.

However, she avoided, mu Qingge and Bai Lin's hiding stones became the first to be attacked!

The rocks can't escape. They're doomed to be blown up.

The momentum of the attack was very fierce. So that mu Qingge and Bai Bi can be clearly felt in the mountains and stones.

Just before the attack arrived, mu Qingge grabbed Bai's wrist and whispered, "go!"

The two quickly flashed out of the gap between the rocks.

As soon as he left, the attack arrived. He fell on the rock and blew it to pieces!

Fortunately, the bubble of Bai Yi is strong enough to wrap them and roll out, like a ball, pushed away by the residual Qi.

"Who is it?"

"Who is it?"

Festival mourning and Fukang both noticed the transparent ball and ran after them immediately.

A lot of sea demon Leng for a moment, also react to come over, hurry to catch up with.

Talisa, who was washed to the ground, stood up and saw a ball fall to her side.

And in the back, is the festival mourning and Fukang ferocious rush to the expression.

When she got angry, she stood up and yelled, "you want to kill me!"

Talisa's voice stopped the festival funeral and Fukang's steps. They stopped abruptly, and the sea monsters who were chasing after them also stopped rushing."No, talissa, listen to me!" The explanation of the festival mourning panic.

"Talisa, stay away from me!" Fukang yelled to Talisa.

However, when Talisa heard this, she felt that Fukang was yelling at her.

Two men who adore her are united now, not only yelling at her, but also killing her!

"How dare you do this to me Talisa's angry way. She called out the biggest killer, "you die! In any case, I will not marry you

After shouting this, Talisa noticed two people standing next to her.

She ignored the transparent bubble, her eyes were flustered and fell on mu Qingge, shouting to Fukang and the festival mourning: "I will marry him! I'd rather marry the ugliest man than you two bastards

Sleeping trough!

Mu Qingge looks confused.

She was just bombed out and forced to marry before she could react?

"The ugliest man?" Bai Bi looked at Xiangmu light song strangely and looked up and down.

"What are you looking at, ugly woman! Can you see my man? " The action of Bai Yan, falling in Talisa's eyes, was attacked immediately.

White face taunted smile a stiff, eyes twinkle into purple gold vertical pupil, looking at Talisa.

How dare you say she is ugly?!

"Talisa, you're crazy!"

"Talisa, don't be impulsive!"

Fukang and the festival funeral at the same time.

"I have decided! I'm going to marry him! You have the ability to kill him! Kill him, and I'll find another man. How many can you kill? " She's so angry that she's lost her mind.

All this, only blame two men's fire to her body.

Festival funeral just miss, Fukang's avoidance, let her out of embarrassment, enough to let her in the heart of the two of them sentenced to death. Besides, she didn't like them at all!

"Good! Since you are going to marry him, I will kill him Fukang eyes a Li, toward Mu light song rushed.

It seems that they don't care about other people's lives at all. Even though they knew that Talisa was angry, not true, they were willing to kill for it.

Just to show the immeasurable status of Talisa in their hearts.

Sleeping trough! It's none of my business!

Mu Qingge looks at Fukang rushing towards him, and cries out innocently in his heart.

How could she be involved in this complex love and hatred? Besides, the first beauty of the sea demon clan wanted to marry. Did she want to marry again?

As the attack approaches, mu Qingge asks in a hurry: "if I attack at the bottom of the sea, will it have an impact?"

White mouth corner a draw, the eye light cold come down. "Leave it to me. This is not your home court."

With that, Bai Bi's legs emit white light, and the tail of the snake appears. She jumps out of the bubble. The tail of the snake swings fiercely, breaking Fukang's attack and sweeping him back.

"Spirit beast!"

The change of white hair calms down the sea demon people.

Even Talisa stopped shouting.

She was shocked to see white, but also to Mu light song. Zheng Zheng way: "human beings!"

"It's human!"

"It's human!"

"The damned human beings have broken into our territory!"

"Kill him! Kill them

Around the sea demon's voice, let Mu light song's eyes a squint, look at white, way: "take her, let's go."

White boa nodded and turned into a white python. The tail of the snake stirred the sea water and prevented the sea demons from approaching. Then she rolled up the shocked Talisa, and mu Qingge quickly and far shield, heading for the huge ship.

When the sea is calm, where are the shadows of moqingge, Baibo and Talisa?

"They took Talisa!" The festival is full of fear.

Fukang showed his fierce eyes, held up his weapons and called out: "chase --"! We must bring our goddess Talisa back

"Go! Follow me and save your mistress The festival mourning also called out to the soldiers.

Two sea demon forces, combined into one, chase after mu Qingge where they fled together.


The sea suddenly became calm.

