Bitter sea island, that small island around, has already been muddy dirty sea water mixed with blood pollution, the color of this piece of sea water has become black.

Countless corpses of spirit animals are lying on the shore. It seems that a great war has just passed.

The black robes of Longya guards were stained with the blood of spirit animals. However, they seemed not to feel dirty. They squatted on the ground one by one, and carefully picked the most delicious meat on the body of spirit beasts with muqingge's special saber.

Even Youhe and Huayue are no exception. Compared with longyawei, they are more focused than longyawei.

"Almost." Huayue stood up, in the hands of the leaves, put a pile of shredded meat. The smile of her mouth is very sweet, and there is joy in her naturally charming eyes.

Young lotus will pick off the last trace of meat, the same on the leaves in his hand, stood up, said to the Flower Moon: "I'm good."

The two women looked at each other with a smile, and then walked to the nearest stone from the beach and sat down.

After that, the two men carefully hold out a bird's nest made of spirit stone from their arms. The bird's nest is not big, only the size of a palm. In the center of the aura, lies a hairy chick. Beside it, there are some fresh fruits that have not been eaten yet.

"I'll see yours." Hua Yue stretches her neck over and takes a look at the bird's nest in her hands.

After that, she took back her eyes and said, "these two little things, I don't know when I can grow up and fly in the sky with us."

Young lotus picked up a piece of shredded meat and handed it to the chick's mouth and fed it carefully. "It will come one day."

The five hundred dragon tooth guards are the same as them.

It has been half a month since they boarded this island. In the daytime, they not only kill spirit animals, but also raise flying spirit animals which come out of their shell. Every day, they are fed with the flesh of spirit fruit and spirit animals, and build nests for them with spirit stones. The careful appearance is like taking care of one's own blood.

Perhaps because of the influence of moqingge, these people never regard them as tools, but as partners.

In the evening, they enter the state of cultivation, constantly accumulating and compressing their own spiritual power. Practice the skills from ancient relics, and star start step.

In a forest far away from the shore, on a stout tree, white lay lazily on the branches, sleepy. It's natural to feel sleepy after eating.

Since that day, mu Qingge reminded her to select some high-level spirit beasts to eat in this sea area.

This is why Longya Wei has been killing on the island for so long, but it has not attracted more powerful spirit beasts. Because, the more powerful spirit beast was eaten into the belly by white.

Even if they smell the smell of blood, I'm afraid they won't be there for a while.

The killing on the shore does not affect the interior of the island.

A lot of tents have been set up for the time being. They have been set up for rest in the cave. The cave, which can accommodate hundreds of people, was automatically given up by them and left to several women, such as mu Qingge, Bai Lin, and young lotus moon.

The silver dust guards at the mouth of the cave to protect the law.

On the shore, all the Longya guards have returned from the beach, sitting on one side to rest and feeding the spirit animals.

All of a sudden, climbing up the tree to sleep, he suddenly opened his eyes. There was a purple gold light in her eyes.

Then she flashed and disappeared from the branches. It turned into a white light and fell towards the shore.

The dazzling white light, falling on the beach, turned into human form.

Her appearance, let the Dragon tooth guards have been alert.

They put away their spirit beasts, and they stood up and drew out their weapons.

"What's the matter?" Mo Yang went to Bai Bi's side and asked in a deep voice.

"White look ahead, gently raised his chin," someone came


Mo Yang's eyes shrink.

He noticed the words used in Bai dialect. She said there were people, not animals.

Above the sea of suffering, there are few Terrans. What is the origin of the sudden appearance of people?

"All on guard At the command of Moyang, the five hundred dragon teeth guards entered the fighting state one after another. A dragon tooth guard turned over and hid in the secret grass, paying close attention to everything.

Once there is something wrong, he will be responsible for returning to muqingge to report everything.

Youhe and Huayue also stood up, their faces full of vigilance and seriousness.

With his hands behind him, he stood on the beach.

At her feet, there was a bloody sand beach soaked with the blood of spirit animals. Her white dress stands on top of the blood, which is particularly eye-catching. From a distance, she is seen in the eyes.


A clear howl came from far to near.

What broke into the public's view was a large "dark cloud" moving rapidly from the horizon.

In the front of the "dark cloud", there is a blue light. It seems that those clouds follow the "green light".

