Before dawn, it is always the darkest time.

The moon gradually set, the sun did not rise, everything in the world, as if submerged in the dark, as if back to the chaotic period.

Five hundred dragon teeth guards, dressed in a black cloak, were flying in the air, coming from all directions to regain the position of the music family. On the ground, Sheng Yuli with a team of men and horses, covered his face, quietly approached, surrounded the outside of the music house in the dark.

Although, in the cooperation agreement, mu Qingge did not require this.

However, Sheng Xuan still felt that since we want to do it, we must do it thoroughly. Mu Qingge's people are responsible for killing, while the Sheng family's people are responsible for catching fish that have been caught. After finishing, they quietly retreat, just like they don't know.

According to the instructions of Mu Qingge, Youhe and Huayue come to the north city of Yushui city with the powder that has been prepared for a long time.

Tonight, it's a north wind.

The young lotus picked up a leaf and threw it into the air. The wind from the North carried the leaf forward.

After confirming the wind direction, a moving smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Hua Yue poured the powder into the vessel, and the young lotus ignited the fire clasp and threw it into the powder.

Soon, a faint, colorless and tasteless smoke rose from the utensils. It was blown by the north wind, and floated to the whole city of Yushui and penetrated into every corner.

Young lotus and Flower Moon quickly receded and ignited a package of powder again.

Under the care of the Sheng family, the two of them lit ten packets of powder in the North Tower.

These muqingge's exclusive and special powder is based on the powder refined in the last time the robin was subdued. These doses are enough to make the whole city fall into deeper sleep and not be awakened by the sound of killing at night.

When they wake up, they will find that everything has changed!

These things, muqingge to deal with nature is a few other. She didn't want to see someone coming out to stir up the fight.

Therefore, in addition to the Sheng family, she took special care of the other four families, and let Fuya, Yinchen, Baibi and Yuanyuan go out to light the powder.

After the completion, they automatically mixed into the Dragon teeth guard and started hunting for the Yue family, without returning to her side.

Because at the moment, she was surrounded by a man wrapped in a cloak.

Standing on the eaves not far from the music house, people around mu Qingge asked, "how long do you have to wait? It's getting light. "

Nearby people's anxiety, Mu light song but not anxious not slow way: "elder don't worry, everything is in my control, wait a moment."

The man in the cloak snorted a little impatiently.

The pair of eyes hidden in the cloak, secretly looking at the side of the Mu light song. He couldn't understand why the owner would cooperate with such a young boy.

In his experience, such a boy is usually careless and can't do things well.

The smoke of powder burning gradually shrouded the whole city of Yushui and floated into various places, including Lejia. The Dragon teeth guards were dormant, watching the smoke drift into the music house, waiting for mu Qingge's "attack" command.

The elder of shengjiayinjing in his cloak is looking at the smoke in the dark, and his eyes are full of doubts.

Before he could understand, a pill appeared in front of him.

He gazed intently and found that the man with the pill was the boy in red beside him.

He frowned and did not reach for the pill.

Mu Qingge raised the corner of his lips and explained: "these smog have the effect of helping sleep. This pill can avoid its disturbance. Taking it will not affect the elder's performance. "

The elder's eyes of Sheng family shrunk slightly, looking at Mu light song with some shock.

He took her words with a grain of salt.

Can't help but say: "since you are so capable, why don't you fall in love with all the musicians? Then God took their lives without knowing it. Why cooperate with my Sheng family? "

Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a smile: "the elder really looks up to me. I don't have the ability to use drugs to confuse the people in Yushui city and make sure that they don't know the truth. I can only let the whole city sleep a little more, sleep until dawn. As for the musicians, the next smell of blood will certainly stimulate them to wake up. Especially for those with higher accomplishments, the less affected by overpowering drugs, they will have to rely on the elders. "

There was a certain sincerity in what she said.

Although the elder of Sheng family still has some doubts, he still reaches out to take the pill.

However, instead of taking it immediately, he asked, "is this the pill you refined? Can you eat? No side effects? "

His inquiry, let Mu light song a Leng, but then reaction.

The old man of yaota once said in a letter to her that all alchemists in the middle ancient world were licensed. No one dares to eat the pills refined by alchemists without a license.

Moreover, he once gave himself such a "license.".

In order to dispel Sheng's parents' doubts, mu Qingge takes out the medicine tower old man's brand and throws it to the Sheng family elder.The elder of Sheng family raised his hand and his eyes fell on the sign in his hand.

