"Kill Killing? " The servant boy was frightened and looked at the muluofeng in shock.

Muruofeng sneered, the eye light refracts the cruel light, "who dares to rob my thing, who dares to die!"

"Little Lord! Don't be impulsive The boy counseled.

"Shut up!" Muroshi gave a sharp drink. The eye light gloomy stare at the servant boy, "again quarrel, I will kill you first!"

After that, he continued to rush into the crowd.

"Little Lord, I I don't mean that... " The servant boy was in a hurry to block him and said in his mind, "it's too dangerous for you to go alone. Why don't we discuss with the elders and let them send the secret guards to attack?"

At last the muluofeng stopped.

The servant's words reminded him that if he ran directly to Mu Qingge at this time, the other party must rely on the number of people and bully him with more. Maybe it was himself who lost his life in the end.

"You can't take risks!" Muruofeng said in his heart.

But are you going to find Mu Chen and Mu Peng?

Muruofeng slowly shakes his head, and the appearance of Murong and mupeng talking in the inn this morning appears in his mind. "You can't find them, you can't let them know."

He warned the boy in a low voice.

The servant boy only asks his master not to make trouble on impulse. Where will he care about others? He nodded and agreed.

Seeing that muruofeng seemed to calm down, the servant boy tried to say, "that little Lord, are we going back? Or should I accompany you to the neighborhood? "

"You go back first, and I'll walk alone." Muluofeng refused to accompany the boy.

The servant boy hesitated, "but the little master..."

Muruofeng immediately threw out an eye knife, which made the servant boy dare not say more. Under the pressure of the former, the servant boy had to leave alone.

After the servant left, muruofeng was not calm.

He walked in the crowd, surrounded by festive scenes, making his mood more gloomy. Can't find mu Qingge trouble, then what should he do?

What can he do to get back at muqingge? Even kill him?

If there is no moqingge, everything is his! Whether it's xuanya or Jieya, or the map in the volume of Shence, it will only be his!

At this moment, muruofeng hated muqingge deeply in his heart.

"Miss, in a few days it will be your big day. Shall we sneak out?"

"What's wrong? The wedding is the Yan Family and the Su family. What do I have to do with it? "

Suddenly, a burst of dialogue, floating into the ears of the muluofeng.

He looked up and found himself in a remote place unconsciously. Not far in front of him, by the Bank of a lake, stood two beautiful women with slim figure.

One of them was Miss Su, who had met on the street two days ago.

Muruofeng heart move, quietly follow up.

His accomplishments should be higher than Miss Su's, so there is no need to worry about being discovered. He approached them and listened to their conversation --

"Miss, why are you suffering? The young master of the Yan family is still good. " That servant girl status woman, in persuading says.

Miss Su just disdained to snort coldly, in the tone has no wave no LAN, "I don't like him, he again good again what use?"

"The master said that as long as we marry the Su family and the Yan family, we will be able to settle down in the future." Servant girl way.

"So sacrifice me for granted?" Miss Su's tone became a little agitated.

"Don't be angry, miss. I won't say it." The soft voice of servant girl.

Miss Su was silent.

At this time, muluofeng also understood. Dare you, this is an extremely lively engagement ceremony made by Anmo City, in which the heroine is forced.

This discovery, let mu Luofeng's mind began to activate.

He was invisible in the dark, and his eyes swept away at Miss Su. Although Miss Su's beauty is not as beautiful as she is, she can still touch his heartstrings and even make his heart itch.

The anger in the heart, the two days of frustration, it seems at this moment, all into an impulse, want to rush out!

He was staring at Miss Su and his mind was racing.

"If I could have a dream with this beautiful Miss Su, and then I would put the blame on moqingge. Maybe, without my help, the Yan Family and the Su family will tear him to pieces! " This idea suddenly jumped out of the heart of the muluofeng. Seeing the wind, it would grow, and could not be restrained.

It seems that at this moment, if he does not follow this idea, he will regret it in the future.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Looking at Miss Su's graceful figure and moving face, he felt as if there were ten thousand ants crawling across him. Gradually, his body became hot and dry.

In my mind, that crazy idea becomes clearer.

"Miss, let's go back. If we are found to have run out secretly, I'm afraid it will do harm to miss's reputation. " The servant girl advised.

