Women of the sea demon clan will not help mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge did not expect this at all.

For her, as long as they leave, these siren women, to help them delay a little time is enough.

The sea area controlled by the sea demon clan is very wide. After a day and a night of driving, the giant ship still did not go out of this range. But after the giant ship, they followed the hundreds of thousands of sea demon legions from afar. They wanted to find a chance to rescue the hostages on the ship, but they never had a chance.

On the sea of bitterness, green waves.

"Big brother, we really want to let go of these damned human beings?" The angry five patriarchs can't help complaining to the chief patriarch.

He's been in the sea of suffering for so long, and he's never been so oppressed!

"The first task is to keep the women in the family!" The eyes of the patriarch are light and heavy. Naturally, there was a strong anger in his expression.

However, he is more rational than the five patriarchs.

His words made several other patriarchs keep silent. Now, it's not about Talisa, it's about women of the whole family.

This interest is related to themselves. Therefore, at this time, no one has proposed a strong attack.

If they have enough time to kill the women on the ship, as they say.

"Well, I think that boy is bluffing. Does he really dare to kill our women? Are you not afraid to be chased to the ends of the earth by the sea demon clan? " The five patriarchs are unconvinced.

The patriarch looked at him and said no more.

The fourth patriarch said, "that man is cunning and insidious. Since he can think of such a vicious way to blackmail us, he dares to do so. Besides, you and I ask ourselves, if you have a chance to kill him, will you give up? He must have understood this, so once we attack and rob people, he will definitely fight the idea of "destroying the boat, killing people first, and then fighting with us to the death!"

The last sentence of the four patriarchs made several other people, including big clan chief and Kun, frown.

They don't worry about fighting. What they worry about is that after all the women in the clan die, even if they kill this bold boy, their ethnic group will not escape the fate of extermination!

Silence spread among the five patriarchs. After a while, the second patriarch tentatively said, "well, I'll take some people away quietly and ambush in the sea ahead. I'll kill him when he's over the sea we control and exchange the women back! "

There is a trace of cruelty in the voice of the second patriarch, and the essence of his eyes appears suddenly.

"That's a good idea!" The head of the five clans immediately came to the spirit of the Tao.

"No way!" The patriarch shook his head and refused.

He did not hesitate to refuse, so that the two clan leader's face suddenly cold, the five clan chief also dissatisfied to look at him.

"The front is the territory of the adherents. If you want to start a war in their territory, do you want to start a war between the two clans? And for a cunning human being The patriarch said his reasons for refusing.

"Adherents? The adherents are afraid of him The five patriarchs speak vulgar Tao. There was a strong contempt in the tone.

The four patriarchs thought about it and hesitated to open his mouth, "although it is said that leaving the sea area controlled by our sea demon clan is the sea area controlled by the adherents. However, this is still far away from their main control, which should not disturb them. Besides, if it is found out, we have a good reason to explain it. "

The patriarch was silent and his face was cloudy and clear.

It seems that he has been moved by the four patriarchs.

It's false to say that he doesn't hate mu Qingge, and that he doesn't want to kill mu Qingge!

Let's not say that mu Qingge dares to threaten the sea demon clan so much. Just because she abducted her only daughter is enough for the patriarch to sentence mu Qingge to death in his heart.

The previous concerns were all for a reason, but now, the words of the four clan leaders seem to have gradually convinced him.

After a long silence, the patriarch finally gnawed his teeth and said, "good! Just do as the second one says

The approval of the patriarch made the second patriarch show a cruel smile.

Of course, this smile is aimed at the moogue on the giant ship, and all human beings.

"Brother, don't worry! When he changes the women back, you send me a signal and I'll get it over there The second patriarch's confident way.

Fukang also followed his father's words and straightened out his chest.

"Wait, Kun will follow you." The chief of the clan suddenly said.

This sudden decision made the two patriarchs and Fukang look stiff.

The patriarch explained, "Kun fought with that human, how much he went would help." This reason cannot be denied.

The patriarch nodded.

"In that case, let's go with the festival and funeral." The three patriarchs suddenly said with a smile.

"The festival and the funeral?" The two patriarchs frowned in displeasure.

