"Yi Chen, I'm your sister." Sang snow dance face a heavy, rather helpless looking at the man way.

After a careful look, she felt that her facial features were similar to those of the man. It's just that the facial features of Sang Xue dance should be soft and beautiful, while the man she called Yi Chen should be masculine.

"This question, even my mother can't say clearly, why do you always want to be my sister's identity?" Sang Yichen shakes her head and walks to Sang Xuewu. She reaches out and pokes her shoulder to correct it.

"Mother said, I was born first." Mulberry snow dance headache road.

"Then I don't want to call your sister." Sang Yichen turns his head and is unconvinced.

His childish appearance really looks like a younger brother.

Sang snow dance helpless sigh, and for a sentence: "you are not hiding mother sneak out?"

Sang Yichen, however, looked up and denied, "I came with the three elders, and my mother nodded and agreed."

"That's how you two brothers and sisters meet. Snow dance, didn't you go to the boundless mansion to do business? How did you come to Liuhuo city An elderly middle-aged man came out of the sangs' team and asked the snow dance with a kind smile.

"Three elders." Sang Xue danced to salute the man. She glanced at the seven or eight mulberry families who followed him. She took back her sight and said, "I finished my work in the boundless mansion. I heard that the hunting started ahead of time, so I came to have a look."

For this reason, follow us. Now, there are all kinds of forces from Liuhuo city to sunset grassland. Don't run around alone. " Three elders care about the way.

"Well, elder. Isn't she the first of our younger generation? People have the ability to take care of themselves, so they need to follow us? " All of a sudden, there was a strange voice in the Sang family's team.

Sang snow dance raised her eyes to meet her. Her eyes like ice and snow looked directly at the woman who spoke with jealousy.

"Hello! Sangzhi LAN, you don't speak in this tone. " Before sang Xue dances, sang Yichen shouts first.

Sang Zhilan side of a man, also look discontented way: "Sang Yichen, your sister is the first day of the Sang family, yes, but you are not, why do you shout here."

"Shut up! It's not proper to be outside and make a noise! " The three elders spoke and prevented a meaningless dispute.

His severe eye light swept over the man and woman who picked up the matter, reprimanded: "Sangye, sangzhilan, if you two don't want to stay in Liuhuo City, I will send someone to send you to float sand city."

"Three elders, we are wrong."

"Three elders, I'm sorry."

Sangye and sangzhilan immediately admit their mistakes.

It can be seen that the three elders of the Sang family still have great prestige in their hearts.

"It's good to know what's wrong. Don't always have trouble with snow dance and Yi Chen. You are all disciples of the Sang family. You need to help each other. Do you hear me? And you. " The three elders reprimanded Sangye and sangzhilan, and swept the other three descendants of Sang family who had no mouth with their eyes.

As for the other two, the deacons of the Sang family, they were silent.

After saying this, the three elders turned their heads and looked at sang Xuewu and sang Yichen's brother-in-law, and said with great care: "you are the same. Yi Chen in particular, your mother has been very hard. Don't let her work hard for you and learn snow dance. "

"What kind of family are they

In the three elders reprimand, sangzhilan refused to murmur.

This sentence floats to the ears of Sang Xuewu and sang Yichen. The latter wants to get angry on the spot, but he is grabbed by the sangxue dance, and his cold eyes sweep across.

The three elders also suddenly turned back and looked at sang Zhilan. The warning in his eyes was self-evident.

Sangzhilan is busy closing her mouth, will be under the head, no longer multilingual.

"Snow dance, don't care. Their hearts are not bad, but they are young men who are eager to win. Your excellent, let them always want to find fault, I will discipline them well in the future The three elders went to Sang Xue dance and comforted him in a low voice.

Sangxue dance nodded, indicating that he did not care.

At this time, the three elders just said with a smile: "the news from the boundless mansion, it is said that you are ranked higher in the young Phoenix list? How many names are there now? "

"97, snow dance still needs to continue to work hard." Sang snow dance quiet answer, eyebrows between no point of pride color. Even, she was not satisfied with her grades.

She was not satisfied, but the three elders were very excited. Even said three "good" words, but also praised: "good boy, this score has been very good, do not give yourself too much pressure."