"What's wrong? I just come out to relax. If you quarrel with me again, I will kill you! " Miss Su's fretful way.The servant girl's face changed, her lips closed and she stopped talking.

Miss, she knows what a good mood is when she is in a good mood. When you are in a bad mood, you will become very cold. Two days ago, because of a collision, did not kill a person in the street?

Miss Su glared at the maid and turned away from the lake.

Instead of going to crowded places, she went to more remote places. The servant girl can only keep up with her as soon as possible.

The direction they chose was just in accordance with muluofeng's wishes. With a sneer in his heart, he followed him.

The lake is wide, extending from the city to the outside.

Miss Su walked along the lake, gradually toward the outside of the city. The voice of the people, gradually away, the surrounding quiet, and the bustle of the city.

The reeds, which are more than one person tall, are luxuriantly growing, which is not only the scenery in the lake, but also the secrets of many lake waters.

In the sky, occasionally a few birds fly by, making some sounds, the rest is only the sound of footsteps.

Seeing the more and more walking, there was no figure around. The maid could not say again: "Miss, we have gone too far."

Miss Su's heart was restless. At the moment, when she heard the servant girl's advice, she was even more annoyed.

She turned her hand, and a slap fell on the servant girl's cheek.

The servant girl ate pain, covered her cheek and did not dare to speak again.

"I want to be alone. You don't have to follow me." Miss Su left a sentence impatiently and got into the reeds.

The servant girl is not anxious to stay with the reed.

All of a sudden, as soon as she was dark, the whole person was unconscious and fell to the ground.

After she fell down, muruofeng walked out of the darkness, looked at the servant girl on the ground with a sneer, followed Miss Su's steps and got into the reeds.

The reeds are dense and high. It's blocking people's view.

Miss Su walked for a while and then stopped. At this time, she also slowly sober up, some complain how self willed into such a place?

Actually, she didn't mean to be here. She just thought about her marriage with the Yan family, so she was upset and wanted to walk away at will. But the servant girl was so annoying that she couldn't be quiet. After she stopped, she rushed into the reeds.

"You shouldn't be here." Miss Su said something in her heart.

She turned around and wanted to return.

Just, just a few steps. The sound of rustling feet came from the reeds.

She stopped, looked warily at the place where the reed swayed, and asked in a voice, "who is it? Little bottle, is that you? "

As soon as her voice came out, the sound of footsteps in the reed suddenly stopped, leaving only the plucked reed shaking gently. Such an abnormality attracted Miss Su's attention.

She drew out the red silk which was tied around her waist, poured spiritual power into it, and walked slowly towards the place where the reed swayed. "Who is it? If you don't make a sound, don't blame me

She warned again, but still did not answer.

Miss Su's eyes were bright, and the red silk in her hand was like a snake coming out of the cave, and the spiritual power of the second layer of gray land rushed to the reed. However, when the red silk turned into red light, a more powerful spiritual force rushed out of the reed, blowing off many reeds, and even hitting the red silk directly.

The red silk was hit hard and rolled back.

Miss Su was so surprised that she only felt the red light in front of her eyes.

In an instant, the red silk covered her head and blocked her sight.

"Ah She exclaimed.

At the moment, she was very flustered. The opponent's strength is much stronger than her, obviously not her maid's small bottle.

Her hands were in a hurry to pull the red silk covering her face, and then she quickly said, "who are you? Do you know who I am? I am a young lady of Su family in Anmo city. My future husband is the young master of Yan family. If you dare to be disrespectful to me, you will be pursued and killed by the Su Yan family. You will never die! "

She thought that the other party would be afraid to hear her patron, and the best thing was to retreat quietly.

However, she did not know that her words were exactly what muluofeng wanted to hear. Muruo wind lowered his voice and gave a ferocious laugh, "the two families of Su Yan? Hum, I have never been afraid of the light song! Today, I'm going to taste the taste of Miss Su, the bride of Yan family. "


Who is muqingge?

Miss Su is totally unfamiliar with the name "muqingge". However, she knew who wanted to invade her, who was his name!

"Muqingge, don't mess around! If you leave now, I can let bygones be bygones Miss Su said in a hurry.

However, as soon as she finished this sentence, the whole person was suddenly hugged and fell in the reeds.

"Ah Miss Su, who fell to the ground, didn't feel much pain. She was just panicking about what happened next. Her face was wrapped in her own red silk, and she could only see a vague figure falling on her.