When the "dark cloud" approached, people standing on the island could see clearly that it was not a "dark cloud", but dozens of flying spirit beasts.And there "Qingguang" is a slender, elegant blue bird.

However, it is not these flying spirit beasts that make people's eyes shrink on the shore, but the people standing on the flying spirit animals!

People! It's really human! And they have the same physical characteristics, but not as ferocious as the sea demon face.

In particular, the woman in plain clothes sitting on the back of the green bird has a natural elegance and nobility, just like a goddess falling from the sky, spotless and pure as snow.

Even if you haven't seen her face clearly, you can also make a positive judgment in your heart. She is a beautiful woman who is hard to see.

The line of sight of Bai Bi also falls on the green bird.

The woman in plain clothes on the green bird makes her frown faintly.

"In the middle of agility." Only a glance, white can see the depth of women's cultivation in plain clothes.

The green bird on which the woman in plain clothes rides stops when it reaches the island. The hundred warriors behind her also stopped and waited in silence.

As we got closer, people on the island could see her clearly.

Suddenly, all the people who saw her were shocked and suffocated.

She's beautiful. It's amazing.

Especially that pair of bright eyes, as if can see through the false disguise of the world. It seems that no one can face the master who has such a pair of eyes to lie and cheat.

It's also different from Mu Qing.

White hair is cold and charming, with a kind of seductive lingering charm. She is elegant and noble, with sanctity and purity, can not be profane. And moqingge?

The beauty of moqingge is strong, with the momentum of madness.

Her beauty is as dazzling as the sun and the moon. No matter where she is, she can easily become the focus of attention. In front of her, as if all the beauty, have become foil.

Only can compete with her, only Si mo.

When two people get along, that kind of egotistical light will only entangle each other, will not crush each other.

The people on the island are amazing, and the people in the sky are also shocked.

Different from the Dragon tooth guards on the island, they were shocked when such a strong human appeared in the bitter sea. Take a look at the carcasses of the spirit beasts piled up on the edge of the island. There are at least thousands of them. Even smell the smell of blood. How long have these people been killing?

And the momentum of their bodies, it seems that they do not need to be poor!

This feeling, let the warriors on the flying spirit beast, unconsciously tense up.

The woman in plain clothes on Qingniao's back swept over the corpses of those spirits and beasts, and swept the Dragon teeth guards and others on the island, and finally fell on Bai Xuan.

Feeling the gaze of the line of sight, Bai Bi showed a cold smile.

Smile, with a trace of contempt.

This makes the eyes of the woman in plain clothes shrink, "this man is so strong!"

The breath that white hair sends out on body, let plain dress woman immediately judge oneself is not her opponent.

"My name is Fuya. I come from my family." After silence, she reported to her family.


White eyes across a dark light.

She had heard the word in Mu Qingge and knew what it meant.

The adherents?

Mo Yang jumped in his heart and made a gesture to the man hiding in the dark. The latter understands. Run to the island at once.

He did not use spiritual power, but used the star start step. Naturally, no one was disturbed.

"What are the adherents doing here?" White lips light hook, hands around the chest, the whole person lazy charming.

This flattery also bewitched the warriors on the back of flying spirit beasts and attracted their attention.

"Following the smell of blood. Who is the girl? Why are you killing here She Ya answered faintly. With all that said, Bai Bu could not see any sympathy for these spirits in her eyes.

It seems that she is just looking for a topic to talk about.

"We're just passers-by, we'll have a rest here for a few days," he said with a smile. These animals don't have long eyes. If they want to feed on us, their strength is not good, and they will naturally become ghosts. "

"I see." She Ya nodded his head.

In her tone, she couldn't hear what she was really thinking.

As if, she was wearing a mask, blocking everyone's prying.

This feeling is the most disgusting feeling of Bai.

It was as if she was talking to a statue, not a person.

The first impression, let her lose the good feeling to the Xie Ya. Her expression is slightly cold, impatient way: "since know, where come from, go back where. Don't get in the way here. "

"Wanton --"

Before she opened her mouth, the hundred warriors behind her drank together.

This roar, let white eye light a dark, purple gold light in the eye bottom surging.

"Shut up." She Ya put out a hand to stop his subordinate's Cross moment.The hundred people behind her were silent.

This just lets the white eye light look slightly relaxed.

