
The killing on the shore did not disturb the interior of the island.

Everything here is primitive and undisturbed.

In the dense forest, there is no road.

Yinchen found a cave, which was large enough to hold hundreds of people. Others can rest outside. Mu Qingge, who was trained in the field for survival, was handed over to Longya Wei very early.

They can quickly, in a short period of time, use local materials to build tents, shelter from the wind and rain.

In the cave, mu Qingge sits cross legged.

Silver dust sat beside her, staring at her and said, "you have something on your mind."

Mu Ge looked up with a smile. "It's a contract with me. I can see what's on my mind."

Silver dust did not joke with her, but seriously said: "can you tell me?"

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "it's OK to talk to you. I'm just thinking, after entering the middle ages, what to do. "

Her eyes narrowed slowly, as if this problem had troubled her for a long time.

She had a lot of important things to deal with when she went to the middle ages.

However, she was unable to gain a foothold in the middle ancient world by fighting guerrillas.

There, there is no shelter for her Mujia, she needs to belong to their own forces can be trusted!

Her words were vague. However, Yinchen understood.

He knew that mu Qingge was thinking about the survival of so many people after entering the medieval world.

Without enough backers and backgrounds, they had no roots in the medieval world and were bullied by others! In Linchuan, they are already top experts.

However, in the middle ages, everything is just beginning.

No one can predict what the medieval world will encounter, what it will encounter!

"Maybe Can we open a place like the Vientiane building? " Silver dust has some clumsy proposals. He is not a human being. He is not good at these vital strategies.

Vientiane building?

The luster in Mu Qingge's eyes flashed for a moment, and then disappeared quickly.

I remember Han Caicai said that there were Vientiane buildings in the middle ancient world. Since there is such an old brand in the brand, how can she compete with the new one?

What's more, her main purpose is to make Longya Wei, including herself, have a good background in the middle ancient world, which makes people dare not despise them, and let people have confidence when they walk in the middle ancient world. The purpose is not to make money or to make a fortune.

Shaking his head, mu Qingge said: "we haven't entered the middle ancient world, we don't know anything. Maybe it's a little early to consider these."

Silence for a moment, mu Qingge a wave, in front of her in the open space, neatly placed hundreds of eggs.

These eggs, she brought out of the trial space.

They have been eaten by Baiji, and now there are more than 500 left. After removing some necrotic ones, they are just enough for one dragon tooth guard.

On these eggs, some shells have begun to crack, some eggs are ready to move, it seems that they will break at any time.

Generally speaking, these spiritual animals have the first blood relationship. As long as they see the Dragon tooth guard at first sight, it is no longer extravagant to give each dragon tooth guard a flying spirit beast.

Moreover, these birds and eggs are brought out of the trial space, and their blood is very good. Even in the middle ages, they are rare.

"Go and see if they're finished. When it's over, bring them here." Mu light song to silver dust road.

When silver dust returned to the shore, the smell of blood almost didn't make him vomit. Seeing the remains of thousands of sea spirit animals floating on the sea, he was shocked.

It's not that he underestimates Longya Wei, but the picture is too shocking!

"It seems that the battle is over." Silver dust will murongge's words to the public, with the people toward the Mu light song rest place and go.

When they came to the cave, they were stunned to see birds and eggs all over the ground.

Mu Qingge stares at the eggs that are about to be broken, and has no time to explain. He points to the eggs and says, "you can choose one."

Although I have known for a long time that there will be such a day, when it really comes, it is still very exciting! yes or no?

All of a sudden, Longya guards were like men who had been in a long drought. Suddenly, they met a large group of flower girls. All of a sudden, they lost all their reserve.

Hula, first step into the cave in the Dragon teeth guard, then began to pick up.

In fact, it means choosing an egg that looks good. Although These eggs don't make much difference in appearance.

Selected people, carefully holding, happy smile out. Let those who have not been selected rush in

After a while, a bird's eggs were divided up.

The rest of the birds have been dying, mu Qingge looked at the mouth of the mouth of the white, generous wave, "white, the rest to you."

White eyes in a bright, instantly swept a few bird eggs into his mouth.After eating, she still wanted to lick the corner of her mouth.

Mu light Song mouth corner a draw, silently love his purse. Think about it, it seems that it is not long before he eats next time.

