"Ben Shao came here to catch the thief who assassinated me. Since you are all with her, you should go back with Ben Shao! Sheng Yu Li, I advise you to mind your own business! "

Jiang Tianyi's eye light is locked in Qin Yiyao's body. His expression is ferocious and his eyes are greedy.

He was so confident that he seemed to have predicted the end.

Sheng Yu leaves the eye light to sink, the corner of the eye does not leave a trace to look at Qin Yiyao standing behind mu Qingge.

Seeing her calm expression, with a trace of coldness, without the slightest panic, she was different from other women everywhere, and felt her extraordinary.

However, Qin Yiyao stood behind mu Qingge at this time. Even if the sky fell, she would not feel half afraid.

The goodwill in his heart, coupled with Qin Yiyao's help to Sheng Susu, made Sheng Yu's decision.

He stood up and said to Jiang Tianyi, "Jiang Tianyi, you are more and more capable of telling lies! When did she stab you in the black market

Jiang Tianyi sneered: "who stabbed Ben Shao? I don't know. Are you the young master of Sheng family still clear? Shengyu from, my brother is about to arrive, if you don't want to be injured by him before the qualifying competition, you'd better take your people away! By the way, leave the little lady in the mask

"You dream!" Sheng Yu left Li Sheng Dao.

He would never have left Sheng Susu, let alone Jiang Tianyi, a dandy, to make Sheng Su's idea!

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating or drinking." Jiang Tianyi grinned grimly, but he stepped back two steps.

In these two steps, those Chiang family members were so murderous that a war was imminent.

"Little Lord, they are too many. We are not enemies!" Sheng family a member, together to Sheng Yu away from the side, whispering way. There was a trace of uneasiness in his voice.

Sheng Yu left his eyes and swept towards the people of Jiang family who were approaching gradually, but his heart was also heavy.

Yushuicheng's five schools have been able to check and balance each other for such a long time because their strength is not much different. If at the moment, Shengyu has hundreds of people around him, he will not be afraid of just one Jiang Tianyi.

The problem is, he doesn't have one now, so he has to be cautious.

Jiang Tianyi is a madman. He can only do what he wants. He doesn't think about other things, and he doesn't care about the consequences. Jiang family and Sheng family are rivals to each other. How can they consider the face of Sheng family?

This war, it can be said that there is no half point in the centrifugation of Shengyu.

Slightly frown, Sheng Yu from the eye light inadvertently swept over the body of Mu light song. He was stunned by this. He found that the strange young master Mu was not nervous at all in such an occasion. Her expression was still calm as usual, as if Jiang Tianyi and the people of Jiang family did not exist in front of her.

"Signal them to come." Sheng Yu from the convergence of inner surprise, on the side of the people careful way.

He meant "they" naturally belonged to the former Sheng family. In order to rescue Sheng Susu, they arranged to stay in the neighborhood. Outside the dead trees, they no longer belong to the black market, so the people of the Sheng family lie in wait for orders outside the dead trees.

Sheng Yu from the idea is very simple, as long as the number of both sides to reach a balanced state, it will not be easy to start a war on the eve of qualifying.

It's just that the people of the Sheng family want to come here and want a certain time. How can they delay this time?

The signal of Sheng's family was suddenly released, and a "white flower" exploded in the night sky.

In addition to the Sheng family, the rest of the people were attracted to the air.

Jiang Tianyi took back his sight and narrowed his eyes and looked at Shengyu: "how can you send a signal? It seems that you are not going to leave

Sheng Yu left cold hum, disdainful way: "Jiang Tianyi, what do you think you can do with a dandy?"

"I can rip your head off before your men come!" Jiang Tian one eye light fierce, the expression ferocious way.

He waved his hand violently, and a hundred members of the Chiang family rushed to fight directly.

Mu Qingge has been standing in silence, listening to the circle between Sheng Yu Li and Jiang Tianyi. Seeing that Jiang's family moved, her figure flashed and disappeared in place.

