"Miss sang, this is your Dihuang pill. Miss sang? "

In the boundless mansion, the deacon of Vientiane building, holding a medicine box, went to Sang Xue dance and called out, but she did not respond.

He looked at the Xizhou muqingge in surprise and understood that the hunting could be understood as the name of longyawei's entry into the ruling class of the Liuke community.

Their good or bad performance directly affects their influence in the flow industry.

It seems that she should not miss such a rare event!

Mu light song's eyes slightly squint, in the heart already had the plan.

The receptionist continued to say with relish, "and every time we go hunting, many families will come to watch. They will sign some long-term cooperation agreements with some interested teams. Once the agreements are signed, it means that those migrant teams will be linked with some family forces, and they will not have to worry about team funding for a long time

In the description of the receptionist of Liuke clan, muqingge has seen a very grand scene.

Her eyes glowed with lustre and said to the receptionist who looked forward to her: "thank you for telling me. But I also want to know, if I want to go to the hunting site, how can I go? "

The receptionist did not vaguely say: "take the transmission array directly to Liuhuo City, and then you can reach the sunset grassland within a thousand miles. The hunting is about to start in less than ten days. Now many people have gathered there to occupy the territory. If you want to watch the fun, you should hurry up. These days, the transmission array to Liuhuo city is in great demand. Without two or three days, it's hard to get tickets. "

Mu Qingge smiles, takes out a ingot of gold, puts it on the high table in front of the receptionist, and turns away from the Liuke clan.

"Tut Tut, it's rare for a person to be so beautiful and generous!" After mu Qingge left, the receptionist picked up the gold ingot and weighed it in his hand, praising the way.

When he came out of the Liuke clan, muqingge looked at the temple.

She came to infinity house to inquire about the information of Sang family in the materials of the temple. However, she inadvertently got to know sang Xue dance, the young generation of the Sang family.

What's more, we learned that the Sang family was in the boundless mansion, and the goal was basically completed.

When she was alone with Sang Xue dance before, she had many opportunities to ask her about her mother's whereabouts. However, whenever the words came to her lips, she gave up her plan.

Once eager to get the answer, now close in front of you, mu Qingge seems to feel less urgent.

Take back the sight, mu Qingge is going to the temporary residence.

Suddenly, there was a flash of fire around her, and Yuan Yuan appeared beside her.

"What have you done to the three men?" Mu qinggesi was not surprised by the appearance of yuan yuan, but asked directly.

"I beat them up and left them in a secluded place to make sure they would not wake up for three days." Yuan Yuan had a brilliant smile on his face. His beautiful face was very bright, and the cinnabar in his eyebrows was even more flaming.

His mischievous expression, let Mu light song faint smile.

Yuan Yuan converged his smile, frowned and asked, "boss, if you don't want to cause trouble, why don't you let big brother Yinchen change their memory?"

He remembers that in Lanwu city last time, after he beat the dirty young master of Mu's family, Yinchen did the same to him.

Mu Qingge shook his head and said, "even if the memory is changed, Yingchuan's tongue will not come back. The winner will also trace this matter. As the winner's ancient clan, I'm afraid silver dust's deception will be seen through. Since the end is doomed, why cover it up? "

"Well What if the winner comes in? " Yuan Yuan had some worries. Listen to the tone of moqingge, the winner seems to have some hard to provoke.

Immediately, he showed fierce light and said: "I should kill those three people, to a death without proof!"

Mu light song surprised to see yuan yuan, can not help nodding: "sure enough, there is progress!"

Praised by mu Qingge, Yuan Yuan immediately became proud.

However, mu Qingge immediately said: "if you really kill Yingchuan, I'm afraid it will lead to the winner's ruthless revenge and never die. With our present strength, it is not enough to fight against the whole winner

She also wanted to be happy with her friends and enemies.

But she couldn't show off for a while, which led to the danger of all the people around her.

Mu Qingge sighed in her heart. She really missed the unrestrained days. However, such a day, she never really had.

No matter in the past life, or this life, her life is spent in countless tradeoffs and gains and losses.