The chief of the three clans naturally said: "how to say, the cause of this incident also has something to do with the festival and funeral."The second patriarch didn't want this, but the fourth patriarch said, "yes. Let's go with the festival. As soon as we have received the women, we will rush over as soon as possible. When the time comes, we will attack and wipe out all these arrogant and despicable human beings. "

The second patriarch swallowed the words from his mouth.

Because, he seems to have no reason to refuse.

In the end, the second patriarch left with the Kunhe Festival funeral, and Fukang naturally followed.

In addition, they took 10000 troops.

The number of people should not be too much. Otherwise, it is easy to cause alarm on the ship.

After they left, the big clan chief just disdained a cold hum.

It seems to understand the meaning of the big clan chief's cold hum. The three clan leaders followed him and said, "the second elder brother is the second elder brother. Since childhood, most of them think about how to take advantage of it."

The four patriarchs then said with a smile: "with Kun and Jiemei, he can't take advantage of it. Whatever we get from the human boat, we have to share it equally among the five of us. "

The five patriarchs rubbed their hands with a smile, and his eyes were full of greed.

It seems that in the eyes of their sea demon clan, mu Qingge and others who have lost their chips are a piece of super fat meat with incomparable temptation.


Night came again, and lights were lit on the ship. The little lights set off the great ship.

The army of the sea demon clan followed in the dark on the sea. Looking at the bright lights ahead, their situation seemed a bit bleak.

The female of the sea demon clan is placed in the largest cabin at the bottom by mu Qingge.

They huddled and huddled together, leaning against each other to keep warm. Their eyes were full of hesitation and fear. Talisa was not among them, but continued to stay in the room where she had been.

At the top of the cabin, there is a round tray. On the tray, there is a burning incense tray, curling green smoke, which is vertical and dissipated in the cabin.

Suddenly, the door of the cabin opened.

The sound of opening the door caused a shiver among the sea demon women.

They are not as strong as the sea demon men. At the moment, they are very innocent and weak.

A team of dragon teeth guards came in with steaming food in their hands.

"They are so ugly."

"they are so ugly!"

"How strange human beings look

Among the women of the sea demon clan, some young and fearless young girls are afraid and curious. They hide in the arms of their elders or sisters and secretly look at the Dragon teeth guards.

The Dragon teeth guards, who admire light songs, are cold and upright, but in their eyes, they are ugly.

The rustling sound of discussion is quietly spreading.

These words, of course, can not escape the ears of longyawei.

For such aesthetic view, they can only smile bitterly in their hearts and can not explain anything.

Think about it, their little Baron's unique appearance is extremely ugly in the eyes of these sea monsters. What is the imbalance in their hearts?


The steaming food was put in the middle of the cabin, and the Longya guards quickly withdrew.

This group of women think they are ugly, and they don't want to see more of them, OK?

After Long Ya Wei left, after a while, the women of the sea demon clan approached the food carefully.

These meals are quite different from what they usually eat.

They looked at it curiously, and no one dared to try.

Finally, a slightly bold girl made the first crab eater.

After watching her eat with relish and happy expression, other sea demon women began to compete with each other to eat the meal.

No one noticed that, above the cabin, there was a hidden seat with a small small window. In the small window, there is a pair of clear eyes, quietly watching what happened in the cabin.

When the sea demon women began to eat, muqingge pulled down the cover of the small window, blocking the sight.

"What is the fragrance you let them light in the cabin?" Bai Lin stands behind mu Qingge and asks curiously.

Mu Qingge faintly hooked his lips and said lightly: "some little things are just. It can temporarily block their spiritual power and make them weak. " This is just to avoid unnecessary struggle, and some trivial but meaningless struggle.

White suddenly realized, nodded his head: "they seem not to realize."

Mu Qingge walked outside and said faintly, "the medicine I put down is very measured. As long as I don't run the spiritual power, I can't feel it. After dinner, they will have a good sleep. It's good that the drugs work in their bodies

"Good?" Bai Lin was surprised to see Xiangmu light song.