As fast as she was, no one could capture her figure.

"Live Stop it All of a sudden, a voice of panic came out of his throat and interrupted the battle that was about to begin.

The people of the Chiang family had raised their weapons, but they were stopped by the noise. They all looked back and saw a scene that made their eyes shrink.

Not only are they, Sheng Yu left and Sheng family, but also the same eye color change, full of shock.

Around Jiang Tianyi, a beautiful young man in red is standing in awe.

Her left hand was behind her, and her back was as sharp as a sword. With his right hand raised, the sharp fingertip on his index finger was against the blood vessel of Jiang Tianyi's neck.

With a little effort, she could easily pierce his skin, cut off his blood vessels, and let him watch his own blood run out.

"You Don't mess with me. " Jiang Tianyi is no longer arrogant at the moment, his face is pale and bloodless, and his body is cold. He had never felt so close to death that his cold, sharp fingertips were like deadly claws, pinching his lifeblood.It's too fast! It's too fast!

Jiang Tianyi was shocked in his heart.

Although he has a common cultivation, he is not a person who can be close at will. However, this man was able to break through the people of Jiang's family in an instant, appeared beside him, and let him have no strength to fight back.

Now, life in the hands of others, he can only unload the usual arrogance.

The situation is changing so fast that people can't accept it.

Collective stupefied for a moment, a few moments, the people accept the fact in front of them.


The people of the Chiang family responded and turned their weapons to Jiang Tianyi No, to be exact, it is mu Qingge who points to Jiang Tianyi's side.

However, mu Qingge has a cold expression and calm eyes. He doesn't care about the weapons pointing to him.

She just slightly hooked her right index finger to let the sharp end of her finger have a further intimate contact with Jiang Tianyi's skin.

"Put Put it down! Put down your weapons for Ben Shao Jiang Tianyi exclaimed in horror.

He was afraid that Mu Qing singer would die if he trembled.

At that time, what kind of beauty enjoyment will you talk about? Spend your days at leisure?

Jiang Tianyi's legs trembled a little, which had never happened before. However, today let him realize what is fear.

On that day, Qin Yiyao's assassination made him hurt, but he didn't feel afraid. Today, his life is in the hands of others, even if not injured, but also let him feel fear.

When Jiang's family heard the master's cry, they had to put down their weapons and watch mu Qingge with vigilance.

Seeing this, Jiang Tian summoned up his courage and said, "you still What else? I tell you, I'm the second youngest of Jiang family. If you hurt me, you don't want to go out of Yushui city! "

He had compromised, but he could not help warning.

Mu Qingge's mouth was light, showing a cold smile, and said to him, "don't worry, I don't want to leave for the moment. Let your people leave. "

"No way!" Jiang Tianyi exclaimed in surprise.

When mu Qingge's eyes were cold, he stammered: "let them all go, in case you and you..." He didn't have to finish his words. He already let others know what he was worried about.

Mu Qingge smile in disdain is more thick, she pick eyebrow way: "you think, they are here, you are safe?" Said, her index finger slightly forced a minute, so that the sharp fingertip pierced Jiang Tianyi's skin, a drop of blood gushed from the wound.

The tingling on his neck made Jiang Tian startled and said, "don't! No! No! I'll let them go, and I'll go! "

After that, he cursed the Jiang family members: "what are you doing here? Do you want to collect the body of young master Ben? Get out of here

The warriors of the Chiang family hesitated. They did not dare to leave easily, but they had to leave again.

Otherwise, what happened to the young master, they would have to be buried with him!

"Roll on Jiang Tianyi yelled at him. The eyes keep winking, want to remind subordinates to leave first, find his brother to save him.

The warriors of the Chiang family, slowly step back and withdraw.

They tried to attack and save people several times, but they were easily locked by mu Qingge's joking eyes and did not dare to act rashly.