She said fiercely, "white, are you hungry?"

Bai Lin was stunned and didn't understand why she asked so suddenly. But still truthfully touched his stomach and nodded, from the last time he ate a lot, it seems that it has been nearly a year.

Sure enough!

Mu Qingge laughs, "there are many spirit animals in the sea. You are better than..." In a reasonable environment, it is a very right policy to encourage Bai's self-sufficiency!

By Mu light song a reminder, white suddenly realized!

She turned into a white light, disappeared in the cave, toward the bitter sea.

Bai Bi's epiphany of the king of stomach makes mu Qingge really relieved.

Suddenly, she saw Moyang staring at her. "What's the matter?" she said blankly

Mo Yang held an egg in his hand and pursed his lips and asked, "Sir, we have divided the eggs. How about you?"


Mu Qingge looked at the empty ground and suddenly found that she had forgotten herself!

Ha ha ha!

Such a mistake can never be admitted! There is no face!

Mu Qingge pretended to be calm and said, "well, you need it first. There is no egg for me

Moyang looked at mu Qingge carefully, and saw that her look was not like faking, so he believed that he had quit the cave.

"Wait a minute." When Moyang comes to the mouth of the cave, mu Qingge suddenly stops him.

Mo Yang turns around.

Mu Qingge waves his hand, and there are a lot of spirit stones dug from the trial space and fruits from ancient ruins.

"Hatching them with spirit stones and then feeding them to the young birds should enhance their potential." Mu Qingge explained a sentence.

After hearing this, Mo Yang's quiet eyes were excited.

Then, mu Qingge ordered Mo Yang to say, "I will shut up for a few days. During this period, you are responsible for urging everyone to practice. If there is a spirit beast to attack, directly kill. If you encounter a spirit beast that is too powerful, if you can't beat it, you don't need to entangle more and give it to Bai Lin to deal with. "

"The little Lord is going to shut up?" Mo Yang was a little surprised.

It seems that I don't understand why moqingge will shut down at this time.

"Well." Mu Qingge nodded.

For a long time, people need land to comfort their down-to-earth feeling. That's why we'll stop here temporarily.

She can also take advantage of this time, refining some new things, put the previous ideas into reality.

In the next few days, mu Qingge took Longya Wei and settled down on the island.

But what she didn't know was that the killing on the island was going on every day. Around the sea, gradually soaked by the smell of blood, this smell, more and more far, even, floating to dule island a hundred miles away.


The waves, beating against the rocks.

A woman in plain clothes, tall and tall, stood on a reef overlooking the sea.

She had long hair in a high bun with no hair falling. Decorated with golden hair band, it is elegant and elegant.

The light silk dress of plain color wrapped her body, which was made hunting sound by the sea breeze. Looking from afar, she seemed like a fairy who wanted to go with the wind, which should only be found in the sky and hard to find in the world.

Her facial features, covered by the hazy night, blurred the outline, but still can see the beauty appearance, especially that elegant long neck, cause infinite reverie.

She just stood like a statue.

She didn't move a point even though the water had soaked her upper.

Behind the shore, someone came, he and she maintained a certain distance, eyes with a trace of obsession to see the woman's back.

For a long time, he just converged in the heart of extravagant feelings, respectfully called out: "Princess Fuya."

"There is a strong smell of blood in the sea." She spoke slowly.

The visitor was stunned, and it seemed that she suddenly understood what she had been standing here for so long.

"My subordinates take people to see along with the smell of blood." He said immediately.

"No, you are responsible for guarding the island. I'll show people around myself He rejected his proposal.

"This..." There was some hesitation.

"Qingfu, you just need to listen to my words." She turned and looked at him.

In the night, the eyes are still bright and calm, can not resist.

Green Fu slightly a Leng, murmured way: "yes, Princess Fuya."

Without any delay, after Qingfu lowered his head, he rose lightly and flew into the air like a fairy. A green bird with a long cry flew out of the island and caught the body of chiya in the air.

Then came the soldiers riding the flying spirit beasts from the island.

They are powerful, almost everyone is purple realm cultivation.The red armor on their bodies shows that they are powerful.

They rode with five people, a total of 100 people, followed by the green bird of Jieya.

After the team assembled, she patted the head of the green bird, and the green bird fluttered its wings and flew into the air.

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