On the bitter sea, the sea demon is in charge.

No one knows how big the sea area ruled by sea monsters is.

Under the night, the giant ship moved forward slowly, cutting through the thick sea water under the night and moving forward in the fog.

Behind the ship, there were no more sea demon pursuers. There were only a few sentinels, who were far behind to watch their every move.

Bai Lin goes to Mu Qingge's side and meets the sea breeze with her.

Shaoqing, she looked at Xiangmu Qingsong and asked curiously, "will the sea demon really agree with our requirements?"

"No Mu Qingge's straightforward answer.

This answer, let white beautiful eyes shrink. Surprised to ask: "then how do you still..." If you expect that the other side will not compromise, why do you do it?

Bai Bi can't understand Mu Qing song.

She had thought that she had existed for so long. She was used to seeing human beings, and had already understood the human mind. However, in contact with mu Qingge, she found that she could not understand her at all.

"Although it won't really let us go, it will also be a deterrent." Mu Qingge said a word.

Bai bi was silent for a moment, carefully experience Mu light song words, it seems that some understand her intention.

I'm afraid that mu Qingge's sending the news back to Fukang and the festival funeral is just a delaying tactic.

As she pondered, she said, "sirens have lived in this area for generations, and now they have no idea how much they have spread. We're new here, and we don't know the details of the sea monster. Do you mean to attract their attention and let them come out of the dark? "

The more he talked about it, the more surprised he was.

She was shocked because mu Qingge's mind was meticulous. In such a chaotic moment, mu Qingge had already set up several moves of chess, and gradually introduced the sea demon family into her trap, and was slowly led by her.

"But if the sea demons are really angered and they pour out their nests, what shall we do?" Bai Xuan didn't understand again.

Mu Qingge but did not care about a smile, "in the art of war, the enemy is dark, I am clearly inferior. We forced them out of the dark, and we have already reversed this disadvantage. As for the back, it depends on how the sirens react. "

Bai Lin was stunned by her words.

Mu Qingge turned her eyes and asked, "what's the matter?"

Be clear of the eye light a sweep, white mutter way: "I thought you have already calculated everything."

Mu light song a Leng, immediately laughed.

After laughing, she said to Bai Lin: "you may have been too high on me. If I know everything like God, isn't it a fairy?"

"You're almost there." Bai's way of feeling.

Bai's evaluation, Mu light song is just a silent smile.

Her eyes fell on the sea and said in her heart, "no, I'm not strong enough to be like that! In front of her, there are still many barriers waiting for her to break through, step by step to the man's side. Instead of being a drag on him, he became an arm he could rely on. "


The islands of the bitter sea are all hidden in the fog, and they can't be seen clearly on the sea.

Only when we get closer, we can see the unique Islands rising from the bottom of the sea.

These islands are like broken stone pillars and umbrellas stretching out from the sea. The thin end is inserted into the deep sea, and the wide end is suspended between the sky and the sea.

On the island, there are mountains, rivers, forests, plains, birds and animals are flourishing. It's like a paradise.

The islands are connected by strong vines, and the floating bridge built above has become the main channel leading to the islands.

In the distance, on some exposed reefs, there are sentinels of the sea demon clan, watching all kinds of movements on the sea.

"Who are you?" On the sea at night, the waves of the sea came.

The sirens were extremely sensitive to the flow of water, which immediately alerted sentinels on the reef.

"It's me." In the dark, came a rough voice.

The sea demon sentry stood up from the reef and tried to look at the sea.

After dispelling the fog, a group of sea monsters appeared in his sight, riding fish and beasts.

At a glance, he recognized the sea demon commander standing in the front, and a flattering smile appeared on his ugly face, "it's the festival mourning Lord! What's the matter with coming to us? "

All of a sudden, his sight aimed at the man beside the festival mourning. His eyes suddenly shrunk and his expression changed. He cried out: "Fukang, how are you here? Our young lady has said that you are not allowed to step into our territory. "

The sentry's words make Fukang's eyes appear a layer of anger.

It seemed that he wanted to kill the sentinel who dared to speak ill of him.

However, before his temper broke out, the festival mourner held out his hand and blocked in front of him. "Business matters." In a word, let Fukang stop.