All of a sudden, his eyes shrunk and his eyes turned into shock.

After digesting the information, his expression suddenly became respectful, holding the brand in both hands and returning to Mu Qingge, and his tone was not as arrogant as before. "It turned out to be a distinguished guest of Dongzhou Dandao courtyard. It's rude."

Dongzhou Dandao hospital? Mu light song heart pick eyebrows.

This is the second time that she heard the name. Yao TA asked her to go to Dongzhou to enter Dandao hospital in five years after she arrived in the middle ancient world and win the title in the Dandao conference.

At this time, the brand in her hand is actually related to Dongzhou Dandao courtyard?

She kept the sign in silence. She was too lazy to explain the misunderstanding of the elder Sheng family.

With this identity card, the doubts in the eyes of the elder Sheng family were completely eliminated. He swallowed the pills in his hands directly, crisp and neat.

Mu Qingge saw this scene, and an idea suddenly rose in his heart.

Even if at the moment she took out the thing wearing intestinal poison, I'm afraid the elder of Sheng family will not hesitate to take it.

Of course, what he believed was not her, but Dongzhou Dandao hospital!

Looking away from the elder of Sheng family, mu Qingge looks in the direction of the music family. The fortress of the whole music family seems to be more quiet than before.

Even those captive spirit animals, also lie on the ground, fell into sweet sleep.

The heart calculates good time, Mu light song eyebrow tip a Yang, made the attack gesture in the dark.

The elder of Sheng's family was surprised to see the gesture of MuQing singer. Without waiting for him to understand, he felt that there were hundreds of broken voices around him, and all of them rushed to the fortress of musicians.

Whew, whew!

With his eyesight, he could see the dead bodies one by one in the dark.

Hundreds of dark shadows, like the God of death harvesting life at night, cut off one throat with a sharp blade in his hand, and let out the blood in his body.

The Dragon tooth guards from all directions and step by step kill a person, gradually, the air above the Le family, began to appear a faint smell of blood.

The guard in charge of the gate, or the spirit beast, becomes the sacrifice of dragon tooth guard without exception.

The elder of the Sheng family was stunned by his skillful killing technique and his tacit cooperation. Such a well-trained team, not to mention that they have no Sheng family, even other families have not!

Look at him again.

"It's really a noble man from Dongzhou! I don't know what kind of bloodstain has happened to the musicians, and they have actually provoked such a powerful person! " The elder of the Sheng family was silent in his heart for the music family.

Before that, he was still complaining that the owner had found a little boy to cooperate with him, which was detrimental to his wisdom. At the moment, where is wisdom? It's just brilliant. There's wood!

"Elder, let's go." Suddenly, mu Qingge sends out an invitation.

The elder of the Sheng family nodded his head, followed muqingge to jump on the eaves and entered the scope of the music family.

Here, the smell of blood is more serious, which has been cleaned up by Longya Wei.

The corpses all over the ground fell to the ground without a sound. The elder of the Sheng family found that these people did not know what had happened when they were dying. They were totally sleeping and were killed.

Mu Qingge strolls in front of you in leisurely court, just like your own garden.

Longya Wei continues to kill in the dungeon ahead, paving the way for muqingge with the life and blood of the music family.

The elder of the Sheng family followed mu Qingge, with a face of shock and "appreciation" of everything in front of him.

The five ethnic groups in Yushui City, whose strength is hard to be separated from the rich family, have gradually disappeared? Even if they saw it with their own eyes, the elders of the Sheng family still felt that everything was too unreal to believe it was true.

However, he told himself again and again that everything in front of him was real.

Gradually, a fear arose in his heart.

He looked at the tall and straight figure walking in front of him. He dressed in red clothes and seduced evil spirits in the night, as if he were a robe dyed red by the blood on the ground.

Lejia, he solved it so simply If the Sheng family, is it difficult to escape his calculation?

The elder's eyes were wide open, and a clear understanding rose in his heart.

"With this son, we can only be friends, not enemies!"

"Night Night attack... " A frightened voice suddenly broke the silence of Yuejia.

Mu Qingge and Sheng's parents raised their eyes at the same time, and saw a ragged family member standing by the door in terror.

However, before he had a thorough reaction, a cold light was forced towards him, which was so fast that he could not avoid it. He was directly shot in the middle of the eyebrow.