These hidden dangers made Jiang Tianyi's heart suddenly cool. He said in a hurry: "get out of here! You useless trash In his eyes, it was the futility of these people that caused him to fall into the enemy's hands.

After being drunk by Jiang Tianyi, the warriors of the Chiang family could only retreat quickly.

No matter how helpless they are to surrender without fighting, the master is in the other party's hands, and they dare not act rashly.

The people of the Chiang family quickly withdrew from the area of the withered forest.

At this time, a large number of footsteps came.

Mu light song eyebrow tip light pick, look to Sheng Yu from.

Sheng Yu Li listened carefully and recognized the man immediately. There was a smile of relief on his face, and a group of people appeared in front of him.

"Little Lord!"

"Little master!"

There are also about 100 people in this group, and they call Sheng Yu Li as such.

Here comes the Sheng family!

Jiang Tianyi saw this scene, more hate in his heart, but helpless.

At this time, he only hopes to keep his name, the rest, the future.

"Now that you are safe, can you let me go?" Jiang Tianyi will hate carefully hide, to Mu light song way. He tried to keep his tone down and not to anger moqingge.

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "what are you worried about?"

Jiang Tianyi's face suddenly changed and he said in horror, "do you want to go back on your regret?"

Mu Qingge laughs disapprovingly. Just when Sheng Yuli thinks that mu Qingge is going to kill Jiang Tianyi and is ready to stop her exit, she suddenly pours her spiritual power into her voice and yells: "young master Jiang, if you don't want your brother to die here, take all the people with you, leave here and return to the Chiang family. As for your brother's safety, you don't have to worry. Later, I will ask the Sheng family to escort him homeThe sound spread like a ripple, shaking the grass on the ground.

The sound of moqingge spread to a few miles away, a man riding a powerful beast in his ears. His facial features are as broad as a knife and axe. He is handsome and well-defined.

Under the sword eyebrow, the star eyes gather light, pan cold meaning.

Around him, standing full of people. Some of them were the Chiang family who had retreated from the dead woods.

When they retreated here, they met the young master. Before they had finished the story, the lazy and crazy voice came over.

Jiang Tianhao frowns lightly and his diamond shaped lips close together into a line.

He doesn't even dare to threaten him in Shuicheng.

If in the past, someone who dared to speak like this would have been torn to pieces by him. But now, the younger brother is captured, he can only act passively.

Jiang Tianyi's life can be lost, but never at this time!

If the second young master of the Chiang family dies at this time, it will be a fatal blow to the prestige of the Chiang family!

"Who are you and why should I believe you?" Jiang Tianhao slowly opened his mouth, and his voice was filled with spiritual power, echoing in the past, as if he wanted to compete with mu Qingge in secret.

His voice came back, and he drank each other two times, which made people of low level of cultivation unable to help their chest Qi and blood surge.

"My brother is here!" Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with wonder.

He thought that the elder brother could not catch up. But now I come here, but I'm still restrained, so that my brother can't move. At this moment, Jiang Tianyi was really flustered.

He was afraid that Jiang Tianhao would send troops to attack him regardless of his safety.

In his memory, his brother has always been a man who is not threatened.

When mu Qingge heard Jiang Tianhao's words, he opened his mouth and responded, "you can't believe me. Sheng Shao Lord has witnessed the whole process here. If you insist on coming to see him, you can't blame me for any defect."

As soon as he said this, Jiang Tianyi turned pale.

He seemed to see his lack of arms and legs. Although he likes to play such games, it does not mean that he likes such games on his own body.

"Don't kill me! I'll go with you. " Jiang Tianyi quickly said.

He would rather leave with mu Qingge at the moment, as long as they keep their promise and send themselves back. I don't want to be used as a bargaining chip at the moment. If his brother's mood comes up, it's his own misfortune.

Mu Qingge glanced at him and disdained at the corners of his mouth.

The people of the Sheng family, as well as the rest, reacted to Jiang Tianyi in the same way.