The closer she was to the Sang family, the more she felt like she was back at home. At first, her forbearance, her dormancy is because of the oppression of the Qin Emperor's chamber. And now, her choice, her judgment, is also to not force herself into a desperate situation.

She can kill Yingchuan and start her life of being chased and fleeing in the past.

However, that result was not what she wanted.

Maybe, a Yingchuan is not worth her price."Woman, I can't believe you're not stupid." A cold and proud voice, chongmu light song in the mind.

Mu Qingge immediately identified that the person who spoke was the one who looked like a rabbit.

Well, he said his name was Kong Xuan.

It sounds like a narcissistic name!

"Thank you very much. But if you change the woman to the master, I think I'll be more than happy to hear you speak. " Mu light song light floated back a sentence.

"Hum." This sentence, in exchange for a proud cold hum.

"The winner is by no means simple. To you now, it's a giant. You're right not to become a mortal enemy with it." He was silent for a moment and said again.

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed, and he asked quietly, "don't you know anything about the medieval family?"

"I know a fart! I know the winners because I know where they come from. Do you know what ancient people are? " He gave a rude roar.

"I don't know." Mu Qingge answers truthfully.

For her, the ancient clan seems to be an ancient family with a long history and natural blood.

"Well, if I didn't promise that person would protect you, I wouldn't care about you!" He hummed with dissatisfaction. "That man" in his mouth naturally refers to Si mo.

But mu Qingge laughed and bluntly exposed, "it seems that it's not what you promised, but that if I die, you will die. You have to plan for your own life."

‘……’ He was choked with words.

Mu Qingge sneered, "don't put gold on your face. I don't want to die, and you don't want to die, so if you have something to say, don't come with anything that's empty headed and brainy. "

Yuan Yuan blinked and looked at the change of Mu Qingge's look. Knowing that she was communicating with other people, Yuan Yuan was silent. He just followed her closely and looked around curiously.

"The ancient clan is called the ancient clan because the special blood flowing out of them belongs to the gods and demons." A word from Chen, the stone breaks the sky.

She has never thought about the ancient world.

"It can be said that the ancient clan is the continuation of the blood of gods and demons. It is hidden in the human race and handed down from generation to generation. No one knows when it will be fully awakened."

"I don't quite understand. If the origin of the ancient people is so big, why did the ancient people in the middle ancient world have different strengths and weaknesses? What's more, there is a trend of decline? " The frown of Mu Qingge.

"There are also strong and weak points between the gods and demons, and the continuity of their blood is naturally divided into strong and weak. Moreover, if the God or devil of this blood vessel has died out, the blood that he spreads will sleep deeply, and the distinction between strength and weakness will be more obvious. " He explained.

Mu Qingge squints her eyes and seems to have caught something. "If an ancient clan begins to decline and the talent of the clan is no longer obvious, it means that the God or devil who left the blood in the first place has already fallen?"

"It's not stupid. The fallen gods and demons, their blood will not disappear immediately, but will fade from generation to generation. If you are lucky, there may be a genius in a generation who reawakens up and enters the land of gods and demons, and perhaps it can temper and activate the blood of the family. On the contrary, if the ancient people are still prosperous, it means that... "

"That means that the God or the devil who left this family has not yet fallen." Mu light song voice some dignified say this sentence, the eyes light has become a little heavy.

"Not bad. The one who left the winner's blood is now living well in the land of gods and demons, so every generation of his sons and grandsons will have talented and proud people. And, as far as I know, every such family has a way to communicate with their ancestors. If you really don't die with the winner... " "I can't save you," he added with a sneer

Mu Qingge took a deep breath.

Before that, she thought of the Middle Ages too simply.

The main reason is that her concept of gods and demons is too vague, and she never knew that ancient people would have such a connection with gods and demons.

What she said is undoubtedly to tell her that even if she has the ability to fight against the whole winner of the middle ancient world, she is not the opponent of the gods and demons.

Moreover, it is very likely to suffer revenge from the land of gods and demons.

