"Wait, why do you choose now?"

Muruofeng wakes up from the astonishment and questions loudly. In the bottom of his eyes, there is a trace of greed. At this moment, he has not only wanted to get xuanya, but also wanted to rob Ya from moqingge.

Muruofeng swept to Mu light song's eyes, with fierce hatred. "They are all mine. They are mine! A bumpkin from Linchuan wants to rob me too? "

The trace of greed that rises in the bottom of my heart gradually turns into jealousy and hatred.

At this moment, in the heart of muluofeng, muqingge is a villain who robbed him of everything!

Muruofeng is full of hate eyes, Moqing gosi does not care, even some sniff. This time, she really did not want to use mind, play tricks.

Xuanya's choice is really her own choice, which makes muqingge a little unexpected.

However, since Xuan Ya has chosen her, it also saves her the trouble in the future for the other half of the map.

In the face of muruofeng's question, xuanya looked up at him and calmly said, "xuanya thinks that light song is more suitable to be the master of xuanya."

Why? Need what reason, this high and low can see clearly, good?

Dazzle elegant answer, let muruofeng's face sink, Mu Chen and Mu Peng's look is also not good-looking where to go.

"Xuanya girl, is it too hasty to make a judgment like this? You know, a lot of times, you know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart. Although our young master is young and frivolous, he is also frank and sincere. You'd better think about it again. " Mu Peng stood up and used words with different meanings.

Hear his words, Mu light Song mouth raised a touch of abuse. "What is knowing people, knowing their faces and not knowing their hearts? Is it about her?"

"Well, what do you say about knowing people, knowing faces and not knowing hearts?" The dragon will jump out directly and question Mu Peng.

Mu Peng at the moment did not have before the amity, don't want to muruofeng was so abandoned, he can only go for the opportunity. "I didn't say anything. I just don't want xuanya to regret it in the future."

Mu Luo Feng saw Mu Peng open his mouth, immediately proud of the way: "yes." He turned his eyes to xuanya, showing a smile that he thought was the most handsome. He said sincerely: "xuanya girl, I am the real dragon that is destined to be. You must not be blinded by some fake dragons."

"Who are you saying? The young master of our family is the real dragon. The false dragon is talking about you? " The dragon will be angry.

His eloquence was not as good as these people because of his important position and long-term hardship.

At the moment, I can only express my anger with the ups and downs of the chest and the cruel eye knife.

"It's really a lively show." All of a sudden, mu Qingge joked. The irony in the tone was not concealed.

As soon as she spoke, the courtyard fell silent.

People's eyes, all of them looked at her, as if they wanted to see what she would do next. Who knows, mu Qingge is not interested in this kind of quarrel.

That expression, almost did not directly write the word "boring.".

She said to the Dragon general, "why should I lower my identity and fight with him?"

The dragon was stunned, some did not understand the meaning of moqingge. At this time, she went to the Dragon general and said in a soft voice: "Uncle dragon general, we have just arrived. We are tired and hungry all the way. You have been in the city of ammo for a few days. Why don't you take us to eat? "

"This This... " The dragon will be stunned to look at ya, but also to see the light song of Xiangmu. He didn't understand how he could go at this critical moment?

However, he gently pulled the cuff of the Dragon general and prevented him from speaking again.

The dragon will be a face muddled force to follow the ya to Mu light song behind, but mu Luofeng again opened his mouth. "Wait, are you the servant of Kuhai? Where are you going? You must stay, I am your master

As soon as he said this, Mu Chen and Mu Peng all changed their faces.

Even mu Qingge has cast cold eyes to Muruo. Robbing people, grabbing her head?

"What? A fake master, but also let you miss it Muruofeng said sarcastically.

She Ya's bright eyes, looking at the muluofeng, said in a calm and cold voice: "the master of Xieya, there is only one person who sings a little song. Please respect yourself."

"Your name is Fuya? Good name. " Muruofeng seems to automatically block the words of Xie Ya, only remembering her name.

The pig's face is so light. She went to the front of the guaya body, blocking the mu Luofeng's coveted eyes. "It seems that you didn't take what I said to heart."

Muruofeng's eyes showed disgust, but this time without waiting for him to speak, a figure blocked him in front of him.

