The shadow came in a flash. When he landed, a layer of dust was blown up by the strong Qi, which forced back the Su family slaves who were close to each other.

One of them, after falling, directly stretched out his hand, five fingers into claws, sharp toward mu Qingge to grab. It seems that he wants to snatch Yan Qichuan back with lightning speed.

Dazzle Kui Eagle Falcon like eyes a congealed, without hesitation to raise Yan Qichuan's long soldiers toward the hand stab.

"Get out of here However, without waiting for him to get close, a powerful spiritual power cleaved down to him, and the Xuan Kui Lian people and his soldiers flew directly and landed on the far ground again.

Wind gallop movement, that overwhelming hand, has come to Mu light song in front of.

Mu Qingge is not in a hurry. He changes the direction of Yan Qichuan in his hand and aims at the other party. The dagger in his hand resists to death on his neck blood vessel.

The man was surprised, the cold light on the dagger flashed in front of his eyes.

He is worried that mu Qingge will kill Yan Qichuan in a desperate situation. When his hand is about to touch Yan Qichuan, he forcefully retracts the move and returns to the original way.

It happened in an instant.

Many of the people present did not see clearly.

I just saw the elder of the Yan Family jump out and come back.

However, Yan Qichuan, who was in it, turned pale. The cold and fierce neck and the strong claw strength of his elder just now made him feel clearly that he was in it and bear the brunt of it.

His fiancee was humiliated to get revenge. Yes, but there was no need to take his own life!

When his mind turned, Yan Qichuan said to Mu Qingge, "if you want to find the Su family, it's already here. Don't let me go

Mu Qingge raised a sneer at his innocence. "You people are biting like mad dogs. If I don't have a shield in my hand, won't I even have a chance to say a word?"

Yan Qichuan's heart sank, gritted his teeth and said, "strictly speaking, this is the gratitude and resentment between you and the Su family. It has nothing to do with my Yan family. If you are willing to let me go, I promise you that you will take the Yan Family and leave immediately and never interfere in this matter. "

This sentence, let Mu light song clear eye bottom to spread thick banter feeling.

She looked at Yan Qichuan with some disdain, and ridiculed him: "those who wanted to be righteous before wanted to avenge me. It is not enough to kill me to kill my hatred. Why do you want to stay out of it now? "

“……” Yan Qichuan was blocked and his face was blue and red.

At this time, Xuan Kui gets up from the ground and walks to Mu Qingge.

Another elder of Yan's family noticed xuankui's action, and his mind moved. He secretly stored his strength in his hand and suddenly grabbed xuankui. "Come here!"

Looking at his posture, he seems to want to seize xuankui and threaten mu Qingge.

Mu light song eyes light flash, wave between play a spirit light, cut off the other side's attack in the middle. And Xuan Kui also quickly retreated to her side, staring at the people around.

Just now, he just a little bit implicated the little Lord!

"It's OK." Mu Qingge asked in a deep voice. His clear eyes were cold and swept from the two elders of the Yan family.

Xuan Kui shook his head, full of apology: "little Lord, I'm too weak."

"If you know you're too weak, try harder." Mu light song light reply a sentence.

Dazzle Kui's body was stunned, tightly pursed his lips and nodded. Seems to be in the Mu light song to make a guarantee!

Mu light song eyes light sweep, cold voice warning: "do not do some unnecessary things, accelerate the death of your little Lord." She looked at the master of the Su family and asked again, "where is Miss Su?"

Since the victim is Miss Su, of course, she has to confront her face to face before she knows what happened.

These people are a brute and a whore. Do you really think she has a good temper?

"The thief is dead!" A tender drink full of hate suddenly appeared.

Then, muqingge saw a slender figure, with a sword in his hand, rushed out of the crowd and stabbed at muqingge. It seems that she doesn't care about the life and death of Yan Qichuan, a singer in MuQing. She only wants the life of muqingge.

"Warm up, stop it!"

She can not care about Yan Qichuan's life, but the master of the Su family can't.

He cried out in panic and stopped the figure rushing out. He also called out the identity of the visitor.

"It turned out to be Miss Su." The master of Mu Su's eyes was forced to stare at the light.

She is graceful and graceful with beautiful features. She is indeed a little beauty. However, the anger between the eyebrows is too heavy, and some of them destroy their own beauty.

