"No matter who bids in the end, I'm a hundred bucks above him."

Seemingly casual words, but like a stone thrown into the lake is not calm, stir up the undercurrent under the lake.

"It's him! No, it can't be him! It must be my illusion! "

Qin Yiyao's body is stunned. Her beautiful appearance is full of shock.

She has forgotten how many times she has been in, how many times she has not forgotten her life and death. Forget the pain that you have experienced In front of my eyes, I only have a red dress in my head.

That beautiful face, it seems that always with an unyielding smile.

Qin Yiyao can't believe his ears. That person can't and shouldn't be here. However, this voice, she has long been deep into the bone, how can you hear it wrong?

Qin Yiyao seemed to hear the hidden anger in the light tone.

He's angry! He is angry!

Qin Yiyao closed her eyes painfully. Leaning against the golden wire cage, she finally had a reaction. She wanted to run away from here. She didn't dare to see the man. She didn't want him to see how embarrassed she was.

Once, she had imagined countless times of meeting, she could tell him that he was very good. But now? No wonder he was angry.

Qin Yiyao's body began to tremble. She did not dare to look at the guests' seats shrouded in shadows. Instead, she slowly folded her legs and clasped her knees with her hands. She allowed her hair to cover her face and sight.

As if by doing so, she would be able to protect herself in a corner that no one could see.

On the auction platform, light and shadow interweave. Every tiny movement and expression of Qin Yiyao fall into mu Qingge's eyes.

Seeing her reaction, she knew that she had recognized her voice.

However, Qin Yiyao's panic and escape make mu Qingge's anger rise. She just doesn't want to see her?

But then, mu Qingge was relieved.

Speaking of, I am still the enemy who killed Qin Yiyao's parents and brothers. What kind of attitude do I hope she can take towards herself?

Mu Qingge's anger at the bottom of her heart dissipates, but her eyes still look at Qin Yiyao in the golden silk cage.

Around those who examine, look at the eye light falls on her body, she is unconscious.

In the auction, it was quiet.

If you give a song, you will be shocked.

Mu Qingge's heroic words, it is simply face-to-face, the five families were given a heavy blow, hit them unprepared, even unable to fight back.


She has already said that no matter who calls for it, she will be a hundred more. What's the point of their bidding?

"You can't speak too much, sir. You have spent 420 spirit stones just now. Are you sure you have enough A cold inquiry came from all over the house.

Jiang Tian listened one by one and immediately agreed: "yes, since you are so ambitious, I will offer you five Three thousand! Do you dare to add it? " He wanted to call out 5000 low-level spirit stones, but this has exceeded his limit. What if he is trapped? For the sake of insurance, he changed his words temporarily.

Mu Qingge silent sneer, slowly way: "I have enough spirit stone, this does not need to worry about two. You'd better consider whether you have enough spirit stone in your purse. Who reminded me just now, but credit is not allowed here. "

This sentence, let out Sheng Yu to leave the four families, face all sink down.

They can regard the woman in the golden cage as a lottery on the eve of qualifying and a warm-up match, but it does not mean that their family can let them act willfully and buy a woman home with so many spirit stones!

Three thousand low-level spirit stones are enough for a family disciple to practice for three years. As the elite disciples of the family, they can only receive 500 spirit stones every month.

For a dandy like Jiang Tianyi, 5000 spirit stones in the small Treasury are already his bottom line.

Spend all your possessions to buy a woman, or a woman who killed herself? He is really reluctant to give up!

"What? What I say doesn't count? " Quiet auction house, let mu Qingge look at the white ghost face standing on the auction table.

White ghost face a Leng, it seems to be the first time to encounter this situation. He quickly calmed down and confirmed to Mu Qingge again: "guest, you mean that no matter how much other people increase the price, you will be 100 pieces higher than their final price, right?"

"Not bad." Mu Qingge's neat answer.

It seems that what you want to give is not spirit stone, but some stones that can be picked up everywhere on the ground.

Hearing this affirmative voice, Qin Yiyao's body shrinks more tightly. Her curling up appearance is full of helplessness and tension.

"Guest, this is not a place for jokes." White ghost face reminds way.

Mu light song light way: "do you think I am joking?"