The sound of murmurong passed back.

Jiang Tianhao's eyes were cold and silent.

Finally, he raised his hand and the Chiang family retreated. The spirit beast on which he was riding slowly paced backward and gradually retreated.

"If you dare to lie to me, I will frustrate you." When Jiang Tianhao left, he left a word.

In this word, what he cares about is not that Jiang Tianyi is not hurt, but whether mu Qingge deceives him!

Mu Qingge, with a careless smile, sealed a aura into Jiang Tianyi and prevented his own aura from running. Then, she picked up Jiang Tianyi's lapel and threw it forcefully. He flew into the air, screaming and falling to Moyang.

Mo Yang's eyes flashed. He got up and met him. He caught Jiang Tianyi's body and threw him to the Dragon teeth guard behind him.

"Be honest!" The Dragon tooth Wei cleanly controls Jiang Tianyi, quickly uses the method which mu Qingge teaches them, binds Jiang Tianyi's hands behind his back.

Qin Yiyao turns her eyes and looks at him. Her eyes are cold and she takes back her eyes.

Jiang Tianyi naturally saw Qin Yiyao's eyes, but now that he was captured, he could only bear his hatred.

Mu Qingge walked back with a leisurely pace. Sheng Yuli immediately met him and asked, "master mu, this..."

Mu Qingge smiles at him and puts forward his own request: "Sheng Shao Lord, if I can, I want to meet him tonight."

This is the second time she has asked to see the Sheng family.

Sheng Yu leaves a Leng, in Mu light song's gaze, involuntarily nodded.


A war that was to start suddenly subsided. What it represents is not the past of things, but the coming of a brewing storm.

Sheng family is one of the five big families in Yushui city.

Judging from the external wind reviews, the Sheng family is pretty good.

In fact, for moqingge, it's the same as long as you're not a musician. However, by chance, the Sheng family bumped into it first.

She did not intend to continue to spend here. She could only cut through the mess quickly, deal with the music family as soon as possible, and then go to do the next thing.

As for Qin Yiyao

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed slightly.

After all the dust has settled, she will talk to her.

With Sheng Yu from came to the Sheng family, into the fortress like Sheng family. The place where the families of the middle ages were located was like a city in a city, as tight as a fortress. The only difference is that the strength of the family is different, and the scale of land occupation is different.Like the Sheng family, if the Li family, Dou family and Bai family in Haiyu city can't even compare with it.

The deeper you go into the middle ancient world, the more you can feel the gap between Haiyu City, a remote town, and other cities, and the gap between Linchuan and the middle ancient world.

Coming to the door of Sheng's house, mu Qingge said to Sheng Yu: "Sheng Shao Lord, please send two people to send Jiang Er Gongzi back." Jiang Tianyi is nothing to her. She did not intend to let Qin Yiyao kill Jiang Tianyi, at least not now.

Jiang Tian listened one by one to let himself go, and his eyes flashed.

Mu Qingge turned his eyes to him and said with a smile, "young master Jiang, it's you who have come to provoke me this time. I can catch you once, I can catch you a second time. I don't care what she did to you, but now she's my man. If you still dare to touch her, you must be able to bear my revenge. "

"She's my man..."

At one time, similar words seemed to have been said by him in public.

Mu Qingge's words make Qin Yiyao's eyes appear a little trance. The memories that have been sealed for a long time come out of my mind. When she heard this again, her heart, which she thought was dead, beat again.

A trace of sadness and helplessness flashed in Qin Yiyao's eyes.

This person, always has the ability to easily stir up her heartstrings and disturb her peace.

Looking up, Qin Yiyao's eyes have been dyed with a layer of soft color, gently watching the profile of muqingge.

Jiang Tianyi hears Mu light song's words, repeatedly nods.

He had just returned from the brink of death, and he did not care about his previous stabbing. When he returns to Chiang's home and calms down his mood, he will naturally find the city of today.