Su wennuan's eyes are filled with strong hatred to see Xiangmu Qingge. She looks magnanimous and more angry in her heart.

"Father, kill him!" Su Nuan raised the sword in his hand, pointed to Mu Qingge and asked his father. She gave up the red silk, not only because the red silk witnessed her most humiliating moment, but also because she wanted to use the sword in her hand to remove the flesh from mu Qingge's body!

"Don't be impulsive. Yan Shi nephew is still in the hands of this shameless man. Don't worry, he can't run today The master of the Su family comforted his daughter.Su wennuan's heart is as painful as a drop of blood. She would like to have someone who insulted her.

"Enough for you, who can tell me what happened? I'm innocent too, OK? " There is a trace of anger in the murmur's voice.

"Are you still innocent?" The master of the Su family said angrily.

His hatred of moqingge is no less warm than su.

It is clear that the marriage between the Su Yan Family and the Yan family is just around the corner. How can he account to the Yan family?

Mu Qingge rightfully said: "of course I am innocent! I didn't do anything, but I was wanted all over the city. Now, I don't know what happened. "

"Good! You don't know. Let me remind you. Do you remember the reeds by the lake Su wennuan is biting his teeth. His voice is full of hate.

It was as if her heart had been thrust back at the mention of shame.

But, she is to Mu Qingge, this dog thief is convinced to die!

She stares at mu Qingge and does not want to miss the subtle expression of her face. She wants to tear his disguise and his innocence with her own hands.

But, Mu light song but leisurely way: "do not remember, also don't know, have never been to."

"How shameless you are See Mu light song does not admit, Su warm warm hands tremble.

Mu Qingge raised eyebrows, "what am I shameless about? I only arrived at Anmo city yesterday, and I stayed in the Inn and didn't go anywhere. At least three people can testify. Then, I was wanted inexplicably. I was also very curious, and then I came to ask myself why I admired Qingge. How did you Miss Su lead to this? "

"You Su wennuan was angry with mu Qingge's words, and her eyes were red. She wanted to tear up mu Qingge's beautiful face that made women envious.

She couldn't figure out what kind of woman would a man with such appearance want? Why did you choose her? Let her bear this kind of forever indelible harm?

The more you can't think of it, the more she hates it!

"With all due respect, Miss Su, are you sure it's me who hurt you?" Mu Qingge lost a word.

This sentence shocked Su wennuan.

Mu Qingge continued to say, "as far as I know, the people sent by the Su Yan family to look for me only asked for their names, but did not mention the features of their appearance. Does this mean that even Miss Su, you have not seen clearly what the person who hurt you looks like? "


This words, hit Su warm heart, let her face white.

Those pictures that she didn't want to recall, once again appeared in front of her eyes. She remembers the figure that insulted her on her body, but it is true that as mu Qingge said, she did not see the appearance of each other from the beginning to the end, just remember his words.

Su warm eyes light a Li, refute a way: "he says oneself call Mu light song, difficult not to still have false?"

Mu Qingge laughed sarcastically, "he said that he was Mu light song, is mu light song? Then I say I am the master of the Su family, is that the master of the Su family? "

Mu Qingge's banter made Su Yan family feel angry. However, the feeling of anger gradually returned to reason.

"You may be trying to confuse the public and the public." The master of the Su family said in a sharp voice.

Mu light song eye dew sneer, "if I really do, do you want to take the initiative to leave a name? It's not a glorious thing. You can't see through such a simple imputation? " 484 stupid!


The people of the Su Yan family all looked at each other.

They think carefully according to the words of muqingge, and there are many mistakes and omissions. When he did such a thing, he still left his name. Soon he made it clear that the Suyan family would go to him?

Now that it has been found, why not admit it?

The most important thing is that they are all men. Who will take the initiative to leave their names after making this kind of thing?

"Blame? Why do you say it's a frame? What is the evidence of your innocence? " The way of the master of the Su family never gives up.

Mu Qingge raised a sneer and looked at Su wennuan and asked, "Miss Su, have you ever dealt with that man? Can you see the color of his spiritual power? "

Su's warm eyes are filled with complex emotions.

She has to admit that mu Qingge's words are reasonable, but her only clue is the name of Mu Qingge. If it is not what the person in front of her really did, how should she revenge and who should she go to?

Mu Qingge's words let her fall into memory again.