He said again, "if you have seen the person who is in charge, I will go naturally. I'd like you to introduce me

Her words, let white the facial expression a change, the Mou light of Mo Yang also dark come down.

"I'm the man in charge." Bai's voice sank.

Her words are not without persuasion. Because she is the most powerful one here, she can naturally take the lead. She has been standing on the side of Mo Yang.

White words, but let the Ya gently smile. "Don't lie to me, girl. If the girl is in charge, how can she stand here as a protector? Why is there no respect in their eyes for you? "

The words fall, the Dragon tooth guards, all quietly clenched their weapons.

The atmosphere fell into a standoff.


Long Ya Wei, who reports the news, finally comes to Mu Qingge's closed cave. As soon as he appears, the silver dust outside the cave opens his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Silver dust asked.

Longya Wei looked serious and said, "the adherents are coming."


Silver dust's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just when he was thinking about whether or not to disturb mu Qingge, he came out of the cave in a red robe. He was very beautiful and could not argue between men and women.

Seeing her, Longya Wei's eyes burst out with infinite reverence. He knelt on one knee and saluted, "little Lord!"

"Get up." Mu light song is just a casual saying, but that condescending momentum, but naturally.

Mu light song out of the customs, silver dust also followed to stand up, automatically stood behind her.

"Who did you say came?" Mu Qingge asked.

When it comes to business, Long Ya Wei quickly looks awe inspiring, "it's the adherents of the clan. A total of 100 people have come, led by a woman. The woman's name is Fuya

"She ya?" Mu light Song mouth low Muran this name, eyes slowly narrowed up.

She is not a stranger to the name of guaya. In Talisa's mouth, I don't know how many times.

Talisa and she Ya seem to have some grudges, and once asked mu Qingge to avenge her and teach her a lesson. Of course, muqingge didn't promise such a boring thing.

However, she had a strong interest in the identity of Xie Ya.

She is also the successor of the southern generals. She has both fame and power. It can be said that it is in the bitter sea area, set three thousand favorite characters!

"Let's go and have a look." Mu Qingge raised his chin and walked.

The three headed for the shore of the island.

At this time, on the shore of the island, the confrontation between the two sides fell into a kind of deadlock.

She Ya's one eye to see broken, so that white hair very uncomfortable, but also let Moyang high alert up.

The Kuhai force is no better than Linchuan's.

He must be very careful not to cause trouble.

"She just wants to see the person in charge. What's the difficulty?" She spoke slowly. Her voice, like clouds and smoke, seemed to dispel a trace of stalemate.

Bai Bi gave a cold smile and disdained to say, "if you have something to say, is our principal person what you want to see can be seen?" Now that he was seen through, he was too lazy to put on airs.

However, she did not give up a smile. "This is also the domain of my adherents. When a visitor comes to visit, the host asks himself," how can the guest be so reserved? "

Words are good, but why do they sound awkward?

The irony hidden in it seems to have revealed that she was not a kind person.

White hair breath a cold, sharp voice way: "roll! No matter what kind of clan you are, if you continue to pester, I will kill you. "

Shua Shua Shua!

The sound of weapons coming out of the scabbard rang out behind him.

Obviously, Bai's threat angered the adherents.

When the adherents of the family showed their weapons, the Dragon tooth guards were not willing to be outdone. They drew out their own weapons one after another, and formed a situation of fierce tension with the adherents in the sky.

"Stop it all." He once again prevented the dispute from happening.

"Take back all the weapons." When he opened his mouth with guaya, a cold voice came from the island.

As soon as the sound came out, the Longya guards took back their weapons without hesitation for a moment. Even Bai Lin also restrained his momentum and turned to look at the rear.

A faint color flashed through the eyes of the chiya.

Before the arrival of a person, a word is so dignified that the people under him dare not disobey. This effect is not only that the relationship between master and servant can achieve.

"It seems that these people respect and believe in the people who are in charge." She Ya's eyes were slightly astringent, and her heart was full of thoughts.

"Put down the blade." She gave an order in a low voice.

This was her second command, and the hundred people behind her reluctantly took back their weapons.

The same order, two different camps of both sides, high opinion.All of a sudden, a glimmer of expectation rose in his heart.

Looking forward to see what kind of people, can let these strength is not low, the momentum of the people bow to listen to the minister.