Sang Yichen is also excited, and his proud expression is like that he is the 97th person on the list of young Phoenix. Even, still smug toward Sangzhi orchid and mulberry wild direction picked a eyebrow tip.

Hearing the latest achievements of Sang Xue dance, sang Zhilan and sang Ye looked at each other. Even if they were unwilling, they could only bear this tone.

Who makes them not as good as sang Xue dance?

"Let's go. We'll live in Liuhuo city first, and then we'll enter the sunset grassland when everything is ready." The three elders said a word and asked them to walk towards an inn.The hotel is a room reserved in advance, not a good one. It's just clean and refreshing, which also avoids some unnecessary fighting.

As soon as she settled down, sang Xuewu left sang Yichen, who chattered about her boundless house, and went to the room of the three elders alone.

Thinking for a moment, sang Xue dance finally knocked on the door of the three elders.

"Who is it?" In the room, three elders came to inquire.

Three, snow elder replied, "I am. Snow dance. "

"Oh, snow dance, come in." A listen to the mulberry snow dance, the three elders tone become closer.

Sang opened the door and opened the door. When she closed the door, she happened to be seen by sangzhilan. She wanted to eavesdrop, but she was afraid of being found. She had to walk away.

"Snow dance, what can I do for you?" The three elders sat cross legged on the bed as if they were meditating.

Sangxue dance drooped his eyes and said to the three elders, "it's disturbing the cultivation of the three elders."

The three elders waved their hands and said, "no problem, I'm just meditating. So, what's up. As soon as I see you today, I feel that you are worried. "

Sangxue dance pursed her lips and said to three elders, "three elders, I met Yingchuan in the boundless mansion."

"What The three elder's eyes suddenly shrunk. They jumped down from the bed and rushed to Sang Xue dance in front of her in two or three steps. He looked at her up and down and said, "did he do anything to you?"

It is no secret that Yingchuan adores sang Xue dance in the Sang family.

However, sangxue dance is the hope of Sang family. How can we marry a dandy?

"No, but I cut his tongue and gave him a good beating." Sang Xue dance takes responsibility on his back.

"You cut his tongue?" The three elders changed their looks. "Why are you so impulsive?" He paced back and forth anxiously, worried about sang Xuewu.

When Yingchuan meets sangxue dance, he first worries about the damage to sangxue dance.

Knowing that she had nothing to do with her, he cut off Yingchuan's tongue and beat him hard, which made him headache.

If this matter is handled carelessly, it may affect the whole sang family.

Mulberry snow dance look light way: "he drugged me, want to be more obedient than me. I can't help it, so I'll have to do my best to get rid of it. "

"He drugged you? This despicable bastard When the three elders heard that there was such a section, his face suddenly turned dark again. He also understood why the sangxue dance, which always knew the overall situation was important, would be so cruel this time.

Sangxue dance eyes light slightly flash, light voice way: "I also know this matter, I was reckless some, so just find three elders to find a way to make up."

The three elders sighed and said, "how brilliant was my sang family? If the power of the mulberry family is still there, if you stab that damned dandy with a sword, we don't need to bear any burden. But now... "

He shook his head and grinned bitterly, and looked at sang Xuewu's eyes full of guilt. "Wronged, child."

In this sentence, I am afraid that only the Sang family can understand how much frustration and depression there are.

Not as good as others, can only bow!

"I don't have to worry about the elder xuesang. I don't have to worry about it Sangxue dance is full of apologies.

"No, it's not your fault. You're right. In that case, holding your innocence is the most important thing. Now we just need to find a way out. " The three elders stopped sang Xue dance's guilt.

He calmed down, pondered for a while, and said to Sang Xue dance, "this hunting is because of a group of vagabonds born out of the sky. This team is very strong and mysterious. Many families want to make friends with each other in private and see if they can get along with them. The winner is one of them. When we get to the sunset grassland, I'm afraid we will meet the winner. Before I came here, I heard that the winner led the team was Yingze. But I don't know whether the incident of Yingchuan's injury has spread to his ears

"Yingze?" Mulberry snow dance look a change, eyes worry more thick.

If the winner is led by someone else, there may be room to turn around. But if you win Ze

"Yingze is conceited. The younger generation has few rivals and has never been willing to compromise. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to deal with this matter. " Sang snow dance in a low voice.