Mu Qingge explains calmly, "they live on the sea all year round, and have some similar problems in their bodies. These herbs can wash away the stagnant heat and improve their health

"Are you still helping them Bai was shocked.She thought that these women were just chips in the light singers. It's kindness not to kill them, not to abuse them. But did not expect, Mu light song but secretly for their body conditioning.

"Why?" Why do you do this? Don't you make a fuss? Bai Bi can't understand Mu Qing song. It seems that after she knew muqingge, she couldn't understand it.

Sometimes Mu light song, cruel and merciless, in her eyes there is no innocent person.

Sometimes Mu light song, but also the courage, with her relatives, friends advance and retreat together.

Sometimes the moochue songs are dandy and domineering.

And sometimes, she is very easygoing and very talkative.

At this time, mu Qingge also made her feel kind-hearted Damn it! She thought moqingge was kind-hearted? White in the heart of the fierce contempt of their own.

"Why?" Mu light song pick eyebrows, the corner of the mouth with a smile to see white. Seeing her cold and beautiful face in a daze, she thought for a while and said, "I'll take them as compensation."

With that, she turned and left.

However, just walked two steps, she turned her eyes and looked at Bai Bi, "you can also understand that this is the exchange of chips in my hands."

“……” White Leng Leng in situ, watching the figure of Mu light song disappear at the corner.

She couldn't understand muqingge, but she seemed to understand it.

It is immoral and even despicable to take the sea demon women on board.

However, such a practice, let mu Qingge a person bear the name, but can avoid a war, avoid the damage of Longya Wei, and even her and silver dust.

Therefore, she resolutely chose this method which was rejected by outsiders to solve the problem.

However, she found another way to compensate.

secretly recuperate the body of the siren women, but they do not speak it out.

In her own way, she filled in her heart. I don't care about being called a blackmail.

At this moment, Bai Bi seems to understand what mu Qingge's inner pursuit is -

what she wants is never praise from the outside world. What we ask for is a clear conscience!

"Mu Qingge, mu Qingge, what kind of person are you?" He murmured to himself, his eyes filled with meditation.


Mu Qingge goes to a door, reaches out to knock on the door, and then pushes the door in.

Inside, it's Talisa, and the Dragon tooth guard who is in charge of guarding her.

See Mu light song come in, dragon tooth Wei then quietly retreat out. Talisa, on the other hand, stares at muqingge until she sits in the chair opposite her.

Mu light song's eyes light, lightly swept the table did not move the meal, pick eyebrows asked: "how not to eat? Not to your taste? "

Talisa looked at her, stubbornly turned her head and said with grievance: "do you think you are only in the mood to eat when you find yourself being cheated?"

At the thought of her fellow countrymen in the ship, Talisa felt a deep resentment that she could not explain clearly about muqingge.

She hated Qingge's deception and took information from her and implicated the clansmen.

However, mu Qingge did not abuse them, or insult them, and let her not completely hate.

Mu light song silent smile, looking at the table of food said, "if you are hungry bad, I have no impact."

Talisa was stunned and hesitated.

After a while, she bit her lips and said, "when are you going to lock us up?" She should have taken this action with the coyness of a woman. However, it makes people dare not look directly.

"As soon as you're safe, I'll let you out of this area." Mu Qingge rubs the fingertip on the hand, the way slowly.

Talisa's body is stiff, and she moves away from her gaze at mu Qingge. "They won't let you go so easily."

"I know." Mu Qingge doesn't care about Tao.

"You know?" Now, Talisa was surprised. "If you know, why do you do it?"

Mu light song smile, vague answer, "I have my own way."

Seeing that she didn't want to say anything, Talisa stopped asking.

But, looking at her eyes, still with that kind of daughter's anger.

"You come to see if I have eaten yet?" After a while, Talisa was in a bad mood.

Mu light song a few can not check the nod, Yang Yang chin, "have nothing to do, look for you to chat. I don't know much about Kuhai. You can tell me about it if you like

"I don't want to!" As soon as mu Qingge's voice fell, Talisa refused without hesitation.

At the same time, she added, "what else do you want from me? Hum! I won't step into the same trap twice. "

Mu Qingge grinned. She looked at Talisa with interest. "Why are you so nervous? I'm not going to ask about your sirens. I just want to know, after leaving the sea area of your sirens, what's next, and how far away from the middle ancient world. "Talisa is stunned and stares at muqingge for a while.