It seems that the battle at the bottom of the sea has finally stopped.

Mo Yang breathed a sigh of relief, but the brow that just relaxed raised again. Since the battle is over, why haven't they come back?

Just as he thought about it, the water outside the ship on the right suddenly burst into water. A huge white Python rushed out of the sea and came towards the ship.

Moyang eyes a congealing, ready to hand.

"That's white." On the observation platform, silver dust is exported in time.


Mo Yang's spiritual power has just been recovered, and he sees the figure of Mu Qingge.

At this time, hearing the movement of the Dragon teeth guard, as well as Youhe, Huayue all ran out and stood on the deck.A figure fell from the air and fell heavily on the deck.

White body shape a fantasy, and restore the cold and charming beauty, and Mu light song slowly fall.

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

As soon as mu Qingge came back, the Longya guards were excited.

Mu Qingge gently nodded her jaw, looked at Talisa on the deck, and told everyone, "look after her."

At this time, people noticed the "toys" lying on the ground.

After a careful look, the crowd took a breath. Long Ya Wei, who has been through many battles, seems to have been greatly frightened and retreated a step back.

Nima! Is this a man or a ghost?

Green skin, full of gloomy. Although it is a human body, but it has a toad face!

"Sir, she is..." Mo Yang frowned and asked.

"Sea monster." Light Mu Ge answer.

Sea monster?

People's eyes shrunk, eyes a bit more curious.

"And she's the first beauty among the sea monsters." Bai Lin added a word of gloating.

I'll go! What the hell?

Longya guards, plus Moyang, Youhe, Huayue and Yinchen, were greatly shocked.

At the same time, an idea came to their mind.

"The first beauties of the sea demon clan are so ugly that they can't flatter them. What should other people look like! To set off the title of her first beauty? "

"Well, take care of her. There's a tough battle to fight next." Mu Qingge finished. Go to the rudder, she's going to sail out of the sea monster's area.

To fight!

Although, they do not know what happened to Mu Qingge and Bai Bi under the sea. How did the first beauty of the sea demon clan become the captive of their little Lord, but it did not hinder their excitement when they heard about the war.

After drifting on the bitter sea for nearly half a year, they have already had a bird to spare!

Finally, there was a fight. They couldn't wait more than anyone else.

"You ugly people, let me go! Otherwise, you will be buried in this sea! " After waking up from the confusion, Talisa finally realized the fact that she was captured.

She did not expect that there would be human beings in this sea area belonging to the sea monster.

And, not one or two, but so many people!

What's more, they are so ugly!

Among them, the ugliest sirens are much more pleasing to the eyes than the humans in front of them. Especially the one in red!

Talisa looked at the light song of admiration and frowned with disgust. Is the ugliest guy the leader of this group of humans?


Ugly them?

Who is ugly!

People's aesthetic views are gradually collapsing.

Mu light song coldly way: "take her down first."

She finished, one hand clapped on the disc sent by Si Mo, the giant ship stopped, and started to start again, and drove forward at a very fast speed.

"Light song, what are you going to do?" Bai Lin came to Mu Qingge and asked.

Mu light song looks calm, to the problem of white, just light way: "how to do? Didn't you say that before? "

What did she say?

White black carefully recollects a time, suddenly eye in a bright!

She seems to have said that mu Qingge tied up the "first beauty" and then threatened the sea demon as a hostage and let them go!

White beauty Mou Shu ground a shrink, see to Mu light song to ask: "but you did not say such words, will..."

Mu Qingge nodded, "I said, this will cause the whole sea demon to chase and kill. But now it's up to us to choose. "

Before, in the sea, she didn't want to.

However, when those sea monsters found out that she was human, their fierce eyes and cannibalism made her feel that soft policy was invalid.

Then, we can only take coercive measures!

Therefore, she made a decision and didn't entangle with the sea demons. She told Bai Lin to take Talisa and go!

"If we do this, we may have to face the sea monster in the whole bitter sea!" Bai's shocked way.

Mu light song pick lips smile, turn eyes to look at her, "you are afraid?"

White one stagnates, the purple gold in the eyes becomes enchanting. She was bewitched and laughed, "afraid? I haven't been afraid of anything for so many years. "

"That's it!" Mu light song a few can not check nodded.

The great ship sailed through the rough sea.

All of a sudden, standing on the observation platform, silver dust, blood eyes slightly narrowed, called to Mu Qingge: "Qingge, there are a lot of people chasing over there!"

Mu Qingge and Bai Bi looked back and saw countless waves on the sea.Then, Fukang and the festival mourner rushed out of the sea with the sea demon and came towards the huge ship.

Under their feet, there were large fish, which seemed to be spirits and beasts living in the depths of the bitter sea.