The three elders nodded in agreement. If the winner comes from other elders, I will take this old face and prepare some magic soldiers to make a peace. Maybe this thing will pass. But Yingze Well, in any case, we'll try. After all, it's his brother's fault. Although Yingze is proud, he is also a reasonable person. "

“……” Sang Xue dances in silence. But he said in his heart, "it's true that Yingze is reasonable. But this reason is his own. "

I remember once, there was a first-class guest and a winner who had a conflict. Yingzelu was reconciled.

Because it was the winner, he beheaded the slave. Then, he immediately challenged the loafer and killed him."Snow dance, don't worry. Things may not be as bad as we think." Three elders see mulberry snow dance silent, then comfort way.

Sangxue dance smiles at the three elders, "this matter, after snow dance returns to the family, it will report to the clan leader, and never shirk responsibility."

"Why are you so serious, child?" The three elders pretended to be unhappy.

Mulberry snow dance light smile, did not continue to say.

The three elders said to her, "have a good rest tonight. After a few days, when we get to the sunset grassland and settle down, I'll go to the winner and take the initiative to solve this problem and solve your heart trouble. "

He thought that sang Xue dance was because of the bad mood.

And sang Xuewu did not explain, but after thanking him, he left the room of the three elders and returned to his own room.

When she returned to the room, sang Yichen was lying on the table with her bored hands and turning the empty tea cup with her fingertips.

As soon as she came back, he jumped up and rushed to her and asked, "where have you been? It's mysterious. It won't let me follow. "

"I'm just going to talk to the three elders." Sang snow dance to avoid the heavy answer.

"What can I not listen to?" Sang Yichen said

Sang snow dance glared at him, "just can't let you know."

Sang Yichen is stunned for a moment. He goes to his seat and sits down. "Sangxue dance, you know, I am the only man in the family. I should protect you and your mother, not let you and your mother protect me," he said

"You just have to be calm and practice, and don't make trouble for my mother and me." Mulberry snow dance helpless way.

"I've worked hard! But I just don't have the talent of refining tools. What can I do? " Sang Yichen roared out loud.

Sang Xuewu looks at him with a complicated look. After he vented his depression, she said in a soft voice: "you can't practice tools, and I can't do it. You know my mother and I want you to spend more time on spiritual cultivation. In fact, your cultivation talent is much better than mine, but it is uncertain. "

Sang Yichen lowered his face and slowly clenched his fist. "We were born in the Sang family. If we want to win the respect of everyone, we can't just rely on spiritual cultivation. The most important thing is to see the talent of weapon refining. Otherwise, no matter how high my spiritual cultivation is, it will be useless for the Sang family. I also want to do my part for the Sang family

"Yi Chen, I understand your mind. But some things can't be forced. We should do what we can. " Sang snow dance advised.

Sang Yichen took a deep breath and finally nodded. He cracked his lips and laughed. He said to Sang Xue dance with great interest: "I have already broken through to the sixth floor of the gray world, and I haven't told anyone else."

Sangxue dance eyes in a bright, happy way: "really?" She said that Yi Chen's talent is higher than her.

Sang Yichen nodded. "Of course it's true."

Sang Xue danced happily and laughed.

Seeing her smile, sang Yichen said unnaturally: "I know what you and your mother mean. To protect me is to give me an undisturbed training environment. However, how can we really grow up without going through some tempering? " All the attention is blocked by sang Xue dance. Sang Yichen is ignored, but no one knows. Although he can't practice weapons, he is not inferior to Sang Xue dance in cultivating talent.

"My mother said that the Sang family only needs to show a genius." Sang Xue dance looks at sang Yichen seriously.

After a moment's silence, she said, "Yi Chen, you want to go out and make a living. My mother and I both know that, but we have lost our father and can't lose you any more. "

"I see." Sang Yichen sighs silently and compromises again.

"By the way, did you go to infinity to get Dihuang Dan?" Thinking of the purpose of Sang Xuewu going to the boundless mansion, sang Yichen asks quietly.

This is their family affair. The rest of the Sang family don't know about it.

Mention this matter, sang snow dance smile deeper some, nodded.

"Great! I don't have to see my mother can't sleep at night because of worry. With Dihuang Dan, we have more time. " Sang Yichen is also excited.

