In the dark, the sea water of bitter sea, beating the reefs exposed to the sea.

Alone in the sea above the unique island, hanging a rope. It seems that they are carrying something along the rope.

On the surface of the sea, someone answers.

A boat of unique shape, quietly moored.

The people on the boat took the sacks and placed them carefully on the boat. After unloading the heavy load, the man returned to the island again. After a while, he came down with a sack.

Everyone, after repeating this four or five times, the boat was already full of sacks.

They just "reluctantly" rowed the boat, disappeared in the fog.

When passing the reefs as sentries, the sentinels of the sea demon clan are still sleeping soundly against the reefs of the overcast tide.

Naturally, they will not fall asleep for no reason. At this moment, they inhale the smoke that makes people fall asleep.

The boat, quietly away from them, did not disturb the sleeping people.

Such a scene, in the sea demon clan occupied by the five islands, are staged at the same time.

The difference is that two of them, not so careful, but like the wind rolling leaves, will finish the matter and disappear on the island.

As they left for a long time, the sky began to brighten.

On the dark green sea surface, like a giant ship moving an island, it berths quietly.

In front of it, the sea is full of sea demon legions.

Hundreds of thousands of sea monsters scattered, like fans, closely guarded all directions of the ship's progress.

Under their feet are huge and incomparable sea spirit animals. They do not know whether they are naturally docile or tamed by the sea demon people by special means. They are extremely docile.

Their huge bodies lie quietly on the sea, just like a unique ship of the sea demon clan.

However, compared with the giant ships on the opposite side, these "boats" are really a little crude.

It's like a beggar standing in front of a rich young man in Chinese clothes and shouting not to pass.

On the back of one of the sea spirits, there are five sea monsters with the same momentum. One of them is Talisa's father, the patriarch of the sea demon clan.

"Big brother, what's going to happen to my niece Talisa who's been caught by these people for so long? After all, our niece is the first beauty of the sea demon clan The second patriarch next to the great patriarch is worried.

Behind him stood Fukang.

If you distinguish them carefully, you can see a clue from their almost equally ugly faces.

Fukang seems to be the son of the two patriarchs.

The second patriarch's words made the chief's face even more ugly.

At this time, the three patriarchs also said, "I heard from the festival funeral that human beings just want to pass through the sea area and will not really hurt Talisa." With that, he also looked at the festival mourning standing beside him.

The festival mourning busy bowed his head and called softly: "yes, father."

It turns out that the festival mourning is the son of the three patriarchs.

The chief of the five clans snorted coldly: "no matter what it is for, mankind has always been our enemy! Whether Talisa's niece is in their hands or not, they can't be let go. I don't believe that there are so many warriors in my sea demon clan that I can't kill a few people here? "

"You speak of human beings, but you can defeat Kun." The cold way of the four patriarchs.

After he said this, several patriarchs could not help but look at Kun standing behind the great patriarch.

Kun was as silent as ever, as if they were not talking about him.

That cold, arrogant and awe inspiring breath, in the sea demon clan, let him as if high above, by others look up to. This failure, however, pulled him down from the altar, so that those unconvinced sea demon youth could not help ridiculing.

Fukang took a look at Kun and snorted coldly.

The patriarch looked at Kun and said, "Kun, how strong is she when you fight with that human?"

"Unfathomable." This time, Kun did not continue to be silent, but the true way.

"Unfathomable?" The five patriarchs scoffed, "Kun, are you too high on your opponent? Or are you embarrassed when you lose, and you are deliberately said to be very powerful by the other party? "

Kun gave him a cold look, and did not keep due respect because he was the head of the five clans.

However, he just took a look, and then he took back his sight.

"Adoptive father." Kun suddenly said, "I don't feel like the human is joking. If we continue to jam here and hold on, he may really hurt Talisa."

The patriarch frowned slightly.

Obviously, Kun's words are exactly what he worries about.

