Anmo City, a small town on the border of Xizhou in the middle ancient world.

Small as it is, the city is very important.

Because there is a transmission array, is an important transportation hub, so the city is very busy.

In Anmo City, there are only two families with equal competitiveness, namely the Yan Family and the Su family. The Yan family has a son and the Su family has a daughter. It is not surprising that the two families got married. The two families reached an agreement to jointly manage Anmo city and share the benefits.

These days, the city of Anmo is full of lights and decorations. Both the Yan Family and the Su family opened warehouses to release grain and started charity. For nothing else, it is only because the young master and the young lady of their family will make an engagement in five days.

Once it's done, the Yan Family and the Su family will join hands, and from then on Anmo city will become an iron wall, and other forces will be hard to get involved.

In an inn, a picturesque young man pushed open the window with a slightly pompous smile on his mouth. Looking at the bustle in the street, he said to the middle-aged man around him: "uncle, the relationship that depends on children's family to maintain is actually praised by so many people." Although the expression of his words is full of disdain, but his eyes with a bit of charm, but hidden deep jealousy.

"Luofeng, in the world, there are a lot of people who get married by interests." The middle-aged man standing behind him is calm and reserved with a light expression.

Looking at the eyes of muluofeng, there are expectations, but also a touch of disappointment.

Muruofeng curled his lips and turned to face Mu Chen, "uncle, we mu family long ago, was also very powerful?"

"Yes." Murchen replied.

Muruofeng's eyes flashed with pride. His eyes turned out of the window again, and he said in his heart, "I don't know if this Miss Su is beautiful. If she is as beautiful as a fairy, it's worth marrying. If it's ugly, it's not disgusting to get married. "

At the end of his imagination, muruofeng turned his eyes to Mu Chen and showed his dissatisfaction. "Uncle, those people in the desert of wandering souls are just the slaves of our family. Now they even put on airs and let a servant choose the master. What's the matter? What's more, I'm not the young master of Mu family? When will a young master emerge from the remote place in Linchuan

Muchen finally raised his eyes and looked at the handsome youth standing in front of him.

Bright appearance, but too frivolous, also can not hide pride. I remember when they first found him, he was just a child of a broken family.

Timid, cowardly and smooth, is the first impression of muluofeng.

However, when he knew the secret of his identity, he was like a changed person, becoming proud and uncomfortable

Mu Chen once asked himself, is this the right choice?

Is this young man really the hope of the Mu people?

"Luofeng, you should know that you are not the only successor of the Mu family. Everything was arranged by Mu ancestors. This is a cruel test, if you don't pass, you will be eliminated at any time. You can not take the opponent of Linchuan seriously, but don't forget that in the middle ancient world, there was a Mojia and there was also a candidate Mu Chen's solemn way.

"I know, Mufeng, right? You've all told me about him several times Muruofeng impatiently took out his ears and muttered, "is he so fierce?"

This sentence, however, drifted into the ears of Mu Chen.

As his eyes sank, the back of a determined young man appeared in his mind. "Perhaps, his talent is not as good as you, but that perseverance is something I have never seen."

Yeah! Talent!

It's all just talent.

Mojia in the middle ancient world kept a low profile and kept a low profile. Mufeng is the young master of this generation of Mojia, but only this talent is a little higher than ordinary people. If you want to be the leader of the Mu people and lead them back to their hometown, this kind of talent is far from enough.

It is for this reason that he left the Mu family with a group of people, and found a collateral branch separated from the Mu family hundreds of years ago and found the muluofeng.

Before he was found, he was just a child of an ordinary family. Even their ancestors have forgotten the existence of the family, and do not know what the word Mu stands for.

His father's generation had already forgotten the mission of Mojia, and had no practice. However, to their delight, although they did not practice, the talent of muluofeng was much better than Mufeng.

Late start, high talent.

As long as muluofeng studies hard and has them to assist, it is not difficult to surpass Mufeng.

What's more, they seize the clues and find the adherents in the desert of wandering souls. As long as they can get the volume of magic strategy, the cultivation of muluofeng can definitely go thousands of miles.

When muluofeng is better than Mufeng, it can prove that their choice was right!

This is the obsession in all of them.