The consequences, for her now, are devastating.

For a win Chuan, to challenge the gods and demons? This is not a good deal! Mu Qingge shakes his head slowly.

"Now you just cut off the tongue of a useless descendant of the winner, but you don't have any enemies. I think you might as well go to the door and admit your mistake, then let them make trouble for a while, and then send some pills to resolve the matter. " He suggested.

However, his proposal, but let mu Qingge's eyes cold, directly refused, "I'm not as far as that. In this case, the wrong one is Yingchuan. If the winner is not satisfied, just come to me. Now I can't do anything about the winner, but have you ever heard that it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years? "

"Have you ever heard of a time when the wind is calm and the waves are still, and a step back is a step in the sea and the sky?" He countered.Mu Qingge replied, "I've only heard of it. I can't bear it any more. I don't need to bear it any more. There's no way to retreat and advance bravely against the current."

He was silent.

For a long time, he hummed, "hard of mouth." After that, it fell silent.

Mu Qingge spits out a mouthful of turbid gas.

Her words made her feel a little heavy. The power of winners is much greater than she thought. She doesn't worry about her own safety. What she worries about is the sangxue dance that Yingchuan stares at.

She couldn't figure out why she didn't want the woman to be hurt in any way.

Obviously, they are just the first time to meet!

This strange feeling, some out of the control of moqingge, let her very uncomfortable.

With Yuan Yuan Yuan, after meeting with Hua Yue, mu Qingge directly announced his plan to change to Liuhuo city. People are surprised, but also did not let to refute.

"Shiya, go and collect the information about the Sang family and the winner. The more detailed the better." Mu light song command. He also said to xuanya: "you don't need to be too detailed to collect the information of other ancient ethnic groups in Xizhou, as long as it is about. What we should make clear in particular is whether these ancient tribes are thriving or declining Muqingge is a special reminder.

She Ya and Xuan Ya both took orders.

Mu light song just to the Flower Moon way: "to prepare for the ticket to Liuhuo city."

Hua Yue nods and retreats.

In the room, only she and Yuan Yuan, Xuan Kui.

Mu Qingge looks at Xuan Kui and looks at her carefully. She is puzzled.

"I want to teach you a unique skill, but only if you are loyal to me forever," she said to xuankui

Dazzle Kui a Leng, don't know why way: "little Lord, dazzle Kui Ben will always be loyal to you."

But mu Qingge shook his head and said, "no, I mean forever loyal to Mu Qingge, not the little master of Mu clan." Her clear eyes are staring at Xuan Kui and every expression change of his.

Xuan Kui understood mu Qingge's words, and he was silent with a shocked expression.

Mu Qingge didn't urge him, just nodded and said, "this is really a difficult choice for you. I can give you time to think about it, and answer me when we leave for Liuhuo city. You can also consult with your sister

"Thank you Mu light song of accommodation, let dazzle Kui heart secretly relaxed.

There is a great difference between being loyal to muqingge forever and being loyal to the young master of Mu clan forever. This is equivalent to, let Xuan Kui betray the original oath, betray his own people.

Mu Qingge takes a fancy to his eyes and doesn't want to miss a good sniper.

If she is a good sniper, how can she be a good shooter?

Although mu Qingge didn't think she would lose, she didn't really have any interest in the little master of Mu nationality.

Xuan Kui also left the room.

Yuan Yuan lies on the table, looks up at mu Qingge, and asks, "mother boss, are you not happy?"

Mu light song light smile, slowly shake his head.

Even yuan yuan could see that she was not happy, which showed how ugly her face was at the moment.

"Qingge, don't be frightened by the boss. I can't. You can go to your man. ' White suddenly in the Mu light song mind way.

Looking for Simao?

Mu Qingge slowly shakes his head and replies to Bai's proposal in his heart, "he is already busy enough. I don't want to make trouble with him."

"Sometimes, you are just too strong. In fact, it's OK to show weakness and protect your beloved man once in a while. "

Mu light song body a stiff, speechless.