Then, a spiritual power that didn't belong to her rushed into her body, sealed her spiritual power, and made her become powerless to fight back."No No At this moment, Miss Su began to panic.

Tear and pull!

The sound of cloth tearing sounded in Miss Su's ear.

Her face turned pale.

Exposed skin, blown by the wind, cold. However, immediately, there is disgusting nausea and damp heat.

"No! Ah! Go away! I'm going to kill you Miss Su fought madly and screamed. She wanted the screams to attract others. But she forgot that the place she went into was the most remote place in the city of Anmo, and no one would show up at this time.

"Miss Su, do you know how much I miss you? Well? " Muruofeng's voice trembled, and he casually kisses Miss Su's face. Even if there is a red silk on it, he feels like he wants to die.

"When I first saw you, I imagined this day. Today, it has come true. " He talked nonsense and had long forgotten the purpose.

"Beast! You let me go! I will kill you! My father will kill you Miss Su struggled desperately, but she could not escape her fate.

Her clothes had become rags and her body was exposed more and more.

"Ah The shrill shrieks burst out of the reeds and dissipated in the sky.


At dusk, the sun sets and the water and sky are the same.

The sunset in the reeds by the lake is very beautiful, and the clouds in the sky are dyed with a magnificent color.

Miss Su's servant girl woke up, her head fainted and her sight blurred.

When she was fully awake, her face changed and she yelled, "Miss - Miss --!"

She got up from the ground and rushed into the reeds in a flurry of hands and feet.

She suddenly fainted and the young lady didn't come back. Something must have happened!

"Miss Miss I am a small bottle! Miss Where are you You should give me a second... " As she ran, she yelled, hoping to get a response from her young lady.

Finally, she pushed aside the reeds that blocked her sight and saw a field of reeds that had been crushed to the ground.

The young lady of her family is lying on it without inch thread. Her face is covered with red silk. She is quiet as if she has lost her life.

"Ah The vial screamed in horror.

The traces left on Miss's skin made it easy for her to guess what happened to her.

Suddenly, she felt the sky fall.

She cried and stumbled to Miss Su and knelt down before Miss Su. She took off her coat and covered it with red silk. "Miss, what's wrong with you! Miss, talk to me

Miss Su's eyes are dull. No matter how the bottle yelled at her side, she didn't respond.

The tearing feeling under her body is no longer strong, but she can't forget what happened to her.

"Miss, tell the little bottle which animal made it!" The little bottle lifted Miss Su up and held her in her arms, crying into tears.

Who did it?

This sentence, let Miss Su lax dull eyes, appeared a trace of spotlight.

She was filled with endless hatred and said in a hoarse voice, "I want you not to die in muqingge!"


"Luofeng, where have you been Mu Chen looked at the flustered muruofeng running back and asked in surprise.

I'm just walking Muruofeng looks flustered.

Mu Chen has some doubts. He looks at muluofeng. Seeing that his clothes are messy, he asks, "what are you doing? Your clothes are in such a mess?"

"Nothing, nothing." The random way of the muluofeng. He did not want to face Mu Chen's question at the moment, and said, "uncle, if nothing happens, I will go back to have a rest first."

"Wait a minute." When muluofeng wanted to leave, Muchen stopped him.

Muruofeng's back was stiff, and his back was facing Mu Chen. He looked flustered, and his eyes turned disorderly. He was afraid of being seen by Mu Chen.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time. Your things are all packed up. Mupeng and they are waiting for us at the transmission array. Come with me. " Muchen said to him.


Muruofeng was relieved to see that Mu Chen did not want to ask him.

However, he still couldn't accept the sudden departure. If he left at this time, would he not be able to see the miserable end of muqingge?

He wanted to let the Muchen and his followers see how the man who had been praising him in their mouth was killed by his little trick, which made him as embarrassed as a bereaved dog.

"Luofeng, are you hiding something from me Mu Chen's silent asked.

Muruofeng woke up from his own imagination, turned and shook his head: "no! How can I keep something from my uncle? "

Muchen looked at him deeply, nodded his head and said, "no, just go."

With that, he turned and walked outside the inn.Muruofeng can only follow, he is very unwilling. He wanted to witness mu Qingge's embarrassment and death, but there was no reason for them to stay.