"Not only that, this time I went to infinity house and met a person, she..." Sangxue dance's excited mood suddenly stopped and swallowed the second half of the sentence back.

"Who? Who did you meet? " Sang Yichen blinked and asked curiously.

Sang snow dance but slowly shook his head, smile convergence, eyes in the complex way of thinking: "not sure, do not tell you."

"Don't tell me until you're sure? Hello, sang Xue dance. I don't want you to be so appetizing Sang Yichen's dissatisfaction.

Sang snow dance but impatiently walked to the bedside, to his impolite way: "roll back to your room, I want to rest."

"You deceive too much!" Sang Yichen smashed the table top with a teacup to show his dissatisfaction.

Sang Xuewu stopped suddenly. She turned her eyes and asked sang Yichen, "do you know that she refined it at that time?" In the middle of it, she stopped suddenly again, shook her head and said, "forget it, you can't know what I don't know. You go and have a rest. "After being "played" twice in a row, sang Yichen was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

However, she had to leave her room under the severe eyes of Sang Xue dance.


Sangjia stayed in Liuhuo city for three days.

Within three days, they had all the supplies they needed in the sunset grassland and canglan mountains.

After that, they set out for the sunset grassland thousands of miles away under the leadership of the three elders.

When I come to the grassland, I walk to the grassland.

The grassland is vast and boundless at dusk.

Standing in it, you can't see the edge at all. Some people say that if you want to cross the sunset grassland, it is estimated that you will have to go on for ten days without stopping. In the distance, a faint mountain like a dragon rolling across, there is more boundless canglan mountains than the evening grassland.

Sunset grassland is just a hunting camp.

The venue of the real competition is actually in the canglan mountains.

"What a spectacle Yuan Yuan's eyes are bright, looking at the endless grassland, shocked.

He was the only teenager in the team and the most excited and lively. Behind him stood the murmur of the flaming fire. Behind mu Qingge, there are Yinchen, Baibi, Jieya, xuanya, Huayue and xuankui.

MuQing singer, holding a strange rabbit. The rabbit has sharp ears. Unlike his snow-white fur, the hair on his ears is black. In addition, he has a pair of golden eyes burning like fire.

"Master, let me down. I'm going to eat in the mountains ahead. I'll come back when I'm full. " He sings to Mu light.

Mu Qingge gently stroked the hair between his neck, his eyes slightly squinted with a smile, "are you sure you don't want to escape?"

"Stupid. I have a contract with you. I can't leave your seat too far away. Once you call, I have to come back. Where can I go? What's more, I don't want to die, so I can only guard you and not let you die. "

Mu light song light jaw head, "said reasonable."

With that, she let go of her hand and fell on the grass.

He rolled around and got up, staring angrily at Mu Qingsong. But she was smiling at him and said, "go ahead, go back quickly."

He was so angry that his teeth itched, but he could not do anything. He could only roar and rush into the grassland.


"How can it thunder on a dry day?"

"Yes, what sound, so loud?"

The roar of the drum frightened the crowd around.

Mu light song gently smile, wave to the public, "go."

With that, she stepped into the sunset grassland.

The rest of us followed.

In the evening grassland, a tent has been set up, which is completely different. It is the territory occupied by various migrant teams. It is a temporary camp.

Mu Qingge they shuttle in the tent, constantly toward the depths of the evening grassland.

Moyang they have already arrived here, know that mu Qingge they are coming, also told her the coordinate position.

"Dazzle Kui." Mu light song walks, suddenly shouts.

Xuankui immediately speeds up two steps and walks to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song hook lip asked, "you decided, will not regret?"

Xuankui naturally knew that she was talking about it, and immediately said, "don't worry, xuankui will never regret it. Since then, xuankui's master is just a mu light song, not a little master of his family! "

His attitude again, let Mu light Song mouth smile become playful. "I'm curious what makes you decide."

Dazzle Kui shy smile, to Mu light song way: "elder sister says, you won't lose."

Mu light song a Leng, immediately looked up to laugh. Her laughter with ordinary women would not have the refreshing, but can infect people.

Her laughter, not only attracted the attention of her own people, but also attracted the attention of visitors around.

They only saw a gorgeous young man in scarlet clothes, who passed by in a natural and graceful manner. No one could compare his temperament and demeanor. They could not help looking at it more and wondering which family was the pride of heaven.