Yesterday, Kun failed and returned, passing on the words of Mu Qingge. When he was angry, he summoned other tribes to form an army, which trapped the huge ship of human beings. He wanted to force human beings to compromise, so that the arrogant human beings felt fear and fear, and automatically handed over Talisa.And then, they're doing the math!

Of course, human beings, he is not going to let go!

However, I didn't expect that the confrontation lasted one night. They stayed here, but the ship was very calm. The people on the ship seemed not to care what they were doing. There was no panic and no peace talks.

"What's going on?" The chief of the clan couldn't think of it. His eyebrows had been twisted into a knot.

"Kun, do you want to compromise with those humans?" The arrogant way of Fukang.

His eyes toward Kun were full of strong irony.

Kun, however, seemed to have heard nothing, and paid no attention at all. This made Fukang's face sink and clench his fist. His eyes were full of hate and looked at Kun.

When he saw his son, he was ignored by Kun. The second patriarch also looked at Kun and asked, "Kun, Fukang's words are exactly what I want to ask."

The second patriarch spoke in person, and Kun could not be silent any more. "No," he said

"What do you mean The second patriarch's voice rose sharply.

Fukang's face became complacent, and he felt that his father was taking out his anger for him.

"That's enough." The leader of the clan said something to stop the meaningless quarrel.

The patriarch of the two clans went back.

"In the face of mankind, will there be internal strife?" The big family has a deep voice.

"Big brother, we have been here for a whole night. Are we going to continue to collect?" The four patriarchs asked.

This answer is very concerned by several patriarchs.

According to their idea, they should rush to attack the giant ship with the army. Why do you have to work here? Anyway, it was not their daughter who was captured.

Talisa is the first beauty of the sirens. That's right. However, it is the duty of a woman to have children and to have children. Even if Talisa died, it would have little effect on their whole family. There are very few women in the sirens, but as long as there are women, they should not be threatened like this.

The only special thing is that Talisa is the only daughter of the patriarch.

"Brother, let's call directly! Take back talissa's niece and kill the people. " The chief of the five clans said, his eyes shining.

From time to time he looked at the huge ship, showing greed.

It seems that some people can't wait to grab the rich material belonging to human beings on the ship.

"No! Talisa can't be OK The patriarch objected to his proposal and insisted on the way.

"But..." The patriarch hesitated and said, "it's dangerous for Talisa to stand in such a standoff for one day. None of us know what happened to her while she was in custody. Maybe she's waiting for us to rush to get her. "

The three patriarchs' words made the big clan leader's heart waver.

Encircling without fighting is the art of attack in the art of war.

But why did he use it on this group of human beings, but it didn't work at all?

"Big brother, fight!"

"Big brother, don't wait any longer!"

"Big brother, kill those people!"

"Big brother, there is nothing to talk about with human beings!"

The two, three, four and five heads of the clan have all unified their standards and demanded war.

After spending the whole night here, they have given the chief patriarch enough face.

These people urge, let Kun faint frown.

He looked at the motionless ship with some worry in his eyes. I don't know why, he always felt that the calmer this time was, the bigger the plot was brewing.


The patriarch stood up, took a step forward and yelled at the ship, "human! My patience has run out. If you don't hand over my daughter, then I'll go to war. You people can't fight against us. "

The voice of the patriarch reached the ship.

Mu Qingge sat comfortably on the deck rocking chair, drinking hot tea and eating snacks. Behind her, Hua Yue is pinching her shoulder, and Youhe is sitting on one side beating her legs.

Hearing the warning of the patriarch, mu Qingge's mouth scratched a faint trace of smile, and even his eyes were not opened.

Seeing her dandy look, Youhe couldn't help laughing. "Little sir, people who don't know think you're listening to a big play."

Mu light song slightly opened a trace of eye seam, glanced at her, picked a lip to smile: "can not be a big play."

"My father is here! Father! Father Talisa, who was in the cabin, heard the patriarch's voice and cried out excitedly.

Long Ya Wei frowned and stopped, "shut up! Cut off your tongue if you quarrel again

Talisa turned to look at him, that shocking face, let Longya Wei still have lingering fear.

