"Floating sand city."

Mu Qingge coagulates the top geographical attribution of the Sang surname woman, and gets the answer she wants.

This was also an accident. She had planned to inquire about the sangs in the boundless mansion. But don't want to, sang family's position, she got in the chick Phoenix list by accident.

This murmur of her, very slight, would not have alarmed anyone.

However, the woman standing by her side heard it. I do not know why, she turned her head, eyes light toward Mu light song to fall.

It seems that at this moment, she found herself standing beside a person.

As if the heart has a soul like, mu Qingge also looked back at this time, eyes and women's line of sight in the middle of the intersection, saw each other.


When mu Qingge saw the woman's face, she was inexplicably bumped into her heart, and an indescribable good feeling arose spontaneously.

This kind of feeling, is she has never had!

The woman in front of me is very beautiful. The beauty is like a beautiful picture of a beautiful woman. There is no flaw in her facial features, and her temperament is out of the dust, with a clean breath.

The woman is tall, but slightly shorter than her. In the light of her eyes, she brings her own immortal spirit.

Mu Qingge looks at her, and naturally rises a kind of trust without reason, an emotion that wants to take care of her.

If she is a man, moqingge may think that this inexplicable good feeling stems from love at first sight between men and women. But, she is a woman, a woman will meet for the first time strange woman, have this kind of inexplicable favor, feel abnormal.

Mu light song frowned, his abnormal, some do not understand.

However, when she frowns, the woman opposite her frowns in the same way. Her eyes were shocked, slowly convergence, take the initiative to ask: "this childe, have we ever met?"

This sentence, let mu Qingge squint, shake his head and smile: "never."

"Is it?" There was some doubt in the woman's eyes. She took a serious look at mu Qingge, and finally said, "it seems that I haven't seen it, but the young master gives me a sense of deja vu. It's impolite. "

"You are welcome, girl." Mu Qingge responded lightly.

The woman didn't say anything more, just Xiangmu Qingge gently jaw head, turned away from the young Phoenix list, down the steps.

Mu light song has been watching her disappear in the line of sight, just take back the eyes.

"Little Lord, do you have any orders?" See Mu light song standing still, as if thinking, xuanya walked to her, asked in a low voice.

Mu Qingge converges her thoughts and turns her eyes to see the young Phoenix list. After staying on the name of Sang Xue dance for a long time, mu Qingge takes back his sight and says to the public: "leave here first, find a place to live."

"Sir, are we going to rent a courtyard or just stay in the inn Hua Yue asked.

Mu Qingge thought about it and replied, "this time, it won't be long, but just a few days, I'll find a clean inn."

"Yes." Hua Yue takes orders to retreat, Xuan Kui automatically follows her to leave, and goes to find the right Inn together.

At this time, mu Qingge side, only two people are left.

Without two people, their combination is more striking. The excellent appearance of the three people is like two stars traveling with yaoyang. No matter where they go, they will automatically attract the attention of the people.

Fortunately, these people are just surprised to see more, or whisper, did not really disturb them.

The scale of infinity mansion is similar to that of Jinhai mansion. However, the more prosperous, the people walking on the street are also more imposing. In terms of material conditions, there is little difference.

Walking in the street of boundless mansion, waiting for the flower moon and dazzling Kui, mu Qingge also takes two women to stroll at will.

Naturally, no matter whether she is happy or not, she should accept the envy, jealousy and hatred from all around her.

After all, it's too dazzling for her to have two beautiful women alone!

All the men around wanted to take her place at this moment, standing in the middle of Yaya and xuanya.

"It's so conspicuous that you two stand together." After a while, mu Qingge shook her head and sighed helplessly.

Her remark fell into the ears of Jianya and xuanya. They looked at each other and said in their hearts: "little Lord, do you underestimate your appearance's lethality?"

Mu Qingge is envied by men, they both bear the jealousy eyes from the women on the street, OK?

"Go and sit down there." Mu Qingge saw a pavilion and tea shed by the street, and called the two girls to go there.

There was no business in the teahouse, and the boss squatted on the side to take a nap.

Mu Qingge's three people walk past him and directly enter the pavilion and sit down.

Xuan Ya went to the boss and said in a low voice, "boss, there are guests."

The teahouse owner opened his eyes vaguely and looked at xuanya from the bottom up. When he saw xuanya's sexy face, he couldn't help exclaiming: "ah!"