She recalled: "nature has done it, but I can't match my accomplishments. That person should be on the fourth or fifth floor of the gray world. " Her heart has been shaken, no longer say "Mu light song", but that person.

To get the answer, mu Qingge raised his hand and said to all the people around him in a loud voice: "see clearly." As soon as her voice fell, a silver aura rose abruptly in the palm of her hand, and rose to the sky like a vine.


The crowd took a breath.

"Silver territory!"

"It's silver territory!""Momentum can be restrained, but spiritual cultivation can't be fake!"

"So the bully is not the one in front of her?"

As soon as the spiritual power of muqingge came out, it became the evidence that was hard to overthrow.

Su wennuan opened her eyes and looked at the silver light in shock. She didn't want to believe it, but she had to believe it.

"Silver land!" Yan Qichuan's face was gray, and he was shocked to see mu Qingge.

He actually fights with the people in the silver realm. If the other side wants to kill himself, can he still live to this day?

Mu Qingge shows his accomplishments, which silences the two elders of Yan family, the elder of Su family and the master of Su family. They are all from the silver realm. They feel more clearly than those from the gray or purple realms. The beautiful and gorgeous Fei Yi young master is actually a master of the second level of the silver realm.

Such a qualification is definitely able to squeeze into the Youth League list!

Ignoring the surprise of the people around him, mu Qingge waves his hand and takes back the spiritual power of the release.

For a moment, the eyes of the master of the Su family were unpredictable, and he did not know what he was calculating.

The two elders of the Yan family looked at each other and immediately changed their attitude.

They bowed their hands to Mu Qingge politely, and the first one to do it was a misunderstanding: "it seems that everything is a misunderstanding. Some people have done shameless things in the name of muqingge. Since it's a misunderstanding, please let us have a long-term view. "

The Yan family has already planned to ease the tense relationship.

After all, the needle is not in their body, Su warm thing, that is to make Yan Family disgrace. There's no need to offend a genius who can make it to the Youth League.

"Hold on!" However, they want to ease the relationship, but the master of the Su family is not willing to. With a cold face, he looked at Mu Qingsong and said, "how can I know if you have changed the color of spiritual power by any means? What's more, even if it's not done by you yourself, it's also related to you. Otherwise, why doesn't that person leave someone else's name and leave your name alone? "

Mu Qingge sneered: "what? Is the Su family going to blackmail me? "

The master of the Su family also gave a cold smile, and his calculation in his eyes was very obvious. "It's my daughter who has suffered. Now you want to stay out of the way because you're not you. Either you hand over the murderer immediately, or you will be responsible for it! "

"I'd like to hand over the real murderer, but I'm afraid the real murderer has already run away from me. According to the statement of the master of the Su family, can I understand that you are the accomplices of the real murderer. Let him go so that I can't find the person who framed me? " Mu Qingsong sneers. She has seen the calculation in the eyes of the Su family.

She said, pausing for a moment and saying, "as for responsibility? I am also one of the victims. How can I be held responsible? "

"You! You're just trying to argue? " Su's main airway.

In any case, the Yan family would never marry a woman who had lost her innocence. He wanted to make a mistake and marry his daughter to Mu Qingge. In this way, although he lost the Yan family, he could also get compensation from another aspect.

However, the person in front of him seemed to see through his mind, and did not speak according to his steps, which made him unable to propose the solution of marrying a daughter.

"Is it hard to argue? Why is it that the master of the Su family is not forced to do so? " Mu Qingge sneered.

"Enough!" Su wennuan suddenly opens his mouth and interrupts the dispute between mu Qingge and Su's master.

She went down the steps and walked to Mu Qingge step by step. "I already know you are not that person. Let go, young master Yan. No one's going to hit you, I promise

Mu light song looks at her, clear eyes can not see the slightest fluctuation.

She takes back the dagger which is against Yan Qichuan's neck and finally recovers her freedom. The latter looks at Su wennuan for a while and doesn't know what to say.

Su wennuan was quite calm. She said to Yan Qichuan, "I know. From today on, the marriage between the two families is cancelled."

Yan Qichuan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He turned to the elder of his family.

After Yan Qichuan left, Su wennuan looked at mu Qingge and said, "I just want to ask you one word. Do you know that person?"

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, nodded.

She has no obligation to carry the cauldron for muluofeng, let alone conceal it for him.

"Who is it?" Su warm eyes light a Li, excited way.