After pacifying Fukang, he said to the sentry at the festival of mourning: "we want to see your patriarch. We have something important to report."

As soon as he heard something important, the sentry did not dare to delay, and immediately sent out a strange sound wave behind him.After a while, there was a sound wave in the distance.

The sentinel just said to the festival mourning: "festival mourning Lord, please come in."

He withdrew his defenses and let the festival mourners bring people in.

In the center of Fukang, they came to the largest of these reefs.

On the island, down a lifting board, festival funeral and Fukang jump up, step on the board.

Then someone on top slowly pulled the boards up and brought them into the island.

On the island, standing in front of them are dozens of sea demon soldiers.

The sea demon's ferocious face, can't see what their expression is. I can only peep into their eyes.

"Follow me." One of the leading sea demons said a word to the festival mourning and Fukang and turned to lead the way. He didn't show a flattering face to the festival mourning like a sentinel. It seems that this man has a high status here.

And his attitude, also did not let Festival mourning and Fukang feel any dissatisfaction.

Even, in the face of this person, both of them have a faint vigilance in their eyes.

It's not easy for them to feel the need to be vigilant!

On the road, there are houses and palaces.

However, compared with those buildings of human beings, the sea demon clan is more wild and rough, and more primitive. Many things, they are just local materials, rough processing, then used in life. It's not as delicate as human beings, and there's polishing.

The house of the sea demon clan is decorated with thick tree trunks, stone walls and some special, colorful flowers and plants.

If the status of water is high, on the wall, inlaid with the fluorescent shells and pearls.

Festival mourning and Fukang were taken outside one of the largest buildings.

Led by the sea demon, they went in without notice.

After coming in, they saw several siren women lighting lamps made of fish oil to disperse the night.

After entering a large room, they stopped.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps. A strong and burly sea demon came out of the robe made of fish skin and went straight to the chair made of big fish and bones in the sea and sat down.

"What's the matter with you two coming to see me so late?" The patriarch looked at the festival funeral and Fukang road.

In his tone, there was an elder's tone.

In front of him, Fukang, whether it is festival mourning or grumpy, has restrained his arrogance and kept the posture that younger generation should have.

"Patriarch, there's something wrong with Talisa." Festival mourners bite their teeth and say something.

As soon as this sentence came out, the patriarch's lazy body suddenly leaned forward and his eyes widened.

The sea demon who brought them in also suddenly turned his head, and his fierce eyes shot at the festival mourning and Fukang.

"What's going on?" The chief of the clan said in a sharp voice.

"It has nothing to do with us. It's a human who broke in and hijacked Talisa." Fukang is in a hurry.

"Human beings!" A cold light flashed in the eyes of the big family, and the eyes became sharper and sharper.

He narrowed his eyes slowly and asked Fukang and the festival mourning, "do you think there are human beings in the area ruled by sea monsters?"

"Yes This time, the festival mourning snatched in front of Fukang.

"What's the quantity? What was the purpose of taking Talisa? " The patriarch had regained his senses and asked in a deep voice.

The festival mourner thought for a moment and replied, "the number seems to be hundreds of people. They are on the boat. We can't find out."

"The ugly man who led them said that as long as we allowed them to pass through our territory safely, Talisa would be released. Otherwise... " Fukang continued with the words of the festival.

He secretly looked at the patriarch and saw that his face had begun to cool down. Then he murmured, "otherwise, let's wait for Talisa to collect her body."


As soon as Fukang's voice fell, a big clan leader's explosive drink came. The armrest on his fishbone seat was also shattered by his momentum and turned into gray powder and fell down.

Festival funeral and Fukang look changed, the atmosphere also dare not come out.

"Damned human! How dare you take my daughter and blackmail me! Do they think that we sirens will succumb? " The big family has a long hatred.

All of a sudden, he looked at the sea demon standing beside the festival funeral and Fukang. He looked a little slower and said to him, "Kun, you go to meet those people and bring back your sister."

"Yes, adoptive father." After the sea demon answered, he looked at the festival mourning and Fukang and said coldly, "lead the way."

"You alone?" Festival mourning surprised way.