Mu Qingge sneered: "I said what should be said and what should be warned. Don't act impulsively, young master Jiang. "

Jiang Tian one by one Leng, do not understand the meaning of Mu light song.

However, mu Qingge turned away and did not intend to continue to explain.

Sheng Yuli sent someone to bring the animal cart, and pushed Jiang Tianyi into the car, and then sent someone to escort him back to Jiang's house.

After that, just to Mu light song way: "Mu childe please."

Led by him, moqingge easily entered the Sheng family.

She followed her, and Moyang followed her with two dragon teeth guards.

After Sheng Susu entered the Sheng family, he was taken away. She left, of course, to remove those clothes and masks.

Qin Yiyao was also with her.

Both of them were dressed in the gauzy transparent clothes prepared by the black market. Even though she was wrapped in the cloak of moqingge, she still felt uncomfortable. Therefore, she did not refuse Sheng Susu's invitation.

Sheng Yu Li took mu Qingge and others to a side hall and said to her, "Mr. mu, I'm going to invite my father. Please wait here."

With a sudden visit, Sheng Yu needs a little time to explain everything to his father.

In this regard, muqingge is understood.

So she nodded.

After Sheng Yu left, he sent someone to wait on him. He went to see the master of Sheng's family who was waiting for his daughter to return safely.

On the other side, Sheng Susu takes Qin Yiyao to her room, opens her wardrobe and lets her choose her own clothes at will.

Qin Yiyao's eyes from those dazzling clothes swept past, and finally picked out a light blue skirt.

When she was a princess of the state of Qin, her favorite dress was light blue.

and other Qin Yi Yao changed their clothes, and the whole person seemed to have become a lonely and cold princess. Even if there is no decoration in the bun and no delicate makeup on the face, it still amazes Sheng Susu.

She was shocked and turned around Qin Yiyao for a few times. Her expression was exaggerated: "sister Yao, you are so beautiful!"

Qin Yiyao holds a polite smile and droops her eyes. Once again, she was not used to it.

Sheng Susu approached her, tilted his head, and looked at Qin Yiyao's drooping eyes. He asked curiously, "sister Yao, is that Mr. Mu your old acquaintance?"

Old acquaintance?

Qin Yiyao nodded.

"He's so good! How handsome Sheng Susu held his hands in front of his chest, and his face was intoxicated.

In her mind, the scene of Mu Qingge throwing a lot of money at the auction to buy her and Qin Yiyao, as well as talking and laughing with Jiang's family at the edge of the withered trees. Just in the blink of an eye, the dandy of the Chiang family was caught. He was so handsome!

Seeing the worship in Sheng Su's eyes, Qin Yiyao suddenly said, "he is really powerful." She had seen such adoring eyes on Qin Yilian's face.

It seems that moqingge can always easily be liked by women.

However, the woman who likes her is doomed to tragedy

Even if I saw him again, I still couldn't extricate myself from it. I even preferred to abandon my final dignity, not to seek fame and share, but to follow her side.But is it possible?

She never seemed to see through the heart of muqingge.

Sheng Susu felt the loneliness of Qin Yiyao. What's wrong with your sister Yao

Qin Yiyao converged, looked up at her and shook her head, "I'm ok."

Sheng Su nodded and asked curiously, "sister Yao, what's the relationship between you and Mr. mu? Is he the tough guy you mentioned before? Do you like him? "

The more he said, the more brilliant the eyes of Sheng Su Su, the more excited he was.

Qin Yiyao could not answer these three questions.

She looks at Sheng Susu and doesn't know how to explain the complicated relationship between her and muqingge.

If not for those conspiracy calculations, perhaps she would be mu Qingge's closest person, can also be rightfully by his side. However, those conspiracies destroyed everything, she became an orphan girl, floating in the world. And mu Qingge became her enemy of killing her brother, mother and father.

However, she could not avenge the revenge and had to flee.