"Dare you threaten me? You wait, I will let your master deal with you Talisa hated.

Dragon tooth Wei but disdain of cold hum a, sight from her face.

Long Ya Wei's attitude makes Talisa dissatisfied.

In the sea demon clan, no one dares to do this to her!On the deck, Moyang goes to moqingge and stops near. "Sir, they are back."

His words, let Mu light Song mouth gently raised a touch of arc.

"Light song, I'm back." The sound of milk and milk sounds in Mu Qingge's ears. A white light falls down and turns into a cold and enchanting white man.

Almost at the same time, on the other side of muqingge, a silver light also fell and turned into silver dust.

Seeing the silver dust, a cold hum of unknown meaning came out of his nose.

Silver dust also used a cold look to sweep past.

This snake and a fox did not quarrel in front of Mu Qingge, but they still sparkled in the dark, and they were not satisfied with each other.

Mu Qingge puts her feet down from her legs and stands up with the arms of the rocking chair. She went to the bow of the boat and said with a smile: "the play can start at last. Moyang, bring Talisa up

"Yes." Mo Yang left in response.

Silver dust and white one left and one right guard in Mu Qingge, together with her stood on the deck of the bow.

Kun's eyes shrunk when the bright red appeared on the ship. A strong sense of war poured out from my heart.

Seeing the figure on the huge ship finally appeared, the patriarch was also powerful.

Other patriarchs also cast a curious look at mu Qingge. It seems that mu Qingge is a kind of novel toy in their eyes.

"Is that him?" The patriarch asked in a deep voice.

What he said was Kun.

It's asking him if the person who appears is the leader of this group of human beings.

"Well." Kun answered briefly.

When he got the affirmative answer, the patriarch resisted the killing intention in his heart and again called to Mu Qingge: "human, since you have appeared, you should release my daughter quickly. Otherwise, you'll wait for the wrath of the sirens

"The wrath of the sirens? I'm a little curious Mu Qingge opened his mouth and said something, which shocked the sea demon group. The light tone made the sea monsters itch.

"You're looking for death!" The chief of the clan said angrily.

Mu Qingge smiles and says to him, "big clan chief, my request was made clear at the beginning. If you agreed in the early morning and didn't pull out so much, your daughter, the first beauty of the sea demon clan, would have returned to her comfortable home. I never want to die. I think you want talissa to die

How irritating!

No! How angry the sea monster is!

It was clearly that she had abducted Talisa, but now they came to rescue her. Instead, she blamed them for not agreeing to her request, which led to the present situation?


The sea monsters were angry.

"Let's change our position and see if you can let us go."

"Shameless man! You took Talisa first The big family has a long hatred. His chest was up and down with anger.

He suddenly felt that it was a mistake to negotiate with mankind.

Because it can't solve the problem at all, it will only make you angry!

"Thank you for reminding me. I haven't forgotten what I've done yet." Mu light song a few can not check the nod. When she was so angry that she almost jumped, she suddenly turned a cold eye and said with a smile: "however, I want to ask. If I hadn't taken Talisa, would you have let me and my men, my ship, out of the sea you ruled? "

If it's just one person, she can escape the sirens and leave the sea. The problem is that she is so rich and powerful that she can cross the sea with such a swaggering ship that she is really blind to sea monsters!

Mu Qingge's words let the sea demons subconsciously reply in their hearts, "how possible! Of course, after killing, pieces are thrown into the sea to feed the fish! We don't allow human beings to defile the land of our sea demon clan! "

The chief of the clan just wanted to shout out his own voice, but he suddenly remembered that his daughter was still in the other party's hands. Busy witty bite the tip of the tongue, to stop their own impulse.

However, the silence of the sea demon clan did not surprise mu Qingge.

It was the silence that made everyone know each other.

Mu Qingge sneered: "since there is always a war, then I don't make as many chips as possible before the war, isn't it stupid?"

Strong irony, let the sea demon side began to stir up.

"Kill him!"

"Kill this arrogant human being!"

"Man out of the kingdom of the sea demon!"

"Kill them!"