Kun but coldly swept to him, "I'm enough alone."

Festival funeral also want to say what, but Fukang secretly pulled.

Festival mourn does not understand to look at Fukang, the latter actually shook his head to him.There is no more to say, festival funeral and Fukang with Kun left, according to the original road back to the sea.

Kun summoned his own fish, spirit and beast, and stood on its back exposed to the sea, following Jieshou and Fukang.

"Why didn't you let me talk? Those human beings, especially the one in red, are not easy to provoke! Our attack can't break through the defenses of the ship at all. " Festival funeral low voice to Fukang road.

Fukang sneered and peeked at Kun behind them.

Facing the question of the festival funeral, he replied contemptuously: "saying too much will only make the patriarch feel that we are useless. Instead of wasting words, it's better to let Kun experience it in person. Isn't he called the first person of our generation by our elders? I'd like to see if he can bring Talisa back this time

Fukang mixed with jealousy, let the festival mourn shut his mouth.

Indeed, if Kun was not the adopted son of the patriarch and Talisa's nominal elder brother, he would be the best husband for Talisa.

However, among the sea demons, there are also rumors that Kun was the illegitimate son of the patriarch, who was brought up with him as an adopted son. Therefore, the patriarch never wanted to change his identity and marry his daughter to him.

In short, there are a lot of rumors about Kun, and he is also very strong.

Gradually, he became a sea demon, the existence of the younger generation can not be surpassed, like a mountain, pressure in the heart of the younger generation of the sea demon.

Festival mourning and Fukang originally came with the idea of saving Talisa, but now in front of Kun, their mood has become complicated.

Both hope that Talisa can be rescued, but also hope that Kun can eat shriveled, fall into the altar.


Bitter sea, such as the dark sky gradually faded, sunlight through the clouds, a bunch of light sprinkled on the dark green sea. It's like plating a layer of gold on the sea.

To the ancient world.

In those dense fog, it seems that there is a world that is hard to see.

Suddenly, the huge ship stopped and floated on the sea.

Mu Qingge, who was practicing in the cabin, finished his practice and slowly opened his eyes. That pair of clear eyes, with a sense of unknown emotions.

The next second, she disappeared from the cabin and appeared on the deck.

As soon as she got to the deck, silver dust and Bai Bo came over.

White in her side, holding hands, cold voice hiss, "there is a master." Even so, with her expression, I couldn't see any worry.

Silver dust see to Mu light song, blood eyes with serious, "I will meet him."

"No need." Mu Qingge overlooks the fog ahead and slowly shakes his head. "I will go myself." She would like to know how powerful the sirens are. What's more, if you want to improve your ability as soon as possible, you have to fight constantly.

At this time, behind the sound of footsteps, is Moyang running over.

"My Lord." Mo Yang stands behind mu Qingge and shouts.

Mu Qingge nodded his head and told him, "take good care of the first beauty of the sea demon family, and let everyone pay attention to the movement around. If a sea demon wants to sneak in, don't be polite, just kill it. "

Since she can't live in peace, she doesn't have to be friendly.

If you don't kill a few, this group of sea monsters really think she is made of clay!

Mo Yang nods and retreats in silence.

Even though mu Qingge is full of killing and bloody, he still thinks that the young Lord is the most true, beautiful and kind existence.


A loud noise suddenly rose, like thunder in a dry day.

Mu Qingge looked up and saw that the mask on the boat flashed.

Just now, it wasn't really a thunder attack, but someone was attacking.

"White hair disdains to sneer," return is really anxious ah

"You are a fool." Silver dust also gave a light evaluation.

Mu light song just gently hook up the corners of the lips, showing a trace of meaning unknown smile.

On the sea, a little farther away from the giant ship, Jieshou and Fukang stand side by side.

Kun, is no longer behind them, but to the giant ship.

They looked at Kun, who was hanging in the air, attacking the defenses of the huge ship, with a hint of good play in their eyes.

"Do you think he can break this defense?" Festival funeral road.

Fukang seldom had a peaceful chat with the festival mourner. Hearing his words, he could not help showing a trace of sarcastic eyes, "wait, maybe our Kun will fall a big somersault here."