Sure enough, it's coming!

Mu light song eyes light a cold, take back the line of sight.

She poured spiritual power into the disc, speeding up the speed of the ship.

Before that, she specially asked Bai Gu to make a circle around the bottom of the sea, and took Fukang and Jieshou to the sea area behind the giant ship for some time.

Therefore, Fukang and the festival mourning, they will rush out of the sea behind the huge ship.

At this time, Talisa is being twisted and pressed into the cabin by the Dragon teeth guards. This scene happens to be seen by the festival mourner. He said to Fukang, "look! Talisa is on that boat

Fukang's eyes narrowed and his eyes were full of ferocity. He waved to his subordinate sea demon and roared, "let's go! Kill those people and get Talisa back




The cry of the sea monsters made a commotion behind the ship.

The Dragon teeth guards stood on the stern deck and looked at those ugly sea monsters. They could not help holding their weapons.


"Archer, give it to me!"

Festival mourning and Fukang have the same voice.

Among the sea demons, a group of people immediately stood up, took up their bows and arrows, and shot at the huge ship.

Their arrows seemed to be covered with spiritual power. They had a strong penetrating power, but also had a certain destructive effect. They landed on the sampan at the stern of the ship and quickly burned up.

Moyang immediately organized Longya guard to put out the fire and also took up bow and arrow to fight back.

"Disperse, surround them!"

A sea demon shooter, shot near the festival mourning, he immediately ordered.

As soon as his voice fell, the sirens, who had listened to him, immediately dispersed and surrounded both sides of the ship. Long range attacks continue to fall on the giant ship.

At this time, a light curtain appeared on the ship, and a light blue mask appeared outside the ship to block all the attacks.

Mo Yang is surprised and looks at mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge gently pursed his lips and said, "it should be the sea demon's attack that inspired the defense of the ship." The defense on the ship naturally comes from the disc that Si Mo gave.

Bai Xuan took a look and said to Mu Qingge: "with their attack strength, they should not be able to break through this defense."

Mu light song, light jaw head.

She went to the stern of the ship and saw Fukang and the festival mourning, who were commanding the attack.

Fukang and the festival also saw muqingge and recognized the human who had taken Talisa away.

They rushed to muqingge immediately.

They are the peak of purple realm, and their character is violent.

Jump up from the spirit beast, want to use brute force to break the shield of defense, fall on the ship to save people. Of course, killing mu Qingge is one of their aims.

However, when they rushed to the front of the light shield, they were directly bounced back and fell into the sea of suffering.

This scene, let Mu light Song mouth raised a banter smile.

Fukang and the festival mourning came out of the sea in confusion. Seeing Xiangmu Qingge's expression, he was more cruel.

"Man! Let Talisa go, and I can make your death easier! " Festival funeral to Mu light song shout.

Fukang also refused to be outdone: "human beings, if Talisa is hurt by a trace, I promise you can only bury yourself in the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!"

The sea monsters' attack can't hurt half of the ship.

Inside the cabin, there was a cry of help from Talisa.

The sound spreads to the sea, enters Fukang and the festival mourning's ear, lets them simultaneously color change.

"Man! Talisa is the daughter of our patriarch. What do you dare to do to her? We sea demons will not let you go The festival mourning is anxious to shout.

Fukang scolded: "fool, let them know the identity of Talisa, will be more dangerous! Human beings are all insidious and despicable

"Oh? Is Talisa the daughter of the patriarch? That would be better. " Suddenly, the sound of muqingge's banter floated down from the boat.

Fukang and Jieshou stop quarreling and look at her.

And her words, let the festival mourning face quickly from green to gray.

It seems that he is also aware of what his words have brought to Talisa.

"Fukang, festival mourning, to your patriarch with a word." Mu Qingge yelled at Fukang and the festival mourners, "if you don't want Talisa to be hurt, remove all the defenses and let my ship cross the sea area ruled by the sea demon safely. After I leave, Talisa will return it to you intact. Otherwise, wait for the corpse of the first beauty of your siren. "

Fukang and festival mourning eyes glare, is not reconciled.

Mu Qingge added another evil sentence, "Oh, yes. I almost forgot to tell you that my staff are young and vigorous young men who have been drifting on the sea for such a long time. You should know what they want most now? If you don't want Talisa to get hurt, just do what I sayThis is a great threat.

Fukang and the festival funeral immediately stopped pursuing and did not dare to take any action.

And Moyang, as well as other Longya Wei, vomited silently in his heart after hearing the words of muqingge. "My little Lord, you don't have to scare the enemy. Let's make fun of it! As far as the beauty's face is concerned, they really can't talk about it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!