She looked in the direction of the sound, and a flash of brilliant red broke into her eyes, into her bright and clear eyes.

"Little Lord --"

As soon as the moqingge appeared, everyone knelt on one knee and lowered their heads on the beach, except for the white one.

The momentum of drinking in unison does not need to be different from the hundred people of the bereaved family just now.

Even, the momentum of the adherents just now, compared with the Dragon tooth guards at the moment, is simply not worth mentioning.

They, hidden in the heart of the struggle!

"Get up." Mu light song casually said a word, toward the white.

"Qingge, are you out?" White on the body of the anger to disperse, showing a smile to meet the Mu light song, affectionately took her arm.

Mu Qingge gave a light "um" and looked up at the chiya, who was riding on the green bird, and the hundred remaining warriors behind her.

She has been observing mu Qingge, and her mood has been floating since she appeared.

In front of muqingge, she felt as if she had become gloomy and her momentum had been suppressed. This feeling, as if it was born, is compatible with bone and blood, and can not be disobeyed.

"How could there be such a handsome and arrogant man in the world?" She was amazed in her heart.

Muqingge's arrogance is not pride or conceit. It's a kind of defiance to the sky, and arrogant.

This kind of momentum belongs to the inborn king, can win over people.

It was as if he had been shaken in the depths of his soul.

And the hundred remaining warriors behind her are also in the moqingge appear, breath a stagnation.

In front of muqingge, their sense of superiority seems to disappear completely and become humble. Her momentum, beyond her own beauty.

When you are convinced by her momentum, you will suddenly realize that she is not only amazing in momentum, but also amazing in appearance.

They are used to the light beauty of Tanya. They suddenly encounter the strong beauty of muqingge, and feel that their vision has been violently impacted.

"Princess of the adherents, she ya." Mu Qingge's eyes toward the wild are calm, there is no surprise, there is no other.

"Do you know me?" Mu light song words, let the Ya surprised.

Mu light song light smile, "do not know, just heard from Talisa's mouth."

Mu light song of the real words to tell, let the Ya smile, "it is her. It seems that you are from the realm of the sirens. "

In the same way, she also judged some information from mu Qingge's words.

Mu Qingge didn't hide it and nodded: "yes, just passed through the realm of the sea demon clan. I'm planning to go through the territory of the adherents and go to the middle ancient world. I wonder if Princess Guya can make it convenient. "

Let's talk straight.

Mu light song's frankness makes the smile of the corner of the mouth more obvious. "If you can pass through the realm of the sea demon clan, it seems that you have a lot of skills. But since you have heard of the adherents, you should know that we are very exclusive of outsiders. Maybe we won't be as reckless as the sea demon clan, killing people when they see them. But by the way... "

She didn't finish, just shaking her head and smiling.

Mu Qingge didn't get angry, but just said with a smile: "it's just a way. It won't disturb the adherents. Why do we have to make everyone unhappy?"

Her words, so that she slowly smile convergence, asked: "it seems that you intend to, do not take the road to break?"

Mu light song a light smile, "she Ya princess can also understand."

He was stunned and suddenly chuckled.

It seems that she is laughing at the innocence of light song, at her ignorance, at her arrogance.

After laughing, she asked, "how many people do you have? Do you know how many of my adherents are? Can you make it? Don't think I look down on you. It's just the truth. "

There was no sarcasm in her tone. As she said, she was just stating the facts.

Mu Qingge's mouth grinned and did not speak.

Bai Bi attached to Mu Qingge's ear and said, "I don't like this woman. Can I eat her?"

Mu Qingge glanced at her and asked in a low voice, "haven't you had enough food a few days ago?"

Bai Bi rolled his eyes and stopped talking.

"I advise you to either return the same way or take a detour. My adherents will not easily borrow from others, nor will they come into contact with the outside world. Today, I came here to find the source of blood. I went back after knowing the matter. If you don't listen to your advice and continue to enter by force, then you and I will have to fight each other. " She Ya sang to Mu light.

"Thank you very much for reminding me." Mu light song with a smile.

Her expression, so that she can't understand, can't guess what she's saying. This was the first person she met who couldn't see through. She not only frowned.

"Let's go back." He gave an order to the warriors of the adherents."Princess Fuya, shall we go now?" A samurai who is very close to her is unwilling to do so.