Shaoqing, she just arrogant way: "how do you think I will tell you?"

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed and said with a smile: "now, you are not the only one on my ship. I come to you just because I know you best. "

Talisa tightly pursed her lips and murmured, which made her feel that she had lost all her advantages.

It seems that if she doesn't cooperate, muqingge will get everything she wants to know from other sea demon women.

However, as soon as Talisa thought that muqingge would speak so softly to other sea demon women, she felt uncomfortable, as if her own things had been taken away.

After awkwardness for a long time, Talisa reluctantly said, "OK. What do you want to know? "

Mu Qingge saw Talisa compromise, happily stretched out two fingers and said to her, "those are the two problems."

A situation after the sea monster left.

Another is how far away from the Middle Paleozoic.

Talisa looked at her, picked up the chopsticks on the table and poked at the food. As if those things were the Muse in front of her.

After venting her anger in her heart, she said: "after leaving the sphere of influence of the sea demon clan, what you want to enter is the area of the adherents."

"Adherents?" Mu Qingge's eyebrows are faintly picked.

"Well." Talisa nodded. "We also know where they came from. It is as if thousands of years ago, suddenly appeared on the bitter sea, fought with our sea demon clan for a long time, and finally calmed the war and divided the territory. It can be said that the hostility of the sea demon clan to human beings is partly due to them. Who makes them look like you, ugly and mean

Talisa said this, mercilessly gouged out mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge grinned and did not refute.

From Talisa's words, she got a message that the "adherents" are human beings. However, this group of human origin mystery, is suddenly appeared. Moreover, they settled down in Kuhai and did not go to Linchuan, or the two human interfaces in medieval times.

People are gregarious.

There must be some unknown reasons for living in seclusion!

"These people are not weak and call themselves adherents. It controls the sea area hundreds of miles to the West. Even if you pass the level of our sea demon, it is very difficult for them to pass that level. Because they, like us, are very exclusive of outsiders. " Talisa has a bit of schadenfreude. "What's more, they're not like us. Their ratio of women to men is not much different. The way you deal with us doesn't work for them."

She would not use the same trick twice in a row.

Mu Qingge, with a faint smile, did not explain to Talisa. However, she heard some information from it. Although the adherents were human beings, they rejected them. Why?

Seeing mu Qingge indifferent, Talisa is a little disappointed. However, he continued: "there is a wide range of spirit animal areas outside the sea area under the control of the adherents. There are a lot of spirit beasts in the sea. If you don't pass through them, you can't enter the sea area of the adherents. As for how far away from the middle ages, I don't know. We sirens have never landed and are not interested. If you have the ability, you can ask the adherents. "

"The spirit beast, the adherent family." Mu Qingge silently read these two words in his heart.

It seems that these are two levels of entering the middle ancient world!

"What is the number and distribution of the adherents? Who is the chief? " Mu Qingge looks at Talisa and asks continuously.

Talisa raised her chin and snorted, "I don't know. What's more, if I know, why should I tell you? "

Suddenly, a shadow enveloped her.

Nose tip, there is a fragrance.

When she came back to herself, mu Qingge had come to her, put her hands on the armrest of her chair, leaned forward and looked into her eyes.

Mu Qingge plays a smile, "since the adherents are the enemies of the sea demon family, how can they not know the details?"

Talisa was shaken by mu Qingge's smile.

She didn't understand why it was so beautiful to smile with such an ugly face!

Somehow, talissa felt her heart beat faster.

She looks like a flash, from the Mu light singer arm under the space drill out, escaped that makes her some suffocation of the imprisonment.

Mu light song did not stop, just turned to look at her.

Talisa was a little flustered by her glance. Apart from her sight, she kept the pride of the first beauty of the sea demon clan, and said to Mu Qingsong: "it's OK! I can tell you, so that you can also go to harm the adherents, especially the ugly woman of Fuya

At the mention of the strange name of muqingge, Talisa's face showed a cruel expression.