After leaving the inn, muruofeng gritted his teeth in his heart and said, "hum, muqingge, I hope you can enjoy what I have left you. Goodbye No, no, goodbye. " The corner of his mouth was curled with a cold curved arc, and his eyes were full of killing intention.

Mu Chen, walking in front of him, feels vaguely wrong. When he turns to look over, murofeng has already restrained his good mood and shows an innocent and simple smile to him.

In the end, Muchen didn't say anything, and took the muluofeng to the transmission array of Anmo city.

When entering the transmission array, Mu Chen looked back at the city of Anmo. He said in his heart, "muqingge, I remember you. I hope to see you next time, and you can bring me a bigger surprise. "

When he stepped into the transmission array with one foot, the light of the transmission array rose, wrapped up their figures and disappeared.

As soon as they left, a team of people came in a hurry.

Approaching, the people around found that not only the guards of the Yan family, but also the guards of the Su family came.

"Immediately block the transmission array and close the city gate. No one can leave without the release permit from the two countries! " As soon as the leader arrived, he immediately announced the latest orders from the two families.

His serious expression sent a message around him.

That is, something happened to Anmo city!

The sudden changes, the blockade of the city gate, the increase of the number of guards of the Su Yan Family on the street, and the cessation of the use of the transmission array made the original celebration of the whole world more gloomy.

In the inn, which was wrapped by the Dragon general, mu Qingge frowned slightly and asked, "what's going on outside?"

As soon as her voice fell, Xuan Kui strode in.

"Little Lord, something happened." As soon as he came in, he looked very ugly.

Xuanya reprimanded: "in front of the little Lord, don't be flustered. If you have something to say slowly."

Dazzle Kui drooping eyes, just for their own recklessness some regret.

"What's the matter?" Mu Qingge puts down his cup and looks at Xuan Kui.

After mu Qingge asked, xuankui raised his head and said, "outside, the Suyan family suddenly closed the city gate, and there was a teleportation array to prohibit anyone from going in and out. A lot of people were sent to search the streets from door to door. He said he wanted to find a man named mu Qingge. "

Xuan Kui finished and looked at mu Qingge.

Guaya and xuanya, as well as Huayue, all looked at her.

Mu Qingsong's clear eyes twinkled slightly, and I was surprised. "To me?" She didn't remember what she had done. She was able to let Su Yan and her family find themselves.

Xuan Ya looked at Xuan Kui and asked, "find out, what are they looking for the little master?"

Dazzle Kui shakes his head, "I see their facial expressions are chilly one by one, which is certainly not a good thing."

"They just said they were looking for muqingge, but didn't they describe their faces?" Mu Qingge's fingertips tap on the table and ask lightly.

This reminder of her, let Xuan Ya and Xuan Ya eyes in a bright, all looked at Xuan Kui, waiting for his answer.

Xuan Kui shook his head, "No. They just asked about the name of muqingge, and didn't describe the appearance

Mu Qingge put down his leg and slowly stood up with his hands behind him and walked to the window. Fingertips gently rubbing fingertips, she coagulates the scenery outside the window and says to xuankui: "go and see what's going on there in the muluofeng."

"Don't go. I just came back from there, and they had already checked out, just before the Suyan and Suyan closed the city. " Long will stride into mu Qingge's room and look at the back of Mu Qingge.

"Gone?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Xuan Ya took a step forward and asked, "little Lord, do you suspect that this matter is related to the murowan?"

Mu Qingge sneered: "it's not doubt, it's certainty."

She turned to look at the five people in the room, and her clear eyes swept over them one by one. "I just arrived in Anmo city yesterday, and I haven't been out all the time. Except for you, I come into contact with people from muruofeng. Besides you, they are the only ones who can know my name. I can't help but become a celebrity in Anmo city all of a sudden. "

Her analysis made it impossible for five people to refute.

Because, apart from this possibility, there is no other possibility!

"There are only two things I'm not sure about now." Mu Qingge compared two fingers and said slowly: "the first is what they have done to make me the target of public criticism. Second, it was mu Luofeng who did it alone, or did Mu Chen and Mu Peng participate in it. "

The Dragon general was silent for a moment, and said: "Mu Peng doesn't look like the person who makes Yin moves behind his back. I accompany xuanya sister and brother together with him. I know something about it. As for Muchen He also seems to be a man of integrity. But it's the muluofeng. Hum, I don't look like a good bird. "

Long Jiang's words have been supported by xuanya.