It's Muchen.

"Young master Qingge, the young master of our family is abrupt. Since she has already recognized you as the Lord, she is naturally your servant. This will not change. However, as for xuanya girl, we need to discuss it again. " Mu Chen Road.

These words did not change the mood of moqingge.

She was still cold and cold, with no emotion in her clear eyes.Against each other, Mu Chen actually felt a kind of oppressive momentum. This kind of momentum, unexpectedly appeared on a young man with less strength than him, which made him very surprised.

Mu Qingge's eyes scornfully swept the opposite four people, and finally fell on Mu Chen's body. He said faintly, "it's a pity that the pearls are cast secretly." After that, she turned around and said to him, "if anyone dares to belittle you next time, just kill him. With me, the sky will not fall down."

In two words, the shock is two groups of people.

In the first sentence, it was Muchen who held him down.

The sentence "casting pearls in secret" shocked him, as if he had been poked into something he did not dare to touch. Mu Peng and that dark Wei, also coincidentally fell on the Mu Luo Feng's body.

And then there was another one, which was shocked by Long Ya and his brother Xuan ya.

She saw a trace of emotion in her eyes, but was well controlled by her. She just bent over to Mu Qingge and said, "yes, she knows."

Mu light song a few can not check the nod, carry step to walk toward the courtyard door.

She Ya and Hua Yue also left. Dragon general Leng for a while, also can hate hate to brush sleeve, follow up.

Mu Qingge wants to leave, muruofeng's heart is naturally happy, although some regret, she followed, and mu Qingge's attitude towards him is still the same, but at least, xuanya they stay.

"Take your time. One day, they will know who is their master. " Muruofeng said to himself in his heart.

He looked at xuanya and was about to say a few words of consideration and a little affection.

Xuanya stood up and said to xuankui: "xuankui, let's go."

After that, they went down the steps, ignored the existence of muruofeng, and went directly to Mu Qingge. They followed them out of the gate and disappeared into the sight of the four.

Muruofeng was stunned at the spot and couldn't return to God for half a day.

Until a gust of wind blew, he suddenly woke up, out of control and roared: "it's counter! How dare a little servant do this to me! Uncle Zu, you send someone to arrest them all. They are mine! my And the man from Linchuan who dares to rob me? I want him to die! I'm going to kill him! "

"Enough!" Mu Chen suddenly turned around and drank the mad muruofeng with a cold face.

Muruofeng had never seen such an ugly Muchen. He was scared to silence and turned pale. As if, in an instant, he returned to the submissive appearance before he met his followers.

Muchen looked at him and sighed. Want to reprimand a few words, but do not know how to speak. An unprecedented sense of exhaustion struck him and made him look listless.

"You want to kill him, can you?" In a short period of time, the Minister of admiration gave a reproach.

He understood that if Mu Qingge wanted to kill mu Luofeng, he would have had countless chances to succeed.

"Elder, what shall we do now?" Mu Peng went to Mu Chen and asked in a low voice.

Mu Chen sighed, his sight moved to the sky and said, "what should I do? What else can I do. Go back first. They will certainly not leave the city of anmor immediately and have a chance to talk about it. The purpose of robbing servants is to find clues in the volume of the divine strategy. Since we can't get them, we can cooperate. "

"Cooperation?" Mu Peng's surprised way.

The minister frowned and nodded slowly. He looked at muruofeng, who had no idea where he was wrong, sighed and shook his head again.


From the guest like to come out, mu Qingge suddenly stops and turns to see the Xuan Ya and Xuan Kui who follow them.

See her eyes look over, Xuan Ya led Xuan Kui to Mu light song body, salute respectfully, "little Lord."

Mu light song looked at her, eyes can not distinguish joy and anger. Just light way: "you think clearly?"

Xuanya nodded with a smile, "the little Lord is xuanya's choice, and also the choice of all the adherents of the wandering soul desert." Is there a choice? Between moqingge and muluofeng, people with a little intelligence will choose muqingge. It's not muluofeng, who is immature and arrogant.

Mu Qingge takes back his eyes, turns and continues to move forward. "Keep up, then."

She accepted xuanya and xuankui.