Mu light song light way: "is that person, I just doubt. After listening to the whole thing, I think he is the most suspect. As for who it is, he just left before you closed the city. I don't know where he went

"Tell me his name!" Su's eyes are red.

"Muluofeng." Mu Qingge said the name quietly.

Su's warm eyes lit up a flame of hatred.

She stares at Mu Qingsong tightly and says to her, "you can go now."

Mu light song a few can not check the nod, turn to take dazzle Kui to leave. When Xuan Kui left, he also threw Yan Qichuan's long soldiers on the ground.

"Warm, what are you doing? How can we let them go? " The master of the Su family rushes to Su wennuan and looks at mu Qingge and Xuan Kui's back.Su warm and calm way: "they are not the people I am looking for, what's the use of staying?"

Su's master was angry and anxious, "at least we can find clues from them. What's more, you may be implicated by him. My father must make him responsible for you

"Dad Su wennuan suddenly stops the words behind the master of Su's family.

The master of the Su family was stunned and looked at her in shock.

Su looked at him with heartache, "Dad, when can you really love your daughter once? Dad, the daughter has been destroyed. Don't think about what you can do with your daughter in the future. " After that, she turned away and walked into the deep courtyard of the Su family.


Back on the road, there was no tension on the street before, and the people began to gradually resume their daily activities.

The Su family and the Yan family are out of sight. It seems that everything has stopped.

"Little Lord, I can't believe that murofeng is such a person!" On the way, dazzle Kui angry way. He felt shameless to do that. He also had some sympathy for Miss Su.

For the muluofeng, muqingge did not evaluate.

All she knew was that muluofeng wanted to frame her account. She wrote it down and asked for it sooner or later.

When they got back to the inn, the four people who stayed here immediately gathered around and asked what was the matter. Dazzle Kui vividly told the story, and said that the muruofeng framed mu Qingge, which immediately made people angry.

The Dragon clapped the table and said, "what kind of dog is this! Is such a calf worthy of being a young master of the Mu family? Are Mu Chen and Mu Peng blind? "

Xuanya also said coldly: "fortunately, I didn't choose this animal yesterday, otherwise I would have no face to face the people in the desert of wandering souls."

"Little Lord, we must not let him go like this." When she came to Mu Qingge, her voice had never been fierce.

Hua Yue also said angrily, "little Lord, this muroflong wind is not a thing. If you do such a despicable thing, you still frame up and catch him. You must cut him to pieces before you hate him!"

Relative to the anger of several people, moqingge is calm.

She said slowly, "dragon general, how much do you know about the situation there?"

The Dragon general was stunned and recalled carefully: "I didn't have much contact with muluofeng, but I came all the way from the wandering soul desert with mupeng, so I heard something about it. According to Mu Peng, the muluofeng was not originally the lineage of the middle ancient Mu family. He should be the successor of the Mu family hundreds of years ago. The young masters of the generation of Mujia in the middle ancient world, because of their weak talent, the Muchen left the Mujia with them and half of the resources of the Mujia family. They found the muluofeng and gave them full support. "

Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes. "So, there is another candidate besides muruofeng?"

The Dragon nodded, "it should be like this. Their division has taken half of the resources, and has not brought the muluofeng back to the Mu family, which shows that their original successors have not given up."

After that, he stopped for a moment, and then said, "the little master of the Mu clan is to be produced in the competition. Little Lord, you have to be careful with the next road. "

Mu Qingsong is silent.

She was not involved in this matter for the sake of the young master of the Mu clan. She's for the magic, so even if there's no other candidate, she's still going where she's going. With these candidates, she followed her own steps.

This time, not seeing another candidate can only show that they did not catch the clue of the adherents.

"So you don't know where the old nest of muluofeng is?" Mu Qingge asked.

The dragon will shake his head. "I really don't know. They just know that in order to train muluofeng, they will constantly select some extreme environments and let him practice in them. "

"Is it not easy to find their whereabouts?" Xuan Kui frowned.

Mu light song but light smile up, "not anxious. She Ya and Xuan Ya are here with me. As long as they are still thinking about the volume of Shence, they will still appear. You don't have to waste time and energy looking for him, he will

After hearing this, they all nodded.

"Little Lord, shall we still do as planned?" He asked.