"What about talissa?" The festival mourning frowned.

Fukang seems to be less worried about this. "Don't worry, that human wants to cross the sea. Talisa is safe until she reaches her goal."

The festival mourner looked at Fukang, frowned and said unhappily, "your dark thoughts are more and more like human beings."

Fukang was indifferent: "don't forget that our ancestors also had human beings.""Are you complacent?" Festival funeral road.

Fukang sneered and shook his head. "I'm just explaining a fact."

Festival mourner frowned and reminded him, "in any case, we and human beings are irreconcilable."

"Don't worry, I won't forget that. Since mankind abandoned us, it was our enemy Fukang said, the bottom of the eyes has emerged to kill.


Another two attacks fell on the mask, but they still could not shake the defense of the ship.

On the deck, Baiji was surprised and said, "what kind of strength can I break this mask? I can feel that the attack that fell on the mask has reached the stage of agility

Mu Qingge pursed her lips and did not speak. In fact, she also calculated silently in her heart.

Si Mo gives her things, naturally can't go to which. But where is the limit? What is the highest level of cultivation above the bitter sea?

In other words, how many attacks can the mask withstand?

If all the sea monsters are aimed at the giant ship, how long can this seemingly invincible mask bear?

Mu light song slowly droops the eye, the eye light moves slightly.

Outside the ship, Kun, with his trident in his hand, looked at the huge ship on the sea and frowned.

After a moment's silence, he raised the Trident again and waved it in the air. A force even more powerful than before shot out of the Trident and went straight to the ship.

However, before touching the huge ship, it was blocked back again by that layer of light shield, and bounced to the nearby sea surface, making a loud noise.

Such a result, let Kun dissatisfied.

He called to the ship, "despicable human beings, come out and die!"

The sound, through the light shield, came to the ship. Standing on the deck of a person, a snake and a fox, naturally heard.

"Well, I don't know what to do." White eye light a cold, sarcastic way.

Silver dust is also a dark blood eyes, eyes reflect the murderous spirit.

Although, they are not human beings. However, muqingge is! Muqingge is their master. Anyone who dares to insult their master is looking for death!

"Cowardly, despicable, insidious and despicable human beings, come out and die!" Kun's voice came again.

Mu light song eyes light a dark, the corner of the mouth raised a pale can not be found smile, took a step.

Her right forefinger glows, and the delicate fingertip turns into a delicate gun, which she holds in her hand. With a strong kick at the foot, mu Qingge jumps up from the deck and directly rushes to the outside of the light shield.

Kun hung in the air and was about to shout a third time.

Suddenly a purple gray light came to him. His eyes shrunk, and he quickly raised the Trident to resist.

The force hit the Trident, which made kunhu's mouth ache and retreated several feet in the air.

There are cracks in the skin of the hands, and the skin is covered with cracks, and the skin is covered with purple.

Such injury, let his eye light suddenly sharpen, breath fierce many.

At this time, mu Qingge appeared in front of him with Linglong gun, standing opposite to him.

Clear eyes light light light swept over the wound on Kun's hand, mu Qingge is just a smile that doesn't care. Since the other party put on so many high hats as soon as he opened his mouth, if she didn't sneak attack and not be mean, she would really be sorry for him.

"Mean and ugly human beings!" Kun ruthlessly looked at Xiangmu light song.

Mu light song red lips, crazy words out, "you don't know how to appreciate, I sympathize with you."

She really has no time to reverse the distorted aesthetic view of the sea demon clan!

Well, you can say she's not beautiful, but she thinks he's ugly Mu Qingge really wants to beat people up!

Kun did not understand the meaning of Mu Qingge's words. He held up his trident and pointed to Mu Qingge, "hand in Talisa, and I can make your death easier!"

Mu Qingge jokingly said: "what? Festival funeral and Fukang did not bring my words? For Talisa, yes, let's go through this area first. "

"You dream! Human beings, dare to step into the territory of our sea demon clan, don't want to leave alive! " Kun refused without hesitation.

"Oh? You don't care about Talisa's life or death? " Mu Qingge's way to play.

“……” Kun pursed her lips and was silent.

He really can't care about Talisa's life and death, but he can't be coerced by human beings and throw the sea demon's face.