Two maps about the clues in the volume of Shence were finally in her hands. One of the most important things left is how to get the map, which is a headache.

Mu Qingge has something in mind, and he doesn't pay too much attention to the liveliness of Anmo city.

Dragon will take them into a relatively high-grade Inn, the whole hotel, let them rest, temporary stay.

After settling down, Hua Yue is going to prepare meals. Xuan Ya let his brother Xuan Kui, also follow along, said is to help Huayue carry things.

There are only xuanya, Jieya and Longjiang in muqingge room.

Mu Qingge sat on the chair in the room, pointing to several other empty chairs and saying, "all sit."

The Dragon general sat down according to his words.

She Ya also wanted to sit down, but when she saw that xuanya didn't move, she gave up the idea.Dazzle elegant motionless, let Mu light song pick eyebrows faintly.

Xuanya replied: "the little Lord is the Lord, we are slaves. What is the reason for slaves to sit with the Lord She and Xie Ya are both well-trained servants, and naturally they will not make mistakes on this issue.

Her answer, let Mu light Song mouth raised a touch of meaning unknown smile.

After xuanya finished, mu Qingge said: "here in me, the first thing you should abide by is to obey my command. Sit down. "

"Yes, little Lord." She has been following mu Qingge for so long that she has already understood her habits.

Without being coy, she went to the chair beside the dragon and sat down.

See Xuan Ya also surprised Leng in place, she gently called a: "sister also come to sit down, don't want to anger the little Lord."

Xuanya nodded in a trance and went to the rest of the chair and sat down. She did not understand, follow muqingge, do you want to forget those rules she learned before?

Three people have sat down, mu Qingge looks at the Dragon general, "when will you return to dule island?"

"Little Lord, this is to drive me away!" The Dragon general grinned.

Mu light song smile, indifferent way: "young eagle to grow up, must personally experience some wind and rain. If there are eagles on the side, they will depend on them when they are in danger. "

Her words, let the dragon will agree.

He nodded and said to Mu Qingge, "my task is to bring xuanya to the young master. Now that the mission has been completed, I will go back when the little Lord leaves the city of Anmo. "

Mu Qingge gently nodded his jaw and said to him, "when I go back, when I see the high priest, tell me a word."

"Little Lord, please speak." As soon as the Dragon general heard that he had a mission, he immediately corrected his way.

"When he is free, please come and join me in the medieval world," murmurong said She has too many questions and wants answers. And the high priest of the bereaved family is the best choice.

That old guy seems to have lived a long time and knows a lot of secrets.

A moment later, the Dragon nodded.

"You go down first. I have something to say to them alone." Mu Qingge looks at the Dragon general.

The Dragon general rose and retreated.

When there were only three of them left in the room, mu Qingge looked directly at xuanya and said, "the other half of the clue in the volume of the magic strategy is on you?"

Mu light Song said the most important thing when he opened his mouth, which let dazzle elegant eyes slightly shrink.

But she stood up and nodded to Mu Qingge. "Yes, little Lord."

Mu Qingge took a slight puff from the corner of his mouth, and asked, "well It also requires some special means to get it? "

As soon as she said this, she was the first to blush.

It seems that she remembered the night when she had been refused by mu Qingge.

"Yes." Xuan Ya crisp answer, but let Mu light song a little more curious.

She blinked, her eyes from xuanya and Jiya before scanning, seems to think, these two children received what education?

Are they educated when they are sensible and devote themselves to others?

"Cough, well, is there any other way to get a map?" Mu Qingge asked.

Now that the two were together, she had to think about the map.

Xuan Ya doubts, she looked at the Ya, suddenly shocked way: "sister has not served the Lord?"

Mu Qingge looks embarrassed.

A trace of embarrassment flashed on his face and said in a deep voice, "the little Lord refused."

This time, xuanya was even more surprised. She looked at Xiangmu light song, just like in the eyes of flowing fire, the streamer was turning, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"I do need the map in the book, but only if I don't need to hurt you." Mu light song calm face way.

"It's not hurt. We are the little Lord's men." The way of dazzling elegance and doubt. "Xuanya doesn't understand. As long as we have less body, we can easily get the map. Why should the little master give up the easy and seek the difficult?"

What xuanya didn't understand was also the place where she couldn't think of.