As soon as he was stiff, he gave a warning and lost his life.

The sleeve arrow was inserted into his brow, and the tail of the arrow was still trembling.

Mu Qingge looks back and sees a dragon tooth guard putting down his arm.

A smile, Mu light song did not say much.

Finally, the musicians became agitated.Just now, the man awakened the sleeping music family with the cry of his life. Those dark rooms, began to light up, inside the figures shaking, as if in preparation for dressing.

The elder of Sheng family looked at mu Qingge and asked, "the music family has been shocked." The implication seems to be asking mu Qingge what to do next.

Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a smile: "elder, don't think my people will only assassinate?"

It seems that in order to echo her words, the Dragon tooth guards, who had been lurking in the dark hunting, rushed directly to those rooms with lights just like tigers out of the gate.

They kicked open the door, rushed in, heard a clash of weapons, and blood sprayed on the windows.

After a while, the Dragon teeth guard turned back and went out to another room.

And some of the music family members who rushed out of the room were killed by the Dragon teeth guard at the door, and there was no time to fight back.

For the music family, Longya Wei has hatred in his heart.

Because what the music family has done to the Mu family is unforgivable to them. Therefore, if Mu Qingge wants to kill the musicians, he will only release the animal nature in their bodies and launch a crazy killing.

For a time, there was a resurgence of killing. It was no longer a secret killing, but a direct killing.

The elders of the Sheng family were stunned. How did the army of assassins and murderers be trained like beasts? And what kind of man is this man who can command such an army!

"Elder, it's up to you next." When the elder of Sheng family is shocked, mu Qingge suddenly looks at him and says this sentence.

The elder of the Sheng family was stunned and didn't respond to what mu Qingge's words meant. He heard an explosion from the depths of the music family.

"Where do you come from? Dare to make trouble in my music house! Kill my happy family

"Happy win!" Sheng family elder eye light a congealing, immediately identified the master of the voice.

The five ethnic groups in Yushui city have been fighting for a long time. When he was young, the elder of the Sheng family fought with Leying many times, and he had already formed a feud that could not be solved.

At the moment, hearing the voice of his old opponent, his eyes also showed a trace of ruthlessness, and suddenly realized the meaning of Mu light song in his heart.

He snorted coldly and said to Mu Qingsong, "don't worry, master mu. I'll kill him tonight After that, he jumped up and flew into the depth of the music family.

As soon as he left, four Guanghua appeared beside mu Qingge. They were chiya, Baihe, Yinchen and Yuanyuan.

Mu light Song mouth appeared a trace of sneer, "kill!"

At an order, four Guanghua fled into the music family and began to kill crazily.

The four of them are aimed at the blood of the disciples of the Yue family and the head of the family.

The battle effectiveness of Baihe and Yinchen is not comparable to that of ordinary human beings. Yuan yuan, in particular, quietly released the eight wasteland void inflammation, instantly turned a person into nothing, and was caught off guard.

Mu Qingge felt that after Yuan Yuan entered the middle ancient world, its strength seemed to have increased a lot. At least the power of the White Bone Demon flame and the eight wasteland void inflammation is not comparable in Linchuan.

As a princess of the adherent family, she learned a lot of skills.

The four of them are tough enough to beat the musicians. Besides, there are dragon teeth guards.

Bang bang!

In the depth of the music family, there was a fierce fight.

Mu light song raised a look, then saw two groups of light and shadow impact together, toward the distance to run away.

Mu light song raised lips a smile, it seems that the elder of Sheng family has been led out by Yue Ying.

Her right hand wrist a shake, silver light, Linglong gun in hand, raised the ground dust, raised the corner of her dress.

She held the Linglong gun and walked to the depth of the music family step by step.


Outside the music home, Sheng Yu left with people to guard here, both nervous and excited in the heart.

After a while, he heard a blast coming from the sky of Lejia.

Looking up, he saw his elder fighting with Yue Ying. He immediately called in people and whispered a few words in their ears.

The six people were divided into three groups and went to Wanjia, Tanjia and Jiangjia.

Once there is any movement or wake up, at least they will know and send the message back.

"Young Lord, shall we continue to wait?" Sheng Yu asked from the people around him.

Sheng Yu from nodded, "guard every exit, once the music of the people, no matter who it is, kill no amnesty!" When he arrived, his father reminded him that the grass would not be removed and the spring breeze would blow again. Once he is compassionate, maybe a few years later, today's situation is a portrayal of the Sheng family.