"I'll kill you first!" After thinking about it, Kun thought it was best to kill all the human beings and save Talisa. He raised his trident and came to muqingge.

On the Trident, purple gray light floats.

However, the gray is not as much as moqingge.

"The first stage of flexibility." Mu Qingge squints and judges the state of Kun.

Trident is the weapon of the legendary god of the sea. It can control all ethnic groups in the sea, stir the sea water and summon the power of the sea. This kind of weapon, in the sea demon, only the strongest warrior can possess and be qualified to use."Die!" Kun Nu cried out.

He jumped up in the air, the Trident waved a purple gray aura, and attacked the muqingge everywhere.

This attack blocked all the retreat routes of muqingge.

With Kun's roar, the water on the sea surface was lifted up under the Trident's roar.

"Demigods!" Mu Qingge's eyes shrunk, feeling the power of Trident, the heart startled.

In the sea demon clan, a young man can have a demigod!

Then we can only say that in the sea demon clan, there are artifacts!

If that's true, her exquisite gun will no longer have an advantage.

Mu Qingge's eyes are cold, and the Linglong gun in his hand makes a stunning shot. He cooperates with xingshibu to avoid Kun's attack and stabs Kun.

In Kun's eyes, mu Qingge's figure has changed strangely.

Every time she appeared, she was approaching and in a position he could not determine.

In an instant, he felt the approaching of the cold and killing intention. Then, in his eyes suddenly appeared the figure of moqingge, the sharp point of the gun has come to his throat.

Kun was shocked and raised his trident to resist, twisting his neck to avoid the attack.

However, it was still left a bloodstain on the neck by Linglong gun.

If he slows down a little bit, or the Linglong gun is faster, he will be cut off the artery and be killed instantly!

"This man is so strong!" After a move, Kun was shocked in his heart.

At this time, looking at the eyes of Xiangmu Qingsong, he has already put away his contempt.

Being dodged by Kun, mu Qingge doesn't feel annoyed. She sneered and fought again with Kun. In the bitter sea sky, the two men hit each other violently, leaving only two groups of figures, and the people watching the battle could not see their moves clearly.

Mu Qingge concentrates on fighting, which is the first time that she competes with her rivals at the same level after she is promoted to the middle of the flexible period.

Although, Kun's cultivation is a little lower than her.

However, the unique playing method of the sea demon clan makes mu Qingge feel refreshing.

She is using Kun to hone her fighting power.

And Kun, however, was more and more frightened!

Among the sirens, he had no rival among his peers. Even some elders are not his opponents! But what about this human being?

It seems that I am not as big as talissa, but I have such terrible power!

The two were fighting in midair.

On the sea, festival mourning and Fukang looked up, their eyes were full of shock.

"If it was you, how much would it take?" Festival mourning some frustrated questions.

Fukang did not speak, just staring at the two figures.

Although, he did not answer, but the festival mourning can feel the shock in his heart, but Fukang is not willing to admit it.

Under Kun, they can't do ten moves.

But this human being can draw with Kun!

No! Festival mourning's eyes suddenly shrunk, trying to see some, he was shocked to find that in this seemingly balanced battle, in fact, it was the human who was pressing Kunda!

This discovery made him afraid.

On the huge ship, silver dust and white hair stand together rarely, without mutual sarcasm. Just because, at the moment, they're all focused on fighting in the sky.

The two men in the air, where they passed, were like fireworks in the sky.

Those brilliant lights are fireworks.

The rapid change of the two figures, so that the nearby sky and sea, both left their shadow. From time to time, there are attacks that fall into the sea, blow up the water column, and rush to heaven and earth.

Inside the cabin where Talisa is being held, she stops struggling. Through the round window, I saw the battle outside, and my bulging eyes were full of shock.

"He is so good! Can you draw with Kun? " Talisa murmured.

Because she lost in guessing boxing, she had to take care of her. When the Dragon teeth guard heard her feeling, her eyes were scornful and she said, "what is this? Our little Lord is stamping his feet, and the mainland is going to shake three earthquakes! "

Talisa suddenly turned to look at him and asked excitedly, "he is also very powerful in your human world?"