If he can't accept the song of more than a year of devotion, can't he accept it?

She Ya's eyes, emerging a light of loss.

Indeed, she had once resisted her own fate, and was grateful to Mu Qingge for saying that she would never take away her virginity.

However, this period of time get along.

She found that her mentality had changed, and she did not contradict her devotion to muqingge, and even had a trace of expectation.

However, after that night, mu Qingge did not seem to mention this topic again.

It seems that to keep her by is to wait for today, the moment when the two slaves stand together, waiting for the moment when the map is united.

If there are other ways to get the map, is it not useful for mu Qingge?Suddenly, she was afraid of being expelled by mu Qingge.

She raised her eyes, which seemed to be bright enough to see through people's hearts. She was staring at mu Qingge, as if she wanted to know what she was thinking in the bottom of her heart.

"In a word, I won't touch you or Shiya. Follow me, and you don't have to think about dedicating yourself to this path. Just do what I tell you. If you don't know what else to do, let's talk about it again Mu light song road.

At this time, she has some regrets.

When seeing Si Mo, you should ask him what he can do to get these two beauty maps.

In the warm environment, the map behind Xiya will appear.

However, she had tried, could see, but could not remember.

"Do you want them to soak in a hot spring and rub them with ink?" Mu Qingge thinks of it in my heart.

"Little master..." Xuanya doesn't understand muqingge's decision.

"Let's go out first, Lord." However, she stood up and walked out of the room with a puzzled face.

Close the door, she Ya turned around, on the xuanya inquiry eyes.

"Sister, if you have something to ask, let's go somewhere else." The indifferent way of chiya.

Xuan Ya nodded, followed by ya to another room.

She poured tea for her, "elder sister should be older than me. You and I are servants of the little Lord. Later, we will match them with sisters."

"It should be." Xuanya nodded, picked up the teacup, and said to him, "my sister has been with you for some time. If my sister doesn't understand the rules, I hope you can give me some advice."

"How polite, sister. We should have watched and helped. " The head of the jawbone.

Two people exchanged greetings for a time, she ya just said: "sister, what do you want to ask, just ask."

Xuan Ya nodded, "I do have a lot of questions, on the nagging sister." She was silent for a moment and asked, "has the little Lord really never touched her sister?"

This topic made her cheek blush.

But she nodded calmly. She said to xuanya: "the little Lord is not hypocritical. He said that if he didn't touch us, he would never touch us. In fact, I've been around him for so long that I've never seen him touch any woman. Little Lord The young master is a real gentleman. "

"The young master is extraordinary in appearance and temperament. I'm afraid it's very easy to want a woman of any kind. He's not attracted by women? " Xuanya surprised way.

In the heart secretly admires.

She has heard a lot about men's eroticism and has seen it with her own eyes. Is there really a man in the world who is not moved by beauty?

"The younger sister is beautiful and refined, and her temperament is like an immortal. She can't even move the young master?" Xuan Ya looked at the Ya and added a sentence.

With a smile, he looked out of the window and said, "there are many women who are interested in the little master, but the little master has never done anything frivolous about it. I think The little Lord must be waiting for the person who really likes to appear. "

After saying that, she turned her eyes to xuanya and gave her a faint smile, "as time goes by, my sister will naturally understand the behavior of the little Lord. The little master is the best master in the world. "

Xuan Ya looked at the girl and said for a long time, "my sister has fallen in love with the little master, isn't she?"

She Ya was stunned and did not deny it.

But then he was relieved and said, "he was the slave of the little master, and his death was the slave of the little master. This will never change. It's my good fortune to accompany the young master to create a great cause. For the rest, she never expected anything. "

Xuanya looked at her, as if thinking.

Finally, she nodded and said with a smile, "I understand what my sister means. Since the little Lord has no intention to us, we should do our duty of serving slaves. I'll send a letter back to my family to find other ways to peel off the map. Sister, please have a try. Let's work together to share the worries of the young master. "

"Good." She nodded.

Xuan Ya reaches out his hand, and she Ya also reaches out his hand and clasps his hands.


As night fell, the city of Anmo became quiet again. Three days later, it was the engagement ceremony between the Yan Family and the Su family. After watching the excitement, those who should leave and those who don't want to leave will also leave.