It's just that muluofeng

Now, uncle mu, what are you? And the Linchuan boy who wants to fight with me, what is his cultivation? Is it better than me? Most of all, is the servant slave in the desert beautiful? " Muruofeng's eyes brightened as he spoke.He yearned for a life of rich clothes, fine food, wine and beauty.

Being respected and feared by thousands of people is what he thinks in his heart.

However, after they found him, although he was no longer hungry and poor, he was strictly disciplined. He practiced and practiced every day.

Don't talk about women. He hasn't even touched a woman's hand.

Rare this opportunity, they will take the initiative to give their own women, if an ugly woman, is not a bad scene?

Muruofeng looked forward to Mu Chen, waiting for his answer.

However, Mu Chen's eyes light a sink, shake his head way: "beautiful or not is not important. She's just the servant of the little Lord, and she has the clue of the book of miracles. "

Here, he used "Shao Zhu" instead of "you". He had secretly reminded mu Luofeng to be vigilant. However, it is obvious that muruofeng did not pay attention at all.

Mu Chen's reply disappointed him. He could not resist the itching in his heart. He said, "uncle, why don't we go and have a look. Isn't she in the city of anmor? "

"No way." Mu Chen refused to think about it. "We agreed with them that we could not meet until the young master they had chosen arrived."

Muruofeng frowned, "why wait for a villain in Linchuan? Who knows if he has the life to come here? "

"His ability to go from Linchuan to the middle ages has proved that he is extraordinary." Mu Chen deliberately stimulated mu Luofeng, hoping that he had a sense of urgency, and from then on he could actively practice.

In fact, in his mind, mu Qingge is not very satisfied. Because in his opinion, if you can't leave Linchuan, it's not worth him to waste a look.

Even if today's muqingge into the middle ancient world, still won't attract Mu Chen's attention.

As everyone knows, the starting point of Linchuan boundary is the red boundary, and the top point is the purple boundary. And in the Middle Paleozoic? The purple realm is just the beginning, everyone is born, is the purple realm cultivation.

This difference is innate and cannot be changed at all.

The news from there is that the successor of Mujia from Linchuan seems to have been in the middle ancient world for less than a year Even if he is gifted, at most, he is three or four levels of strength in the gray world.

And what about muluofeng?

Mu Chen's eyes floated to muruofeng. In his eyes, there was a little more comfort in his eyes. The cultivation of muluofeng was only five years, but it had reached the fifth level of gray state. This talent is enough to make him proud.

It's just the low-key of the Mu nationality that he didn't leave his name on the chick Phoenix list.

Thinking of namufeng, he began to practice at the age of four. When they left, he also practiced to the third floor of the gray world. Five years later, maybe it's not as good as muruofeng.

"Uncle clan, you can't raise the morale of others and destroy your prestige!" Mu Luofeng couldn't hear the stimulation of Mu Chen's words, but was dissatisfied with his praise of muqingge.

Muchen looked at him and said no more.

"Uncle, let's go and have a look. It's OK to have a peek." Muruofeng's curious way.

Murchen shook his head slowly.

"Well, well." Muluofeng suddenly gave up. He made a fake cough and moved towards the door. "Uncle of that clan, it's so busy outside. I'll go and have a look. I'll be back soon."

With that, the door was opened and muruofeng ran out.

"Little Lord, wait for me." A waiter's voice followed.

Mu Chen droops his eyes and shakes his head and shouts in a deep voice: "follow up and protect the safety of the little Lord."

"Yes, elder." A voice came out.

When the room was quiet again, the minister sighed again.


On the main street of anmocheng, people are surging.

"Where shall we go, little Lord?" Muruofeng's servant boy crowded to him, bowed and looked up at the master who walked on the road with his chin up and his face proud.

"Naturally, go and see what the servants of this young master look like. If it's too ugly, I'd rather not, give her to the country bumpkin from Linchuan. The ugly woman is a perfect match for a country bumpkin The proud way of muruofeng.

He had overheard last night that the servants from the desert of the wandering soul were now placed in another inn. Besides the people from the desert, they were guarded by both sides.

"Little Lord, can't you see it tomorrow? Why do you rush there? You are the master. " The servant boy scratched his head and asked.

Tomorrow is the appointed deadline, but muluofeng can't wait.

Maybe it was the marriage between the Yan Family and the Su family, which tickled his heart. He thought he was twenty-one, but he didn't even touch a woman's hand. It's really humiliating!