She nodded: "little Lord, Mu Chen and Mu Peng really don't look like people who cheat secretly.""As soon as I refused their cooperation in the morning, I became the target of public criticism in the afternoon, and they just left so coincidentally that they didn't even have a chance to confront each other. It's not clear. Don't judge too early. " The tone of Mu light song is indifferent.

"Little Lord, I'll go out and find out what's going on." Xuan Kui proposed.

Mu light song but shook her head, she raised a proud smile, "rather than wait for them to come, let me personally come to the door, to ask what this is really about."

"Young Lord, will you go in person?" He lost his voice.

The tone of care and tension is self-evident.

Nod your head softly.

The Dragon general felt that it was inappropriate and stopped him: "little master, the intention of the Su Yan family is not clear. If you go, don't you send sheep to the tiger's mouth?"

Mu Qingge's smile is thicker, and her eyebrows are full of confidence and frankness. "It depends on whether they can swallow my sheep or not."

That kind of self-confidence, that kind of indifference, that kind of calm, seems to have a fatal infectious power, can infect people around.

As if, as long as she admires light song in, nothing can be difficult to get them!

There is a trace of admiration in the eyes of the Falcon.

He felt that his sister's choice was really right! Following mu Qingge, the master, is much better than following the soft egg of muluofeng!

"Since the little Lord is determined to do so, I will go with him." The dragon will offer to follow.

"I'll go too." Xuan Kui is also in a hurry.

"Little Lord, and me."

"I will go with the little Lord."

"Don't forget Huayue, sir."

She ya, Xuan Ya and Hua Yue also expressed their attitudes one by one.

Mu light song funny way: "we are to theory, not to fight, do not need so many people to follow."

"You can't go alone." The dragon will insist.

Mu Qingge is speechless in her heart. In fact, she is the safest person. I can't. She's just hiding in space. But this cannot be said.

She was silent for a moment and finally nodded, "OK. Then xuankui will go with me. The rest of you are waiting here. "

She thought for a while and then said, "if I don't come back in two hours, you'll find a way to leave. We'll make peace with you at infinity." Her words are just for the sake of a rainy day. If Su Yan and his family were unreasonable, they would fight. She led them away with xuankui, just to let the people here leave.

Moreover, with only xuankui alone, she can get away.

The dragon will still insist, "little Lord, you only take xuankui, I'm afraid..."

"I'm ordering, not negotiating." Mu light song interrupted his words, looking at Xuan Kui way: "go."


On the street, there was chaos.

The men and horses of the Su Yan family have already turned the whole city of Anmo upside down. He asked two people.

First, are you moqingge?

Second, do you know where muqingge is?

The other thing is, the people they asked were all men, and the women they didn't even look at.

In the chaos, Xuan Kui looks at the leisurely murmura song, admires unceasingly.

He really didn't know how the little Lord did it. He was asking him, and he could walk on the street as if nothing had happened.

If you were ordinary people, would you have been hiding? Where can you send him to the door automatically like this?

"Young Lord, since they are all looking for it, why don't we go up and identify ourselves?" The way that dazzle Kui doesn't understand.

Mu Qingge slowly shook his head, "what I want to see is the leader of the Suyan family, not these pawns."

Dazzle Kui nodded.

Mu Qingge suddenly turned his eyes and asked, "your eyes are very special?"

Dazzle Kui a Leng, nodded. But surprised way: "little Lord, how do you see it?"

Mu Qingge chuckled and thought it should be a wonderful misunderstanding. "I saw you yesterday and said that you have good eyes. At that time, I saw that you looked a little strange, and I guessed that my words might have misunderstood you

The reason why she said that dazzle Kui's eyes are good is that kind of Eagle Falcon like eye light, which makes her feel very kind.

In her previous life, she was not only a power agent, but also an excellent sniper. To become a sniper, a prerequisite is Falcon like eyes.

So it is!

Dazzle Kui some shy smile, "dissatisfied with the little Lord, my eyes are really some special. As long as there is no shelter, my eyes can see things within a hundred miles

Mu light song eyes slightly shrunk, some shocked to see Xuan Kui.