In the inn, the admirers kept silent for a long time under the sky.

Mu Peng walked to his back, looked at his bent back, and said in a low voice, "the little Lord has already fallen asleep."

Mu Chen's corner of the mouth crossed a wry smile, "before going to sleep, I must have complained incessantly again."

The answer is self-evident.

Two people are silent, the night dew comes, let their body wrapped in a layer of cold.

For a long time, Mu Peng looked at Mu Chen and hesitated and said, "elder, you say Is our choice wrong? "

Is that wrong?

Even if there is no moqingge, Muchen dare not think about it. Now, with such a sharp contrast, he is even more afraid to think about it.

"Mu Peng, do you remember why we left our home?" Asked the minister suddenly.Mu Peng was stunned and nodded: "of course I remember. Although master Mufeng has extraordinary perseverance, his talent is somewhat inferior. Nowadays, there are many talented people in the middle ancient world. It's hard to get ahead with master Mufeng's talent, let alone lead the Mu family back to their hometown. After discussing with the master of the family, the elder took us to leave for the sake of the great cause of the Mu family, looking for the blood of the left Mu family, and finally found the little master of Luofeng. "

Murchen nodded slowly. What mupeng said is as vivid as yesterday's scene.

No one knows that he left just to give the future of the Mu people more hope. Perhaps no one will understand that he left Mujia peacefully. For this glimmer of hope, he even took away half of the resources secretly accumulated by Mojia.

Mu Luofeng has devoted his five years of hard work.

But now

"Mu Peng, what do you think of Luofeng?" Asked the minister suddenly. He turned and looked into Mu Peng's eyes, "I want to listen to the truth!"

Mu Peng looks at him.

Tonight's Muchen appears special melancholy, seems to have been deeply hit.

Staring at by Mu Chen, Mu Peng can only say: "little Lord Luofeng has excellent talent, which is beyond master Mufeng. However, in the heart and perseverance, the little Lord Luofeng is not better than master Mufeng. And... "

Mu Peng hesitated.

"And what?" Mu Chen followed closely.

Mu Peng gritted his teeth and then said, "besides, the little Lord Luofeng doesn't seem to have other conditions for a strong man. It can be said that he has nothing to recommend but talent. The leader of the Mu nationality should not only have a high cultivation talent, but also have enough wisdom to plan strategies. More importantly, we should be able to make people submit to the courage and determination! "

Murchen nodded slowly.

After Mu Peng finished, he sighed: "yes! All we do is for the future of Mu nationality. But God made a joke for us

Mu Peng was stunned. He said, "elder, do you mean to sing light songs?"

Muchen looked at him and nodded.

He said: "Mufeng's talent is not as good as it is, and there's no talent in it. Both of them have shortcomings. I often think, if only two people can integrate? Unexpectedly, this unrealistic idea of mine appears in another person's body today. "

Mu Peng was surprised.

He did feel that mu Qingge was extraordinary, but he did not expect that Mu Chen would have such a high evaluation of him!

"Otherwise, I can't judge. But in terms of talent, he doesn't have to be poor. Even, his talent is higher than that of Luofeng. You know what? I felt the power of silver territory when I blocked his blow. He came from Linchuan and entered the middle ancient world for less than a year. What's more, their attitude towards him is much stronger than that of Luofeng Murchen said in a deep voice.

"Silver land! How could that be possible? " Mu Peng was shocked.

Mu Chen wryly smile, "I also hope to be false. But that force will never be false. "

"If so, his talent His talent... " Mu Peng was so shocked that he could not make a sentence.

"I'm afraid his talent is not weaker than those at the top of the list." Mu Chen said the second half of the sentence on behalf of mupeng.

Mupeng is petrified.

The talent of muluofeng is good, but that is relative to Mu Feng. If you want to compare with those elites in the middle ages, it is absolutely incomparable.

But what about moqingge?

Suddenly, an unknown seems to appear in her body, let people expect.

"Elder, if this is the case, I'm afraid we are really wrong." Mu Peng took a deep breath and shook his head with a bitter smile.