Therefore, he must be ruthless and ruthless!

Not for myself, but for Sheng family!

Yushui city is sleeping, but Lejia is carrying out the brutal killing.

This killing, to be caught off guard, the people of the music family simply did not have time to respond. They went to sleep with qualifying expectations, but lost their lives before dawn."Who are you! Why do you want to destroy my happy family? " The owner of the music family stares at the murmuring song that appears in front of him.

On the tip of the Linglong gun, the blood is still dripping.

The blood belongs to the Le family.

The resonance in the blood makes the owner of the music family feel heartbroken.

His eyes are full of resentment, he would like to tear up the muqingge. However, Mu light song that pair of clear eyes, but full of cold light.

She came for revenge, to get rid of the roots.

And the other party doesn't know who she is!

"At the meeting you held not long ago, you still discussed how to find me, then kill my whole family and torture me well?" Mu Qingsong laughs contemptuously.

Suddenly, you are shocked and shocked! You are from Linchuan! "

He was shocked! Absolutely shocked!

He had no time to think about how the people in front of him knew the content of the family discussion, but was shocked by her words. She is the main culprit of several people's death in Linchuan. Now, she has found the medieval world from Linchuan and killed the Lejia!

How could that be possible!?

No way!

No way!

He's so young! How can people in Linchuan have such strong skills? How did he do it in just a few years?!

Linglong's gun is still in front of him.

He awoke suddenly and retreated in a hurry to avoid the edge of the exquisite gun.

"Five layers of gray." A fight, mu Qingge said the music home master's cultivation.

The master of the music family was shocked. He looked at Xiangmu Qingge and lost his voice and said, "you are also the fifth floor of the gray world!" How could that be possible? He is from Linchuan!

Linchuan people, in the eyes of all people in the middle ancient world, are weak chickens.

However, who can tell him, what is the matter with the existence of this unconventional existence?

A man from Linchuan can compete with his master?

Mu light song sneer, crazy way: "kill you enough."

With that, she was no longer giving the music master a chance to think. The dazzling gun technique shrouded him. The speed was as fast as lightning, so fast that no trace could be found.

The master of the music family and mu Qingge fight together, and their strength and accomplishments are equal. Fighting together, they soon turn into two kinds of light and shadow that can't see the real and the virtual, and fight fiercely into a group.

The people of the music family, who are addicted to the fragrance, are slow to respond.

The sudden killing makes them unable to resist at all. They are often killed by the red eyed dragon tooth guards before they show their real strength.

The sword light of Lejia is everywhere, and the fire is soaring to the sky.

In the others, they were still in silence and fell asleep.

Sheng family, Qin Yiyao and Sheng Susu all lie on the table and fall asleep. In her sleep, Qin Yiyao did not know what she had dreamt of. She frowned lightly, and a drop of tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

It's getting light.

The early sun rises from chaos.

"Ah The tragic cry of the music master broke the tranquility of Yushui city.

Let a lot of people wake up in a trance, mumble, turn around, and continue to sleep.

On the wall full of sharp marks, the master of the music family was stabbed by a Linglong gun, and his whole body was nailed to the wall. The blood flowed along the wound and dyed his clothes red.

He widened his eyes and looked at mu Qingge in his eyes.

Mu Qingge stood on the ground, holding the gun in his right hand and his left hand behind him.

At this time, outside the damaged gate of the battle, the sun was rising, and the orange sunlight came in and covered her, echoing her bloody robe, just like plating a layer of gold.

Bathed in the sunshine, moqingge feels extremely relaxed in his heart.

"It's over!"

This pressure in the bottom of her heart stone, she finally pulled out!

Linchuan's relatives and friends no longer need to worry about the threat from the medieval world, from the Lejia.

The musician, who was stuck in the throat, was completely pulled out by her in this night!

Suddenly, a figure came down from the sky and appeared at the door.

His figure faltered, but he stood still.

He looked at mu Qingge and threw a head in his hand to Mu Qingge's feet.

Mu Qingge looks down, she doesn't know who this head is. But she knew the people who appeared in front of her.

The elder of the Sheng family, so to speak, this head is happy to win.

"It's not a shame." The elder of Sheng family embraces muqingge.

Mu light song raises eyes to look at him, open a mouth to ask: "have Lao elder." After that, she popped up a pill and flew to the elder of Sheng family.