Xuanya, with a smile on her face, repeated, "boss, here comes the guest. Please prepare us a pot of good tea with some special tea"Oh, yes The teahouse owner replied repeatedly.

Xuanya returned to the pavilion, and the teahouse owner was busy immediately. After a while, they were ready for xuanya's things and sent them to the pavilion.

After entering the pavilion, he could see clearly the features of Chumu Qingge and Xiya. He was hit hard again and stood in the same place.

Xuanya stood up with a smile, took the tray from his hand, put it on the table, and took out a small ingot of silver from his arms and put it in the hands of the boss who still held the tray. Then he called out: "boss, you can go down."

"Ah The teahouse owner regained consciousness, but walked out of the pavilion in a trance, as if the whole person had not yet completely recovered.

"Little Lord, I'm afraid there is no good tea here. I have to make do with it." She Ya cleans the teacup and whispers to Mu Qingsong.

Mu Qingge shook his head and said, "I'm not a person who knows tea. What kind of tea is the same to me, so I don't have to deal with it."

Mu Qingge looked at Xuan Ya and said to her, "your people let you come to me, and you have no resistance at all?" She remembered that even if she was a princess, when she first appeared, there was a trace of reluctance in her heart.

Of course, the reluctance was not against her, but against fate.

Xuan Ya didn't seem to expect that mu Qingge would suddenly ask, stunned for a moment. She thought carefully and then said, "since I was born, this mission has fallen on me. My training, everything I have, is to serve the little Lord one day. I don't think it's hard to accept. "

Mu Qingge looked at her, drooped her eyes, picked up the hot cup in front of him and put it in front of his lips to blow.

"Xuanya is a very smart woman and has her own opinions. Such a woman, will submit to the fate of the arrangements, will compromise the orders of the people? She didn't believe it. "

"Little Lord, are you doubting xuanya's loyalty?" Xuanya direct way.

Mu light song lift eyes, clear eyes look at Xuan ya, slowly put down the teacup. "No, I don't doubt your loyalty. But I don't want people who stay with me for another purpose. So are you, and so are you. "

Finish saying, her sight, fell on the body of Xie Ya.

She Ya's bright eyes suddenly darkened for a moment because of the words of moqingge. She bit her lip and said in a firm voice, "little Lord, I do carry the task of supervision. It is necessary to supervise and urge the minority owners to make continuous progress and guide them to the normal level. Moreover, when the real little Lord comes into being, the real little Lord will get the true loyalty of all forces. But this is them, not me. He would never betray him if he had already recognized the Lord as the Lord. Even if one day, the young master is defeated and dead, he will follow him and never live in the world! "

The more she said, the more excited she became. She not only shocked xuanya, but also made mu Qingge's calm eyes appear a slight fluctuation.

These words should not be said to Mu Qingge!

Xuan Ya looks at ya, shocked by her honesty and commitment.

Choose muqingge, their descendants will help!

However, if Mu Qingge can not go to the end and can not become the final winner, then they will be loyal to the final winner again after her fall. At that time, they will be absolutely loyal.

But what does he mean?

If Mu Qingge fails, will she follow? This is no longer the loyalty to the young master of the Mu nationality, but the personal loyalty to Mu Qingge!

There are essential differences between the two!

Xuanya is really not Jianya, she has no tangled fate. However, her purpose is not entirely simple. She has to choose a competitive young master, and then step by step assist the young master to reach the summit, and take her people to a higher level.

It can be said that xuanya's overall view is stronger, which means that she will be more rational.

Therefore, she didn't understand the position of Tanya at the moment, and she was also worried because of this statement, which made mu Qingge have a gap with her.

Just as she was thinking quickly about how to remedy and how to let mu Qingge not be dissatisfied with herself, mu Qingge opened her mouth.

"You don't have to be so serious. You to me, just looking for the map in the magic strategy, and I to you are just a chess piece. Each of us takes what he needs. There is no loyalty. "

"Little Lord!"

"Little Lord!"

Xuanya and guaya are the same voice.

Mu light song this sentence, let them inexplicably flustered.

Their panic is different.

She Ya was merciless, hurt some pain. But it can't be refuted. Xuanya is a bit at a loss, as if everything is beyond her expectations, so that she can no longer grasp the context.