"Little Lord, did I say anything funny?" Xuankui scratched his head.

Mu Qingge stopped laughing, turned her eyes and looked at xuanya, then fell on xuankui. She said with a smile: "although your eyes are good, your eyes are not as good as your sister. She's right. I won't lose! " But if I win, I don't necessarily admit the identity of the little master of the Mu clan.

Mu Qingge made up a sentence in my heart.

She understood that. That is to say, she won't lose because she won't lose. Therefore, her choice to xuankui is not tenable. She will be their forever little master.

However, xuanya does not understand that her moqingge will not follow the path arranged by her ancestors.

What she wants is just magic!

Mu light song eyes flash, convergence smile.Coagulation Mu light song straight back, dazzle Kui or a face confused. Xuanya then went to him and said to him, "you idiot, the little Lord intends to cultivate you. You can't let down the little Lord's expectation."

Dazzle Kui nodded: "I will never let the little Lord down."

"Do you want to keep up with the young master Xuanya hinted.

Xuan Kui immediately chased up.

She went to xuanya and said in a low voice, "if my sister is less than a member of the clan's plan, I don't think the little Lord will ask xuankui such a question."

After saying that, she then pursues toward the Mu light song's back.

Dazzle ya a Leng, in the heart repeatedly ponders over the words of Xie Ya. Bai Xuan came to her side and said with a smile, "xuanya girl, you are right to plan for the people, but you should not give up the whole thing. You should know that Qingge is your little master. As long as you give your wholehearted assistance, your people will not be forgotten after the great cause is completed. If you have to consider the gains and losses of the clansmen everywhere, and have reservations about light songs, how can you get her trust? "

Bai's words, such as a drink at the head, awakened xuanya.

She took a look of gratitude and said thanks. I'm just running after it.

"You don't look like a meddler." Silver dust to the white road.

White but way, "I suddenly do not want to stay in the Dragon teeth guard, I do not trust light song one person." Before I wanted to leave, I was afraid. But now, she has already contracted with mu Qingge, and she is her contract animal with Yu, so she doesn't have to worry about safety.

Seeing that mu Qingge was haunted by worldly affairs, she didn't want to leave.

Silver dust looked at her and said to her, "yesterday's light song has already told me. In the future, you and I will accompany her in shifts like Huayue and Youhe. "

"Really!" White eyes in a bright.

Yinchen nodded, "after the hunting, I will stay with Huayue, and you and Youhe will continue to accompany her. Of course, if you want to stay, I won't argue with you. "

"No need. I think the decision of light song is very good. " White immediately said.

Mu Qingge and his party are all beautiful and outstanding. Both men and women are like dragons and phoenixes in human beings. Walking on the grassland at dusk and dusk, they form a beautiful scenery and attract countless people's attention.

In particular, walking in front of the moqingge, she is not only the most outstanding appearance of that, the most important is the temperament of the whole person can not be ignored.

She strolled in the grassland, as if in her own backyard garden. That kind of lazy, free and easy temperament, but ordinary people can not learn.

After a while, she received the adoring eyes of a lot of girls.

"Boss, they're all peeping at you." Yuan Yuan said quietly to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge took a look at him and said with a smile, "you and I are walking together. How do you know that they are not looking at you?"


Yuan Yuan was stunned and immediately became proud. "Ha ha ha, that's watching you!" After that, he held his head high and accepted those adoring eyes flying around.

In a short time, he caused the women to talk.

"Look, that boy is so beautiful. I really want to take him home as a brother

"When my brother keeps it? I think you want to have a husband for yourself, don't you? "

"Don't talk nonsense. Be careful to scare the children."

Jiao Ying's laughter, from four weeks, those conversations, also floated into Yuan Yuan's ears. But he heard a puzzled face, and then gathered to Mu Qingge and asked, "boss, what is a husband? Is it like you and dad? "

"Cough." Mu Qingge was almost choked to death by Yuan Yuan's curiosity. She pretended to be calm and said with a straight face, "children should not be so curious about everything."

"I'm not a child anymore!" Yuan Yuan's discontented protest.

Mu light Song mouth a smoke, only get a way: "just some gossip, you don't need to pay attention to."