It seems that she had a deep feud with that guaya.

However, mu Qingge was not interested in paying attention to her personal enmity with that guaya.

She also laughed off the word "disaster" in her words.It depends on the attitude of the adherents that they are enemies or friends.

It's just like the sea demon clan now.

If, at the beginning, they were willing to communicate peacefully and let mu Qingge leave, things would not change into what they are today.

"In fact, I am not very clear about the situation of the survivors. They are too mysterious. After the war between the two clans, they rarely appear. Only when we sea demon people step into their sea area, will someone come out to warn them. I heard my father say that they had only one ruler, and they were called clan kings. Under the king of the clan, there were four generals who were in charge of the four seas of the adherents. The island they live in is called dule Island, which is said to be very large, just like the mainland. I don't know. I haven't. The number of adherents is about 100000. But their cultivation talent is very strong, everyone is not simple. That chiya is the leader of their generation, the daughter of the southern generals and the princess of their descendants. "

"General's daughter, princess?" For the second time, mu Qingge heard the name of "guaya" from Talisa's mouth, as well as her introduction, which made her have a trace of curiosity.

Curious, it's not their grudges. But since she is the daughter of a general, why is she a princess?

"What are you curious about? The Southern General of the adherent family is a female. She married the king of the clan, and the daughter she gave birth to is naturally the successor of the Southern General and the princess of the adherent family. " Talisa explains.

It's like this!

Mu Qingge suddenly realized in his heart, but he was surprised that there would be women among the adherents to become generals.

This is probably the third most powerful woman she knows.

One is the ancient Witch Queen of Jiang Li.

There is also the Phoenix in the flying Li too female, the future queen.

The last one is the female general of the adherents.

Although, she has not yet contacted the adherents, she can know that she is a real power figure with this title, rather than empty fame.

The woman who can take this seat is bound to be a strong woman. Both personal strength and mental strategy are not inferior to men.

Suddenly, mu Qingge had a strong interest in the southern generals of the adherents.

At this time, Talisa said to herself. "I'm angry when I talk about that one! Last time, I just inadvertently entered the territory of the adherents, but I didn't want her to pop out and drive me out. She looks so ugly, but she just looks like she is the most beautiful person in the world... "

Talisa crackled, also let mu Qingge understand her and the resentment of the Ya.

To put it bluntly, it's just a battle of will.

In the heart some funny, Mu light song to Talisa's words, does not agree. The only thing she can be sure of is that the ugly woman in Talisa's mouth must be a great beauty in terms of normal human aesthetics.

Of course, she is not a real man and has no curiosity about beauty.

"Eat." Mu Qingge uses three words to interrupt Talisa's indignation.

Talisa's voice stopped abruptly, and her eyes showed resentment again. She looked at Xiangmu Qingsong and said, "if I'm finished, I'll discard it."

“……” Mu Qingge's heart can't cry or laugh.

She just let her eat quickly, how did she become a bridge breaker?

Mu Qingge is too lazy to explain, and will only take out a medicine bottle from her arms and put it in front of Talisa.

"What is this?" Talisa looked at the bottle curiously and reached out to pick it up from the table.

"One pill a day is good for your health." Mu Qingge replied.

Talisa looked at her suspiciously, as if to say, "I'm in good health. Why eat?"

See she does not understand the appearance, Mu light song in order not to let his sudden kindness be wasted. We have to explain, "the low pregnancy rate of the sea demon tribe, and the majority of children born to men are related to your body. My medicine can improve your health, but it's easier for you to conceive, and it can improve the birth of girl babies. " Muqingge did not explain the obscure acid-base balance, but told Talisa the final result.

Although the decision to have boys and girls lies with the father. However, the mother's own environment is also important.

Mu Qingge's medicine for Talisa is not a magic pill, but a medicine for nourishing women and regulating acid-base balance. Good body conditioning, will naturally increase the probability of pregnancy.

However, in Mu Qingge's opinion, this kind of recuperation pill, which is almost as common as that of Wuji Baifeng pill, has become a rare treasure in Talisa's eyes!

"Really! Is this medicine really so magical? " Talisa stood up in excitement.