Mu Qingge stands up with negative hands. She does not go to see xuanya, but looks up at her with tears in her eyes. She raised her hand, patted her hair on her head twice, slowed down her voice and said, "who is really treating me? I know."

After that, she took back her hand and said to the second daughter: "you will go to find Hua Yue and Xuan Kui, and I will walk alone."Leaving this sentence, mu Qingge walked out of the tea shed Pavilion alone and entered the crowd.

"Little Lord!" Xuanya stands up and wants to chase out.

But she raised her hand and stopped her.

She was in a trance from the behavior of moqingge when she left, but she did not forget the order of muqingge. "The little Lord said that she would walk alone."

Xuanya takes back the sight of pursuing moqingge, and looks at Xiya.

For a long time, she warned, "sister, we are slaves. It's not a good thing to fall in love with the master. "

Xuan Ya's words pricked the heart of Xie Ya. She stubbornly pursed her lips, and her eyes fell into the distance. "I only know that the loyal young Lord will never betray. I don't want to think about the rest, and I won't think about it. "

"Sister, have you forgotten the mission of the people?" Xuanya frowned.

Dazzle elegant but tight and beautiful facial features, do not send a word.

Xuanya stares at her and says in a deep voice: "you and my people are subordinates of Mu clan. Therefore, loyalty to the Mu clan will never change, but we should carefully choose the loyal people. This rule of the game is not set by us, but by the patriarch of the Mu nationality. We just implement it. There is nothing wrong with it. Don't lose your mind. "

"Sister, this is the difference between me and you. You live for the people, to protect a rule. But I can't do it. I'm human. The little Lord treats me well. I can't be loyal to other people. " He slowed down his speech.

Xuanya looks at her and stares at her.

She sighed and looked at her and said, "sister, now I don't want to argue with you more. I believe that when you follow the little Lord for a long time, you will naturally feel good about him. Maybe at that time, you will understand my choice. I'm only loyal to muqingge, not to the young master of Mujia! "

Firm tone, unquestionable choice.

There is also Mu light song before leaving that sentence, let xuanya heart some deep-rooted things in suffering from unprecedented impact.

She coagulated her mind and finally said, "has your sister decided?"

She nodded.

Her choice means that if Mu Qingge fails in the end, she will not leave muqingge, and her master is no longer the minor master of the Mu family.

Xuanya gave up persuasion and said to her, "this matter, we will discuss it later." All of a sudden, she began to smile bitterly and shake her head slowly. "I'm afraid that if we talk today, the little Lord will have a gap in my heart and will no longer believe me."

She looked at her, her bright eyes didn't contain any impurities. "My sister doesn't have to worry. The little Lord's heart is not what you and I can imagine. What the Lord wants to do is trust less. "

This words, let dazzle elegant approval nod.

She took her hand and said seriously: "no matter how my sister chooses in the future, but now, I hope that my sister can wholeheartedly assist the little master of light song with me. Don't have any reservation."

Xuan Ya nodded at last in the gazing of ya.


Mu light song from the tea house out, the mood is very calm, not because of the things before, and half affected.

What kind of Mu nationality, what is the minority master of Mu nationality, what is the mission of the little master of Mu nationality

All this, she has been ignorant, not clear. Although she has been able to roughly guess some, but there are still many doubts to be solved.

She's growing stronger just to take control of her own destiny. I don't want to finish everything arranged by my ancestors many years ago.

Therefore, what she told ya and xuanya was not wrong.

So far, what she cares about is only the volume of magic strategy!

As for the rest, she will have to wait until she has talked to the high priest of the remaining family of dule island.

What's more, my grandfather doesn't know about these things. What if he knew everything?

Think of Mu Xiong, Mu light song eyes light up a trace of soft color. With her understanding of the old man, I'm afraid that there will be no change after she learns of these secrets, and she won't force mu Qingge to do anything or bear any responsibility.

Because, the old man, is really in love with her, even put her in a higher position than the Mu family.

"When can I go back to Linchuan?" Mu light song some miss in the heart of the road. It is not only mu Xiong that she misses. And my aunt and her best friends.

"I don't know what happened to the four of them? At that time, he said that he would leave Linchuan and travel in the middle ancient world, but he didn't want to take a step first. And Jiang Li... " Mu light Song mouth gently raised.