The elder of Sheng family raised his hand and looked at her suspiciously.

"The follow-up is a matter for the Sheng family. If we want to stabilize the situation, we need the elder's help. This medicine can cure the wounds suffered by the elder in the battle just now. " Mu Qingge explained.Hearing this, the elder of the Sheng family was overjoyed.

Without hesitation, he took the pill and rushed to his body immediately. He felt much more relaxed. He was recovering from the injury he had just suffered in the battle with Le Ying.

He said excitedly: "thank you so much, Mr. Mu!"

Mu Qingge pulls out the Linglong gun, and the body of the owner of the music family falls to the ground. Her right hand swung, Linglong gun into a fingertip, set on her right index finger. "You are welcome, elder."

The change of Linglong gun makes the elder of Sheng family feel a little surprised, but it is not too shocked. After all, in the middle ages, artifacts were still precious, but not rare.

Muqingge can only show that her background is very strong.

At least, it's not something the Sheng family can afford.

"What I want to do has been finished, and I will ask the elder to tell the master of the Sheng family to hurry up." Mu Qingge said with a smile.

The elder of the Sheng family realized clearly in his heart and said goodbye and disappeared in front of Mu light song.


After the elder of Sheng family left, Yuan Yuan appeared beside mu Qingge.

The little guy was wearing a fancy coat, which was funny. "Mother, do you want me?"

"Yuan Yuan, burn this place." Mu light song looks at the front to command a way.

Yuan Yuan's eyes brightened and his face flushed with excitement. "Yes With that, he turned into a void flame and rushed to the sky of Yuejia. In an instant, the White Bone Demon flame began to devour the whole music family.

All the things that Le Jia wants to take have been taken away. The best choice is to burn the remaining remains.

In the Yuan Dynasty, when the fire broke out, Longya, Baihe and Yinchen all returned to Mu Qingge. Looking at the musicians wrapped by the white flame, mu Qingge said to all the people: "let's go."

Yushui City, there is no place for her to stay.

Before the elder of the Sheng family arrived at the Sheng family, he felt the strange fire over the music family. He turned to look back and saw the once brilliant music family melting in the white fire.

One night, just one night!

He quickly rushed back to the Sheng family.

"Back?" Sheng Xuan, who had been waiting for the night, could not help standing up from the position of the head of the family when he saw his elder coming back.

The elder of the Sheng family saluted him and said, "my Lord, I'm lucky not to disgrace my life."

Sheng Xuan's eyes were bright, and he nodded his head and waved his hand. Several figures that had been waiting for a long time quickly appeared and left the Sheng family. They want to take advantage of the other families have not yet responded to the occupation of the Yuejia property.

"Elder, it's hard work." Sheng Xuan is very familiar with Sheng's parents.

The elder of Sheng family shook his head slowly and sighed: "master! This admirer is not an ordinary man. Our Sheng family must not be against him. "

"Oh? Why should the elder say that? " Sheng Xuan's eyes flashed and asked earnestly.

He didn't know much about muqingge, but he knew that he was young and had some skills. Now, the elder of his family has also given such evaluation, which makes him a little more curious.

Sheng elder shook his head and said, "I don't know anything else, but what can be sure is that he has something to do with Dongzhou Dandao temple."

"Can he make alchemy Sheng Xuan's eyes shrunk, shocked.

The elder of Sheng family nodded positively.

He was a man who had taken muqingge pill himself. He came back all the way back and fought with Leying, and the wound was actually healed. It can be seen that the pill is powerful.

"Not only that, but also a group of very powerful people under his hand. The means of killing people emerge in endlessly, ruthlessly, simply and mysteriously." The elder of Sheng family thought about the process of the massacre of longyawei.

Sheng Xuan took a deep breath and sighed, "fortunately, we are still in peace with him at present."

Not to mention anything else, the identity of the Alchemist is enough to make the Sheng family dare not provoke.

Otherwise, muqingge only needs to raise his hand and offer a reward of pills. Some of the practitioners will work for him!

"This son's identity is not simple, in short, we can't be provoked by Sheng family." With this sentence, the elder of the Sheng family retreated.

Sheng Xuan stayed alone in the room for a while. When Shengyu left and rushed back, he began the real battle belonging to the Sheng family!

Yushui city wakes up from the night. When the sun rises, the people who wake up find that the music family standing in Yushui city is gone!