"If you're told to go, just go. What a lot of nonsense?" The way of muruofeng's impatience.

The way he looked at the waiter was superior.

It has been forgotten that before they found him, his situation was no better than that of the servants around him.

Murofeng always remembered that when they found him, his world began to turn upside down. He felt that he was the predestined strong man, the real dragon.Dormant in the abyss, a startling!

All who oppose him will come to a miserable end!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"All get out of the way. The car of the Su family is coming. Let's get out of the way!"

Suddenly, on the crowded street, came the majestic shout. In front of the stream of people, all in a hurry to avoid, back to the two sides of the street.

Muruofeng did not want to get out of the way, but when he heard the word "Su Jia", he moved his mind and retreated to the street with the crowd.

At this time, a spirit animal vehicle came slowly. Under the eaves of the carriage, there is also a string of wind chimes. As you walk around, you can hear the clear and crisp bell, which is very refreshing.

Many people craned their necks and whispered around.

"Look, that's Miss Su's car."

"It's said that Miss Su is the first beauty in Anmo city. I really want to see how beautiful it is."

"Hey, it doesn't matter whether you are beautiful or not. She is already the daughter-in-law of the Yan family. "

"Cut, isn't this engagement yet? If she is really a beautiful woman, I will rob her even at the risk of being killed! " Some people are half joking.

But then, immediately someone rushed into the crowd, found the man full of nonsense, and threw it in front of the hearse.

When the chariot stopped, Su's bodyguard pulled out his weapon and put it on the man's throat.

Muluofeng is standing outside the window of the street, in the pink gauze window, faintly see a beautiful profile.

The breeze blowing, blowing a corner of the tulle, will be sitting inside the real face of the exposed, but in an instant, block away the beauty of peerless.

However, just at that glance, muruofeng felt his heart "bang bang", as if he had been hit hard. The Pink Tulle was frozen in a daze.

"Miss, this man is insulting." Su's bodyguard said.

"Kill." In the carriage, a woman's voice drifted out.

Simple two words, but like ice water pouring down, let the crowd around wake up.

The guards of the Su family did not give the man on the ground an excuse, so they cut off his head and let the blood spray on the street.


In the crowd, there are also old people, women and children. This bloody scene made many people cry out.

"It's cruel." Muruofeng's servant said in a low voice, leaving his sight, he did not dare to see the dead on the ground.

However, muruofeng did not pay attention to this scene at all, just murmured: "the sound is really good."

Su family's spirit beast car, gradually disappeared in the sight of the crowd.

Mu Luo Feng, who had been back to God, was a little dull. It was as if the soul had left with the spirit beast car of the Su family. The curiosity about the servant's appearance was diluted and lost interest.

"Little Lord, little master?" It took a long time for the boy's voice to become clear in his ears.

Muruofeng turned her eyes and looked at him.

The servant boy was frightened by his eyes and asked timidly, "shall we go to see the servant?"

Muruofeng shook his head and sighed: "today I see Miss Su, I really envy the boy of Yan family." All of a sudden, he said, "you say your little master, if I go to propose marriage to the Su family, what will happen?"

The servant boy was startled and waved his hand and said, "little Lord, this can't be done! The Su family is a big family in Anmo city and has great influence. So is the Yan family. "

Muruofeng's face sank. "You mean I'm not worthy of being the son-in-law of the Su family?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I mean." The servant boy's body was stiff, and he stood on his horse and said, "I mean, how can this lady of the Su family deserve you?"

This sentence, let muruofeng's face change from shade to clear, eyebrow tip pleasant flying. He said triumphantly, "what kind of woman can be worthy of me?"

The servant boy felt a pain in his heart and thought quickly. I suddenly thought of a rumor I had heard before, and immediately flattered him: "I have heard that the most beautiful woman in Xizhou is Miss snow dance of Sang family in Fusha city. Miss snow dance is not only very beautiful, but also a figure on the list of chicks and phoenixes in Xizhou. At the very least, such a person should be worthy of you. "

"Mulberry snow dance?" Muruofeng's eyes flashed.

He is more concerned about the most beautiful woman in Xizhou. If the mulberry snow dance is really so beautiful, the miss of the Su family is a little bit too small.