Among her friends, when she was with Jiang Li, it was her most relaxed time. Nothing needs to be hidden, and Jiang Li's words can always make her see more clearly.

She is the legendary god assist!

The smile of muqingge has been passed to the eyes. These feelings, she does not easily have, but also cherish.

"I don't know how the queen of nanizi is doing now. Have you found her husband who is worth bodyguard in her mind?" Mu Qingge is in my heart.Thinking of Linchuan's relatives and friends, mu Qingge's mood becomes relaxed and joyful.

The streetscape of boundless mansion gradually came into her eyes.

"Yingchuan, what are you going to do? Get out of the way A cold sound of delicate drink, into the ears of Mu light song.

She did not know why the street was so busy, but she heard this sentence, and went to the place where the sound came from.

She turned into an alley with few people.

This is a few passers-by to her direction in a hurry, look afraid, panic, seems to want to escape something.

Mu Qingge is in doubt, and hears a soft male voice coming, "Sang Xue dance didn't expect to meet you in the boundless mansion. Why don't you come back to the winner with me today, and I'll let my elder brother go to the Sang's house to propose marriage some other day?"

Mulberry snow dance! winner!

Mu Qingge's face moved.

These two words are not unfamiliar to her. The only woman on the list of chicks and phoenixes in Xizhou is called sangxue dance. Unexpectedly, she was in the boundless mansion.

There are also winners. If she remembers correctly, Xizhou is the fourth winner in the list for three consecutive terms.

Just, Yingchuan

Mu Qingge frowns. She remembers that the fourth person on the list is Ying Ze. She doesn't know what the relationship is with Yingchuan.

Things seem to be related to the Sang family and the winner. Mu Qingge thinks about it and continues to walk inside.

When she came to the entrance of the alley, there was no one else in the alley except those who were facing each other.

It is said that there is a confrontation between the two sides. In fact, on the other side, there is only a woman with a high and straight back. At this time, her back is facing her.

"It seems that my back looks familiar." Coagulate that back figure, Mu light song in the heart way.

Suddenly, a vague figure burst into her mind.

"It's her!" Mu light song eyes light shrink, will be in front of the back and memory of the back gradually overlap together.

"I didn't expect that she was sang Xue dance, a member of the Sang family!" Mu light song eyes dark for a moment.

"Yingchuan, you don't have to be wishful thinking. I won't marry you. Leave now, or don't blame me Sangxue dance cold voice response to each other's provocation.

"Snow dance, why are you stubborn? Your sang family is lonely, but our winners are still at their peak. My brother is ranked fourth in the Youth League. As long as you and I get married and have the support of the winner, you sang family will be able to come back from the dead. " Sang snow dance opposite the man "follow good advice.".

Mu Qingge stood in an inconspicuous corner and looked at the speaker.

The man was dressed in a flamboyant red robe, and was girded with gold. The appearance is quite beautiful, but the feminine spirit is too heavy. People always feel that there is a kind of melancholy and lingering.

And behind him, there were two attendants dressed up. From the two people's breath, at least the cultivation is about three levels of gray environment.

"Yingchuan, it's the mulberry family. Our mulberry family will deal with it naturally. You don't have to work hard. I will not marry into a winner because of this. This is the last time I tell you, don't entangle me in the future. " Sang snow dance warned, the hand luster flash, a silver long sword, was in her hand.

Mu Qingge noticed that it was made of a ring in her hand, which seemed to be a magic instrument.

The artifact of Sang family!

Mu Qingge is a little curious, and the original step out, and take it back.

"Snow dance, you're really toasting, not eating and drinking! I'm going to win you! If you don't go with me today, I'll have to be rude! "

When sangchuan wins the sword in the dark.

He threatened in a harsh voice, stepped back a step, and told his attendants, "go! Take this little bitch back to me

Insulting words, out of his mouth, mu Qingge frowned in displeasure, but sang Xue dance was not affected at all, just slowly shook his head, "they are not my opponents."

After that, the sword in her hand gave out a loud and clear buzz, and the ice blue sword body, emitting dazzling light, shot forward to the front.

Yingchuan's two attendants, face a change, quickly move, fierce attack toward the mulberry snow dance attack.

Sangxue waved the sword in his hand, and was able to deal with the attack of the two men. Her posture is graceful, as if dancing, beautiful.