Mu Qingge nodded, "I guess I can't go today. Tomorrow morning, we'll leave. "


The next day, mu Qingge finished the breakfast, and she came back and said that the gate and the transmission array had been opened normally. She has also ordered a transmission array to go to xizhoufu, infinity.

Tidy up everything, mu Qingge led a few people, left the inn, toward the transmission array leading to infinity.

However, on the way to the transmission array, they unexpectedly ran into a person.

"Miss Su?" Mu light song some surprised looking at the woman in front of her, she seems to have been waiting here.

"Master mu." Su warms her jaw. Her eyes swept past the people standing behind muqingge. When she saw the three girls, she changed her eyes.

It seems that she did not expect that mu Qingge would have such three beautiful women around her.Her appearance was not worth mentioning in front of the three.

Su's heart was filled with self mockery, "with such a beautiful woman, how can moqingge humiliate herself? The real thief has a sinister heart. "

"Is Mr. Mu going to leave Anmo city?" Su wennuan asked.

Mu Qingge nodded, "I really want to leave Anmo city. Miss Su appears here. I haven't made it clear. Can't I leave? "

"No, you have made it clear." Su wennuan shook his head.

She bit her lip, looked at mu Qingge and said, "this has happened, I can no longer stay in Anmo city. That man framed Mr. mu. I think he will not let him go. I want to go with him, find the man and kill him myself! "

Su warm warm finish saying, in the eye already appeared the cold kill intention.

"Are you going to leave with me?" Mu light song surprised way.

Su wennuan nodded.

She took out a blank scroll, handed it to Mu Qingge, and asked: "please draw the appearance of the thief, and I will publish it to the Liuke clan to find his whereabouts."

Mu Qingge took the scroll and handed it to Yu Ya.

She understood and immediately went to one side and took out a pen to draw on it.

Mu Qingge said to Su wennuan, "Miss Su, I understand your mood very well. But it doesn't seem convenient for you to follow me. "

"I won't trouble you, and you don't have to take care of me. Just let me follow. " Su wennuan insisted.

Mu Qingge said with a helpless smile: "I don't mean that. Sometimes, there will be some unexpected danger around me. If you follow us, you may implicate you. What's more, you don't have to follow me if you want to find muluofeng. I don't have time to go to him now. "

Su wennuan raises her head and stares at mu Qingge.

The obstinacy in the eyes makes people have an impulse to compromise.

Mu Qingge sighed, "well, I promise you, when I catch the muluofeng, I will bring him to you and let you deal with it?"

Su wennuan was silent for a moment.

When she came over with the scroll with the portrait of muluofeng, Su wennuan looked at the scroll in her hand and said calmly, "since Mr. Mu feels embarrassed, I will not ask for it any more."

She took the scroll handed over by Xie Ya and spread it out.

When the face of muluofeng on the canvas appeared at the bottom of her eyes, her eyes were immediately covered with hatred.

It has to be said that the painting of Jueya is very lifelike and captures the charm of muruofeng. The frivolousness between the eyebrows almost made Su warm and sure that this talent was a bully!

She took a deep breath and put away the scroll. Then she said to Mu Qingge, "thank you very much."

"With all due respect, Miss Su. You are not his opponent, and he also has many masters to protect him. If you don't have a complete plan, don't take risks. " Mu Qingge reminds me.

Su wennuan nodded, "thank you for reminding me. I will leave contact information in Liuke clan later. If you find out his whereabouts first, please let me know. Similarly, if I find him, I will inform Mr. mu in time. "

With that, she turned and left and went to the transmission array.

"Little Lord, the transmission array in that direction leads to beizhou." She Ya's way of whispering beside mu Qingge.

Mu light song picked pick eyebrow tip, with the public forward to the infinity of the transmission array to go.


Wuyinfu, xizhoufu, is located in the viscera of vast Xizhou.

Mu Qingge learned to be smart. Every time he arrived at a state, he went to Zhoufu first to find out the situation before going on to the next step. So as not to be like a headless fly.

"The youth list has been updated!"

"The list of young heroes has been updated!"

"There are new people on the list!"

Mu Qingge with xuankui, xuanya and Huayue came out from the transmission array to the streets of infinity mansion, and heard all kinds of news.

As for the Dragon generals, after seeing them off, they entered the transmission array to return to Nanzhou. They wanted to enter the bitter sea from Nanzhou and return to dule island.

"The Youth League list has been updated?" This news, let Mu light song eyebrow tip light pick.