Muruofeng regretfully shook his head and said to the servant boy, "you are right. The miss of Su family is not worthy of me. If you have a chance, let's go to Fusha city and meet the first beauty in the West

Seeing that muruofeng finally gave up the plan of "robbing relatives", the servant boy was relieved secretly.

After wiping the sweat on his forehead, he said to Muruo, "young master, since we don't go to see the servant slave, or will we go back here?"

"What are you worried about? It's rare that I don't need to practice. I'll have a good time Muruofeng's energetic way.

All of a sudden, he turned his eyes and hooked his finger to the servant boy.The servant boy did not know why he put his ear close.

Muruofeng whispered, "is there any place to listen to ditty and enjoy singing and dancing in Anmo city?"

The servant boy raised his eyes in doubt and looked at him. From his eyes, he saw the hidden flame and the ambiguous look, and suddenly realized. Just, he some uneasy way: "but, the elder does not let you go to those places?"

Muruofeng impatiently said: "I am the little Lord, now I order you to take me!"

The servant boy's neck shrank, and he was afraid to agree. With the muroshi wind, I turn to another street.


As night fell, the muluofeng never came back.

Looking out of the window at the night and the quiet city of Anmo, Mu Chen frowned.

Suddenly, the closed door was pushed open, and the servant boy came in with the drunk muluofeng.

Seeing Muchen inside, the servant boy was so scared that he almost threw the muluofeng to the ground.

Muchen stood up and went to muruofeng. The strong smell of wine and the smell of powder made him feel uncomfortable. He looked at the two men in silence, and then said in a cold voice: "wait on the little Lord and have a rest. Go and make twenty sticks by yourself."

"Yes It is... " The way of servant boy.

Muchen walked out of the room of the muluofeng. In the corridor outside, the man he sent to protect the wind was standing at the door.

Muchen looked at him and motioned him to leave.

"The young master wanted to see the servant, but he finally met Miss Su's chariot and changed his mind and finally went to flower street." Those who follow in secret will report the whereabouts of muluofeng.

Mu Chen hears frown, but can only helplessly sigh.

After he had gone far away, he said, "the little Lord is growing up. It's time for a woman to take care of him."

"A servant from the desert of wandering souls is the best choice." That's humane.

Mu Chen nodded with approval, but some worried way: "I just don't know if the servant will choose the little master."

"If you don't choose the little master, can she still like the people from Linchuan?" For Linchuan, people in the middle ancient world always have a sense of superiority in their bones.

Muchen took a look at him and did not agree.

Just light way, "all see tomorrow."


Anmo City, like a guest to the inn, in the independent courtyard under the package, outside a closed door, stands a young man with copper skin and firm and handsome features.

He stood outside the door, as if to prevent anyone from breaking in.

And in the courtyard in front of him, from dawn, two people appeared, standing opposite and alert to each other.

One of them is the Dragon general that mu Qingge has seen.

The other, named mupeng, was appointed by Muchen to go to the desert of wandering souls.

The man in the closed door is naturally a woman from the desert of wandering souls, another servant slave.

From the appointed hour, there is still half an hour, Muchen with the wake-up after the muluofeng came to like a guest, into the courtyard.

The hangover made muruofeng's head a little dizzy and his face was very ugly.

In addition to the two of them, followed by the dark guard, who had paid more attention to Luofeng yesterday. After being punished, the servants of muluofeng stayed in the inn where they had lived and stayed with the remaining three secret guards.

As soon as they came in, Mu Peng immediately bowed to muruofeng, "little Lord." Then, slightly adjust the direction, to Mu Chen way: "big elder."

At this time, the Dragon general also fixed a pair of eyes on muruofeng and looked at it carefully.

"This is the successor chosen by the Mu family of the Middle Ages?" Looking at the mu Luofeng who is still in a hangover, the dragon will float a layer of contempt.

Recalling the first time he saw mu Qingge, but it was more powerful than the muruofeng.

"This is the Dragon general, a descendant from the bitter sea?" Mu Chen came to the Dragon general and said hello.

The dragon will still despise the Muchen in his heart, and the sudden appearance of Muchen makes him quickly restrain his mood.

He turned his eyes to Muchen.

Mu Chen said: "I, Mu Chen, is the elder of Mu family in the middle ancient world."