She looked at his eyes carefully, and found that there was a layer of bright film, wrapped around the eyes, like diamonds. If you put it in a previous life, is xuankui a visual assistant? Or, he's a natural sniper!Mu light song convergence heart surprised, looking at dazzle Kui nodded, "very good."

She only said three words, but a lot of thoughts rose in her heart. Since she can bring the grenade gun of her previous life to this strange world, can she cultivate Xuan Kui into a super sniper?

Other people's sharpshooters use arrows!

And her sniper, is to use a sniper gun, can destroy the enemy within a hundred miles!


Mu light song eyebrow happy Yang Yang.

Looking at xuankui's eyes again, it's just like finding a rare treasure. It makes xuankui feel creepy.


A group of people, suddenly stood in front of Mu Qingge, blocking her way.

Mu Qingge and xuankui stop and their eyes fall on them.

Each of them wore a waist tag with the word "Su" engraved on it.

It seems to be from the Su family.

"What are your names?" Asked the leader.

Mu light song raised eyebrows, calm and calm way: "Mu light song."

Mu, light, song!

Three characters a place, the opposite Su family collective color change, have pulled out weapons to point to Mu Qingge and xuankui two people.

"Muqingge is here!" The leader, even more loudly, drew the attention of other teams around him.

Mu Qingge frowned and said to him, "don't be so nervous. I just want to see your master. How about you leading the way?"

"Hum! Lewd You are a bold thief. Now that we have caught you, you dare to speak out The leader of the Su family, in a harsh voice.

However, his temporary change of words, but let mu Qingge keen to capture.

A word "lewd" made her smell a bit of bad smell.

On the street, the sound of footsteps.

Soon, several hundred people of the Su Yan Family surrounded mu Qingge and Xuan Kuili.

The street, suddenly become quiet, only here exudes a strange atmosphere.

Xuan Kui looks at the people around with sharp eyes.

"Xuankui, what are your accomplishments now?" Mu Qingge asked in a low voice.

Dazzle Kui a Leng, truthfully replied: "after entering the middle ancient world, my sister and I have broken through one after another. Now I'm on the third floor of the gray world, and my sister is on the fourth floor. "

Mu Qingge has a certain understanding of xuankui's strength.

She's not here to fight, she's here to figure out what's going on.

All of a sudden, a burst of drink came from the horizon: "muqingge died --!"

With the fall of the voice, a gray spiritual power splits in the air and falls directly to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song raised her head, that sharp spiritual power reflected in her clear eyes. She immediately grabbed xuankui's shoulder and backed back to avoid the attack.

The spiritual power fell in the air and made a deep crack in the ground.

Hundreds of people surrounded by moqingge and xuankui quickly retreated. They left a space, but they still blocked all the retreating ways, so that mu Qingge had no chance to leave.

Mu Qingge pulls Xuan Kui to retreat, and sees a figure in the distance, rushing down quickly from the air. He came to Mu Qingsong with a long soldier in his hand.

That kind of momentum, it seems that mu Qingge's head is not pierced, and will never give up!

Dazzle Kui don't want to block in front of Mu light song, but is pushed away by Mu light song, and he meets each other.

She was dressed like fire, and the fire was like a song. He stretched out his right hand, but he wanted to catch the long soldier with his bare hands. Mu Qingge's action surprised people for a moment, but his eyes immediately showed ferocity and poured more spiritual power into the long soldiers.

Seeing that mu Qingge's hand was about to contact Changbing, she suddenly slipped and avoided the sharp part. She grabbed the long pole and threw it hard, tearing the man down from the air and landing on the ground.

The two hold one end of the soldier with one hand and spin around on the ground to stop the body.

"Who are you?" Mu light song eyes light cold looking at each other.

"Who am I?" the man said in disgust? I am the young master of Yan family, Yan Qichuan! "

"The Yan family." Mu light song deep voice.

She looked at Yan Qichuan with a cold voice. "You are the young master of Yan family. You are just in time. I'm going to ask for an explanation from your two families. "

"Say it! Well, if you win me, I'll give you an explanation Yan Qichuan suddenly turns the long soldiers in his hand, trying to force mu Qingge to let go.

Mu Qingge, as he wished, loosened his grip on the long soldiers, but with a cold smile from the corners of his mouth, he made a star start.

Star start step, unpredictable, and no spiritual power to find, the most confusing people.

Yan Qichuan only felt the Figure shaking in front of him. He felt a pain in his wrist and could not hold the long soldier in his hand.