She remembered that Han Caicai said that he would be able to be on the list in this update. Now, I don't know if this guy is on the list.

"Go, go to the temple first." Mu Qingge changed her mind temporarily.

Naturally, other people will not have any opinions. They will obey the decision of muqingge.

A few people walk in the street of boundless mansion, which naturally becomes a beautiful scenery.

First of all, mu Qingge's beautiful and crazy appearance is ignored, but with her left and right, she is full of elegant, elegant, and Flower Moon, which makes many men cast envious, jealous and hateful eyes.

On the other hand, some of the women on the street cast a soft look at mu Qingge, and some of them secretly aim at the defiant facial features full of masculinity."Qingge, I'm going out."

"My mother, I'm going out, too."

"Since everyone is going out, let me go out by the way."

"Hello, woman Master, I'm going to get some air. "

As soon as the last voice came out, the voice of silver dust and white hair immediately quieted down.

Only yuan yuan kept shouting: "I'm bored to death, let me go out!"

"Stinky yuan, what do you say? Do you dare to say, cute baby, my place is boring? "

"Oh! If a good man doesn't fight with a woman, don't blame me for bullying the dwarf! "

Mu light song in the brain, as if chaos for a pot of porridge, chaos numb. In the eyes of Mu light song, a cold and steep color flashed, and the voice said, "OK, give me some rest. When it's time to let you out, you'll come out. "

"Woman, believe it or not, I killed you." The voice of the voice came.

Mu Qingge sneered back, "you want to commit suicide, I will not stop you."

“……” At last she was quiet.

"Little Lord, are you ok?" Xuan Ya sees Mu light song facial expression not good, then asks a way.

One side of Xuan Kui also curiously looked over.

"Nothing." Muqingge's casual answer.

"Qingge, I want to discuss something with you." All of a sudden, Bai's voice rang again.

Muqingge did not stop it.

She said, "let me help you watch the Dragon teeth guard. I really don't want to share a room with the boss."

Bai's reaction, let mu Qingge curious, "you have always been afraid of heaven and earth, how can now be so timid? Have you ever had a festival

"Who dares to have a quarrel with him? Do you want to die? He is the leader of the fierce beast. His origin is too strong. With him, even if far away, is also a great pressure. You'd better take care of it and help me out. " Bai's wronged way.

That kind of blood pressure, let her very uncomfortable.

Mu light song disdains a way, "you look at other people's silver dust, are so calm, but you are afraid to become this kind."

"Don't you know that fox is trying to be calm? In fact, you don't have to worry about your safety if you have this boss by your side. " Bai Bi tried to persuade mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge thought, "he is my contract animal just like you. You can't stay away from each other, can you? "

"If you want to go back and forth, you have to wait for his anger to dissipate and my strength to recover." White muttered.

"It seems that you have made up your mind." Mu light song road.

Mu Qingge thought for a while, and finally nodded and agreed, "well, Longya Wei really needs help. You and silver dust, take the flower month to go together

"What! I'll go with that fox? " Bai Bi cried out.

"Mu light song nodded," you also said, silver dust is strong attire calm. Since you're not comfortable staying here, why don't you just walk together and train the dragon's tooth guard. "

"Who is going to serve you White road.

Mu Qingge was speechless. "Do I need so many people to take care of me? And Huayue's ability is not only in serving people. After Huayue and Youhe, I will transfer them to me from time to time and take turns. They're all my intelligence officers. "

"Well, you're the boss, whatever you say." The way of compromise.

In fact, mu Qingge also wants to throw Xuan Kui to the Dragon teeth guard. With his talent, he can definitely be of great use. However, she still needs to train herself for a period of time. After he becomes a qualified sniper, she will report to Longya Wei.

Longya Wei, that is the real foundation of her in the middle ancient world!

As for Shiya and xuanya, they are kept by their side because of the map behind them.

At the end of the dialogue with Bai, mu Qingge, they also went to the gate of the temple of limitless mansion. The size and appearance as like as two peas of the palace of the golden palace of the South Island.

Similarly, there was a long line in front of a gate outside the temple.

This time, mu Qingge is familiar with the stone tablet of qingyingbang and xiaofengbang. Soon, they came to the platform where the two stone tablets stood.

However, at the moment, the top has been full of people, it seems that they are full of interest in the updated youth list.