The whole music family, only remains the ruins, the blood remains, and the burning traces of the strange flame.

The news spread quickly in Yushui city.

News, entered the Chiang family, Wanjia, talk about home.

When they rushed to Lejia with people, they were shocked to see the mess.

"It's the fire, it's the fire that burned everything." Someone checked the burning area and came to the conclusion.

"What kind of strange fire is it?" There was a follow-up question. I want to find a clue from the abnormal fire.

However, no one can give the answer.

The fire was mysterious, and they couldn't tell which kind of fire burned it."No, before the fire was set, the people of the music family were dead!" Someone said again.

This discovery made the three families who came here gasped for breath. He was shocked: "who is so capable that he can destroy the musician's family overnight?"

"Do you feel like you had a good night's sleep?"

"Are you like that? Me too. "

"Me too!"

"So are we."

"Wait..." Someone interrupted the discussion. When people looked at him, he looked around and said in a deep voice, "why don't you see the people of the Sheng family?"


What about the Sheng family?

Such a big thing happened, and the other three families arrived. How could we not see the Sheng family alone?

Standing in the crowd, Jiang Tianhao suddenly turned away.

His movements attracted the attention of others.

"Young master Jiang, where are you going Someone asked.

"Grab territory!" Jiang Tianhao gave a simple and crude answer.

Then he left.

After he left, the crowd woke up.

Yeah! Lejia's assets are still there! Now they are all ownerless things. Isn't it the one who grabs them?

Suddenly, they seem to understand why they can't see the Sheng family here.

After understanding this truth, the remaining thousands of peace negotiators began to burn fire between each other, and quickly left the music family.

Today, this is the big day of Yushui City family qualifying.

However, one night of change, but let everyone forget this day, another dragon and tiger battle, quietly unfolded in Yushui city.

However, late is late.

How can the hasty reaction of other families compare with the Sheng family who won the first chance?

When the forces of the other three families were in a hurry to feel that the assets belonging to the Lejia family were in a hurry, the flag of the Sheng family had been hung on it, and it had become the territory of the Sheng family

Mu Qingge came to Shengjia again to meet Qin Yiyao.

What is happening in Yushui city seems to have nothing to do with her. Chaos or fighting can not stir her nerves.

When visiting, mu Qingge directly said that he wanted to see Sheng Susu.

However, it was Sheng Yu who finally connected her to the mansion.

"It's a surprise that Sheng Shao Zhu is still sitting around at home." As soon as we met, mu Qingge joked.

Sheng Yu flies away from the eyebrows and says with a smile: "the Sheng family has already robbed the big head, leaving some small profits, it is not convenient to fight."

"It seems that the Sheng family has begun to consolidate." Mu light song a few can not check the nod.

Seize the opportunity, timely draw, consolidate their own body, strong family. It's a very wise choice.

It seems that the old Sheng family is not confused.

"Mr. Mu came to see Su Su today?" Sheng Yu left suddenly to ask.

Mu Qingge glanced at him, "in fact, I'm here to meet people."

Pick up!

These two words a, let Sheng Yu from stop pace, stand in place.

Mu Qingge looks thoughtfully at Shengyu, pursing his lips.

"Is Yu going to leave After a short period of time, Sheng Yu asked.

Mu Qingge nodded his head and said, "I have said before that I will leave after destroying the music family. Now, it's time to leave. "

Sheng Yu Li showed a somewhat farfetched smile, and his eyes flashed: "Su Su and Miss Qin are as good as before at first sight. It's not like that Su Su and Miss Qin live in Sheng's house for a few days. When the two girls get along with each other and take some rest, they can go again?"

Mu light song strange looking at Sheng Yu from.

She absolutely does not believe that Sheng Yu left because she is afraid that Sheng Su Su will not let Qin Yiyao leave, and said this.

"If she wants to stay, I don't want to." Mu Qingge replied.

In fact, she has no right to ask Qin Yiyao to make any decision for her.

"Really?" However, her words let Sheng Yu from the expression of joy.

His reaction, let mu Qingge squint, playful way: "Sheng Shao lord why so excited?"

"No! Nothing. " Sheng Yu Li avoids the eyes of moqingge.

Later, he took mu Qingge to the flower hall. Then go to find Sheng Susu in person.

However, only he knows what the real purpose is.

When Sheng Yuli finds Sheng Susu, Sheng Susu and Qin Yiyao are having breakfast. Sheng Yuli called Sheng Susu out of the house and came to a deserted place. She asked her, "Susu, do you like Miss Qin?"