She Ya took a look at him and turned to look at Xiangmu Qingge.

The faint smile on her face seemed to be written with the words "walk slowly, do not send".

Taking back his sight, he whispered, "they are not simple. We are not rivals." According to the rules of the adherents, if they encounter outsiders, they will be expelled directly.

However, they are obviously not rivals, so they can only serve first and then.

The warrior who spoke looked at the Dragon teeth guard on the island, and the five hundred people were no weaker than them.

Moreover, in terms of quantity, there is such an obvious gap that it can not be forcibly expelled.

Will not be willing to hide in the bottom of their heart, they can only listen to the voice of the Ya left.

However, just as they were preparing to evacuate, a huge wave about 100 feet high suddenly rose in the front of the sea and came towards the island rapidly.

The blue bird on which he was riding suddenly gave a sad cry and fell directly to the sea.

The sudden change, let the body of a slant from the bluebird fell.

Not only she, but also the hundreds of warrior survivors riding on the back of the flying beast also fell. The flying spirit beast under them was not as lucky as the Bluebird, and exploded into a mass of flesh and blood in the mid air.

Just when she was about to fall into the water, mu Qingge ordered in a deep voice, "save people."

As soon as the voice fell, she rushed out, jumped into the air, and caught the body of Xie Ya. The Dragon teeth guards also jumped out one after another, snatched the remaining warriors before they fell into the water and threw them onto the shore.

When she felt a tight waist, she was pulled into the arms with a good smell.

She looked up and found that she was hugged in her arms by mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge's clear and calm eyes swept over her face, without stopping, and showing off to her after saving her.

She was stunned. In front of this beautiful man, she seemed to feel that her appearance was mediocre for the first time.

However, before she thought about it clearly, she left the arms of moqingge and stood on the bank.

As soon as he was standing still, he inserted himself between them and separated them.

"Xiao Qing!" When she saw the blue bird that had fallen into the sea water and had been salvaged by Longya Wei, she was in a mess because her feathers had been soaked in the sea water. She was in a state of confusion. She could not help but cry when she lost her immortal spirit.

The other samurai were also rescued by the Dragon tooth guard, but their mounts were all dead.

"There's something wrong with that big wave." Mu Qingge coagulates the huge waves that keep approaching the island.

White also dignified way: "momentum is very strong, not opponent."

"It must be the old spirit beast at the peak of the spiritual period in the deep sea. It's the smell of blood that attracts him here!" The fast way of chiya.

The spirit beast old monster at the peak of the smart period!

What a bad news!

Mu light song eyes light slightly heavy, pursed lips not language.

If you don't stop it, I'm afraid this terrible momentum will crush the whole island and them into dust.

However, if we want to stop it, how can we stop it? How to kill the spirit beast at the peak of the smart period?

"Back first." When he did not think of a way to solve this thorny problem, mu Qingge could only command the retreat.

There was no hesitation, and no one wanted to stay in the fierce momentum.

The people who admire light songs and those who live in Fuya all gather together and retreat towards the island.

However, when they retreated for a while, they found that the whole island seemed to have been shrouded in that terrible atmosphere. No matter where they went, they could not escape.

The crowd stopped in a clearing.

In this place, we can still see the situation on the sea.

"There is no way out." She Ya gnawed her teeth. There was a change in her calm expression. Dignified, anxious, nervous, belonging to human emotions, presented on her face.

"Hum! It's you who kill spirit animals here, and you attract the old monster In the strong fear, a warrior of the adherent family hates the voice of the road.

They are all involved in such a situation by this group of outsiders.

"No more." He denounced Tao.

She understood the situation better than the rest of the survivors.

At present, it is not the time to complain to each other. In the face of such a strong enemy, only through mutual cooperation can we escape. If not, whoever it is will die here.

"Oh, jokes. The spirit beast comes, we don't kill, wait to be killed? Besides, no one has invited you to come, but you have come by yourself. Isn't this your family's sea area? Why don't you banish the spirit beast Bai Lin said sarcastically.

This satire made the warriors of the bereaved family speechless.

Seeing Xiangmu Qingge, she said seriously, "I think we need to cooperate now."

Mu Qingge turns her eyes and looks at her. Her eyes are moving.