Now, when she is in deep trouble, mu Qingge falls from the sky and appears in front of her, which makes her heart lake disordered again.

"Sister Yao, why don't you speak?" Qin Yiyao didn't speak for a long time. Sheng Su couldn't help asking.

Qin Yiyao went to one side and sat down. She looked out of the window and said, "I don't know what the relationship is between me and him."

"But you like him, don't you?" Sheng Susu followed her and asked.

It seems that she will never rest until the story between Qin Yiyao and mu Qingge is dug out.

Do you like it? Sure.

But what's the use?

Qin Yiyao answered in her heart, her eyes drooping.

Sheng Su Su's eyes lit up a fire of gossip. She squatted in front of Qin Yiyao, looked up at her and said, "sister Yao, would you tell me your story?"

"My story with him..." Qin Yiyao's expression is slightly Leng, it seems that he does not know how to say, and whether to say.

"Oh, my good sister. Anyway, your Mr. Mu wants to talk to my father. I don't know when to talk about it. I've asked the servants to prepare the food. Let's have a chat while eating. You can tell me what happened between you. I promise I won't let it out! " Sheng Susu made an oath.

Perhaps, Qin Yiyao also needs an object to talk to. Or maybe she needs someone to help her out and tell her what to do. Is to leave again, or desperate to stay.

Finally, she nodded to compromise and agreed to Sheng Susu's request.

"I'll tell you what you want to hear. He and I It's a world friend. When we were just born, we were engaged by our elders. However, behind this engagement, there is too much darkness and calculation... " Qin Yiyao slowly tells the story between her and muqingge.

However, she cleverly conceals the two people's origins, making Sheng Susu think that this is a story between the two families.

The first meeting in the Empress Dowager's palace was said to be the first meeting in front of the ancestral shrine. The wind and sand in the imperial garden is also said to be a moment's heart of the garden at home

In a word, everything related to Linchuan was covered up by Qin Yiyao's skillful use of the common sense of the middle ancient world.

In Sheng Su's room, the story of Qin Yiyao and mu Qingge is telling.

In the side hall of the Sheng family, mu Qingge is sleeping and waiting.

After a long time, the sound of footsteps finally came.

She slowly opened her eyes, into the eyes is Shengyu from.

Sheng Yu left a sorry smile and said to Mu Qingge: "let Mu childe wait for a long time, please follow me." The master of Sheng's family saw only one man named mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge gets up, flicks his robe and leaves with Shengyu.

In Sheng's house, around around, mu Qingge was taken to Sheng's study. Sheng Yu Li knocked on the door and said respectfully, "father, here comes Mr. mu."

After that, he opened the door and invited mu Qingge to enter.

Sheng family master's study is very large, the layout is also very simple, but it does not lose the dignity of the master.

When mu Qingge went in, he saw a middle-aged man sitting on the main seat. His appearance is somewhat similar to that of Shengyu, but more steady and wise.

How many simple people can be masters?

"Mr. mu, please have a seat." Sheng Xuan raised his hand and pointed to his lower right hand. On the small table beside him, hot tea had been placed.

Mu light song according to the words to walk past, and Sheng Yu from then walked to the father behind the negative hand and stand.

As soon as mu Qingge sat down, Sheng Xuan's voice came again: "I've listened to Li'er's help to my Sheng family. Thank you very much

Mu Qingge smiles and looks at him, "Sheng family master is polite. Sheng Shao Lord is to save people, and I am also to save people. It's just a meeting. "

"Whatever the reason, Su Su Su can come back safely. For my Sheng family, Mr. Mu is a benefactor." Sheng Xuan said, to Sheng Yu from the way: "from the son, wait for your sister to thank Mu childe."Sheng Yu left immediately and worshipped mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed. Sheng Xuan only talked about the fact that she had saved Sheng Susu, but he did not talk about what he wanted to find him. It seemed that he was showing his refusal.