Looking back, she was so surprised that Longya Wei almost wanted to poke her eyes.

Hard to avoid Talisa's astonishing face, he said: "of course, in our place, no one dares to provoke our little Baron! Even the strongest one can only bow to our Lord. "

After that, he also gave a smile.

Talisa's eyes brightened as if she had found some rare treasure. When she looked out of the window, her eyes had changed.

Mu Qingge is not here. I didn't hear some praise from the Dragon Guard.

If I saw it, I'm afraid I would hate it if I poked him in the head, gritted his teeth and said, "did you bring your little Baron into the ditch like this?"……

The fierce fighting attracted the attention of all.

Fukang suddenly turned his eyes, and secretly took advantage of the festival mourning and did not pay attention to it. He attracted several of his right-hand men and whispered in their ears.

After that, his men quietly left the line of sight and headed for the stern of the ship.

It seemed that they were going to sneak into the boat to get Talisa back while everyone was distracted.

The battle between mu Qingge and Kun is still going on. After mu Qingge becomes more and more familiar with the playing methods of sea demons, she suddenly comes back and stabs Kun in the heart.

The sharp pain quickly spread over Kun's whole body, as if all the bones "click" a sound, appeared cracks.

Kun burst out a mouthful of blood, fell from the sky and rushed to the sea.

His eyes were fixed on the Murong hanging in the air, and his condescending appearance made him unwilling.

"Go back and tell your leader that I don't have much patience to play with him. I'm going through the sea tomorrow, and if I'm not afraid of Talisa's death, send someone here. " Mu Qingsong finished, turned and flew to the deck.

Kun fell into the cold water, sank, and floated up again.

He was wet by the sea water, looked at the boat of moqingge, pursed his lips.

The festival mourning reaction comes, hurry to rush over.

However, before he arrived, Kun's spirit beast had already swam to hold him up.

"Ah, ah --!" All of a sudden, a few shrill screams were heard on the sea.

The festival mourning felt the breath of Fukang around him changed. He suddenly thought of something, looked at Fukang and said, "what have you done?"

At this time, Kun was brought back to the festival by the spirit beast. Hearing the question of the festival funeral, he stood up wet and looked at Fukang, "do you dare to act without authorization?"

Fukang ugly face excuse, "I also want to save Talisa."

"Sirens, listen to me." The words of murmurong come from the boat.

She infused spiritual power into her voice, making her voice reverberate around the sea.

Kun, the festival mourning and Fukang looked at the giant ship

Mu Qingge, dressed in red, stood very conspicuously on the bow of the boat. Behind her stood several bodyguards in black, each carrying a silent sea demon in their hands.

She put her hand behind her and said with a cold face, "don't play tricks on me any more. If you dare to climb on my boat, I'll cut off one of Talisa's hands, and I'll do it again. No hands, cut your feet, let me see how many times you can come! "

After that, the Dragon tooth Wei standing behind her threw the sea demon corpse in her hand directly into the bitter sea.

Her words aroused the anger of the sea demon side, but they did not dare to be rash again. They were afraid that mu Qingge would really enrage her. She would not hesitate to kill Talisa.

"Go back first." Kun fiercely gouged out mu Qingge, forced to endure the pain in his body, and ordered all the sea monsters to go back.

Fukang's men died, the most angry is him. But he can't show it yet.

Because, this is his own decision-making error, no wonder!

On the ship and in the cabin, Talisa stood erect and upright in front of the boat with murmuring song. Her eyes were a little obsessed: "although he is ugly, he can't think of speaking so powerful and powerful that even Kun can beat him!"

Standing behind her, Long Ya Wei heard his scalp numb and looked at her like a ghost. "Elder sister! are you all right? We are all going to chop you into a stick. You still think she is powerful? "

In the Dragon tooth Wei silently ruminates this sea demon clan woman brain question, Mu light song actually strides into this cabin.

"You come to see me!" Suddenly saw Mu light song, Talisa language out of surprise.

Show coquettish appearance, let Mu light song a surprise, have a kind of impulse to rob the door and escape.

Fortunately, there are business pressure in the heart, so that she did not impulse.