Suddenly, mu Qingge felt a chill.

A little cold fell from the sky and fell on her cheek.

She was stunned and raised her hand to see that a snowflake was falling on the back of her hand, turning into a pool of snow water.

"How can it snow?" Mu Qingge is surprised to raise his eyes, only to see in the alley, actually falling snow, and the snowflake most, is to mulberry snow dance as the center.

Every time she wielded her sword, a layer of snow would rise from the sword. The snowflakes fluttered and fell on the two men who attacked her, gradually covering their arms, bodies and legs.

Where it is covered by snow, the speed of action will slow down and become slow.

After noticing the change, mu Qingge's eyes lit up and said in his heart, "the additional ability of this magic sword is actually slow! The most exquisite thing is that sang Xue dance can combine the sword skills learned with itIn an instant, muqingge has understood.

These snowflakes are transformed by the spirit power of sangxue dance into the magic sword, and then turned into snowflakes, attached to the opponents, making their actions become slow.

If a master moves slowly, he will lose his life.

When facing, if the moves become slow, the consequences can be imagined!

"Sure enough, the top 100 places on the list of young phoenixes did not come at random." Mu light song in the heart.

She had been confused before. The middle ancient world is so vast that Qing Ying Bang is not worth it. But xiaofengbang is based on the gray land. On the whole land, people who can enter the gray land are just like the Qing Dynasty crossing the river, even if they have the age limit.

In this way, what's the use of the young Phoenix list?

Now looking at the battle of sangxue dance, she gradually understood. Cultivation strength is one thing, but real combat effectiveness is also an extremely important consideration.

With the unique sword technique of sangxue dance and this "slow" ability, she can definitely protect herself even if she meets an opponent whose realm is higher than her.

The sword technique of sangxue dance seems to open a new way of thinking of moqingge. She couldn't help looking down at her exquisite fingertips.

Linglong gun can increase speed and strength, but it lacks a special ability.

"Maybe it's time to recast the Linglong gun!" Mu light song in the heart secret way.

At this time, sangxue dance that side of the battle has come to an end. As she said, the two attendants brought by Yingchuan are not the opponents of sangxue dance at all.

After the sword light passed, a bloodstain was drawn on their chest, and they retreated back.

Sangxue dance held the sword horizontally in front of her chest, and her eyes looked at Yingchuan coldly and said, "today, in the face of the winner, I won't embarrass you. Don't provoke me again

However, Yingchuan was not warned at all.

He pushed aside the two injured attendants, showed a sly smile, looked at sang Xuewu and said, "snow dance, do you feel a little weak now? And the psychic power is disappearing? "

Sang snow dance eyes in the light of a faint flash, pretty face tensed more tightly.

And hide in the secret place of Mu light song, the eye light also flash, the line of sight falls on the mulberry snow dance body. Her back was also stiff, and there was no sign of weakness.

However, Yingchuan's words, or let mu Qingge aware of a trace of difference before.

Yingchuan's voice continued to ring, "do you think I don't know that your Fenghuaxueyue sword technique has the ability to slow down the opponent? Knowing that it's not your opponent, I'm not stupid. To tell you the truth, on the surface, the two of them were fighting with you, but in fact, in the fight, they dropped colorless and tasteless powder on you. The effect of these powders is to restrain your spiritual power and make you weak and unable to resist. "

"Mean!" Sangxue dance hate voice said a, look at Yingchuan eyes become more cold.

It seems that if she could, she would kill him now!

However, her body, as Ying Chuan said, is getting weaker and weaker. Even her wrist with the handle of the sword is shaking slightly in the cuff.

Now, she's just at the end of her tether, holding on to her will.

"Mean? No, it only shows my determination to you! When you become my woman, you will thank me Yingchuan is more and more proud of the way.

"Thank you? Hum Sang Xue dances with a sarcastic smile.

Yingchuan noticed sang Xuewu's body trembling. He walked slowly towards her and said, "thank me, of course. When you become my woman and the winner's daughter-in-law, you won't have to carry the Sang family so hard and concentrate on giving birth to my children! Ha ha ha ha ha

Yingchuan laughs wildly.

When he was close to Sang Xue dance, she used her last strength and waved out the sword in her hand.