The white ghost face is silent for a moment, the attitude has already represented everything."What's wrong with sister Yao?" Sheng Susu noticed the abnormality of Qin Yiyao. The Yao sister she knew was always calm and wise. Even though they were in trouble, she was calm all the time, but now she is helpless like a child.

As if, at this moment, she removed all the camouflage, all the strong, only left the most real self.

Sheng Susu is worried, with doubts. But she around Sheng Yu from but because of such Qin Yiyao feel some heartache. At that moment, almost all the women who attracted him appeared.

At the moment, to see her like this, he was distressed to rush over, save her, hold her in his arms, carefully comfort, disperse her helplessness, become her dependence.

He has never felt this kind of feeling in the past 20 years. I'm afraid it's hard to appear again!

However, he wants to save her, but there is a biggest obstacle.

Sheng Yuli turned to look at Xiangmu Qingge and said in a sincere voice: "childe, this woman is very kind to me. Please do me a favor." Before mu Qingge's move, he felt that she was a person who could speak. As long as he showed his attitude, the other party should withdraw from the bidding.

After all, up to now, mu Qingge has only shown a "black sheep" who is willful and lavish with "thousands of gold".

Sheng Yu from the expected, mu Qingge will give him a face.

But did not expect, Mu light song just eyes light cool sweep over, looked at him one eye, coldly way: "sorry, I to her, the potential must get."

After that, she stood up, walked with a lazy pace, step by step down the guest's seat, in the public's gaze and surprise, boarded the round auction table.

"What is he going to do?"

"Who knows?"

"You don't want to rob people directly, do you?"

The white ghost's face startled, raised his hand a wave, those black ghost servants suddenly rushed out, surrounded the auction table, looking at the Mu light song on the stage.

However, mu Qingge turned a blind eye to their vigilance and nervousness, and walked slowly to the golden cage step by step.

The beam of light, hitting her, was like plating a layer of gold on her body. The red clothes on the body become more bright like blood, and the whole person's breath is more cold and dense.

Her shadow falls on the golden wire cage and covers Qin Yiyao.

The familiar smell suddenly appeared in front of her, but Qin Yiyao didn't dare to face it. She could only bury her head lower. She even wanted to close her five senses and not allow herself to think.

"Guest..." The white ghost struggled to speak.

Mu Qingge suddenly raised his left hand, palm down.

Suddenly, the brilliance flashed, countless spirit stones fell out of her hand and fell on the auction table. Those spirit stones, with a strong aura, soon piled up hills in the face of the white ghost and the people around them.

Spirit stone, like rain fell, spread in the entire auction table, the number of absolute more than 3000!

This picture shocked people in a room. Even Jiang Tianyi, the famous dandy in Yushui City, was shocked. Unconsciously, they are weak in front of the moqingge.

The spirit Stone continued to fall, and the continuous flow of spirit stones did not stop. People were shocked to wonder, "how many spirit stones does he have?"

In fact, even mu Qingge doesn't know about this problem.

Because, she is not the most low-level spirit stone, nor intermediate spirit stone, high-level spirit stone, but the best spirit stone! What's more, when she left Haiyu City, she took away half of her spirit stone mine.

"So handsome!" Sheng Susu was shocked to see the moqingge on the stage, and he could not help admiring it in his eyes.

But then, she thought of Qin Yiyao and shook Sheng Yu's hand in a hurry.

Sheng Yu felt the meaning of his sister, but what can he do now? Compared with financial resources, he really can't compare! Not only did he not see other families, but even the dandy Jiang Tianyi stopped?

He grinned at his sister and shook his head, but he made up his mind. After you leave here, you must find out the whereabouts of the young man in red. No matter how much it costs, you must redeem the woman who is in favor of his sister and lets him get back.

When the spirit stone filled most of the auction table, mu Qingge finally stopped.

Her hands behind her, high cold way: "enough?"

Three words, white ghost face shock back to God. He suddenly nodded, "enough, enough..." The spirit stone in front of you is nearly ten thousand. How can it not be enough?

This rude and direct behavior broke Jiang Tianyi's trick to organize mu Qingge.

At this time, he did not dare to bid.

Because he was afraid that moqingge would suddenly change his mind, and finally he would be slaughtered himself.

The same is true of several other people. They want to regulate moqingge and raise the price to make her produce more spiritual stones. However, she was afraid that she would suddenly regret not to participate in the auction after she called out a high price. Were they not lifting stones to hit their own feet?In the repeated entanglement, they can only keep silent.