She did not want to say, Yuan Yuan had to give up. But as soon as he turned his eyes, he immediately thought, "the boss doesn't want to say, I can ask others." He snickered and ran to silver dust.

At this time, all around the discussion again.

This time, it is around the moqingge.

"The young man in red is so handsome that we women all envy him. If I could have a dream with him, I would be willing to die at once. "

"Come on, just like you? I'm afraid of vomiting, too

Coax laughter around, female flow guest's behavior speech, compared with the general family woman, to be much bolder. Naturally, it has something to do with the environment in which they live.

"Come on, don't dream. Don't see the fox spirits around you. They are more beautiful, sexy and enchanting, but also beautiful and refined. How can you look up to us who are licking blood on the edge of the knife

"Oh, dream. If you can't even dream, it's going to be a tough day

With that, the atmosphere became a little sad.

The number of women in the flow of visitors is very small, and the women who can survive in the flow of tourists are also the generation of mental fortitude. Can send out such exclamation, also let a person feel the yearning in their heart.It's a pity that yearning is yearning after all. They still want to survive in reality.

These comments have not escaped the ears of Mu Qingge. She heard it, but she didn't explain anything because there was no need.

After walking for a full hour, they came to Moyang to inform the location near.

Xuan Kui looked around. The tent was much less, but it was also much larger and more large.

"Little Lord, I'll ask where the camp of Longya is." Xuan Kui to Mu light song way.

Mu Qingge shook his head and refused, "no, follow me."

With that, she went straight to one side of the hill.

Dazzle Kui surprised way: "little Lord, how do you go to the hills?"

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "they are all soldiers. This technology of marching and camping is definitely more sophisticated than others. In Anza camp, we need to find places with high terrain, easy to defend and hard to attack, water source and retreat. Even if it's not marching or fighting now, these things are deeply rooted in the bone marrow and will not be changed easily. "

While speaking, mu Qingge has taken the people to the front of the hill.

Sure enough, there was a large camp on the hill. Moreover, it is very regular and orderly. There are even clear and secret sentries, lookouts, flood control ditches, sand and stones for fire prevention, etc., all of which are well prepared.

Walking up the hill, a solid wooden door three feet high appeared in front of everyone. On both sides of the wooden door stood majestic flags with black background and ferocious dragon head embroidered with gold thread. The Dragon roared in the sky, the fangs were exposed, and the bloody eyes were full of Zheng Zheng murderous spirit.

This is the flag of "dragon teeth", which once appeared in Linchuan, but now it is flying on the land of the middle ancient world.

Next to the flag, there is a high observation platform, which can overlook the whole situation of the evening grassland.

At this time, outside the closed wooden door, there were some people crowded. All of them were bloody and murderous. It seemed that they were cruel characters who lived in the dead.

They appear outside the camp of dragon tooth, but let mu Qingge a little surprised.

The gate is closed, but they are unwilling to leave, as if waiting for the moment when the gate opens.

"How do these people get together here?" Hua Yue frowned.

At this time, standing on the lookout tower on duty Longya Wei saw mu Qingge and his party. Immediately excitedly turned to inform the camp.

After a while, in the surprise of the visitors outside, the gate closed by the Dragon teeth slowly opened. A team of dragon teeth guards came out and quickly cleaned up the passage. They said to those visitors, "we don't recruit people. You all go back. You don't have to waste time waiting."

As soon as he finished speaking, Moyang appeared and went straight to Mu Qingge.

"That's the head of the Dragon tooth!"

"How young!"

"So young, but can make the Dragon tooth so strong, really powerful!"

The voice of discussion appeared with the appearance of Moyang. But he turned a blind eye to Mu Qingge.

"My Lord!" Mo Yang's excited way.

Then, his eyes swept to several new partners.

When he saw the adult yuan yuan, he was stunned for a moment and said in surprise, "are you yuan yuan?" Obviously, he can recognize yuan yuan because Youhe and Jinghai, who arrived earlier, told him.

"Moyang, what's your appearance like? Handsome Yuan Yuan jumped to Mo Yang in front of him and reached for his shoulder.

Mo Yang dropped his eyes and answered, "well, it's beautiful."