She has been used to carrying and handling everything by herself. What does it feel like to depend on others. At the beginning of her beginning, Simao's secret protection, she only thought he had another plan, so she didn't care, and naturally pulled his flag, in the heart that he would definitely repay the kindness.

But now, she has given herself all the rewards, which is justified, but she does not know how to rely on it.

Perhaps, when she admitted the status of Simao in her heart, she thought more about how to help him and reduce trouble for him, instead of troubling him to do this and that for himself.

"Mother, boss!" Yuan Yuan suddenly came to Mu Qingge and hugged her. He said to her, "don't be afraid, and Yuan Yuan will protect you."

The beautiful boy made the most solemn promise in his life. He looked at Xiangmu light song's expression, is unprecedented earnest.

He felt mu Qingge's worry at the moment, and the only thing he could do was to guard her and accompany her forever.

Mu Qingge coagulates Yuan Yuan's beautiful face, with a trace of emotion in her heart.

She raised her hand and patted Yuan Yuan's forehead and said with a smile, "thank you, Mr. Yuan."

"You're welcome! I was born for my mother's eldest son! " Yuan Yuan saw mu Qingge smile, and immediately returned to its original color, proud.

"Light song, you still have me.""And me."

"Master silver, don't forget that you have a super cute baby!"

Mu light song in the mind, a sound transmission out, will cover her heart warm.

"Hum." An untimely disdain cold hum spread out, but let Mu light Song mouth raised a smile.

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and said to all his friends in his heart: "in fact, I'm not afraid, and I'm not worried. I just feel that the more forward I go, the more powerful everything I face, and the broader the world that unfolds in front of me. My efforts are not enough. More efforts are needed. "

"If the string is too tight, it will break easily. Light song, you have worked very hard. Sometimes you have to relax yourself. " Silver dust advised.

Mu Qingge nodded and showed a relieved smile. She spread her arms to the sky outside the window and said, "so, we're going to go hunting and relax!"

Think of hunting as a relaxing activity?

White in the space of a white eye, has no language.

With such a large scale of hunting and so many forces appearing at the same time, I'm afraid that the situation will be more complicated. Where can we count as rest?

"The stronger she is, the more painful she is, isn't it?" In the space, silver dust looks to white, suddenly said such a sentence.

Bai Yi Leng, see to silver dust, "unexpectedly you see pour is very deep."

Silver dust glanced at her one eye, arrogant did not speak.

"Well, you two, come and talk to me." All of a sudden, from somewhere in the space, came a command that could not be resisted, and fell directly in the ears of white and silver dust.

White and silver dust at the same time color change, but can not resist, can only appear in front of him.

He didn't turn into a human, but kept his "rabbit" appearance.

It's such a small thing of one or two feet, but Bai Dan and silver dust dare not make any mistakes. The level difference of orcs is very clear. The oppression from blood is irresistible.

After a lazy look at white and silver dust, he said faintly, "a king of snow fox with blood variation. There is also a nine Jue swallow day python. I remember that the nine jues of nine Jue swallow the sky Python are immortality, avoiding water, no detoxification poison, fearing fire, having nine points in one's body, swallowing heaven, splitting the earth, escaping into space and time, and returning to life with internal alchemy. Snake, what are you awakening to now

White by the words, make the face gray. That kind of card was said like a book, let her feel very dangerous.

In particular, as long as the body is not bad, no matter how long a person died, take her endosulfan, you can come back from the dead.

Such benefits, enough to put her in extreme danger, can also lead to all human madness.

"Only awakened to immortality, avoiding water, no antidote poison and fearing fire." Bai answered in a deep voice.

She raised her eyelids and looked at her. Her eyes were cold. He sneered: "there is a question, puzzled me for a long time, why don't you answer it?"

Bai Yu is silent.

Yinchen looks at her with some worries, and calls for muqingge in her heart, hoping that moqingge will stop the pressure brought to them. However, he was surprised that no matter how he called muqingge, muqingge did not respond.

Suddenly, she looked at him and made him feel cold all over.

"Little fox, don't play tricks in front of me." A cold warning.