Bang bang, long soldier landing, and his neck is also a cold, but extremely sharp dagger against.

"Don't move." Mu light song cold voice a drink, let have the action of hundreds of people, all cast a mouse.Xuankui immediately picked up the long soldiers on the ground and stood behind mu Qingge to protect her.

"Kill me if you can!" Yan Qichuan's red angry cry in his eyes.

His attitude towards muqingge is like killing his father and enemy.

Mu Qingge sneered, "I'm not here to fight, I'm here to figure out what happened. Since you don't want to say so, I can only ask you, the young master of Yan family, to accompany me. "

"What else do you want to ask? Muqingge, you are so shameless Yan Qichuan's angry way.

Mu Qingge picks eyebrow, "what did I do, shameless. It makes you feel ashamed. "

"You Yan Qichuan was very angry with her.

Mu light Song Mou color a cold, swept around her hundreds of people, cold voice way: "do not want to collect the corpse for you little Lord, all give me way."

By her drinking, the Yan Family's people are gradually retreating, but the Su family's people are still hesitant, still want to insist.

"Don't mind me! Kill him! He must not be allowed to run away, kill him and avenge your young lady Yan Qichuan yelled.

But gave Mu light song hint.

Her eyes flashed, her mouth light, low voice: "it seems that I have found the source." Revenge for Miss Su? What happened to Miss Su?

"Get out of the way!" The dagger in MuQing singer pierced Yan Qichuan's skin and blood flowed down.

Yan Qichuan's face changed and his lips trembled.

"You all get out of the way. If my young master has a bad job, he will surely bury him with you." The Yan family began to push and jostle, forcing the Su family to get out of the way.

A leader of the Yan family said to Mu Qingsong, "don't be complacent. The elders of our Yan family are already on their way. If you dare to hurt our little Lord, you will be broken to pieces."

Mu Qingge glanced at him and said with a sneer, "do you believe that I will let you and your little Lord fall apart now? Tell you the elders of the Yan family, if you want to settle accounts with me, come to the Su family. "

After all, she took Yan Qichuan to the sky. With Yan Qichuan as a human navigation, she didn't worry about getting lost. Xuankui only keeps up with him. Although he has only three levels of grey realm, he doesn't let mu Qingge distract him.

"You dare to go to Su's house. You're not afraid to die." Yan Qichuan's sarcastic way.

Mu Qingge glanced at him and said with a playful smile: "don't worry, before I die, I will pull people to cushion my back. I think you are good."

This sentence made Yan Qichuan pale.

Captured by muqingge, his momentum has been falling, and he has been conquered by muqingge.

Dazzle Kui disdains to look at him, very despise. At the same time, his admiration for the young master of his family flowed down like a torrent of water.

"There is the Su family." Yan Qichuan points to a vast Manor on the ground and sings to Mu Qing.

Mu light song looked down, several strong breath swept to her and locked her. Among them, the most powerful one is the four layers of silver.

Mu Qingge grabs Yan Qichuan to land abruptly and stands directly in the atrium square of the Su family.

In an instant, countless people poured out from the Su family and surrounded the three of them.

Mu Qingge looked cold and ignored those who surrounded her, but said in a loud voice: "where is Miss Su? Where is the master of the Su family? "

"You beast, how dare you come to my Su's house!" A blast came from the room.

Mu Qingge raised his eyes and saw a big, imposing middle-aged man who rushed out after the crowd. He wanted to capture mu Qingge directly, but when he saw Yan Qichuan in her hands, he immediately took back his hand and stood at the front of the crowd.

"Let Yanshi nephew go!" The master of the Su family said in a sharp voice.

His face was gloomy and ugly at the moment, and he looked at mu Qingge's eyes as if he wanted to eat her alive.

"You can let him go, but I want to see Miss Su." Mu light song road.

"You dare to mention warmth!" When mu Qingge mentions his daughter, Su's hatred increases.

Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and said in a loud voice, "why not? Someone in my name seems to have done something to Miss Su. I'm here to find out. "

"You shameless Whore! How damned it is to hijack the young master of my family for making such a lunatic thing In the distance, suddenly came a burst of drink.

Mu Qingge turns her eyes and looks, and sees the sky of Chong Su's house, from far to near, two figures are coming.

The momentum of these two figures is not under her!

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