The light of the sword flashed by, and Yingchuan quickly jumped back to avoid the sword of sangxue dance. However, after the sword was wielded, sang Xue was no longer able to support it. The sword flashed in her hand, and the magic sword disappeared into a ring on her finger.

She herself, however, staggered a few steps and nearly fell.

Yingchuan returns to his senses and sees the embarrassment of sangxue dance, and immediately gets elated. "Do you want to resist? I tell you, no one can change your destiny today

"Miss sang, you are here."

As soon as Yingchuan's voice fell, a clear voice came over.

In the sound, there is also a little surprise.

Yingchuan and sangxue dance both look at the usual people, only from the entrance of the lane, out of a gorgeous person. The beauty is hard to find in the sky and the earth, and the temperament is outstanding and unforgettable. Enchanting red dress on her body, as if natural, immediately wearing the same red robe to win Chuan to go down.

That strong contrast is like the difference between a swan and a duck.

"It's you!" Mulberry snow dance eyes in the micro contraction, immediately recognized the Mu light song.

In front of the young Phoenix list, they met each other. But she did not give her name. How did this person know?

When she saw the bright smile of sangchuan, she was smiling at her sideYing Chuan's face became gloomy again and said to Mu Qingge, "go away! Don't you see Ben Shao working? "

"Mu Qingge smile does not change," the original childe in business, then we will not disturb. " With that, she helped sang Xue dance and planned to leave.

She was suddenly held up by a stranger who had only met once. She was so intimate that she was shocked.

And win Chuan saw, between the eyebrows has been full of haze, snapped: "let her go! You can touch my woman, too? It seems that if you want to leave today, you have to leave your hands first. "

"Yingchuan, don't mess around and hurt innocent people!" Sang snow dance a listen, cold voice warning.

The maintenance of sangxue dance makes Yingchuan's facial features ferocious. "Good! You still speak for him! You two dog men and women must have an affair, sang Xue dance, I thought you were pure and clean, but I didn't expect you to hide a lover secretly! It's such a hot potato. I'm sorry

"You're talking nonsense!" Sang Xue danced with anger and turned red.

Mu light song is also a cold eye light, light way: "dog mouth spit out ivory."

After that, the silver light in her eyes flashed, and a silver fine awn stabbed at Yingchuan with the lightning speed.

"Ah It was so fast that people couldn't see clearly and could not react. Just listen to Ying Chuan's painful cry and cover his bloody mouth with both hands.

On the ground, half of the tongue is still warm.

"Ah! Ah Yingchuan's pain was hard to express, and his feelings of shock, fear and resentment were mixed.

And his two attendants were so shocked by the scene that they forgot what to do.

Sang Xuewu was stunned to see this scene. She couldn't believe that the people around her actually cut Yingchuan's tongue! Cut without hesitation?

Does he know who the tongue was cut off by him?

"He is Ying Ze's brother." Sang snow dance back to God, worried to remind Mu light song.

Yingchuan's identity, mu Qingge has been in the heart of a guess before. I'm not surprised to hear sang Xue dance. But, because he is Yingze's younger brother, can he do whatever he wants?

Mu Qingge sneers.

With a wave of her hand, Yuan Yuan suddenly appeared in the lane.

Beautiful to the extreme of the purple, suddenly appeared, his eyebrows between a little cinnabar, red as fire.

Sang snow dance eyes suddenly shrink, with a very small voice called a: "strange fire!"

Mu Qingge looked at her in surprise, Yuan Yuan also threw her a curious eye light, and then a brilliant smile. Looking at mu Qingge, he said, "boss, what's your order?"

Mu Qingge raised his chin to Yingchuan's three men and told Yuan Yuan: "teach them how to be a man, and don't kill them."

Yuan Yuan Mou in a bright, twist wrist, excited way: "guarantee to complete the task!" With that, he dashed over.

Mu Qingge helped the shocked sang Xue dance to turn away from the alley, leaving a light sentence: "after the fight, come back, don't run around."

"I see, boss --" Yuan Yuan super excited voice, accompanied by the three people's tragic call floating.

Sangxue dance is in a trance, taken away by mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge took her directly to a restaurant and asked for an elegant room with a ingot of gold.

Entering the elegant room, mu Qingge gives sang Xue dance a pulse directly, and then tells her, "it's not a powerful medicine. In another hour, the medicine will pass. If you are not in a hurry, Miss sang can stay here for a while, wait for the medicine to pass, and then run the spirit power for another week. If you are sure that there is nothing wrong, you can leave. "

With that, she gave sang Xue a cup of hot tea.