"If that's enough, open the cage." Mu light song light road.

The white ghost's face was stunned, and he called in the ghost servant.

The ghost servant opened the cage and was about to get in and pull Qin Yiyao out. Mu Qingge suddenly said, "let her come out by herself."

The ghost servant was stunned and stood in the same place.

Come out on your own!

Qin Yiyao's body is like a lightning strike, but it is still the last scene she wants to see.

She didn't move.

However, mu Qingge's voice came like a shadow, "are you going to let me pull you out personally?"

One can not hear the joy and anger of inquiry, let Qin Yiyao all shells are broken fall. Her body, one step faster than her consciousness, obeyed mu Qingge's words and got out of the golden cage and stood in front of her.

On the guest seat, she Ya's bright eyes are full of doubts.

She seemed to feel that the little Lord knew this woman, and the woman knew the little Lord. So, what kind of relationship did they have? The Lord will let so little!

"Look up." The tone of command came again.

This time, Qin Yiyao can feel a clearer sense of familiarity, as well as the taste of muqingge.

She wanted to resist, but the body could not help but slowly raised her head and looked at the person standing in front of her.

Eye catching, is a red robe.

However, the face that yearns day and night is covered by the ugly and ferocious mask.

However, Qin Yiyao is inexplicably relaxed, as if this mask, let her feel that they did not meet.

This deceives oneself, her heart is filled with inexplicable pain, but do not know how to do.

Mu Qingge looks at Qin Yiyao. After a few years' absence, she becomes more beautiful, and her lonely temperament is more prominent. Between the eyebrows, there is no longer the deep palace princess's melancholy, instead is in the life and death between the temper of indifference.

However, at the moment that silk indifferent, also with a kind of panic.

She, afraid to see herself!

Mu Qingge suddenly realized this.

With a sigh in his heart, mu Qingge stretched out his right hand.

Qin Yiyao's eyes fall on her outstretched right hand. The finger cover on her index finger is so familiar.

It's her! It's really her!

This is not a dream!

Qin Yiyao raised her head, tears welled up in her beautiful eyes and slipped down her cheek.

At this moment, she had already been unable to control her body, endless thoughts poured out like the tide, which swept her and submerged her reason.

She did not go to hold Mu light song's hand, but shed tears, suddenly rushed into her arms, hands tightly around Mu light song's shoulder.

Mu Qingge is also surprised. In her memory, Qin Yiyao has never been out of control.

She threw herself into her arms and held herself almost as hard as she could.

This embrace, let mu Qingge feel Qin Yiyao strong under the fragile, feel her vent at the moment. She also felt the tears she held back.

"I'm greedy for this embrace. Would it be nice if I could die in it?" Qin Yiyao put down everything and held muqingge tightly, holding this person who made her Miss countless days and nights.

She envied pity, jealousy pity, how she hoped, that night, in that bloody night, died in Mu Qingge's arms, was he buried as his wife?

She was his fiancee!

It's a pity that fate makes people

What's going on? Which one?

The touching picture of two people embracing each other has stunned the people around.

Before that, it was still a picture of local tyrants waving gold. How could the painting style change into a loving embrace and a reunion of lovers?

Sheng Susu looked at the two people on the auction table, but could not turn around for a moment. Sheng Yu Li looks at Qin Yiyao, who is in the arms of Mu Qingge, with a faint loss in her eyes.

"It turns out that they have known each other for a long time."

At this moment, he suddenly understood the meaning of "ambition must be achieved" in moqingge.

"It turns out that they are in a group!" Jiang Tianyi stares at mu Qingge and Qin Yiyao. His eyes are gloomy and cruel.

"That girl must have loved the little Lord." The murmur of the way. I do not know why, see Mu light song is held by other women, but he did not push away the picture, let her heart filled with light sour.

Hearing her murmur, Mo Yang turned to look at her.

Feeling the light of Mo Yang's eyes, she Ya looked over and said seriously: "people's eyes can't cheat people."

She saw the yearning, pain and entanglement in Qin Yiyao's eyes.

“……” Mo Yang silently withdrew his sight, but he sighed in his heart: "in this case, why didn't you see that he was not him, but she?"

Mo Yang laughs at himself, and a complex feeling of loss and pride rises.The young barons of his family, both men and women, have the ability to attract bees and attract butterflies. I'm afraid she can't even calculate her own peach blossom debt.