Mu Chen's smile was a little bleak, "what if you choose the wrong one? We didn't know at the beginning that there was such a person as mu Qingge. And Linchuan It's too far. "

"Linchuan, did one really go to Linchuan Mu Peng asked.

Mu Chen nodded, "the records handed down by our ancestors really show that there is a pulse going to Linchuan, and..." Muchen suddenly stopped, pursed his lips and frowned.

"And what?" Mu Peng asked.

Mu Chen hesitated for a moment and then said, "it's OK to tell you. My family owner and I have speculated that the vein to Linchuan is the original Mu clan lineage. It's just that the records are so old that many things have been blurred and no one can be sure. "

Mu Peng took a breath. Shocked way: "so to say, light song little Lord is very likely to bear the blood of Mu clan!"

"I'm not sure, but it's very likely." Murchen murmured.

"What are we going to do?" Mu Peng was a little flustered.

Mu Chen said: "the first time the leader of the Mu clan made this rule, that is to say, the leader of the Mu clan should be the leader of the Mu clan. Whether it is a direct or collateral, as long as it is mu family blood can participate. I just can't imagine, ten thousand years later, the lineage is still the strongest. "

After sighing, Mu Chen said to Mu Peng, "tomorrow, I will go to see the little master of Qingge and talk about cooperation with him. Since we have chosen Luo Feng, we should be loyal to him when the outcome is still uncertain. I'll talk about it later. "Mu Peng nodded, as if this was the best choice.

Some people, some things, who let them miss it?

This night, Mu Chen and Mu Peng's conversation, no one knows. Muruofeng is still dreaming of his dream. He thinks that he is the one who is favored by fate. One day, he will step on auspicious clouds, hold sacred utensils, fly around the dragon and be surrounded by beauties.


"Young Lord, the elder Mu Chen comes to visit." Early in the morning, moqingge has just finished breakfast, xuanya stands at the door to report.

Mu Qingge wiped the corners of his mouth and nodded: "let him in."

Xuanya stoops down, and after a while, Mu Chen appears alone in front of Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge raised his hand and motioned to him to sit down and pondered: "Mu Changlao suddenly comes to visit. Is it difficult or do you want to discuss the ownership of dazzle elegance with me?"

When you open your mouth, you are aggressive, but you control the whole situation.

Mu Chen Mou son is miniature, to Mu light song's appraisal again high one point.

"The little master of light song is joking. Since xuanya girl has chosen the little master of light song, we should quit." Muchen said with a smile.

Mu light song light smile, "that don't know Mu elder this day ago, is have what matter?"? If it's wrong, I don't understand the competition between us? "

Mu Chen looks a little embarrassed.

At present, Fei clothes childe's words, clearly said at will soft, but it is difficult to catch, unable to parry.

After adjusting the attitude of love, Mu Chen said clearly: "I come to talk about cooperation with light song Shaozhu."

"Cooperation?" The color of Mu light song's eye bottom is more thick. She was sitting on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair, tapping the armrest with her fingertips, making a "Pa Pa Pa" sound in the room.

Mu Chen's heart beats with mu Qingge's fingers.

He looked at Xiangmu light song, but saw her half squinting eyes, the corner of her mouth with a smile not smile curved arc, simply can not guess her mind at the moment.

He proposed cooperation, but her attitude did not show what reaction Expecting or rejecting?

None of them!

Mu Chen asked himself to read countless people, but he rarely found that he could not see through a young man's ideas.

"Cooperation What mu Changlao referred to as cooperation is the volume of magic strategy, right? It is said that the one who collects the three volumes of Shence is the young master of Mu nationality. Do you think I will share the clues I have already got with others? " Mu Qingge looks at him in a playful way.

Her straightforward way of talking makes him unable to beat around the bush.

He can only say: "light song little Lord, don't be in a hurry to refuse. Although, now the little master of Qingge has two servants, who have mastered the clue of the volume of the divine strategy. However, it has been recorded in the ancestors that the volume of the divine strategy was hidden in the middle ancient world. After all, the little master of light song was a stranger and was not familiar with the middle ancient world. Even if you get a map, you may have to waste a certain amount of time to confirm where the map is and how to find it. If we cooperate, with our understanding of the middle ancient world, we can quickly find the place referred to in the map, and then we will go together to find the Shence Zhongjuan. Is it not two things that treasure belongs to, and those who have the ability to live in it? "

Mu Qingge provides clues, and they try their best to find out. After determining the location, the two sides move at the same time to find the magic strategy volume. Who can get it depends on ability.