Yuan Yuan's face suddenly changed and asked, "what is beautiful! Does beauty describe you? "

Unfortunately, Mo Yang didn't pay attention to Yuan Yuan. He just looked at mu Qingge and said, "Sir, my subordinates are ready. Let's go to the camp and have a rest."

Mu Qingge nods and walks to the camp with Moyang. When she passed by those vagabonds, she glanced at Mo Yang and said, "deal with it well."

Mo Yang nodded to understand.

When they walked into Longya's camp, the gate closed again.

Those vagabonds became curious and couldn't help shouting to the Dragon teeth guard on the lookout tower: "who is that man? Why can we enter the camp of Longya? "

It seems that in their hearts, it is a great honor to enter the Dragon tooth camp.

Standing on the lookout tower, Longya Wei said with pride: "she? No one in the world is more qualified to enter here than she is. "

This answer has aroused the boundless reverie of the travelers.


"Three elders, the winner seems to be in front." Sangxue dance to three old masters.

They have come to the sunset grassland. After settling down, they would like to find the winner's camp and solve the problem of Yingchuan. However, not far from their eyes, the banner of the winner has appeared.

Obviously, the winner also just entered the twilight grassland, but happened to meet them.

The eyes of the three elders are dark.

He thought for a moment, nodded to the sangxue dance, "it's good to meet them. Let's go over and settle the matter, so that we can concentrate on the hunting in the next few days. ""Are the three elders here for the Dragon teeth?" Sang Xue asked.

The three elders nodded, "who doesn't covet such a team? I'm sure that more than half of the clans who come here are for Dragon teeth. "

"I really want to see who is leading such a mysterious team. If you can only use half a year, you can accomplish something that countless people can't do! "

"I'm curious, too. If we can really lead the line with Longya this time and let them cooperate with our sang family, it will undoubtedly be of great help to the Sang family. " Sang snow dance road.

The three elders nodded again, "yes, I'm here for this. I hope everything goes well."

With that, he turned to other humanitarians: "you rest in place, I and snow dance go to the front to do something, and come back later. All of you must listen to the Deacon's advice and do not run about. "

After the explanation, the three elders and sang Xue dance walked forward together, ready to find the winner.

"Snow dance, where are you going?" Sang Yichen shouts in the crowd.

However, sang Xue dance has gone far away and has not been heard.

Sang Zhilan went to Sang Yichen and said to him, "two days ago, I saw your sister in the house of the three elders. I don't know what she is doing. Now it seems that they really have something to hide from us."

Sang Yichen turned his eyes to her and frowned and said, "what do you want to say?"

"I don't want to say anything. I just want to say that instead of worrying here, I'd better follow the past." Sangzhi LAN agitated way.

Sang Yichen sneered, "do you want to disobey the orders of the three elders? But you want me to top the pot? "

Sangzhi orchid white his one eye, cold hum way: "anyway go is your elder sister, is not my elder sister, worry is not me again."

Her words make sang Yichen worried more.

As soon as he bit his teeth and took advantage of the Deacon's inattention, he crowded into the crowd and headed for the place where sang Xuewu left.

Sangye said to Sang Zhilan: "what do you want to do?"

Sangzhi orchid Mou son turns, to mulberry field road, "go, we also go to have a look."

With that, she called out to the deacon of the Sang family, "deacon, sang Yichen has sneaked past. Let's go and get you back." After that, she took Sangye's hand and ran out.

"Come back!" The deacon of Sang's family looks at these skilful people in silence.

"What to do?" Another deacon is quite helpless.

They looked at each other, and finally decided to take the rest of the people to the past. Anyway, where are they staying?

Sang Xuewu and the three elders have come to the winner's team.

This time, the winner came to hundreds of people, majestic, as soon as they entered the crowd, they stood out.

Undoubtedly, the leader is Yingze.

He rode on the back of the fierce spirit beast. His eyes were indifferent and looked at the Sang Xue dance and the three elders of the Sang family standing in front of him.

The three elders were about to open their mouth, but Ying Ze raised his weapon and pointed to Sang Xue dance. He said coldly and haughtily, "hand over the man who hurt my brother, or you will die."

His words shocked the three elders to see the sangxue dance.

At the same time, in Longya's camp, mu Qingge stands on a hill and looks at thousands of tents in the evening grassland. Suddenly, his eyes fall on a flag flying in the wind. Whisper, "winner."

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