With mu Qingge, Moyang can see clearly.

Mu Qingge has never hinted or provoked anything On the contrary, she has a kind of charm, can attract those men and women, moth to the fire in love, do not regret.

Myself, is not one of them?

"I'll take you." Mu Qingge patted Qin Yiyao on the back and whispered in her ear.

Qin Yiyao's body shakes and freezes.

She didn't know whether to refuse or to agree.

Clearly said, two people do not have entanglement, why fate or pull them together?

Feeling the stiffness of Qin Yiyao suddenly, mu Qingge said in a deep voice: "everything, let's talk about it after leaving here."

This sentence, pull her back to reality, she obediently listened to the words of moqingge, nodded.

To pacify Qin Yiyao's mood, mu Qingge takes her hand and wants to take her away.

At this time, the ghost servant sent up the neck hoop and the bracelet, but slowly retreated in the cool eyes of Mu light song.

In full view of the public, mu Qingge takes Qin Yiyao's hand and takes her to the guest seat. Passing the seat of the Sheng family, Qin Yiyao turns her head and looks at Sheng Susu. Through the mask, she sees the worry in Sheng Su's eyes. Qin Yiyao showed a faint smile and shook her head slowly to tell her that she was OK.

But she did not know that when she laughed, Sheng Yu, beside Sheng Su, lost her spirit and soul.

Qin Yiyao's skirt yarn brushed past him and took away a gust of fragrance.

When Qin Yiyao comes to her seat with mu Qingge, Moyang and the two dragon guards greet her with a small fist clasping.

In such a respectful manner, she Ya was the first to see him on the Dragon tooth guard.

It can be said that the impression of Longya Wei on her is that she is arrogant except for moqingge. However, for this woman, they showed polite respect, which made her curious about Qin Yiyao's identity.

When she was surprised, Qin Yiyao also noticed the woman with ghost face.

It seems to be a woman's intuition, and she can feel that under this mask, it is a face of extraordinary beauty.

The woman who appears beside mu Qingge makes her heart filled with a burst of loss. She doesn't know, what kind of identity she is now, reappear in Mu Qingge's side. And this woman with a ghost face is someone who admires Qingge.

Several people in Moyang, she guessed the identity of Moyang from her figure.

Being pulled down by mu Qingge, Qin Yiyao feels a warm shoulder. When she lifted her eyes, she found that she was covered with a cloak by mu Qingge.

"Thank you." His eyes drooped and his hands tightened.

Mu Qingge looked at her and said with a smile: "the makeup is crying."

Qin Yiyao is startled and covers her cheek in a hurry. I thought to myself, "I must be very embarrassed and ugly at the moment."

She looks like a little girl, falling in the eyes of the young girl, the bright eyes, I don't know what to think.

She Ya quietly looked at Xiangmu light song, and saw that in her clear eyes, there was no love, only a kind of gentleness. However, even if only mild eye light, but also enough to represent the woman in his mind different.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of tonight's auction." After the auction, the white spirit stone is still on the stage.

It's over!?

Why do they still have a sense of unfinished business?

Tonight's auction, it's amazing!

Not only the beauty is wonderful, but even the auction is so wonderful! Especially the last one, the domineering manifesto, piles of spirit stones, the embrace on the auction platform, is really more wonderful than singing!

Ghost waiters, come to the stage to collect the spirit stone, and the guests are gradually leaving.

However, there are also some who do not intend to leave.

For example, the Sheng family and the Jiang family.

Sheng Yu left with Sheng Susu came to Mu Qingge's seat. He secretly took a glance at Qin Yiyao and said to Mu Qingge, "you haven't been grateful for your kindness in relieving the siege before."

With that, he put five intermediate spirit stones on the table of muqingge.

This spirit stone, which is beyond the price of shengsusu, was taken by muqingge before Shengyu left.

Mu light song looked at one eye and ordered Mo Yang: "put it away."

Mo Yang didn't say much and put away the spirit stone on the table.

Sheng Yu did not leave, mu Qingge mouth slightly curved, "you still have something?"

Sheng Yu left the way: "why not leave together?" With that, his eyes under the mask moved to the other side of Jiang Tianyi who had not left.