There are so many people that I can't squeeze in.

Mu Qingge several people standing under the platform, can only wait.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

Three bells rang and suddenly rose.

It immediately attracted everyone's attention. At this time, from the stone tablet shot a golden light, in the sky, the inscription on the stone tablet clearly presented.

"Out, out."

"Come on, let's have a good look, which places have changed this time, and which new people are on the list."

The voices of discussion rose everywhere, and those who crowded on the platform swarmed down, all looking up at the gold lettering in the sky.Mu Qingge's five people also stood in the crowd and looked up like the others.

Rows of golden words represent the glory of the whole medieval world.

"The 100th place in the list of green heroes, the valley of Nanzhou will last forever! No. 99 on the list of young heroes... " An old but powerful, with a majestic voice, rose out of thin air, reading the ranking on the list of young English, starting from the bottom. The voice, resounding through the sky, could be heard by almost all the people in the boundless mansion.

Mu Qingge was shocked.

She was a little curious about who was reading the list.

"Is it the man of the temple?" Mu light song in the heart secret way. After all, the ranking statistics on the list of young heroes are also done by the temple.

“…… The 87th place is Han Caicai, the Han family in beizhou! 86... "

Hearing the familiar name, mu Qingge's eyes brightened and his mouth raised a smile.

Han Caicai actually ranked in the 87th place. It is estimated that he is not excited and happy to celebrate at this moment, but he is very angry. Mu Qingge knows the arrogant black guy very well. The 87th place in the list of young heroes is definitely not his goal.

moo's song was ridiculed in his heart, and he couldn't help comparing himself with Han's collection.

Now she has already broken through the silver territory, and then to fight with Han Caicai, it is difficult to win or lose.

However, she thinks that Han Caicai's strength is not only in the 87, but should be higher.

In this way

Mu light song eyes flash, she evaluates her current strength, if into the green list, is estimated to be in the middle and lower reaches.

Such assessment, let her more clearly understand their own power, not arrogant.

“…… Jing Fengyu, a member of the Jingjia family in Zhongzhou, is the 30th place in the list of Qing Ying... "

That voice, read out a familiar name of moqingge.

"Jingfengyu?" Mu Qingge was surprised. She remembers that not long ago, when she met Jing Fengyu in Jinhai mansion in Nanzhou, he was still in the top 20 of the Youth League list, and now he has dropped to 30?

Jingfengyu will squeeze down the few people, mu Qingge do not know, even heard also do not have too many concepts.

“…… The fifth place in the Qing Ying list is Xi Qianxue, the Xi family of Zhongzhou! Fourth place in the Youth League, Xizhou winner wins! Third place in the list of young heroes, Yao Xinghai, Yao family of Dongzhou! The second place in the list of young heroes is Yao Yao, Ji Jia Ji of beizhou! The first place in the list of young heroes is Wei Mohan of the Wei family in Zhongzhou! "

The sound of majesty faded away.

In the sighs of countless people, muqingge heard many rumors about the top five.

This time, there is no change in the top five in the list of young heroes, and they still occupy the top five places. The Youth League is changed every three years. They have been running for two times, this time for the third time.

As the Youth League announced its end, the crowd around the platform gradually dispersed.

Mu Qingge did not leave, but went to the platform, to the seat of the chick Phoenix list. She remembered that Han Caicai once said that there was a woman in the Sang family, who seemed to have entered the list of young phoenixes, ranking 126.

Mu Qingge stood in front of the young Phoenix board, and the four of them were a little away from her. They did not squeeze into her side. And in the Mu light song side, standing a thin woman's back.

She was wearing a white skirt with pink ornaments at the bottom, elegant and noble. Just the back, it's fascinating.

However, mu Qingge did not pay attention to the people around her, and the woman did not pay attention to the presence of a person.

They both looked at a certain position on the chick Phoenix list.

"126..." Mu Qingge directly searched to the 126. However, the name engraved there is not sang.

Finally, I saw the first place in my heart. Floating sand city mulberry snow dance, five layers of gray.

"Floating sand city." Mu Qingge pays attention to the city where the woman surnamed sang belongs.

And her this low voice murmur, seem to have caused the attention of the woman around her, turn her eyes to come over. Like a soul in the heart, mu Qingge also turns her eyes in the past. Their eyes meet in the air, and both of them are shocked , the fastest update of the webnovel!