Looking at the hot tea placed in front of him, sang Xue dance raised his eyes and looked at Xiangmu Qingge, "Yingze is the fourth place in the list of young heroes, and the leader of the young generation of winners. The cultivation announced to the public is the fourth floor of the silver realm. Yingchuan is his younger brother and is very fond of him. Today, Yingchuan lost his tongue and was beaten hard. He will not give up and let alone Yingze. "

"But for Miss sang?" Mu Qingge looked calm and poured himself a cup of tea.

Sangxue dance slowly shook his head, "you are to save me, I will not stay out of this matter. I just want to remind you that the winner is strong and has always been egotistical. Yingze is famous, especially so. Those who dare to challenge him are doomed. Young master, be careful. At least, don't run into Yingze until I solve this matter

This unexpected answer, let Mu light song raise eyes, curiously way: "Sang girl want to solve?"

Sangxue dance pursed her lips, "since you know my name, I want to guess my identity. The Sang family and the winner are both ancient clans. After I return to the family, I will tell the elder about this matter, and the elder Council will go to the winner to explain everything and resolve the gratitude and resentment. "

Do you want to make peace?

Mu light song slowly droops the eyes, picks up the tea cup, sends to the lip side light to sip.

Sangxue dance from the beginning, in the Yingchuan tolerance. Even the words of warning did not really hurt him. The solution to this problem is to make it smaller.Rely on the family elders to explain, let the winner understand that the cause of this incident was initiated by Yingchuan, and then the sangs send one or two magic soldiers as compensation for Yingchuan's loss of tongue. Do you want to smooth this matter up?

Mu Qingge's eyes glowed with cold light and said in his heart, "is sangjiaguo really decadent to this point?"

She put down her tea cup and said faintly, "since Miss sang has said that the winner is used to being strong and exclusive, how can she accept the explanation of the mulberry family? When Miss sang does this, she is not afraid of the winner. Does the lion open her mouth and ask too much? "

Mulberry snow dance between the eyebrows emerged melancholy color.

How could she not worry? But what can be done? The mulberry family can not offend the winner, otherwise it will face a devastating blow.

"Don't worry, sir. It's because of me. You just see the injustice and help me. Sangxue dance is not ungrateful and will never involve the young master. I will take care of it. " Mulberry snow dance to Mu light song guarantee.

"Miss sang is not going to do it. If she can't, she will marry Yingchuan." Mu light song looks at her way.

Sang Xue dances with a trembling heart.

She really thinks so, but she doesn't want to be directly seen through by mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge said with a faint smile, "I cut off the tongue of Yingchuan, and I also sent people to fight. If the winner wants revenge, just let them come to me. "

Sangxue dance looked at her in shock, and didn't seem to understand where she got the confidence.

Attract the winner, even if he can win the victory, there are many more powerful people. Those elders in the five, six and even the golden realms of silver may not be visible in other small families, but there are many winners.

"Childe, you may not know what the winner represents." Sangxue dance is eager to explain.

However, mu Qingge stood up and interrupted her.

She looked at sang Xue dance and said in a calm voice: "Miss sang, I have never asked my name or my intention. I have already felt your intention. However, I am not a person who dare not to do. Since I did it, when the winner is found, Miss sang needs to tell me the truth and don't need to hide anything for me. "

"You..." Sang Xue dances staring at her.

Mu Qingge also sighs in his heart.

For sangxue dance, she is from the heart, do not want her to be hurt. Otherwise, how could she be a meddler. Now that she's in charge, she won't give up halfway.

"My name is mu Qingge. If the Ying family asks, you can tell them." Mu light Song said, turned to leave the elegant room.

It was not until the sound of the door closed that sang Xuewu woke up from shock.

She got up from her seat and said, "muqingge! Is she a muqingge

As if by a huge stimulation in general, the mulberry snow dance immediately rushed out of the room, but in the corridor, there was no moqingge figure.

Sangxue dance was so shocked that he could hardly add it. He murmured: "Mu light song, can it be that Mu light song? She... " Mulberry snow dance eyes suddenly rose a layer of fog, calm eyes bottom, faint emergence of excitement.

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