Mu Qingge nodded. "This medicine is limited in quantity. It is only enough for three people except you. You can distribute it freely."

"Great!" Talisa laughed happily.

As the daughter of the patriarch of the sea demon clan, she naturally knows what the biggest problem the sea demon clan is facing now.

With her sincere smile, mu Qingge said curiously: "when I first saw you, you seemed to wish that the festival mourning and Fukang were all dead. Why is that?"At that time, Talisa gave her the feeling that she was really a resourceful and cruel woman.

Talisa's face was stagnant, her hands clenched the medicine bottle, and she said to Mu Qingge, "Fukang's father is very ambitious, and he is the second patriarch of the clan, although he is respectful to his father on the surface. But in private, he wanted to replace his father. I rejected Fukang and chose the festival funeral, hoping to help my father find a reliable alliance and stop his ambition. However, Fukang seems to have gone mad, biting at the festival mourning. I did go there to stop everything. However, the thought that I would marry someone I didn't like made me angry. At that time, I thought that they should simply let them die. In this way, their two forces will never be able to form an alliance. Maybe they will hate each other and solve my father's hidden danger. "

Moqingge seems to understand the meaning of Talisa, this seemingly pretty woman, but the mind is very clear. She just wanted to protect her father in her own way.

Without further questioning, mu Qingge stood up.

Before leaving, she suddenly said: "by the way, those women of the sea demon clan, I also recuperate for a while. Although there is no pill to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the yuan, there are still some improvements. Before the medicine disappears, they will be weak and unable to use spiritual power. It will be all right after the medicine has gone. "

Finish saying, Mu light song walked out.

Talisa was stunned and did not understand why mu Qingge suddenly said these things to her.

Mu Qingge is not a whim. She explains to Talisa what the reason is. She believes that Talisa will know later.


More than 100000 troops of the sea demon clan ran for several days and nights after the huge boat of muqingge.

Finally came to the edge of the sea.

Mu Qingge noticed that in the sea area beyond the line, the color of the sea water should be deeper, rich and turbid. It seems that, under the sea floor, there are a lot of biological activities.

"Human beings, this place has left the control scope of our sea demon clan, you should fulfill your promise and release people!" After the ship came the voice of the patriarch.

Mu Qingge goes to the stern deck and looks at the patriarch.

With a smile that she did not know, she said to him, "the patriarch will send someone to pick him up."

So nice to talk about?

Not only the great patriarch was stunned, but the other several clan leaders were all stunned.

They originally thought that mu Qingge would have to continue to entangle before releasing people. Even, they are ready to hold on to muqingge.

"Fourth brother, what does he mean?" The five patriarchs asked the four chiefs.

The four patriarchs frowned and shook his head, "I can't understand."

"No matter what else, send someone to see if he will let them go or not." The three patriarchs gnawed their teeth.

"We can't get too close so that he can see that they are not there." The patriarch warned.

As soon as he reminded him, the sirens stopped.

After some discussion, they sent a team to meet them.

When the team arrived under the giant ship, mu Qingge did not break his promise, so long Ya Wei took out the women of the sea demon clan and let them get off the boat one by one.

In the process, mu Qingge suddenly said, "big clan chief, what about the second clan chief? By the way, and the one I fought with last time, by the way, there are Festival mourning and Fukang

Not good! Found out!

The big patriarch's eyes suddenly shrunk and became nervous.

Responsible for the team to pick up people also immediately all over the body tense, pick up the action stopped.

Around, as if into a strange quiet.

Mu light song but suddenly a smile, way: "all so nervous do what, should pick up people."

She said, let those sea demon women continue to get off the ship. But let the patriarchs hang their hearts. They have guessed in their hearts, what is the meaning of muqingge?

Did he see it or didn't?

Until the last female of the sea demon clan got off the boat, mu Qingge didn't move a bit.

This makes the patriarchs feel a little relieved.

The patriarch quickly searched for a circle among the women who got off the boat, but did not find Talisa. He asked nervously, "where is my daughter?"

"You don't have to worry about it." As soon as mu Qingge's voice fell, Talisa came out from behind her.

"Talisa! Come back Seeing his daughter, the patriarch was excited.