Bai Gu murmured discontentedly, "the demarcation line that used to be borrowed from others was chiseled. Now there is a disaster, do you want to open your mouth to cooperate?"Her words, impartial into the ears of the Ya.

Mu Qingge naturally heard it, but did not say anything.

She knew in her heart that cooperation was inevitable.

But also won't prevent Bai Bi to vent the resentment in the heart.

"If we can get through this, for the sake of cooperation, I can ask my father to let you leave by way of guarantee." She made a promise.

This reaction of her, let Bai Xuan a Leng.

Mu light song also cast some appreciation.

At least, the woman in front of her is not arrogant and has no brain. She clearly knows the current situation, in order to ensure the highest degree of cooperation, can make an accurate price.

Moreover, she did not die, just promised an opportunity. If the family king of the deceased insisted that she did not agree to take the way, she would not have broken her promise.

Smart people are always recognized.

Mu light song means an unidentified smile, reaching out to Xie Ya, "happy cooperation."

She Ya looked blankly at the hand that stretched out to her, and didn't understand the meaning of muqingge.

Mu light song hook lips smile, directly grasp the hand of the Ya, in her nervous to take back his hand, and suddenly released.

She was stunned by her behavior, but she did not see any frivolity in her eyes, so she left the matter aside for the time being.

After reaching an agreement and cooperation, the next step is to get rid of the trouble!

Mu Qingge looked at the huge wave and asked, "what kind of spirit beast is it that will be so powerful?"

As soon as her voice fell, people saw a large cloud on the top of the huge wave.

The cloud blotted out the sun, and after it appeared, it almost blocked half of the sky.

As it approaches the island, it gradually moves forward!

"It's it!" Suddenly, mu Qingge's ear heard a voice of panic.

She turned her eyes and saw the face changed greatly.

"You know?" Mu light song eyes light slightly Lin, asked.

She nodded. At the moment, not only she, but also the other warriors were pale and trembling.

"It is the real overlord in this area! We are finished A touch of despair rose in his eyes, as if he lost his fighting spirit after seeing the appearance of the spirit beast.

This sentence, let Mu light song frown.

At this time, white also at the side of the way: "this is really big trouble. This is not an old monster in the period of agility, but an ancient fierce beast A robin

"Robin?" Mu Qingge frowns more tightly.

She has never heard of the name "robinish" and does not know what the ancient fierce beast stands for.

All she knew was that the nine Jue tuntian Python was a sacred animal that existed in ancient times, and the blood of silver dust seemed to be more than simply a divine beast.

"The Robin babbler is said to be a fierce beast of the same age as heaven and earth. It is very sleepy, every time a sleep, is a thousand years. The interval between each deep sleep is only three months. In March, however, it has been a disaster for all races. " The murmur of the way. Without saying a word, her face turned pale.

Bai Bi glanced at her and said to Mu Qingge with a laugh: "Qingge, you think I can eat it. However, I eat less than one tenth of a robin's. It can be said that it wakes up for one thing, that is to eat. All the living things that it could sense would be sucked into his stomach. Every time a robin wakes up, it will be dead for thousands of miles, the birds and animals will be destroyed, the city will be destroyed and people will be destroyed. That's why it's called the killer. "

"If so, why not kill it?" Mu Qingge asked in a deep voice.

In the description of Xiya and Baihe, she seems to feel that the robin is not easy to be provoked.

"Kill?" "It's not easy," he sneered? The Robin babbler can not only dive in the deep sea, but also walk against the wind. Whether it is the sea floor or the sky is its battlefield, its skin, there is only one thing in the world that can be pierced, and the rest of the attacks are ineffective against it. "

"What is it?" Mu Qingge's face began to look ugly.

With a cold look on his white eyes, he said in a deep voice: "a kind of weapon made of refining material named Xingsha Xuanwu gold. According to legend, this material is as black as iron and as black as carbon. But it is extremely hard and can break all physical defenses in the world. "

"Xingsha xuanwujin?" Mu Qingge's eyes twinkled a few times. Why does she feel that Bai's description gives her a sense of deja vu?

"Every time the babbler wakes up for only three months, and its body is very hard. Many people want to kill it, but they are all buried in the belly of the bird." She pursed her lips.