More than one hundred thousand sea demon Legion began to roar one after another.

At this moment, the siren's unfriendliness to human beings is completely exposed.

Mu Qingge smile, cold look at. At first, she did not want to take such extreme measures to solve the problem. Unfortunately, from the first encounter, the siren was hostile to her, or to human beings.

She had no time to correct the siren's stereotype of human beings, so she had to take drastic measures to force them to get out of the way.If she doesn't have Talisa as a hostage, muqingge can guarantee that the battle between the two races will have begun as soon as her ship is discovered by the sea demon.

But the sea demon clan has more than 100000 people, she has only dragon teeth guard, plus a few of her own partners.

The middle ancient world is still far away from hope. It is unwise for her to fight the sea demon to death at this time.

Mu Qingge is a very rational person. She can distinguish what is the most important and what can be put and played no matter when.

The Middle Paleozoic is the most important goal, so everything should be based on this goal.

She will not fight with the sea monsters, waste resources, nor be held back by them, delaying her journey to the medieval world.

Behind him came the sound of footsteps.

Talisa was pushed by Moyang and pushed to Mu Qingge.

Talisa faltered, looked up, and saw her people at sea. In the days of captivity, it was exciting to see the same people.

Talisa was excited to find in the sea demon, and soon saw her father, the chief of the sea demon clan.

She yelled, "father! Father, here I am

The appearance of Talisa naturally attracted the attention of patriarchs. "Talisa, my daughter, are you ok?" he cried nervously

"I'm fine." Talisa shook her head at her father.

She didn't lie.

In the two days she was on board, she was not abused except for her freedom.

"You see, my father is here. What do you think of my proposal? As long as you nod, I can ask my father to let your man go at once Talisa looks at the way of Xiangmu Qingsong.

Mu Qingge's eyes drooped, and his mouth was full of a faint smile. He said to her, "miss Talisa, I'm afraid I'll let you down."

Talisa's smile on her face stagnated and she lost her voice: "why? Am I not beautiful enough? I don't think you're ugly. If you marry me, you will become a nobleman in the sea demon family, even under my father

Talisa's words, let never know she had this idea of Moyang, white and silver dust by 10000 points of shock.

What the hell!

How ugly is he going to marry their barons?

More terrifying, she said She said the Baron was ugly?

Terrible sea demon aesthetic!

Bai Bi came back to his mind, and a hint of mischief flashed in his eyes. She went up and wrapped her arms around mu Qingge's arm skillfully and sneered at Talisa, "we have already had me in Qingsong. You ugly monster, you should give up."

"Ugly! You say me? How dare you call me ugly! I am the first beauty of the sea demon clan Talisa is angry.

Completely ignore the provocative meaning in Bai's words, only care about the fact that Bai Hua says she is ugly!

"Of course! You're one of the ugliest women I've ever seen Bai Yan stretched out a finger in front of her and shook it gently.

Talisa was black with anger. "You ugly, ugly girl, not only looks ugly, but also has such a bad voice. It's just like a baby crying. It's disgusting."

"What do you say?" White face a cold, eyes color has become a faint purple gold trend.

Who does she hate most about her voice? It's just that talissa stepped on her deathbed!

"Don't be impulsive. She's useful." Mu Qingge raised his hand to stop Bai Lin's hand.

Ignoring Talisa, mu Qingge said to the chief of the clan: "chief, you see your daughter. Now, she's fine, but I'm not sure what she'll do if you don't get out of the sea. "

Leave. That's the point.

She's been here for two days, and she doesn't want to waste any more time here with the sirens.

Mu Qingge's words fell in the ear of the big family and made him silent again.

He had the courage to fight before seeing Talisa. However, after seeing Talisa, he lost his courage. His daughter, so close to the human race, must be his daughter who will die first if there is a war.

There are few women in the sea demon clan. His daughter is his treasure!

"Big brother, you can't believe human beings!"

Just as the big patriarch began to waver, the five patriarchs suddenly opened their mouth.