Although Sheng Susu didn't understand why her brother asked, she nodded honestly.

Sheng Yu left with a smile and said to her, "in that case, you also want her to stay with you in Yushui City, right? And she also saved you, our Sheng family has not returned. Why don't you ask her to stay for a while"Really! Great Sheng Su shouts happily. But at random, her lost Du mouth shook her head and said, "sister Yao won't stay. She had a hard time getting together with Mr. mu. How could she leave, unless Mr. Mu also stayed. "

Sister's words, let Sheng Yu from the expression of a stiff.

He pulled an ugly smile and asked, "did Miss Qin tell you about the relationship between her and Mr. mu?"

Sheng Susu nodded, but in the elder brother's expectant eyes, he said seriously: "but I promised her, I won't tell anyone, and my brother can't either!"

"You little girl! Brother Fei loves you so much. " Sheng Yu is short of breath.

Sheng Susu made a face at her brother and asked curiously, "brother, how can I find that you are very concerned about elder sister Yao?" Suddenly, she exclaimed: "ah! Do you want her to be my sister-in-law? "

"You! Don't talk nonsense. Keep your voice down Sheng Yu's centrifugal thoughts were stabbed, and his cheeks were flushed, just like a young man in spring, he felt a little nervous.

Sheng Susu had never seen such a brother, and couldn't help but cover his mouth and smile.

After laughing, she said in embarrassment: "but the person that elder sister Yao likes is Mr. Mu!" With that, he looked at his brother sympathetically.

Sheng Yu from convergence palpitation, face dew bitter smile.

He did not know that Qin Yiyao's heart is only muqingge? However, if you can control one thing, you can't call it "emotion".

He didn't know what kind of feelings he felt for Qin Yiyao, but at the first sight, she branded a shadow in his heart and could not be forgotten.

Goodbye, the more you see, the deeper the shadow.

If one day will never see her again, Sheng Yu knows that his heart will be missing a piece.

Therefore, knowing that he is a bit mean, he still hopes to leave Qin Yiyao through his sister.

Even if it was just a few days, at least he would have a chance to show her what he meant.

"Susu, help brother." Sheng Yuli pleaded with his sister for the first time.

Sheng Susu sighed and asked, "is it that Mr. Mu is coming to meet someone?"

Sheng Yu nods from grievance.

Sheng Susu looked at her brother sympathetically and said helplessly, "brother, I can't cheat sister Yao, because I know how hard she has to wait for Mr. mu. However, I will also offer an invitation to stay. It depends on elder sister Yao's choice. "

"Thank you very much, sister." Sheng Yu left with a bitter smile.

Is there any suspense about Qin Yiyao's choice?

Shengyu left with loss and left Shengsu. And Sheng Su Su can only watch her brother's back leave, and then turn back to see Qin Yiyao and tell her that mu Qingge has come.

Bang bang!

When Sheng Susu stood in front of Qin Yiyao and told her that mu Qingge was coming to pick her up, the spoon in her hand fell into the bowl and made a crisp sound.

She thought Think Mu light song put her here, will turn around to leave, forget her.

"Sister Yao, are you ok?" Sheng Susu asked.

Qin Yiyao returned to the gods and looked at Sheng Su Su. She can't smile very much, can only use the look in her eyes to convey her gratitude.

"Susu, I'm leaving."

Sheng Susu sighed: "I knew you would leave with him without hesitation and stay for a while? At least let you sort out the relationship between you Oh, poor brother.

Qin Yiyao gets up and shakes his head slowly. "He doesn't like to wait too long."

With that, I'm leaving.

Sheng Susu stopped her: "sister Yao, can you get what you want with your humble love? Although I am not a man, but I know that if I am a man and love a woman in my heart, I will tie her to my side and will not let her go. Are you sure he has you in his heart? If he does not have you in his heart, you follow him to leave, what is it? Instead, I miss something that belongs to you... "

"Susu!" Qin Yiyao interrupted Sheng Susu's words. She lowered her eyes and whispered, "I have no pride in front of him for a long time. No matter what I am in his heart, I just want to leave with him at the moment, even if it is only for one day. "

"Sister Yao..." Sheng Su looks at Qin Yiyao.

Qin Yiyao curved her lips and walked out of the room without hesitation , the fastest update of the webnovel!