Mu Qingge dropped his eyes and said, "it's said that the spirit beast car in the black market will send people to a certain range. After leaving, life and death have nothing to do with them. "Sheng Yu from nodded, "there is this rule."

"You are not afraid to set yourself on fire?" Mu Qingge raised her eyes and looked at him with interest.

Sheng Yu left but did not care about the way: "just a Jiang Tianyi, not what." Jiang Tianyi is only the second generation ancestor of the Jiang family. If the young master of the Jiang family comes today, maybe he will pay more attention to it.

Mu Qingge stands up, and Qin Yiyao also stands up.

Sheng Susu is curious to find that Yao's elder sister seems to have completely restrained her edge and is willing to follow the boy in red behind her.

"In that case, I'm not respectful." Muqingge did not refuse.

The two sides left the auction hall together. When their figure was about to disappear, Jiang Tianyi stood up and said to his men, "hum, let's go."

"Childe, we..." My men, ask in a low voice.

Jiang Tian grinned grimly and said to his subordinates: "didn't you see that the girl who assassinated Ye appeared? Tell me big brother

A glimmer of enlightenment flashed in the eyes of his subordinates, and immediately said, "I understand."


Back to the hall, Sheng Yu left the mask off his face, revealing a handsome face like stars. His facial features with a firm and strong, but also very delicate, belongs to the kind of more to see the more interesting of the beautiful man.

Especially his sword eyebrow star eyes, the brilliance that radiates, seems to be able to illuminate people's hearts.

"Come on." Sheng Yuli turns to face Sheng Susu, holding the mask on her face in both hands, as if to take it off for her.

"Lord Sheng, it's not the right time." Qin Yiyao made a sudden noise, interrupting his movements.

Sheng Yu from the hands of action, turn eyes to see her, some joy in the heart. He didn't seem to expect that she would know him and talk to him.

Being watched by his eyes, Qin Yiyao lowered his eyes, moved a step to the side, and stood behind mu Qingge.

This small action, let Sheng Yu from some disappointment, but still put down his hands.

The other four members of the Sheng family also took off their masks. They were all young faces.

"Girl, why can't Susu talk?" Sheng Yu Li asked.

Qin Yiyao pursed his lips and said, "it's OK. It's just the aura that sealed the throat."

It seems that in order to increase the credibility of her words, Sheng Susu also nodded.

"Let's go." Mu light Song said a light, raised his hand and took off the mask on his face. She Ya and Mo Yang also took off their masks.

Several people exposed at the same time, outstanding appearance, immediately lit up the entire hall.

Mo Yang three people needless to say, the Dragon tooth Wei body itself with a kind of iron and blood and resolute temperament, looks cold and arrogant. She Ya was as beautiful as an immortal, and her temperament was out of the world.

However, when mu Qingge ---

opened her mask, the most nervous thing was Qin Yiyao standing behind her.

The face under the mask, she dreamt back in the middle of the night, I do not know how many times she described with missing, already deep into the bone marrow. When she saw you again, her heart, which she had thought was already like water stop, suddenly beat violently out of control.

Or so gorgeous crown matchless, beautiful flawless, beautiful suffocating, but also with the arrogance of heaven and earth. However, there is a trace of difference, it seems that the people in front of me become more calm and introverted, more people can not understand, can not guess.

The familiar face makes Qin Yiyao fall into the memory in an instant, remembering all kinds of experiences with mu Qingge.

But the Sheng family brother and sister is Leng in the spot.

It seems that they could never have imagined that there would be such a beautiful face under the mask.

This face, male and female, can't be distinguished. I just feel that people with such a face, whether men or women, are all beautiful.

Sheng Su Su's eyes out of the small stars, Sheng Yu from also in a long time before returning to God.

"What's the matter?" See Sheng's people are stunned, Mu light song asked blankly.

She will always forget the lethality of her looks! In particular, after watching the ferocious mask for such a long time, when you see this face, the effect is definitely a lever drop!

"By the way, I haven't consulted you yet." Sheng Yu asked after returning to God.

Mu light song eyes flash, reply: "Mu light song."

"I'm from Shengyu. Is Mr. Mu a stranger?" Sheng Yu left the road.

"I think so." Mu Qingge's specious answer.

After chatting with Sheng Yu, mu Qingge turns to look at Qin Yiyao. Seeing that she is in a trance, he asks, "Yiyao?"