As soon as the five patriarchs opened their mouths, the four chiefs followed: "yes, elder brother. Human beings are cunning to the afterlife, but also prone to hypocrisy. Even if we let them go, Talisa won't be able to come back safely. How can we avenge Talisa when the sea is vast? "

The words of the four patriarchs and the five patriarchs made the big clan chief entangled again.

The three patriarchs and the second patriarchs looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding in their hearts.

"Father, save Talisa." Festival mourning in the ear of the three patriarchs.

The three patriarchs nodded in silence and said, "Talisa has an engagement with the festival funeral, and she is my daughter-in-law. So, we must get her back. "His words, let the festival mourning heart moved, the patriarch also cast to him grateful eyes.

However, the three patriarchs suddenly changed their words and said in embarrassment: "however, I don't believe these human beings either. What if we let them go and they still hurt Talisa? "

"Third, you The great patriarch did not expect that the three patriarchs also supported the war.

"Father The festival mourning flustered.

"Yes! Why don't we just let them hand over Talisa first, and then we'll let them go. " The two patriarchs spoke at the right time.

"You can't believe in human beings. How can human beings trust us?"

The patriarch was silent, and his eyes swept over the faces of the four brothers.

The second patriarch's proposal, he does not need to say, can know the result. What's more, he didn't know what ideas his brothers had in mind? They never intended to let these people go.

Even in their hearts, the sacrifice of a Talisa in exchange for these human lives and wealth is very worthwhile.

Kun's eyes were cold, and he fixed his eyes on the other four patriarchs. "I heard that Talisa was here to prevent the duel between Festival mourning and Fukang, and was captured by human beings."

His words made many people's faces change suddenly.

There are Festival mourning and Fukang, and there are also two and three patriarchs.

And, of course, there's the patriarch.

"Because of you The big family has a long hatred. His eyes are fixed on the festival mourning and Fukang.

Before, the two of them came to tell him about Talisa. He just wanted to save people, but he didn't ask why Talisa was captured by human beings and why she appeared so far away from the sea area ruled by sea monsters.

This area, can be said to be the sea demon control sea area, belongs to the barren area, basically few sea demons come.

Why didn't he think about these things before? It was almost concealed by these two bastards.

"The second, the third, the capture of Talisa has something to do with your son. Don't try to get rid of it." The great patriarch said directly.

Festival mourning and Fukang can't explain anything.

The two patriarchs turned their eyes around and said, "the duel between Fukang and the festival mourning is also for Talisa. They didn't know that Talisa would run

"This is not the time to pursue responsibility. Let's decide what to do." The four patriarchs opened their mouths to stop the dispute.

"Since there is no consensus, vote," he suggested. Raise your hands in favor of an immediate war with mankind. " Then he raised his hand.

The five patriarchs raised their hands without hesitation.

The second patriarch slowly raised his hand under the glare of the patriarch's eyes.

In fact, the result is obvious.

However, the three patriarchs also raised their hands at this time.

"Father Festival mourning shocked, want to stop the father, but can only see the father's hand up.

Four to one, the result is clear.

The chief of the clan staggered and pointed to the four people, "you! Talisa is your niece

The chief of the four clans said, "we are heartbroken for the sacrifice of Talisa. Brother, don't worry. We will try our best to save her. If we can't, we will kill these human beings to bury her. And she will be a warrior in our family

Comforting the big clan chief, the four clan chief raised his hand, and the trumpet soldiers behind him sounded the battle horn.

As soon as the horn sounded, the patriarch's body shook and he could hardly stand still.

"Adoptive father!" Kun caught the patriarch's body in time with anger in his eyes.

Woo Hoo!

The siren's horn sounded in this part of the bitter sea.

The sound, from far to near, reached the ship, causing people to look sideways.

"It's our siren's horn. They're going to attack!" Talisa said in shock. She didn't expect that she was still here, and her father even declared the attack regardless of her safety.

"Kill! Kill those people

"Run up and kill them! Cut them to pieces

"Roar! Kill, kill

The sound of the battle horn ignited the belligerent factors in the sea demons, making them instantly bloodthirsty.