In the eyes of Mu Chen, mu Qingge has little reason to refuse such cooperation.

However, when he had full assurance, mu Qingge slowly shook his head, and there was a bit of irony hidden in his smile.

"Isn't Mu Chang always confused? I really don't know about the middle ages, but you are not the only one who knows about the middle ages. In that case, why should I cooperate with you? Instead of working with someone else who doesn't have a conflict of interest? At least I can avoid stabbing people in the back. I'm sorry, your offer, in my opinion, has no attraction. "

Muchen was stunned.

Mu Qingge's words made him speechless.

"If elder Mu just came for this, please go back. I am very selfish and don't know how to share Mu Qingge raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

Muchen muddled out of the inn where mu Qingge lived. He didn't wake up until he got to the street and was shrouded in the scorching sun.

Although he was sober, there was still shock in his eyes.

When he returned to his residence pale, Mu Peng was shocked. "Elder, what happened?" he asked

Some of them are sitting on the chair. Seeing this, Mu Peng poured him a cup of hot tea. Muchen looked as if he had been frightened.

After a cup of hot tea, Mu Chen's face finally improved.

Mu Pengcai asked again, "elder, what happened? Didn't you go to find the little master of Qingge

With a melancholy smile, Mu Chen put down his teacup, and looked at Mu Peng's self mockery: "Mu Peng, do you think I'm really old? You can't see things as well as a young man. "Then, Mu Chen told Mu Peng about the process of going to see mu Qingge.

When he said the last part of muqingge again, Muchen felt that he was really stupid.

Where is this? It's the middle ages!

Muqingge is a good outsider, but there are natives everywhere. What advantages do they have? Mu Qingge can also find the land indicated by the map if he cooperates with any faction.

And he, incredibly full of confidence, ran to find mu Qingge to put forward such cooperation conditions.

After hearing this, Mu Peng was also shocked. He couldn't help but look up to the room upstairs. He was sure that if the same thing happened to muluofeng, he would never see it.

Maybe, as soon as my brain is hot, I promise to cooperate.

Even when Mu Chen didn't say anything about Mu Qingge, even he felt that this cooperation was feasible.

Of course, it's not that they are stupid, but that they are in the game and can't see the whole situation. Although mu Qingge is in the game, it can maintain the overall view and is not easily confused by the appearance.

"This light song is really unusual." Mu Peng said in his heart.

The more he found the extraordinary of muqingsong, the less he looked at muruofeng in his heart. However, regret is useless. Unless muluofeng dies and fails in the competition, they can only follow him.

"Well, pack up, we're ready to go back." In the end, the decision was made in disappointment.

"Yes, elder." The cooperation negotiation has failed, and they have no need to continue. Mu Peng understands Mu Chen's mood at the moment. Why is he not like this?

The two of them focused on talking, but they didn't notice that someone was eavesdropping in the seclusion on the second floor.

Mu Luofeng, who is going to go out and find mu Qingge to settle accounts, hears this conversation, his face is cloudy and sunny. He didn't expect that the person he trusted most went to Mu Qingge on his back and talked about cooperation in a low voice!

Most of all, it was rejected!

Muluofeng is not stupid, just a little pompous. He could hear that the admiration of muqingge in the tone of Muchen was unprecedented in him. That kind of feeling, let the bottom of his dark eyes rise a thick jealousy.

"Young Lord, shall we eavesdrop on the elders here?" Muruofeng's servant boy, uneasily kneaded his still faintly painful buttocks and whispered a reminder.

Muruofeng but threw a cold eye knife to come over, frightened him to dare not to speak disorderly again.

After the conversation, Murong and Murong went out of the back door.

"Little Lord, little Lord, wait for me!" The servant boy chased after the muluofeng, shouting from time to time.

When he finally catches up with muluofeng, he is frightened by his anger. Panic way: "little Lord, what are you going to do?"

"Kill!" Mu Luo Feng Mou Guang Leng Li said a word.

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