The Dragon general nodded his head and returned the salute with his fist: "you can call me dragon general."

His attitude is neither humble nor overbearing. In his opinion, or in the eyes of Mu Chen and Mu Peng, there is no problem. However, muruofeng was not happy to look up, a face arrogant look at him, arrogant way: "Hey, see me, how can you not be polite? You are just a slave of my family. You dare to ignore me

"Luofeng!" Mu Chen turns around and stops in a deep voice.

Dragon general Mou color a cold, sarcastic way: "it seems that this is not quite clear about the rules. What we Kuhai adherents recognize is that Mujia muqingge is the little master. Other people are nothing to us. If we want our adherents to submit, we can wait until this one has defeated other candidates. "

"What are you talking about?" Muruofeng's eyes were dark and stingy, and he looked at the Dragon general fiercely.

It's a pity that the Dragon general sneers at him and doesn't pay any attention to it."Luofeng, shut up." Muchen yelled.

His tone is like a reprimand from the elder to the younger. Muruofeng bit his teeth and swallowed the discontent in his heart back, but he still glared at the Dragon general.

"Dragon general, Luo Feng is still small. Don't worry about him." Muchen apologized.

The Dragon general sneered and said with a sneer: "your department chooses people's vision, I really dare not agree."

Mu Chen embarrassed smile, Mu Peng's face is not good-looking where.

They accompany all day long at the side of muluofeng, and his defects can be seen clearly. If there is a better choice, why would they choose the muluofeng?

To put it bluntly, the only thing they like about muluofeng is his talent!

In other words, if the Mufeng of Mujia who they left had the talent of murofeng, they would not have come out at all, and they would not have known that there was such a person in the world.

Maybe I know, it will only let him live and die on his own.

This small conflict was seen by the youth outside the door. But he didn't react at all, just like a statue. His eyes, like falcons, recorded everything.

"Is this man who is so ostentatious that he is the master of her sister? Is it the choice of the whole family of their wandering soul desert? " He said in his heart.

Behind him, in the closed door, there was a pair of quiet eyes, looking at everything outside through the translucent paper on the grating.

In the dragon will there to eat a stuffy loss, the mood of muluofeng appears even worse.

He went to the front step and frowned, "who are you? What are you doing here? The young master has come. Do you want to put on airs

The youth in front of the door, the eye light coldly turns to him, "still need a person."

The implication is that the door behind him will not be opened until muqingge arrives.

Mu Peng went over and pulled him back. Can't help but ask in a low voice: "little Lord, what's the matter with you today? Don't be impatient. "

Before others saw it, they offended the two adherents of bitter sea and wandering soul desert.

These two forces are extremely powerful for any candidate.

Murofeng was repeatedly reprimanded and had a headache like a crack. He was very upset in his heart. He pulled out his sleeve, went to one side of the stone table and sat down. He called out to the dark guard, "don't pour tea to this young master yet!"

Dark Wei looked at him, silent turn around, soon, holding a pot of hot tea, put in front of the muluofeng table.

Murofeng took the hot tea and took a sip. Finally, he felt more comfortable.

However, he is still dissatisfied with the way: "what time, that Linchuan country bumpkin how not to come? Are you going to abstain? "

Mu Chen and Mu Peng did not stop him this time.

In their hearts, they also hope that mu Qingge can't arrive on time and give up automatically, so that muruofeng can win easily. Otherwise, in his present state, it is hard to say who wins or who loses.

The Dragon general was not in a hurry or busy way: "there is still a quarter of an hour from the appointed time. What's the hurry? My little Lord is always punctual

A quarter of an hour, a quarter of an hour is not long. Can Linchuan's candidates appear on time?

Mu Chen and Mu Peng secretly exchanged a look. They both expected that mu Qingge did not appear, but also hoped that she would appear. Let them see what kind of talent Linchuan's Mu nationality candidate is, which can make Kuhai's adherents so highly respected.

They didn't miss the scorn in the eyes of Longjiang when he saw muruofeng, nor did they miss the pride in his eyes when he talked about muqingge.

If you are not very satisfied with the candidate, you will not have such an expression.

The crowd waited in silence for a while, and the time went by.

When the hour arrived, the youth standing outside looked up at the sky and the sun, and said faintly, "the hour is coming."