No matter what mu Qingge asks him to do, he will not agree.

However, mu Qingge is not so easy to send away?

A casual smile flashed around her mouth and said to Sheng Xuan, "master of the Sheng family, I'd like to come here tonight for the sake of a matter of mutual benefit. The reason why I chose the Sheng family was that I was still on good terms with the Sheng Shao Lord. If the Sheng family master was not interested, I could go to Wanjia, talk about the family, or even cooperate with any of the Chiang family. But if you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid the Sheng family will be inferior to others. "

Sheng Xuan's eyes were slightly puffed, and his eyes were quiet and could not see any emotion.

Sheng Yu Li curiously looks at Xiangmu Qingge, as if surprised by her frankness.

When it comes to cooperation, it is not inferior. Even from the beginning, even if the Sheng family does not cooperate, there are other options.

This initiative to find the passive, so to resolve a few words?

On the contrary, if the Sheng family is not willing to miss this opportunity, but also on the pole to seek cooperation.

But why does he think his cooperation is attractive enough?

Sheng Yu leaves the eye light does not leave the trace to see to own father. After the silence, Sheng Xuan said slowly, "in this case, please look for another man."

Mu Qingge was silent and smiling. He got up without caring and said to Sheng Xuan, "I'd like to disturb you. Goodbye."

She turned without hesitation. However, when she turned to the front door of the study, she silently counted in her heart: "one, two, three..."

"I want you to stay." When mu Qingge comes to the door and reaches for the door, Sheng Xuan opens his mouth.

Mu Qingge stops, takes back his hand, turns to look at Sheng Xuan, and looks confident and calm: "Sheng family master still has something to do?"

Sheng Xuan's eyes were dim, and he said to Mu Qingsong, "it's late tonight. Mr. Mu has just offended the people of the Jiang family. It's better to stay overnight and go tomorrow."

Now, mu xuansong is in a good situation.

However, mu Qingge did not agree with the way: "nothing can not be offended. The master of Sheng family understands people. In front of sufficient interests, enemies can also become friends. If I leave the Sheng family, I will go to the Jiang family next. After all, the opportunity for cooperation is fleeting, and time is running out. "

With that, she turned to open the door again.

"Master mu." Sheng Xuan spoke again.

But this time, mu Qingge did not turn around.

After a short period of time, Sheng Xuancai said slowly, "it's better to say what you want to cooperate with."

This sentence, let Mu light song's mouth light. She knew that she had won the war against Sheng Xuan for the initiative. She won, not because she was calm, but because she had a choice and the Sheng family did not.

Miss her, Sheng family can only beat chest regret!

Mu Qingge turns to face Shengjia father and son, especially Sheng Xuan.

Sheng Xuan shook his head with a wry smile and said, "the future is formidable."

This sentence, let Sheng Yu from the expression of the color of horror. He had the impression that his father never said anything like that. And this sentence, also let him know, father compromise.

Mu Qingge went back to his previous position and sat down and said to Sheng Xuan, "the master of the Sheng family praised me wrongly. Time is running out. Let's get down to business first. "

Sheng Xuan looked awe inspiring and nodded.

At this time, he was also a bit curious about Mu Qingge's cooperation with him.

It should be said that when he was intrigued by moqingge, his confrontation with muqingge was doomed to an end.

"I'm here for a happy family." Mu Qingge directly said his purpose of coming to Yushui city.

Happy family!

The eyes of Sheng Xuan and Sheng Yu suddenly shrunk.

They seem to have guessed what mu Qingge is going to say next.

Guessing her thoughts, both father and son gasped at the bottom of their hearts and exclaimed, "what a big appetite!"

However, mu Qingge ignored the shock on their faces and continued: "the music family and I can only have one. I don't want to die, so I have to send them on the road. The history of the coexistence of five ethnic groups in Yushui city is too long. It is time to change it. I want to make sure that before the qualifying match starts tomorrow, the Lejia will disappear completely in Yushui City, and the Sheng family will become the biggest family in Yushui city! "

Yushui city the first big family!