Qin Yiyao's eyes changed a few times, regained focus, heard mu Qingge call her name, her eyes again dense.

"I'm fine." Qin Yiyao answered softly.

Before seeing muqingge, Qin Yiyao always wanted to keep a dignity in front of it. However, after seeing mu Qingge, she felt that as long as she could stay with him, what dignity was no longer important.

Thinking like this, Qin Yiyao clenched her lips, stretched out her hand from her cloak and grasped the hand of Mu Qingge.She held it tightly, with a nervous look in her eyes.

His hand was held by Qin Yiyao, and mu Qingge's eyes fell on it. She can feel the slight tremor of her fingertips and understand what Qin Yiyao thinks.

Mu light song's eyes flashed through a dark, and did not break away from Qin Yiyao's hand, but the soft tone of the way: "go."

Some emotions, some things, maybe she did not pay attention to.

But now, after experiencing Si Mo, she has begun to understand.

Qin Yiyao, has never forgotten his love!

Now is not the time to explain. I can only let it go and explain everything to her after I wait.

Two hands in hand, let Sheng Yu centrifugal rise a piece of loss.

Sheng Susu is curious about the relationship between mu Qingge and Qin Yiyao.

A group of people came out of the hall and left here with the spirit beast cart ready for the black market in the night. People have already found it. Neither Sheng Yuli nor mu Qingge intends to follow the black market and find the culprits for seizing Sheng Susu and Qin Yiyao.

First, time is not allowed; second, the other party did not intend to do it, but immediately arrested.

Since there is no premeditation, and people are safe, then this matter has to be put aside. First deal with the matter in front of you and then talk about it.

Sheng Yu's departure is the family qualifying competition starting tomorrow.

And mu Qingge's business is how to overthrow musicians!

Sheng Susu's disappearance is an accident, and Qin Yiyao's disappearance is an episode.

Two spirit chariots, one in front of the other after the other.

The front is mu light song, and the back is Sheng Yu Li.

In the back of the car, Sheng Yu gets close to her fingers and shoots a aura into the center of Shengsu's clavicle, lifting the blockade of her throat.

Once liberated, Sheng Susu couldn't wait to say: "ah! Suffocate me! Brother, how did you come? But for sister Yao, your sister and I, you would never see again! "

Hearing her complaint, Sheng Yu left a funny and angry way: "see you later dare not run blind."

He did not go to uncover the mask on Sheng Su Su's face. After Qin Yiyao's warning, he also felt that only when he returned to Sheng's home safely could Sheng Su's reputation be preserved.

"Brother, don't you just bring some of them to save me?" Sheng Susu's eyes swept the four people sitting around, and his tone was full of distrust.

Sheng Yu left her pet and knocked on her head, explaining: "we are here to inquire about the situation. Only when you are inside, can we send a signal to call other people. However, it is best to bring you out in such a peaceful way. Now that qualifying is just around the corner, it's best to avoid extraneous things. "

Sheng Susu rubbed his head and gave a vague "Oh".

Sheng Yu left and then asked, "how did you get caught?"

On hearing this question, Sheng Su Su was like a cat with hair exploding. She immediately talked about her own experience.

At the same time, in the previous animal cart, Qin Yiyao's body has been tight, holding mu Qingge's hand also dare not release.

Mu light song looked at her, she whispered: "I am so afraid that all these are illusory, but my dream, you have never appeared."

The former Qin Yiyao never said such a thing.

However, today's Qin Yiyao has become more in line with his own heart, and does not want to continue to pretend to be strong in front of Qingge.

How many times, when she was in danger, she would fantasize that mu Qingge would come down from the sky, just like that time at the border of Tu Kingdom, to rescue her. In the end, she still relies on her own strength to deal with the enemy and escape from danger again and again and survive hard.

Mu Qingge would like to ask how she left Linchuan and how she entered the middle ancient world and went to Yushui city. However, after hearing her words, she could only say, "don't be afraid, I'm coming."

At this time, what Qin Yiyao needed most was appeasement.

Don't be afraid. I'm here.

Simple five words, but let Qin Yiyao whole body a loose, no longer like a tight string.

She Ya sat quietly in the farthest position, observing the relationship between mu Qingge and Qin Yiyao. She can now be sure that the rescued woman is deeply in love with her young master. However, her little Lord seems to care more about this woman.