On hearing this, the impatient muluofeng jumped up from the stone stool and rushed to the door. He looked around for a while, and immediately laughed: "it seems that Linchuan's Bunny gave up automatically, open the door quickly!"

The Dragon general frowned, pressed his lips, and looked at the gate.

There is a trace of disgust in the eyes of the youth, but there is nothing to do.

Just as he was about to open the door behind him, a clear and crazy voice came in. "Sorry, there's some delay on the way. It's a little late."

Looking back, the youth standing outside the door also raised their eyes and looked at the gate. Even the quiet eyes in the door behind him looked to the place where the sound came.

Recognizing the sound of moqingge, the dragon will be happy and stride to the gate to greet him.

As soon as he came over, they burst into a blood like red. Behind her are two beautiful women with different styles.

But, at this moment, all people's attention is on that dazzling scarlet.

Mu Chen and Mu Peng, and even the dark guards they brought, were shocked when they saw mu Qingge coming in. That kind of natural momentum, that kind of demeanor, to the muluofeng down.The appearance of muluofeng had been very excellent, but in front of her, she became vulnerable, pale and boring.

"Little Lord!" The Dragon general saluted respectfully.

Mu Qingge's posture was upright and upright, and he received this gift. With a light smile in his eyes, he swept the people in the hospital lightly.

Her sight did not stop on Mu Chen and Mu Peng, nor did she see more in muruofeng. Instead, she stayed for a moment on the young man outside the door.

"These eyes are good." She said lightly.

No one can understand this sentence, but the young man in front of the door shrinks slightly in his eyes. This sentence, as if to let him feel, this saw through his eyes.

His eyes are really different, he can see far away, as long as there is no shelter, he can even see everything within a hundred miles, everything is clearly visible.

Mu light song finish, light a smile, turn eyes to see the dragon will, jaw head way: "all the way hard."

That kind of tone is a kind of tone from superior to inferior.

Mu Chen and Mu Peng were shocked in their hearts.

Is this really a person from Linchuan? His age is almost the same as that of muluofeng, but he is so calm and dignified. He is neither humble nor arrogant. He has no inferiority or cowardice from Linchuan.

For the adherents, there is no flattery at all, and the status of master and servant is very obvious.

"It's my pleasure to serve the little Lord!" The dragon will be respectful. I'm very proud. He said to himself, "look, this is the difference! How does the one you choose compare with ours? "

"Uncle Long Jiang." She Ya came to the Dragon generals and was kind to him.

The dragon will look up at her and show the elder's smile, "she ya, follow the little Lord all the way. Can you serve her well? Don't make trouble for the little Lord. "

She nodded, looked at mu Qingge and replied, "the little Lord is very kind to me. I learned a lot from him." Now, she has entered the fifth floor of the gray world, only one line away from the sixth floor, and will soon break through into the silver realm.

Such a speed, in the middle ages, is already fast.

It seems that the speed of people gathering around them is not fast.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she was immediately noticed.

She immediately moved her attention away from the moon.

Mu Chen and Mu Peng also guess her identity from her dialogue with the Dragon general. She is the servant of the bitter sea. It has been following mu Qingge for more than a year.

"It seems that everyone is here." Mu light song light road.

This sentence is for the Dragon general.

She was a little surprised that the dragon in dule island had not been so respectful before. I haven't seen him for a long time, but he's become enthusiastic?

In fact, mu Qingge didn't know that before she arrived, long would have been unable to bear the tone of muruofeng. He wished that mu Qingge would immediately appear to wash his eyes and hit Mu Chen and them hard.

So, when she showed up, he showed great respect.

"Come back to the young master, all are together." The dragon will reply.

Mu light song nodded, walked forward a few steps, and stood in the empty place in the courtyard.

She felt very funny in her heart that she had come all the way here to let a woman choose the master. For the sake of this song, if it's not for her.

Mu Luofeng's eyes have been staring at Xie Ya, and from time to time he floats to Hua Yue. His eyes are full of envy, jealousy and hatred towards mu Qingge's "Yanfu".

At the same time, he thought bitterly in his heart, "why is there such a big difference between them? He can't get close to a woman, but the guy in front of him can sit around and enjoy the happiness of the people. "

It's uncomfortable to be seen naked by him. She Ya Hao Hua Yue all stood behind mu Qingge.