Hundreds of thousands of sea monsters rushed towards the huge ship.

On the sea, it is like a large group of small fish, to nibble away the big fish in front of you.

Mo Yang's expression coagulates, under the consciousness's touch to own waist weapon.

Silver dust and white hair also converged loose, become dignified.

Only mu Qingge, looking at the hundreds of thousands of sea demon troops rushing towards the huge ship, did not see any panic.

"Bring them up." She gave a light command.

As soon as Mo Yang coagulates, he immediately understands it and quickly turns around.

The sea demon's attack is approaching in an instant.

However, at this time, the Dragon teeth guards carried a large group of dense, weeping and weeping sea demon women on the deck.The sudden appearance of the figure made the big family's long eyes shine. They raised their hands and yelled: "stop! Stop it

In the sea demon clan, the patriarch is still very authoritative.

His voice, through the sea demon hundreds of thousands of troops.

The sea monsters, who were rushing forward, stopped subconsciously and looked at him suspiciously.

"What are you doing, brother?" The dissatisfied way of the five patriarchs.

But the patriarch ignored him. He just looked at the people on the deck and said, "look at the boat."

If the big patriarch says, let the four patriarchs look at the deck.

Suddenly there were many more people on the deck. They didn't see it. However, I just think it's the human side ready to fight back.

But now, on a closer look, they immediately found out that it was wrong!

"That's our woman!" The three patriarchs cried out.

"Damn it, it's all our sea demon women! There are at least a few thousand people there The five clan chief Li Sheng Dao.

The second clan leader immediately corrected, "not only! We only see the ones standing at the front, not counting the ones at the back. If you look at it like this, all the women of our family have been caught on the boat! "

"What a nuisance! Cunning human beings The teeth of the five nationalities are itching with hatred.

The four patriarchs were shocked and murmured, "how did they do it?"

Yeah! How did you do it?

They are clearly here, and they are trapped. How did they quietly catch all the women in their family on board?

The scene on the ship was not only seen by several clan leaders, but also by the sea demon soldiers.

Their women, their wealth, have been hijacked by human beings!

Form, reverse again!

If there is only one Talisa on board, they can attack the ship without any scruple. But now all the women of their sea demon clan are on board. What should they do?

What if you attack the ship by force, in case these women get hurt?

The advancing line suddenly stopped.

They are careful between each other, do not dare to have a big move, are careless, angered the human on the ship, harmed the ship's hostages.

"You! You despicable human being, war is a man's business. Why blackmail innocent women The four patriarchs scolded.

Trying to hold her down with a moral bottom line?

I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm doomed to be disappointed!

Mu Qingge's lips cross a sneer. After coming to this world, she has already understood a truth. Here, the truth is that people with big fists can say it!

If it was a previous life, as a soldier, she would never take such extreme measures. No matter in any dangerous situation, because her label says "people's guard" and "combat hero".

But now, she lives for herself, to achieve her goal!

The bottom line, she still has, never discards.

She was above the bottom line by all means and did not become demented. These women, she won't hurt, just as a chip to let her go.

Therefore, the words of the four patriarchs are of no use to her.

Because she knows what she's doing and doesn't care what others think.

"No way! How can you do it! " Seeing the women of the sea demon clan, the big clan leader was shocked beyond measure.

Not only he, but the rest of us were full of doubts.

That's how moqingge does it?

Mu Qingge said with a smile in a good mood, "it's no big deal. When you poured out yesterday, I had nothing to do, so I asked my staff to visit your island and invite these beauties to my ship. As long as you step back and let me go, they'll get off the ship unharmed. But if we continue to entangle I don't worry about the reproduction of the sirens. "

Mu Qingge's words, let the eyes of the five patriarchs shrink, shocked incomparably.

They were filled with question marks.

How do they know the importance of women to them? How do you know the location of their island? Even, how do you know how many women they have? What is the sex ratio?

I'm afraid they can't think of it. Everything they are confused about is what Talisa told muqingge.