Mu Qingge walks across from Talisa and sits down at a distance.

"What's the distribution of your sirens?" Mu Qingge asked.

Talisa was stunned. "Why do you ask this?"

Mu light song motionless drooping eyes way: "anyway nothing, curious to talk about."

To understand them, Talisa didn't know what kind of psychology she was in. She felt happy. No need to pay more attention to the murmura song, she began to describe it in a continuous way, "our sea demon clan is mainly divided into five parts, my father is the largest patriarch, our family is in We have more than 100000 sea demons. We can't be defeated by you. You might as well let me go. I'll take you to my father and let him talk to other clan leaders and let your people and boat leave. But... "

Talisa stopped suddenly.

Mu Qingge listened with interest and asked, "but what?"

Talisa glanced at her, and a few threads barely flashed in her eyes. "You're going to stay and be my husband."

The Dragon tooth guards the corner of the mouth mercilessly.

Mu Qingge, however, showed a smile of unknown meaning. She stood up and said to Talisa, "miss Talisa, have a good rest here." And she went out to the door.Just when Talisa wanted to ask her about her decision, mu Qingge suddenly stopped and asked, "Oh, yes. How many women are there in your sea demon clan

"Eh! Why do you ask this? I tell you, I am the most beautiful among ten thousand sea demon women! Think about my terms. " Although Talisa does not understand, she still cooperates and tells mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge smiles, pushes open the cabin door and goes out.

Talisa was confused by mu Qingge and asked Longya Wei, "what does he mean?"

This dragon tooth Wei does not understand, how to tell her? What's more, even if I know, I won't say it. So I just gave her a proud cold face.


Out of the cabin, mu Qingge calls for Moyang, Yinchen and Baibi.

She sat in a fur covered chair with her elbows on the armrest and her fingers crossed in front of her chin. "Moyang, pull out three hundred dragon teeth guard, there will be action at night."

Mo Yang nodded in silence.

Mu light song and looked at silver dust and white, "tonight you also act together."

"What do you want?" The way of Bai Lin's surprise.

Mu light Song mouth hook up a smile of banter, to them slowly way: "rob a woman!"

"Robbing women?"

"Rob a woman!"

White and silver dust at the same time surprised to see Mu light song, even always quiet Moyang, also cast a surprised look to her.

Mu light song but as if nothing happened to stand up, negative hand behind, Lang Sheng way: "I suddenly feel that chips are not enough, then the only way is to increase chips."

Then she explained the information she had got from Talisa to the three men one by one.

“…… Therefore, tonight, you will divide into five routes and take all the women of the sea demon as far as possible The final sound of muqingge is settled.

Yinchen was silent for a moment and looked at Xiangmu Qingge, "it's not difficult for Bai Gu and I to avoid the sea monsters on the island, but there are many Longya guards, and they don't know how to block the eyes, I'm afraid..."

Mu light song but confident smile, "do not need so much trouble."

Don't you have to be so troublesome?

Before dark, the three did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

It was only when the sky was dim that they saw the sea demon Legion looming in the distant sea area that they understood the meaning of Mu Qingge's words.

"Did you expect them to come down here?" Bai Lin was surprised to see Xiangmu light song.

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "the sea demon has dominated this area for many years and is used to it. Now, out of me such a more overbearing, more powerful human, how can they be convinced? Nature wants me to look good. "

"So what you said to that siren in the day was clearly meant to provoke them, stimulate them to pour out, and facilitate our actions at night?" Bai was completely shocked.

She really didn't expect that there were so many twists and turns in Mu Qingge's words and deeds.

"It's not all. If they really dare send someone back, I'll cut off Talisa's foot and send it back." Mu Qingge said with a smile.

"We're all gone. Are you alone facing so many sea monsters?" Silver dust has long been used to Mu Qingge's wisdom close to the demon, worried only about her safety.

Mu light song indifferent way: "you don't worry to go, I will be ok here. They won't do anything until dawn tomorrow, at least. They're just playing psychological warfare for me now, trying to scare me with this kind of battle

After that, she sneered and whispered, "it's all the tricks that human beings played thousands of years ago. If you don't know how to keep pace with the times, you are only left to play! "

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