Mu light song clear eyes slightly lift, cold hum a.

An invisible force is moving towards the Muro wind.

Muruofeng didn't notice it at all, but several people of Muchen did.

Under the big shock, Mu Chen hands, in the attack almost fell on the muluofeng body, in time to block down. "Where is this heavy hand, young master?"

Mu Chen block Mu light song's attack, cuff a roll, negative in the back. My heart was full of fear. The attack just now, at least has the strength of silver territory. Isn't he from Linchuan? How could it break through so fast?!

The attack is blocked, and muruofeng doesn't know. When Muchen opened his mouth, he knew that he was almost attacked. "You dare to hurt me," he said angrily

Mu Qingge's eyes were sarcastic, and his tone was light but sharp: "no matter what your eyes are, I'll dig them out next time and set my maid's head with flowers."

"Master, I don't want such a bloody thing. If you give it to me, I'll step on it." The way of Flower Moon's coquettish.

"Little Lord, I don't want it either. Dirty. "

Full of dislike, let Mu light Song mouth happy rise.Muruofeng's face sank, and his voice was cold: "good! Two mean maids, how dare you say that to me? My uncle... "

"My maid, you can say mean?" Mu Qingge's eyes glared, directly interrupted the muruofeng's words. At the foot of the star began to step a place, the figure like a phantom, instantly bypassed Mu Chen and came to the front of the muluofeng.


A loud slap in the face.

When people react, mu Qingge has already returned to its original position.

Huayue hands over a clean handkerchief in time. Mu Qingge wipes her hands leisurely and seems to have just come into contact with something dirty in the expression of people's astonishment.

"You dare to beat me! I will kill you Muruofeng reacted, and the burning pain on his cheek made him angry.

Mu Peng stopped him in time and looked at Xiangmu Qingge with a look of horror.

The people here are shocked. The Dragon generals, however, were pleasantly surprised. When mu Qingge was in dule Island, he knew what his accomplishments were. He was shocked by the fact that he had risen to this level in just over a year!

"Young master, you are both candidates of Mu nationality. Are you going too far?" Mu Chen block in front of the muruofeng, look at the Mu light song with a gloomy face.

Mu Qingge sneered: "as a candidate, but can only hide behind others, it is really impressive."

Her words made Mu Chen's heart tremble, and muruofeng also stopped struggling, just staring at mu Qingge with a pair of yinzhe eyes.

"Why should you be aggressive Mu Peng opens his mouth.

Mu light song but look up and laugh.

After laughing, she looked at them jokingly, "I defend my maid, but you say it is aggressive? I'm not as good as that

After that, she sneered and shook her head, and said to the closed door, "listen, I don't have much time. If you can't make a decision immediately, I'll leave."

She was disappointed when she saw the candidate in Zhongjie.

Originally, I wanted to explore the relationship between the middle ancient world and Linchuan. Now it seems that it is unnecessary. No matter whether the Mu family has blood relationship with her, she has no interest in contact.

She's here, for the map. If you return empty handed, you are not afraid. Because she has mastered the other half of the map, if the people surnamed Mu want to find the magic strategy volume, they are bound to cooperate with her.

Mu Qingge turns around and prepares to leave.

She didn't make any mystery or bluff. She really wanted to go.

Her move caught the Dragon general by surprise, and also left Muchen, including muluofeng, to stay in place.

Suddenly, the closed door opened and the young man standing outside stepped aside.

An enchanting figure, skin with wheat color, facial features with a wild beauty, from the room. As soon as she came out, she knelt on one knee, facing the direction of muqingge, and called out in a clear voice: "little Lord, stay!"

As soon as she said this, the man standing beside her immediately knelt down to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge stops and turns to look at her.

And Mu Chen and others, but shocked to see the direction of the door. Different from Mu Chen and others, muluofeng is totally fascinated by the woman's ambitious and sexy appearance.

"Xuanya, please meet the young master of light song! I and my family are willing to submit to the command of the little Lord and never rebel Amorous feelings sexy woman, to Mu light Song said the oath.

"Xuankui, please meet the young master of light song!" The young man with bronze and dark skin also took his own name.

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, the corner of the mouth light Yang up.

"Wait, why do you choose now?" Muruofeng finally wakes up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!