"Father When she heard her father's voice, Talisa was excited.

"Talisa, let's go." Mu light song, light voice.

Talisa is stiff and looks at her. There are some feelings in the eyes. "My knowledge of human beings is limited to the survivors," she said. The ancestral precepts of the clan told me that we and human beings can only be enemies. After contacting with the adherents, I feel that this is right. However, you have made me change my view of human beings. Will we see each other again in the future? "

Mu light song smile, "fate, will see you."Talisa nodded and got off the boat.

When she returned to her father, the patriarch picked her up and looked at her carefully. "My child, are you all right?"

Talisa shook her head. "Father, I'm fine. They're very nice to us. They didn't bully us."

Her words were approved by the sea demon women.

Although they were taken captive, they did not have any worries when they were on the ship. The human beings on the ship were very friendly to them, without any embarrassment, and served them with rich food. Every day, but also can smell the light, the good smell fragrance. Every time I smell it, I can have a sweet sleep. When I wake up, my body is warm and comfortable.

"Talisa, are you stupid? Speak for human beings The dissatisfied way of the five patriarchs.

With a wave of his hand, he asked people to take the women of the sea demon clan down.

At the same time, he also ridiculed the innocence of human beings in his heart, and let people go like this. Losing his chips, he would like to see how the cunning human race can escape from the encirclement they have set.

He thought so, but the four patriarchs didn't think so. The big clan chief and the third clan chief were also on guard.

Talisa ignored the five patriarchs, but said to her father, "father, they are good people. Let them go. They didn't do anything evil to the sirens, and Just when Talisa wants to give the medicine to Mu Qingge, mu Qingge suddenly opens her mouth and interrupts her words.

"Patriarch, I know what you are thinking. I advise you not to do so. Otherwise, the price will be terrible. You can ask if your women feel physically weak and unable to use spiritual power. "


Mu light song this sentence, people hear color change.

Only Talisa, shocked to see Xiangmu light song.

"Are you poisoned?" The four patriarchs gnash their teeth and hate the sound of the road.

Mu light song smile, no denial, also did not admit.

And her ambiguous attitude, but let the sea demon clan side into a huge fear.

They said, how can this despicable and cunning human being release people so happily?

Then look at the women of the sea demon clan, one by one pale, eyes with fear. Fall into, they are indeed Mu light Song said, will have such performance.

"Hateful human, I'll kill you!" The five patriarchs were so angry that they rushed to fight against mu Qingge, but they were held by the four patriarchs.

Looking at Xiangmu light song, Talisa's eyes are full of doubts and uncertainties.

When Mu light song that clear eyes swept over, she suddenly some understand the practice of Mu light song.

"Talisa, are you feeling any discomfort?" The patriarch nervously asked his daughter.

At this time, Talisa had a chance to explain everything, but she pursed her lips and said, "father, let them go, and we'll be fine."

Her words, virtually, increase the authenticity of Mu Qingge's words.

"You The big clan leader was shocked.

In his understanding, his daughter was also poisoned.

He looked at Xiangmu light song maliciously, as if he wanted to tear her into pieces!

"You don't keep your word!" The three patriarchs couldn't help shouting.

Mu Qingge sneered, "if you keep your promise, where are the people I named before?"

In a word, let them speechless.

At this time, mu Qingge's expression became cold and cold, and his cold voice said, "tell them to get out of the way. Don't start a war at the last moment. Otherwise, there will be no change in the outcome. "

"Fart! Let you go. What's the poison on them? " The five patriarchs roared.

The four patriarchs also said: "we can let you go, but how to detoxify?"

Mu light song a smile, direct way: "let me and I fight the man on the boat, into the sea area of the bereaved, I will give him the antidote, let him bring back."

Mu Qingge's words seem to be an ultimatum.

The remaining four elders looked at each other, and the chief said, "inform the second one, let them remove the ambush and let them go!"

They admit that they can't play human treachery.

Treacherous human beings should be dealt with by the same treacherous human beings!

Adherents, will give them a profound lesson! Thinking like this, several patriarchs of the sea demon clan showed a trace of insidious cruelty in their unwilling expressions.

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