"I've heard my ancestors say that Robin Plover sleeps in a sea of bitterness. He also warned the people that if the birds wake up, they must close the access to the island and hide in the ground for three months. Only when the birds are asleep again can they come out again. It's three years before it's a thousand years, but the Robin's wake up early. I'm afraid it's the smell of blood that makes it wake up early In his words, he did not mean to investigate the responsibility, or to infer the reason for the appearance of the Robin.

Mu Qingge thought quickly in his mind and frowned: "since you can't kill me, then hide. The survivors can hide in the underground, so can we. ""Late." She shook her head and denied. With despair in her eyes, "the robin is obviously chasing our breath, even if it can't see, it will destroy the whole island, we can't escape."

"I can't hide. It seems that we can only fight!" Mu light song eyes light a Li, voice with a firm way.

She looked at her in surprise, as if shocked that she had the courage to fight after knowing the history of the Robin.

It seems to have understood the meaning in the eyes of Xie Ya. Mu Qingge sneered, "if you don't resist, you can't wash yourself and lie down, waiting for the beast to eat?"

Her words, let him a Leng, from fear and despair gradually wake up.

"White bunting, what's the result of your fight with the Robin Muqingge has started the battle deployment.

Bai Lin was silent. After thinking about it carefully, she said: "if I try my best, I can entangle it for an hour with my ability to recover now."

The Robin bunting is almost the same level as the white bunting. Now the white bunting has just been revived, and its ability has not yet fully recovered. Naturally, it can only drag the babbler reluctantly.

"I'll hold it up. You'll take the time to go." White suddenly to Mu light song road.

Mu Qingge looked up at her and laughed jokingly, "are you testing me? I'm in your heart the one who's on the run? "

White demon magic smile, coquettish to her way: "the temptation is, but also true. There's only one dead end for you to stay. I don't care about others, but I don't want you to die. "

"Don't worry, none of us will die." Mu light song smile way.

Her smile, as if there is a kind of infection magic, so that people who see her unconsciously believe her words.

She looked at them and wondered about their relationship. At the beginning, Bai Bi's intimacy to moqingge made her feel that they were lovers. But now it doesn't look like a couple.

"Silver dust." Mu light song called.

Silver dust came over.

At this time, she Ya noticed that he had been standing quietly behind mu Qingge, reducing his sense of existence.

Silver hair and blood eyes, with the beauty of confusion, frightening.

"When the white warbler is fighting, you are on the side of the line, not to let you fight with the Robin, but not to let the white boar be in danger." Mu Qingge gives clear orders to Yinchen.

Silver dust looked at white, white also disdain cold hum.

But neither of them disobeyed mu Qingge's orders.

"Dragon teeth guard obeys orders." Mu light song is another way.

Moyang and longyawei watch Xiangmu Qingge.

Mu Qingge ordered coldly, "you take grenade guns, occupy the high places all over the place, cover for white and silver dust, try to delay time. But remember, no one is allowed to take risks. "

"Yes Longya Wei's response seems to dispel the fear and despair brought about by the Robin.

"What do we do?" After a series of arrangements for mu Qingge, she asked.

Mu Qingge took a look at her and said, "the people who command you also try to hold down the Robin. Don't rush to the front, if we are defeated, we will set up traps. White hair is the first floor, Longya Wei is the second layer, and your people are the third layer. There is only one purpose, which is to delay time. "

"What are you going to do?" She heard another meaning in Mu Qingge.

"I need enough time to prepare something to solve this problem completely," Mu Qingge said

"You've come up with a solution!"

"Do you have a way?"

The two of them almost export at the same time, and a surprise burst out in their eyes.

Bai's reaction is understandable. After all, she has known mu Qingge for so long, and has witnessed her ability. However, she didn't understand why she trusted mu Qingge so much and believed her words. When she realized that her language was inappropriate, she corrected it in time: "how long does it take you?" After that, she thought, it didn't seem much better.

Whether it is the previous words, or this sentence, all represent the boundless trust in moqingge.

Mu light song did not think so much, she looked at white, white as far as possible to drag an hour Then, looking at Mo Yang and GUI ya, he said, "you two layers, try to hold on for an hour. If you can't do it again, feed it with the corpses of those spirits. If you can delay for a while, I will do it as soon as possible. "

As soon as her voice fell, the huge body of the Robin babbler shrouded the island. The huge waves directly hit the island, shattering the reefs and ancient trees , the fastest update of the webnovel!