This condition, no matter which one, has enough attraction.

No wonder, no wonder he didn't worry about cooperation with Sheng family.

Sheng Xuan suddenly understood where the foundation of muqingge came from. Once you work with her, and it's successful. Therefore, the combination of the two ethnic groups is naturally the first ethnic group in Yushui city.

The other three are totally groundless.

Because, if they want to turn over, they should cooperate with outsiders, annex other families and strengthen themselves, and then fight with the Sheng family.The huge temptation, let the expression of Sheng Yu leave all faintly excited.

He looked at his father and waited for his decision.

Although Sheng Xuan was equally excited, he remained rational. He asked, "what does the Sheng family need to give and what can I get? And what do you get from admiring him? "

Since it is a cooperation, the price of cooperation should be discussed clearly to know whether this business can be done.

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "destroy music family, Sheng family just need to kill one person for me."

"Happy to win." With a flash of his eyes, Sheng Xuan has already said the answer.

Mu Qingge nodded: "there is a premise that the five families in Yushui city are equal in power. Since there is a happy winner in the music family, there must be someone in the Sheng family who can compete with it. I don't need the Sheng family to do much. No matter how many people do it, as long as you kill Leying, you can finish the task. Leave the rest to me and I'll clean it up. After that, I took half of the inventory from the Lejia treasure house, and the rest belonged to the Sheng family. After that, I will leave immediately, and I will never ask anything about Yushui city. You don't have to worry that I have the heart to step into the city of surplus water and eat with you. " As a matter of fact, she would not have come here if she had not been in Yushui city.

The offer she offered was so rich that it was impossible to refuse.

So is Sheng Xuan. The treasure house of Le family, even if only half of it, is enough to let the Sheng family jump to several levels, making other families unable to resist.

It's a good deal!

Sheng Xuan is already in a bit of a heartbeat.

Mu Qingge added another fire, "tomorrow is the qualifying match. Tonight, the music family must be the most complete, which is the best time to kill and destroy the clan. After the success, qualifying has no need to compare, Sheng family can also take over the assets of Lejia while other families have not reacted. Therefore, we have only two hours left in our time. When the day comes, we will miss the opportunity. "

This fleeting opportunity forced Sheng Xuan to make a decision as soon as possible.

It seems that he can continue to talk with mu Qingge and strive for more interests. However, mu Qingge's conditions are rich enough, and there are not many things for the Sheng family to do. Even, the Sheng family can completely hide behind and get everything.

"Good! This business has been done by the Sheng family! " After a quick analysis in his mind, Sheng Xuan made a decision.

Mu Qingge, with a smile on his lips, stood up from his chair and said to Sheng Xuan, "let's wish us a happy cooperation."

"Thank you for your admiration." Sheng Xuan also stood up and clasped hands with mu Qingge.

The biggest threat of the music family is not enough to fear. Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly. She can't wait to go to the music house to kill people!


In Sheng Xuan's study, the event of changing Yushui city is about to happen.

In Sheng Su's boudoir, she was also moved to tears by the story of Qin Yiyao.

"Sister Yao, you love too much." Sheng Susu squats on the ground and looks up at Qin Yiyao.

This story is from the perspective of Qin Yiyao. For the first time, she also confided in front of others her heart and all her thoughts.

Some, even she, have never let mu Qingge know.

"You can be together, but you are separated because of these things. Sister, do you hate him Sheng Su Su wiped a tear and asked.


Qin Yiyao had no choice but to smile and slowly shook his head: "I once hated myself, but I couldn't hate him. I thought that we would miss this life and never meet again. But now, still see. Goodbye, but I found that the so-called hate is just the reason for my missing. "

"What are you going to do Sheng Susu looked at her heartily.

Qin Yiyao's body is stiff. In Sheng Su's inquiry, she is confused again

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