Silver dust breath a tight, look changed.

White eye light a flash, open a way: "adult want to ask what?"

She's eyes, Chong silver dust body moved to white body, smile a little cruel, "your inner pill was dug out by me, can you live forever?"

White eyes in the big shock.

She couldn't tell the truth from the joke.

She replied in a deep voice, "the eternal life of nine Jue tuntian Python is based on the indestructibility of Neidan. If Neidan is destroyed, there will be no more nine Jue swallowing Python in the world. "

In the eyes of the flame, the golden color suddenly shines.

Looking at the white eyes, a bit more salivation. At that moment, Bai Xuan seemed to think that he was bound to die, and she would dig out her internal elixir to recover from her injury.

Even if, at the moment, her ability to return to life has not been awakened.

"If you do this to them again, I can make the world disappear." Suddenly, a cold voice burst in.

The three beasts raised their eyes and saw a light song with scarlet clothes like blood, cold and beautiful facial features, and came out of the darkness.

Behind her, there are Yuan Yuan and Meng Meng.

Mu light song words, let his eyes squint up, eyes through a cold light.

But let the white and silver dust heart flow through a trace of moving.

"Woman, are you willing to commit suicide for them?" With a ferocious sneer, he naturally understood the meaning of Mu Qingge's saying, "let the world be free of evil.".

Mu Qingge can't kill him, but he can commit suicide. As long as she died, he was bound by the power of curse, and there was only one way to die!

This vicious curse!

He cursed in his heart.Mu Qingge sneered and defied: "you can try. And, for the last time, call me master

Her clear eyes become very fierce, threatening to see.

She was staring at her, and the flame in her golden eyes seemed to burn more violently.

"If you want to continue taking pills, you'd better not disobey my orders." Mu light song narrowed his eyes and said a word coldly.

This sentence, poked into the soft rib of Chen.

He also needs moqingge's pills to recover his wounds, and then go to revenge!

In Mu light song step by step, he finally compromise, bite teeth way: "yes, master."

Su's compromise made mu Qingge smile coldly. She threw down a Dan bottle and said to silver dust and Bai Lin, "let's go."

Bai Lin and Yinchen kept up closely, and mu Qingge said again: "Meng Meng, take good care of this place. Without my permission, other people are not allowed to get close to it, and the people inside are not allowed to leave."

She's trying to isolate the dogs.

"Yes, master silver. Cute baby, make sure to finish the task Meng Meng answered neatly.

Her eyes were gloomy, staring at the back of Mu Qingge, until she disappeared.

"Qingge, you can contract me now." Out of the place where he lives, Bai Lin suddenly sings to Mu light.

Mu light song surprised to see her, some do not understand her sudden decision.

Bai Lin was hatched by her blood. They were closely connected. In fact, the contract was just a ceremony.

Therefore, mu Qingge has not been taken seriously, and Bai Bi has not mentioned it.

But now, Bai Xuan has come up with it.

"I'm really worried that the boss will dig out my endosulfan one day. As long as I really become your contract animal, he can't hurt me if he doesn't break the contract with you. " Bai Bi said frankly to Mu Qingge.

She needs the protection of muqingge.

Mu light song did not refuse, just nodded: "good."


Xizhou, Liuhuo city.

Thousands of miles away from the city, there is a vast sunset grassland. Behind the grassland, there is the canglan mountain range stretching for thousands of miles.

Sangxue dance walking in the city of Liuhuo, looking at the bustling street scenery, it is difficult to adapt for a moment. Only when hunting is held every five years will this small border town become lively.

Sang Xue dance is the second time to come to this town.

For the first time, when she was ten years old, she followed her elders to see hunting.

Time ran, a flash, has passed eight years.

"Sang Xue dance! Why are you here? " All of a sudden, a surprised man's voice sounded behind her.

Sang snow dance turned around and saw the Sang family standing in the crowd. Among them, the one who called out her name was a man with beautiful appearance, but still childish in his eyebrows.

"Yi Chen, I'm your sister." Sang snow dance face a sink, to that man way.

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