However, it is not easy to let the little master care about it.

She Ya lowered her eyes and eyes and collected her emotions.

The people who stay by mu Qingge are all recognized by her. However, she was an exception, and she knew that she was an exception.

She knew very well that she could stay only because the little Lord needed the map on her back.

The hearse slowly drove away from the barren villa and entered a more barren area. Through this withered forest, you can see the outline of Yushui city.

Black market hearse, stop outside the dead trees.

Mu Qingge and others, as well as the Sheng family, got out of the car.Put the man down, the two spirit chariots turn the direction, return to the original road.

Sheng Yu left with Sheng's family and Sheng Susu went to Mu Qingge. They saluted Qin Yiyao and said, "Miss Qin, I've heard my sister-in-law tell me what happened. Thank you for taking care of me."

In the face of the lonely Yao people, in addition to the Yao people's indifference. Sheng Yu from the thanks, just let her slowly shake his head, calm way: "do not thank me, I am also to save myself."

Her words, let Sheng Yu from a Leng, but immediately react to come over.

If not for the emergence of Mu Qingge, then with Qin Yiyao's care for Sheng Susu, Sheng's family will surely save Sheng Susu as well. So she was telling the truth.

At first, he approached shengsusu with a purpose.

However, Sheng Yu did not care: "thank you for telling me the truth. But, in any case, you are still Susu's benefactor and my Sheng family's benefactor. "

Sheng Susu also said, "yes! Sister Yao, you didn't lie to me. You told me that we would cooperate to leave. So don't be humble. You are my benefactor. "

The night is dark, the wind is high, and the dead trees are ghosts. It's not a good place to talk.

However, some words, if not at this time, time is too late. After all, one night is a flash.

"Mr. mu, in the auction house before, he also helped more." Sheng Yu Li sings to Mu light.

Mu light song light smile, "it should be a good relationship. If the Lord shengshao wants to thank me, why not introduce me to the Lord of the Sheng family? "

I came to the black market to find Qin Yiyao. Seeing Sheng Yu from is an accident, but it can also be regarded as an opportunity to deliver to the door. Mu Qingge naturally won't miss it.

"You want to see my father? Good! I can introduce you without my brother Not waiting for Sheng Yu to speak, Sheng Susu directly cut in.

Mu Qingge took pictures of herself and Qin Yiyao, which had long been admired by her. My voice was sealed and I couldn't speak. Now that she can speak, she will not miss the opportunity to speak with moqingge.

"Susu!" Sheng Yu left helplessly looking at his sister, who was spoiled. After, just to Mu light song way: "Mu childe, you don't see strange, Su Su is a child." Don't take her words seriously.

Then, he said, "I don't know why Mr. Mu met my father."

"Of course, it's a great event of mutual benefit for both sides." Mu Qingge said with a smile.

Her eyes flashed, with an ineffable conviction. Sheng Yu Li frowned and was about to continue to ask, but there was a confused voice around the dead wood.

His eyes light a Lin, immediately will Sheng Su Su behind the protection, eyes vigilant look around.

The four members of the Sheng family also quickly drew out their weapons and surrounded their young master and young lady for strict protection.

On the other hand, mu Qingge is not too nervous. She just pulls Qin Yiyao's hand and draws her a little closer to herself.

This pull, let Qin Yiyao heart a warm, the corners of the mouth unconsciously raised a faint smile.

The three men of Moyang, as well as Xiya, were alert to the surrounding activities.

However, in an instant, countless figures rushed out of the dead woods, and soon came to them and surrounded them.

Sheng Yu left his eyes and said with a sneer: "it's really the Jiang family. Jiang Tianyi, you are really a dandy who can only bully others

Hundreds of them surrounded twelve of them outside the forest of dead trees.

Sheng Yu from the words, let the circle around them out of a hole. Jiang Tianyi strides, the expression is proud, the eye light gloomy walked out.

His eyes fell directly on Qin Yiyao, but when he swept the moqingge, his eyes were bright, releasing the light of greed. However, when I saw that she was a man, the greedy eyes turned into a pity.

When he saw Ya again, the extinguished light of greed was ignited again. He grinned grimly, "Ben Shao came here to catch the thief who assassinated me. Since you are all with her, you should all go back with Ben Shao! Sheng Yu Li, I advise you to mind your own business! "

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