Of course, when Talisa said this, she didn't expect moqingge to do so. I'm afraid that even if Lisa won't come to her, she won't tell her.

Talisa looked pale and shocked at her companions.

Nightmare like encounter, let them fear crowded together, whining cry. Among the sea demon women, the cultivation talent is not as good as that of the male. They are not the opponents of Longya Wei, let alone the others.

"Damn it! Let's go up and fight her! Take back our women The five patriarchs' impulsive way.

"Fifth, don't be impulsive The four patriarchs stopped the five.After hearing the five patriarchs' words, mu Qingge chuckled and joked: "good! Let's see if you're quick or I'm quick. "

With the fall of her voice, the Dragon tooth guards cooperate to draw out their own weapons.

The neat sound of shedding the sheath made the women of the sea demon clan tremble.

Mu Qingge's smile was deeper. "I promise, when you get on my boat, all that's left here is a corpse."

Her words scared all the sea monsters.

Once all the sea demon women are dead, they will face extinction and extermination!

To steal women from other races? For example, human beings But is that a monster or a sea monster?

No one dares to think about it.

Hundreds of thousands of sea monsters hesitated.

They can't rush up like they did before.

Seeing their hesitation, mu Qingge sneered in a low voice, "no matter it's human beings or sea monsters, as long as they are thoughtful creatures, they all have bad roots. That is, only when I cut my own flesh can I feel the pain. Other people's blood is just a word of comfort, and at the same time, I'm glad I'm not so unlucky. "

Her words, let silver dust and white, and Moyang are a Leng, in the heart carefully aftertaste.

"Well, have you thought about it? I've run out of patience! Let it or not! " Mu Qingge shouts. She said with a playful smile and bewitched with her voice, "what you want to think about is not how I, the damned human being, die to get rid of hatred. Instead, we should think about whether it's worth paying for the whole family for a despicable human like me. "

The sirens took a breath. Some of the soldiers, already unconsciously, retreated.

"Back! Let's go! Get out of the way The patriarch opened his mouth.

"Big brother!" The chief of the five clans is still unwilling.

"Don't be impulsive, let them leave first," the four clan leader said. We'll follow, and we'll have a chance to do it again! "

The four patriarchs' words soothed a lot of anger in the sea demon clan.

Hundreds of thousands of sea demon army slowly retreat to both sides, empty the middle of the sea.

That width, enough to let mu Qingge's ship pass.

However, Mu light song looks indifferent to look at, but cold way: "not enough, retreat again!"

Sea monsters, dare not speak.

We can only continue to retreat.

Until the back to each other can not see each other clearly, moqingge satisfied smile. "Moyang, sail."

Mo Yang is ordered to go to the rudder and activate the disc above.

The disc glowed, and the stopped ship began to sail slowly again.

After finishing, Mo Yang returned to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge turns to look at the sea demon women who will be crowded on the deck, and tells the Dragon teeth guard, "take them down, don't be embarrassed."

"Yes, sir."

The sea demon female, was taken down.

Mu Qingge asks young lotus and Huayue to prepare enough food for them.

Then she looked at Talisa. The latter looks at her with complicated expression. She should hate Qingge when she is used, but she can't hate what she has done to the sea demon women.

It seems that her purpose is really just to get out of the sea. She never wanted to hurt anyone.

"Go down and have a rest. Don't worry. After we leave, we will find a place to let you go, and your people will follow. There will be no accident. " Mu Qingge said to her.

Talisa was taken away.

On the deck, it was quiet again.

Silver dust got on the lookout and looked at the stern. To Mu Qingge, he said, "Qingge, they always follow."

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "so many women on my ship, they will not be at ease. Follow and follow, and it will be convenient for them to pick up the women

"But what if, after we let them go, they go on chasing them?" Bai's puzzled way.

Mu Qingge, with a deep smile, said to Bai: "they can't compare the speed of the ship's full advance. Besides, don't we still have these women? "

Bai Lin was stunned and said, "are you kidding? Those women will help us? "

Mu Qingge but a mysterious smile, no longer answer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!